path: root/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc
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+ MusE --- Linux Music Editor
+Guten Tag!
+dies ist MusE, der Open Source MIDI/Audio Sequencer.
+MusE steht unter der GNU General Public Licence (GPL).
+F�r Einzelheiten siehe COPYING.
+| Viel Teile des Codes von MusE sind EXPERIMENTELL und k�nnen |
+| zu Programmabst�rzen und wer wei� was sonst noch allem |
+| f�hren. |
+ =============================
+ Voraussetzungen
+ =============================
+ - qt 3.2.0 oder neuer
+ Bitte mit "-thread" option compilieren.
+ - libsndfile 1.0.1 (aktuell ist 1.0.4)
+ - JACK
+ download:
+ - fluidsynth-1.0.3 (the synti formerly known as "iiwusynth") von
+ - Linux Kernel mit rtc (RealTimeClock) Treiber (device /dev/rtc)
+ ("low latency patches" f�r minimales timing-jitter w�ren fein)
+ - ALSA von
+ Version 0.9.x oder neuer
+ - gcc 3.x.x
+ (es mu� der gleiche Compiler wie der zum compilieren der
+ QT-Libraries verwendet werden)
+ - nat�rlich: eine Soundkarte und/oder irgendwelche Midi Ger�te
+ =============================
+ Kompilierung
+ =============================
+ - download source von
+ - untar source:
+ tar xvofj muse-current-tar.bz2 </code>
+ - konfigurieren:
+ run "configure"
+ - kompilieren:
+ run "make all"
+ - installieren
+ als root, run "make install"
+ - Test
+Aktuelle(re) Infos gibt es auf der MusE Homepage
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.instruments b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.instruments
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+ MusE loadable Midi Instrument Definitions
+ (as of 10.09.2003) MusE 0.7.0
+ - File Extension ".idf"
+ - searched in Subdirectory "instruments"
+ (/usr/share/muse/instruments on my system)
+ All found instrument definitions are presented by MusE
+ in Config->MidiPorts in Pulldown in column "Instrument".
+ Example of Instrument Definition File:
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<muse version="1.0">
+ <MidiInstrument name="GM">
+ <Init>
+ ...MusE event list which initializes instrument
+ </Init>
+ <PatchGroup name="Piano">
+ <Patch name="Grand Piano" prog="0"/>
+ <Patch name="Bright Piano" prog="1"/>
+ ...
+ </PatchGroup>
+ <PatchGroup name="Bass">
+ <Patch name="Acoustic Bass" prog="32"/>
+ <Patch name="Fingered Bass" prog="33"/>
+ </PatchGroup>
+ ...
+ <Controller name="Brightness">
+ <n>0x4a</n>
+ <min>0</min>
+ <max>127</max>
+ <init>0</init>
+ </Controller>
+ ...
+ </MidiInstrument>
+ </muse>
+ Notes
+ (1) PatchGroups are not mandatory; its valid to write:
+ <MidiInstrument name="GM">
+ <Patch name="Grand Piano" prog="0"/>
+ <Patch name="Bright Piano" prog="1"/>
+ <Patch name="Acoustic Bass" prog="32"/>
+ <Patch name="Fingered Bass" prog="33"/>
+ ...
+ </MidiInstrument>
+ (2) An "Instrument Definition File" can define more than on
+ Instrument, but it is recommended to use one file for
+ one instrument
+ (3) the "prog" parameter in a "Patch" is mandatory. Missing
+ "hbank" or "lbank" are treated as "don't care".
+ Missing "drum" is treated as drum="0".
+ A XG-Patch looks like:
+ <Patch name="Electro" drum="1" hbank="127" lbank="0" prog="24"/>
+ (5) A patch can be associated with a "mode" with one of
+ 1 - GM
+ 2 - GS
+ 4 - XG
+ Example:
+ <Patch name="Electro" mode="4" drum="1" hbank="127" lbank="0" prog="24"/>
+ Mode id's can be ore'd together for patches which are valid
+ for more than one mode:
+ <Patch name="Grand Piano" mode=7" hbank="0" lbank="0" prog="0"/>
+ (4) example for MusE event (Sysex "XG-On"):
+ <event tick="0" type="5" datalen="7">
+ 43 10 4c 00 00 7e 00
+ </event>
+ (5) <Init> ... </Init> part can be omitted
+ (6) Controller have the following porperties:
+ name: arbitrary unique (short) string describing the controller
+ n: controller number, defines also the controller type:
+ values from 0x0 - 0x7f are 7Bit controller
+ values from 0x1000 - 0x1ffff are 14 bit controller with
+ MSB/LSB value pairs
+ values from 0x20000 - 0x2ffff are RPN's
+ values from 0x30000 - 0x3ffff are NRPN's
+ min: minimum value for controller
+ max: maximum value for controller
+ init: reset value for controller; when controller value is
+ undefined after instrument reset, use the ''undefined''
+ value 0x10000
+ the min/max/init values can be ommited
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.ladspaguis b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.ladspaguis
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+MusE can create LADSPA GUI's (graphical user interfaces) from
+Qt designer *.ui files at runtime.
+This allows a user to create or modify customized LADSPA guis without
+recompiling MusE.
+ Installation
+Copy the file muse/awl/ and muse/awl/
+into a directory were Qt (designer) can find it.
+ if you installed Qt in /usr/qt4:
+ su -c "cp -af /usr/qt4/plugins/designer"
+ After starting the Qt designer you see all MusE specific widgets
+ in the widget box titled "MusE Awl Widgets".
+ If you cannot find any MusE widgets, designer did not find the
+ muse shared libs.
+ The MusE shared libs must have a signature qt designer understands.
+ If the signature is wrong, qt designer silently ignores the libs.
+ Environment
+ The Qt designer files are named after the LADSPA plugin ID.
+ Example: the "freeverb" plugin has the id "1050". A gui for
+ freeverb has to be named "1050.ui".
+ The plugin ID is shown in the MusE plugin browser.
+ MusE looks for *ui files at (museglobalshare)/plugins/.
+ If you installed MusE at "/usr" (configured with --prefix=/usr)
+ MusE looks at "/usr/share/muse/plugins" for *ui files.
+ Creating *.ui file
+The association between LADSPA plugin parameters and Qt-Widgets is
+done by name. All input widgets which manipulate a LADSPA parameter
+must have a name starting with the letter "P".
+The "id" property of every widget must be set to the parameter index
+of the plugin,
+One parameter can be manipulated with more than one widgets.
+ Example:
+ A "Slider" widget which manipulates the 3th parameter of a
+ plugin has the name "Pslider" and the "id" property has a
+ value of "3".
+Supported Widgets:
+ "AwlSlider" slider for float values
+ "AwlFloatEntry" entry for float values
+ "AwlCheckbox" to manipulate a on/off LADSPA parameter
+ "AwlComboBox" select from a list of named values; sets
+ integer LADSPA values
+(for more hints please look at the example *.ui files)
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.realtime b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.realtime
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+For reliable operation MusE needs "realtime priviledges".
+Kernel >= 2.6.12
+ - load the set_rtlimits utility from:
+ - compile & install
+ - create an audio group (if you dont have one already):
+ groupadd audio
+ - add yourself to the audio group
+ - create an entry in "/etc/set_rtlimits.conf":
+ @audio /home/ws/projects/muse/muse/muse/muse -1 90
+ - start MusE with
+ set_rtlimits -r 60 /usr/local/bin/muse
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.shortcuts b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.shortcuts
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+From: Frank Neumann
+Subject: [MusE] Keyboard shortcut list
+Hi all,
+while reading some MusE source code during the last weeks, I made a list
+of all keyboard shortcuts I found in there. I thought other might find
+this useful, so I am posting this here. There are some "?" spots in
+there where I am not perfectly sure if something is correct or really
+works the way it should, so comments or corrections are welcome. A few
+keys are also result of my first ever cvs commit to Muse :-).
+ Also changed Ctrl+Shift+A to Select None.
+ Changed Ctrl+A to Select All in Arranger for the sake of uniformity. (ML)
+ Added Alt+L shortcut in drumeditor to set fixed length on drumnotes
+ according to drummap (Mathias Lundgren)
+ 2003-10-19:
+ In Arranger, Part Canvas:
+ added Alt+P shortcut in to move locators to part boundaries
+ Crsr Up / Crsr Down to move to nearest part on track above/below
+ in current window.
+ - (ws) added new Delete keys in pianoroll and drumedit
+<cut here>
+Shortcut keys in Muse, as of 0.6.0pre5:
+Undo: Ctrl-Z
+Redo: Ctrl-Y
+New: Ctrl-N
+Open: Ctrl-O
+Save: Ctrl-S
+Open PianoRoll Editor: Ctrl-E
+Open Score Editor: Ctrl-R
+Open Recent: Ctrl-S (? collides with "Save"?)
+Config Printer: Ctrl-P
+Quit: Ctrl-Q
+Cut: Ctrl-X
+Copy: Ctrl-C
+Paste: Ctrl-V
+Delete Track: Delete
+Add Track: Ctrl-J
+Select all: Ctrl-A
+Deselect All Parts: Ctrl-B
+Open Drums Editor: Ctrl-D
+Open List Editor: Ctrl-L
+Open Graphical Mastertrack Editor: Ctrl-M
+Open List Mastertrack Editor: Shift-Ctrl-M
+Open MIDI Transform Editor: Ctrl-T
+Open Transport Panel: F11
+Open Bigtime Window: F12
+Open Help Browser: F1
+Start "What's This" Mode: Shift-F1
+Toggle Metronome Click: C
+Stop Playback / Rewind: Space
+Stop Playback: Insert
+Start Playback: Enter
+Go to left Marker: End (Keypad)
+Go to right marker: CursorDown (Keypad)
+Toggle Loop Mode: / (Keypad)
+Start Recording: * (Keypad)
+Arranger, Part Canvas:
+Cut: Ctrl-X
+Copy: Ctrl-C
+Select previous/next part in this track: Crsr-Left / Crsr-Right
+Remove Part: Delete
+Arranger, Track List Canvas:
+Move to previous track: Crsr-Up
+Move to next track: Crsr-Down
+Cut: Ctrl-X
+Copy: Ctrl-C
+Paste: Ctrl-V
+Select All: Ctrl-A (just added in CVS)
+Deselect All: Ctrl-Shift-A (just added in CVS)
+Invertion Selection: Ctrl-I (just added in CVS)
+Delete selected Events: Delete
+Insert Notes at locator position: Shift-Crsr-Right
+Move Locator right: Crsr-Right
+Move Locator left: Crsr-Left
+Delete under Locator: Delete (KP?), "collects" notes left of locator
+Set Grid Snap/Quantizer to 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64:
+Toggle "triolic" flag of Grid Snap/Quantizer: T
+Toggle "punctuated" flag of Grid Snap/Quantizer: .
+Set Grid Snap/Quantizer to "first value in list"(?): ,
+Open "Event Color" dialog: e (just fixed in CVS)
+Cut: Ctrl-X
+Copy: Ctrl-C
+Load Drummap: Ctrl-O
+Save Drummap: Ctrl-S
+Set fixed length: Alt-L (Sets length on selected events to the length specified in the drummap)
+Delete selected Events: Delete
+Insert Note: Ctrl-N
+Insert SysEx: Ctrl-S
+Insert Ctrl: Ctrl-T
+Insert Pitch: Ctrl-E
+Insert Channel Aftertouch: Ctrl-A
+Insert Key Aftertouch: Ctrl-P
+Delete Events: Delete
+Score Edit:
+When entering Lyrics:
+Move to next Note's Lyrics: Crsr-Left (problems when at beginning/end of
+Move to previous Note' Lyrics: Crsr-Right
+Cancel (?) entering notes: Escape
+Remove last character from lyrics: Backspace or Delete
+End entering Lyrics: Enter
+Help Browser:
+New Window: Alt-N
+Open File: Alt-O
+Print: Alt-P
+Close: Alt-Q
+Exit: Alt-X
+Toggle metronome Click: C
+Toggle Loop Mode: / (Keypad)
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.softsynth b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.softsynth
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+ Short instructions to get the soft
+ synthesizer up and running
+1. Compile and install MusE
+3. Run MusE from an xterm with Option "-D";
+ look at the debug output in the xterm; you should see something
+ like:
+ 3 soft synth found
+ found soft synth <fluid> <fluid soft synth>
+ found soft synth <organ> <organ soft synth>
+ found soft synth <S1> <organ soft synth>
+4. Configure Software Synthesizer
+ Open Settings->MidiPorts/SoftSynth.
+ - select a software synthesizer
+ - press "Add Instance" to create an istance of this
+ synthesizer; the synthi shows up in the list
+ of instances with a unique name
+5. Configure Midi Port
+ To use the synthesizer instance you must
+ connect it to a MusE midi port:
+ - click into the "Device Name" column of an empty midi port
+ (Device Name == "none")
+ - select the synthesizer from the dropdown menu.
+ This connects the synthesizer to the selected midi port.
+ The instrument type is automatically set.
+6. Open the Audio Mixer
+ You see a new mixer strip of type "Synthi" and the name
+ of the new created synthesizer instance.
+ Route the audio output of this strip to "Output".
+ (per default the synthesizer is routed to the first Output strip)
+7. Now you are ready to play with the "organ" synthesizer
+ - create midi track
+ - set the midi port to the synthesizer port
+ - click the "R" column in the tracklist to enable "Recording"
+8. Optional: open Configure->MidiPorts and click in column GUI
+ to show a GUI for the synthesizer instance.
+ There is no gui available for the S1 synth.
+ The iiwu gui enables you to enter a different sound font.
+ The organ gui has some "draw bars" to let you play with
+ sounds in real time.
+These are the software synthesizers currently available:
+ - S1 a simple sythesizer skeleton as a guide for all who
+ want to code their own one:
+ - only one tone at a time
+ - simple sinus wave form
+ - no gui
+ The synthi may be used as a metronome.
+ - organ, an adapted version of the LADSPA plugin
+ "Organ - Additive Organ Synthesizer Voice" from
+ David A. Bartold
+ "organ" implements a gui connected bidirectional
+ to the synth via stdin/stdout
+ - fluid, is the adapted version of Peter Hanappe�s
+ sample based fluid synthesizer (formerly known as iiwu)
+ - loadable sound fonts
+ - multi timbral
+ - 128 voices
+ - simple gui lets you load a different sound font
+ Fluid loads a default sound font determined by the
+ environment variable "DEFAULT_SOUNDFONT".
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.translate b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/README.translate
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+If you want to contribute a translation the following hints
+may be of help to you:
+Step 1:
+ enter the MusE directory and edit the
+ file ""
+ Append a new target file name at "TRANSLATIONS"
+ e.g. change
+ TRANSLATIONS = share/locale/muse_de.ts
+ into
+ TRANSLATIONS = share/locale/muse_de.ts \
+ share/locale/muse_fr.ts
+ if you want to generate a french MusE version.
+Step 2:
+ start the Qt-Program "lupdate"
+ lupdate
+ Maybe "lupdate" is not in your PATH and you must
+ specify the complete pathname "lupdate"
+ Example:
+ /usr/lib/qt42/bin/lupdate
+ This generates the file "locale/muse_fr.ts".
+Step 3:
+ Edit "share/locale/muse_fr.ts" manually or use the Qt "linguist" tool:
+ cd share/locale; linguist muse_fr.ts
+Step 4:
+ start the Qt program "lrelease"
+ lrelease
+ This generates all *.qm files in share/locale
+Step 5:
+ install the *.qm files: as superuser start "make install"
+Step 6:
+ Test:
+ set the environment variable LANG to the desired
+ Language:
+ export LC_ALL=fr
+ Start MusE:
+ muse
diff --git a/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/dimpl.odt b/attic/muse_qt4_evolution/doc/dimpl.odt
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