path: root/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/preferences.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/preferences.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 932 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/preferences.cpp b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/preferences.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 022a24da..00000000
--- a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/preferences.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,932 +0,0 @@
-// MusE
-// Linux Music Editor
-// $Id:$
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by Werner Schweer and others
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "icons.h"
-#include "preferences.h"
-#include "track.h"
-#include "muse.h"
-#include "song.h"
-#include "event.h"
-#include "arranger.h"
-#include "widgets/filedialog.h"
-#include "waveedit/waveedit.h"
-#include "globals.h"
-#include "conf.h"
-#include "gconfig.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-#include "mixer.h"
-#include "midirc.h"
-#include "instruments/minstrument.h"
-#include "midiedit/pianoroll.h"
-#include "midiedit/drumedit.h"
-static int rtcResolutions[] = {
- 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192
- };
-static int divisions[] = {
- 48, 96, 192, 384, 768, 1536, 3072, 6144, 12288
- };
-// twi
-static QTreeWidgetItem* twi(QTreeWidget* tw, const char* txt, int data)
- {
- QTreeWidgetItem* i = new QTreeWidgetItem(tw);
- i->setText(0, txt);
- i->setData(0, 1, data);
- return i;
- }
-static QTreeWidgetItem* twi(QTreeWidgetItem* tw, const char* txt, int data)
- {
- QTreeWidgetItem* i = new QTreeWidgetItem(tw);
- i->setText(0, txt);
- i->setData(0, 1, data);
- return i;
- }
-// PreferencesDialog
-PreferencesDialog::PreferencesDialog(Arranger* a, QWidget* parent)
- : QDialog(parent)
- {
- setupUi(this);
- colorframe->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- palette0->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- palette1->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- palette2->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- palette3->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- arr = a;
- color = 0;
- config = new GlobalConfigValues;
- resetValues();
- usePixmap->setChecked(config->canvasUseBgPixmap);
- useColor->setChecked(!config->canvasUseBgPixmap);
- connect(usePixmap, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(usePixmapToggled(bool)));
- connect(useColor, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(useColorToggled(bool)));
- styleSheetPath->setText(config->styleSheetFile);
- currentBg = config->canvasBgPixmap;
- if (currentBg.isEmpty())
- currentBg = "<none>";
- else {
- QBrush b;
- b.setTexture(QPixmap(currentBg));
- QPalette p;
- p.setBrush(QPalette::Window, b);
- currentBgLabel->setPalette(p);
- }
- QPalette p;
- canvasBackgroundColor->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- p.setColor(QPalette::Window, config->canvasBgColor);
- canvasBackgroundColor->setPalette(p);
- currentBgLabel->setAutoFillBackground(true);
- currentBgLabel->setText(currentBg);
- partShownames->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartType & 1);
- partShowevents->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartType & 2);
- partShowCakes->setChecked(!(config->canvasShowPartType & 2));
- eventNoteon->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartEvent & (1 << 0));
- eventPolypressure->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartEvent & (1 << 1));
- eventController->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartEvent & (1 << 2));
- eventProgramchange->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartEvent & (1 << 3));
- eventAftertouch->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartEvent & (1 << 4));
- eventPitchbend->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartEvent & (1 << 5));
- eventSpecial->setChecked(config->canvasShowPartEvent & (1 << 6));
- eventButtonGroup->setEnabled(config->canvasShowPartType == 2);
- arrGrid->setChecked(config->canvasShowGrid);
- QTreeWidgetItem* id;
- QTreeWidgetItem* aid;
- itemList->setSortingEnabled(false);
- itemList->clear();
- aid = twi(itemList, "Arranger", 0);
- id = twi(aid, "PartColors", 0);
- twi(id, "Selected", 0x41d);
- twi(id, "Default", 0x400);
- twi(id, "Refrain", 0x401);
- twi(id, "Bridge", 0x402);
- twi(id, "Intro", 0x403);
- twi(id, "Coda", 0x404);
- twi(id, "Chorus", 0x405);
- twi(id, "Solo", 0x406);
- twi(id, "Brass", 0x407);
- twi(id, "Percussion", 0x408);
- twi(id, "Drums", 0x409);
- twi(id, "Guitar", 0x40a);
- twi(id, "Bass", 0x40b);
- twi(id, "Flute", 0x40c);
- twi(id, "Strings", 0x40d);
- twi(id, "Keyboard", 0x40e);
- twi(id, "Piano", 0x40f);
- twi(id, "Saxophon", 0x410);
- twi(id, "part canvas background", 0x41c);
- id = twi(aid, "Track List", 0);
- twi(id, "Audio Output", 0x500 + Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT);
- twi(id, "Audio Group", 0x500 + Track::AUDIO_GROUP);
- twi(id, "Wave Track", 0x500 + Track::WAVE);
- twi(id, "Audio Input", 0x500 + Track::AUDIO_INPUT);
- twi(id, "Synthesizer", 0x500 + Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH);
- twi(id, "Midi Track", 0x500 + Track::MIDI);
- twi(id, "Midi Output", 0x500 + Track::MIDI_OUT);
- twi(id, "Midi Input", 0x500 + Track::MIDI_IN);
-// twi(id, "Midi Channel", 0x500 + Track::MIDI_CHANNEL);
- twi(id, "Midi Synti", 0x500 + Track::MIDI_SYNTI);
- id = twi(itemList, "BigTime", 0);
- twi(id, "background", 0x100);
- twi(id, "foreground", 0x101);
- id = twi(itemList, "Transport", 0);
- twi(id, "handle", 0x200);
- id = twi(itemList, "Editor", 0);
- twi(id, "background", 0x300);
- colorGroup = new QButtonGroup(this);
- colorGroup->setExclusive(true);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette0, 0);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette1, 1);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette2, 2);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette3, 3);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette4, 4);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette5, 5);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette6, 6);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette7, 7);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette8, 8);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette9, 9);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette10, 10);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette11, 11);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette12, 12);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette13, 13);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette14, 14);
- colorGroup->addButton(palette15, 15);
- connect(itemList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), SLOT(colorItemSelectionChanged()));
- connect(colorGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)), SLOT(paletteClicked(QAbstractButton*)));
- connect(hslider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(hsliderChanged(int)));
- connect(sslider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(ssliderChanged(int)));
- connect(vslider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(vsliderChanged(int)));
- connect(addToPalette, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(addToPaletteClicked()));
- connect(applyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(apply()));
- connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(ok()));
- connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(cancel()));
- connect(selectCanvasBgPixmap, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(configCanvasBgPixmap()));
- connect(selectCanvasBgColor, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(configCanvasBgColor()));
- connect(partShowevents, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), eventButtonGroup, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
- updateColor();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(rtcResolutions)/sizeof(*rtcResolutions); ++i) {
- if (rtcResolutions[i] == config->rtcTicks) {
- rtcResolutionSelect->setCurrentIndex(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(divisions)/sizeof(*divisions); ++i) {
- if (divisions[i] == config->division) {
- midiDivisionSelect->setCurrentIndex(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- int i = 0;
- for (iMidiInstrument mi = midiInstruments.begin(); mi != midiInstruments.end(); ++mi, ++i) {
- preferredInstrument->addItem((*mi)->iname());
- if ((*mi)->iname() == config->defaultMidiInstrument)
- preferredInstrument->setCurrentIndex(i);
- }
- connectToAllDevices->setChecked(config->connectToAllMidiDevices);
- connectToAllTracks->setChecked(config->connectToAllMidiTracks);
- createDefaultInput->setChecked(config->createDefaultMidiInput);
- guiRefreshSelect->setValue(config->guiRefresh);
- minSliderSelect->setValue(int(config->minSlider));
- maxSliderSelect->setValue(int(config->maxSlider));
- minMeterSelect->setValue(int(config->minMeter));
- maxMeterSelect->setValue(int(config->maxMeter));
- peakHoldTime->setValue(config->peakHoldTime);
- helpBrowser->setText(config->helpBrowser);
- startProjectEntry->setText(config->startProject);
- startProjectGroup = new QButtonGroup(this);
- startProjectGroup->addButton(alwaysAsk);
- startProjectGroup->addButton(startWithLastProject);
- startProjectGroup->addButton(startWithProject);
- switch(config->startMode) {
- alwaysAsk->setChecked(true);
- break;
- startWithLastProject->setChecked(true);
- break;
- startWithProject->setChecked(true);
- break;
- }
- showTransport->setChecked(config->transportVisible);
- showBigtime->setChecked(config->bigTimeVisible);
- showMixer1->setChecked(config->mixer1Visible);
- showMixer2->setChecked(config->mixer2Visible);
- transportX->setValue(config->geometryTransport.x());
- transportY->setValue(config->geometryTransport.y());
- bigtimeX->setValue(config->geometryBigTime.x());
- bigtimeY->setValue(config->geometryBigTime.y());
- bigtimeW->setValue(config->geometryBigTime.width());
- bigtimeH->setValue(config->geometryBigTime.height());
- mixerX1->setValue(config->mixer1.geometry.x());
- mixerY1->setValue(config->mixer1.geometry.y());
- mixerW1->setValue(config->mixer1.geometry.width());
- mixerH1->setValue(config->mixer1.geometry.height());
- mixerX2->setValue(config->mixer2.geometry.x());
- mixerY2->setValue(config->mixer2.geometry.y());
- mixerW2->setValue(config->mixer2.geometry.width());
- mixerH2->setValue(config->mixer2.geometry.height());
- setMixerCurrent1->setEnabled(muse->mixer1Window());
- setMixerCurrent1->setEnabled(muse->mixer2Window());
- setBigtimeCurrent->setEnabled(muse->bigtimeWindow());
- setTransportCurrent->setEnabled(muse->transportWindow());
- freewheelMode->setChecked(config->useJackFreewheelMode);
- showSplash->setChecked(config->showSplashScreen);
- projectPath->setText(config->projectPath);
- templatePath->setText(config->templatePath);
- instrumentPath->setText(config->instrumentPath);
- midiImportPath->setText(config->importMidiPath);
- waveImportPath->setText(config->importWavePath);
- stopActive->setChecked(midiRCList.isActive(RC_STOP));
- playActive->setChecked(midiRCList.isActive(RC_PLAY));
- gotoLeftMarkActive->setChecked(midiRCList.isActive(RC_GOTO_LEFT_MARK));
- recordActive->setChecked(midiRCList.isActive(RC_RECORD));
- connect(applyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(apply()));
- connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(ok()));
- connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(cancel()));
- connect(setMixerCurrent1, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(mixerCurrent1()));
- connect(setMixerCurrent2, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(mixerCurrent2()));
- connect(setBigtimeCurrent, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(bigtimeCurrent()));
- connect(setArrangerCurrent, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(arrangerCurrent()));
- connect(setTransportCurrent, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(transportCurrent()));
- recordStop->setChecked(false);
- recordRecord->setChecked(false);
- recordGotoLeftMark->setChecked(false);
- recordPlay->setChecked(false);
- rcGroup->setChecked(rcEnable);
- pianorollWidth->setValue(PianoRoll::initWidth);
- pianorollHeight->setValue(PianoRoll::initHeight);
- pianorollRaster->setRaster(PianoRoll::initRaster);
- pianorollQuant->setQuant(PianoRoll::initQuant);
- drumEditorWidth->setValue(DrumEdit::initWidth);
- drumEditorHeight->setValue(DrumEdit::initHeight);
- waveEditorWidth->setValue(WaveEdit::initWidth);
- waveEditorHeight->setValue(WaveEdit::initHeight);
- connect(recordStop, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(recordStopToggled(bool)));
- connect(recordRecord, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(recordRecordToggled(bool)));
- connect(recordGotoLeftMark, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(recordGotoLeftMarkToggled(bool)));
- connect(recordPlay, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(recordPlayToggled(bool)));
- }
-// setButtonColor
-static void setButtonColor(QAbstractButton* b, const QRgb c)
- {
- QPalette p(b->palette());
- p.setColor(QPalette::Button, QColor(c));
- p.setColor(b->backgroundRole(), QColor(c));
- b->setPalette(p);
- }
-// resetValues
-void PreferencesDialog::resetValues()
- {
- *config = ::config; // init with global config values
- setButtonColor(palette0, QColorDialog::customColor(0));
- setButtonColor(palette1, QColorDialog::customColor(1));
- setButtonColor(palette2, QColorDialog::customColor(2));
- setButtonColor(palette3, QColorDialog::customColor(3));
- setButtonColor(palette4, QColorDialog::customColor(4));
- setButtonColor(palette5, QColorDialog::customColor(5));
- setButtonColor(palette6, QColorDialog::customColor(6));
- setButtonColor(palette7, QColorDialog::customColor(7));
- setButtonColor(palette8, QColorDialog::customColor(8));
- setButtonColor(palette9, QColorDialog::customColor(9));
- setButtonColor(palette10, QColorDialog::customColor(10));
- setButtonColor(palette11, QColorDialog::customColor(11));
- setButtonColor(palette12, QColorDialog::customColor(12));
- setButtonColor(palette13, QColorDialog::customColor(13));
- setButtonColor(palette14, QColorDialog::customColor(14));
- }
-// PreferencesDialog
- {
- delete config;
- }
-// apply
-void PreferencesDialog::apply()
- {
- ::config.styleSheetFile = styleSheetPath->text();
- int showPartEvent = 0;
- int showPartType = 0;
- if (partShownames->isChecked())
- showPartType |= 1;
- if (partShowevents->isChecked())
- showPartType |= 2;
- if (partShowCakes->isChecked())
- showPartType |= 4;
- if (eventNoteon->isChecked())
- showPartEvent |= (1 << 0);
- if (eventPolypressure->isChecked())
- showPartEvent |= (1 << 1);
- if (eventController->isChecked())
- showPartEvent |= (1 << 2);
- if (eventProgramchange->isChecked())
- showPartEvent |= (1 << 3);
- if (eventAftertouch->isChecked())
- showPartEvent |= (1 << 4);
- if (eventPitchbend->isChecked())
- showPartEvent |= (1 << 5);
- if (eventSpecial->isChecked())
- showPartEvent |= (1 << 6);
- config->canvasUseBgPixmap = usePixmap->isChecked();
- if (currentBg != "<none>")
- config->canvasBgPixmap = currentBg;
- config->canvasShowGrid = arrGrid->isChecked();
- // set colors...
- ::config = *config;
- rcEnable = rcGroup->isChecked();
- int rtcticks = rtcResolutionSelect->currentIndex();
- int div = midiDivisionSelect->currentIndex();
- ::config.connectToAllMidiDevices = connectToAllDevices->isChecked();
- ::config.connectToAllMidiTracks = connectToAllTracks->isChecked();
- ::config.createDefaultMidiInput = createDefaultInput->isChecked();
- ::config.defaultMidiInputDevice = preferredInput->currentText();
- ::config.defaultMidiOutputDevice = preferredOutput->currentText();
- ::config.defaultMidiInstrument = preferredInstrument->currentText();
- ::config.guiRefresh = guiRefreshSelect->value();
- ::config.minSlider = minSliderSelect->value();
- ::config.maxSlider = maxSliderSelect->value();
- ::config.minMeter = minMeterSelect->value();
- ::config.maxMeter = maxMeterSelect->value();
- ::config.peakHoldTime = peakHoldTime->value();
- ::config.rtcTicks = rtcResolutions[rtcticks];
- ::config.guiDivision = divisions[div];
- ::config.helpBrowser = helpBrowser->text();
- ::config.startProject = startProjectEntry->text();
- if (alwaysAsk->isChecked())
- ::config.startMode = START_ASK_FOR_PROJECT;
- else if (startWithLastProject->isChecked())
- ::config.startMode = START_LAST_PROJECT;
- else if (startWithProject->isChecked())
- ::config.startMode = START_START_PROJECT;
- ::config.transportVisible = showTransport->isChecked();
- ::config.bigTimeVisible = showBigtime->isChecked();
- ::config.mixer1Visible = showMixer1->isChecked();
- ::config.mixer2Visible = showMixer2->isChecked();
- ::config.geometryTransport.setX(transportX->value());
- ::config.geometryTransport.setY(transportY->value());
- ::config.geometryTransport.setWidth(0);
- ::config.geometryTransport.setHeight(0);
- ::config.geometryBigTime.setX(bigtimeX->value());
- ::config.geometryBigTime.setY(bigtimeY->value());
- ::config.geometryBigTime.setWidth(bigtimeW->value());
- ::config.geometryBigTime.setHeight(bigtimeH->value());
- ::config.mixer1.geometry.setX(mixerX1->value());
- ::config.mixer1.geometry.setY(mixerY1->value());
- ::config.mixer1.geometry.setWidth(mixerW1->value());
- ::config.mixer1.geometry.setHeight(mixerH1->value());
- ::config.mixer2.geometry.setX(mixerX2->value());
- ::config.mixer2.geometry.setY(mixerY2->value());
- ::config.mixer2.geometry.setWidth(mixerW2->value());
- ::config.mixer2.geometry.setHeight(mixerH2->value());
- ::config.useJackFreewheelMode = freewheelMode->isChecked();
- ::config.showSplashScreen = showSplash->isChecked();
- ::config.projectPath = projectPath->text();
- ::config.templatePath = templatePath->text();
- ::config.instrumentPath = instrumentPath->text();
- ::config.importMidiPath = midiImportPath->text();
- ::config.importWavePath = waveImportPath->text();
- lastMidiPath = museUser + "/" + ::config.importMidiPath;
- lastWavePath = museUser + "/" + ::config.importWavePath;
- PianoRoll::initWidth = pianorollWidth->value();
- PianoRoll::initHeight = pianorollHeight->value();
- PianoRoll::initRaster = pianorollRaster->raster();
- PianoRoll::initQuant = pianorollQuant->quant();
- DrumEdit::initWidth = drumEditorWidth->value();
- DrumEdit::initHeight = drumEditorHeight->value();
- muse->showMixer1(::config.mixer1Visible);
- muse->showMixer2(::config.mixer2Visible);
- muse->showBigtime(::config.bigTimeVisible);
- muse->showTransport(::config.transportVisible);
- QWidget* w = muse->transportWindow();
- if (w) {
- w->resize(::config.geometryTransport.size());
- w->move(::config.geometryTransport.topLeft());
- }
- w = muse->mixer1Window();
- if (w) {
- w->resize(::config.mixer1.geometry.size());
- w->move(::config.mixer1.geometry.topLeft());
- }
- w = muse->mixer2Window();
- if (w) {
- w->resize(::config.mixer2.geometry.size());
- w->move(::config.mixer2.geometry.topLeft());
- }
- w = muse->bigtimeWindow();
- if (w) {
- w->resize(::config.geometryBigTime.size());
- w->move(::config.geometryBigTime.topLeft());
- }
- muse->setHeartBeat(); // set guiRefresh
- audio->msgSetRtc(); // set midi tick rate
- muse->changeConfig(true); // save settings
- }
-// ok
-void PreferencesDialog::ok()
- {
- apply();
- close();
- }
-// cancel
-void PreferencesDialog::cancel()
- {
- close();
- }
-// configCanvasBgPixmap
-void PreferencesDialog::configCanvasBgPixmap()
- {
- QString cur(currentBg);
- if (cur == "<none>")
- cur = museGlobalShare + "/wallpapers";
- QStringList pattern;
- const char** p = image_file_pattern;
- while(*p)
- pattern << *p++;
- QString s = getImageFileName(cur, pattern, this, tr("MusE: load image"));
- if (!s.isEmpty()) {
- QBrush b;
- currentBg = s;
- b.setTexture(QPixmap(s));
- QPalette p;
- p.setBrush(QPalette::Window, b);
- currentBgLabel->setPalette(p);
- currentBgLabel->setText(currentBg);
- }
- }
-// configCanvasBgColor
-void PreferencesDialog::configCanvasBgColor()
- {
- QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(config->canvasBgColor, this);
- if (color.isValid()) {
- config->canvasBgColor = color;
- QPalette p;
- p.setColor(QPalette::Window, color);
- canvasBackgroundColor->setPalette(p);
- }
- }
-// selectionChanged
-void PreferencesDialog::colorItemSelectionChanged()
- {
- QTreeWidgetItem* item = (QTreeWidgetItem*)itemList->selectedItems().at(0);
- QString txt = item->text(0);
- int id = item->data(0, 1).toInt();
- if (id == 0) {
- color = 0;
- return;
- }
- switch(id) {
- case 0x400 ... 0x410: // "Default"
- color = &config->partColors[id & 0xff];
- break;
- case 0x100:
- color = &config->bigTimeBackgroundColor;
- break;
- case 0x101:
- color = &config->bigTimeForegroundColor;
- break;
- case 0x200:
- color = &config->transportHandleColor;
- break;
- case 0x300:
- color = &config->waveEditBackgroundColor;
- break;
- case 0x500 ... 0x5ff:
- color = &config->trackBg[id & 0xff];
- break;
- case 0x41c:
- color = &config->selectPartBg;
- break;
- default:
- color = 0;
- break;
- }
- updateColor();
- }
-// updateColor
-void PreferencesDialog::updateColor()
- {
- hslider->setEnabled(color);
- sslider->setEnabled(color);
- vslider->setEnabled(color);
- if (color == 0)
- return;
- QPalette p(colorframe->palette());
- p.setColor(QPalette::Window, *color);
- colorframe->setPalette(p);
- int r, g, b, h, s, v;
- color->getRgb(&r, &g, &b);
- color->getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
- hslider->blockSignals(true);
- sslider->blockSignals(true);
- vslider->blockSignals(true);
- hslider->setValue(h);
- sslider->setValue(s);
- vslider->setValue(v);
- hslider->blockSignals(false);
- sslider->blockSignals(false);
- vslider->blockSignals(false);
- }
-void PreferencesDialog::hsliderChanged(int val)
- {
- int h, s, v;
- if (color) {
- color->getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
- color->setHsv(val, s, v);
- }
- updateColor();
- }
-void PreferencesDialog::ssliderChanged(int val)
- {
- int h, s, v;
- if (color) {
- color->getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
- color->setHsv(h, val, v);
- }
- updateColor();
- }
-void PreferencesDialog::vsliderChanged(int val)
- {
- int h, s, v;
- if (color) {
- color->getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
- color->setHsv(h, s, val);
- }
- updateColor();
- }
-// addToPaletteClicked
-void PreferencesDialog::addToPaletteClicked()
- {
- if (!color)
- return;
- QAbstractButton* button = colorGroup->checkedButton();
- int r, g, b;
- QColor c;
- if (button) {
- c = button->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
- c.getRgb(&r, &g, &b);
- }
- if (button == 0 || r != 0xff || g != 0xff || b != 0xff) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
- button = colorGroup->button(i);
- c = button->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
- c.getRgb(&r, &g, &b);
- if (r == 0xff && g == 0xff && b == 0xff) {
- // found empty slot
- button->setChecked(true);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (button) {
- int id = colorGroup->checkedId();
- QColorDialog::setCustomColor(id, color->rgb());
- setButtonColor(button, color->rgb());
- }
- }
-// paletteClicked
-void PreferencesDialog::paletteClicked(QAbstractButton* button)
- {
- if (color == 0)
- return;
- QColor c = button->palette().color(QPalette::Button);
- int r, g, b;
- c.getRgb(&r, &g, &b);
- if (r == 0xff && g == 0xff && b == 0xff)
- return; // interpret palette slot as empty
- *color = c;
- updateColor();
- }
-// usePixmapToggled
-void PreferencesDialog::usePixmapToggled(bool val)
- {
- useColor->setChecked(!val);
- }
-// useColorToggled
-void PreferencesDialog::useColorToggled(bool val)
- {
- usePixmap->setChecked(!val);
- }
-// mixerCurrent1
-void PreferencesDialog::mixerCurrent1()
- {
- QWidget* w = muse->mixer1Window();
- if (!w)
- return;
- QRect r(w->frameGeometry());
- mixerX1->setValue(r.x());
- mixerY1->setValue(r.y());
- mixerW1->setValue(r.width());
- mixerH1->setValue(r.height());
- }
-// mixerCurrent2
-void PreferencesDialog::mixerCurrent2()
- {
- QWidget* w = muse->mixer2Window();
- if (!w)
- return;
- QRect r(w->frameGeometry());
- mixerX2->setValue(r.x());
- mixerY2->setValue(r.y());
- mixerW2->setValue(r.width());
- mixerH2->setValue(r.height());
- }
-// bigtimeCurrent
-void PreferencesDialog::bigtimeCurrent()
- {
- QWidget* w = muse->bigtimeWindow();
- if (!w)
- return;
- QRect r(w->frameGeometry());
- bigtimeX->setValue(r.x());
- bigtimeY->setValue(r.y());
- bigtimeW->setValue(r.width());
- bigtimeH->setValue(r.height());
- }
-// arrangerCurrent
-void PreferencesDialog::arrangerCurrent()
- {
- QRect r(muse->frameGeometry());
- arrangerX->setValue(r.x());
- arrangerY->setValue(r.y());
- arrangerW->setValue(r.width());
- arrangerH->setValue(r.height());
- }
-// transportCurrent
-void PreferencesDialog::transportCurrent()
- {
- QWidget* w = muse->transportWindow();
- if (!w)
- return;
- QRect r(w->frameGeometry());
- transportX->setValue(r.x());
- transportY->setValue(r.y());
- }
-// recordStopToggled
-void PreferencesDialog::recordStopToggled(bool f)
- {
- recordStop->setChecked(!f);
- if (!f) {
- recordRecord->setChecked(false);
- recordGotoLeftMark->setChecked(false);
- recordPlay->setChecked(false);
- connect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }
- else
- disconnect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), this, SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }
-// recordRecordToggled
-void PreferencesDialog::recordRecordToggled(bool f)
- {
- recordRecord->setChecked(!f);
- if (!f) {
- recordStop->setChecked(false);
- recordGotoLeftMark->setChecked(false);
- recordPlay->setChecked(false);
- connect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }
- else
- disconnect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), this, SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }
-// recordGotoLeftMarkToggled
-void PreferencesDialog::recordGotoLeftMarkToggled(bool f)
- {
- recordGotoLeftMark->setChecked(!f);
- if (!f) {
- recordStop->setChecked(false);
- recordRecord->setChecked(false);
- recordPlay->setChecked(false);
- connect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }
- else
- disconnect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), this, SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }
-// recordPlayToggled
-void PreferencesDialog::recordPlayToggled(bool f)
- {
- recordPlay->setChecked(!f);
- if (!f) {
- recordStop->setChecked(false);
- recordRecord->setChecked(false);
- recordGotoLeftMark->setChecked(false);
- connect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }
- else
- disconnect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), this, SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }
-// midiEventReceived
-void PreferencesDialog::midiEventReceived(MidiEvent event)
- {
- printf("event received\n");
- if (recordPlay->isChecked()) {
- recordPlay->setChecked(false);
- playActive->setChecked(true);
- midiRCList.setAction(event, RC_PLAY);
- }
- else if (recordStop->isChecked()) {
- recordStop->setChecked(false);
- stopActive->setChecked(true);
- midiRCList.setAction(event, RC_STOP);
- }
- else if (recordRecord->isChecked()) {
- recordRecord->setChecked(false);
- recordActive->setChecked(true);
- midiRCList.setAction(event, RC_RECORD);
- }
- else if (recordGotoLeftMark->isChecked()) {
- recordGotoLeftMark->setChecked(false);
- gotoLeftMarkActive->setChecked(true);
- midiRCList.setAction(event, RC_GOTO_LEFT_MARK);
- }
- // only one shot
- disconnect(song, SIGNAL(midiEvent(MidiEvent)), this, SLOT(midiEventReceived(MidiEvent)));
- }