path: root/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/muse.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'muse_qt4_evolution/muse/muse.h')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/muse.h b/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/muse.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a9d4f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/muse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id:$
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by Werner Schweer and others
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#ifndef __APP_H__
+#define __APP_H__
+#include "shortcuts.h"
+#include "cobject.h"
+#include "widgets/tools.h"
+namespace AL {
+ class Xml;
+ class Pos;
+ };
+using AL::Xml;
+using AL::Pos;
+class Part;
+class PartList;
+class Transport;
+class BigTime;
+class Arranger;
+class Track;
+class MidiSyncConfig;
+class MRConfig;
+class MetronomeConfig;
+class AudioConf;
+class MidiFileConfig;
+class MidiFilterConfig;
+class MarkerView;
+class MidiInputTransformDialog;
+class MidiTransformerDialog;
+class RhythmGen;
+class MidiTrack;
+class ShortcutConfig;
+class PreferencesDialog;
+class EditInstrument;
+class Mixer;
+class ExportMidiDialog;
+class ListEdit;
+class Ctrl;
+extern void configMidiController();
+// MusE
+class MusE : public QMainWindow // , public Ui::MuseBase
+ {
+ QAction* fileSaveAction;
+ QAction* fileSaveAsAction;
+ QAction* fileOpenAction;
+ QAction* pianoAction;
+ QAction* waveAction;
+ QAction* trackerAction;
+ QAction* fileNewAction;
+ QString appName;
+ QToolBar *tools;
+ EditToolBar *tools1;
+ int _raster;
+ Transport* transport;
+ QAction* tr_id;
+ BigTime* bigtime;
+ QAction* bt_id;
+ MarkerView* markerView;
+ QAction* mk_id;
+ Mixer* mixer1;
+ QAction* aid1a;
+ Mixer* mixer2;
+ QAction* aid1b;
+ ListEdit* listEditor;
+ EditInstrument* editInstrument;
+ QMenu *menu_file, *menuView, *menuSettings, *menu_help;
+ QMenu *menuEdit, *menuStructure;
+ QMenu* menu_audio;
+ QMenu* menu_functions;
+ QMenu* select, *master, *midiEdit, *addTrack;
+ QMenu* follow;
+ QMenu* midiInputPlugins;
+ QAction* aid2;
+ QAction* aid3;
+ QAction* fid0;
+ QAction* fid1;
+ QAction* fid2;
+ QAction* cutAction;
+ QAction* copyAction;
+ QAction* pasteAction;
+ QWidget* midiPortConfig;
+ QWidget* softSynthesizerConfig;
+ MidiSyncConfig* midiSyncConfig;
+ MRConfig* midiRemoteConfig;
+ RhythmGen* midiRhythmGenerator;
+ MetronomeConfig* metronomeConfig;
+ AudioConf* audioConfig;
+ MidiFileConfig* midiFileConfig;
+ MidiFilterConfig* midiFilterConfig;
+ MidiInputTransformDialog* midiInputTransform;
+ ShortcutConfig* shortcutConfig;
+ PreferencesDialog* preferencesDialog;
+ ExportMidiDialog* exportMidiDialog;
+ MidiTransformerDialog* midiTransformerDialog;
+ QMenu* openRecent;
+ QSpinBox* globalTempoSpinBox;
+ QComboBox* rasterCombo;
+ QDialog* projectPropsDialog;
+ //------------------------------------------
+ bool readMidi(FILE*);
+ void processTrack(MidiTrack* track);
+ void write(Xml& xml) const;
+ void setFollow(FollowMode);
+ void readConfigParts(QDomNode);
+ void readCtrl(QDomNode, int port, int channel);
+ PartList* getMidiPartsToEdit();
+ Part* readPart(QDomNode);
+ bool checkRegionNotNull();
+ void loadProject1(const QString&);
+ void writeGlobalConfiguration(Xml&) const;
+ void writeConfiguration(Xml&) const;
+ void updateConfiguration();
+ bool leaveProject();
+ virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*);
+ void addMidiFile(const QString name);
+ void copyParts(bool);
+ void writeSettings();
+ signals:
+ void configChanged();
+ void rasterChanged(int);
+ void startLoadSong();
+ private slots:
+ void beat();
+ void loadProject();
+ void quitDoc();
+ void about();
+ void aboutQt();
+ void startHelpBrowser();
+ void startHomepageBrowser();
+ void startBugBrowser();
+ void importMidi();
+ void importWave();
+ bool importWave(const QString&);
+ void exportMidi();
+ void configMidiSync();
+ void configMidiFile();
+ void configShortCuts();
+ void startMasterEditor();
+ void startDrumEditor();
+ void startDrumEditor(PartList* pl);
+ void startEditor(Part*);
+ void startEditor(PartList*, int);
+ void startPianoroll();
+ void startPianoroll(PartList* pl);
+ void startMidiTrackerEditor();
+ void startMidiTrackerEditor(PartList* pl);
+ void startWaveEditor();
+ void startWaveEditor(PartList*);
+ void writeGlobalConfiguration() const;
+ void startEditInstrument();
+ void startListEditor();
+ void startListEditor(PartList*);
+ void showProjectPropsDialog();
+ void openRecentMenu();
+ void selectProject(QAction*);
+ void cmd(QAction*);
+ void clipboardChanged();
+ void transpose();
+ void modifyGateTime();
+ void modifyVelocity();
+ void crescendo();
+ void thinOut();
+ void eraseEvent();
+ void noteShift();
+ void moveClock();
+ void copyMeasure();
+ void eraseMeasure();
+ void deleteMeasure();
+ void createMeasure();
+ void mixTrack();
+ void globalCut();
+ void globalInsert();
+ void globalSplit();
+ void copyRange();
+ void cutEvents();
+ void bounceToTrack();
+ void resetMidiDevices();
+ void initMidiDevices();
+ void localOff();
+ void bigtimeClosed();
+ void transportClosed();
+ void markerClosed();
+ void mixer1Closed();
+ void mixer2Closed();
+ void syncChanged();
+ void preferences();
+ void aboutToShowAddTrack();
+ void setRaster(int);
+ void playToggle();
+ void saveAsTemplate();
+ public slots:
+ void bounceToFile();
+ void closeEvent(QCloseEvent*e);
+ void loadProject(const QString&);
+ bool seqStart();
+ void showTransport(bool flag);
+ void showBigtime(bool);
+ void showMixer1(bool);
+ void showMixer2(bool);
+ void showMarker(bool on);
+ void importMidi(const QString &file);
+ void globalPitchChanged(int val);
+ void globalTempoChanged(int val);
+ bool seqRestart();
+ void setTempo50();
+ void setTempo100();
+ void setTempo200();
+ void setGlobalTempo(int val);
+ void setTool(int);
+ void setTool(const QString&);
+ void startEditor(Part*, int);
+ bool save();
+ bool saveAs();
+ public:
+ MusE();
+ Arranger* arranger;
+ QRect configGeometryMain;
+ void kbAccel(int);
+ void changeConfig(bool writeFlag);
+ void seqStop();
+ void setHeartBeat();
+ QWidget* transportWindow();
+ QWidget* bigtimeWindow();
+ QWidget* mixer1Window();
+ QWidget* mixer2Window();
+ bool importWaveToTrack(const QString& name, Track* track, const Pos&);
+ void selectionChanged();
+ int version; // last *.med file version
+ // 0xaabb aa - major version, bb minor version
+ int raster() const { return _raster; }
+ void setupTransportToolbar(QToolBar* tb) const;
+ void readToplevels(QDomNode);
+ void initRaster(int);
+ QAction* startAction;
+ QAction* rewindAction;
+ QAction* forwardAction;
+ QAction* stopAction;
+ QAction* playAction;
+ void showListEditor(const Pos&, Track*, Part*, Ctrl*);
+ void readSettings();
+ };
+// MuseApplication
+class MuseApplication : public QApplication {
+ MusE* muse;
+ public:
+ MuseApplication(int& argc, char** argv);
+ void setMuse(MusE* m) { muse = m; }
+ static Shortcut sc[];
+ };
+extern MusE* muse;
+extern QStyle* smallStyle;
+extern void addProject(const QString& name);