path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/synti/organ/organgui.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/synti/organ/organgui.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/synti/organ/organgui.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/synti/organ/organgui.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b763fd6..00000000
--- a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/synti/organ/organgui.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-// MusE
-// Linux Music Editor
-// $Id: organgui.cpp,v 2009/11/16 04:30:46 terminator356 Exp $
-// This is a simple GUI implemented with QT for
-// organ software synthesizer.
-// (C) Copyright 2001-2004 Werner Schweer (
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <list>
-#include <QCheckBox>
-#include <QSignalMapper>
-#include <QSlider>
-#include <QSocketNotifier>
-#include <QSpinBox>
-#include "organgui.h"
-#include "muse/midi.h"
-#include "muse/midictrl.h"
-// OrganGui
- : QWidget(0, Qt::Window), MessGui()
- {
- QSocketNotifier* s = new QSocketNotifier(readFd, QSocketNotifier::Read);
- connect(s, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(readMessage(int)));
- dctrl[0] = SynthGuiCtrl(p1, lcd1, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[1] = SynthGuiCtrl(p2, lcd2, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[2] = SynthGuiCtrl(p3, lcd3, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[3] = SynthGuiCtrl(p4, lcd4, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[4] = SynthGuiCtrl(p5, lcd5, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[5] = SynthGuiCtrl(p6, lcd6, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[6] = SynthGuiCtrl(p7, lcd7, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[7] = SynthGuiCtrl(p8, lcd8, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[8] = SynthGuiCtrl(p9, lcd9, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[9] = SynthGuiCtrl(p10, lcd10, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[10] = SynthGuiCtrl(p11, lcd11, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[11] = SynthGuiCtrl(p12, lcd12, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[12] = SynthGuiCtrl(p13, lcd13, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[13] = SynthGuiCtrl(p14, lcd14, SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER);
- dctrl[14] = SynthGuiCtrl(sw1, 0, SynthGuiCtrl::SWITCH);
- dctrl[15] = SynthGuiCtrl(sw3, 0, SynthGuiCtrl::SWITCH);
- dctrl[16] = SynthGuiCtrl(sw2, 0, SynthGuiCtrl::SWITCH);
- dctrl[17] = SynthGuiCtrl(sw4, 0, SynthGuiCtrl::SWITCH);
- map = new QSignalMapper(this);
- for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GUI_CONTROLLER; ++i) {
- map->setMapping(dctrl[i].editor, i);
- if (dctrl[i].type == SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER)
- connect((QSlider*)(dctrl[i].editor), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), map, SLOT(map()));
- else if (dctrl[i].type == SynthGuiCtrl::SWITCH)
- connect((QCheckBox*)(dctrl[i].editor), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), map, SLOT(map()));
- }
- connect(map, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(ctrlChanged(int)));
- // work around for probable QT/WM interaction bug.
- // for certain window managers, e.g xfce, this window is
- // is displayed although not specifically set to show();
- // bug: 2811156 Softsynth GUI unclosable with XFCE4 (and a few others)
- show();
- hide();
- }
-// ctrlChanged
-void OrganGui::ctrlChanged(int idx)
- {
- SynthGuiCtrl* ctrl = &dctrl[idx];
- int val = 0;
- if (ctrl->type == SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER) {
- QSlider* slider = (QSlider*)(ctrl->editor);
- val = slider->value();
- // By T356. Apply auto-bias center value.
- if(slider->minimum() < 0)
- val += 8192;
- }
- else if (ctrl->type == SynthGuiCtrl::SWITCH) {
- val = ((QCheckBox*)(ctrl->editor))->isChecked();
- }
- sendController(0, idx + CTRL_RPN14_OFFSET, val);
- }
-// getControllerInfo
-// return min max values for controllers
-int OrganGui::getControllerMinMax(int id, int* min, int* max) const
- {
- return 0;
- const SynthGuiCtrl* ctrl = (const SynthGuiCtrl*)&dctrl[id];
- //int val = 0;
- if (ctrl->type == SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER) {
- QSlider* slider = (QSlider*)(ctrl->editor);
- *max = slider->maximum();
- *min = slider->minimum();
- //val = (slider->value() * 16383 + max/2) / max;
- //val = 16383 + 1/2
- }
- else if (ctrl->type == SynthGuiCtrl::SWITCH) {
- //val = ((QCheckBox*)(ctrl->editor))->isOn();
- *min=0;
- *max=1;
- }
- return ++id;
- }
-// setParam
-// set param in gui
-void OrganGui::setParam(int param, int val)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "OrganGui:setParam param:%d val:%d\n", param, val);
- #endif
- param &= 0xfff;
- if (param >= int(sizeof(dctrl)/sizeof(*dctrl))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "OrganGui: set unknown Ctrl 0x%x to 0x%x\n", param, val);
- return;
- }
- SynthGuiCtrl* ctrl = &dctrl[param];
- ctrl->editor->blockSignals(true);
- if (ctrl->type == SynthGuiCtrl::SLIDER) {
- QSlider* slider = (QSlider*)(ctrl->editor);
-// int max = slider->maximum();
-// if(val < 0) val = (val * max + 8191) / 16383 - 1;
-// else val = (val * max + 8191) / 16383;
- // By T356. Apply auto-bias center value.
- if(slider->minimum() < 0)
- val -= 8192;
- fprintf(stderr, "OrganGui:setParam setting slider val:%d\n", val);
- #endif
- slider->setValue(val);
- if (ctrl->label)
- ((QSpinBox*)(ctrl->label))->setValue(val);
- }
- else if (ctrl->type == SynthGuiCtrl::SWITCH) {
- ((QCheckBox*)(ctrl->editor))->setChecked(val);
- }
- ctrl->editor->blockSignals(false);
- }
-// processEvent
-void OrganGui::processEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev)
- {
- if (ev.type() == ME_CONTROLLER)
- setParam(ev.dataA(), ev.dataB());
- else
- printf("OrganGui::illegal event type received\n");
- }
-// readMessage
-void OrganGui::readMessage(int)
- {
- MessGui::readMessage();
- }