path: root/muse2/muse/widgets/knob.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'muse2/muse/widgets/knob.cpp')
1 files changed, 506 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/muse2/muse/widgets/knob.cpp b/muse2/muse/widgets/knob.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfc46e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/muse2/muse/widgets/knob.cpp
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+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: knob.cpp,v 2009/03/09 02:05:18 terminator356 Exp $
+// (C) Copyright 1999 Werner Schweer (
+// Adapted from Qwt Lib:
+// Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "knob.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "mmath.h"
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qpalette.h>
+//Added by qt3to4:
+#include <QPaintEvent>
+#include <QResizeEvent>
+// The QwtKnob widget imitates look and behaviour of a volume knob on a radio.
+// It contains
+// a scale around the knob which is set up automatically or can
+// be configured manually (see @^QwtScaleIf@).
+// Automatic scrolling is enabled when the user presses a mouse
+// button on the scale. For a description of signals, slots and other
+// members, see QwtSliderBase@.
+// Knob
+Knob::Knob(QWidget* parent, const char* name)
+ : SliderBase(parent, name)
+ {
+ hasScale = false;
+ d_borderWidth = 2;
+ d_borderDist = 4;
+ d_totalAngle = 270.0;
+ d_scaleDist = 1;
+ d_symbol = Line;
+ d_maxScaleTicks = 11;
+ d_knobWidth = 30;
+ _faceColSel = FALSE;
+ d_faceColor = backgroundColor();
+ d_curFaceColor = d_faceColor;
+ d_altFaceColor = d_faceColor;
+ d_markerColor = foregroundColor();
+ d_dotWidth = 8;
+ setMinimumSize(30,30);
+ setUpdateTime(50);
+ }
+// QwtKnob::setTotalAngle
+// Set the total angle by which the knob can be turned
+// Syntax
+// void QwtKnob::setTotalAngle(double angle)
+// Parameters
+// double angle -- angle in degrees.
+// Description
+// The default angle is 270 degrees. It is possible to specify
+// an angle of more than 360 degrees so that the knob can be
+// turned several times around its axis.
+void Knob::setTotalAngle (double angle)
+ {
+ if (angle < 10.0)
+ d_totalAngle = 10.0;
+ else
+ d_totalAngle = angle;
+ d_scale.setAngleRange( -0.5 * d_totalAngle, 0.5 * d_totalAngle);
+ }
+// QwtKnob::drawKnob
+// const QRect &r -- borders of the knob
+void Knob::drawKnob(QPainter* p, const QRect& r)
+ {
+ QRect aRect;
+ QColorGroup g = colorGroup();
+ QPen pn;
+ int bw2 = d_borderWidth / 2;
+ aRect.setRect(r.x() + bw2,
+ r.y() + bw2,
+ r.width() - 2*bw2,
+ r.height() - 2*bw2);
+ //
+ // draw button face
+ //
+ p->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ p->setBrush(d_curFaceColor);
+ p->drawEllipse(aRect);
+ //
+ // draw button shades
+ //
+ pn.setWidth(d_borderWidth);
+ pn.setColor(g.light());
+ p->setPen(pn);
+ p->drawArc(aRect, 45*16,180*16);
+ pn.setColor(g.dark());
+ p->setPen(pn);
+ p->drawArc(aRect, 225*16,180*16);
+ //
+ // draw marker
+ //
+ drawMarker(p, d_angle, d_markerColor);
+ }
+//.F QwtSliderBase::valueChange
+// Notify change of value
+//.u Parameters
+// double x -- new value
+//.u Description
+// Sets the slider's value to the nearest multiple
+// of the step size.
+void Knob::valueChange()
+ {
+ recalcAngle();
+ d_newVal++;
+ repaint(kRect, FALSE);
+ SliderBase::valueChange();
+ }
+//.F QwtKnob::getValue
+// Determine the value corresponding to a specified position
+//.u Parameters:
+// const QPoint &p -- point
+//.u Description:
+// Called by QwtSliderBase
+double Knob::getValue(const QPoint &p)
+ {
+ double newValue;
+ double oneTurn;
+ double eqValue;
+ double arc;
+ const QRect& r = rect();
+ double dx = double((r.x() + r.width() / 2) - p.x() );
+ double dy = double((r.y() + r.height() / 2) - p.y() );
+ arc = atan2(-dx,dy) * 180.0 / M_PI;
+ newValue = 0.5 * (minValue() + maxValue())
+ + (arc + d_nTurns * 360.0) * (maxValue() - minValue())
+ / d_totalAngle;
+ oneTurn = fabs(maxValue() - minValue()) * 360.0 / d_totalAngle;
+ eqValue = value() + d_mouseOffset;
+ if (fabs(newValue - eqValue) > 0.5 * oneTurn)
+ {
+ if (newValue < eqValue)
+ newValue += oneTurn;
+ else
+ newValue -= oneTurn;
+ }
+ return newValue;
+//.F QwtKnob::setScrollMode
+// Determine the scrolling mode and direction
+// corresponding to a specified position
+//.u Parameters
+// const QPoint &p -- point in question
+//.u Description
+// Called by QwtSliderBase
+void Knob::getScrollMode( QPoint &p, const Qt::ButtonState &/*button*/, int &scrollMode, int &direction)// prevent compiler warning : unsused parameter
+ int dx, dy, r;
+ double arc;
+ /*Qt::ButtonState but= button ;*/ // prevent compiler warning : unsused variable
+ r = kRect.width() / 2;
+ dx = kRect.x() + r - p.x();
+ dy = kRect.y() + r - p.y();
+ if ( (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) <= (r * r)) // point is inside the knob
+ {
+ scrollMode = ScrMouse;
+ direction = 0;
+ }
+ else // point lies outside
+ {
+ scrollMode = ScrTimer;
+ arc = atan2(double(-dx),double(dy)) * 180.0 / M_PI;
+ if ( arc < d_angle)
+ direction = -1;
+ else if (arc > d_angle)
+ direction = 1;
+ else
+ direction = 0;
+ }
+ return;
+//.F QwtKnob::rangeChange
+// Notify a change of the range
+//.u Description
+// Called by QwtSliderBase
+void Knob::rangeChange()
+ if (!hasUserScale())
+ {
+ d_scale.setScale(minValue(), maxValue(),
+ d_maxMajor, d_maxMinor);
+ }
+ recalcAngle();
+ resize(size());
+ repaint(FALSE);
+// resizeEvent
+void Knob::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
+ {
+ int width, width_2;
+ const QRect& r = rect();
+// printf("resize %d %d %d\n", r.height(), r.width(), d_knobWidth);
+// width = qwtMin(qwtMin(r.height(), r.width()), d_knobWidth);
+ width = qwtMin(r.height(), r.width());
+ width_2 = width / 2;
+ int x = r.x() + r.width() / 2 - width_2;
+ int y = r.y() + r.height() / 2 - width_2;
+ kRect.setRect(x, y, width, width);
+ x = kRect.x() - d_scaleDist;
+ y = kRect.y() - d_scaleDist;
+ int w = width + 2 * d_scaleDist;
+ d_scale.setGeometry(x, y, w, ScaleDraw::Round);
+ }
+// paintEvent
+void Knob::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* e)
+ {
+ QPainter p(this);
+ const QRect &r = e->rect();
+ if ((r == kRect) && d_newVal ) { // event from valueChange()
+ if (d_newVal > 1) // lost paintEvents()?
+ drawKnob(&p, kRect);
+ else {
+ drawMarker(&p, d_oldAngle, d_curFaceColor);
+ drawMarker(&p, d_angle, d_markerColor);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ p.eraseRect(rect());
+ if (hasScale)
+ d_scale.draw(&p);
+ drawKnob(&p, kRect);
+ }
+ d_newVal = 0;
+ }
+//.F QwtKnob::drawMarker
+// Draw the marker at the knob's front
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p -- painter
+// double arc -- angle of the marker
+// const QColor &c -- marker color
+//.u Syntax
+// void QwtKnob::drawMarker(QPainter *p)
+void Knob::drawMarker(QPainter *p, double arc, const QColor &c)
+ QPen pn;
+ int radius;
+ double rb,re;
+ double rarc;
+ rarc = arc * M_PI / 180.0;
+ double ca = cos(rarc);
+ double sa = - sin(rarc);
+ radius = kRect.width() / 2 - d_borderWidth;
+ if (radius < 3) radius = 3;
+ int ym = kRect.y() + radius + d_borderWidth;
+ int xm = kRect.x() + radius + d_borderWidth;
+ switch (d_symbol)
+ {
+ case Dot:
+ p->setBrush(c);
+ p->setPen(Qt::NoPen);
+ rb = double(qwtMax(radius - 4 - d_dotWidth / 2, 0));
+ p->drawEllipse(xm - int(rint(sa * rb)) - d_dotWidth / 2,
+ ym - int(rint(ca * rb)) - d_dotWidth / 2,
+ d_dotWidth, d_dotWidth);
+ break;
+ case Line:
+ pn.setColor(c);
+ pn.setWidth(2);
+ p->setPen(pn);
+ rb = qwtMax(double((radius - 4) / 3.0), 0.0);
+ re = qwtMax(double(radius - 4), 0.0);
+ p->drawLine( xm - int(rint(sa * rb)),
+ ym - int(rint(ca * rb)),
+ xm - int(rint(sa * re)),
+ ym - int(rint(ca * re)));
+ break;
+ }
+//.F QwtKnob::setKnobWidth
+// Change the knob's width.
+//.u Syntax
+//.f void QwtKnob::setKnobWidth(int w)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p int w -- new width
+//.u Description
+// The specified width must be >= 5, or it will be clipped.
+void Knob::setKnobWidth(int w)
+ d_knobWidth = qwtMax(w,5);
+ resize(size());
+ repaint(FALSE);
+//.F QwtKnob::setBorderWidth
+// Set the knob's border width
+//.u Syntax
+//.f void QwtKnob::setBorderWidth(int bw)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p int bw -- new border width
+void Knob::setBorderWidth(int bw)
+ d_borderWidth = qwtMax(bw, 0);
+ resize(size());
+ repaint(FALSE);
+//.F QwtKnob::recalcAngle
+// Recalculate the marker angle corresponding to the
+// current value
+//.u Syntax
+//.f void QwtKnob::recalcAngle()
+void Knob::recalcAngle()
+ d_oldAngle = d_angle;
+ //
+ // calculate the angle corresponding to the value
+ //
+ if (maxValue() == minValue())
+ {
+ d_angle = 0;
+ d_nTurns = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d_angle = (value() - 0.5 * (minValue() + maxValue()))
+ / (maxValue() - minValue()) * d_totalAngle;
+ d_nTurns = floor((d_angle + 180.0) / 360.0);
+ d_angle = d_angle - d_nTurns * 360.0;
+ }
+// setFaceColor
+void Knob::setFaceColor(const QColor c)
+ d_faceColor = c;
+ if(!_faceColSel)
+ //update(FALSE);
+ repaint(FALSE);
+// setAltFaceColor
+void Knob::setAltFaceColor(const QColor c)
+ d_altFaceColor = c;
+ if(_faceColSel)
+ //update(FALSE);
+ repaint(FALSE);
+// selectFaceColor
+void Knob::selectFaceColor(bool alt)
+ _faceColSel = alt;
+ if(alt)
+ d_curFaceColor = d_altFaceColor;
+ else
+ d_curFaceColor = d_faceColor;
+ //update(FALSE);
+ repaint(FALSE);
+// setMarkerColor
+void Knob::setMarkerColor(const QColor c)
+ d_markerColor = c;
+ //update(FALSE);
+ repaint(FALSE);