path: root/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/midiedit/trackpattern.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'muse_qt4_evolution/muse/midiedit/trackpattern.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/midiedit/trackpattern.h b/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/midiedit/trackpattern.h
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index d9d91aee..00000000
--- a/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/midiedit/trackpattern.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// trackpattern.h
-// TrackPattern class for miditracker, QDock, QTree, Part, matrix
-// miditracker.h
-// (C) Copyright 2006 Nil Geisweiller (
-#include <vector>
-#include "miditrack.h"
-#include "part.h"
-class PartList;
-// EventPat
-// has to be derived, can be note or control
-class EventPat {
- private:
- protected:
- bool _isReadable; //true iff the time of the event is the exact row time
- bool _isEmpty;
- public:
- EventPat(bool isEmpty, bool isReadable);
- EventPat(); //_isEmpty=true and_isReadable=true at the initialization
- ~EventPat();
- void setEmpty(bool);
- bool getEmpty();
- void setReadable(bool);
- bool getReadable();
-// VoiceEventPat
-class VoiceEventPat : public EventPat {
- private:
- int _noteNum; //absolute note number including octave
- int _velocity; //if velocity is 0 note is off
- public:
- VoiceEventPat(int noteNum, int velocity); // _isReadable is initialized true
- VoiceEventPat(bool isEmpty, bool isReadable);
- VoiceEventPat(); //_isEmpty = true, _isReadable = true
- ~VoiceEventPat();
- void setNoteNum(int n);
- int getNoteNum();
- void setVelocity(int n);
- int getVelocity();
- QString str(); //return the string to display on the entry of the pattern
-// CtrlEventPat
-class CtrlEventPat : public EventPat {
- private:
- int _ctrlNum;
- int _value; //if velocity is 0 note is off
- public:
- CtrlEventPat(int ctrlNum, int value); // _isReadable is initialized true
- CtrlEventPat(); // _isReadable is initialized false
- ~CtrlEventPat();
- void setCtrlNum(int n);
- int getCtrlNum();
- void setValue(int n);
- int getValue();
- QString str(); //return the string to display on the entry of the pattern
-// BasePat
-class BasePat {
- protected:
- QString _name;
- unsigned _firstTick;
- unsigned _lastTick;
- int _quant;
- public:
- BasePat();
- BasePat(QString name, unsigned firstTick, unsigned lastTick, int quant);
- ~BasePat();
- QString getName();
- bool isRow(unsigned tick); //return true iff tick coincides with one row
- unsigned tick2row(unsigned tick);
-// VoicePat
-class VoicePat : public BasePat {
- private:
- std::vector<VoiceEventPat*> _eventsCol; //column of VoiceEventPat to display
- EventList* _events; //actual list of events, only one at a time
- public:
- VoicePat(QString name, unsigned firstTick, unsigned lastTick, int quant);
- ~VoicePat();
- std::vector<VoiceEventPat*> getEventsCol();
- bool add(const Event* e, unsigned tick); //add the Event e into the EventList
- //and update properly _events
- //return true if success, that is
- //there is an empty space of the
- //event
- bool isFreeSpace(const Event* e, unsigned tick); //return true iff there
- //is space to add the
- //event e without
- //overlapping other events
-// CtrlPat
-class CtrlPat {
- private:
- std::vector<CtrlEventPat> _events; //column of CtrlEventPat
- public:
- CtrlPat(QString name);
- ~CtrlPat();
-// BaseTrackPat
-class BaseTrackPat : public QDockWidget {
- protected:
- QTreeWidget* _tree;
- QMainWindow* _parent;
- unsigned _rowMag; //contains the number of rows
- unsigned _firstRow; //absolute index of the first row
- unsigned _lastRow; //absolute index of the last row, included
- unsigned _relativeCurrentRow; //index of the current according to the tree
- unsigned _absoluteCurrentRow; //index of the current row according to the
- //event matrix
- unsigned _absoluteNbrRow; //contains the number of rows of the matrix
- int _fontHeight;
- bool _update; //if true then the tree must updated
- public:
- BaseTrackPat(QMainWindow* parent, unsigned anr = 0);
- ~BaseTrackPat();
- void setRowMag(); //set _rowMag with the number of rows to display according
- //to the size of the window, adjust _lastRow accordingly,
- //assum that first row is set appropriately
- void setFirstRow(unsigned f); //set _firstRow with f, that is the absolute index
- //of the first row, adjust _lastRow appropriately
- void setRelativeCurrentRow(unsigned r); //set _relativeCurrentRow with r
- //and _absoluteCurrentRow accordingly
- void setAbsoluteCurrentRow(unsigned a); //set _absoluteCurrentRow with a
- //and _relativeCurrentRow accordingly
- unsigned getRowMag();
- unsigned getFirstRow();
- unsigned getLastRow();
- unsigned getRelativeCurrentRow();
- unsigned getAbsoluteCurrentRow();
- unsigned getAbsoluteNbrRow();
- void moveRelativeCurrentRow(unsigned newIndex); //update _firstRow, _lastrow
- //relativeCurrentRow,
- //absoluteCurrentRow, considering
- //that the new relative index is
- //newIndex
- void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* /*event*/);
- virtual void clearMatrix() {}
- virtual void buildMatrix() {}
- virtual void fillPattern() {} //fill the treeWidget with the right window of times
- //according to _firstRow and _lastRow
- void selectCurrentRow(); //block the signals and select the current row
- signals:
- void moveCurrentRow(unsigned i); //send the signal that the current row is moved
- //at the relative index i
- private slots:
- void currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* nitem);
- void moveRowFromSignal(unsigned index);
- void updatePattern(int songChangeType);
-// TrackPattern
-class TrackPattern : public BaseTrackPat, public BasePat {
- private:
- PartList* _partList; //partList concerned by a track
- MidiTrack* _track;
- std::vector<VoicePat*> _voiceColumns; //matrix of voice events
- std::vector<CtrlPat*> _ctrlColumns; //matrix of ctrl events
- public:
- TrackPattern(QMainWindow* parent, QString name,
- unsigned firstTick, unsigned lastTick,
- int quant, PartList* pl, MidiTrack* t, unsigned anr = 0);
- ~TrackPattern();
- void add(const Event* e, unsigned tick); //add the Event e and
- //build consequently
- //the matrix,
- //creating new voices when necessary
- MidiTrack* getTrack() {return _track;}
- void setQuant(int quant);
- virtual void clearMatrix();
- virtual void buildMatrix();
- virtual void fillPattern();
-// TimingEvent
-class TimingEvent {
- private:
- int _bar;
- int _beat;
- unsigned _tick;
- unsigned _row;
- public:
- TimingEvent(unsigned row);
- ~TimingEvent();
- void setBarBeatTick(unsigned tick);
- QString barBeatTickStr();
- QString rowStr();
-class TimingPattern : public BasePat, public BaseTrackPat {
- private:
- //QTreeWidget* _tree;
- std::vector<TimingEvent*> _timingEvents;
- public:
- TimingPattern(QMainWindow* parent, QString name, unsigned firstTick,
- unsigned lastTick, int quant);
- ~TimingPattern();
- virtual void clearMatrix();
- virtual void buildMatrix();
- virtual void fillPattern();