path: root/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/waveedit/waveedit.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/waveedit/waveedit.cpp')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/waveedit/waveedit.cpp b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/waveedit/waveedit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bfbbe40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/waveedit/waveedit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id:$
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2006 by Werner Schweer and others
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "waveedit.h"
+#include "waveview.h"
+#include "song.h"
+#include "awl/poslabel.h"
+#include "esettings.h"
+#include "al/tempo.h"
+#include "icons.h"
+#include "shortcuts.h"
+#include "wave.h"
+#include "part.h"
+#include "muse.h"
+int WaveEdit::initWidth = WaveEdit::INIT_WIDTH;
+int WaveEdit::initHeight = WaveEdit::INIT_HEIGHT;
+// WaveEdit
+WaveEdit::WaveEdit(PartList* pl, bool init)
+ : Editor()
+ {
+ _parts = pl;
+ selPart = 0;
+ //---------Pulldown Menu----------------------------
+ QMenuBar* mb = menuBar();
+ QAction* a;
+ QMenu* menuFile = mb->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+ QMenu* menuEdit = mb->addMenu(tr("&Edit"));
+ menuFunctions = mb->addMenu(tr("Func&tions"));
+ menuGain = menuFunctions->addMenu(tr("&Gain"));
+ a = menuGain->addAction(tr("200%"));
+ a->setData("gain200");
+ a = menuGain->addAction(tr("150%"));
+ a->setData("gain150");
+ a = menuGain->addAction(tr("75%"));
+ a->setData("gain75");
+ a = menuGain->addAction(tr("50%"));
+ a->setData("gain50");
+ a = menuGain->addAction(tr("25%"));
+ a->setData("gain25");
+ a = menuGain->addAction(tr("Other"));
+ a->setData("gain_free");
+ a = menuFunctions->addSeparator();
+ a = menuEdit->addAction(tr("Edit in E&xternal Editor"));
+ a->setData("exit_external");
+ a = menuFunctions->addAction(tr("Mute Selection"));
+ a->setData("mute");
+ a = menuFunctions->addAction(tr("Normalize Selection"));
+ a->setData("normalize");
+ a = menuFunctions->addAction(tr("Fade In Selection"));
+ a->setData("fade_in");
+ a = menuFunctions->addAction(tr("Fade Out Selection"));
+ a->setData("fade_out");
+ a = menuFunctions->addAction(tr("Reverse Selection"));
+ a->setData("reverse");
+ select = menuEdit->addMenu(QIcon(*selectIcon), tr("Select"));
+ select->addAction(getAction("sel_all", this));
+ select->addAction(getAction("sel_none", this));
+ connect(menuFunctions, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(cmd(QAction*)));
+ connect(menuFile, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(cmd(QAction*)));
+ connect(select, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(cmd(QAction*)));
+ connect(menuGain, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(cmd(QAction*)));
+ connect(menuEdit, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(cmd(QAction*)));
+ //---------ToolBar----------------------------------
+ tools = addToolBar(tr("waveedit-tools"));
+ tools->addAction(undoAction);
+ tools->addAction(redoAction);
+ const int waveeditTools = PointerTool | PencilTool
+ | RubberTool | DrawTool;
+ EditToolBar* tools2 = new EditToolBar(this, waveeditTools);
+ addToolBar(tools2);
+ //--------------------------------------------------
+ // Transport Bar
+ QToolBar* transport = addToolBar(tr("Transport"));
+ muse->setupTransportToolbar(transport);
+ //--------------------------------------------------
+ // ToolBar: Solo Cursor1 Cursor2
+ addToolBarBreak();
+ tb1 = addToolBar(tr("pianoroll-tools"));
+ solo = tb1->addAction(tr("Solo"));
+ solo->setCheckable(true);
+ connect(solo, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(soloChanged(bool)));
+ tb1->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Cursor")));
+ pos1 = new PosLabel;
+ pos2 = new PosLabel;
+ pos2->setSmpte(true);
+ tb1->addWidget(pos1);
+ tb1->addWidget(pos2);
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ // Rest
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+// if (!parts()->empty()) { // Roughly match total size of part
+// Part* firstPart = parts()->begin()->second;
+// xscale = 0 - firstPart->lenFrame()/_widthInit;
+// }
+ view = new WaveView(this);
+ view->setRaster(0);
+ view->setFollow(INIT_FOLLOW);
+ connect(muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), SLOT(configChanged()));
+ connect(song, SIGNAL(posChanged(int,const AL::Pos&,bool)), view, SLOT(setLocatorPos(int,const AL::Pos&,bool)));
+ view->setLocatorPos(0, song->cpos(), true);
+ view->setLocatorPos(1, song->lpos(), false);
+ view->setLocatorPos(2, song->rpos(), false);
+// connect(view, SIGNAL(cursorPos(unsigned)), SIGNAL(setTime(unsigned)));
+ connect(view, SIGNAL(posChanged(int,const AL::Pos&)), song, SLOT(setPos(int,const AL::Pos&)));
+ setCentralWidget(view);
+ view->setCornerWidget(new QSizeGrip(view));
+ setWindowTitle(view->getCaption());
+ Pos p1(0, AL::FRAMES), p2(0, AL::FRAMES);
+ view->range(p1, p2);
+ p2 += AL::sigmap.ticksMeasure(p2.tick()); // show one more measure
+ view->setTimeRange(p1, p2);
+ connect(view, SIGNAL(toolChanged(int)), tools2, SLOT(set(int)));
+ connect(tools2, SIGNAL(toolChanged(int)), view, SLOT(setTool(int)));
+// view->selectFirst();
+ configChanged();
+ if (init)
+ ; // initFromPart();
+ else {
+ resize(initWidth, initHeight);
+ }
+ }
+// configChanged
+void WaveEdit::configChanged()
+ {
+// view->setBg(config.waveEditBackgroundColor);
+ }
+// setTime
+void WaveEdit::setTime(unsigned samplepos)
+ {
+// printf("setTime %d %x\n", samplepos, samplepos);
+ unsigned tick = AL::tempomap.frame2tick(samplepos);
+ pos1->setValue(tick, true);
+ pos2->setValue(tick, true);
+// time->setPos(3, tick, false);
+ }
+// ~WaveEdit
+ {
+// undoRedo->removeFrom(tools);
+ }
+// cmd
+void WaveEdit::cmd(QAction* a)
+ {
+ view->cmd(a->data().toString());
+ }
+// soloChanged
+// signal from "song"
+void WaveEdit::soloChanged(SNode*/* s*/)
+ {
+ Part* part = parts()->begin()->second;
+ solo->setChecked(part->track()->solo());
+ }
+// soloChanged
+// signal from solo button
+void WaveEdit::soloChanged(bool flag)
+ {
+ Part* part = parts()->begin()->second;
+ song->setSolo(part->track(), flag);
+ }
+// viewKeyPressEvent
+void WaveEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
+ {
+ int key = event->key();
+ if (key == Qt::Key_Escape) {
+ close();
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ event->ignore();
+ }
+ }
+// read
+void WaveEdit::read(QDomNode node)
+ {
+ for (node = node.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) {
+ QDomElement e = node.toElement();
+ QString tag(e.tagName());
+ if (tag == "CtrlEdit") {
+ int id = e.attribute("id","0").toInt();
+ int h = e.attribute("h","50").toInt();
+ view->addController(id, h);
+ }
+ else
+ AL::readProperties(this, node);
+ }
+ view->layout1();
+ }
+// write
+void WaveEdit::write(Xml& xml) const
+ {
+ for (ciPart p = _parts->begin(); p != _parts->end(); ++p) {
+ Part* part = p->second;
+ Track* track = part->track();
+ int trkIdx = song->tracks()->indexOf(track);
+ int partIdx = track->parts()->index(part);
+ xml.stag("part");
+ xml.put(QString("%1:%2").arg(trkIdx).arg(partIdx));
+ xml.etag("part");
+ }
+ xml.stag(metaObject()->className());
+ xml.writeProperties(this);
+ const CtrlEditList* el = view->getCtrlEditors();
+ for (ciCtrlEdit i = el->begin(); i != el->end(); ++i) {
+ xml.tagE(QString("CtrlEdit h=\"%1\" id=\"%2\"")
+ .arg((*i)->height()).arg((*i)->ctrl()->id()));
+ }
+ xml.etag(metaObject()->className());
+ }