Sudoku Solver
Sudoku Solver
What is this
It's obviously a solver for Sudoku puzzles. Since it has been written for the HP 200LX in QuickBASIC, it tries to be smart about solving the sudoku, and not simply backtrack/bruteforce the whole thing.
How it works
The source code is pretty well-documented, however in german. Here is a short overview in english:
Strategy 1
This strategy utilizes the exclusion principle: The "possible numbers" for each field are updated according to their horizontal, vertical and 3x3 neighborhood. If in a certain field, only one number is not excluded, then we can write this number into the field.
This strategy is repeated until it leads to no new results.
Strategy 2 and 3
If the first strategy fails in a pass, then we continue with checking for pairs or n-tuples of numbers: If in a row there are two fields with "either 2 or 9" in them, then we can tell for sure that in no other field there is a 2 or a 9. The possible numbers for affected fields are updated accordingly and we continue with strategy 1.
If searching for pairs did not help, we do the same thing for n-tuples, which is much more cpu intensive (and thus only chosen as a last resort).
The sudoku solver is written for QBasic/QuickBASIC; is an excellent resource for this programming language. However, it can also be compiled with FreeBASIC, which is a modern and free (as in speech) successor to QBasic. Use the -lang qb command line switch in this case:
fbc -lang qb sudoku.bas
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sudoku-Knacker Version 3.0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Copyright 2008 by Florian Jung Lizenz: GPL3 oder höher ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Kontakt: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ICQ: 305-487-969 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bitte die gegebenen Zahlen eingeben, für ein leeres Feld 0, ? oder [LEER], Korrek- tur mit [BACKSPACE]
Upon startup, you can enter the sudoku line by line. For blank fields, press the spacebar.
It will then try to solve the sudoku; this takes several minutes on the HP200LX, and probably few milliseconds on a modern computer :).
The sudoku solver is available for download here.
Its license can be obtained here.