path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/appearancebase.ui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/appearancebase.ui')
1 files changed, 1890 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/appearancebase.ui b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/appearancebase.ui
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92ab0c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/widgets/appearancebase.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,1890 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ui version="4.0">
+ <class>AppearanceDialogBase</class>
+ <widget class="QDialog" name="AppearanceDialogBase">
+ <property name="geometry">
+ <rect>
+ <x>0</x>
+ <y>0</y>
+ <width>538</width>
+ <height>531</height>
+ </rect>
+ </property>
+ <property name="windowTitle">
+ <string>MusE: Appearance settings</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QTabWidget" name="TabWidget2">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="currentIndex">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="tab1">
+ <attribute name="title">
+ <string>Arranger</string>
+ </attribute>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout">
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>11</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="spacing">
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="ButtonGroup3">
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Parts</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout">
+ <property name="spacing">
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>11</number>
+ </property>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="partShownames">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>show names</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="partShowevents">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>show events</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="partShowCakes">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>show Cakewalk Style</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="eventButtonGroup">
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Events</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout">
+ <property name="margin">
+ <number>11</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="spacing">
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="eventNoteon">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>note on</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="eventPolypressure">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>poly pressure</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="0">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="eventController">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>controller</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="eventAftertouch">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>aftertouch</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="1">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="eventPitchbend">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>pitch bend</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="eventProgramchange">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>program change</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="0">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="eventSpecial">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>special</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="GroupBox2">
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Background picture</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QTreeWidget" name="backgroundTree">
+ <property name="uniformRowHeights">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="itemsExpandable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="allColumnsShowFocus">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <attribute name="headerVisible">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </attribute>
+ <column>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string notr="true">1</string>
+ </property>
+ </column>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="addBgButton">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>add</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="removeBgButton">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>remove</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="clearBgButton">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>clear</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <widget class="QCheckBox" name="arrGrid">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>show snap grid</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="tab2" >
+ <attribute name="title">
+ <string>Colors</string>
+ </attribute>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
+ <item row="0" column="0" rowspan="2">
+ <widget class="QTreeWidget" name="itemList">
+ <property name="rootIsDecorated">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="allColumnsShowFocus">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <column>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Items</string>
+ </property>
+ </column>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="aPaletteBox">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="focusPolicy">
+ <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Palette</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="selectedId" stdset="0">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_1">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette0">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checked">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette1">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="2">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette2">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="3">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette3">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette4">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette5">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="2">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette6">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="3">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette7">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="0">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette8">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="1">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette9">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="2">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette10">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="3">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette11">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="0">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette12">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="1">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette13">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="2">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette14">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="3">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="palette15">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="minimumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>25</width>
+ <height>25</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="autoFillBackground">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checkable">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="2">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QFrame" name="colorframe">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShape">
+ <enum>QFrame::StyledPanel</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShadow">
+ <enum>QFrame::Sunken</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="addToPalette">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>add to palette</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1" colspan="2">
+ <layout class="QGridLayout">
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QSpinBox" name="rval">
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="2">
+ <widget class="QSlider" name="hslider">
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel3_2">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>B</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ <property name="wordWrap">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="4" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel5_2">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>S</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ <property name="wordWrap">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel4_2">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>H</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="alignment">
+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+ </property>
+ <property name="wordWrap">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="1">
+ <widget class="QSpinBox" name="bval">
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="5" column="2">
+ <widget class="QSlider" name="vslider">
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="5" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="textLabel6_2">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>V</string>
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+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
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+ <string>G</string>
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+ <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
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+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
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+ </item>
+ <item row="4" column="1">
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+ <property name="maximum">
+ <number>255</number>
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+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="2">
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+ <property name="maximum">
+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="4" column="2">
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+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="2">
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+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
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+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
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+ <enum>QSlider::NoTicks</enum>
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+ <item row="5" column="1">
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+ <number>255</number>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="3" column="1">
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+ <number>255</number>
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+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="0">
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+ <item>
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
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+ <string>Color name:</string>
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+ <item>
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+ <item>
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+ <number>255</number>
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+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
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+ <enum>QSlider::NoTicks</enum>
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+ <string>Style/Fonts</string>
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+ <item>
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+ <number>11</number>
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+ <item>
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+ <string>Style Sheet:</string>
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+ <item>
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+ <string>...</string>
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+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
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+ <string>...</string>
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+ </widget>
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+ <item>
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+ <number>11</number>
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+ <tabstop>partShownames</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>partShowevents</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>partShowCakes</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>eventNoteon</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>eventPolypressure</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>eventController</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>eventAftertouch</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>eventPitchbend</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>eventProgramchange</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>eventSpecial</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>arrGrid</tabstop>
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+ <resources/>
+ <connections>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>rslider</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>rval</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>gslider</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>gval</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>bslider</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>bval</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>hslider</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>hval</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>sslider</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>sval</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>vslider</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>vval</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>rval</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>rslider</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>gval</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>gslider</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>bval</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>bslider</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>hval</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>hslider</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>sval</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>sslider</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>vval</sender>
+ <signal>valueChanged(int)</signal>
+ <receiver>vslider</receiver>
+ <slot>setValue(int)</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>20</x>
+ <y>20</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ </connections>