path: root/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/importmidi.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'muse_qt4_evolution/muse/importmidi.cpp')
1 files changed, 589 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/importmidi.cpp b/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/importmidi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bd33df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/importmidi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id:$
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by Werner Schweer and others
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "muse.h"
+#include "song.h"
+#include "widgets/filedialog.h"
+#include "midi.h"
+#include "midifile.h"
+#include "transport.h"
+#include "midiedit/drummap.h"
+#include "al/sig.h"
+#include "al/tempo.h"
+#include "instruments/minstrument.h"
+#include "gconfig.h"
+#include "part.h"
+#include "importmidi.h"
+#include "projectdialog.h"
+#include "templatedialog.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "mixer.h"
+#include "arranger.h"
+#include "midictrl.h"
+#include "midiinport.h"
+#include "midioutport.h"
+// ImportMidiDialog
+ImportMidiDialog::ImportMidiDialog(QWidget* parent)
+ : QDialog(parent)
+ {
+ setupUi(this);
+ bg = new QButtonGroup(this);
+ bg->setExclusive(true);
+ bg->addButton(addToProject, 0);
+ bg->addButton(createNewProject, 1);
+ createNewProject->setChecked(true);
+ connect(selectTemplate,SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(selectTemplateClicked()));
+ connect(selectProject, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(selectProjectClicked()));
+ }
+// selectTemplateClicked
+void ImportMidiDialog::selectTemplateClicked()
+ {
+ TemplateDialog templateDialog;
+ templateDialog.setTemplatePath(templateName->text());
+ int rv = templateDialog.exec();
+ if (rv == 0)
+ return;
+ templateName->setText(templateDialog.templatePath());
+ }
+// selectProjectClicked
+void ImportMidiDialog::selectProjectClicked()
+ {
+ ProjectDialog projectDialog;
+ projectDialog.setProjectName(projectName->text());
+ int rv = projectDialog.exec();
+ if (rv == 0)
+ return;
+ projectName->setText(projectDialog.projectName());
+ }
+// setProjectName
+void ImportMidiDialog::setProjectName(const QString& name)
+ {
+ projectName->setText(name);
+ }
+// setTemplateName
+void ImportMidiDialog::setTemplateName(const QString& name)
+ {
+ templateName->setText(name);
+ }
+// importMidi
+void MusE::importMidi()
+ {
+ importMidi(QString());
+ }
+void MusE::importMidi(const QString &file)
+ {
+ QString fn;
+ QStringList pattern;
+ const char** s = midi_file_pattern;
+ while (*s)
+ pattern << *s++;
+ if (file.isEmpty()) {
+ fn = getOpenFileName(lastMidiPath, pattern, this,
+ tr("MusE: Import Midi"));
+ lastMidiPath = fn;
+ if (fn.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ fn = file;
+ QFileInfo fi(fn);
+ ImportMidiDialog mid(this);
+ mid.setProjectName(fi.baseName());
+ mid.setTemplateName("");
+ if (mid.exec() == 0)
+ return;
+ if (mid.doCreateNewProject()) {
+ QString header = tr("MusE: import midi file");
+ QString path(mid.projectName->text());
+ QDir pd(QDir::homePath() + "/" + config.projectPath + "/" + path);
+ if (leaveProject())
+ return;
+ if (!pd.mkdir(pd.path())) {
+ QString s(tr("Cannot create project folder <%1>"));
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, header, s.arg(pd.path()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (audio->isPlaying()) {
+ audio->msgPlay(false);
+ while (audio->isPlaying())
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ }
+ addProject(path); // add to history
+ seqStop();
+ if (mixer1)
+ mixer1->clear();
+ if (mixer2)
+ mixer2->clear();
+ //===========================================================
+ //
+ // close all toplevel windows
+ //
+ foreach(QWidget* w, QApplication::topLevelWidgets()) {
+ if (!w->isVisible())
+ continue;
+ if (strcmp("DrumEdit", w->metaObject()->className()) == 0)
+ w->close();
+ else if (strcmp("PianoRoll", w->metaObject()->className()) == 0)
+ w->close();
+ else if (strcmp("MasterEdit", w->metaObject()->className()) == 0)
+ w->close();
+ else if (strcmp("WaveEdit", w->metaObject()->className()) == 0)
+ w->close();
+ else if (strcmp("ListEdit", w->metaObject()->className()) == 0)
+ w->close();
+ }
+ emit startLoadSong();
+ song->setProjectPath(path);
+ song->clear(false);
+ song->setCreated(true);
+ QString s = mid.templateName->text();
+ bool rv = true;
+ if (!s.isEmpty()) {
+ QFile f(s);
+ if ( {
+ rv = song->read(&f);
+ f.close();
+ }
+ else {
+ QString msg(tr("Cannot open template file\n%1"));
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, header, msg.arg(s));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rv) {
+ QString msg(tr("File <%1> read error"));
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, header, msg.arg(s));
+ }
+ addMidiFile(fn);
+ tr_id->setChecked(config.transportVisible);
+ bt_id->setChecked(config.bigTimeVisible);
+ //
+ // dont emit song->update():
+ song->blockSignals(true);
+ showBigtime(config.bigTimeVisible);
+ showMixer1(config.mixer1Visible);
+ showMixer2(config.mixer2Visible);
+ if (mixer1 && config.mixer1Visible)
+ mixer1->setUpdateMixer();
+ if (mixer2 && config.mixer2Visible)
+ mixer2->setUpdateMixer();
+ if (config.transportVisible)
+ transport->show();
+ transport->move(config.geometryTransport.topLeft());
+ showTransport(config.transportVisible);
+ song->blockSignals(false);
+ transport->setMasterFlag(song->masterFlag());
+ punchinAction->setChecked(song->punchin());
+ punchoutAction->setChecked(song->punchout());
+ loopAction->setChecked(song->loop());
+ clipboardChanged(); // enable/disable "Paste"
+ song->setLen(song->len()); // emit song->lenChanged() signal
+ //
+ // add connected channels
+ //
+ TrackList* tl = song->tracks();
+#if 0
+ MidiChannelList* mcl = song->midiChannel();
+ for (iMidiChannel i = mcl->begin(); i != mcl->end(); ++i) {
+ MidiChannel* mc = (MidiChannel*)*i;
+ if (mc->noInRoute() || song->trackExists(mc))
+ continue;
+ tl->push_back(mc);
+ }
+ selectionChanged(); // enable/disable "Copy" & "Paste"
+ arranger->endLoadSong();
+ song->updatePos();
+ //
+ // send "cur" controller values to devices
+ //
+ for (iTrack i = tl->begin(); i != tl->end(); ++i) {
+ Track* track = *i;
+ track->blockSignals(true);
+ CtrlList* cl = track->controller();
+ for (iCtrl ic = cl->begin(); ic != cl->end(); ++ic) {
+ Ctrl* ctrl = ic->second;
+ if (ctrl->type() & Ctrl::INT) {
+ CVal val;
+ val = ctrl->curVal();
+ ctrl->setCurVal(CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ song->setControllerVal(track, ctrl, val);
+ }
+ }
+ track->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ setWindowTitle(QString("MusE: Song: ") + path);
+ seqStart();
+ audio->msgSeek(song->cPos());
+ }
+ else {
+ // add to project
+ addMidiFile(fn);
+ song->update(-1);
+ }
+ }
+// addMidiFile
+void MusE::addMidiFile(const QString name)
+ {
+ QFile* fp = fileOpen(this, name, QString(".mid"), QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ if (fp == 0)
+ return;
+ MidiFile mf;
+ bool rv =;
+ fp->close();
+ delete fp;
+ if (rv) {
+ QString s(tr("reading midifile\n "));
+ s += name;
+ s += tr("\nfailed: ");
+ s += mf.error();
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), s);
+ return;
+ }
+ MidiFileTrackList* etl = mf.trackList();
+ int division = mf.division();
+ MidiOutPort* outPort = 0;
+ if (song->midiOutPorts()->empty()) {
+ outPort = new MidiOutPort();
+ outPort->setDefaultName();
+ song->insertTrack0(outPort, -1);
+ //
+ // set preferred instrument
+ //
+ MidiInstrument* instr = 0; // genericMidiInstrument;
+ for (iMidiInstrument mi = midiInstruments.begin(); mi != midiInstruments.end(); ++mi) {
+ if ((*mi)->iname() == config.defaultMidiInstrument) {
+ instr = *mi;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // if midi file is GM/GS/XG this overrides the preferred
+ // instrument setting
+ if (mf.midiType() != MT_GENERIC) {
+ MidiInstrument* instr2 = 0;
+ for (iMidiInstrument i = midiInstruments.begin(); i != midiInstruments.end(); ++i) {
+ MidiInstrument* mi = *i;
+ switch(mf.midiType()) {
+ case MT_GM:
+ if (mi->iname() == "GM")
+ instr2 = mi;
+ break;
+ case MT_GS:
+ if (mi->iname() == "GS")
+ instr2 = mi;
+ break;
+ case MT_XG:
+ if (mi->iname() == "XG")
+ instr2 = mi;
+ break;
+ case MT_GENERIC: // cannot happen
+ break;
+ }
+ if (instr2)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (instr2)
+ instr = instr2;
+ }
+ if (instr == 0)
+ instr = genericMidiInstrument;
+ outPort->setInstrument(instr);
+ }
+ else
+ outPort = song->midiOutPorts()->front();
+ //
+ // create MidiTrack and copy events to ->events()
+ // - combine note on/off events
+ // - calculate tick value for internal resolution
+ //
+ foreach(const MidiFileTrack* t, *etl) {
+ const MidiEventList& el = t->events;
+ if (el.empty())
+ continue;
+ //
+ // if we split the track, SYSEX and META events go into
+ // the first target track
+ bool first = true;
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++channel) {
+ //
+ // check if there are any events for channel in track:
+ //
+ iMidiEvent i;
+ for (i = el.begin(); i != el.end(); ++i) {
+ MidiEvent ev = *i;
+ if (ev.type() != ME_SYSEX && ev.type() != ME_META && == channel)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == el.end())
+ continue;
+ MidiTrack* track = new MidiTrack();
+ if (t->isDrumTrack)
+ track->setUseDrumMap(true);
+//TODOB track->outRoutes()->push_back(Route(outPort->channel(channel), -1, Route::TRACK));
+// if (inPort && config.connectToAllMidiTracks) {
+// for (int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) {
+// Route src(inPort, ch, Route::TRACK);
+// track->inRoutes()->push_back(src);
+// }
+// }
+ EventList* mel = track->events();
+ buildMidiEventList(mel, &el, track, channel, division, first);
+ first = false;
+ for (iEvent i = mel->begin(); i != mel->end(); ++i) {
+ Event event = i->second;
+ if (event.type() == Controller) {
+ int ctrl = event.dataA();
+ MidiInstrument* instr = outPort->instrument();
+ track->addMidiController(instr, ctrl);
+ CVal val;
+ val.i = event.dataB();
+ track->addControllerVal(ctrl, event.tick(), val);
+ }
+ }
+ processTrack(track);
+ if (track->name().isEmpty())
+ track->setDefaultName();
+ song->insertTrack0(track, -1);
+ }
+ if (first) {
+ //
+ // track does only contain non-channel messages
+ // (SYSEX or META)
+ //
+ MidiTrack* track = new MidiTrack();
+ EventList* mel = track->events();
+ buildMidiEventList(mel, &el, track, 0, division, true);
+ processTrack(track);
+ if (track->name().isEmpty())
+ track->setDefaultName();
+ song->insertTrack0(track, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ TrackList* tl = song->tracks();
+ if (!tl->empty()) {
+ Track* track = tl->front();
+ track->setSelected(true);
+ }
+ unsigned int l = 1;
+ MidiTrackList* mtl = song->midis();
+ for (iMidiTrack t = mtl->begin(); t != mtl->end(); ++t) {
+ MidiTrack* track = *t;
+ PartList* parts = track->parts();
+ for (iPart p = parts->begin(); p != parts->end(); ++p) {
+ unsigned last = p->second->tick() + p->second->lenTick();
+ if (last > l)
+ l = last;
+ }
+ }
+ song->setLen(l);
+ AL::TimeSignature sig = AL::sigmap.timesig(0);
+ int z = sig.z;
+ int n = sig.n;
+ transport->setTimesig(z, n);
+// int tempo = AL::tempomap.tempo(0);
+// transport->setTempo(tempo);
+ bool masterF = !AL::tempomap.empty();
+ song->setMasterFlag(masterF);
+ transport->setMasterFlag(masterF);
+ song->updatePos();
+ }
+// processTrack
+// divide events into parts
+void MusE::processTrack(MidiTrack* track)
+ {
+ EventList* tevents = track->events();
+ if (tevents->empty())
+ return;
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ // create parts
+ // Break midi tracks into parts.
+ // A new part is created when a gap of at least
+ // one measure is detected. Part len is aligned
+ // to one measure.
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ PartList* pl = track->parts();
+ int lastTick = 0;
+ for (iEvent i = tevents->begin(); i != tevents->end(); ++i) {
+ Event event = i->second;
+ int epos = event.tick() + event.lenTick();
+ if (epos > lastTick)
+ lastTick = epos;
+ }
+ int len = song->roundUpBar(lastTick+1);
+ int bar2, beat;
+ unsigned tick;
+ AL::sigmap.tickValues(len, &bar2, &beat, &tick);
+ QString partname = track->name();
+ int lastOff = 0;
+ int st = -1; // start tick current part
+ int x1 = 0; // start tick current measure
+ int x2 = 0; // end tick current measure
+ for (int bar = 0; bar < bar2; ++bar, x1 = x2) {
+ x2 = AL::sigmap.bar2tick(bar+1, 0, 0);
+ if (lastOff > x2) {
+ // this measure is busy!
+ continue;
+ }
+ iEvent i1 = tevents->lower_bound(x1);
+ iEvent i2 = tevents->lower_bound(x2);
+ if (i1 == i2) { // empty?
+ if (st != -1) {
+ Part* part = new Part(track);
+ part->ref();
+ part->setType(AL::TICKS);
+ part->setTick(st);
+ part->setLenTick(x1-st);
+ part->setName(partname);
+ pl->add(part);
+ st = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (st == -1)
+ st = x1; // begin new part
+ //HACK:
+ //lastOff:
+ for (iEvent i = i1; i != i2; ++i) {
+ Event event = i->second;
+ if (event.type() == Note) {
+ int off = event.tick() + event.lenTick();
+ if (off > lastOff)
+ lastOff = off;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (st != -1) {
+ Part* part = new Part(track);
+ part->ref();
+ part->setType(AL::TICKS);
+ part->setTick(st);
+ part->setLenTick(x2-st);
+ part->setName(partname);
+ pl->add(part);
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ // assign events to parts
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) {
+ Part* part = p->second;
+ int stick = part->tick();
+ int etick = part->tick() + part->lenTick();
+ iEvent r1 = tevents->lower_bound(stick);
+ iEvent r2 = tevents->lower_bound(etick);
+ int startTick = part->tick();
+ EventList* el = part->events();
+ for (iEvent i = r1; i != r2; ++i) {
+ Event ev = i->second;
+ int ntick = ev.tick() - startTick;
+ ev.setTick(ntick);
+ el->add(ev, ntick);
+ }
+ tevents->erase(r1, r2);
+ }
+ if (tevents->size())
+ printf("-----------events left: %zd\n", tevents->size());
+ for (iEvent i = tevents->begin(); i != tevents->end(); ++i) {
+ printf("%d===\n", i->first);
+ i->second.dump();
+ }
+ // all events should be processed:
+ assert(tevents->empty());
+ }