DrunkenMan3My DrunkenMan IRC bot, version 3 flo10 years
agario-botA bot playing flo9 years
avr-gamecubeQuery data from a GameCube controller using an AtMega8 flo10 years
dump_ds1992a DS1992 iButton Memory dumper flo9 years
fm-syntha phase modulation synthesizer flo10 years
gcn_usbGameCube controller to USB interface flo9 years
mariokartbotAn automated MarioKart64 driver bot flo9 years
maze-rlnnReinforcement learning with a neuronal network as Q-function in a maze (toy exam...flo9 years
midiriprip your synthesizer's sound flo10 years
museMy personal repository of the MusE sequencer. Unofficial! flo10 years
oculus-ardroneView things from your AR Drone's camera through an oculus rift flo9 years
phpbb3-listbridgeBridges between a phpBB3 forum and a Mailing List. Forked from git://vassalengin...flo10 years
rotarydialThe firmware for my USB Rotary Dial project flo10 years
sf2githubNOT UP TO DATE. Python script to migrate projects from SourceForge to GitHub; fo...flo10 years
stabilizeUses OpenCV2 and Python to stabilize a video and put it into a global context, c...flo10 years