path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/plugin.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/plugin.h')
1 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/plugin.h b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/plugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..031eb566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/plugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: plugin.h,v 2009/12/06 01:25:21 terminator356 Exp $
+// (C) Copyright 2000 Werner Schweer (
+#ifndef __PLUGIN_H__
+#define __PLUGIN_H__
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <QDialog>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QMainWindow>
+#include <QUiLoader>
+#include "ladspa.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "globaldefs.h"
+#include "ctrl.h"
+//#include "stringparam.h"
+#include "config.h"
+//class OscIF;
+#include "osc.h"
+#include <dssi.h>
+class QAbstractButton;
+class QComboBox;
+class QRadioButton;
+class QScrollArea;
+class QToolButton;
+class QToolButton;
+class QTreeWidget;
+class Xml;
+class Slider;
+class DoubleLabel;
+class AudioTrack;
+class MidiController;
+// PluginLoader
+class PluginLoader : public QUiLoader
+ public:
+ virtual QWidget* createWidget(const QString & className, QWidget * parent = 0, const QString & name = QString());
+ PluginLoader(QObject * parent = 0) : QUiLoader(parent) {}
+// Plugin
+class Plugin {
+ protected:
+ void* _handle;
+ int _references;
+ int _instNo;
+ QFileInfo fi;
+ LADSPA_Descriptor_Function ladspa;
+ const LADSPA_Descriptor *plugin;
+ unsigned long _uniqueID;
+ QString _label;
+ QString _name;
+ QString _maker;
+ QString _copyright;
+ bool _isDssi;
+ const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi_descr;
+ #endif
+ //LADSPA_PortDescriptor* _portDescriptors;
+ unsigned long _portCount;
+ unsigned long _inports;
+ unsigned long _outports;
+ unsigned long _controlInPorts;
+ unsigned long _controlOutPorts;
+ std::vector<unsigned long> rpIdx; // Port number to control input index. Item is -1 if it's not a control input.
+ bool _inPlaceCapable;
+ public:
+ Plugin(QFileInfo* f, const LADSPA_Descriptor* d, bool isDssi = false);
+ ~Plugin();
+ QString label() const { return _label; }
+ QString name() const { return _name; }
+ unsigned long id() const { return _uniqueID; }
+ QString maker() const { return _maker; }
+ QString copyright() const { return _copyright; }
+ QString lib(bool complete = true) /*const*/ { return complete ? fi.completeBaseName() : fi.baseName(); } // ddskrjo const
+ QString dirPath(bool complete = true) const { return complete ? fi.absolutePath() : fi.path(); }
+ QString filePath() const { return fi.filePath(); }
+ int references() const { return _references; }
+ int incReferences(int);
+ int instNo() { return _instNo++; }
+ bool isDssiPlugin() const { return _isDssi; }
+ LADSPA_Handle instantiate();
+ void activate(LADSPA_Handle handle) {
+ if (plugin && plugin->activate)
+ plugin->activate(handle);
+ }
+ void deactivate(LADSPA_Handle handle) {
+ if (plugin && plugin->deactivate)
+ plugin->deactivate(handle);
+ }
+ void cleanup(LADSPA_Handle handle) {
+ if (plugin && plugin->cleanup)
+ plugin->cleanup(handle);
+ }
+ void connectPort(LADSPA_Handle handle, int port, float* value) {
+ if(plugin)
+ plugin->connect_port(handle, port, value);
+ }
+ void apply(LADSPA_Handle handle, int n) {
+ if(plugin)
+ plugin->run(handle, n);
+ }
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ int oscConfigure(LADSPA_Handle /*handle*/, const char* /*key*/, const char* /*value*/);
+ #endif
+ //int ports() { return plugin ? plugin->PortCount : 0; }
+ unsigned long ports() { return _portCount; }
+ LADSPA_PortDescriptor portd(unsigned long k) const {
+ return plugin ? plugin->PortDescriptors[k] : 0;
+ //return _portDescriptors[k];
+ }
+ LADSPA_PortRangeHint range(unsigned long i) {
+ // FIXME:
+ //return plugin ? plugin->PortRangeHints[i] : 0;
+ return plugin->PortRangeHints[i];
+ }
+ double defaultValue(unsigned long port) const;
+ void range(unsigned long i, float*, float*) const;
+ const char* portName(unsigned long i) {
+ return plugin ? plugin->PortNames[i] : 0;
+ }
+ // Returns (int)-1 if not an input control.
+ unsigned long port2InCtrl(unsigned long p) { return p >= rpIdx.size() ? (unsigned long)-1 : rpIdx[p]; }
+ unsigned long inports() const { return _inports; }
+ unsigned long outports() const { return _outports; }
+ unsigned long controlInPorts() const { return _controlInPorts; }
+ unsigned long controlOutPorts() const { return _controlOutPorts; }
+ bool inPlaceCapable() const { return _inPlaceCapable; }
+ /*
+ bool isLog(int k) const {
+ LADSPA_PortRangeHint r = plugin->PortRangeHints[pIdx[k]];
+ return LADSPA_IS_HINT_LOGARITHMIC(r.HintDescriptor);
+ }
+ bool isBool(int k) const {
+ return LADSPA_IS_HINT_TOGGLED(plugin->PortRangeHints[pIdx[k]].HintDescriptor);
+ }
+ bool isInt(int k) const {
+ LADSPA_PortRangeHint r = plugin->PortRangeHints[pIdx[k]];
+ return LADSPA_IS_HINT_INTEGER(r.HintDescriptor);
+ }
+ */
+ };
+typedef std::list<Plugin>::iterator iPlugin;
+// PluginList
+class PluginList : public std::list<Plugin> {
+ public:
+ void add(QFileInfo* fi, const LADSPA_Descriptor* d, bool isDssi = false)
+ {
+ push_back(Plugin(fi, d, isDssi));
+ }
+ Plugin* find(const QString&, const QString&);
+ PluginList() {}
+ };
+// Port
+struct Port {
+ int idx;
+ float val;
+ float tmpVal;
+ bool enCtrl; // Enable controller stream.
+ bool en2Ctrl; // Second enable controller stream (and'ed with enCtrl).
+ };
+// GuiParam
+struct GuiParam {
+ enum {
+ };
+ int type;
+ int hint;
+ DoubleLabel* label;
+ QWidget* actuator; // Slider or Toggle Button (SWITCH)
+ };
+// GuiWidgets
+struct GuiWidgets {
+ enum {
+ };
+ QWidget* widget;
+ int type;
+ int param;
+ };
+class PluginI;
+class PluginBase
+ public:
+ bool on() const { return _on; }
+ void setOn(bool val) { _on = val; }
+ int pluginID() { return plugin()->id(); }
+ int id() { return _id; }
+ QString pluginLabel() const { return _plugin->label(); }
+ QString name() const { return _name; }
+ AudioTrack* track() { return _track; }
+ void enableController(int i, bool v = true) { controls[i].enCtrl = v; }
+ bool controllerEnabled(int i) const { return controls[i].enCtrl; }
+ bool controllerEnabled2(int i) const { return controls[i].en2Ctrl; }
+ void updateControllers();
+ void writeConfiguration(int level, Xml& xml);
+ bool readConfiguration(Xml& xml, bool readPreset=false);
+ int parameters() const { return controlPorts; }
+ void setParam(int i, double val) { controls[i].tmpVal = val; }
+ double param(int i) const { return controls[i].val; }
+ const char* paramName(int i) { return _plugin->portName(controls[i].idx); }
+ LADSPA_PortRangeHint range(int i)
+ {
+ return _plugin->range(controls[i].idx);
+ }
+// PluginIBase
+class PluginIBase
+ public:
+ virtual bool on() const = 0;
+ virtual void setOn(bool /*val*/) = 0;
+ virtual int pluginID() = 0;
+ virtual int id() = 0;
+ virtual QString pluginLabel() const = 0;
+ virtual QString name() const = 0;
+ virtual AudioTrack* track() = 0;
+ virtual void enableController(int /*i*/, bool v = true) = 0;
+ virtual bool controllerEnabled(int /*i*/) const = 0;
+ virtual bool controllerEnabled2(int /*i*/) const = 0;
+ virtual void updateControllers() = 0;
+ virtual void writeConfiguration(int /*level*/, Xml& /*xml*/) = 0;
+ virtual bool readConfiguration(Xml& /*xml*/, bool readPreset=false) = 0;
+ virtual int parameters() const = 0;
+ virtual void setParam(int /*i*/, double /*val*/) = 0;
+ virtual double param(int /*i*/) const = 0;
+ virtual const char* paramName(int /*i*/) = 0;
+ virtual LADSPA_PortRangeHint range(int /*i*/) = 0;
+// PluginGui
+class PluginGui : public QMainWindow {
+ //PluginI* plugin; // plugin instance
+ PluginIBase* plugin; // plugin instance
+ GuiParam* params;
+ int nobj; // number of widgets in gw
+ GuiWidgets* gw;
+ QAction* onOff;
+ QWidget* mw; // main widget
+ QScrollArea* view;
+ void updateControls();
+ private slots:
+ void load();
+ void save();
+ void bypassToggled(bool);
+ void sliderChanged(double, int);
+ void labelChanged(double, int);
+ void guiParamChanged(int);
+ void ctrlPressed(int);
+ void ctrlReleased(int);
+ void guiParamPressed(int);
+ void guiParamReleased(int);
+ void guiSliderPressed(int);
+ void guiSliderReleased(int);
+ void ctrlRightClicked(const QPoint &, int);
+ void guiSliderRightClicked(const QPoint &, int);
+ protected slots:
+ void heartBeat();
+ public:
+ //PluginGui(PluginI*);
+ PluginGui(PluginIBase*);
+ ~PluginGui();
+ void setOn(bool);
+ void updateValues();
+ };
+// PluginI
+// plugin instance
+//class PluginI {
+class PluginI : public PluginIBase {
+ Plugin* _plugin;
+ int channel;
+ int instances;
+ AudioTrack* _track;
+ int _id;
+ LADSPA_Handle* handle; // per instance
+ Port* controls;
+ Port* controlsOut;
+ int controlPorts;
+ int controlOutPorts;
+ PluginGui* _gui;
+ bool _on;
+ bool initControlValues;
+ QString _name;
+ QString _label;
+ //#ifdef DSSI_SUPPORT
+ //StringParamMap _stringParamMap;
+ //#endif
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ OscEffectIF _oscif;
+ #endif
+ bool _showNativeGuiPending;
+ void init();
+ void makeGui();
+ public:
+ PluginI();
+ ~PluginI();
+ Plugin* plugin() const { return _plugin; }
+ bool on() const { return _on; }
+ void setOn(bool val) { _on = val; }
+ PluginGui* gui() const { return _gui; }
+ void deleteGui();
+ void setTrack(AudioTrack* t) { _track = t; }
+ AudioTrack* track() { return _track; }
+ int pluginID() { return _plugin->id(); }
+ void setID(int i);
+ int id() { return _id; }
+ void updateControllers();
+ bool initPluginInstance(Plugin*, int channels);
+ void setChannels(int);
+ void connect(int ports, float** src, float** dst);
+ void apply(int n);
+ void enableController(int i, bool v = true) { controls[i].enCtrl = v; }
+ bool controllerEnabled(int i) const { return controls[i].enCtrl; }
+ void enable2Controller(int i, bool v = true) { controls[i].en2Ctrl = v; }
+ bool controllerEnabled2(int i) const { return controls[i].en2Ctrl; }
+ void enableAllControllers(bool v = true);
+ void enable2AllControllers(bool v = true);
+ void activate();
+ void deactivate();
+ QString pluginLabel() const { return _plugin->label(); }
+ QString label() const { return _label; }
+ QString name() const { return _name; }
+ CtrlValueType valueType() const;
+ QString lib() const { return _plugin->lib(); }
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ OscEffectIF& oscIF() { return _oscif; }
+ /*
+ int oscConfigure(lo_arg**);
+ int oscControl(lo_arg**);
+ //int oscUpdate(lo_arg**);
+ //int oscExiting(lo_arg**);
+ */
+ int oscControl(unsigned long /*dssiPort*/, float /*val*/);
+ int oscConfigure(const char */*key*/, const char */*val*/);
+ int oscUpdate();
+ //int oscExiting();
+ #endif
+ void writeConfiguration(int level, Xml& xml);
+ bool readConfiguration(Xml& xml, bool readPreset=false);
+ bool loadControl(Xml& xml);
+ bool setControl(const QString& s, double val);
+ void showGui();
+ void showGui(bool);
+ bool isDssiPlugin() const { return _plugin->isDssiPlugin(); }
+ void showNativeGui();
+ void showNativeGui(bool);
+ bool isShowNativeGuiPending() { return _showNativeGuiPending; }
+ bool guiVisible();
+ bool nativeGuiVisible();
+ int parameters() const { return controlPorts; }
+ void setParam(int i, double val) { controls[i].tmpVal = val; }
+ double param(int i) const { return controls[i].val; }
+ double defaultValue(unsigned int param) const;
+ const char* paramName(int i) { return _plugin->portName(controls[i].idx); }
+ LADSPA_PortDescriptor portd(int i) const { return _plugin->portd(controls[i].idx); }
+ void range(int i, float* min, float* max) const {
+ _plugin->range(controls[i].idx, min, max);
+ }
+ bool isAudioIn(int k) {
+ return (_plugin->portd(k) & AUDIO_IN) == AUDIO_IN;
+ }
+ bool isAudioOut(int k) {
+ return (_plugin->portd(k) & AUDIO_OUT) == AUDIO_OUT;
+ }
+ bool inPlaceCapable() const { return _plugin->inPlaceCapable(); }
+ LADSPA_PortRangeHint range(int i) {
+ return _plugin->range(controls[i].idx);
+ }
+ };
+// Pipeline
+// chain of connected efx inserts
+const int PipelineDepth = 4;
+class Pipeline : public std::vector<PluginI*> {
+ float* buffer[MAX_CHANNELS];
+ public:
+ Pipeline();
+ ~Pipeline();
+ void insert(PluginI* p, int index);
+ void remove(int index);
+ void removeAll();
+ bool isOn(int idx) const;
+ void setOn(int, bool);
+ QString label(int idx) const;
+ QString name(int idx) const;
+ void showGui(int, bool);
+ bool isDssiPlugin(int) const;
+ void showNativeGui(int, bool);
+ void deleteGui(int idx);
+ void deleteAllGuis();
+ bool guiVisible(int);
+ bool nativeGuiVisible(int);
+ void apply(int ports, unsigned long nframes, float** buffer);
+ void move(int idx, bool up);
+ bool empty(int idx) const;
+ void setChannels(int);
+ };
+typedef Pipeline::iterator iPluginI;
+typedef Pipeline::const_iterator ciPluginI;
+// PluginDialog
+enum { SEL_SM, SEL_S, SEL_M, SEL_ALL };
+class PluginDialog : public QDialog {
+ QTreeWidget* pList;
+ QRadioButton* allPlug;
+ QRadioButton* onlyM;
+ QRadioButton* onlyS;
+ QRadioButton* onlySM;
+ QPushButton *okB;
+ public:
+ PluginDialog(QWidget* parent=0);
+ static Plugin* getPlugin(QWidget* parent);
+ Plugin* value();
+ void accept();
+ public slots:
+ void fillPlugs(QAbstractButton*);
+ void fillPlugs(int i);
+ void fillPlugs(const QString& sortValue);
+ private slots:
+ void enableOkB();
+ private:
+ QComboBox *sortBox;
+ static int selectedPlugType;
+ static QStringList sortItems;
+ };
+extern void initPlugins();
+extern PluginList plugins;
+extern bool ladspaDefaultValue(const LADSPA_Descriptor* plugin, int port, float* val);
+extern void ladspaControlRange(const LADSPA_Descriptor* plugin, int i, float* min, float* max);
+extern bool ladspa2MidiControlValues(const LADSPA_Descriptor* plugin, int port, int ctlnum, int* min, int* max, int* def);
+//extern MidiController* ladspa2MidiController(const LADSPA_Descriptor* plugin, int port, int ctlnum);
+extern float midi2LadspaValue(const LADSPA_Descriptor* plugin, int port, int ctlnum, int val);