path: root/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/part.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/part.h')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/part.h b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/part.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd5fdd52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/part.h
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id:$
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by Werner Schweer and others
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#ifndef __PART_H__
+#define __PART_H__
+#include "event.h"
+class Track;
+class MidiTrack;
+class WaveTrack;
+namespace AL {
+ class Xml;
+ };
+using AL::Xml;
+// ClonePart
+struct ClonePart {
+ EventList* el;
+ int id;
+ ClonePart(EventList* e, int i) : el(e), id(i) {}
+ };
+typedef std::list<ClonePart> CloneList;
+typedef CloneList::iterator iClone;
+extern CloneList cloneList;
+// CtrlCanvas
+struct CtrlCanvas {
+ int ctrlId;
+ int height;
+ };
+typedef std::list<CtrlCanvas> CtrlCanvasList;
+typedef CtrlCanvasList::iterator iCtrlCanvas;
+typedef CtrlCanvasList::const_iterator ciCtrlCanvas;
+// Part
+class Part : public AL::PosLen {
+ QString _name;
+ bool _selected;
+ bool _mute;
+ int _colorIndex;
+ // editor presets:
+ int _raster, _quant;
+ double _xmag;
+ CtrlCanvasList ctrlCanvasList;
+ // auto fill:
+ int _fillLen; // = 0 if no auto fill
+ protected:
+ Track* _track;
+ EventList* _events;
+ public:
+ Part(Track*);
+ CtrlCanvasList* getCtrlCanvasList() { return &ctrlCanvasList; }
+ const QString& name() const { return _name; }
+ void setName(const QString& s) { _name = s; }
+ bool selected() const { return _selected; }
+ void setSelected(bool f) { _selected = f; }
+ bool mute() const { return _mute; }
+ void setMute(bool b) { _mute = b; }
+ Track* track() const { return _track; }
+ void setTrack(Track*t) { _track = t; }
+ int colorIndex() const { return _colorIndex; }
+ void setColorIndex(int idx) { _colorIndex = idx; }
+ int raster() const { return _raster; }
+ void setRaster(int val) { _raster = val; }
+ int quant() const { return _quant; }
+ void setQuant(int val) { _quant = val; }
+ double xmag() const { return _xmag; }
+ void setXmag(double val) { _xmag = val; }
+ EventList* events() const { return _events; }
+ void clone(EventList* e);
+ iEvent addEvent(Event& p);
+ iEvent addEvent(Event& p, unsigned);
+ int fillLen() const { return _fillLen; }
+ void setFillLen(int val) { _fillLen = val; }
+ void read(QDomNode, bool isMidiPart);
+ void write(Xml&);
+ void dump(int n = 0) const;
+ bool isClone() const;
+ void deref();
+ void ref();
+ };
+// PartList
+typedef std::multimap<unsigned, Part*, std::less<unsigned> > PL;
+typedef PL::iterator iPart;
+typedef PL::const_iterator ciPart;
+class PartList : public PL {
+ public:
+ Part* findPart(unsigned tick);
+ iPart add(Part*);
+ void remove(Part* part);
+ int index(Part*);
+ Part* find(int idx);
+ };
+extern const char* partColorNames[];