path: root/muse/doc/man/en/man-en.tex
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-% MusE Manual
-% this is the MusE manual
-% (C) 2006 Copyright: Werner Schweer and Others
-% Setup
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- \M\ is hosted on SourceForge:\par
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- \copyright 2006 Werner Schweer and Others
- \stopstandardmakeup
- \completecontent
- \section{Where from and where to go}
- There's a long history of sequencers. In the beginning there were
- only analogue synthesizers, which could only be played live. The classical
- example is presumably the Moog. After the introduction of MIDI, the first
- devices appeared where music data could be saved and replayed, in short:
- Sequencers. To program these devices, i.e. to record and process music can
- rather be compared with assembler programming of computers than with making
- music. But soon the first sequencers for computers were developed. At
- first, one could only process MIDI data, since the corresponding hardware
- capacities were missing. But those developed at high speed and thus the
- quality of hardware - and what is most important in this case: sound
- cards - improved that much, that one could even do without external tape
- drives. Now multi-track audio on-line recordings were possible and there
- were even astounding possibilities for the post-editing of large projects.
- Hard to believe, but nowadays computers can do even more.
- Software-synthesizers in combination with software sequencers
- (\M\ for example!) offer apparently unlimited possibilities of
- variation. In fact, one can compose without even touching the wheel or
- the button of a "real" synthesizer. It will need time, however, until this
- software will be affordable, as the prices are immense. That's where \M\
- enters the game!
- \section{\M\ and its competitors}
- Of course there will always be "better" programs or not! This decision is
- due to strongly subjective criteria. On the one hand, it depends on what one
- is aiming at. On the other hand, it depends on individual technical knowledge
- in the field of synthesizers/sequencers. To the time that I write this article,
- there are unfortunately no commercial sequencers for Linux, not to speak of
- whole studios like Cubase or Logic. So the Linux-user can only choose between
- a parallel installation either to Mac (if one has a PPC architecture) or to
- Windows (in case of IBM Hardware). But where do those programs actually beat
- \M? Certainly not in their price because commercial, proprietary software
- is expensive. That's where programs like \M\ become interesting because
- everybody can have it for free. Furthermore they are "open source", which is
- another important point, because thereby the users get the opportunity of
- finding bugs themselves and doing away with them.
- Naturally, all projects start small. It's the same with \M. With \M,
- Linux enters a new dimension of MIDI and Audio processing. Together with
- Jack, even multi-track on-line recordings can be realized. In the the next
- few years \M\ will certainly evolve strongly and with some luck there will
- be an easier installation and more comfortable manuals.
- \section{Features of \M}
- Main features of \M:
- \startitemize[1,packed]
- \head Arranger
- The arranger window structures a song into tracks and
- parts.
- \head Pianoroll Editor
- \head Drum Editor
- \head Mastertrack
- Allows you to edit tempo changes and time signatures
- \head Controller Editor
- Allows to graphically edit controller values.
- \head Recording
- Muse allows simultaneous midi and audio recording.
- Midi can be recorded non realtime step by step.
- \head Editing
- Midi and audio editing can be done even during play.
- \head LADSPA, JACK etc. compatible
- \stopitemize
-\chapter{Invoking \M}
- \section{Invoking \M}
- \M\ is invoked from the command line by typing:
- \Cmd{muse}
- Optionally, you can use command line options of the form:
- \Cmd{muse <options> <project-name>}
- \definedescription[Mops][location=left,headstyle=bold]
- \Mops{\tt <options>:}
- see below for a list of available options.
- \Mops{\tt <project-name>:}
- name of a \M\ project
- \section{Command Line Options}
- \M\ accepts some options as listed below:
- \blank[medium]
- \Option{ -v}print version\par
- \Option{ -m}MIDI only mode\par
- \Option{ -d}debug mode: no threads, no RT\par
- \Option{ -D}debug mode: enable some debug messages\par
- \Option{ -i}debug mode: trace midi Input\par
- \Option{ -o}debug mode: trace midi Output\par
- \Option{ -p}don't load LADSPA plugins\par
- \blank[big]
- Example:
- \Cmd{muse -i mysong}
- will add trace midi input and open project mysong on startup.
- \section{File types used by \M}
- \Filetype{\textasciitilde/.MusE}
- \M\ Configuration File (``\textasciitildeŽ refers to your home directory
- aka "/home/tux")\par
- \Filetype{\textasciitilde/.musePrj}
- Hidden Project File; stores list of last projects\par
- \Filetype{.med}
- \M\ song file; internal \M format\par
- \Filetype{.mid}
- midi file; can be imported or exported\par
- \Filetype{.kar}
- karaoke: midi file with additional information; some types
- can be imported\par
-\component projects.tex
-\component structure.tex
-\component miditracks.tex
- \component ../gpl.tex
- \completeindex
- \stopappendices