path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/midiseq.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/midiseq.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 766 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/midiseq.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/midiseq.cpp
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index 8aabcbbb..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-// MusE
-// Linux Music Editor
-// $Id: midiseq.cpp,v 2009/12/20 05:00:35 terminator356 Exp $
-// high priority task for scheduling midi events
-// (C) Copyright 2003 Werner Schweer (
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <poll.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "globals.h"
-#include "midi.h"
-#include "midiseq.h"
-#include "midiport.h"
-#include "mididev.h"
-#include "midictrl.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-#include "driver/alsamidi.h"
-#include "driver/jackmidi.h"
-#include "sync.h"
-#include "synth.h"
-#include "song.h"
-#include "gconfig.h"
-MidiSeq* midiSeq;
-int MidiSeq::ticker = 0;
-volatile bool midiBusy=false;
-// readMsg
-static void readMsg(void* p, void*)
- {
- MidiSeq* at = (MidiSeq*)p;
- at->readMsg();
- }
-// processMsg
-void MidiSeq::processMsg(const ThreadMsg* m)
- {
- AudioMsg* msg = (AudioMsg*)m;
- switch(msg->id) {
- case MS_PROCESS:
- audio->processMidi();
- break;
- case SEQM_SEEK:
- processSeek();
- break;
- case MS_STOP:
- processStop();
- break;
- case MS_SET_RTC:
- doSetuid();
- setRtcTicks();
- undoSetuid();
- break;
- updatePollFd();
- break;
- song->insertTrack2(msg->track, msg->ival);
- updatePollFd();
- break;
- song->cmdRemoveTrack(msg->track);
- updatePollFd();
- break;
- song->changeTrack((Track*)(msg->p1), (Track*)(msg->p2));
- updatePollFd();
- break;
- song->cmdAddPart((Part*)msg->p1);
- break;
- song->cmdRemovePart((Part*)msg->p1);
- break;
- //song->cmdChangePart((Part*)msg->p1, (Part*)msg->p2);
- song->cmdChangePart((Part*)msg->p1, (Part*)msg->p2, msg->a, msg->b);
- break;
- {
- MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)(msg->p1);
- track->setOutChanAndUpdate(msg->a);
- }
- break;
- {
- MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)(msg->p1);
- track->setOutPortAndUpdate(msg->a);
- }
- break;
- song->remapPortDrumCtrlEvents(msg->ival, msg->a, msg->b, msg->c);
- break;
- song->changeAllPortDrumCtrlEvents((bool)msg->a, (bool)msg->b);
- break;
- ((MidiPort*)(msg->p1))->setMidiDevice((MidiDevice*)(msg->p2));
- updatePollFd();
- break;
- case SEQM_IDLE:
- idle = msg->a;
- break;
- default:
- printf("MidiSeq::processMsg() unknown id %d\n", msg->id);
- break;
- }
- }
-// processStop
-void MidiSeq::processStop()
- {
- // p3.3.28
- playStateExt = false; // not playing
- //
- // stop stuck notes
- //
- for (iMidiDevice id = midiDevices.begin(); id != midiDevices.end(); ++id) {
- MidiDevice* md = *id;
- if (md->midiPort() == -1)
- continue;
- MPEventList* pel = md->playEvents();
- MPEventList* sel = md->stuckNotes();
- pel->clear();
- for (iMPEvent i = sel->begin(); i != sel->end(); ++i) {
- MidiPlayEvent ev = *i;
- ev.setTime(0);
- pel->add(ev);
- }
- sel->clear();
- md->setNextPlayEvent(pel->begin());
- }
- }
-// processSeek
-void MidiSeq::processSeek()
- {
- int pos = audio->tickPos();
- if (pos == 0 && !song->record())
- audio->initDevices();
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // set all controller
- //---------------------------------------------------
- for (iMidiDevice i = midiDevices.begin(); i != midiDevices.end(); ++i) {
- MidiDevice* dev = *i;
- int port = dev->midiPort();
- if (port == -1)
- continue;
- MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
- MidiCtrlValListList* cll = mp->controller();
- MPEventList* el = dev->playEvents();
- if (audio->isPlaying()) {
- // stop all notes
- el->clear();
- MPEventList* sel = dev->stuckNotes();
- for (iMPEvent i = sel->begin(); i != sel->end(); ++i) {
- MidiPlayEvent ev = *i;
- ev.setTime(0);
- el->add(ev);
- }
- sel->clear();
- }
- else
- el->erase(el->begin(), dev->nextPlayEvent());
- for (iMidiCtrlValList ivl = cll->begin(); ivl != cll->end(); ++ivl) {
- MidiCtrlValList* vl = ivl->second;
- //int val = vl->value(pos);
- //if (val != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) {
- // int channel = ivl->first >> 24;
- // el->add(MidiPlayEvent(0, port, channel, ME_CONTROLLER, vl->num(), val));
- // }
- iMidiCtrlVal imcv = vl->iValue(pos);
- if(imcv != vl->end())
- {
- Part* p = imcv->second.part;
- unsigned t = (unsigned)imcv->first;
- // Do not add values that are outside of the part.
- if(p && t >= p->tick() && t < (p->tick() + p->lenTick()) )
- el->add(MidiPlayEvent(0, port, ivl->first >> 24, ME_CONTROLLER, vl->num(), imcv->second.val));
- }
- }
- dev->setNextPlayEvent(el->begin());
- }
- }
-// MidiSeq
-//MidiSeq::MidiSeq(int priority, const char* name)
-// : Thread(priority, name)
-MidiSeq::MidiSeq(const char* name)
- : Thread(name)
- {
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.17
- //prio = priority;
- prio = 0;
- idle = false;
- midiClock = 0;
- mclock1 = 0.0;
- mclock2 = 0.0;
- songtick1 = songtick2 = 0;
- lastTempo = 0;
- storedtimediffs = 0;
- playStateExt = false; // not playing
- doSetuid();
- timerFd=selectTimer();
- undoSetuid();
- }
-// ~MidiSeq
- {
- delete timer;
- }
-// selectTimer()
-// select one of the supported timers to use during this run
-signed int MidiSeq::selectTimer()
- {
- int tmrFd;
- printf("Trying RTC timer...\n");
- timer = new RtcTimer();
- tmrFd = timer->initTimer();
- if (tmrFd != -1) { // ok!
- printf("got timer = %d\n", tmrFd);
- return tmrFd;
- }
- delete timer;
- printf("Trying ALSA timer...\n");
- timer = new AlsaTimer();
- tmrFd = timer->initTimer();
- if ( tmrFd!= -1) { // ok!
- printf("got timer = %d\n", tmrFd);
- return tmrFd;
- }
- delete timer;
- timer=NULL;
- QMessageBox::critical( 0, /*tr*/(QString("Failed to start timer!")),
- /*tr*/(QString("No functional timer was available.\n"
- "RTC timer not available, check if /dev/rtc is available and readable by current user\n"
- "Alsa timer not available, check if module snd_timer is available and /dev/snd/timer is available")));
- printf("No functional timer available!!!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
-// threadStart
-// called from loop()
-void MidiSeq::threadStart(void*)
- {
- // Removed by Tim. p3.3.17
- /*
- struct sched_param rt_param;
- memset(&rt_param, 0, sizeof(rt_param));
- int prio_min = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);
- int prio_max = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- if (prio < prio_min) prio = prio_min;
- else if (prio > prio_max) prio = prio_max;
- rt_param.sched_priority = prio;
- int rv = pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &rt_param);
- if (rv != 0)
- perror("set realtime scheduler");
- */
- int policy;
- if ((policy = sched_getscheduler (0)) < 0) {
- printf("Cannot get current client scheduler: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- }
- if (policy != SCHED_FIFO)
- printf("midi thread %d _NOT_ running SCHED_FIFO\n", getpid());
- updatePollFd();
- }
-// alsaMidiRead
-static void alsaMidiRead(void*, void*)
- {
- // calls itself midiDevice->recordEvent(MidiRecordEvent):
- alsaProcessMidiInput();
- }
-// midiRead
-static void midiRead(void*, void* d)
- {
- MidiDevice* dev = (MidiDevice*) d;
- dev->processInput();
- }
-// synthIRead
-#if 0
-static void synthIRead(void*, void* d)
- {
- SynthI* syn = (SynthI*) d;
- syn->processInput();
- }
-// midiWrite
-static void midiWrite(void*, void* d)
- {
- MidiDevice* dev = (MidiDevice*) d;
- dev->flush();
- }
-// updatePollFd
-void MidiSeq::updatePollFd()
- {
- if (!isRunning())
- return;
- clearPollFd();
- addPollFd(timerFd, POLLIN, midiTick, this, 0);
- if (timerFd == -1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "updatePollFd: no timer fd\n");
- if (!debugMode)
- exit(-1);
- }
- addPollFd(toThreadFdr, POLLIN, ::readMsg, this, 0);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // midi ports
- //---------------------------------------------------
- for (iMidiDevice imd = midiDevices.begin(); imd != midiDevices.end(); ++imd) {
- MidiDevice* dev = *imd;
- int port = dev->midiPort();
- const QString name = dev->name();
- if (port == -1)
- continue;
- if ((dev->rwFlags() & 0x2) || (extSyncFlag.value()
- //&& (rxSyncPort == port || rxSyncPort == -1))) {
- //&& (dev->syncInfo().MCIn()))) {
- && (midiPorts[port].syncInfo().MCIn()))) {
- if(dev->selectRfd() < 0){
- //fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: read-file-descriptor for {%s} is negative\n", name.toLatin1());
- }
- addPollFd(dev->selectRfd(), POLLIN, ::midiRead, this, dev);
- }
- if (dev->bytesToWrite()){
- if(dev->selectWfd() < 0){
- //fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: write-file-descriptor for {%s} is negative\n", name.toLatin1());
- }
- addPollFd(dev->selectWfd(), POLLOUT, ::midiWrite, this, dev);
- }
- }
- // special handling for alsa midi:
- // (one fd for all devices)
- // this allows for processing of some alsa events
- // even if no alsa driver is active (assigned to a port)
- addPollFd(alsaSelectRfd(), POLLIN, ::alsaMidiRead, this, 0);
- }
-// threadStop
-// called from loop()
-void MidiSeq::threadStop()
- {
- timer->stopTimer();
- //timer.stopTimer();
- }
-// setRtcTicks
-// return true on success
-bool MidiSeq::setRtcTicks()
- {
- //timer.setTimerFreq(config.rtcTicks);
- //timer.startTimer();
- timer->setTimerFreq(config.rtcTicks);
- timer->startTimer();
- realRtcTicks = config.rtcTicks;
- return true;
- }
-// start
-// return true on error
-//bool MidiSeq::start()
-void MidiSeq::start(int priority)
- {
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.17
- prio = priority;
- //timerFd = -1;
- doSetuid();
- //timerFd = selectTimer();
- //timerFd = timer.initTimer();
- //printf("timerFd=%d\n",timerFd);
- setRtcTicks();
- undoSetuid();
- //Thread::start();
- Thread::start(priority);
- //return false;
- }
-// processMidiClock
-void MidiSeq::processMidiClock()
- {
-// if (genMCSync) {
-// midiPorts[txSyncPort].sendClock();
-// }
-/* if (state == START_PLAY) {
- // start play on sync
- state = PLAY;
- _midiTick = playTickPos;
- midiClock = playTickPos;
- int bar, beat, tick;
- sigmap.tickValues(_midiTick, &bar, &beat, &tick);
- midiClick = sigmap.bar2tick(bar, beat+1, 0);
- double cpos = tempomap.tick2time(playTickPos);
- samplePosStart = samplePos - lrint(cpos * sampleRate);
- rtcTickStart = rtcTick - lrint(cpos * realRtcTicks);
- endSlice = playTickPos;
- recTick = playTickPos;
- lastTickPos = playTickPos;
- tempoSN = tempomap.tempoSN();
- startRecordPos.setPosTick(playTickPos);
- }
-// midiClock += config.division/24;
- }
-// midiTick
-void MidiSeq::midiTick(void* p, void*)
- {
- MidiSeq* at = (MidiSeq*)p;
- at->processTimerTick();
- {
- if(MidiSeq::ticker++ > 100)
- {
- printf("tick!\n");
- MidiSeq::ticker=0;
- }
- }
- }
-// processTimerTick
-void MidiSeq::processTimerTick()
- {
- // Disabled by Tim. p3.3.22
-// extern int watchMidi;
-// ++watchMidi; // make a simple watchdog happy
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // read elapsed rtc timer ticks
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // This is required otherwise it freezes.
- unsigned long nn;
- if (timerFd != -1) {
- nn = timer->getTimerTicks();
- //nn = timer.getTimerTicks();
- nn >>= 8;
- }
- if (idle) {
-// printf("IDLE\n");
- return;
- }
- if (midiBusy) {
- // we hit audio: midiSeq->msgProcess
- // miss this timer tick
- return;
- }
- unsigned curFrame = audio->curFrame();
- // Keep the sync detectors running...
- // No, done in Song::beat(), (at the much slower heartbeat rate).
- //
- //for(int port = 0; port < MIDI_PORTS; ++port)
- //{
- // Must keep them running even if there's no device...
- //if(midiPorts[port].device())
- // midiPorts[port].syncInfo().setCurFrame(curFrame);
- //}
- //for(iMidiDevice imd = midiDevices.begin(); imd != midiDevices.end(); ++imd)
- // (*imd)->syncInfo().setCurFrame(curFrame);
- if (!extSyncFlag.value()) {
- //int curTick = tempomap.frame2tick(curFrame);
- // Copied from Tempomap.
- //int curTick = lrint((double(curFrame)/double(sampleRate)) * tempomap.globalTempo() * config.division * 10000.0 / double(tempomap.tempo(song->cpos())));
- //int curTick = lrint((double(curFrame)/double(sampleRate)) * tempomap.globalTempo() * 240000.0 / double(tempomap.tempo(song->cpos())));
- int curTick = lrint((double(curFrame)/double(sampleRate)) * double(tempomap.globalTempo()) * double(config.division) * 10000.0 / double(tempomap.tempo(song->cpos())));
- //int curTick = int((double(curFrame)/double(sampleRate)) * double(tempomap.globalTempo()) * double(config.division * 10000.0) / double(tempomap.tempo(song->cpos())));
-/* if ( midiClock > curTick + 100) // reinitialize
- {
- midiClock = curTick;
- }
- else if( curTick > midiClock + 100) // reinitialize
- {
- midiClock = curTick;
- }*/
- if(midiClock > curTick)
- midiClock = curTick;
- int div = config.division/24;
- if(curTick >= midiClock + div) {
- //if(curTick >= midiClock) {
- //processMidiClock();
- int perr = (curTick - midiClock) / div;
- //int perr = curTick - midiClock;
- bool used = false;
- //if(genMCSync)
- //{
- //midiPorts[txSyncPort].sendClock();
- for(int port = 0; port < MIDI_PORTS; ++port)
- {
- MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
- // No device? Clock out not turned on?
- //MidiDevice* dev = mp->device();
- //if(!dev || !mp->syncInfo().MCOut())
- if(!mp->device() || !mp->syncInfo().MCOut())
- continue;
- // Shall we check open flags?
- //if(!(dev->rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(dev->openFlags() & 1))
- //if(!(dev->openFlags() & 1))
- // continue;
- used = true;
- mp->sendClock();
- }
- /*
- for(iMidiDevice imd = midiDevices.begin(); imd != midiDevices.end(); ++imd)
- {
- MidiDevice* dev = *imd;
- if(!dev->syncInfo().MCOut())
- continue;
- // Shall we check open flags?
- //if(!(dev->rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(dev->openFlags() & 1))
- //if(!(dev->openFlags() & 1))
- // continue;
- int port = dev->midiPort();
- // Without this -1 check, interesting sync things can be done by the user without ever
- // assigning any devices to ports !
- //if(port < 0 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
- if(port < -1 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
- continue;
- if(port == -1)
- // Send straight to the device... Copied from MidiPort.
- {
- MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_CLOCK, 0, 0);
- dev->putEvent(event);
- }
- else
- // Go through the port...
- midiPorts[port].sendClock();
- }
- */
- if(debugMsg && used && perr > 1)
- printf("Dropped %d midi out clock(s). curTick:%d midiClock:%d div:%d\n", perr, curTick, midiClock, div);
- //}
- // Keeping in mind how (receiving end) Phase Locked Loops (usually) operate...
- // Increment as if we had caught the timer exactly on the mark, even if the timer
- // has passed beyond the mark, or even beyond 2 * div.
- // If we missed some chances to send clock, resume the count where it would have been,
- // had we not missed chances.
- // We can't do anything about missed chances except send right away, and make up
- // for gained time by losing time in the next count...
- // In other words, use equalization periods to counter gained/lost time, so that
- // ultimately, over time, the receiver remains in phase, despite any short dropouts / phase glitches.
- // (midiClock only increments by div units).
- //
- // Tested: With midi thread set to high priority, very few clock dropouts ocurred (P4 1.6Ghz).
- // But target device tick drifts out of phase with muse tick slowly over time, say 20 bars or so.
- // May need more tweaking, possibly use round with/instead of lrint (above), and/or
- // do not use equalization periods - set midiClock to fractions of div.
- // Tested: With RTC resolution at 1024, stability was actually better than with 8192!
- // It stayed in sync more than 64 bars...
- //
- //
- // Using equalization periods...
- midiClock += (perr * div);
- //midiClock += perr;
- //
- // No equalization periods... TODO:
- //midiClock += (perr * div);
- }
- }
-// if (genMTCSync) {
- // printf("Midi Time Code Sync generation not impl.\n");
-// }
- // p3.3.25
- int tickpos = audio->tickPos();
- bool extsync = extSyncFlag.value();
- //
- // play all events upto curFrame
- //
- for (iMidiDevice id = midiDevices.begin(); id != midiDevices.end(); ++id) {
- MidiDevice* md = *id;
- // Is it a Jack midi device? p3.3.36
- //MidiJackDevice* mjd = dynamic_cast<MidiJackDevice*>(md);
- //if(mjd)
- if(md->deviceType() == MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI)
- continue;
- if(md->isSynti()) // syntis are handled by audio thread
- continue;
- int port = md->midiPort();
- MidiPort* mp = port != -1 ? &midiPorts[port] : 0;
- MPEventList* el = md->playEvents();
- if (el->empty())
- continue;
- iMPEvent i = md->nextPlayEvent();
- for (; i != el->end(); ++i) {
- // p3.3.25
- // If syncing to external midi sync, we cannot use the tempo map.
- // Therefore we cannot get sub-tick resolution. Just use ticks instead of frames.
- //if (i->time() > curFrame) {
- if (i->time() > (extsync ? tickpos : curFrame)) {
- //printf(" curT %d frame %d\n", i->time(), curFrame);
- break; // skip this event
- }
- if (mp) {
- if (mp->sendEvent(*i))
- break;
- }
- else {
- if (md->putEvent(*i))
- break;
- }
- }
- md->setNextPlayEvent(i);
- }
- }
-// msgMsg
-void MidiSeq::msgMsg(int id)
- {
- AudioMsg msg;
- = id;
- Thread::sendMsg(&msg);
- }
-// msgSetMidiDevice
-// to avoid timeouts in the RT-thread, setMidiDevice
-// is done in GUI context after setting the midi thread
-// into idle mode
-void MidiSeq::msgSetMidiDevice(MidiPort* port, MidiDevice* device)
- {
- AudioMsg msg;
- msg.a = true;
- Thread::sendMsg(&msg);
- port->setMidiDevice(device);
- msg.a = false;
- Thread::sendMsg(&msg);
- }
-void MidiSeq::msgProcess() { msgMsg(MS_PROCESS); }
-void MidiSeq::msgSeek() { msgMsg(SEQM_SEEK); }
-void MidiSeq::msgStop() { msgMsg(MS_STOP); }
-void MidiSeq::msgSetRtc() { msgMsg(MS_SET_RTC); }
-void MidiSeq::msgUpdatePollFd() { msgMsg(MS_UPDATE_POLL_FD); }