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authorFlorian Jung <>2012-12-01 11:17:06 +0100
committerFlorian Jung <>2012-12-01 11:17:06 +0100
commit0076c52ddb9349d39c51f28bc74aba3fc8f9817d (patch)
parent5cefc705b59f739c71d2d3381db0c4ddf6bc8200 (diff)
malzeugs ausgelagert
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/detect_road_borders.cpp b/detect_road_borders.cpp
index 38dabdc..14841f3 100644
--- a/detect_road_borders.cpp
+++ b/detect_road_borders.cpp
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ int find_bestquality_index(const vector<Point>& contour, double* angle_derivativ
*bestquality_width_out = bestquality_width;
-int find_ideal_line(int xlen, int ylen, vector<Point>& contour, int** contour_map, int bestquality_j, Mat drawing)
+int find_ideal_line(int xlen, int ylen, vector<Point>& contour, int** contour_map, int bestquality_j)
// TODO: this code is crappy, slow, and uses brute force. did i mention it's crappy and slow?
int intersection = find_intersection_index(xlen/2, ylen-ylen/5,
@@ -442,9 +442,6 @@ int find_ideal_line(int xlen, int ylen, vector<Point>& contour, int** contour_ma
- circle(drawing, contour[intersection], 2, Scalar(0,0,0));
- circle(drawing, contour[intersection], 1, Scalar(0,0,0));
int xx=contour[bestquality_j].x;
int lastheight=-1;
if (intersection < bestquality_j) // too far on the right == intersecting the right border
@@ -493,35 +490,14 @@ int find_ideal_line(int xlen, int ylen, vector<Point>& contour, int** contour_ma
-#define ANG_SMOOTH 9
-// return the index of the point to steer to.
-int find_steering_point(Mat orig_img, int** contour_map, Mat& drawing) // orig_img is a binary image
+void draw_it_all(Mat drawing, vector< vector<Point> >& contours, const vector<Vec4i>& hierarchy, int first_nonbottom_idx, vector<Point>& contour,
+ double* angles, double* angle_derivative, int bestquality_j, int bestquality_width, int bestquality,
+ int steering_point, Point origin_point)
- Mat img;
- orig_img.copyTo(img); // this is needed because findContours destroys its input.
- vector<vector<Point> > contours;
- vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
- findContours(img, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, Point(0, 0));
- int low_y, low_idx, high_y, first_nonbottom_idx;
- vector<Point>& contour = prepare_and_get_contour(img.cols, img.rows, contours, hierarchy,
- &low_y, &low_idx, &high_y, &first_nonbottom_idx);
- init_contour_map(contour, contour_map, img.cols, img.rows);
// Draw contours
- drawing = Mat::zeros( img.size(), CV_8UC3 );
drawContours(drawing, contours, -1, Scalar(255,0,0), 1, 8, hierarchy);
- double* angles = calc_contour_angles(contour, first_nonbottom_idx, img.rows, SMOOTHEN_MIDDLE, SMOOTHEN_BOTTOM);
- double* angle_derivative = calc_angle_deriv(angles, first_nonbottom_idx, contour.size(), ANG_SMOOTH);
- // irrelevant drawing stuff
+ // draw the angles
for (int j=first_nonbottom_idx; j<contour.size(); j++)
int x=drawing.cols-drawing.cols*(j-first_nonbottom_idx)/(contour.size()-first_nonbottom_idx);
@@ -545,19 +521,14 @@ int find_steering_point(Mat orig_img, int** contour_map, Mat& drawing) // orig_i
set_pixel(drawing, contour[j], col);
- int bestquality, bestquality_j, bestquality_width;
- find_bestquality_index(contour, angle_derivative, img.cols, img.rows, high_y, first_nonbottom_idx, drawing,
- &bestquality_j, &bestquality_width, &bestquality);
- // now we have a naive steering point. the way to it might lead
- // us offroad, however.
+ // draw the point where the left touches the right road border
circle(drawing, contour[bestquality_j], 3, Scalar(255,255,0));
circle(drawing, contour[bestquality_j], 2, Scalar(255,255,0));
circle(drawing, contour[bestquality_j], 1, Scalar(255,255,0));
circle(drawing, contour[bestquality_j], 0, Scalar(255,255,0));
+ // draw the detected left and right border. low saturation means
+ // a worse detection result
int antisaturation = 200-(200* bestquality/10.0);
if (antisaturation<0) antisaturation=0;
for (int j=0;j<bestquality_j-bestquality_width/2;j++)
@@ -565,13 +536,49 @@ int find_steering_point(Mat orig_img, int** contour_map, Mat& drawing) // orig_i
for (int j=bestquality_j+bestquality_width/2;j<contour.size();j++)
set_pixel(drawing, contour[j], Scalar(antisaturation,255,antisaturation));
- line(drawing, contour[bestquality_j], Point(img.cols/2, img.rows-img.rows/5), Scalar(0,64,64));
+ // a direct line to where left touches right
+ line(drawing, contour[bestquality_j], origin_point, Scalar(0,64,64));
- int steering_point=find_ideal_line(img.cols,img.rows, contour, contour_map, bestquality_j, drawing);
if (steering_point>=0) // should be always true
- line(drawing, contour[steering_point], Point(img.cols/2, img.rows-img.rows/5), Scalar(0,255,255));
+ line(drawing, contour[steering_point], origin_point, Scalar(0,255,255));
+#define ANG_SMOOTH 9
+// return the index of the point to steer to.
+int find_steering_point(Mat orig_img, int** contour_map, Mat& drawing) // orig_img is a binary image
+ Mat img;
+ orig_img.copyTo(img); // this is needed because findContours destroys its input.
+ drawing = Mat::zeros( img.size(), CV_8UC3 );
+ vector<vector<Point> > contours;
+ vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
+ findContours(img, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, Point(0, 0));
+ int low_y, low_idx, high_y, first_nonbottom_idx;
+ vector<Point>& contour = prepare_and_get_contour(img.cols, img.rows, contours, hierarchy,
+ &low_y, &low_idx, &high_y, &first_nonbottom_idx);
+ init_contour_map(contour, contour_map, img.cols, img.rows);
+ double* angles = calc_contour_angles(contour, first_nonbottom_idx, img.rows, SMOOTHEN_MIDDLE, SMOOTHEN_BOTTOM);
+ double* angle_derivative = calc_angle_deriv(angles, first_nonbottom_idx, contour.size(), ANG_SMOOTH);
+ int bestquality, bestquality_j, bestquality_width;
+ find_bestquality_index(contour, angle_derivative, img.cols, img.rows, high_y, first_nonbottom_idx, drawing,
+ &bestquality_j, &bestquality_width, &bestquality);
+ // now we have a naive steering point. the way to it might lead
+ // us offroad, however.
+ int steering_point=find_ideal_line(img.cols,img.rows, contour, contour_map, bestquality_j);
+ draw_it_all(drawing, contours, hierarchy, first_nonbottom_idx, contour, angles, angle_derivative,bestquality_j,bestquality_width,bestquality,steering_point, Point(img.cols/2, img.rows-img.rows/5));
delete [] angle_derivative;
delete [] angles;