path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/mididev.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/mididev.h')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/mididev.h b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/mididev.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16e834f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/mididev.h
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+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: mididev.h,v 2009/04/04 01:49:50 terminator356 Exp $
+// (C) Copyright 2000 Werner Schweer (
+#ifndef __MIDIDEV_H__
+#define __MIDIDEV_H__
+#include <list>
+#include "mpevent.h"
+//#include "sync.h"
+#include "route.h"
+#include "globaldefs.h"
+#include <QString>
+//class RouteList;
+class Xml;
+// MidiDevice
+class MidiDevice {
+ MPEventList _stuckNotes;
+ MPEventList _playEvents;
+ iMPEvent _nextPlayEvent;
+ ///MREventList _recordEvents;
+ ///MREventList _recordEvents2;
+ // Used for multiple reads of fifos during process.
+ //int _tmpRecordCount;
+ int _tmpRecordCount[MIDI_CHANNELS + 1];
+ bool _sysexFIFOProcessed;
+ ///bool _recBufFlipped;
+ // Holds sync settings and detection monitors.
+ //MidiSyncInfo _syncInfo;
+ protected:
+ QString _name;
+ int _port; // connected to midi port; -1 - not connected
+ int _rwFlags; // possible open flags, 1 write, 2 read, 3 rw
+ int _openFlags; // configured open flags
+ bool _readEnable; // set when opened/closed.
+ bool _writeEnable; //
+ //int _sysexWriteChunk;
+ //int _sysexReadChunk;
+ //bool _sysexWritingChunks;
+ bool _sysexReadingChunks;
+ // Recording fifo.
+ //MidiFifo _recordFifo;
+ // Recording fifos. To speed up processing, one per channel plus one special system 'channel' for channel-less events like sysex.
+ MidiFifo _recordFifo[MIDI_CHANNELS + 1];
+ RouteList _inRoutes, _outRoutes;
+ void init();
+ virtual bool putMidiEvent(const MidiPlayEvent&) = 0;
+ public:
+ enum { ALSA_MIDI=0, JACK_MIDI=1, SYNTH_MIDI=2 };
+ MidiDevice();
+ MidiDevice(const QString& name);
+ virtual ~MidiDevice() {}
+ virtual int deviceType() = 0;
+ //virtual void* clientPort() { return 0; }
+ // p3.3.55
+ virtual void* inClientPort() { return 0; }
+ virtual void* outClientPort() { return 0; }
+ virtual QString open() = 0;
+ virtual void close() = 0;
+ virtual void writeRouting(int, Xml&) const { };
+ RouteList* inRoutes() { return &_inRoutes; }
+ RouteList* outRoutes() { return &_outRoutes; }
+ bool noInRoute() const { return _inRoutes.empty(); }
+ bool noOutRoute() const { return _outRoutes.empty(); }
+ const QString& name() const { return _name; }
+ virtual void setName(const QString& s) { _name = s; }
+ int midiPort() const { return _port; }
+ void setPort(int p) { _port = p; }
+ int rwFlags() const { return _rwFlags; }
+ int openFlags() const { return _openFlags; }
+ void setOpenFlags(int val) { _openFlags = val; }
+ void setrwFlags(int val) { _rwFlags = val; }
+ //MidiSyncInfo& syncInfo() { return _syncInfo; }
+ virtual bool isSynti() const { return false; }
+ virtual int selectRfd() { return -1; }
+ virtual int selectWfd() { return -1; }
+ virtual int bytesToWrite() { return 0; }
+ virtual void flush() {}
+ virtual void processInput() {}
+ virtual void discardInput() {}
+ virtual void recordEvent(MidiRecordEvent&);
+ virtual bool putEvent(const MidiPlayEvent&);
+ // For Jack-based devices - called in Jack audio process callback
+ virtual void collectMidiEvents() {}
+ virtual void processMidi() {}
+ MPEventList* stuckNotes() { return &_stuckNotes; }
+ MPEventList* playEvents() { return &_playEvents; }
+ ///MREventList* recordEvents();
+ ///void flipRecBuffer() { _recBufFlipped = _recBufFlipped ? false : true; }
+ ///bool recBufFlipped() { return _recBufFlipped; }
+ void beforeProcess();
+ void afterProcess();
+ //int tmpRecordCount() { return _tmpRecordCount; }
+ int tmpRecordCount(const unsigned int ch) { return _tmpRecordCount[ch]; }
+ //MidiFifo& recordEvents() { return _recordFifo; }
+ MidiFifo& recordEvents(const unsigned int ch) { return _recordFifo[ch]; }
+ bool sysexFIFOProcessed() { return _sysexFIFOProcessed; }
+ void setSysexFIFOProcessed(bool v) { _sysexFIFOProcessed = v; }
+ //bool sysexWritingChunks() { return _sysexWritingChunks; }
+ //void setSysexWritingChunks(bool v) { _sysexWritingChunks = v; }
+ bool sysexReadingChunks() { return _sysexReadingChunks; }
+ void setSysexReadingChunks(bool v) { _sysexReadingChunks = v; }
+ //virtual void getEvents(unsigned /*from*/, unsigned /*to*/, int /*channel*/, MPEventList* /*dst*/);
+ iMPEvent nextPlayEvent() { return _nextPlayEvent; }
+ void setNextPlayEvent(iMPEvent i) { _nextPlayEvent = i; }
+ bool sendNullRPNParams(int, bool);
+ };
+// MidiDeviceList
+typedef std::list<MidiDevice*>::iterator iMidiDevice;
+class MidiDeviceList : public std::list<MidiDevice*>
+ public:
+ void add(MidiDevice* dev);
+ void remove(MidiDevice* dev);
+ MidiDevice* find(const QString& name, int typeHint = -1);
+ iMidiDevice find(const MidiDevice* dev);
+extern MidiDeviceList midiDevices;
+extern void initMidiDevices();
+extern bool filterEvent(const MEvent& event, int type, bool thru);