path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/midisyncimpl.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/midisyncimpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1252 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/midisyncimpl.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/midisyncimpl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 75d21ac0..00000000
--- a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/midisyncimpl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1252 +0,0 @@
-// MusE
-// Linux Music Editor
-// $Id: midisyncimpl.cpp,v 2009/05/03 04:14:01 terminator356 Exp $
-// (C) Copyright 1999/2000 Werner Schweer (
-#include <QCloseEvent>
-#include <QInputDialog>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
-#include "app.h"
-#include "song.h"
-#include "midiport.h"
-#include "midiseq.h"
-#include "mididev.h"
-#include "icons.h"
-#include "sync.h"
-#include "globals.h"
-#include "midisyncimpl.h"
-#include "driver/audiodev.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-//MidiSyncInfo tmpMidiSyncPorts[MIDI_PORTS];
-// MidiSyncConfig::setToolTips
-void MidiSyncConfig::setToolTips(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_NO, tr("Port Number"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_NAME, tr("Name of the midi device associated with"
- " this port number"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_IN, tr("Midi clock input detected"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_TICKIN, tr("Midi tick input detected"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_MRTIN, tr("Midi real time input detected"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_MMCIN, tr("MMC input detected"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_MTCIN, tr("MTC input detected"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, tr("Detected SMPTE format"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_RID, tr("Receive id number. 127 = Global. Double click to edit."));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_RCLK, tr("Accept midi clock input"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_RMRT, tr("Accept midi real time input"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_RMMC, tr("Accept MMC input"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_RMTC, tr("Accept MTC input"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_RREWSTART, tr("Receive start rewinds before playing"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_TID, tr("Transmit id number. 127 = Global. Double click to edit."));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_TCLK, tr("Send midi clock output"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_TMRT, tr("Send midi realtime output"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_TMMC, tr("Send MMC output"));
- item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_TMTC, tr("Send MTC output"));
- //item->setToolTip(DEVCOL_TREWSTART, tr("Send continue instead of start"));
-// MidiSyncConfig::setWhatsThis
-void MidiSyncConfig::setWhatsThis(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_NO, tr("Port Number"));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_NAME, tr("Name of the midi device associated with this port number"));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_IN, tr("Midi clock input detected.\n"
- "Current port actually used is red.\nClick to force a port to be used."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_TICKIN, tr("Midi tick input detected"));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_MRTIN, tr("Midi realtime input detected, including\n start/stop/continue, and song position."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_MMCIN, tr("MMC input detected, including stop/play/deferred play, and locate."));
- //"Current port actually used is red. Click to force a port to be current."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_MTCIN, tr("MTC input detected, including forward quarter-frame sync and full-frame locate.\n"
- "Current port actually used is red. Click to force a port to be current."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, tr("Detected SMPTE format: 24fps, 25fps, 30fps drop frame, or 30fps non-drop\n"
- "Detects format of MTC quarter and full frame, and MMC locate."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_RID, tr("Receive id number. 127 = global receive all, even if not global."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_RCLK, tr("Accept midi clock input. Only one input is used for clock.\n"
- "Auto-acquire: If two or more port realtime inputs are enabled,\n"
- " the first clock detected is used, until clock is lost,\n"
- " then another can take over. Best if each turns off its clock\n"
- " at stop, so MusE can re-acquire the clock from another port.\n"
- "Click on detect indicator to force another."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_RMRT, tr("Accept midi realtime input, including\n start/stop/continue, and song position.\n"
- "Non-clock events (start,stop etc) are\n accepted by ALL enabled ports.\n"
- "This means you may have several master\n devices connected, and muse will accept\n"
- " input from them."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_RMMC, tr("Accept MMC input, including stop/play/deferred play, and locate."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_RMTC, tr("Accept MTC input, including forward quarter-frame sync and full-frame locate.\n"
- "See 'rc' column for more help."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_RREWSTART, tr("When start is received, rewind before playing.\n"
- "Note: It may be impossible to rewind fast\n"
- " enough to synchronize with the external device."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_TID, tr("Transmit id number. 127 = global transmit to all."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_TCLK, tr("Send midi clock output. If 'Slave to External Sync' is chosen,\n"
- " muse can re-transmit clock to any other chosen ports."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_TMRT, tr("Send midi realtime output, including start/stop/continue,\n"
- " and song position. If 'Slave to external sync' is chosen,\n"
- " muse can re-transmit midi realtime input messages to any\n"
- " other chosen ports. This means you may have several slave\n"
- " devices connected, and muse can re-send realtime messages\n"
- " to any or all of them."));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_TMMC, tr("Send MMC output"));
- item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_TMTC, tr("Send MTC output"));
- // item->setWhatsThis(DEVCOL_TREWSTART, tr("When transport is starting, send continue instead of start.\n"));
-// MidiSyncConfig::addDevice
-void MidiSyncConfig::addDevice(QTreeWidgetItem *item, QTreeWidget *tree)
- setWhatsThis(item);
- tree->addTopLevelItem(item);
-// MidiSyncLViewItem
-// setDevice
-void MidiSyncLViewItem::setDevice(MidiDevice* d)
- _device = d;
- if(_device)
- _syncInfo.copyParams(_device->syncInfo());
-// MidiSyncLViewItem
-// setPort
-void MidiSyncLViewItem::setPort(int port)
- _port = port;
- if(_port < 0 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
- return;
- //_syncInfo.copyParams(midiPorts[port].syncInfo());
- copyFromSyncInfo(midiPorts[port].syncInfo());
-// MidiSyncLViewItem
-// copyFromSyncInfo
-void MidiSyncLViewItem::copyFromSyncInfo(const MidiSyncInfo &sp)
- _idOut = sp.idOut();
- _idIn = sp.idIn();
- _sendMC = sp.MCOut();
- _sendMRT = sp.MRTOut();
- _sendMMC = sp.MMCOut();
- _sendMTC = sp.MTCOut();
- _recMC = sp.MCIn();
- _recMRT = sp.MRTIn();
- _recMMC = sp.MMCIn();
- _recMTC = sp.MTCIn();
- _recRewOnStart = sp.recRewOnStart();
- //_sendContNotStart = sp.sendContNotStart();
-// MidiSyncLViewItem
-// copyToSyncInfo
-void MidiSyncLViewItem::copyToSyncInfo(MidiSyncInfo &sp)
- sp.setIdOut(_idOut);
- sp.setIdIn(_idIn);
- sp.setMCOut(_sendMC);
- sp.setMRTOut(_sendMRT);
- sp.setMMCOut(_sendMMC);
- sp.setMTCOut(_sendMTC);
- sp.setMCIn(_recMC);
- sp.setMRTIn(_recMRT);
- sp.setMMCIn(_recMMC);
- sp.setMTCIn(_recMTC);
- sp.setRecRewOnStart(_recRewOnStart);
- //sp.setSendContNotStart(_sendContNotStart);
-// MidiSyncConfig
-// Midi Sync Config
-MidiSyncConfig::MidiSyncConfig(QWidget* parent)
- : QDialog(parent)
- setupUi(this);
- _dirty = false;
- applyButton->setEnabled(false);
- //inHeartBeat = true;
- //for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i)
- // tmpMidiSyncPorts[i] = midiSyncPorts[i];
- //bool ext = extSyncFlag.value();
- //syncMode->setButton(int(ext));
- //syncChanged(ext);
-// extSyncCheckbox->setChecked(extSyncFlag.value());
-// dstDevId->setValue(txDeviceId);
-// srcDevId->setValue(rxDeviceId);
-// srcSyncPort->setValue(rxSyncPort + 1);
-// dstSyncPort->setValue(txSyncPort + 1);
-// mtcSync->setChecked(genMTCSync);
-// mcSync->setChecked(genMCSync);
-// midiMachineControl->setChecked(genMMC);
-// acceptMTCCheckbox->setChecked(acceptMTC);
- //acceptMTCCheckbox->setChecked(false);
-// acceptMCCheckbox->setChecked(acceptMC);
-// acceptMMCCheckbox->setChecked(acceptMMC);
-// mtcSyncType->setCurrentItem(mtcType);
-// mtcOffH->setValue(mtcOffset.h());
-// mtcOffM->setValue(mtcOffset.m());
-// mtcOffS->setValue(mtcOffset.s());
-// mtcOffF->setValue(mtcOffset.f());
-// mtcOffSf->setValue(mtcOffset.sf());
- devicesListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
- QStringList columnnames;
- columnnames << tr("Port")
- << tr("Device Name")
- << tr("c")
- << tr("k")
- << tr("r")
- << tr("m")
- << tr("t")
- << tr("type")
- << tr("rid") // Receive
- << tr("rc") // Receive
- << tr("rr") // Receive
- << tr("rm") // Receive
- << tr("rt") // Receive
- << tr("rw") // Receive
- << tr("tid") // Transmit
- << tr("tc") // Transmit
- << tr("tr") // Transmit
- << tr("tm") // Transmit
- << tr("tt"); // Transmit
- devicesListView->setColumnCount(columnnames.size());
- devicesListView->setHeaderLabels(columnnames);
- setWhatsThis(devicesListView->headerItem());
- setToolTips(devicesListView->headerItem());
- devicesListView->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- //MSyncHeaderTip::add(devicesListView->header(), QString("Midi sync ports"));
-// updateSyncInfoLV();
- songChanged(-1);
- //connect(devicesListView, SIGNAL(pressed(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)),
- // this, SLOT(dlvClicked(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)));
- connect(devicesListView, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)),
- this, SLOT(dlvClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)));
- connect(devicesListView, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)),
- this, SLOT(dlvDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)));
- //connect(devicesListView, SIGNAL(itemRenamed(QListViewItem*, int, const QString&)),
- // this, SLOT(renameOk(QListViewItem*, int, const QString&)));
- connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(ok()));
- connect(applyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(apply()));
- connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(cancel()));
- //connect(syncMode, SIGNAL(clicked(int)), SLOT(syncChanged(int)));
- connect(extSyncCheckbox, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(syncChanged()));
- connect(mtcSyncType, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(syncChanged()));
- connect(useJackTransportCheckbox, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(syncChanged()));
- connect(jackTransportMasterCheckbox, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(syncChanged()));
- connect(&extSyncFlag, SIGNAL(valueChanged(bool)), SLOT(extSyncChanged(bool)));
- connect(syncDelaySpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(syncChanged()));
- // Done in show().
- //connect(song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), SLOT(songChanged(int)));
- //connect(heartBeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(heartBeat()));
- //inHeartBeat = false;
-// songChanged
-void MidiSyncConfig::songChanged(int flags)
- // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it. Otherwise, it's mainly midi port/device changes we want.
- if(flags == SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER ||
- return;
- // Reset dirty flag, since we're loading new values.
- _dirty = false;
- if(applyButton->isEnabled())
- applyButton->setEnabled(false);
- //for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i)
- // tmpMidiSyncPorts[i] = midiSyncPorts[i];
- extSyncCheckbox->blockSignals(true);
- useJackTransportCheckbox->blockSignals(true);
- jackTransportMasterCheckbox->blockSignals(true);
- syncDelaySpinBox->blockSignals(true);
- extSyncCheckbox->setChecked(extSyncFlag.value());
- useJackTransportCheckbox->setChecked(useJackTransport.value());
- jackTransportMasterCheckbox->setChecked(jackTransportMaster);
- //jackTransportMasterCheckbox->setEnabled(useJackTransport);
- syncDelaySpinBox->setValue(syncSendFirstClockDelay);
- syncDelaySpinBox->blockSignals(false);
- jackTransportMasterCheckbox->blockSignals(false);
- useJackTransportCheckbox->blockSignals(false);
- extSyncCheckbox->blockSignals(false);
- mtcSyncType->setCurrentIndex(mtcType);
- mtcOffH->blockSignals(true);
- mtcOffM->blockSignals(true);
- mtcOffS->blockSignals(true);
- mtcOffF->blockSignals(true);
- mtcOffSf->blockSignals(true);
- mtcOffH->setValue(mtcOffset.h());
- mtcOffM->setValue(mtcOffset.m());
- mtcOffS->setValue(mtcOffset.s());
- mtcOffF->setValue(mtcOffset.f());
- mtcOffSf->setValue(mtcOffset.sf());
- mtcOffH->blockSignals(false);
- mtcOffM->blockSignals(false);
- mtcOffS->blockSignals(false);
- mtcOffF->blockSignals(false);
- mtcOffSf->blockSignals(false);
- updateSyncInfoLV();
- //selectionChanged();
-// heartBeat
-void MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat()
- //inHeartBeat = true;
- for (int i = MIDI_PORTS-1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- MidiSyncLViewItem* lvi = (MidiSyncLViewItem*)devicesListView->topLevelItem(i);
- int port = lvi->port();
- if(port >= 0 && port < MIDI_PORTS)
- {
- bool sdet = midiPorts[port].syncInfo().MCSyncDetect();
- if(sdet)
- {
- if(port == curMidiSyncInPort)
- {
- if(!lvi->_curDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting current red icon\n");
- lvi->_curDet = true;
- lvi->_inDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( *record1_Icon));
- }
- }
- else
- if(!lvi->_inDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting non-current green icon\n");
- lvi->_inDet = true;
- lvi->_curDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(lvi->_curDet || lvi->_inDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting off icon\n");
- lvi->_curDet = false;
- lvi->_inDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- }
- sdet = midiPorts[port].syncInfo().tickDetect();
- if(sdet)
- {
- if(!lvi->_tickDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting tick on icon\n");
- lvi->_tickDet = true;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TICKIN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(lvi->_tickDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting tick off icon\n");
- lvi->_tickDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TICKIN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- }
- sdet = midiPorts[port].syncInfo().MRTDetect();
- if(sdet)
- {
- if(!lvi->_MRTDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting MRT on icon\n");
- lvi->_MRTDet = true;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MRTIN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(lvi->_MRTDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting MRT off icon\n");
- lvi->_MRTDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MRTIN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- }
- int type = midiPorts[port].syncInfo().recMTCtype();
- sdet = midiPorts[port].syncInfo().MMCDetect();
- bool mtcdet = midiPorts[port].syncInfo().MTCDetect();
- if(sdet)
- {
- if(!lvi->_MMCDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting MMC on icon\n");
- lvi->_MMCDet = true;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MMCIN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- // MMC locate command can contain SMPTE format type. Update now.
- if(!mtcdet && lvi->_recMTCtype != type)
- {
- lvi->_recMTCtype = type;
- switch(type)
- {
- case 0:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "24");
- break;
- case 1:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "25");
- break;
- case 2:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "30D");
- break;
- case 3:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "30N");
- break;
- default:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "??");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(lvi->_MMCDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting MMC off icon\n");
- lvi->_MMCDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MMCIN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- }
- if(mtcdet)
- {
- if(port == curMidiSyncInPort)
- {
- if(!lvi->_curMTCDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting current red icon\n");
- lvi->_curMTCDet = true;
- lvi->_MTCDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QIcon( *record1_Icon));
- }
- }
- else
- if(!lvi->_MTCDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting MTC on icon\n");
- lvi->_MTCDet = true;
- lvi->_curMTCDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- if(lvi->_recMTCtype != type)
- {
- lvi->_recMTCtype = type;
- switch(type)
- {
- case 0:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "24");
- break;
- case 1:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "25");
- break;
- case 2:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "30D");
- break;
- case 3:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "30N");
- break;
- default:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "??");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(lvi->_curMTCDet || lvi->_MTCDet)
- {
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
- //printf("MidiSyncConfig::heartBeat setting MTC off icon\n");
- lvi->_MTCDet = false;
- lvi->_curMTCDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- }
- }
- //MidiDevice* dev = lvi->device();
- //bool sdet = dev->syncInfo().MCSyncDetect();
- //if(lvi->pixmap(DEVCOL_IN) != (sdet ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon))
- // lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( sdet ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- }
- //inHeartBeat = false;
-// syncChanged
-// val = 1 - Master Mode
-// 0 - Slave Mode
-void MidiSyncConfig::syncChanged()
- {
- setDirty();
- //jackTransportMasterCheckbox->setEnabled(useJackTransport);
- //acceptMTCCheckbox->setEnabled(val);
-// acceptMTCCheckbox->setEnabled(false);
-// acceptMCCheckbox->setEnabled(val);
-// acceptMMCCheckbox->setEnabled(val);
- }
-// extSyncChanged
-void MidiSyncConfig::extSyncChanged(bool v)
- {
- extSyncCheckbox->blockSignals(true);
- extSyncCheckbox->setChecked(v);
-// if(v)
-// song->setMasterFlag(false);
- extSyncCheckbox->blockSignals(false);
- }
-// ok Pressed
-void MidiSyncConfig::ok()
- {
- apply();
- cancel();
- }
-// cancel Pressed
-void MidiSyncConfig::cancel()
- {
- _dirty = false;
- if(applyButton->isEnabled())
- applyButton->setEnabled(false);
- close();
- }
-// show
-void MidiSyncConfig::show()
- songChanged(-1);
- connect(song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), SLOT(songChanged(int)));
- connect(heartBeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(heartBeat()));
- QDialog::show();
-// closeEvent
-void MidiSyncConfig::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e)
- {
- if(_dirty)
- {
- int n = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("MusE"),
- tr("Settings have changed\n"
- "Apply sync settings?"),
- tr("&Apply"), tr("&No"), tr("&Abort"), 0, 2);
- if(n == 2)
- {
- e->ignore();
- return;
- }
- if(n == 0)
- apply();
- }
- //emit deleted((unsigned long)this);
- disconnect(heartBeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(heartBeat()));
- disconnect(song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), this, SLOT(songChanged(int)));
- e->accept();
- }
-// apply Pressed
-void MidiSyncConfig::apply()
-// txDeviceId = dstDevId->value();
-// rxDeviceId = srcDevId->value();
-// rxSyncPort = srcSyncPort->value() - 1;
-// txSyncPort = dstSyncPort->value() - 1;
-// genMTCSync = mtcSync->isChecked();
-// genMCSync = mcSync->isChecked();
-// genMMC = midiMachineControl->isChecked();
- syncSendFirstClockDelay = syncDelaySpinBox->value();
- mtcType = mtcSyncType->currentIndex();
- //extSyncFlag.setValue(syncMode->id(syncMode->selected()));
- //extSyncFlag.blockSignals(true);
- extSyncFlag.setValue(extSyncCheckbox->isChecked());
-// if(extSyncFlag.value())
-// song->setMasterFlag(false);
- //extSyncFlag.blockSignals(false);
- useJackTransport.setValue(useJackTransportCheckbox->isChecked());
-// if(useJackTransport)
- jackTransportMaster = jackTransportMasterCheckbox->isChecked();
-// else
-// jackTransportMaster = false;
-// jackTransportMasterCheckbox->setEnabled(useJackTransport);
- if(audioDevice)
- audioDevice->setMaster(jackTransportMaster);
- mtcOffset.setH(mtcOffH->value());
- mtcOffset.setM(mtcOffM->value());
- mtcOffset.setS(mtcOffS->value());
- mtcOffset.setF(mtcOffF->value());
- mtcOffset.setSf(mtcOffSf->value());
-// acceptMC = acceptMCCheckbox->isChecked();
-// acceptMMC = acceptMMCCheckbox->isChecked();
-// acceptMTC = acceptMTCCheckbox->isChecked();
- //MidiSyncLViewItem* lvi = (MidiSyncLViewItem*)devicesListView->firstChild();
- //while(lvi)
- for (int i = MIDI_PORTS-1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- MidiSyncLViewItem* lvi = (MidiSyncLViewItem*)devicesListView->topLevelItem(i);
- //MidiDevice* dev = lvi->device();
- // Does the device really exist?
- //if(midiDevices.find(dev) != midiDevices.end())
- // dev->syncInfo().copyParams(lvi->syncInfo());
- int port = lvi->port();
- if(port >= 0 && port < MIDI_PORTS)
- //midiPorts[port].syncInfo().copyParams(lvi->syncInfo());
- lvi->copyToSyncInfo(midiPorts[port].syncInfo());
- }
- //muse->changeConfig(true); // save settings
- _dirty = false;
- if(applyButton->isEnabled())
- applyButton->setEnabled(false);
- // Do not call this. Causes freeze sometimes. Only will be needed if extra pollfds are used by midi seq thread.
- //midiSeq->msgUpdatePollFd();
-// updateSyncInfoLV
-void MidiSyncConfig::updateSyncInfoLV()
- {
- devicesListView->clear();
- for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i)
- {
- MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[i];
- MidiDevice* dev = port->device();
- // p3.3.31
- // Don't show if it is a synthesizer device.
- // Hmm, some synths might support transport commands or even sync?
- // If anything, the DSSI or VST synths just might...
- // TODO: Must test to see if it screws any of them up, especially clock out.
- // Also, if we do this, we must prevent such messages from reaching
- // those ports at several other places in the code.
- //if(dev && dev->isSynti())
- // continue;
- QString s;
- s.setNum(i+1);
- MidiSyncLViewItem* lvi = new MidiSyncLViewItem(devicesListView);
- lvi->setPort(i); // setPort will copy parameters.
- //MidiSyncInfo& si = lvi->syncInfo();
- //si.copyParams(port->syncInfo());
- //lvi.copyFromSyncInfo(port->syncInfo());
- MidiSyncInfo& portsi = port->syncInfo();
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_NO, s);
- if (dev)
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_NAME, dev->name());
- else
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_NAME, tr("<none>"));
- if(portsi.MCSyncDetect())
- {
- if(i == curMidiSyncInPort)
- {
- lvi->_curDet = true;
- lvi->_inDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( *record1_Icon));
- }
- else
- {
- lvi->_curDet = false;
- lvi->_inDet = true;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- lvi->_curDet = false;
- lvi->_inDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- if(portsi.tickDetect())
- {
- lvi->_tickDet = true;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TICKIN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- else
- {
- lvi->_tickDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TICKIN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- if(portsi.MRTDetect())
- {
- lvi->_MRTDet = true;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MRTIN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- else
- {
- lvi->_MRTDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MRTIN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- if(portsi.MMCDetect())
- {
- lvi->_MMCDet = true;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MMCIN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- // MMC locate command can have SMPTE format bits...
- if(lvi->_recMTCtype != portsi.recMTCtype())
- {
- switch(portsi.recMTCtype())
- {
- case 0:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "24");
- break;
- case 1:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "25");
- break;
- case 2:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "30D");
- break;
- case 3:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "30N");
- break;
- default:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "??");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- lvi->_MMCDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MMCIN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- }
- if(portsi.MTCDetect())
- {
- if(i == curMidiSyncInPort)
- {
- lvi->_curMTCDet = true;
- lvi->_MTCDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QIcon( *record1_Icon));
- }
- else
- {
- lvi->_curMTCDet = false;
- lvi->_MTCDet = true;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QIcon( *dotIcon));
- }
- if(lvi->_recMTCtype != portsi.recMTCtype())
- {
- switch(portsi.recMTCtype())
- {
- case 0:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "24");
- break;
- case 1:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "25");
- break;
- case 2:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "30D");
- break;
- case 3:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "30N");
- break;
- default:
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "??");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- lvi->_curMTCDet = false;
- lvi->_MTCDet = false;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QIcon( *dothIcon));
- //lvi->setText(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE, "--");
- }
- //lvi->setText(DEVCOL_RID, QString().setNum(si.idIn()) );
- //lvi->setRenameEnabled(DEVCOL_RID, true);
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RCLK, QIcon( si.MCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMMC, QIcon( si.MMCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMTC, QIcon( si.MTCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_RID, QString().setNum(lvi->_idIn) );
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RCLK, QIcon( lvi->_recMC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMRT, QIcon( lvi->_recMRT ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMMC, QIcon( lvi->_recMMC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMTC, QIcon( lvi->_recMTC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RREWSTART, QIcon( lvi->_recRewOnStart ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- //lvi->setText(DEVCOL_TID, QString().setNum(si.idOut()) );
- //lvi->setRenameEnabled(DEVCOL_TID, true);
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TCLK, QIcon( si.MCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMMC, QIcon( si.MMCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMTC, QIcon( si.MTCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_TID, QString().setNum(lvi->_idOut) );
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TCLK, QIcon(lvi->_sendMC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMRT, QIcon(lvi->_sendMRT ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMMC, QIcon(lvi->_sendMMC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMTC, QIcon(lvi->_sendMTC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TREWSTART, QIcon( lvi->_sendContNotStart ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- addDevice(lvi, devicesListView);
- }
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_NO);
- //devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_NAME);
- devicesListView->header()->resizeSection(DEVCOL_NAME, 120);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_IN);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_TICKIN);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_MRTIN);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_MMCIN);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_MTCIN);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_MTCTYPE);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_RID);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_RCLK);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_RMRT);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_RMMC);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_RMTC);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_RREWSTART);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_TID);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_TCLK);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_TMRT);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_TMMC);
- devicesListView->resizeColumnToContents(DEVCOL_TMTC);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_NO, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_IN, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_TICKIN, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_MRTIN, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_MMCIN, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_RCLK, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_RMRT, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_RMMC, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_RMTC, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_RMTC, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_RREWSTART, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_TCLK, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_TMRT, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- devicesListView->header()->setResizeMode(DEVCOL_TMMC, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- /*
- for(iMidiDevice id = midiDevices.begin(); id != midiDevices.end(); ++id)
- {
- MidiDevice* dev = *id;
- //MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[i];
- //MidiDevice* dev = port->device();
- MidiSyncLViewItem* lvi = new MidiSyncLViewItem(devicesListView);
- //lvi->setPort(i);
- // setDevice will copy parameters.
- lvi->setDevice(dev);
- MidiSyncInfo& si = lvi->syncInfo();
- //si.copyParams(dev->syncInfo());
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_NAME, dev->name());
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( si.MCSyncDetect() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_RID, QString().setNum(si.idIn()) );
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RCLK, QIcon( si.MCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMMC, QIcon( si.MMCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMTC, QIcon( si.MTCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_TID, QString().setNum(si.idOut()) );
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TCLK, QIcon( si.MCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMMC, QIcon( si.MMCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMTC, QIcon( si.MTCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- devicesListView->insertItem(lvi);
- }
- */
- }
-// dlvClicked
-//void MidiSyncConfig::dlvClicked(QListViewItem* item, const QPoint&, int col)
-void MidiSyncConfig::dlvClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int col)
- if (item == 0)
- return;
- MidiSyncLViewItem* lvi = (MidiSyncLViewItem*)item;
- int no = lvi->port();
- if (no < 0 || no >= MIDI_PORTS)
- return;
- //MidiDevice* dev = lvi->device();
- // Does the device really exist?
- //if(midiDevices.find(dev) == midiDevices.end())
- // return;
- //int n;
- //MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[no];
- //MidiDevice* dev = port->device();
- //int rwFlags = dev ? dev->rwFlags() : 0;
- //int openFlags = dev ? dev->openFlags() : 0;
- //MidiSyncInfo& si = lvi->syncInfo();
- //MidiSyncInfo& portsi = midiPorts[no].syncInfo();
- switch (col)
- {
- case DEVCOL_NO:
- break;
- break;
- case DEVCOL_IN:
- // If this is not the current midi sync in port, and sync in from this port is enabled,
- // and sync is in fact detected on this port, allow the user to force this port to now be the
- // current sync in port.
- //if(no != curMidiSyncInPort && si.MCIn() && midiPorts[no].syncInfo().MCSyncDetect())
- //if(no != curMidiSyncInPort && lvi->_recMC && midiPorts[no].syncInfo().MCSyncDetect())
- if(no != curMidiSyncInPort)
- {
- if(lvi->_recMC && midiPorts[no].syncInfo().MCSyncDetect())
- {
- curMidiSyncInPort = no;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( *record1_Icon));
- }
- if(lvi->_recMTC && midiPorts[no].syncInfo().MTCDetect())
- {
- curMidiSyncInPort = no;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QIcon( *record1_Icon));
- }
- }
- break;
- break;
- break;
- // If this is not the current midi sync in port, and sync in from this port is enabled,
- // and sync is in fact detected on this port, allow the user to force this port to now be the
- // current sync in port.
- //if(no != curMidiSyncInPort && si.MTCIn() && midiPorts[no].syncInfo().MTCDetect())
- //if(no != curMidiSyncInPort && lvi->_recMTC && midiPorts[no].syncInfo().MTCDetect())
- if(no != curMidiSyncInPort)
- {
- if(lvi->_recMTC && midiPorts[no].syncInfo().MTCDetect())
- {
- curMidiSyncInPort = no;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_MTCIN, QIcon( *record1_Icon));
- }
- if(lvi->_recMC && midiPorts[no].syncInfo().MCSyncDetect())
- {
- curMidiSyncInPort = no;
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_IN, QIcon( *record1_Icon));
- }
- }
- break;
- break;
- case DEVCOL_RID:
- break;
- //si.setMCIn(si.MCIn() ? false : true);
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RCLK, QIcon( si.MCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->_recMC = (lvi->_recMC ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RCLK, QIcon( lvi->_recMC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- lvi->_recMRT = (lvi->_recMRT ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMRT, QIcon( lvi->_recMRT ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- //si.setMMCIn(si.MMCIn() ? false : true);
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMMC, QIcon( si.MMCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->_recMMC = (lvi->_recMMC ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMMC, QIcon( lvi->_recMMC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- //si.setMTCIn(si.MTCIn() ? false : true);
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMTC, QIcon( si.MTCIn() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->_recMTC = (lvi->_recMTC ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RMTC, QIcon( lvi->_recMTC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- lvi->_recRewOnStart = (lvi->_recRewOnStart ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_RREWSTART, QIcon( lvi->_recRewOnStart ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- case DEVCOL_TID:
- break;
- //si.setMCOut(si.MCOut() ? false : true);
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TCLK, QIcon( si.MCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->_sendMC = (lvi->_sendMC ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TCLK, QIcon( lvi->_sendMC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- lvi->_sendMRT = (lvi->_sendMRT ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMRT, QIcon( lvi->_sendMRT ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- //si.setMMCOut(si.MMCOut() ? false : true);
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMMC, QIcon( si.MMCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->_sendMMC = (lvi->_sendMMC ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMMC, QIcon( lvi->_sendMMC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- //si.setMTCOut(si.MTCOut() ? false : true);
- //lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMTC, QIcon( si.MTCOut() ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- lvi->_sendMTC = (lvi->_sendMTC ? false : true);
- lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TMTC, QIcon( lvi->_sendMTC ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- setDirty();
- break;
- // lvi->_sendContNotStart = (lvi->_sendContNotStart ? false : true);
- // lvi->setIcon(DEVCOL_TREWSTART, QIcon( lvi->_sendContNotStart ? *dotIcon : *dothIcon));
- // setDirty();
- // break;
- }
- //songChanged(-1);
-// dlvDoubleClicked
-void MidiSyncConfig::dlvDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int col)
- if(!item)
- return;
- MidiSyncLViewItem* lvi = (MidiSyncLViewItem*)item;
- //if(col == DEVCOL_RID)
- // lvi->startRename(DEVCOL_RID);
- //else
- //if(col == DEVCOL_TID)
- // lvi->startRename(DEVCOL_TID);
- bool ok = false;
- if(col == DEVCOL_RID)
- {
- //int val = lvi->syncInfo().idIn();
- int val = lvi->_idIn;
- int newval = QInputDialog::getInteger(this, "Muse: Sync info" , "Enter new id number (127 = all):", val, 0, 127, 1, &ok);
- if(ok)
- {
- //lvi->syncInfo().setIdIn(newval);
- lvi->_idIn = newval;
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_RID, QString().setNum(newval));
- }
- }
- else
- if(col == DEVCOL_TID)
- {
- //int val = lvi->syncInfo().idOut();
- int val = lvi->_idOut;
- int newval = QInputDialog::getInteger(this, "Muse: Sync info" , "Enter new id number (127 = global):", val, 0, 127, 1, &ok);
- if(ok)
- {
- //lvi->syncInfo().setIdOut(newval);
- lvi->_idOut = newval;
- lvi->setText(DEVCOL_TID, QString().setNum(newval));
- }
- }
- if(ok)
- setDirty();
-// renameOk
-//void MidiSyncConfig::renameOk(QListViewItem* item, int col)
-void MidiSyncConfig::renameOk(QListViewItem* item, int col, const QString & text)
- if(!item)
- return;
- MidiSyncLViewItem* lvi = (MidiSyncLViewItem*)item;
- QString t = text;
- bool ok;
- int id = text.toInt(&ok);
- if(!ok)
- {
- lvi->setText(t);
- return;
- }
- if(col == DEVCOL_RID)
- {
- //lvi->syncInfo().setIdIn(id);
- lvi->_idIn = id;
- setDirty();
- }
- else
- if(col == DEVCOL_TID)
- {
- //lvi->syncInfo().setIdOut(id);
- lvi->_idOut = id;
- setDirty();
- }
-// MidiSyncConfig::setDirty
-void MidiSyncConfig::setDirty()
- _dirty = true;
- if(!applyButton->isEnabled())
- applyButton->setEnabled(true);