path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/scldraw.cpp
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diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/scldraw.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/scldraw.cpp
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index 00000000..709e104a
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+++ b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/scldraw.cpp
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+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: scldraw.cpp,v 2003/10/27 18:54:36 wschweer Exp $
+// Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// (C) Copyright 2000 Werner Schweer (
+#include <cmath>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include "mmath.h"
+#include "scldraw.h"
+int const ScaleDraw::minLen = 10;
+const double step_eps = 1.0e-6;
+static const double WorstCase = -8.8888888888888888888888e-88;
+//.H ScaleDraw | 3 | 30/08/97 | Qwt Widget Library | Qwt Programmer's Manual
+//.I scldraw Different Scales
+//.U NAME
+// ScaleDraw - A class for drawing scales
+// #include <qwt_scldraw.h>
+// ScaleDraw can be used to draw linear or logarithmic scales.
+// A scale has an origin,
+// an orientation and a length, which all can be specified with
+// @ScaleDraw::setGeometry@.
+// After a scale division has been specified as a @^QwtScaleDiv@ object
+// using @ScaleDraw::setScale (1)@
+// or determined internally using @ScaleDraw::setScale (2)@,
+// the scale can be drawn with the @QwtScaleDiv::draw@ member.
+// @QwtDiMap@
+// ScaleDraw::ScaleDraw -- constructor
+// ScaleDraw::setScale (1) -- set scale using QwtScaleDiv
+// ScaleDraw::setScale (2) -- set scale directly
+// ScaleDraw::setGeometry -- specify geometry
+// ScaleDraw::setAngleRange -- specify angle range for round scales
+// ScaleDraw::setLabelFormat -- set number format
+// ScaleDraw::scalediv -- return scale division
+// ScaleDraw::orientation -- return orientation
+// ScaleDraw::maxBoundingRect -- return maximum bounding rectangle
+// ScaleDraw::maxWidth -- return maximum width
+// ScaleDraw::maxHeight -- return maximum height
+// ScaleDraw::maxLabelWidth -- return maximum width of the number labels
+// ScaleDraw::draw -- draw the scale
+// enum ScaleDraw::Orientation { Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Round } --
+// Scale orientation
+//.F ScaleDraw::ScaleDraw
+// Constructor
+//.u Description
+// The range of the scale is initialized to [0, 100],
+// the angle range is set to [-135, 135], the geometry
+// is initialized such that the origin is at (0,0), the
+// length is 100, and the orientation is ScaleDraw::Bottom.
+/* d_hpad = 6;
+ d_vpad = 3;
+ d_majLen = 8;
+ d_medLen = 6;
+ d_minLen = 4;
+ */
+ d_hpad = 3;
+ d_vpad = 1;
+ d_majLen = 4;
+ d_medLen = 3;
+ d_minLen = 2;
+ d_minAngle = -135 * 16;
+ d_maxAngle = 135 * 16;
+ d_fmt = 'g';
+ d_prec = 4;
+ // initialize scale and geometry
+ setGeometry(0,0,100,Bottom);
+ setScale(0,100,0,0,10);
+//.F ScaleDraw::setScale (1)
+// Adjust the range of the scale
+//.u Syntax
+//.f void ScaleDraw::setScale(double x1, double x2, double step, int logscale)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p double x1 -- value at the left/low endpoint of the scale
+// double x2 -- value at the right/high endpoint of the scale
+// double step -- step size (default : 0.0)
+// int logscale -- logarithmic scale (default : 0)
+//.u Description
+// If step == 0.0, the step width is calculated automatically
+// dependent on the maximal number of scale ticks.
+void ScaleDraw::setScale(double x1, double x2, int maxMajIntv,
+ int maxMinIntv, double step, int logscale)
+ d_scldiv.rebuild( x1, x2, maxMajIntv, maxMinIntv, logscale, step, FALSE );
+ setDblRange( d_scldiv.lBound(), d_scldiv.hBound(), d_scldiv.logScale());
+//.F ScaleDraw::setScale (2)
+// Change the scale division
+//.u Syntax
+//.f void ScaleDraw::setScale(QwtAutoScale &as)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p const QwtScaleDiv& sd -- new scale division
+void ScaleDraw::setScale(const ScaleDiv &s)
+ d_scldiv = s;
+ setDblRange(d_scldiv.lBound(),d_scldiv.hBound(),d_scldiv.logScale());
+//.F ScaleDraw::draw
+// Draw the scale
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p -- the painter
+void ScaleDraw::draw(QPainter *p) const
+ {
+ double val,hval,majTick;
+ int i,k,kmax;
+ for (i=0; i< d_scldiv.majCnt(); i++)
+ {
+ val = d_scldiv.majMark(i);
+ drawTick(p, val, d_majLen);
+ drawLabel(p, val);
+ }
+ if (d_scldiv.logScale())
+ {
+ for (i=0; i< d_scldiv.minCnt(); i++)
+ {
+ drawTick(p,d_scldiv.minMark(i),d_minLen);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ k = 0;
+ kmax = d_scldiv.majCnt() - 1;
+ if (kmax > 0)
+ {
+ majTick = d_scldiv.majMark(0);
+ hval = majTick - 0.5 * d_scldiv.majStep();
+ for (i=0; i< d_scldiv.minCnt(); i++)
+ {
+ val = d_scldiv.minMark(i);
+ if (val > majTick)
+ {
+ if (k < kmax)
+ {
+ k++;
+ majTick = d_scldiv.majMark(k);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ majTick += d_scldiv.majMark(kmax) + d_scldiv.majStep();
+ }
+ hval = majTick - 0.5 * d_scldiv.majStep();
+ }
+ if (qwtAbs(val-hval) < step_eps * d_scldiv.majStep())
+ drawTick(p, val, d_medLen);
+ else
+ drawTick(p, val, d_minLen);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // draw backbone
+ //
+ //if (d_baseEnabled)
+ drawBackbone(p);
+//.F ScaleDraw::drawTick
+// Draws a singls scale tick
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p, double val, int len
+void ScaleDraw::drawTick(QPainter *p, double val, int len) const
+ {
+ int tval = transform(val);
+ double arc;
+ int x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ switch(d_orient)
+ {
+ case Right:
+ p->drawLine(d_xorg, tval, d_xorg + len, tval);
+ break;
+ case Bottom:
+ p->drawLine(tval, d_yorg, tval, d_yorg + len);
+ break;
+ case Left:
+ p->drawLine(d_xorg, tval, d_xorg - len, tval);
+ break;
+ case Round:
+ if ((tval <= d_minAngle + 359 * 16) || (tval >= d_minAngle - 359 * 16))
+ {
+ arc = double(tval) / 16.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
+ x1 = qwtInt(d_xCenter + sin(arc) * d_radius);
+ x2 = qwtInt(d_xCenter + sin(arc) * (d_radius + double(len)));
+ y1 = qwtInt(d_yCenter - cos(arc) * d_radius);
+ y2 = qwtInt(d_yCenter - cos(arc) * (d_radius + double(len)));
+ p->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Top:
+ default:
+ p->drawLine(tval, d_yorg, tval, d_yorg - len);
+ break;
+ }
+//.F ScaleDraw::drawLabel
+// Draws the number label for a major scale tick
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p, double val
+void ScaleDraw::drawLabel(QPainter *p, double val) const
+ static QString label;
+ static double pi_4 = M_PI * 0.25;
+ static double pi_75 = M_PI * 0.75;
+ double arc;
+ int xpos, ypos;
+ int tval;
+ QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
+ tval = transform(val);
+ // correct rounding errors if val = 0
+ if ((!d_scldiv.logScale()) && (qwtAbs(val) < qwtAbs(step_eps * d_scldiv.majStep())))
+ val = 0.0;
+ label.setNum(val, d_fmt, d_prec);
+ switch(d_orient)
+ {
+ case Right:
+ p->drawText(d_xorg + d_majLen + d_hpad,
+ tval + (fm.ascent()-1) / 2,
+ label);
+ break;
+ case Left:
+ p->drawText(d_xorg - d_majLen - d_hpad - fm.width(label),
+ tval + (fm.ascent() -1) / 2,
+ label);
+ break;
+ case Bottom:
+ p->drawText(tval - (fm.width(label)-1) / 2, d_yorg + d_majLen + d_vpad + fm.ascent(), label);
+ break;
+ case Round:
+ if ((tval > d_minAngle + 359 * 16) || (tval < d_minAngle - 359 * 16))
+ break;
+ arc = double(tval) / 16.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
+ // Map arc into the interval -pi <= arc <= pi
+ if ((arc < -M_PI) || (arc > M_PI))
+ arc -= floor((arc + M_PI) / M_PI * 0.5) * 2.0 * M_PI;
+ xpos = 1 + qwtInt(d_xCenter + (d_radius + double(d_majLen + d_vpad)) * sin(arc));
+ ypos = qwtInt(d_yCenter - (d_radius + double(d_majLen + d_vpad)) * cos(arc));
+ if (arc < -pi_75)
+ {
+ p->drawText(xpos - qwtInt(double(fm.width(label))
+ * (1.0 + (arc + pi_75) * M_2_PI) ),
+ ypos + fm.ascent() - 1,
+ label);
+ }
+ else if (arc < -M_PI_4)
+ {
+ p->drawText(xpos - fm.width(label),
+ ypos - qwtInt(double(fm.ascent() - 1)
+ * (arc + M_PI_4) * M_2_PI),
+ label);
+ }
+ else if (arc < pi_4)
+ {
+ p->drawText(xpos + qwtInt(double(fm.width(label))
+ * ( arc - M_PI_4 ) * M_2_PI ),
+ ypos,
+ label);
+ }
+ else if (arc < pi_75)
+ {
+ p->drawText(xpos,
+ ypos + qwtInt(double(fm.ascent() - 1)
+ * (arc - M_PI_4) * M_2_PI),
+ label);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p->drawText(xpos - qwtInt(double(fm.width(label))
+ * ( arc - pi_75) * M_2_PI ),
+ ypos + fm.ascent() - 1,
+ label);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Top:
+ default:
+ p->drawText(tval - (fm.width(label)-1) / 2, d_yorg - d_majLen - d_vpad, label);
+ break;
+ }
+//.F ScaleDraw::drawBackbone
+// Draws the baseline of the scale
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p
+void ScaleDraw::drawBackbone(QPainter *p) const
+ int bw2;
+ int a1, a2;
+ bw2 = p->pen().width() / 2;
+ switch(d_orient)
+ {
+ case Left:
+ p->drawLine(d_xorg - bw2, d_yorg, d_xorg - bw2, d_yorg + d_len - 1);
+ break;
+ case Right:
+ p->drawLine(d_xorg + bw2, d_yorg, d_xorg + bw2, d_yorg + d_len - 1);
+ break;
+ case Round:
+ a1 = qwtMin(i1(), i2()) - 90 * 16;
+ a2 = qwtMax(i1(), i2()) - 90 * 16;
+ p->drawArc(d_xorg, d_yorg, d_len,
+ d_len,
+ -a2, a2 - a1 + 1); // counterclockwise
+ break;
+ case Top:
+ p->drawLine(d_xorg, d_yorg - bw2, d_xorg + d_len - 1, d_yorg-bw2);
+ break;
+ case Bottom:
+ p->drawLine(d_xorg, d_yorg+bw2, d_xorg + d_len - 1, d_yorg+bw2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ p->drawLine(d_xorg, d_yorg, d_xorg + d_len - 1, d_yorg);
+ break;
+ }
+//.F ScaleDraw::setGeometry
+// Specify the geometry of the scale
+//.u Parameters
+//.p int xorigin -- x coordinate of the origin
+// int yorigin -- y coordinate of the origin
+// int length -- length or diameter of the scale
+// Orientation o -- The orientation
+//.u Description
+// The parameters xorigin, yorigin and length have different meanings,
+// dependent on the
+// orientation:
+// ScaleDraw::Left -- The origin is the topmost point of the
+// baseline. The baseline is a vertical line with the
+// specified length. Scale marks and labels are drawn
+// at the left of the baseline.
+// ScaleDraw::Right -- The origin is the topmost point of the
+// baseline. The baseline is a vertical line with the
+// specified length. Scale marks and labels are drawn
+// at the right of the baseline.
+// ScaleDraw::Top -- The origin is the leftmost point of the
+// baseline. The baseline is a horizontal line with the
+// specified length. Scale marks and labels are drawn
+// above the baseline.
+// ScaleDraw::Bottom -- The origin is the leftmost point of the
+// baseline. The baseline is a horizontal line with the
+// specified length. Scale marks and labels are drawn
+// below the baseline.
+// ScaleDraw::Round -- The origin is the top left corner of the
+// bounding rectangle of the baseline circle. The baseline
+// is the segment of a circle with a diameter of the specified length.
+// Scale marks and labels are drawn outside the baseline
+// circle.
+void ScaleDraw::setGeometry(int xorigin, int yorigin, int length, OrientationX o)
+ d_xorg = xorigin;
+ d_yorg = yorigin;
+ d_radius = double(length) * 0.5;
+ d_xCenter = double(xorigin) + double(length) * 0.5;
+ d_yCenter = double(yorigin) + double(length) * 0.5;
+ if (length > minLen)
+ d_len = length;
+ else
+ d_len = minLen;
+ d_orient = o;
+ switch(d_orient)
+ {
+ case Left:
+ case Right:
+ setIntRange(d_yorg + d_len - 1, d_yorg);
+ break;
+ case Round:
+ setIntRange(d_minAngle, d_maxAngle);
+ break;
+ case Top:
+ case Bottom:
+ default:
+ setIntRange(d_xorg, d_xorg + d_len - 1);
+ break;
+ }
+//.F ScaleDraw::maxWidth
+// Return the maximum width of the scale for a specified QPainter
+//.u Syntax
+//.f int ScaleDraw::maxWidth(QPainter *p)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p -- painter
+// bool worst -- if TRUE, assume the worst possible case. If FALSE,
+// calculate the real maximum width, which is more
+// CPU intensive.
+int ScaleDraw::maxWidth(QPainter *p, bool worst) const
+ int rv = 0;
+ int bw = p->pen().width();
+ QString s;
+ QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
+ rv = maxLabelWidth(p,worst);
+ switch (d_orient)
+ {
+ case Left:
+ case Right:
+ rv += (bw + d_hpad + d_majLen);
+ break;
+ case Round:
+ rv += (bw + d_vpad + d_majLen);
+ break;
+ case Top:
+ case Bottom:
+ default:
+ rv += d_len;
+ }
+ return rv;
+//.F ScaleDraw::maxHeight
+// Return the maximum height of the scale for the
+// specified painter
+//.u Syntax
+//.f int ScaleDraw::maxHeight(QPainter *p)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p
+int ScaleDraw::maxHeight(QPainter *p) const
+ int rv = 0;
+ int bw = p->pen().width();
+ p->save();
+ QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
+ switch (d_orient)
+ {
+ case Top:
+ case Bottom:
+ case Round:
+ rv = bw + d_vpad + d_majLen + fm.height();
+ break;
+ case Left:
+ case Right:
+ default:
+ rv = d_len + ((fm.height() + 1) / 2);
+ }
+ return rv;
+//.F ScaleDraw:maxBoundingRect
+// Return the maximum bounding rectangle of the scale
+// for a specified painter
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p -- painter
+//.u Description
+// The bounding rectangle is not very exact for round scales
+// with strange angle ranges.
+QRect ScaleDraw::maxBoundingRect(QPainter *p) const
+ int i, wl,h,wmax;
+ int a, ar, amin, amax;
+ double arc;
+ QRect r;
+ QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
+ wl = maxLabelWidth(p, TRUE);
+ h = fm.height();
+ switch(d_orient)
+ {
+ case Left:
+ r = QRect( d_xorg - d_hpad - d_majLen - wl,
+ d_yorg - fm.ascent(),
+ d_majLen + d_hpad + wl,
+ d_len + fm.height());
+ break;
+ case Right:
+ r = QRect( d_xorg,
+ d_yorg - fm.ascent(),
+ d_majLen + d_hpad + wl,
+ d_len + fm.height());
+ break;
+ case Top:
+ r = QRect ( d_xorg - wl / 2,
+ d_yorg - d_majLen - fm.ascent(),
+ d_len + wl,
+ d_majLen + d_vpad + fm.ascent());
+ break;
+ case Bottom:
+ r = QRect ( d_xorg - wl / 2,
+ d_yorg,
+ d_len + wl,
+ d_majLen + d_vpad + fm.height());
+ break;
+ case Round:
+ amin = 2880;
+ amax = 0;
+ ar = 0;
+ for (i=0; i< d_scldiv.majCnt(); i++)
+ {
+ a = transform(d_scldiv.majMark(i));
+ while (a > 2880) a -= 5760;
+ while (a < - 2880) a += 5760;
+ ar = qwtAbs(a);
+ if (ar < amin) amin = ar;
+ if (ar > amax) amax = ar;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i< d_scldiv.minCnt(); i++)
+ {
+ a = transform(d_scldiv.majMark(i));
+ while (a > 2880) a -= 5760;
+ while (a < - 2880) a += 5760;
+ ar = qwtAbs(a);
+ if (ar < amin) amin = ar;
+ if (ar > amax) amax = ar;
+ }
+ arc = double(amin) / 16.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
+ r.setTop(qwtInt(d_yCenter - (d_radius + double(d_majLen + d_vpad)) * cos(arc))
+ + fm.ascent() );
+ arc = double(amax) / 16.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
+ r.setBottom(qwtInt(d_yCenter - (d_radius + double(d_majLen + d_vpad)) * cos(arc))
+ + fm.height() );
+ wmax = d_len + d_majLen + d_hpad + wl;
+ r.setLeft(d_xorg - d_majLen - d_hpad - wl);
+ r.setWidth(d_len + 2*(d_majLen + d_hpad + wl));
+ break;
+ }
+ return r;
+//.F ScaleDraw::setAngleRange
+// Adjust the baseline circle segment for round scales.
+//.u Syntax
+//.f void ScaleDraw::setAngleRange(double angle1, double angle2)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p double angle1, double angle2
+// boundaries of the angle interval in degrees.
+//.u Description
+// The baseline will be drawn from min(angle1,angle2) to max(angle1, angle2).
+// The settings have no effect if the scale orientation is not set to
+// ScaleDraw::Round. The default setting is [ -135, 135 ].
+// An angle of 0 degrees corresponds to the 12 o'clock position,
+// and positive angles count in a clockwise direction.
+//.u Note
+// -- The angle range is limited to [-360, 360] degrees. Angles exceeding
+// this range will be clipped.
+// -- For angles more than 359 degrees above or below min(angle1, angle2),
+// scale marks will not be drawn.
+// -- If you need a counterclockwise scale, use @QwtScaleDiv::setRange (1)@
+// or @QwtScaleDiv::setRange (2)@.
+void ScaleDraw::setAngleRange(double angle1, double angle2)
+ int amin, amax;
+ angle1 = qwtLim(angle1, -360.0, 360.0);
+ angle2 = qwtLim(angle2, -360.0, 360.0);
+ amin = int(rint(qwtMin(angle1, angle2) * 16.0));
+ amax = int(rint(qwtMax(angle1, angle2) * 16.0));
+ if (amin == amax)
+ {
+ amin -= 1;
+ amax += 1;
+ }
+ d_minAngle = amin;
+ d_maxAngle = amax;
+ setIntRange(d_minAngle, d_maxAngle);
+//.F ScaleDraw::setLabelFormat
+// Set the number format for the major scale labels
+//.u Syntax
+//.f void ScaleDraw::setLabelFormat(char f, int prec)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p char f -- format character
+// int prec -- precision
+//.u Description
+// Format character and precision have the same meaning as for the
+// QString class.
+//.u See also
+// QString::setNum in the Qt manual
+void ScaleDraw::setLabelFormat(char f, int prec)
+ d_fmt = f;
+ d_prec = prec;
+//.F ScaleDraw::maxLabelWidth
+// Return the maximum width of a label
+//.u Syntax
+//.f int ScaleDraw::maxLabelWidth(QPainter *p, int worst)
+//.u Parameters
+//.p QPainter *p -- painter
+// int worst -- If TRUE, take the worst case. If FALSE, take
+// the actual width of the largest label.
+int ScaleDraw::maxLabelWidth(QPainter *p, int worst) const
+ int i,rv = 0;
+ double val;
+ QString s;
+ QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
+ if (worst) // worst case
+ {
+ s.setNum(WorstCase, d_fmt, d_prec);
+ rv = fm.width(s);
+ }
+ else // actual width
+ {
+ for (i=0;i<d_scldiv.majCnt(); i++)
+ {
+ val = d_scldiv.majMark(i);
+ // correct rounding errors if val = 0
+ if ((!d_scldiv.logScale()) && (qwtAbs(val) < step_eps * qwtAbs(d_scldiv.majStep())))
+ val = 0.0;
+ s.setNum(val, d_fmt, d_prec);
+ rv = qwtMax(rv,fm.width(s));
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+//.F ScaleDraw::scaleDiv
+// Return the scale division
+//.u Syntax
+//.f const QwtScaleDiv & ScaleDraw::scaleDiv() const
+//.u See also
+// @^QwtScaleDiv@
+//.F ScaleDraw::orientation
+// Return the orientation
+//.u Syntax
+//.f int ScaleDraw::orientation() const
+//.u See also
+// @ScaleDraw::setGeometry@