path: root/TConnection.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TConnection.cpp')
1 files changed, 826 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TConnection.cpp b/TConnection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e73b088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TConnection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <ctime>
+using namespace std;
+#include "TConnection.h"
+extern list<TPlugin*> plugins;
+TConnection::TConnection(string server, string nicklist, char comchar_)
+ dontreconnect=false;
+ parent=this;
+ newline="\r\n";
+ comchar=comchar_;
+ sock=-1;
+ buf=new char[BUFLEN];
+ for (int i=0;i<BUFLEN;i++) buf[i]=0;
+ try
+ {
+ connect (&server);
+ register_client(nicklist);
+ loadlists();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ cout << "grml" << endl;
+ throw;
+ }
+ ircmessage curr_msg;
+ curr_msg.origin=""; curr_msg.content=""; curr_msg.command=""; curr_msg.params="";
+ for (list<TPlugin*>::iterator it=plugins.begin(); it!=plugins.end(); it++)
+ {
+ TPluginParent::hiddenaddplugincontext((*it)->get_default_flags_for_connections(), (*it)->get_context_size());
+ if (contexts.rbegin()->flags & PFLAGS_EXEC_ONCREATE)
+ (*it)->execute( &(*(contexts.rbegin())) , curr_msg, this, PFLAGS_EXEC_ONCREATE);
+ }
+ cout << "executing all plugins with the ONDESTROY flag set..." << endl;
+ list<TPlugin*>::iterator it2=plugins.begin();
+ ircmessage curr_msg=static_cast<TConnection*>(parent)->get_curr_msg();
+ for (list<plugincontext>::iterator it=contexts.begin(); it!=contexts.end(); it++)
+ {
+ if (it->flags & PFLAGS_EXEC_ONDESTROY)
+ (*it2)->execute( &(*it) , curr_msg, this, PFLAGS_EXEC_ONDESTROY);
+ it2++;
+ }
+ delete []buf;
+void TConnection::exec_plugins(list<TPlugin*> plugins)
+ int reason;
+ list<TPlugin*>::iterator it2=plugins.begin();
+ for (list<plugincontext>::iterator it=contexts.begin(); it!=contexts.end(); it++)
+ {
+ reason=0;
+ if ((it->flags) & PFLAGS_EXEC_ALWAYS)
+ if (((it->flags) & PFLAGS_EXEC_ONEVENT) && (curr_msg) )
+ if (((it->flags) & PFLAGS_EXEC_ONANYEVENT) && (curr_msg) )
+ if (reason)
+ (*it2)->execute( &(*it) , curr_msg, this, reason);
+ it2++;
+ }
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin();it!=chans.end();it++)
+ (*it)->exec_plugins(plugins);
+ for (list<TSession*>::iterator it=sessions.begin(); it!=sessions.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->exec_plugins(plugins);
+void TConnection::addplugincontext(TPlugin* plugin)
+ TPluginParent::hiddenaddplugincontext(plugin->get_default_flags_for_connections(), plugin->get_context_size());
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->addplugincontext(plugin);
+ for (list<TSession*>::iterator it=sessions.begin(); it!=sessions.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->addplugincontext(plugin);
+void TConnection::removeplugincontext(int x)
+ TPluginParent::removeplugincontext(x);
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->removeplugincontext(x);
+ for (list<TSession*>::iterator it=sessions.begin(); it!=sessions.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->removeplugincontext(x);
+void TConnection::connect(string* server)
+ sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
+ if (sock<=0)
+ {
+ sock=-1;
+ throw 1;
+ }
+ hent=gethostbyname(server->c_str());
+ if (hent)
+ {
+ addr.sin_family=AF_INET;
+ addr.sin_port=htons(6667);
+ addr.sin_addr.s_addr=*((uint32_t*)hent->h_addr_list[0]);
+ if (::connect( sock,(struct sockaddr *)&addr,sizeof(addr))==0)
+ {
+ //cout << "GOOD: we're connected to " << hent->h_name << " (" << inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr) << ")" << endl;
+ sname=*server;
+ connectname=*server;
+ last_recv=time(NULL);
+ expecting_pong=false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ disconnect();
+ throw 3;
+ //cout << "FATAL: connecting to " << hent->h_name << " (" << inet_ntoa (addr.sin_addr) << ") failed! program ends.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ disconnect();
+ throw 2;
+ }
+void TConnection::disconnect()
+ if (sock>0)
+ {
+ close(sock);
+ sock=-1;
+ }
+string TConnection::getline()
+ fd_set sockset;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int retval;
+ int size;
+ char* pos;
+ char* temp;
+ int len;
+ string line="";
+ if (valid()) //nur empfangen, wenn die verbindung noch steht!
+ {
+ tv.tv_sec=0; tv.tv_usec=10000; //timeout setzen: 10msec warten...
+ FD_ZERO (&sockset); //sockset leeren
+ FD_SET(sock,&sockset); //und füllen
+ retval=select (sock+1,&sockset,NULL,NULL,&tv);
+ if (retval>0) //neue daten da?
+ {
+ last_recv=time(NULL);
+ expecting_pong=false;
+ len=strlen(buf);
+ if ((BUFLEN-1-len)>0) //wenn noch platz im buffer frei ist:
+ {
+ size=recv(sock, buf+len , BUFLEN-1-len , 0); //empfangen ab \0 im puffer (\0 wird überschrieben!)
+ if (size<=0)
+ {
+ cout << "ERROR: connection for '" << sname << "' has been closed!" << endl;
+ disconnect();
+ }
+ buf[size+len]=0; //aber weiter hinten wieder angehängt!
+ } //aber höchstens so viel wie der buffer packt!
+ }
+ else //nix oder fehler?
+ {
+ if (retval==-1)
+ {
+ cout << "ERROR: error using select ("<<retval<<")"<<endl;
+ disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pos=strchr(buf,'\n')) //we have \n or \r\n
+ {
+ if ((*(pos-1))=='\r') //we have \r\n
+ newline="\r\n";
+ else //we have \n
+ newline="\n";
+ }
+ else if (pos=strchr(buf,'\r')) //we have \r
+ newline="\r";
+ //else //no newline? will be handled below
+ if ((pos=strstr(buf,newline.c_str()))) //ist da irgendwo ein newline im buffer?
+ {
+ //an pos ist ein NEWLINE!
+ len=pos-buf; //also: die ersten len zeichen sind eine zeile
+ line=string(buf,len); //nach line kopieren
+ temp=buf-1; len+=newline.length(); //und diese zeile aus buf entfernen
+ do { temp++; temp[0]=temp[len]; } while (temp[len]);
+ }
+ else //kein newline?
+ {
+ if (strlen(buf)>=BUFLEN-1) //kein newline, aber trotzdem daten im puffer und puffer voll oO? das kann nur dann sein, wenn der buffer zu klein ist!
+ {
+ cout << "ERROR: buffer isn't empty but there's no NEWLINE!\n discarding the buffer (was: " << buf << ")..." << endl;
+ buf[0]='\0';
+ }
+ }
+ return line;
+void TConnection::register_client(string nicks)
+ nick="";
+ send ("USER DrunkenMan foo bar :DrunkenMan by Florian Jung");
+ nicks+=" ";
+ srandom(time(NULL)); //notfallnick
+ for (int i=0;i<8;i++)
+ nicks+=char( random ()%26 + 'a' );
+ nicks+=" ";
+ string curr_nick;
+ int pos,oldpos;
+ oldpos=0;
+ pos=nicks.find (' ',0);
+ string answer;
+ ircmessage ans;
+ int numcmd;
+ while (pos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ curr_nick=nicks.substr(oldpos,pos-oldpos);
+ send ("NICK "+curr_nick);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ while ( (!next_message()) && valid() ) usleep (10000);
+ if (valid()==false) //verbindung verloren?
+ throw 99;
+ ans=curr_msg;
+ numcmd=atoi(ans.command.c_str());
+ if (numcmd==1) //success
+ {
+ nick=curr_nick;
+ sname=ans.origin; //this message always is sent from the server we're on
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((numcmd>=431)&&(numcmd<=439)) //fail
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nick!="") break;
+ oldpos=pos+1;
+ pos=nicks.find (' ',oldpos);
+ }
+ if (nick=="")
+ throw 1;
+void TConnection::send_raw (string line)
+ int len;
+ if (valid())
+ {
+ cout << "SEND: "<<line<<flush;
+ len=line.length();
+ if (line.substr(len-newline.length(),newline.length())!=newline)
+ printf ("\nWARNING: line to send doesn't end with NEWLINE!\n");
+ ::send (sock,line.c_str(),len,0);
+ }
+void TConnection::send (string line)
+ if (line.substr(line.length()-newline.length(),newline.length())!=newline)
+ line=line+newline;
+ send_raw(line);
+ircmessage TConnection::parseline (string line)
+ ircmessage temp;
+ int foundpos;
+ int pos;
+ pos=0;
+ if (line.substr(0,1)==":")
+ {
+ foundpos=line.find (' ',0);
+ temp.origin=line.substr(1,foundpos-1);
+ pos=foundpos+1;
+ }
+ foundpos=line.find(' ',pos);
+ if (foundpos==string::npos)
+ {
+ temp.command=line;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ temp.command=line.substr(pos,foundpos-pos);
+ pos=foundpos+1;
+ if (line.substr(pos,1)==":")
+ {
+ temp.content=line.substr(pos+1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ foundpos=line.find(" :",pos);
+ if (foundpos!=string::npos)
+ {
+ temp.params=line.substr(pos,foundpos-pos);
+ temp.content=line.substr(foundpos+2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ temp.params=line.substr(pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ temp.origin_raw=temp.origin;
+ temp.origin=cut_nick(temp.origin);
+ return temp;
+void TConnection::interpret_message(ircmessage msg) //ggf. neue sessions öffnen, channellisten anpassen, wenn wir joinen/parten/gekickt werden
+ curr_msg=msg;
+ msg_for_us=false;
+ if (curr_msg) msg_for_us=true;
+ if (ucase(msg.command)=="PING")
+ send("PONG :" + msg.content);
+ if (ucase(msg.command)=="PRIVMSG")
+ {
+ if (ucase(msg.params)==ucase(nick)) //a message? for me :)?
+ {
+ bool newsession=true;
+ for (list<TSession*>::iterator it=sessions.begin(); it!=sessions.end(); it++) //check if this user has already a session
+ if (ucase((*it)->get_name())==ucase(msg.origin_raw))
+ {
+ newsession=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (newsession) //do we have to create a new session for msg.origin_raw?
+ sessions.push_back(new TSession(msg.origin_raw,this)); //create it and push it to the list
+ }
+ if (msg.content[0]==comchar)
+ {
+ if (users.isinlist(msg.origin))
+ {
+ string info=users.get_info(msg.origin);
+ if (match(msg.content.substr(1),"login")) //bitte um login?
+ {
+ string pass="";
+ int pos=msg.content.find(' ');
+ if (pos==string::npos)
+ pass="";
+ else
+ pass=msg.content.substr(pos+1);
+ if (pass==info) //richtiges passwort?
+ {
+ if (!users_li.isinlist(msg.origin))
+ {
+ users_li.addtolist(msg.origin, msg.origin_raw);
+ cout << "user "<<msg.origin<<" is now logged in." << endl;
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you are now logged in as user.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "user "<<msg.origin<<" has re-logged-in" << endl;
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you are now logged in as user.");
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you were previously logged in as "+users_li.get_info(msg.origin));
+ users_li.edit(msg.origin, msg.origin_raw);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :wrong password!");
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(msg.content.substr(1),"logout"))
+ {
+ if (users_li.isinlist(msg.origin))
+ {
+ users_li.removefromlist(msg.origin);
+ cout << "user "<<msg.origin<<" has been logged out." << endl;
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you have been logged out.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you aren't logged in!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (masters.isinlist(msg.origin))
+ {
+ string info=masters.get_info(msg.origin);
+ if (match(msg.content.substr(1),"masterlogin")) //bitte um login?
+ {
+ string pass="";
+ int pos=msg.content.find(' ');
+ if (pos==string::npos)
+ pass="";
+ else
+ pass=msg.content.substr(pos+1);
+ if (pass==info) //richtiges passwort?
+ {
+ if (!masters_li.isinlist(msg.origin))
+ {
+ masters_li.addtolist(msg.origin, msg.origin_raw);
+ cout << "master "<<msg.origin<<" is now logged in." << endl;
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you are now logged in as master.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout << "master "<<msg.origin<<" has re-logged-in" << endl;
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you are now logged in as master.");
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you were previously logged in as "+masters_li.get_info(msg.origin));
+ masters_li.edit(msg.origin, msg.origin_raw);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :wrong password!");
+ }
+ }
+ if (match(msg.content.substr(1),"masterlogout"))
+ {
+ if (masters_li.isinlist(msg.origin))
+ {
+ masters_li.removefromlist(msg.origin);
+ cout << "master "<<msg.origin<<" has been logged out." << endl;
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you have been logged out.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ send ("NOTICE "+msg.origin+" :you aren't logged in!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ucase(msg.command)=="JOIN")
+ if (ucase(msg.origin)==ucase(nick))
+ chans.push_back(new TChannel(msg.content,this));
+ if (ucase(msg.command)=="PART")
+ if (ucase(msg.origin)==ucase(nick))
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ if (ucase((*it)->get_name())==ucase(msg.params))
+ {
+ delete *it;
+ chans.erase (it);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ucase(msg.command)=="KICK")
+ {
+ string where;
+ string victim;
+ where=msg.params.substr(0,msg.params.find(' ',0));
+ victim=msg.params.substr(msg.params.find(' ',0)+1);
+ if (ucase(victim)==ucase(nick))
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ if (ucase(where)==ucase((*it)->get_name()))
+ {
+ delete *it;
+ chans.erase(it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ucase(msg.command)=="NICK")
+ {
+ if (ucase(msg.origin)==ucase(nick)) //we changed our nick?
+ {
+ nick=msg.content;
+ }
+ else //someone else changed his nick?
+ {
+ if (ucase(msg.origin)!=ucase(msg.content)) //check lists only when the nick changed _really_ (not drunkenman to DrunkenMan)
+ {
+ if (isuser(msg.origin_raw)) //was logged in?
+ {
+ send("NOTICE "+msg.content+" :You still were logged in as '"+msg.origin+"'. Logging you out...");
+ cout << "logging out user '"<<msg.origin<<"' because he changed nick" << endl;
+ users_li.removefromlist(msg.origin);
+ }
+ if (ismaster(msg.origin_raw)) //was logged in?
+ {
+ send("NOTICE "+msg.content+" :You still were logged in as master '"+msg.origin+"'. Logging you out...");
+ cout << "logging out master '"<<msg.origin<<"' because he changed nick" << endl;
+ masters_li.removefromlist(msg.origin);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ucase(msg.command)=="QUIT")
+ {
+ if (isuser(msg.origin_raw)) //was logged in?
+ {
+ cout << "logging out user '"<<msg.origin<<"' because he quit" << endl;
+ users_li.removefromlist(msg.origin);
+ }
+ if (ismaster(msg.origin_raw)) //was logged in?
+ {
+ cout << "logging out master '"<<msg.origin<<"' because he quit" << endl;
+ masters_li.removefromlist(msg.origin);
+ }
+ }
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->interpret_message(msg);
+ for (list<TSession*>::iterator it=sessions.begin(); it!=sessions.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->interpret_message(msg);
+void TConnection::logout_all()
+ cout << "clearing login-entries for " << get_networkname() << "..." << endl;
+ users_li.clear();
+ masters_li.clear();
+string TConnection::get_nick()
+ return nick;
+string TConnection::get_name()
+// return ""; //todo: oder servername?
+//cout << "connGETNAME" << nick << endl;
+ return sname;
+/*TConnection* TConnection::get_parent()
+ return this;
+/*void TConnection::pluginsend(string what)
+ send(what+NEWLINE);
+void TConnection::zerocurrmsg()
+ curr_msg.origin=""; curr_msg.params=""; curr_msg.content=""; curr_msg.command="";
+ TPluginParent::zerocurrmsg(); //funktion der elternklasse aufrufen
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->zerocurrmsg();
+ for (list<TSession*>::iterator it=sessions.begin(); it!=sessions.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->zerocurrmsg();
+void TConnection::loadlists()
+ users.loadfromfile("./etc/"+get_networkname()+"/users.txt");
+ masters.loadfromfile("./etc/"+get_networkname()+"/masters.txt");
+void TConnection::savelists()
+ users.savetofile("./etc/"+get_networkname()+"/users.txt");
+ masters.savetofile("./etc/"+get_networkname()+"/masters.txt");
+void TConnection::adduser(string nick, string pass)
+ users.addtolist(nick, pass);
+void TConnection::deluser(string nick)
+ users.removefromlist(nick);
+bool TConnection::isuser(string nick)
+ if ((users_li.isinlist(cut_nick(nick))) && (users_li.get_info(cut_nick(nick))!=nick)) //still logged in, but wrong hostmask?
+ {
+ cout << "removing '"<<cut_nick(nick)<<"' from list of logged in users due to a hostmask mismatch" << endl;
+ users_li.removefromlist(cut_nick(nick));
+ }
+ return (users_li.get_info(cut_nick(nick))==nick);
+void TConnection::addmaster(string nick, string pass)
+ masters.addtolist(nick, pass);
+void TConnection::delmaster(string nick)
+ masters.removefromlist(nick);
+bool TConnection::ismaster(string nick)
+ if ((masters_li.isinlist(cut_nick(nick))) && (masters_li.get_info(cut_nick(nick))!=nick)) //still logged in, but wrong hostmask?
+ {
+ cout << "removing '"<<cut_nick(nick)<<"' from list of logged in masters due to a hostmask mismatch" << endl;
+ masters_li.removefromlist(cut_nick(nick));
+ }
+ return (masters_li.get_info(cut_nick(nick))==nick);
+TUserList TConnection::get_masterlist()
+ return masters;
+TUserList TConnection::get_userlist()
+ return users;
+TUserList TConnection::get_channel_users (string chan)
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ if (ucase((*it)->get_name()) == ucase(chan))
+ return (*it)->get_users();
+bool TConnection::isinchan(string nick,string chan)
+ return (get_channel_users(chan).isinlist(nick));
+ircmessage TConnection::get_curr_msg() { return curr_msg; }
+bool TConnection::next_message()
+ zerocurrmsg();
+ string temp=getline();
+ if (temp!="") cout << "@" << sname << ": " << temp << endl;
+ if (!temp.empty())
+ {
+ interpret_message(parseline(temp));
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+void TConnection::check_session_timeouts()
+ bool again=false;
+ do
+ {
+ again=false;
+ for (list<TSession*>::iterator it=sessions.begin(); it!=sessions.end(); it++)
+ if (!(*it)->valid())
+ {
+ delete (*it); //das objekt hinterm iterator löschen
+ sessions.erase(it); //und den pointer aus der liste entfernen
+ again=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (again);
+bool TConnection::valid()
+ return (sock!=-1);
+//string TConnection::get_ournick() {return nick;}
+void TConnection::check_timeout()
+ if ((time(NULL)>last_recv+60*5) && (!expecting_pong)) //es ist zeit für nen ping
+ {
+ send ("ping "+sname); //ping
+ last_ping=time(NULL);
+ expecting_pong=true;
+ }
+ if ((time(NULL)>last_ping+30) && (expecting_pong)) //wir haben gepingt und keinen pong erhalten?
+ {
+ cout << "ping timeout." << endl;
+ disconnect();
+ }
+string TConnection::get_networkname(string s_name)
+ int pos;
+ pos=s_name.rfind('.');
+ if (pos!=string::npos)
+ pos=s_name.rfind('.',pos-1);
+ if (pos!=string::npos)
+ return s_name.substr(pos+1);
+ else
+ return s_name;
+string TConnection::get_networkname()
+ return get_networkname(sname);
+string TConnection::get_connectname()
+ return connectname;
+string TConnection::get_channel_topic(string chan)
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ if (ucase((*it)->get_name()) == ucase(chan))
+ return (*it)->get_topic();
+string TConnection::get_channel_modes(string chan)
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ if (ucase((*it)->get_name()) == ucase(chan))
+ return (*it)->get_modes();
+void TConnection::quit(string reason)
+ send ("QUIT :"+reason);
+ dontreconnect=true;
+int TConnection::get_type() {return TYPE_CONN;}
+void TConnection::communicate(string subject, void *data)
+ deliver_message(subject, data);
+ for (list<TChannel*>::iterator it=chans.begin(); it!=chans.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->deliver_message(subject, data);
+ for (list<TSession*>::iterator it=sessions.begin(); it!=sessions.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->deliver_message(subject, data);
+void TConnection::say (string what) //TODO: vlt an alle botmasters senden?
+ //parent->send("PRIVMSG "+get_name()+" :"+what+NEWLINE);
+ cout << "DEBUG: say doesn't work for TConnection!" << endl;