path: root/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/astrip.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/astrip.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 791 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/astrip.cpp b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/astrip.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d6cdd09..00000000
--- a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/muse/astrip.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,791 +0,0 @@
-// MusE
-// Linux Music Editor
-// $Id:$
-// Copyright (C) 2000-2006 by Werner Schweer and others
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#include "audio.h"
-#include "audiodev.h"
-#include "song.h"
-#include "astrip.h"
-#include "synth.h"
-#include "rack.h"
-#include "gconfig.h"
-#include "muse.h"
-#include "widgets/simplebutton.h"
-#include "widgets/utils.h"
-#include "auxplugin.h"
-#include "midiinport.h"
-#include "midioutport.h"
-#include "awl/volknob.h"
-#include "awl/panknob.h"
-#include "awl/mslider.h"
-#include "awl/volentry.h"
-#include "awl/panentry.h"
-// AudioStrip
-// create mixer strip
-AudioStrip::AudioStrip(Mixer* m, AudioTrack* t, bool align)
- : Strip(m, t, align)
- {
- iR = 0;
- oR = 0;
- off = 0;
- volume = -1.0;
- channel = t->channels();
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // prefader plugin rack
- //---------------------------------------------------
- rack1 = new EffectRack(this, t, true);
- rack1->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
- rack1->setFixedHeight(rack1->sizeHint().height() + 2);
- grid->addWidget(rack1, 1, 0, 1, 2);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // mono/stereo pre/post
- //---------------------------------------------------
- stereo = newStereoButton();
- stereo->setChecked(channel == 2);
- stereo->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
- stereo->setFixedHeight(LABEL_HEIGHT);
- connect(stereo, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(stereoToggled(bool)));
- pre = new QToolButton;
- pre->setObjectName("preButton");
- pre->setCheckable(true);
- pre->setText(tr("Pre"));
- pre->setToolTip(tr("pre fader - post fader"));
- pre->setChecked(t->prefader());
- pre->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
- pre->setFixedHeight(LABEL_HEIGHT);
- connect(pre, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(preToggled(bool)));
- grid->addWidget(stereo, 2, 0);
- grid->addWidget(pre, 2, 1);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // slider, label
- //---------------------------------------------------
- slider = new Awl::MeterSlider(this);
- slider->setRange(config.minSlider, config.maxSlider);
- slider->setFixedWidth(60);
- slider->setChannel(channel);
- Ctrl* ctrl = t->getController(AC_VOLUME);
- double vol = 0.0f;
- if (ctrl)
- vol = ctrl->curVal().f;
- slider->setValue(vol);
- grid->addWidget(slider, 3, 0, 1, 2); // 100, Qt::AlignRight);
- sl = new Awl::VolEntry(this);
- sl->setSuffix(tr("dB"));
- sl->setFrame(true);
- sl->setValue(vol);
- sl->setFixedHeight(entrySize.height());
- connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double,int)), SLOT(volumeChanged(double)));
- connect(sl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double,int)), SLOT(volumeChanged(double)));
- connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderPressed(int)), SLOT(volumePressed()));
- connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased(int)), SLOT(volumeReleased()));
- connect(slider, SIGNAL(meterClicked()), SLOT(resetPeaks()));
- grid->addWidget(sl, 4, 0, 1, 2);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // pan, balance
- //---------------------------------------------------
- pan = addPanKnob(&panl, 5);
- double panv = t->getController(AC_PAN)->curVal().f;
- pan->setValue(panv);
- panl->setValue(panv);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // postfader plugin rack
- //---------------------------------------------------
- rack2 = new EffectRack(this, t, false);
- rack2->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
- rack2->setFixedHeight(rack1->sizeHint().height() + 2);
- grid->addWidget(rack2, 7, 0, 1, 2);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // mute, solo, record
- //---------------------------------------------------
- Track::TrackType type = t->type();
- mute = newMuteButton();
- mute->setChecked(t->mute());
- mute->setFixedHeight(BUTTON_HEIGHT);
- connect(mute, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(muteToggled(bool)));
- connect(t, SIGNAL(muteChanged(bool)), mute, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
- solo = newSoloButton();
- solo->setDisabled(true);
- solo->setFixedHeight(BUTTON_HEIGHT);
- connect(solo, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(soloToggled(bool)));
- connect(t, SIGNAL(soloChanged(bool)), solo, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
- off = newOffButton();
- off->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
- off->setFixedHeight(BUTTON_HEIGHT);
- off->setChecked(t->off());
- connect(off, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(offToggled(bool)));
- connect(t, SIGNAL(offChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(updateOffState()));
- if (track->canRecord()) {
- record = newRecordButton();
- record->setFixedHeight(BUTTON_HEIGHT);
- if (type == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT)
- record->setToolTip(tr("record downmix"));
- record->setChecked(t->recordFlag());
- connect(record, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(recordToggled(bool)));
- connect(t, SIGNAL(recordChanged(bool)), record, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
- }
- else
- record = 0;
- grid->addWidget(off, 8, 0);
- if (record)
- grid->addWidget(record, 8, 1);
- grid->addWidget(mute, 9, 0);
- grid->addWidget(solo, 9, 1);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // automation read write
- //---------------------------------------------------
- addAutomationButtons(10);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // routing
- //---------------------------------------------------
- iR = newInRouteButton();
- grid->addWidget(iR, 12, 0);
- connect(iR->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(iRouteShow()));
- connect(iR->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), SLOT(iRouteHide()));
- connect(iR->menu(), SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), song, SLOT(routeChanged(QAction*)));
- oR = newOutRouteButton();
- grid->addWidget(oR, 12, 1);
- connect(oR->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(oRouteShow()));
- connect(oR->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), SLOT(oRouteHide()));
- connect(oR->menu(), SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), song, SLOT(routeChanged(QAction*)));
- if (off) {
- updateOffState(); // init state
- }
- connect(song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), SLOT(songChanged(int)));
- connect(track, SIGNAL(controllerChanged(int)), SLOT(controllerChanged(int)));
- connect(track, SIGNAL(autoReadChanged(bool)), SLOT(autoChanged()));
- connect(track, SIGNAL(autoWriteChanged(bool)), SLOT(autoChanged()));
- autoChanged();
- }
-// heartBeat
-void AudioStrip::heartBeat()
- {
- int peakHold = (config.peakHoldTime * config.guiRefresh) / 1000;
- for (int ch = 0; ch < channel; ++ch) {
- int n = track->peakTimer(ch);
- ++n;
- double f = track->peak(ch);
- if (n >= peakHold) {
- // track->resetPeak(ch);
- track->setPeak(ch, f * 0.7);
- }
- track->setPeakTimer(ch, n);
- slider->setMeterVal(ch, track->meter(ch), f);
- }
- }
-// songChanged
-void AudioStrip::songChanged(int val)
- {
- AudioTrack* src = (AudioTrack*)track;
- if (val & SC_TRACK_MODIFIED)
- updateLabel();
- if ((val & SC_ROUTE) && pre)
- pre->setChecked(src->prefader());
- if (val & SC_CHANNELS)
- updateChannels();
- }
-// offToggled
-void AudioStrip::offToggled(bool val)
- {
- song->setOff(track, !val);
- }
-// updateOffState
-void AudioStrip::updateOffState()
- {
- bool val = !track->off();
- slider->setEnabled(val);
- sl->setEnabled(val);
- pan->setEnabled(val);
- panl->setEnabled(val);
- pre->setEnabled(val);
- rack1->setEnabled(val);
- rack2->setEnabled(val);
- if (track->type() != Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH)
- stereo->setEnabled(val);
- label->setEnabled(val);
- if (solo)
- solo->setEnabled(val);
- if (mute)
- mute->setEnabled(val);
- if (iR)
- iR->setEnabled(val);
- if (oR)
- oR->setEnabled(val);
- if (off)
- off->setChecked(track->off());
- if (ar)
- ar->setEnabled(val);
- if (aw)
- aw->setEnabled(val);
- }
-// preToggled
-void AudioStrip::preToggled(bool val)
- {
- ((AudioTrack*)track)->setPrefader(val);
- resetPeaks();
- song->update(SC_ROUTE);
- }
-// stereoToggled
-void AudioStrip::stereoToggled(bool val)
- {
- int nc = val ? 1 : 2;
- if (channel == nc)
- return;
- audio->msgSetChannels((AudioTrack*)track, nc);
- song->update(SC_CHANNELS);
- }
-// volumeChanged
-void AudioStrip::volumeChanged(double v)
- {
- CVal val;
- val.f = v;
- song->setControllerVal(track, AC_VOLUME, val);
- }
-// volumePressed
-void AudioStrip::volumePressed()
- {
- ((AudioTrack*)track)->startAutoRecord(AC_VOLUME);
- }
-// volumeReleased
-void AudioStrip::volumeReleased()
- {
- ((AudioTrack*)track)->stopAutoRecord(AC_VOLUME);
- }
-// panChanged
-void AudioStrip::panChanged(double v)
- {
- if (v != panVal) {
- CVal val;
- val.f = v;
- song->setControllerVal(track, AC_PAN, val);
- panVal = v;
- }
- }
-// setPan
-void AudioStrip::setPan(double val)
- {
- if (val != panVal) {
- panVal = val;
- pan->setValue(val);
- panl->setValue(val);
- }
- }
-// panPressed
-void AudioStrip::panPressed()
- {
- track->startAutoRecord(AC_PAN);
- }
-// panReleased
-void AudioStrip::panReleased()
- {
- track->stopAutoRecord(AC_PAN);
- }
-// updateChannels
-void AudioStrip::updateChannels()
- {
- AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track;
- int c = t->channels();
- if (c == channel)
- return;
- channel = c;
- slider->setChannel(c);
- stereo->setChecked(channel == 2);
- }
-// addPanKnob
-Awl::PanKnob* AudioStrip::addPanKnob(Awl::PanEntry** dlabel, int row)
- {
- Awl::PanKnob* knob = new Awl::PanKnob(this);
- knob->setToolTip(tr("panorama"));
- knob->setFixedHeight(entrySize.height() * 2);
- Awl::PanEntry* pl = new Awl::PanEntry(this);
- pl->setPrecision(2);
- if (dlabel)
- *dlabel = pl;
-// pl->setFont(config.fonts[1]);
- pl->setFrame(true);
- pl->setFixedSize(entrySize);
- QLabel* plb = new QLabel;
- plb->setObjectName("knobLabel");
- plb->setText(tr("Pan"));
- plb->setFixedSize(entrySize);
- plb->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
- grid->addWidget(plb, row, 0);
- grid->addWidget(pl, row+1, 0);
- grid->addWidget(knob, row, 1, 2, 1);
- connect(knob, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double,int)), SLOT(panChanged(double)));
- connect(pl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double,int)), SLOT(panChanged(double)));
- connect(knob, SIGNAL(sliderPressed(int)), SLOT(panPressed()));
- connect(knob, SIGNAL(sliderReleased(int)), SLOT(panReleased()));
- return knob;
- }
-// addAuxPorts
-static void addAuxPorts(AudioTrack* track, QMenu* lb, const RouteList& rl)
- {
- QList<AuxPluginIF*> pre = track->preAux();
- QList<AuxPluginIF*> post = track->postAux();
- foreach (AuxPluginIF* p, pre) {
- QString s = p->pluginInstance()->name();
- QAction* a = lb->addAction(p->pluginInstance()->name());
- a->setCheckable(true);
-// Route route(RouteNode(p), RouteNode(track));
- Route route = Route(RouteNode(p), RouteNode(track));
- a->setData(QVariant::fromValue(route));
- a->setChecked(rl.indexOf(route) != -1);
- }
- foreach(AuxPluginIF* p, post) {
- QAction* a = lb->addAction(p->pluginInstance()->name());
- a->setCheckable(true);
-// Route route(RouteNode(p), RouteNode(track)); // does not compile?!
- Route route = Route(RouteNode(p), RouteNode(track));
- a->setData(QVariant::fromValue(route));
- a->setChecked(rl.indexOf(route) != -1);
- }
- }
-// addInPorts
-static void addInPorts(AudioTrack* t, QMenu* lb, const RouteList& rl, bool input)
- {
- RouteNode a(t);
- InputList* al = song->inputs();
- for (iAudioInput i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) {
- AudioTrack* track = (AudioTrack*)*i;
- if (t == track)
- continue;
- QAction* it = lb->addAction(track->name());
- it->setCheckable(true);
- RouteNode b(track);
- Route route = input ? Route(b, a) : Route(a, b);
- it->setData(QVariant::fromValue(route));
- it->setChecked(rl.indexOf(route) != -1);
- if (input)
- addAuxPorts(track, lb, rl);
- }
- }
-// addOutPorts
-static void addOutPorts(AudioTrack* t, QMenu* lb, const RouteList& rl)
- {
- OutputList* al = song->outputs();
- for (iAudioOutput i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) {
- Track* track = *i;
- if (t == track)
- continue;
- QAction* it = lb->addAction(track->name());
- it->setCheckable(true);
- Route route = Route(RouteNode(t), RouteNode(track));
- it->setData(QVariant::fromValue(route));
- it->setChecked(rl.indexOf(route) != -1);
- }
- }
-// addGroupPorts
-static void addGroupPorts(AudioTrack* t, QMenu* lb, const RouteList& rl)
- {
- GroupList* al = song->groups();
- for (iAudioGroup i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) {
- AudioTrack* track = (AudioTrack*)*i;
- if (t == track)
- continue;
- QAction* it = lb->addAction(track->name());
- it->setCheckable(true);
- Route route = Route(RouteNode(t), RouteNode(track));
- it->setData(QVariant::fromValue(route));
- it->setChecked(rl.indexOf(route) != -1);
- }
- }
-// addWavePorts
-static void addWavePorts(AudioTrack* t, QMenu* lb, const RouteList& rl, bool input)
- {
- RouteNode a(t);
- WaveTrackList* al = song->waves();
- for (iWaveTrack i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) {
- AudioTrack* track = (AudioTrack*)*i;
- if (t == track) // cannot connect to itself
- continue;
- QAction* it = lb->addAction(track->name());
- it->setCheckable(true);
- RouteNode b(track);
- Route route = input ? Route(b, a) : Route(a, b);
- it->setData(QVariant::fromValue(route));
- it->setChecked(rl.indexOf(route) != -1);
- if (input)
- addAuxPorts(track, lb, rl);
- }
- }
-// addSyntiPorts
-static void addSyntiPorts(AudioTrack* t, QMenu* lb, const RouteList& rl)
- {
- SynthIList* al = song->syntis();
- for (iSynthI i = al->begin(); i != al->end(); ++i) {
- AudioTrack* track = (AudioTrack*)*i;
- if (t == track)
- continue;
- QAction* it = lb->addAction(track->name());
- it->setCheckable(true);
- RouteNode a(t);
- RouteNode b(track);
- Route route = Route(b, a);
- it->setData(QVariant::fromValue(route));
- it->setChecked(rl.indexOf(route) != -1);
- }
- }
-// iRouteShow
-extern void addMidiTracks(QMenu* menu, Track* track, int channel, bool input);
-extern void addMidiInPorts(QMenu* menu, Track* dtrack, int channel);
-void AudioStrip::iRouteShow()
- {
- QMenu* pup = iR->menu();
- pup->clear();
- AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track;
- RouteList* irl = t->inRoutes();
- switch(track->type()) {
- default:
- return;
- case Track::AUDIO_INPUT:
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < channel; ++i) {
- pup->addSeparator()->setText(QString(tr("Channel %1")).arg(i+1));
- QList<PortName> ol = audioDriver->outputPorts(false);
- foreach (PortName ip, ol) {
- QAction* id = pup->addAction(;
- id->setCheckable(true);
- RouteNode src(ip.port, -1, RouteNode::AUDIOPORT);
- RouteNode dst(t, i, RouteNode::TRACK);
- Route route = Route(src, dst);
- id->setData(QVariant::fromValue(route));
- id->setChecked(irl->indexOf(route) != -1);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT:
- addWavePorts(t, pup, *irl, true);
- addInPorts(t, pup, *irl, true);
- addGroupPorts(t, pup, *irl);
- addSyntiPorts(t, pup, *irl);
- break;
- case Track::WAVE:
- addInPorts(t, pup, *irl, true);
- break;
- case Track::AUDIO_GROUP:
- addWavePorts(t, pup, *irl, true);
- addInPorts(t, pup, *irl, true);
- addGroupPorts(t, pup, *irl);
- addSyntiPorts(t, pup, *irl);
- break;
- case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH:
- pup->addSeparator()->setText(tr("MidiChannel"));
- for (int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) {
- QMenu* m = pup->addMenu(QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1));
- addMidiTracks(m, track, ch, true);
- addMidiInPorts(m, track, ch);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-// iRouteHide
-void AudioStrip::iRouteHide()
- {
- // dont leave the menu if SHIFT is pressed; this allows
- // for fast selecting of more than one input source
- //
- if (qApp->keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
- iR->menu()->show();
- }
- }
-// oRouteHide
-void AudioStrip::oRouteHide()
- {
- // dont leave the menu if SHIFT is pressed; this allows
- // for fast selecting of more than one input source
- //
- if (qApp->keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
- oR->menu()->show();
- }
- }
-// oRouteShow
-void AudioStrip::oRouteShow()
- {
- QMenu* pup = oR->menu();
- pup->clear();
- AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track;
- RouteList* orl = t->outRoutes();
- switch(track->type()) {
- default:
- return;
- case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT:
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < channel; ++i) {
- char buffer[128];
- snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", tr("Channel").toLatin1().data(), i+1);
- pup->addSeparator()->setText(QString(buffer));
- QList<PortName> ol = audioDriver->inputPorts(false);
- foreach (PortName ip, ol) {
- QAction* action = pup->addAction(;
- action->setCheckable(true);
- RouteNode src(t, i, RouteNode::TRACK);
- RouteNode dst(ip.port, -1, RouteNode::AUDIOPORT);
- Route r = Route(src, dst);
- action->setData(QVariant::fromValue(r));
- action->setChecked(orl->indexOf(r) != -1);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case Track::AUDIO_INPUT:
- addWavePorts(t, pup, *orl, false);
- case Track::WAVE:
- case Track::AUDIO_GROUP:
- case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH:
- addOutPorts(t, pup, *orl);
- addGroupPorts(t, pup, *orl);
- break;
- }
- }
-// muteToggled
-void AudioStrip::muteToggled(bool val)
- {
- song->setMute(track, val);
- }
-// soloToggled
-void AudioStrip::soloToggled(bool val)
- {
- song->setSolo(track, val);
- }
-// recordToggled
-void AudioStrip::recordToggled(bool val)
- {
- song->setRecordFlag(track, !val);
- }
-// controllerChanged
-void AudioStrip::controllerChanged(int id)
- {
- double val = track->getController(id)->curVal().f;
- switch (id) {
- case AC_VOLUME:
- slider->setValue(val);
- sl->setValue(val);
- break;
- case AC_PAN:
- pan->setValue(val);
- panl->setValue(val);
- panVal = val;
- break;
- case AC_MUTE:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-// autoChanged
-void AudioStrip::autoChanged()
- {
- bool ar = track->autoRead();
- bool aw = track->autoWrite();
- // controller are enabled if
- // autoRead is off
- // autoRead and autoWrite are on (touch mode)
- bool ec = !ar || (ar && aw);
- slider->setEnabled(ec);
- sl->setEnabled(ec);
- pan->setEnabled(ec);
- panl->setEnabled(ec);
- }
-// autoReadToggled
-void AudioStrip::autoReadToggled(bool val)
- {
- song->setAutoRead(track, val);
- }
-// autoWriteToggled
-void AudioStrip::autoWriteToggled(bool val)
- {
- song->setAutoWrite(track, val);
- }