path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/trackview.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/trackview.h')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/trackview.h b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/trackview.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ec6295c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/trackview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: $
+// (C) Copyright 2010 Andrew Williams and Christopher Cherrett
+#ifndef __TRACKVIEW_H__
+#define __TRACKVIEW_H__
+#include <QString>
+#include <QObject>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "key.h"
+#include "node.h"
+#include "globaldefs.h"
+#include "track.h"
+class Xml;
+// TrackView
+class TrackView
+ private:
+ QString _comment;
+ Track::TrackType _type;
+ TrackList _tracks;
+ protected:
+ QString _name;
+ bool _selected;
+ bool readProperties(Xml& xml, const QString& tag);
+ void writeProperties(int level, Xml& xml) const;
+ public:
+ TrackView();
+ ~TrackView();
+ TrackView& operator=(const TrackView& g);
+ static const char* _cname[];
+ QString comment() const { return _comment; }
+ void setComment(const QString& s) { _comment = s; }
+ Track::TrackType type() const { return _type; }
+ void setType(const Track::TrackType& t) { _type = t; }
+ bool selected() const { return _selected; }
+ void setSelected(bool f) { _selected = f; }
+ const QString& viewName() const { return _name; }
+ void setViewName(const QString& s) { _name = s; }
+ void setDefaultName();
+ QString cname() const { int t = type(); return QString(_cname[t]); }
+ void addTrack(Track*);
+ void removeTrack(Track*);
+ TrackList* tracks() { return &_tracks; }
+ virtual void write(int, Xml&) const;
+ void read(Xml&);
+ //virtual TrackView* newTrackView() const = 0;
+ //void dump() const;
+ //bool readProperty(Xml& xml, const QString& tag);
+// TrackViewList
+template<class T> class viewlist : public std::vector<TrackView*> {
+ typedef std::vector<TrackView*> vlist;
+ public:
+ class iterator : public vlist::iterator {
+ public:
+ iterator() : vlist::iterator() {}
+ iterator(vlist::iterator i) : vlist::iterator(i) {}
+ T operator*() {
+ return (T)(**((vlist::iterator*)this));
+ }
+ iterator operator++(int) {
+ return iterator ((*(vlist::iterator*)this).operator++(0));
+ }
+ iterator& operator++() {
+ return (iterator&) ((*(vlist::iterator*)this).operator++());
+ }
+ };
+ class const_iterator : public vlist::const_iterator {
+ public:
+ const_iterator() : vlist::const_iterator() {}
+ const_iterator(vlist::const_iterator i) : vlist::const_iterator(i) {}
+ const_iterator(vlist::iterator i) : vlist::const_iterator(i) {}
+ const T operator*() const {
+ return (T)(**((vlist::const_iterator*)this));
+ }
+ };
+ class reverse_iterator : public vlist::reverse_iterator {
+ public:
+ reverse_iterator() : vlist::reverse_iterator() {}
+ reverse_iterator(vlist::reverse_iterator i) : vlist::reverse_iterator(i) {}
+ T operator*() {
+ return (T)(**((vlist::reverse_iterator*)this));
+ }
+ };
+ viewlist() : vlist() {}
+ virtual ~viewlist() {}
+ void push_back(T v) { vlist::push_back(v); }
+ iterator begin() { return vlist::begin(); }
+ iterator end() { return vlist::end(); }
+ const_iterator begin() const { return vlist::begin(); }
+ const_iterator end() const { return vlist::end(); }
+ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return vlist::rbegin(); }
+ reverse_iterator rend() { return vlist::rend(); }
+ T& back() const { return (T&)(vlist::back()); }
+ T& front() const { return (T&)(vlist::front()); }
+ iterator find(const TrackView* t) {
+ return std::find(begin(), end(), t);
+ }
+ const_iterator find(const TrackView* t) const {
+ return std::find(begin(), end(), t);
+ }
+ unsigned index(const TrackView* t) const {
+ unsigned n = 0;
+ for (vlist::const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i, ++n) {
+ if (*i == t)
+ return n;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ T index(int k) const { return (*this)[k]; }
+ iterator index2iterator(int k) {
+ if ((unsigned)k >= size())
+ return end();
+ return begin() + k;
+ }
+ void erase(TrackView* t) { vlist::erase(find(t)); }
+ void clearDelete() {
+ for (vlist::iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
+ delete *i;
+ vlist::clear();
+ }
+ void erase(vlist::iterator i) { vlist::erase(i); }
+ void replace(TrackView* ot, TrackView* nt) {
+ for (vlist::iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) {
+ if (*i == ot) {
+ *i = nt;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+typedef viewlist<TrackView*> TrackViewList;
+typedef TrackViewList::iterator iTrackView;
+typedef TrackViewList::const_iterator ciTrackView;