path: root/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/synti/deicsonze/deicsonzeplugin.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse_qt4_evolution/synti/deicsonze/deicsonzeplugin.cpp')
1 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/synti/deicsonze/deicsonzeplugin.cpp b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/synti/deicsonze/deicsonzeplugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14c45ab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/synti/deicsonze/deicsonzeplugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+// DeicsOnze an emulator of the YAMAHA DX11 synthesizer
+// Version 0.5.5
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Nil Geisweiller
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+// 02111-1307, USA or point your web browser to
+#include "deicsonzeplugin.h"
+#include "plugin.h"
+#include "plugingui.h"
+#include "ctrl.h"
+#include "fastlog.h"
+#include "muse/midi.h"
+#include "awl/floatentry.h"
+#include "awl/slider.h"
+#include "awl/checkbox.h"
+using Awl::FloatEntry;
+using Awl::Slider;
+using Awl::CheckBox;
+class PluginDialog;
+void DeicsOnze::initPluginReverb(Plugin* pluginReverb) {
+ //init plugin
+ if(_pluginIReverb) delete(_pluginIReverb);
+ _pluginIReverb = new PluginI(NULL);
+ _pluginIReverb->initPluginInstance(pluginReverb, 2);
+ for(int i = 0; i < pluginReverb->parameter(); i++) {
+ Ctrl* c = new Ctrl();
+ c->setCurVal((float)pluginReverb->defaultValue(i));
+ _pluginIReverb->setControllerList(c);
+ //setReverbParam(i, pluginReverb->defaultValue(i));
+ }
+ //send build gui to the gui
+ char data;
+ MidiEvent evSysex(0,ME_SYSEX,(const unsigned char*)&data, 1);
+ _gui->writeEvent(evSysex);
+void DeicsOnze::initPluginChorus(Plugin* pluginChorus) {
+ if(_pluginIChorus) delete(_pluginIChorus);
+ _pluginIChorus = new PluginI(NULL);
+ _pluginIChorus->initPluginInstance(pluginChorus, 2);
+ for(int i = 0; i < pluginChorus->parameter(); i++) {
+ Ctrl* c = new Ctrl();
+ c->setCurVal((float)pluginChorus->defaultValue(i));
+ _pluginIChorus->setControllerList(c);
+ //setChorusParam(i, pluginChorus->defaultValue(i));
+ //send build gui to the gui
+ char data;
+ MidiEvent evSysex(0,ME_SYSEX,(const unsigned char*)&data, 1);
+ _gui->writeEvent(evSysex);
+void DeicsOnze::initPluginDelay(Plugin* pluginDelay) {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) delete(_pluginIDelay);
+ _pluginIDelay = new PluginI(NULL);
+ _pluginIDelay->initPluginInstance(pluginDelay, 2);
+ for(int i = 0; i < pluginDelay->parameter(); i++) {
+ Ctrl* c = new Ctrl();
+ c->setCurVal((float)pluginDelay->defaultValue(i));
+ _pluginIDelay->setControllerList(c);
+ //setChorusParam(i, pluginDelay->defaultValue(i));
+ }
+ setDelayDryWet(1);
+ float f;
+ char dataDelayBPM[sizeof(float)+1];
+ dataDelayBPM[0] = SYSEX_DELAYBPM;
+ f = getDelayBPM();
+ memcpy(&dataDelayBPM[1], &f, sizeof(float));
+ MidiEvent evSysexDelayBPM(0,ME_SYSEX,
+ (const unsigned char*)dataDelayBPM,
+ sizeof(float)+1);
+ _gui->writeEvent(evSysexDelayBPM);
+ char dataDelayBeatRatio[sizeof(float)+1];
+ dataDelayBeatRatio[0] = SYSEX_DELAYBEATRATIO;
+ f = getDelayBeatRatio();
+ memcpy(&dataDelayBeatRatio[1], &f, sizeof(float));
+ MidiEvent evSysexDelayBeatRatio(0,ME_SYSEX,
+ (const unsigned char*)dataDelayBeatRatio,
+ sizeof(float)+1);
+ _gui->writeEvent(evSysexDelayBeatRatio);
+ char dataDelayFeedback[sizeof(float)+1];
+ dataDelayFeedback[0] = SYSEX_DELAYFEEDBACK;
+ f = getDelayFeedback();
+ memcpy(&dataDelayFeedback[1], &f, sizeof(float));
+ MidiEvent evSysexDelayFeedback(0,ME_SYSEX,
+ (const unsigned char*)dataDelayFeedback,
+ sizeof(float)+1);
+ _gui->writeEvent(evSysexDelayFeedback);
+ char dataDelayLFOFreq[sizeof(float)+1];
+ f = getDelayLFOFreq();
+ memcpy(&dataDelayLFOFreq[1], &f, sizeof(float));
+ MidiEvent evSysexDelayLFOFreq(0,ME_SYSEX,
+ (const unsigned char*)dataDelayLFOFreq,
+ sizeof(float)+1);
+ _gui->writeEvent(evSysexDelayLFOFreq);
+ char dataDelayLFODepth[sizeof(float)+1];
+ f = getDelayLFODepth();
+ memcpy(&dataDelayLFODepth, &f, sizeof(float)+1);
+ MidiEvent evSysexDelayLFODepth(0,ME_SYSEX,
+ (const unsigned char*)dataDelayLFODepth,
+ sizeof(float)+1);
+ _gui->writeEvent(evSysexDelayLFODepth);
+void DeicsOnze::setReverbParam(int index, double val) {
+ if(_pluginIReverb) _pluginIReverb->controller(index)->setCurVal((float)val);
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze reverb loaded\n");
+void DeicsOnze::setChorusParam(int index, double val) {
+ if(_pluginIChorus) _pluginIChorus->controller(index)->setCurVal((float)val);
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze chorus loaded\n");
+double DeicsOnze::getReverbParam(int index) {
+ if(_pluginIReverb) return _pluginIReverb->controller(index)->curVal().f;
+ else {
+ return 0.0;
+ printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze reverb loaded\n");
+ }
+double DeicsOnze::getChorusParam(int index) {
+ if(_pluginIChorus) return _pluginIChorus->controller(index)->curVal().f;
+ else {
+ return 0.0;
+ printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze chorus loaded\n");
+ }
+void DeicsOnzeGui::addPluginCheckBox(int index, QString text, bool toggled,
+ QWidget* parent, QGridLayout* grid,
+ bool isReverb) {
+ CheckBox* cb = new CheckBox(parent);
+ cb->setId(index);
+ cb->setText(text);
+ cb->setChecked(toggled);
+ grid->addWidget(cb, index, 0);
+ //push on vectors
+ if(isReverb) {
+ _reverbSliderVector.push_back(NULL);
+ _reverbFloatEntryVector.push_back(NULL);
+ _reverbCheckBoxVector.push_back(cb);
+ }
+ else {
+ _chorusSliderVector.push_back(NULL);
+ _chorusFloatEntryVector.push_back(NULL);
+ _chorusCheckBoxVector.push_back(cb);
+ }
+ //connect slots
+ if(isReverb) {
+ connect(cb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)),
+ this, SLOT(setReverbCheckBox(double, int)));
+ }
+ else {
+ connect(cb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)),
+ this, SLOT(setChorusCheckBox(double, int)));
+ }
+void DeicsOnzeGui::addPluginIntSlider(int index, QString text, double min,
+ double max, double val, QWidget* parent,
+ QGridLayout* grid, bool isReverb) {
+ addPluginSlider(index, text, false, min, max, val, parent, grid, isReverb);
+void DeicsOnzeGui::addPluginSlider(int index, QString text, bool isLog,
+ double min, double max, double val,
+ QWidget* parent, QGridLayout* grid,
+ bool isReverb) {
+ QLabel* l = new QLabel(text, parent);
+ grid->addWidget(l, index, 0);
+ FloatEntry* f = new FloatEntry(parent);
+ f->setValue(val);
+ f->setMinValue(min);
+ f->setMaxValue(max);
+ f->setMaximumWidth(72);
+ grid->addWidget(f, index, 1);
+ Slider* s = new Slider(parent);
+ s->setId(index);
+ s->setLog(isLog);
+ s->setLogRange(min, max);
+ s->setValue(val);
+ s->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
+ //s->setFixedHeight(h);
+ s->setLineStep((min-max)/100.0);
+ s->setPageStep((min-max)/10.0);
+ grid->addWidget(s, index, 2);
+ //push on vectors
+ if(isReverb) {
+ _reverbSliderVector.push_back(s);
+ _reverbFloatEntryVector.push_back(f);
+ _reverbCheckBoxVector.push_back(NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ _chorusSliderVector.push_back(s);
+ _chorusFloatEntryVector.push_back(f);
+ _chorusCheckBoxVector.push_back(NULL);
+ }
+ //connect slots
+ if(isReverb) {
+ connect(f, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)),
+ this, SLOT(setReverbFloatEntry(double, int)));
+ connect(s, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)),
+ this, SLOT(setReverbSlider(double, int)));
+ }
+ else {
+ connect(f, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)),
+ this, SLOT(setChorusFloatEntry(double, int)));
+ connect(s, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double, int)),
+ this, SLOT(setChorusSlider(double, int)));
+ }
+void DeicsOnzeGui::buildGuiReverb() {
+ PluginI* plugI = _deicsOnze->_pluginIReverb;
+ QString name = plugI->name();
+ name.resize(name.size()-2);
+ updateLadspaReverbLineEdit(name);
+ //build super layout
+ if(parametersReverbGroupBox->layout())
+ delete(parametersReverbGroupBox->layout());
+ QGridLayout* superLayout = new QGridLayout(parametersReverbGroupBox);
+ parametersReverbGroupBox->setLayout(superLayout);
+ //build super widget
+ if(_reverbSuperWidget) delete(_reverbSuperWidget);
+ _reverbSuperWidget = new QWidget(parametersReverbGroupBox);
+ superLayout->addWidget(_reverbSuperWidget);
+ //build grid
+ QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(_reverbSuperWidget);
+ _reverbSuperWidget->setLayout(grid);
+ grid->setSpacing(0);
+ //init vectors
+ if(!_reverbSliderVector.empty()) _reverbSliderVector.clear();
+ if(!_reverbFloatEntryVector.empty()) _reverbFloatEntryVector.clear();
+ if(!_reverbCheckBoxVector.empty()) _reverbCheckBoxVector.clear();
+ //build sliders
+ for(int i = 0; i < plugI->plugin()->parameter(); i++) {
+ double min, max, val;
+ plugI->range(i, &min, &max);
+ val = _deicsOnze->getReverbParam(i);
+ if(plugI->isBool(i))
+ addPluginCheckBox(i, plugI->getParameterName(i), val > 0.0,
+ _reverbSuperWidget, grid, true);
+ else if(plugI->isInt(i)) {
+ addPluginIntSlider(i, plugI->getParameterName(i), rint(min), rint(max),
+ rint(val), _reverbSuperWidget, grid, true);
+ }
+ else {
+ addPluginSlider(i, plugI->getParameterName(i), plugI->isLog(i),
+ min, max, val, _reverbSuperWidget, grid, true);
+ }
+ }
+ //update colors of the new sliders (and the whole gui actually)
+ setEditTextColor(reinterpret_cast<const QColor &>(*etColor));
+ setEditBackgroundColor(reinterpret_cast<const QColor &>(*ebColor));
+void DeicsOnzeGui::buildGuiChorus() {
+ PluginI* plugI = _deicsOnze->_pluginIChorus;
+ QString name = plugI->name();
+ name.resize(name.size()-2);
+ updateLadspaChorusLineEdit(name);
+ //build super layout
+ if(parametersChorusGroupBox->layout())
+ delete(parametersChorusGroupBox->layout());
+ QGridLayout* superLayout = new QGridLayout(parametersChorusGroupBox);
+ parametersChorusGroupBox->setLayout(superLayout);
+ //build super widget
+ if(_chorusSuperWidget) delete(_chorusSuperWidget);
+ _chorusSuperWidget = new QWidget(parametersChorusGroupBox);
+ superLayout->addWidget(_chorusSuperWidget);
+ //build grid
+ QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(_chorusSuperWidget);
+ _chorusSuperWidget->setLayout(grid);
+ grid->setSpacing(2);
+ //init vectors
+ if(!_chorusSliderVector.empty()) _chorusSliderVector.clear();
+ if(!_chorusFloatEntryVector.empty()) _chorusFloatEntryVector.clear();
+ if(!_chorusCheckBoxVector.empty()) _chorusCheckBoxVector.clear();
+ //build sliders
+ for(int i = 0; i < plugI->plugin()->parameter(); i++) {
+ double min, max, val;
+ plugI->range(i, &min, &max);
+ val = _deicsOnze->getChorusParam(i);
+ if(plugI->isBool(i))
+ addPluginCheckBox(i, plugI->getParameterName(i), val > 0.0,
+ _chorusSuperWidget, grid, false);
+ else if(plugI->isInt(i)) {
+ addPluginIntSlider(i, plugI->getParameterName(i), rint(min), rint(max),
+ rint(val), _chorusSuperWidget, grid, false);
+ }
+ else {
+ addPluginSlider(i, plugI->getParameterName(i), plugI->isLog(i),
+ min, max, val, _chorusSuperWidget, grid, false);
+ }
+ }
+ //update colors of the new sliders (and the whole gui actually)
+ setEditTextColor(reinterpret_cast<const QColor &>(*etColor));
+ setEditBackgroundColor(reinterpret_cast<const QColor &>(*ebColor));
+//setReverbCheckBox is used, by the way, to send the value
+//of the parameter because it sends a double and does not
+//change any thing
+void DeicsOnzeGui::setReverbCheckBox(double v, int i) {
+ float f = (float)v;
+ unsigned char* message = new unsigned char[2+sizeof(float)];
+ if(i<256) {
+ message[1]=(unsigned char)i;
+ memcpy(&message[2], &f, sizeof(float));
+ sendSysex(message, 2+sizeof(float));
+ }
+ else printf("setReverbCheckBox Error : cannot send controller upper than 225\n");
+//setChorusCheckBox is used, by the way, to send the value
+//of the parameter because it sends a double and does not
+//change any thing
+void DeicsOnzeGui::setChorusCheckBox(double v, int i) {
+ float f = (float)v;
+ unsigned char* message = new unsigned char[2+sizeof(float)];
+ if(i<256) {
+ message[1]=(unsigned char)i;
+ memcpy(&message[2], &f, sizeof(float));
+ sendSysex(message, 2+sizeof(float));
+ }
+ else printf("setChorusCheckBox Error : cannot send controller upper than 225\n");
+void DeicsOnzeGui::setReverbFloatEntry(double v, int i) {
+ if(_deicsOnze->_pluginIReverb) {
+ if(_deicsOnze->_pluginIReverb->isInt(i)) v = rint(v);
+ updateReverbFloatEntry(v, i);
+ updateReverbSlider(v, i);
+ setReverbCheckBox(v, i); //because this send the SYSEX
+ }
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze reverb loaded\n");
+void DeicsOnzeGui::setReverbSlider(double v, int i) {
+ if(_deicsOnze->_pluginIReverb) {
+ if(_deicsOnze->_pluginIReverb->isInt(i)) v = rint(v);
+ updateReverbFloatEntry(v, i);
+ updateReverbSlider(v, i);
+ setReverbCheckBox(v, i); //because this send the SYSEX
+ }
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze reverb loaded\n");
+void DeicsOnzeGui::setChorusFloatEntry(double v, int i) {
+ if(_deicsOnze->_pluginIReverb) {
+ if(_deicsOnze->_pluginIChorus->isInt(i)) v = rint(v);
+ updateChorusFloatEntry(v, i);
+ updateChorusSlider(v, i);
+ setChorusCheckBox(v, i); //because this send the SYSEX
+ }
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze chorus loaded\n");
+void DeicsOnzeGui::setChorusSlider(double v, int i) {
+ if(_deicsOnze->_pluginIReverb) {
+ if(_deicsOnze->_pluginIChorus->isInt(i)) v = rint(v);
+ updateChorusSlider(v, i);
+ updateChorusFloatEntry(v, i);
+ setChorusCheckBox(v, i); //because this send the SYSEX
+ }
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze chorus loaded\n");
+void DeicsOnzeGui::updateReverbSlider(double v, int i) {
+ if(i < (int)_reverbSliderVector.size() && _reverbSliderVector[i]) {
+ _reverbSliderVector[i]->blockSignals(true);
+ _reverbSliderVector[i]->setValue(v);
+ _reverbSliderVector[i]->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+void DeicsOnzeGui::updateReverbFloatEntry(double v, int i) {
+ if(i < (int)_reverbFloatEntryVector.size() && _reverbFloatEntryVector[i]) {
+ _reverbFloatEntryVector[i]->blockSignals(true);
+ _reverbFloatEntryVector[i]->setValue(v);
+ _reverbFloatEntryVector[i]->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+void DeicsOnzeGui::updateChorusSlider(double v, int i) {
+ if(i < (int)_reverbSliderVector.size() && _reverbSliderVector[i]) {
+ _chorusSliderVector[i]->blockSignals(true);
+ _chorusSliderVector[i]->setValue(v);
+ _chorusSliderVector[i]->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+void DeicsOnzeGui::updateChorusFloatEntry(double v, int i) {
+ if(i < (int)_chorusFloatEntryVector.size() && _chorusFloatEntryVector[i]) {
+ _chorusFloatEntryVector[i]->blockSignals(true);
+ _chorusFloatEntryVector[i]->setValue(v);
+ _chorusFloatEntryVector[i]->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+// set Delay
+void DeicsOnze::setDelayBPM(float val) {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) _pluginIDelay->controller(0)->setCurVal(val);
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+void DeicsOnze::setDelayBeatRatio(float val) {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) _pluginIDelay->controller(1)->setCurVal(val);
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+float DeicsOnze::getDelayBPM() {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) return _pluginIDelay->controller(0)->curVal().f;
+ else {
+ printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+float DeicsOnze::getDelayBeatRatio() {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) return _pluginIDelay->controller(1)->curVal().f;
+ else {
+ printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+void DeicsOnze::setDelayFeedback(float val) {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) return _pluginIDelay->controller(2)->setCurVal(val);
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+float DeicsOnze::getDelayFeedback() {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) return _pluginIDelay->controller(2)->curVal().f;
+ else {
+ printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+void DeicsOnze::setDelayLFOFreq(float val) {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) _pluginIDelay->controller(3)->setCurVal(val);
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+float DeicsOnze::getDelayLFOFreq() {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) return _pluginIDelay->controller(3)->curVal().f;
+ else {
+ printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+void DeicsOnze::setDelayLFODepth(float val) {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) _pluginIDelay->controller(4)->setCurVal(val);
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+float DeicsOnze::getDelayLFODepth() {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) return _pluginIDelay->controller(4)->curVal().f;
+ else {
+ printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+void DeicsOnze::setDelayDryWet(float val) {
+ if(_pluginIDelay) _pluginIDelay->controller(5)->setCurVal(val);
+ else printf("Warning : no DeicsOnze delay loaded\n");