path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/dssihost.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/dssihost.cpp')
1 files changed, 3059 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/dssihost.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/dssihost.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..986abea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/dssihost.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3059 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: dssihost.cpp,v 2009/12/15 03:39:58 terminator356 Exp $
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 by Werner Schweer and others
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "config.h"
+// Turn on debugging messages
+//#define DSSI_DEBUG
+// Support vst state saving/loading with vst chunks. Requires patches to DSSI and DSSI-vst!
+#include <string.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+//#include <dssi.h>
+//#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include "dssihost.h"
+#include "synth.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "jackaudio.h"
+//#include "../driver/jackaudio.h" // p4.0.2
+#include "midi.h"
+#include "midiport.h"
+#include "stringparam.h"
+#include "plugin.h"
+//#include "al/al.h"
+//#include "al/xml.h"
+#include "xml.h"
+#include "song.h"
+//#include "midictrl.h"
+//#include "ladspaplugin.h"
+#include "app.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "globaldefs.h"
+//#include "al/dsp.h"
+#include "gconfig.h"
+static lo_server_thread serverThread;
+static char osc_path_tmp[1024];
+static char* url;
+// oscError
+static void oscError(int num, const char *msg, const char *path)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "MusE: liblo server error %d in path %s: %s\n",
+ num, path, msg);
+ }
+// oscDebugHandler
+static int oscDebugHandler(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv,
+ int argc, void*, void*)
+ {
+ printf("MusE: got unhandled OSC message:\n path: <%s>\n", path);
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ printf(" arg %d '%c' ", i, types[i]);
+ lo_arg_pp(lo_type(types[i]), argv[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+// oscUpdate
+int DssiSynthIF::oscUpdate(lo_arg **argv)
+ {
+ const char *url = (char *)&argv[0]->s;
+ if (uiTarget)
+ lo_address_free(uiTarget);
+ char* host = lo_url_get_hostname(url);
+ char* port = lo_url_get_port(url);
+ uiTarget = lo_address_new(host, port);
+ free(host);
+ free(port);
+ if (uiOscPath)
+ free(uiOscPath);
+ uiOscPath = lo_url_get_path(url);
+ int pl = strlen(uiOscPath);
+ if (uiOscControlPath)
+ free(uiOscControlPath);
+ uiOscControlPath = (char *)malloc(pl + 10);
+ sprintf(uiOscControlPath, "%s/control", uiOscPath);
+ if (uiOscConfigurePath)
+ free(uiOscConfigurePath);
+ uiOscConfigurePath = (char *)malloc(pl + 12);
+ sprintf(uiOscConfigurePath, "%s/configure", uiOscPath);
+ if (uiOscProgramPath)
+ free(uiOscProgramPath);
+ uiOscProgramPath = (char *)malloc(pl + 10);
+ sprintf(uiOscProgramPath, "%s/program", uiOscPath);
+ if (uiOscShowPath)
+ free(uiOscShowPath);
+ uiOscShowPath = (char *)malloc(pl + 10);
+ sprintf(uiOscShowPath, "%s/show", uiOscPath);
+ // At this point a more substantial host might also call
+ // configure() on the UI to set any state that it had remembered
+ // for the plugin instance. But we don't remember state for
+ // plugin instances (see our own configure() implementation in
+ // osc_configure_handler), and so we have nothing to send except
+ // the optional project directory.
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::oscUpdate synth name:%s url:%s uiTarget:%p uiOscPath:%s uiOscConfigurePath:%s museProject:%s\n", synti->name().ascii(), url, uiTarget, uiOscPath, uiOscConfigurePath, museProject.ascii());
+ #endif
+ //lo_send(uiTarget, uiOscConfigurePath, "ss",
+ //DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY, song->projectPath().toAscii().data());
+ lo_send(uiTarget, uiOscConfigurePath, "ss",
+ DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY, museProject.ascii());
+#if 0
+ // Send current bank/program (-FIX- another race...)
+ if (instance->pendingProgramChange < 0) {
+ unsigned long bank = instance->currentBank;
+ unsigned long program = instance->currentProgram;
+ instance->uiNeedsProgramUpdate = 0;
+ if (instance->uiTarget) {
+ lo_send(instance->uiTarget, instance->ui_osc_program_path, "ii", bank, program);
+ }
+ }
+ // Send control ports
+ for (i = 0; i < instance->plugin->controlIns; i++) {
+ int in = i + instance->firstControlIn;
+ int port = pluginControlInPortNumbers[in];
+ lo_send(instance->uiTarget, instance->ui_osc_control_path, "if", port,
+ pluginControlIns[in]);
+ // Avoid overloading the GUI if there are lots and lots of ports
+ if ((i+1) % 50 == 0)
+ usleep(300000);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+// oscMessageHandler
+int oscMessageHandler(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv,
+ int argc, void* data, void* user_data)
+ {
+ const char* p = path;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ if(argc)
+ {
+ printf("oscMessageHandler: path:%s argc:%d\n", path, argc);
+ for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ printf(" ");
+ lo_arg_pp((lo_type)types[i], argv[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("%s\n", path);
+ printf("oscMessageHandler: no args, path:%s\n", path);
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (strncmp(p, "/dssi/", 6))
+ return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data);
+ p += 6;
+ //p = strrchr(p, "/");
+ SynthIList* sl = song->syntis();
+ DssiSynthIF* instance = 0;
+ SynthI* synti = 0;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: song->syntis() size:%d\n", sl->size());
+ #endif
+ for(int retry = 0; retry < 5; ++retry)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: search retry number:%d ...\n", retry);
+ #endif
+ //if(uiOscPath)
+ // break;
+ for(iSynthI si = sl->begin(); si != sl->end(); ++si)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: searching for synth p:%s: checking instances:%s\n", p, (*si)->name().ascii());
+ #endif
+ //int l = strlen((*si)->name().toAscii().data());
+ //if (!strncmp(p, (*si)->name().toAscii().data(), l)) {
+ //int l = strlen((*si)->name().ascii());
+ const char* sub = strstr(p, (*si)->name().ascii());
+ //if(!strncmp(p, (*si)->name().ascii(), l))
+ if(sub != NULL)
+ {
+ synti = *si;
+ instance = (DssiSynthIF*)(synti->sif());
+ //p += l;
+ p = sub + strlen((*si)->name().ascii());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(instance)
+ break;
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if(!instance)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: error: no instance\n");
+ return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data);
+ }
+ if (*p != '/' || *(p + 1) == 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: error: end or no /\n");
+ return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data);
+ }
+ ++p;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "oscMessageHandler: method:%s\n", p);
+ #endif
+ if (!strcmp(p, "configure") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "ss"))
+ return instance->oscConfigure(argv);
+ else if (!strcmp(p, "control") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "if"))
+ return instance->oscControl(argv);
+ else if (!strcmp(p, "midi") && argc == 1 && !strcmp(types, "m"))
+ return instance->oscMidi(argv);
+ else if (!strcmp(p, "program") && argc == 2 && !strcmp(types, "ii"))
+ return instance->oscProgram(argv);
+ else if (!strcmp(p, "update") && argc == 1 && !strcmp(types, "s"))
+ return instance->oscUpdate(argv);
+ else if (!strcmp(p, "exiting") && argc == 0)
+ return instance->oscExiting(argv);
+ return oscDebugHandler(path, types, argv, argc, data, user_data);
+ }
+// scanDSSILib
+static void scanDSSILib(QFileInfo& fi) // ddskrjo removed const for argument
+ {
+ //void* handle = dlopen(fi.filePath().toAscii().data(), RTLD_NOW);
+ void* handle = dlopen(fi.filePath().toLatin1().constData(), RTLD_NOW);
+ //void* handle = dlopen(fi.absFilePath().toLatin1().constData(), RTLD_NOW);
+ if (handle == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "scanDSSILib: dlopen(%s) failed: %s\n",
+ //fi.filePath().toAscii().data(), dlerror());
+ fi.filePath().toLatin1().constData(), dlerror());
+ //fi.absFilePath().toLatin1().constData(), dlerror());
+ return;
+ }
+ DSSI_Descriptor_Function dssi = (DSSI_Descriptor_Function)dlsym(handle, "dssi_descriptor");
+ if (!dssi)
+ {
+ /*
+ const char *txt = dlerror();
+ if (txt)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Unable to find dssi_descriptor() function in plugin "
+ "library file \"%s\": %s.\n"
+ "Are you sure this is a DSSI plugin file?\n",
+ //fi.filePath().toAscii().data(),
+ fi.filePath().ascii(),
+ //fi.absFilePath().toLatin1().constData(),
+ txt);
+ dlclose(handle);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ */
+ dlclose(handle);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //const DSSI_Descriptor* descr;
+ for (int i = 0;; ++i)
+ {
+ const DSSI_Descriptor* descr;
+ // Out of many plugins, with several, Valgrind says something in here is allocated with new.
+ descr = dssi(i);
+ if (descr == 0)
+ break;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "scanDSSILib: name:%s inPlaceBroken:%d\n", descr->LADSPA_Plugin->Name, LADSPA_IS_INPLACE_BROKEN(descr->LADSPA_Plugin->Properties));
+ #endif
+ // Listing synths only while excluding effect plugins:
+ // Do the exact opposite of what dssi-vst.cpp does for listing ladspa plugins.
+ // That way we cover all bases - effect plugins and synths.
+ // Non-synths will show up in the ladspa effect dialog, while synths will show up here...
+ // There should be nothing left out...
+ if(descr->run_synth ||
+ descr->run_synth_adding ||
+ descr->run_multiple_synths ||
+ descr->run_multiple_synths_adding)
+ {
+ const QString label(descr->LADSPA_Plugin->Label);
+ // Make sure it doesn't already exist.
+ std::vector<Synth*>::iterator is;
+ for(is = synthis.begin(); is != synthis.end(); ++is)
+ {
+ Synth* s = *is;
+ //#ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ // fprintf(stderr, "scanDSSILib: name:%s listname:%s lib:%s listlib:%s\n",
+ // label.toLatin1().constData(), s->name().toLatin1().constData(), fi.baseName(true).toLatin1().constData(), s->baseName().toLatin1().constData());
+ //#endif
+ if(s->name() == label && s->baseName() == fi.completeBaseName())
+ break;
+ }
+ if(is != synthis.end())
+ continue;
+ DssiSynth* s = new DssiSynth(fi, descr);
+ if(debugMsg)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "scanDSSILib: name:%s listname:%s lib:%s listlib:%s\n",
+ label.toLatin1().constData(), s->name().toLatin1().constData(), fi.completeBaseName().toLatin1().constData(), s->baseName().toLatin1().constData());
+ int ai = 0, ao = 0, ci = 0, co = 0;
+ for(unsigned long pt = 0; pt < descr->LADSPA_Plugin->PortCount; ++pt)
+ {
+ LADSPA_PortDescriptor pd = descr->LADSPA_Plugin->PortDescriptors[pt];
+ ai++;
+ else
+ ao++;
+ else
+ ci++;
+ else
+ co++;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "audio ins:%d outs:%d control ins:%d outs:%d\n", ai, ao, ci, co);
+ }
+ synthis.push_back(s);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // NOTE: Just a test
+ //QFileInfo ffi(fi);
+ //plugins.add(&ffi, LADSPA_Descriptor_Function(NULL), descr->LADSPA_Plugin, false);
+ //plugins.add(&ffi, descr, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dlclose(handle);
+ }
+// scanVstDir
+static void scanDSSIDir(QString& s) // ddskrjo removed const for argument
+ if(debugMsg)
+ //printf("scan DSSI plugin dir <%s>\n", s.toAscii().data());
+ printf("scanDSSIDir: scan DSSI plugin dir <%s>\n", s.toLatin1().constData());
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ QDir pluginDir(s, QString("*.dylib"), QDir::Unsorted, QDir::Files);
+ QDir pluginDir(s, QString("*.so"), QDir::Unsorted, QDir::Files);
+ if(!pluginDir.exists())
+ return;
+ //const QFileInfoList list = pluginDir.entryInfoList();
+ //for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
+ //QFileInfo fi =;
+ //scanDSSILib(fi);
+ //}
+ QStringList list = pluginDir.entryList();
+ for(int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(debugMsg)
+ printf("scanDSSIDir: found %s\n", (s + QString("/") + list[i]).toLatin1().constData());
+ QFileInfo fi(s + QString("/") + list[i]);
+ scanDSSILib(fi);
+ }
+// initDSSI
+void initDSSI()
+ {
+ const char* dssiPath = getenv("DSSI_PATH");
+ if (dssiPath == 0)
+ dssiPath = "/usr/local/lib64/dssi:/usr/lib64/dssi:/usr/local/lib/dssi:/usr/lib/dssi";
+ //const char* ladspaPath = getenv("LADSPA_PATH");
+ //if (ladspaPath == 0)
+ // ladspaPath = "/usr/local/lib64/ladspa:/usr/lib64/ladspa:/usr/local/lib/ladspa:/usr/lib/ladspa";
+ const char* p = dssiPath;
+ //QString pth = QString(dssiPath) + QString(":") + QString(ladspaPath);
+ //const char* p = pth.toLatin1().constData();
+ while (*p != '\0') {
+ const char* pe = p;
+ while (*pe != ':' && *pe != '\0')
+ pe++;
+ int n = pe - p;
+ if (n) {
+ char* buffer = new char[n + 1];
+ strncpy(buffer, p, n);
+ buffer[n] = '\0';
+ QString tmpStr(buffer);
+ scanDSSIDir(tmpStr);
+ delete[] buffer;
+ }
+ p = pe;
+ if (*p == ':')
+ p++;
+ }
+ // Create OSC thread
+ //serverThread = lo_server_thread_new(0, oscError);
+ //snprintf(osc_path_tmp, 31, "/dssi");
+ //char* tmp = lo_server_thread_get_url(serverThread);
+ //url = (char *)malloc(strlen(tmp) + strlen(osc_path_tmp));
+ //sprintf(url, "%s%s", tmp, osc_path_tmp + 1);
+ //free(tmp);
+ //lo_server_thread_add_method(serverThread, 0, 0, oscMessageHandler, 0);
+ //lo_server_thread_start(serverThread);
+ }
+// DssiSynth
+// Synth.label = plug.Label
+// Synth.descr = plug.Name
+// Synth.maker = plug.maker
+// Synth.version = nil (no such field in ladspa, maybe try copyright instead)
+DssiSynth::DssiSynth(QFileInfo& fi, const DSSI_Descriptor* d) : // ddskrjo removed const from QFileInfo
+ //Synth(fi, label, descr, maker, ver)
+ Synth(fi, QString(d->LADSPA_Plugin->Label), QString(d->LADSPA_Plugin->Name), QString(d->LADSPA_Plugin->Maker), QString())
+ df = 0;
+ handle = 0;
+ dssi = 0;
+ _hasGui = false;
+ const LADSPA_Descriptor* descr = d->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ _portCount = descr->PortCount;
+ //_portDescriptors = 0;
+ //if(_portCount)
+ // _portDescriptors = new LADSPA_PortDescriptor[_portCount];
+ _inports = 0;
+ _outports = 0;
+ _controlInPorts = 0;
+ _controlOutPorts = 0;
+ for(unsigned long k = 0; k < _portCount; ++k)
+ {
+ LADSPA_PortDescriptor pd = descr->PortDescriptors[k];
+ //_portDescriptors[k] = pd;
+ {
+ ++_inports;
+ else
+ ++_outports;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++_controlInPorts;
+ else
+ ++_controlOutPorts;
+ }
+ }
+ _inPlaceCapable = !LADSPA_IS_INPLACE_BROKEN(descr->Properties);
+ // Blacklist vst plugins in-place configurable for now.
+ if ((_inports != _outports) || (fi.completeBaseName() == QString("dssi-vst") && !config.vstInPlace))
+ _inPlaceCapable = false;
+// createSIF
+SynthIF* DssiSynth::createSIF(SynthI* synti)
+ if (_instances == 0)
+ {
+ //handle = dlopen(info.filePath().toAscii().data(), RTLD_NOW);
+ handle = dlopen(info.filePath().toLatin1().constData(), RTLD_NOW);
+ //handle = dlopen(info.absFilePath().toLatin1().constData(), RTLD_NOW);
+ if (handle == 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynth::createSIF dlopen(%s) failed: %s\n",
+ //info.filePath().toAscii().data(), dlerror());
+ info.filePath().toLatin1().constData(), dlerror());
+ //info.absFilePath().toLatin1().constData(), dlerror());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ df = (DSSI_Descriptor_Function)dlsym(handle, "dssi_descriptor");
+ if (!df) {
+ const char *txt = dlerror();
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Unable to find dssi_descriptor() function in plugin "
+ "library file \"%s\": %s.\n"
+ "Are you sure this is a DSSI plugin file?\n",
+ //info.filePath().toAscii().data(),
+ info.filePath().toLatin1().constData(),
+ //info.absFilePath().toLatin1().constData(),
+ txt ? txt : "?");
+ dlclose(handle);
+ handle = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0;; ++i)
+ {
+ dssi = df(i);
+ if (dssi == 0)
+ break;
+ QString label(dssi->LADSPA_Plugin->Label);
+ if (label == _name)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(dssi != 0)
+ {
+ _inports = 0;
+ _outports = 0;
+ _controlInPorts = 0;
+ _controlOutPorts = 0;
+ pIdx.clear();
+ opIdx.clear();
+ iIdx.clear();
+ oIdx.clear();
+ rpIdx.clear();
+ iUsedIdx.clear();
+ midiCtl2PortMap.clear();
+ port2MidiCtlMap.clear();
+ //synti->_guiUpdateControls.clear();
+ const LADSPA_Descriptor* descr = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ //#ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ // printf("DssiSynth::createSIF ladspa plugin PortCount:%lu\n", d->PortCount);
+ //#endif
+ _portCount = descr->PortCount;
+ for (unsigned long k = 0; k < _portCount; ++k)
+ {
+ LADSPA_PortDescriptor pd = descr->PortDescriptors[k];
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynth::createSIF ladspa plugin Port:%ld Name:%s descriptor:%x\n", k, descr->PortNames[k], pd);
+ #endif
+ {
+ {
+ ++_inports;
+ iIdx.push_back(k);
+ iUsedIdx.push_back(false); // Start out with all false.
+ }
+ else if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_OUTPUT(pd))
+ {
+ ++_outports;
+ oIdx.push_back(k);
+ }
+ rpIdx.push_back((unsigned long)-1);
+ }
+ else if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_CONTROL(pd))
+ {
+ {
+ rpIdx.push_back(_controlInPorts);
+ ++_controlInPorts;
+ pIdx.push_back(k);
+ // Set to false at first.
+ //synti->_guiUpdateControls.push_back(false);
+ }
+ else if (LADSPA_IS_PORT_OUTPUT(pd))
+ {
+ rpIdx.push_back((unsigned long)-1);
+ ++_controlOutPorts;
+ opIdx.push_back(k);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _inPlaceCapable = !LADSPA_IS_INPLACE_BROKEN(descr->Properties);
+ // Blacklist vst plugins in-place configurable for now.
+ if((_inports != _outports) || (info.completeBaseName() == QString("dssi-vst") && !config.vstInPlace))
+ _inPlaceCapable = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dssi == 0)
+ {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "cannot found DSSI synti %s\n", _name.toAscii().data());
+ fprintf(stderr, "cannot find DSSI synti %s\n", _name.toLatin1().constData());
+ dlclose(handle);
+ handle = 0;
+ df = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DssiSynthIF* sif = new DssiSynthIF(synti);
+ ++_instances;
+ sif->init(this);
+ //_plugin->incInstances(1);
+// static char oscUrl[1024];
+ //snprintf(oscUrl, 1024, "%s/%s", url, synti->name().toAscii().data());
+ //snprintf(oscUrl, 1024, "%s/%s", url, synti->name().toLatin1().constData());
+// snprintf(oscUrl, 1024, "%s/%s/%s", url, info.baseName().toLatin1().constData(), synti->name().toLatin1().constData());
+ //QString guiPath(info.path() + "/" + info.baseName());
+ QString guiPath(info.path() + "/" + info.baseName());
+ QDir guiDir(guiPath, "*", QDir::Unsorted, QDir::Files);
+ _hasGui = guiDir.exists();
+ //sif->initGui();
+ return sif;
+// guiVisible
+bool DssiSynthIF::guiVisible() const
+ {
+ //return _guiVisible;
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ return _oscif.oscGuiVisible();
+ #endif
+ return false;
+ }
+// showGui
+void DssiSynthIF::showGui(bool v)
+ {
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::showGui(): v:%d visible:%d\n", v, guiVisible());
+ #endif
+ _oscif.oscShowGui(v);
+ #endif // OSC_SUPPORT
+ /*
+ if (v == guiVisible())
+ return;
+ //if(guiPid == -1)
+ if((guiQProc == 0) || (!guiQProc->isRunning()))
+ {
+ // We need an indicator that update was called - update must have been called to get new path etc...
+ // If the process is not running this path is invalid, right?
+ if(uiOscPath)
+ free(uiOscPath);
+ uiOscPath = 0;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::showGui(): No QProcess or process not running. Starting gui...\n");
+ #endif
+ initGui();
+ }
+ //for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // Give it a wee bit more time?
+ if (uiOscPath)
+ break;
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if (uiOscPath == 0) {
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::showGui(): no uiOscPath. Error: Timeout - synth gui did not start within 10 seconds.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ char uiOscGuiPath[strlen(uiOscPath)+6];
+ sprintf(uiOscGuiPath, "%s/%s", uiOscPath, v ? "show" : "hide");
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::showGui(): Sending show/hide uiOscGuiPath:%s\n", uiOscGuiPath);
+ #endif
+ lo_send(uiTarget, uiOscGuiPath, "");
+ _guiVisible = v;
+ */
+ }
+// receiveEvent
+//MidiEvent DssiSynthIF::receiveEvent()
+// {
+// return MidiEvent();
+// }
+MidiPlayEvent DssiSynthIF::receiveEvent()
+ {
+ return MidiPlayEvent();
+ }
+// init
+bool DssiSynthIF::init(DssiSynth* s)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init\n");
+ #endif
+ synth = s;
+ const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi = synth->dssi;
+ const LADSPA_Descriptor* ld = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ handle = ld->instantiate(ld, sampleRate);
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ _oscif.oscSetSynthIF(this);
+ #endif
+ queryPrograms();
+ int inports = synth->_inports;
+ if(inports != 0)
+ {
+ audioInBuffers = new float*[inports];
+ for(int k = 0; k < inports; ++k)
+ {
+ //audioInBuffers[k] = new LADSPA_Data[segmentSize];
+ //posix_memalign((void**)(audioInBuffers + k), 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
+ posix_memalign((void**)&audioInBuffers[k], 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
+ memset(audioInBuffers[k], 0, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
+ ld->connect_port(handle, synth->iIdx[k], audioInBuffers[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ int outports = synth->_outports;
+ if(outports != 0)
+ {
+ audioOutBuffers = new float*[outports];
+ for(int k = 0; k < outports; ++k)
+ {
+ //audioOutBuffers[k] = new LADSPA_Data[segmentSize];
+ //posix_memalign((void**)(audioOutBuffers + k), 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
+ posix_memalign((void**)&audioOutBuffers[k], 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
+ memset(audioOutBuffers[k], 0, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
+ ld->connect_port(handle, synth->oIdx[k], audioOutBuffers[k]);
+ //printf("DssiSynthIF::init output port name: %s\n", ld->PortNames[synth->oIdx[k]]); // out1, out2, out3 etc
+ }
+ }
+ int controlPorts = synth->_controlInPorts;
+ int controlOutPorts = synth->_controlOutPorts;
+ if(controlPorts != 0)
+ controls = new Port[controlPorts];
+ else
+ controls = 0;
+ if(controlOutPorts != 0)
+ controlsOut = new Port[controlOutPorts];
+ else
+ controlsOut = 0;
+ synth->midiCtl2PortMap.clear();
+ synth->port2MidiCtlMap.clear();
+ synti->_guiUpdateControls.clear();
+ synti->_guiUpdateProgram = false;
+ for (int k = 0; k < controlPorts; ++k) {
+ int i = synth->pIdx[k];
+ //controls[k].val = ladspaDefaultValue(ld, i);
+ ladspaDefaultValue(ld, i, &controls[k].val);
+ // Set to false at first.
+ synti->_guiUpdateControls.push_back(false);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init control port:%d port idx:%d name:%s\n", k, i, ld->PortNames[i]);
+ #endif
+ // This code is duplicated in ::getControllerInfo()
+ //
+ int ctlnum = DSSI_NONE;
+ if(dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port)
+ ctlnum = dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port(handle, i);
+ // No controller number? Try to give it a unique one...
+ if(ctlnum == DSSI_NONE)
+ {
+ // FIXME: Be more careful. Must make sure to pick numbers not already chosen or which WILL BE chosen.
+ // Simple but flawed solution: Start them at 0x60000 + 0x2000 = 0x62000. Max NRPN number is 0x3fff.
+ // TODO: Update: Actually we want to try to use CC Controller7 controllers if possible (or a choice) because what if
+ // the user's controller hardware doesn't support RPN?
+ // If CC Controller7 is chosen we must make sure to use only non-common numbers. An already limited range
+ // of 127 now becomes narrower. See the cool document midi-controllers.txt in the DSSI source for a
+ // nice roundup of numbers and how to choose them and how they relate to synths and DSSI synths etc. !
+ ctlnum = CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET + 0x2000 + k;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int c = ctlnum;
+ // Can be both CC and NRPN! Prefer CC over NRPN.
+ if(DSSI_IS_CC(ctlnum))
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init is CC control\n");
+ #endif
+ ctlnum = DSSI_CC_NUMBER(c);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ if(DSSI_IS_NRPN(ctlnum))
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init is also NRPN control. Using CC.\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ if(DSSI_IS_NRPN(ctlnum))
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init is NRPN control\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init inserting to midiCtl2PortMap: ctlnum:%d k:%d\n", ctlnum, k);
+ #endif
+ // We have a controller number! Insert it and the DSSI port number into both maps.
+ synth->midiCtl2PortMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(ctlnum, k));
+ synth->port2MidiCtlMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(k, ctlnum));
+ ld->connect_port(handle, i, &controls[k].val);
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < controlOutPorts; ++k) {
+ int i = synth->opIdx[k];
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init control output port:%d port idx:%d name:%s\n", k, i, ld->PortNames[i]);
+ #endif
+ // p3.3.39 Removed.
+ /*
+ //controls[k].val = ladspaDefaultValue(ld, i);
+ ladspaDefaultValue(ld, i, &controlsOut[k].val);
+ // This code is duplicated in ::getControllerInfo()
+ //
+ int ctlnum = DSSI_NONE;
+ if(dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port)
+ ctlnum = dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port(handle, i);
+ // No controller number? Try to give it a unique one...
+ if(ctlnum == DSSI_NONE)
+ {
+ // FIXME: Be more careful. Must make sure to pick numbers not already chosen or which WILL BE chosen.
+ // Simple but flawed solution: Start them at 0x60000 + 0x3000 = 0x63000. Max NRPN number is 0x3fff.
+ // TODO: CC etc. etc.
+ ctlnum = CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET + 0x3000 + k;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int c = ctlnum;
+ // Can be both CC and NRPN! Prefer CC over NRPN.
+ if(DSSI_IS_CC(ctlnum))
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init is CC control\n");
+ #endif
+ ctlnum = DSSI_CC_NUMBER(c);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ if(DSSI_IS_NRPN(ctlnum))
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init is also NRPN control. Using CC.\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ if(DSSI_IS_NRPN(ctlnum))
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init is NRPN control\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::init inserting to midiCtl2PortMap: ctlnum:%d k:%d\n", ctlnum, k);
+ #endif
+ // We have a controller number! Insert it and the DSSI port number into the map.
+ // p3.3.39 Removed. Doesn't say whether it's in or out! Don't need this for now.
+ //synth->midiCtl2PortMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(ctlnum, k));
+ */
+ // - Control outs are not handled but still must be connected to something.
+ ld->connect_port(handle, i, &controlsOut[k].val);
+ }
+ // Set the latency to zero.
+ //controls[controlPorts].val = 0.0;
+ // Insert a controller for latency and the DSSI port number into the map.
+ //synth->midiCtl2PortMap.insert(std::pair<int, int>(CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET + 0x2000, controlPorts));
+ // Connect the port.
+ //ld->connect_port(handle, controlPorts, &controls[controlPorts].val);
+ // Just a test. It works! We can instantiate a ladspa plugin for the synth. But it needs more work...
+ //plugins.add(&synth->info, LADSPA_Descriptor_Function(NULL), ld, false);
+ if (ld->activate)
+ ld->activate(handle);
+ // Set current configuration values.
+ if(dssi->configure)
+ {
+ char *rv = dssi->configure(handle, DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY,
+ museProject.toLatin1().constData()); //song->projectPath()
+ if(rv)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "MusE: Warning: plugin doesn't like project directory: \"%s\"\n", rv);
+ free(rv);
+ }
+ for(ciStringParamMap r = synti->_stringParamMap.begin(); r != synti->_stringParamMap.end(); ++r)
+ {
+ rv = 0;
+ rv = dssi->configure(handle, r->first.c_str(), r->second.c_str());
+ if(rv)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "MusE: Warning: plugin config key: %s value: %s \"%s\"\n", r->first.c_str(), r->second.c_str(), rv);
+ free(rv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set current program.
+ if(dssi->select_program)
+ dssi->select_program(handle, synti->_curBankL, synti->_curProgram);
+ //
+ // For stored initial control values, let SynthI::initInstance() take care of that via ::setParameter().
+ //
+ return true;
+ }
+// DssiSynthIF
+DssiSynthIF::DssiSynthIF(SynthI* s)
+ : SynthIF(s)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::DssiSynthIF\n");
+ #endif
+ synth = 0;
+ handle = NULL;
+ controls = 0;
+ controlsOut = 0;
+ //_curBank = 0;
+ //_curProgram = 0;
+ //#ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ //_oscif.setSynthIF(this);
+ //#endif
+ //_guiVisible = false;
+ //uiTarget = 0;
+ //uiOscShowPath = 0;
+ //uiOscControlPath = 0;
+ //uiOscConfigurePath = 0;
+ //uiOscProgramPath = 0;
+ //uiOscPath = 0;
+ //guiPid = -1;
+ //guiQProc = 0;
+ audioInBuffers = 0;
+ audioOutBuffers = 0;
+ }
+// ~DssiSynthIF
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::~DssiSynthIF\n");
+ #endif
+ if(synth)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::~DssiSynthIF synth:%p\n", synth);
+ #endif
+ if(synth->dssi)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::~DssiSynthIF synth->dssi:%p\n", synth->dssi);
+ #endif
+ if(synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::~DssiSynthIFsynth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin:%p\n", synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin);
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(synth && synth->dssi && synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin)
+ {
+ const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi = synth->dssi;
+ const LADSPA_Descriptor* descr = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::~DssiSynthIF checking cleanup function exists\n");
+ #endif
+ if(descr->cleanup)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::~DssiSynthIF calling cleanup function\n");
+ #endif
+ descr->cleanup(handle);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ //if (guiPid != -1)
+ // kill(guiPid, SIGHUP);
+ if(guiQProc)
+ {
+ if(guiQProc->isRunning())
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::~DssiSynthIF killing guiQProc\n");
+ #endif
+ guiQProc->kill();
+ }
+ //delete guiQProc;
+ }
+ if(uiOscShowPath)
+ free(uiOscShowPath);
+ if(uiOscControlPath)
+ free(uiOscControlPath);
+ if(uiOscConfigurePath)
+ free(uiOscConfigurePath);
+ if(uiOscProgramPath)
+ free(uiOscProgramPath);
+ if(uiOscPath)
+ free(uiOscPath);
+ if(uiTarget)
+ lo_address_free(uiTarget);
+ */
+ if(audioInBuffers)
+ {
+ //for(int i = 0; i < synth->_inports; ++i)
+ //{
+ // if(audioInBuffers[i])
+ // delete[] audioInBuffers[i];
+ //}
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < synth->_inports; ++i)
+ {
+ if(audioInBuffers[i])
+ free(audioInBuffers[i]);
+ }
+ delete[] audioInBuffers;
+ }
+ if(audioOutBuffers)
+ {
+ //for(int i = 0; i < synth->_outports; ++i)
+ //{
+ // if(audioOutBuffers[i])
+ // delete[] audioOutBuffers[i];
+ //}
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < synth->_outports; ++i)
+ {
+ if(audioOutBuffers[i])
+ free(audioOutBuffers[i]);
+ }
+ delete[] audioOutBuffers;
+ }
+ if(controls)
+ delete[] controls;
+ if(controlsOut)
+ delete[] controlsOut;
+// getParameter
+float DssiSynthIF::getParameter(unsigned long n) const
+ if(n >= synth->_controlInPorts)
+ {
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getParameter param number %ld out of range of ports:%ld\n", n, synth->_controlInPorts);
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ if(!controls)
+ return 0.0;
+ return controls[n].val;
+// setParameter
+void DssiSynthIF::setParameter(unsigned long n, float v)
+ if(n >= synth->_controlInPorts)
+ {
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::setParameter param number %ld out of range of ports:%ld\n", n, synth->_controlInPorts);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!controls)
+ return;
+ controls[n].val = v;
+ // Notify that changes are to be sent upon heartbeat.
+ // TODO: No, at least not for now. So far, setParameter is only called during loading of stored params,
+ // and we don't want this interfering with oscUpdate which also sends the values.
+ //synti->_guiUpdateControls[n] = true;
+// write
+//void DssiSynthIF::write(Xml&) const
+void DssiSynthIF::write(int level, Xml& xml) const
+ //bool vstsaved = false;
+ //---------------------------------------------
+ // dump current state of synth
+ //---------------------------------------------
+ printf("dumping DSSI custom data! %d\n", synth->dssi->getCustomData);
+ // this is only needed and supported if
+ // we are talking to a VST plugin at the other end.
+ std::string name = synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin->Name;
+ if ((name.length()> 4) && name.substr(name.length() - 4) == " VST")
+ {
+ printf("is vst plugin, commencing data dump, apiversion=%d!\n", synth->dssi->DSSI_API_Version);
+ unsigned long len = 0;
+ void* p = 0;
+ synth->dssi->getCustomData(handle,&p, &len);
+ if (len) {
+ xml.tag(level++, "midistate");
+ xml.nput(level++, "<event type=\"%d\"", Sysex);
+ xml.nput(" datalen=\"%d\">\n", len+7 /*VSTSAVE*/);
+ xml.nput(level, "");
+ xml.nput("56 53 54 53 41 56 45 "); // embed a save marker "string 'VSTSAVE'
+ for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (i && (((i+7) % 16) == 0)) {
+ xml.nput("\n");
+ xml.nput(level, "");
+ }
+ xml.nput("%02x ", ((char*)(p))[i] & 0xff);
+ }
+ xml.nput("\n");
+ xml.tag(level--, "/event");
+ xml.etag(level--, "midistate");
+ //vstsaved = true;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("support for vst chunks not compiled in!\n");
+ /*
+ // p3.3.39 Store the state of current program and bank and all input control values, but only if VSTSAVE above didn't do it already!
+ // TODO: Not quite good enough, we would want to store all controls for EACH program, not just the current one.
+ // Need to modify controls array to be inside a program array and act as a cache when the user changes a control on a particular program.
+ if(!vstsaved)
+ {
+ if(synth->_controlInPorts)
+ {
+ // TODO: Hmm, what if these sizes change (platform etc.)? Hard code? Not good - need to store complete value.
+ const int fs = sizeof(float);
+ const int uls = sizeof(unsigned long);
+ // Data length: Version major and minor bytes, bank + program, and controllers.
+ const unsigned long len = 2 + 2 * uls + synth->_controlInPorts * fs;
+ unsigned long prog = _curBank;
+ unsigned long bnk = _curProgram;
+ xml.tag(level++, "midistate");
+ xml.nput(level++, "<event type=\"%d\"", Sysex);
+ xml.nput(" datalen=\"%d\">\n", len+9); // "PARAMSAVE" length + data length.
+ xml.nput(level, "");
+ xml.nput("50 41 52 41 4d 53 41 56 45 "); // Embed a save marker string "PARAMSAVE".
+ unsigned long i = 9;
+ // Store PARAMSAVE version major...
+ if(i && ((i % 16) == 0))
+ {
+ xml.nput("\n");
+ xml.nput(level, "");
+ }
+ xml.nput("%02x ", uc & 0xff);
+ ++i;
+ // Store PARAMSAVE version minor...
+ if(i && ((i % 16) == 0))
+ {
+ xml.nput("\n");
+ xml.nput(level, "");
+ }
+ xml.nput("%02x ", uc & 0xff);
+ ++i;
+ // Store bank...
+ void* p = &bnk;
+ for(int j = 0; j < uls; ++j)
+ {
+ if(i && ((i % 16) == 0))
+ {
+ xml.nput("\n");
+ xml.nput(level, "");
+ }
+ xml.nput("%02x ", ((char*)(p))[j] & 0xff);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Store program...
+ p = &prog;
+ for(int j = 0; j < uls; ++j)
+ {
+ if(i && ((i % 16) == 0))
+ {
+ xml.nput("\n");
+ xml.nput(level, "");
+ }
+ xml.nput("%02x ", ((char*)(p))[j] & 0xff);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Store controls...
+ for(unsigned long c = 0; c < synth->_controlInPorts; ++c)
+ {
+ float v = controls[c].val;
+ p = &v;
+ for(int j = 0; j < fs; ++j)
+ {
+ if(i && ((i % 16) == 0))
+ {
+ xml.nput("\n");
+ xml.nput(level, "");
+ }
+ xml.nput("%02x ", ((char*)(p))[j] & 0xff);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ xml.nput("\n");
+ xml.tag(level--, "/event");
+ xml.etag(level--, "midistate");
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ // Store controls as parameters...
+ for(unsigned long c = 0; c < synth->_controlInPorts; ++c)
+ {
+ float f = controls[c].val;
+ xml.floatTag(level, "param", f);
+ //xml.tag(level, "param name=\"%s\" val=\"%s\"/", name, r->first.c_str(), r->second.c_str());
+ }
+// preProcessAlways
+void DssiSynthIF::preProcessAlways()
+// processEvent
+// Return true if event pointer filled.
+bool DssiSynthIF::processEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& e, snd_seq_event_t* event)
+ const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi = synth->dssi;
+ int chn =;
+ int a = e.dataA();
+ int b = e.dataB();
+ //for sysex
+ //QByteArray ba = QByteArray((const char*), e.len());
+ //we must had 0xF0 at the beginning and 0xF7 at the end of
+ //ba.push_front(0xF0);
+ //ba.push_back(0xF7);
+ //QByteArray ba();
+ ////ba.assign((const char*), e.len());
+ ////ba.duplicate((const char*), e.len());
+ ////ba.setRawData((const char*), e.len());
+ //int len = e.len() + 2;
+ int len = e.len();
+ char ca[len + 2];
+ ca[0] = 0xF0;
+ memcpy(ca + 1, (const char*), len);
+ ca[len + 1] = 0xF7;
+ len += 2;
+ //snd_seq_event_t* event = &events[nevents];
+ event->queue = SND_SEQ_QUEUE_DIRECT;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event type:%d chn:%d a:%d b:%d\n", e.type(), chn, a, b);
+ #endif
+ switch(e.type())
+ {
+ case ME_NOTEON:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is ME_NOTEON\n");
+ #endif
+ if(b)
+ snd_seq_ev_set_noteon(event, chn, a, b);
+ else
+ snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff(event, chn, a, 0);
+ break;
+ case ME_NOTEOFF:
+ snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff(event, chn, a, 0);
+ break;
+ case ME_PROGRAM:
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is ME_PROGRAM\n");
+ #endif
+ int bank = (a >> 8) & 0xff;
+ int prog = a & 0xff;
+ //_curBank = bank;
+ //_curProgram = prog;
+ synti->_curBankH = 0;
+ synti->_curBankL = bank;
+ synti->_curProgram = prog;
+ if(dssi->select_program)
+ {
+ dssi->select_program(handle, bank, prog);
+ // Notify that changes are to be sent upon heartbeat.
+ synti->_guiUpdateProgram = true;
+ }
+ // Event pointer not filled. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is ME_CONTROLLER\n");
+ #endif
+ if((a == 0) || (a == 32))
+ return false;
+ if(a == CTRL_PROGRAM)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is ME_CONTROLLER, dataA is CTRL_PROGRAM\n");
+ #endif
+ int bank = (b >> 8) & 0xff;
+ int prog = b & 0xff;
+ //_curBank = bank;
+ //_curProgram = prog;
+ synti->_curBankH = 0;
+ synti->_curBankL = bank;
+ synti->_curProgram = prog;
+ if(dssi->select_program)
+ {
+ dssi->select_program(handle, bank, prog);
+ // Notify that changes are to be sent upon heartbeat.
+ synti->_guiUpdateProgram = true;
+ }
+ // Event pointer not filled. Return false.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(a == CTRL_PITCH)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is ME_CONTROLLER, dataA is CTRL_PITCH\n");
+ #endif
+ b &= 0x3fff;
+ snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(event, chn, b);
+ // Event pointer filled. Return true.
+ return true;
+ }
+ const LADSPA_Descriptor* ld = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ ciMidiCtl2LadspaPort ip = synth->midiCtl2PortMap.find(a);
+ // Is it just a regular midi controller, not mapped to a LADSPA port (either by the plugin or by us)?
+ // NOTE: There's no way to tell which of these controllers is supported by the plugin.
+ // For example sustain footpedal or pitch bend may be supported, but not mapped to any LADSPA port.
+ if(ip == synth->midiCtl2PortMap.end())
+ {
+ // p3.3.39 Changed to return false because of crashes with unknown controllers when switching a midi track
+ // among different dssi synths and regular synths etc. For example high RPN offset numbers (set by another
+ // device selected into the midi port before selecting this synth) were passing through here when in fact
+ // the particular synth had no such midi controllers.
+ // ========================== No, that leaves out regular controllers like footpedal
+ //#ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ //fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent dataA:%d not found in map (not a ladspa controller). Ignoring.\n", a);
+ //#endif
+ //return false;
+ //#ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ //fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent dataA:%d not found in map (not a ladspa controller). Filling event as regular controller.\n", a);
+ //#endif
+ //snd_seq_ev_set_controller(event, chn, a, b);
+ //return true;
+ int ctlnum = a;
+ //switch(midiControllerType(a))
+ if(midiControllerType(a) != MidiController::Controller7)
+ return false;
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ case MidiController::NRPN14:
+ case MidiController::Controller14:
+ case MidiController::Pitch:
+ case MidiController::Program:
+ case MidiController::RPN:
+ case MidiController::RPN14:
+ case MidiController::NRPN:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent non-ladspa midi event controller unsupported. DataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ return false;
+ */
+ //case MidiController::Controller7:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ //fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is Controller7. Changing to DSSI_CC type. Current dataA:%d\n", a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent non-ladspa midi event is Controller7. Current dataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ //a = DSSI_CC(a);
+ a &= 0x7f;
+ ctlnum = DSSI_CC_NUMBER(ctlnum);
+ // break;
+ /*
+ case MidiController::NRPN14:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ // fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is NRPN. Changing to DSSI_NRPN type. Current dataA:%d\n", a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent non-ladspa midi event is NRPN. Current dataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ a &= 0x3fff;
+ ctlnum = DSSI_NRPN_NUMBER(ctlnum);
+ break;
+ case MidiController::Controller14:
+ a &= 0x7f;
+ break;
+ case MidiController::Pitch:
+ // Should be caught above!
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ //fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent non-ladspa midi event is Pitch. DataA:%d\n", a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent Error! non-ladspa midi event is Pitch. Should have been caught already! DataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ //a &= 0x3fff;
+ //snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(event, chn, b);
+ // Event pointer filled. Return true.
+ //return true;
+ // Event pointer not filled. Return false.
+ return false;
+ case MidiController::Program:
+ // Should be caught above!
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent Error! non-ladspa midi event is Program. Should have been caught already! DataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ return false;
+ case MidiController::RPN:
+ case MidiController::RPN14:
+ case MidiController::NRPN:
+ default:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent non-ladspa midi event is RPN, RPN14, or NRPN type. DataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ */
+ }
+ // Verify it's the same number.
+ //if(ctlnum != a)
+ //{
+ // #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ // printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent Error! non-ladspa midi ctlnum:%d != event dataA:%d\n", ctlnum, a);
+ // #endif
+ // Event not filled. Return false.
+ // TEMP: TODO: Turn on later
+ //return false;
+ //}
+ // Fill the event.
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent non-ladspa filling midi event chn:%d dataA:%d dataB:%d\n", chn, a, b);
+ #endif
+ snd_seq_ev_set_controller(event, chn, a, b);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //int num = ip->first;
+ unsigned long k = ip->second;
+ unsigned long i = synth->pIdx[k];
+ int ctlnum = DSSI_NONE;
+ if(dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port)
+ ctlnum = dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port(handle, i);
+ // No midi controller for the ladspa port? Send to ladspa control.
+ if(ctlnum == DSSI_NONE)
+ {
+ // Sanity check.
+ if(k > synth->_controlInPorts)
+ return false;
+ // TODO: If necessary... choose non-existing numbers...
+ //for(int k = 0; k < controlPorts; ++k)
+ //{
+ // int i = synth->pIdx[k];
+ //}
+ // Simple but flawed solution: Start them at 0x60000 + 0x2000 = 0x62000. Max NRPN number is 0x3fff.
+ ctlnum = k + (CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET + 0x2000);
+ }
+ // p3.3.39
+ else
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent plugin requests DSSI-style ctlnum:%x(h) %d(d) be mapped to control port:%ld...\n", ctlnum, ctlnum, i);
+ #endif
+ int c = ctlnum;
+ // Can be both CC and NRPN! Prefer CC over NRPN.
+ if(DSSI_IS_CC(ctlnum))
+ {
+ ctlnum = DSSI_CC_NUMBER(c);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent is CC ctlnum:%d\n", ctlnum);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ if(DSSI_IS_NRPN(ctlnum))
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent is also NRPN control. Using CC.\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ if(DSSI_IS_NRPN(ctlnum))
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent is NRPN ctlnum:%x(h) %d(d)\n", ctlnum, ctlnum);
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ //{
+ float val = midi2LadspaValue(ld, i, ctlnum, b);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ //fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent No midi controller for control port:%d port:%d dataA:%d Converting val from:%d to ladspa:%f\n", i, k, a, b, val);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent control port:%ld port:%ld dataA:%d Converting val from:%d to ladspa:%f\n", i, k, a, b, val);
+ #endif
+ // Set the ladspa port value.
+ controls[k].val = val;
+ // FIXME: Testing - Works but is this safe in a RT process callback? Try hooking into gui heartbeat timer instead...
+ //lo_send(uiTarget, uiOscControlPath, "if", i, val);
+ // Notify that changes are to be sent upon heartbeat.
+ synti->_guiUpdateControls[k] = true;
+ // Since we absorbed the message as a ladspa control change, return false - the event is not filled.
+ return false;
+ //}
+ // p3.3.39 Removed.
+ // "Hosts should not deliver through run_synth any MIDI controller events that have already
+ // been mapped to control port values."
+ // D'oh! My mistake, did not understand that the mapping is only a *request* that the app map MIDI
+ // controller events to a LADSPA port, and must do the conversion, not to actually *send* them via MIDI...
+ /*
+ else
+ {
+ switch(midiControllerType(a))
+ {
+ case MidiController::Controller7:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ //fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is Controller7. Changing to DSSI_CC type. Current dataA:%d\n", a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is Controller7. Current dataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ //a = DSSI_CC(a);
+ a &= 0x7f;
+ ctlnum = DSSI_CC_NUMBER(ctlnum);
+ break;
+ case MidiController::NRPN14:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ // fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is NRPN. Changing to DSSI_NRPN type. Current dataA:%d\n", a);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is NRPN. Current dataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ a &= 0x3fff;
+ ctlnum = DSSI_NRPN_NUMBER(ctlnum);
+ break;
+ case MidiController::Controller14:
+ a &= 0x7f;
+ break;
+ case MidiController::Pitch:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is Pitch. DataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ a &= 0x3fff;
+ break;
+ case MidiController::Program:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is Program. DataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ a &= 0x3fff;
+ break;
+ case MidiController::RPN:
+ case MidiController::RPN14:
+ case MidiController::NRPN:
+ default:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is RPN, RPN14, or NRPN type. DataA:%d\n", a);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ }
+ // Verify it's the same number.
+ if(ctlnum != a)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent Error! ctlnum:%d != event dataA:%d\n", ctlnum, a);
+ #endif
+ // Event not filled. Return false.
+ // TEMP: TODO: Turn on later
+ //return false;
+ }
+ // Fill the event.
+ // FIXME: Darn! We get to this point, but no change in sound (later). Nothing happens, at least with LTS -
+ // which is the only one I found so far with midi controllers.
+ // Tried with/without converting to DSSI_CC and DSSI_NRPN. What could be wrong here?
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent filling event chn:%d dataA:%d dataB:%d\n", chn, a, b);
+ #endif
+ snd_seq_ev_set_controller(event, chn, a, b);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ break;
+ snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(event, chn, a);
+ break;
+ snd_seq_ev_set_chanpress(event, chn, a);
+ break;
+ case ME_SYSEX:
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is ME_SYSEX\n");
+ #endif
+ if (QString((const char*)"VSTSAVE")) {
+ printf("loading chunk from sysex %s!\n",;
+ dssi->setCustomData(handle, /* len of str*/,e.len()-7);
+ printf("support for vst chunks not compiled in!\n");
+ // Event not filled.
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ // p3.3.39 Read the state of current bank and program and all input control values.
+ // TODO: Needs to be better. See write().
+ else
+ if (QString((const char*)"PARAMSAVE"))
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is ME_SYSEX PARAMSAVE\n");
+ #endif
+ unsigned long dlen = e.len() - 9; // Minus "PARAMSAVE"
+ if(dlen > 0)
+ {
+ //if(dlen < 2 * sizeof(unsigned long))
+ if(dlen < (2 + 2 * sizeof(unsigned long))) // Version major and minor bytes, bank and program.
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent Error: PARAMSAVE data length does not include at least version major and minor, bank and program!\n");
+ else
+ {
+ // Not required, yet.
+ //char vmaj = *((char*)( + 9)); // After "PARAMSAVE"
+ //char vmin = *((char*)( + 10));
+ unsigned long* const ulp = (unsigned long*)( + 11); // After "PARAMSAVE" + version major and minor.
+ // TODO: TODO: Set plugin bank and program.
+ _curBank = ulp[0];
+ _curProgram = ulp[1];
+ dlen -= (2 + 2 * sizeof(unsigned long)); // After the version major and minor, bank and program.
+ if(dlen > 0)
+ {
+ if((dlen % sizeof(float)) != 0)
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent Error: PARAMSAVE float data length not integral multiple of float size!\n");
+ else
+ {
+ const unsigned long n = dlen / sizeof(float);
+ if(n != synth->_controlInPorts)
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::processEvent Warning: PARAMSAVE number of floats:%ld != number of controls:%ld\n", n, synth->_controlInPorts);
+ // Point to location after "PARAMSAVE", version major and minor, bank and progam.
+ float* const fp = (float*)( + 9 + 2 + 2 * sizeof(unsigned long));
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < synth->_controlInPorts && i < n; ++i)
+ {
+ const float v = fp[i];
+ controls[i].val = v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Event not filled.
+ return false;
+ }
+ */
+ else
+ {
+ // NOTE: There is a limit on the size of a sysex. Got this:
+ // "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event is ME_SYSEX"
+ // "WARNING: MIDI event of type ? decoded to 367 bytes, discarding"
+ // That might be ALSA doing that.
+ snd_seq_ev_set_sysex(event, len,
+ //(unsigned char*);
+ (unsigned char*)ca);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(debugMsg)
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::processEvent midi event unknown type:%d\n", e.type());
+ // Event not filled.
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+// getData
+//void DssiSynthIF::getData(MidiEventList* el, unsigned pos, int ch, unsigned samples, float** data)
+iMPEvent DssiSynthIF::getData(MidiPort* /*mp*/, MPEventList* el, iMPEvent /*i*/, unsigned pos, int ports, unsigned n, float** buffer)
+ //#ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ // fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::getData elsize:%d pos:%d ports:%d samples:%d processed already?:%d\n", el->size(), pos, ports, n, synti->processed());
+ //#endif
+ //BEGIN: Process midi events
+ // FIXME: Add 10(?) for good luck in case volatile size changes (increments) while we're processing.
+ //unsigned long nevents = el->size();
+ unsigned long nevents = el->size() + synti->putFifo.getSize() + 10;
+ /*
+ while (!synti->putFifo.isEmpty()) {
+ MidiEvent event = synti->putFifo.get();
+ printf("Dssi: FIFO\n");
+ }
+ */
+ snd_seq_event_t events[nevents];
+ memset(events, 0, sizeof(events));
+ nevents = 0;
+ //int curPos = pos;
+ //unsigned endPos = pos + samples;
+ unsigned endPos = pos + n;
+ //int off = pos;
+ int frameOffset = audio->getFrameOffset();
+ //iMidiEvent i = el->begin();
+ iMPEvent i = el->begin();
+ // Process event list events...
+ for(; i != el->end(); ++i)
+ {
+ //if(i->time() >= endPos) // Doesn't work, at least here in muse-1. The event times are all
+ // just slightly after the endPos, EVEN IF transport is stopped.
+ // So it misses all the notes.
+ if(i->time() >= (endPos + frameOffset)) // NOTE: frameOffset? Tested, examined printouts of times: Seems OK for playback.
+ break;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::getData eventlist event time:%d\n", i->time());
+ #endif
+ // p3.3.39 Update hardware state so knobs and boxes are updated. Optimize to avoid re-setting existing values.
+ // Same code as in MidiPort::sendEvent()
+ if(synti->midiPort() != -1)
+ {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[synti->midiPort()];
+ if(i->type() == ME_CONTROLLER)
+ {
+ int da = i->dataA();
+ int db = i->dataB();
+ db = mp->limitValToInstrCtlRange(da, db);
+ if(!mp->setHwCtrlState(i->channel(), da, db))
+ continue;
+ //mp->setHwCtrlState(i->channel(), da, db);
+ }
+ else
+ if(i->type() == ME_PITCHBEND)
+ {
+ int da = mp->limitValToInstrCtlRange(CTRL_PITCH, i->dataA());
+ if(!mp->setHwCtrlState(i->channel(), CTRL_PITCH, da))
+ continue;
+ //mp->setHwCtrlState(i->channel(), CTRL_PITCH, da);
+ }
+ else
+ if(i->type() == ME_PROGRAM)
+ {
+ if(!mp->setHwCtrlState(i->channel(), CTRL_PROGRAM, i->dataA()))
+ continue;
+ //mp->setHwCtrlState(i->channel(), CTRL_PROGRAM, i->dataA());
+ }
+ }
+ if(processEvent(*i, &events[nevents]))
+ ++nevents;
+ }
+ // Now process putEvent events...
+ while(!synti->putFifo.isEmpty())
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent e = synti->putFifo.get();
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::getData putFifo event time:%d\n", e.time());
+ #endif
+ // Set to the current time.
+ // FIXME: FIXME: Wrong - we should be setting some kind of linear realtime wallclock here, not song pos.
+ e.setTime(pos);
+ if(processEvent(e, &events[nevents]))
+ ++nevents;
+ }
+ // Now process OSC gui input control fifo events.
+ // It is probably more important that these are processed last so that they take precedence over all other
+ // events because OSC + DSSI/DSSI-VST are fussy about receiving feedback via these control ports, from GUI changes.
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ unsigned long ctls = synth->_controlInPorts;
+ for(unsigned long k = 0; k < ctls; ++k)
+ {
+ OscControlFifo* cfifo = _oscif.oscFifo(k);
+ if(!cfifo)
+ continue;
+ // If there are 'events' in the fifo, get exactly one 'event' per control per process cycle...
+ if(!cfifo->isEmpty())
+ {
+ OscControlValue v = cfifo->get();
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::getData OscControlFifo event input control number:%ld value:%f\n", k, v.value);
+ #endif
+ // Set the ladspa control port value.
+ controls[k].val = v.value;
+ // TODO: (From plugin module, adapt for synth if/when our own plugin gui is added to synths).
+ // Need to update the automation value, otherwise the block above overwrites with the last automation value.
+ ///if(_track)
+ ///{
+ // Since we are now in the audio thread context, there's no need to send a message,
+ // just modify directly.
+ //audio->msgSetPluginCtrlVal(this, genACnum(_id, i), controls[i].val);
+ /// _track->setPluginCtrlVal(k, v.value)
+ ///}
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+/* // This is from MESS... Tried this here, didn't work, need to re-adapt, try again.
+ int evTime = i->time();
+ if(evTime == 0)
+ {
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getData - time is 0!\n");
+ //continue;
+ evTime=frameOffset; // will cause frame to be zero, problem?
+ }
+ int frame = evTime - frameOffset;
+ if(frame >= endPos)
+ {
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getData frame > endPos!! frame = %d >= endPos %d, i->time() %d, frameOffset %d curPos=%d\n", frame, endPos, i->time(), frameOffset,curPos);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(frame > curPos)
+ {
+ if(frame < pos)
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getData should not happen: missed event %d\n", pos -frame);
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ curPos = frame;
+ }
+// }
+ el->erase(el->begin(), i);
+ //END: Process midi events
+ //BEGIN: Run the synth
+ // All ports must be connected to something!
+ // First, copy the given input buffers to our local input buffers.
+ unsigned long np, k;
+ //np = portsin > synth->_inports ? synth->_inports : portsin;
+ //for(k = 0; k < np; ++k)
+ // memcpy(audioInBuffers[k], inbuffer[k], sizeof(float) * n);
+ //for(; k < portsin; ++k)
+ // memset(audioInBuffers[k], 0, sizeof(float) * n);
+ // Watch our limits.
+ np = ports > synth->_outports ? synth->_outports : ports;
+ const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi = synth->dssi;
+ const LADSPA_Descriptor* descr = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ k = 0;
+ // Connect the given buffers directly to the ports, up to a max of synth ports.
+ for(; k < np; ++k)
+ descr->connect_port(handle, synth->oIdx[k], buffer[k]);
+ // Connect the remaining ports to some local buffers (not used yet).
+ for(; k < synth->_outports; ++k)
+ descr->connect_port(handle, synth->oIdx[k], audioOutBuffers[k]);
+ /*
+ //
+ // p3.3.39 Handle inputs...
+ //
+ //if((song->bounceTrack != this) && !noInRoute())
+ if(!((AudioTrack*)synti)->noInRoute())
+ {
+ RouteList* irl = ((AudioTrack*)synti)->inRoutes();
+ iRoute i = irl->begin();
+ if(!i->track->isMidiTrack())
+ {
+ //if(debugMsg)
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getData: Error: First route is a midi track route!\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int ch = i->channel == -1 ? 0 : i->channel;
+ int remch = i->remoteChannel == -1 ? 0 : i->remoteChannel;
+ int chs = i->channels == -1 ? 0 : i->channels;
+ // TODO:
+ //if(ch >= synth->_inports)
+ //iUsedIdx[ch] = true;
+ //if(chs == 2)
+ // iUsedIdx[ch + 1] = true;
+ //((AudioTrack*)i->track)->copyData(framePos, channels, nframe, bp);
+ ((AudioTrack*)i->track)->copyData(pos, ports,
+ //(i->track->type() == Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH && i->channel != -1) ? i->channel : 0,
+ i->channel,
+ i->channels,
+ n, bp);
+ }
+ //unsigned pos, int ports, unsigned n, float** buffer
+ ++i;
+ for(; i != irl->end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if(i->track->isMidiTrack())
+ {
+ //if(debugMsg)
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getData: Error: Route is a midi track route!\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ //((AudioTrack*)i->track)->addData(framePos, channels, nframe, bp);
+ ((AudioTrack*)i->track)->addData(framePos, channels,
+ //(i->track->type() == Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH && i->channel != -1) ? i->channel : 0,
+ i->channel,
+ i->channels,
+ nframe, bp);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ //#ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ //if(nevents)
+ // fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::getData run nevents:%d\n", nevents);
+ //#endif
+ // Run the synth for one segment. This processes events and gets/fills our local buffers...
+ if(synth->dssi->run_synth)
+ {
+ synth->dssi->run_synth(handle, n, events, nevents);
+ // NOTE: Just a test
+ //for(int m = 0; m < n; ++m)
+ //{
+ // synth->dssi->run_synth(handle, 1, events, nevents);
+ //}
+ }
+ else if (synth->dssi->run_multiple_synths)
+ {
+ snd_seq_event_t* ev = events;
+ synth->dssi->run_multiple_synths(1, &handle, n, &ev, &nevents);
+ }
+ //END: Run the synth
+ return i;
+// putEvent
+//bool DssiSynthIF::putEvent(const MidiEvent& ev)
+bool DssiSynthIF::putEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::putEvent midi event time:%d chn:%d a:%d b:%d\n", ev.time(),, ev.dataA(), ev.dataB());
+ #endif
+ if (midiOutputTrace)
+ ev.dump();
+ return synti->putFifo.put(ev);
+ //return false;
+ }
+// incInstances
+void DssiSynth::incInstances(int val)
+ _instances += val;
+ if (_instances == 0)
+ {
+ if (handle)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynth::incInstances no more instances, closing library\n");
+ #endif
+ dlclose(handle);
+ }
+ handle = 0;
+ dssi = NULL;
+ df = NULL;
+ pIdx.clear();
+ opIdx.clear();
+ iIdx.clear();
+ oIdx.clear();
+ rpIdx.clear();
+ iUsedIdx.clear();
+ midiCtl2PortMap.clear();
+ port2MidiCtlMap.clear();
+ //synti->_guiUpdateControls.clear();
+ }
+// initGui
+bool DssiSynthIF::initGui()
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ return _oscif.oscInitGui();
+ #endif
+ return true;
+ /*
+ // Are we already running? We don't want to allow another process do we...
+ if((guiQProc != 0) && (guiQProc->isRunning()))
+ return true;
+ //
+ // start gui
+ //
+ static char oscUrl[1024];
+ //snprintf(oscUrl, 1024, "%s/%s", url, synti->name().toAscii().data());
+ //snprintf(oscUrl, 1024, "%s/%s", url, synti->name().toLatin1().constData());
+ snprintf(oscUrl, 1024, "%s/%s/%s", url, synth->info.baseName().toLatin1().constData(), synti->name().toLatin1().constData());
+ //QString guiPath(info.path() + "/" + info.baseName());
+ QString guiPath(synth->info.dirPath() + "/" + synth->info.baseName());
+ QDir guiDir(guiPath, "*", QDir::Unsorted, QDir::Files);
+ if (guiDir.exists())
+ {
+ //const QFileInfoList list = guiDir.entryInfoList();
+ QStringList list = guiDir.entryList();
+ //for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i)
+ {
+ //QFileInfo fi =;
+ QFileInfo fi(guiPath + QString("/") + list[i]);
+ QString gui(fi.filePath());
+ if (gui.contains('_') == 0)
+ continue;
+ struct stat buf;
+ //if (stat(gui.toAscii().data(), &buf)) {
+ if (stat(gui.toLatin1().constData(), &buf)) {
+ perror("stat failed");
+ continue;
+ }
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::initGui %s %s %s %s\n",
+ //fi.filePath().toAscii().data(),
+ //fi.fileName().toAscii().data(),
+ fi.filePath().toLatin1().constData(),
+ //fi.fileName().toLatin1().constData(),
+ oscUrl,
+ synth->info.filePath().toLatin1().constData(),
+ //name().toAscii().data(),
+ synth->name().toLatin1().constData());
+ #endif
+ if ((S_ISREG(buf.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(buf.st_mode)) &&
+ (buf.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)))
+ {
+ // Changed by T356.
+ // fork + execlp were causing the processes to remain after closing gui, requiring manual kill.
+ // Changed to QProcess, works OK now.
+ //if((guiPid = fork()) == 0)
+ {
+ // No QProcess created yet? Do it now. Only once per SynthIF instance. Exists until parent destroyed.
+ if(guiQProc == 0)
+ guiQProc = new QProcess(muse);
+ // Don't forget this, he he...
+ guiQProc->clearArguments();
+ guiQProc->addArgument(fi.filePath());
+ //guiQProc->addArgument(fi.fileName()); // No conventional 'Arg0' here.
+ guiQProc->addArgument(QString(oscUrl));
+ guiQProc->addArgument(synth->info.filePath());
+ guiQProc->addArgument(synth->name());
+ guiQProc->addArgument(QString("channel 1"));
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::initGui starting QProcess\n");
+ #endif
+ if(guiQProc->start() == TRUE)
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::initGui started QProcess\n");
+ #endif
+ //guiPid = guiQProc->processIdentifier();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // execlp(
+ // fi.filePath().toAscii().data(),
+ // fi.fileName().toAscii().data(),
+ // fi.filePath().toLatin1().constData(),
+ // fi.fileName().toLatin1().constData(),
+ // oscUrl,
+ // info.filePath().toAscii().data(),
+ // name().toAscii().data(),
+ // synth->info.filePath().toLatin1().constData(),
+ // synth->name().toLatin1().constData(),
+ // "channel 1", (void*)0);
+ fprintf(stderr, "exec %s %s %s %s failed: %s\n",
+ // fi.filePath().toAscii().data(),
+ // fi.fileName().toAscii().data(),
+ fi.filePath().toLatin1().constData(),
+ fi.fileName().toLatin1().constData(),
+ oscUrl,
+ // name().toAscii().data(),
+ synth->name().toLatin1().constData(),
+ strerror(errno));
+ // It's Ok, Keep going. So nothing happens. So what. The timeout in showGui will just leave.
+ // Maybe it's a 'busy' issue somewhere - allow to try again later + save work now.
+ // exit(1);
+ }
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::initGui after QProcess\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //synth->_hasGui = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("%s: no dir for dssi gui found: %s\n",
+ //name().toAscii().data(), guiPath.toAscii().data());
+ synth->name().toLatin1().constData(), guiPath.toLatin1().constData());
+ //synth->_hasGui = false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ */
+// guiHeartBeat
+void DssiSynthIF::guiHeartBeat()
+ #ifdef OSC_SUPPORT
+ // Update the gui's program if needed.
+ if(synti->_guiUpdateProgram)
+ {
+ _oscif.oscSendProgram(synti->_curProgram, synti->_curBankL);
+ synti->_guiUpdateProgram = false;
+ }
+ // Update the gui's controls if needed.
+ unsigned long ports = synth->_controlInPorts;
+ if(ports > synti->_guiUpdateControls.size())
+ return;
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < ports; ++i)
+ {
+ if(synti->_guiUpdateControls[i])
+ {
+ unsigned long k = synth->pIdx[i];
+ _oscif.oscSendControl(k, controls[i].val);
+ // Reset.
+ synti->_guiUpdateControls[i] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+// oscUpdate
+int DssiSynthIF::oscUpdate()
+ // Send project directory.
+ _oscif.oscSendConfigure(DSSI_PROJECT_DIRECTORY_KEY, museProject.toLatin1().constData()); // song->projectPath()
+ // Send current string configuration parameters.
+ //StringParamMap& map = synti->_stringParamMap;
+ int i = 0;
+ for(ciStringParamMap r = synti->_stringParamMap.begin(); r != synti->_stringParamMap.end(); ++r)
+ {
+ _oscif.oscSendConfigure(r->first.c_str(), r->second.c_str());
+ // Avoid overloading the GUI if there are lots and lots of params.
+ if((i+1) % 50 == 0)
+ usleep(300000);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ // Send current bank and program.
+ //unsigned long bank, prog;
+ //synti->currentProg(&prog, &bank, 0);
+ //_oscif.oscSendProgram(prog, bank);
+ _oscif.oscSendProgram(synti->_curProgram, synti->_curBankL);
+ // Send current control values.
+ unsigned long ports = synth->_controlInPorts;
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < ports; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned long k = synth->pIdx[i];
+ _oscif.oscSendControl(k, controls[i].val);
+ // Avoid overloading the GUI if there are lots and lots of ports.
+ if((i+1) % 50 == 0)
+ usleep(300000);
+ }
+#if 0
+ /* Send current bank/program (-FIX- another race...) */
+ if (instance->pendingProgramChange < 0) {
+ unsigned long bank = instance->currentBank;
+ unsigned long program = instance->currentProgram;
+ instance->uiNeedsProgramUpdate = 0;
+ if (instance->uiTarget) {
+ lo_send(instance->uiTarget, instance->ui_osc_program_path, "ii", bank, program);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Send control ports */
+ for (i = 0; i < instance->plugin->controlIns; i++) {
+ int in = i + instance->firstControlIn;
+ int port = pluginControlInPortNumbers[in];
+ lo_send(instance->uiTarget, instance->ui_osc_control_path, "if", port,
+ pluginControlIns[in]);
+ /* Avoid overloading the GUI if there are lots and lots of ports */
+ if ((i+1) % 50 == 0)
+ usleep(300000);
+ }
+ return 0;
+// oscProgram
+int DssiSynthIF::oscProgram(unsigned long program, unsigned long bank)
+ {
+ //int bank = argv[0]->i;
+ //int program = argv[1]->i;
+ int ch = 0; // TODO: ??
+ int port = synti->midiPort();
+ //_curBank = bank;
+ //_curProgram = program;
+ synti->_curBankH = 0;
+ synti->_curBankL = bank;
+ synti->_curProgram = program;
+ bank &= 0xff;
+ program &= 0xff;
+ //MidiEvent event(0, ch, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PROGRAM, (bank << 8) + program);
+ if(port != -1)
+ {
+ //MidiPlayEvent event(0, port, ch, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PROGRAM, (bank << 8) + program);
+ MidiPlayEvent event(0, port, ch, ME_PROGRAM, (bank << 8) + program, 0);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::oscProgram midi event chn:%d a:%d b:%d\n",, event.dataA(), event.dataB());
+ #endif
+ midiPorts[port].sendEvent(event);
+ }
+ //synti->playMidiEvent(&event); // TODO
+ //
+ //MidiDevice* md = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(synti);
+ //if(md)
+ // md->putEvent(event);
+ //
+ //synti->putEvent(event);
+ return 0;
+ }
+// oscControl
+int DssiSynthIF::oscControl(unsigned long port, float value)
+ {
+ //int port = argv[0]->i;
+ //LADSPA_Data value = argv[1]->f;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::oscControl received oscControl port:%ld val:%f\n", port, value);
+ #endif
+ //int controlPorts = synth->_controlInPorts;
+ //if(port >= controlPorts)
+ //if(port < 0 || port >= synth->rpIdx.size())
+ if(port >= synth->rpIdx.size())
+ {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::oscControl: port number:%d is out of range of number of ports:%d\n", port, controlPorts);
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::oscControl: port number:%ld is out of range of index list size:%zd\n", port, synth->rpIdx.size());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Convert from DSSI port number to control input port index.
+ unsigned long cport = synth->rpIdx[port];
+ if((int)cport == -1)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::oscControl: port number:%ld is not a control input\n", port);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // p3.3.39 Set the DSSI control input port's value.
+ // Observations: With a native DSSI synth like LessTrivialSynth, the native GUI's controls do not change the sound at all
+ // ie. they don't update the DSSI control port values themselves.
+ // Hence in response to the call to this oscControl, sent by the native GUI, it is required to that here.
+/// controls[cport].val = value;
+ // DSSI-VST synths however, unlike DSSI synths, DO change their OWN sound in response to their gui controls.
+ // AND this function is called.
+ // Despite the descrepency we are STILL required to update the DSSI control port values here
+ // because dssi-vst is WAITING FOR A RESPONSE. (A CHANGE in the control port value).
+ // It will output something like "...4 events expected..." and count that number down as 4 actual control port value CHANGES
+ // are done here in response. Normally it says "...0 events expected..." when MusE is the one doing the DSSI control changes.
+ // TODO: (Done) May need FIFOs on each control(!) so that the control changes get sent one per process cycle.
+ // Observed countdown not actually going to zero upon string of changes.
+ //
+ // NOTE: NOTE: This line in RemoteVSTServer::setParameter(int p, float v) in dssi-vst-server.cpp :
+ //
+ // " if (tv.tv_sec > m_lastGuiComms.tv_sec + 10) "
+ //
+ // explains an observation that after ten seconds, the server automatically clears the expected number to 0.
+ // TODO: Now MusE should forget about all the VST fifo events past ten+ (?) seconds. Add event timestamps...
+ // You can't send any 'new' values until either you a): send all the expected events or b): wait ten seconds.
+ // (Because the server simply ignores the 'expected' messages.)
+ //
+ // Well, at least here are the fifos. Try this ...
+ OscControlFifo* cfifo = _oscif.oscFifo(cport);
+ if(cfifo)
+ {
+ OscControlValue cv;
+ //cv.idx = cport;
+ cv.value = value;
+ if(cfifo->put(cv))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::oscControl: fifo overflow: in control number:%ld\n", cport);
+ }
+ }
+ //const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi = synth->dssi;
+ //const LADSPA_Descriptor* ld = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ ciMidiCtl2LadspaPort ip = synth->port2MidiCtlMap.find(cport);
+ if(ip != synth->port2MidiCtlMap.end())
+ {
+ // TODO: TODO: Update midi MusE's midi controller knobs, sliders, boxes etc with a call to the midi port's setHwCtrlState() etc.
+ // But first we need a ladspa2MidiValue() function! ...
+ //
+ //
+ //float val = ladspa2MidiValue(ld, i, ?, ?);
+ }
+#if 0
+ int port = argv[0]->i;
+ LADSPA_Data value = argv[1]->f;
+ if (port < 0 || port > instance->plugin->descriptor->LADSPA_Plugin->PortCount) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "MusE: OSC: %s port number (%d) is out of range\n",
+ instance->friendly_name, port);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (instance->pluginPortControlInNumbers[port] == -1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "MusE: OSC: %s port %d is not a control in\n",
+ instance->friendly_name, port);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pluginControlIns[instance->pluginPortControlInNumbers[port]] = value;
+ if (verbose) {
+ printf("MusE: OSC: %s port %d = %f\n",
+ instance->friendly_name, port, value);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+// oscExiting
+int DssiSynthIF::oscExiting(lo_arg**)
+ {
+ //printf("not impl.: oscExiting\n");
+ // The gui is gone now, right?
+ _guiVisible = false;
+ //const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi = synth->dssi;
+ //const LADSPA_Descriptor* ld = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ //if(ld->deactivate)
+ // ld->deactivate(handle);
+ if (uiOscPath == 0) {
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::oscExiting(): no uiOscPath\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ char uiOscGuiPath[strlen(uiOscPath)+6];
+ sprintf(uiOscGuiPath, "%s/%s", uiOscPath, "quit");
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::oscExiting(): sending quit to uiOscGuiPath:%s\n", uiOscGuiPath);
+ #endif
+ lo_send(uiTarget, uiOscGuiPath, "");
+#if 0
+ int i;
+ if (verbose) {
+ printf("MusE: OSC: got exiting notification for instance %d\n",
+ instance->number);
+ }
+ if (instance->plugin) {
+ // !!! No, this isn't safe -- plugins deactivated in this way
+ // would still be included in a run_multiple_synths call unless
+ // we re-jigged the instance array at the same time -- leave it
+ // for now
+ //if (instance->plugin->descriptor->LADSPA_Plugin->deactivate) {
+ // instance->plugin->descriptor->LADSPA_Plugin->deactivate
+ // (instanceHandles[instance->number]);
+ // }
+ // Leave this flag though, as we need it to determine when to exit
+ instance->inactive = 1;
+ }
+ // Do we have any plugins left running?
+ for (i = 0; i < instance_count; ++i) {
+ if (!instances[i].inactive)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (verbose) {
+ printf("MusE: That was the last remaining plugin, exiting...\n");
+ }
+ exiting = 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+// oscMidi
+int DssiSynthIF::oscMidi(int a, int b, int c)
+ {
+ //int a = argv[0]->m[1];
+ //int b = argv[0]->m[2];
+ //int c = argv[0]->m[3];
+ if (a == ME_NOTEOFF) {
+ a = ME_NOTEON;
+ c = 0;
+ }
+ int channel = 0; // TODO: ??
+ int port = synti->midiPort();
+ //MidiEvent event(0, channel, a, b, c);
+ if(port != -1)
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent event(0, port, channel, a, b, c);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "DssiSynthIF::oscMidi midi event chn:%d a:%d b:%d\n",, event.dataA(), event.dataB());
+ #endif
+ midiPorts[port].sendEvent(event);
+ }
+ //synti->playMidiEvent(&event); // TODO
+ //
+ //MidiDevice* md = dynamic_cast<MidiDevice*>(synti);
+ //if(md)
+ // md->putEvent(event);
+ //
+ //synti->putEvent(event);
+ //
+ return 0;
+ }
+// oscConfigure
+int DssiSynthIF::oscConfigure(const char *key, const char *value)
+ {
+ //const char *key = (const char *)&argv[0]->s;
+ //const char *value = (const char *)&argv[1]->s;
+ // This is pretty much the simplest legal implementation of
+ // configure in a DSSI host.
+ // The host has the option to remember the set of (key,value)
+ // pairs associated with a particular instance, so that if it
+ // wants to restore the "same" instance on another occasion it can
+ // just call configure() on it for each of those pairs and so
+ // restore state without any input from a GUI. Any real-world GUI
+ // host will probably want to do that. This host doesn't have any
+ // concept of restoring an instance from one run to the next, so
+ // we don't bother remembering these at all.
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::oscConfigure synth name:%s key:%s value:%s\n", synti->name().toLatin1().constData(), key, value);
+ #endif
+ // Add or modify the configuration map item.
+ synti->_stringParamMap.set(key, value);
+ fprintf(stderr, "MusE: OSC: UI for plugin '%s' attempted to use reserved configure key \"%s\", ignoring\n",
+ //synti->name().toAscii().data(), key);
+ synti->name().toLatin1().constData(), key);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!synth->dssi->configure)
+ return 0;
+ char* message = synth->dssi->configure(handle, key, value);
+ if (message) {
+ printf("MusE: on configure '%s' '%s', plugin '%s' returned error '%s'\n",
+ //key, value, synti->name().toAscii().data(), message);
+ key, value, synti->name().toLatin1().constData(), message);
+ free(message);
+ }
+ // also call back on UIs for plugins other than the one
+ // that requested this:
+ // if (n != instance->number && instances[n].uiTarget) {
+ // lo_send(instances[n].uiTarget,
+ // instances[n].ui_osc_configure_path, "ss", key, value);
+ // }
+ // configure invalidates bank and program information, so
+ // we should do this again now:
+ queryPrograms();
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif // OSC_SUPPORT
+// queryPrograms
+void DssiSynthIF::queryPrograms()
+ {
+ for (std::vector<DSSI_Program_Descriptor>::const_iterator i = programs.begin();
+ i != programs.end(); ++i) {
+ free((void*)(i->Name));
+ }
+ programs.clear();
+ //if (!(synth->dssi->get_program && synth->dssi->select_program))
+ if (!synth->dssi->get_program)
+ return;
+ for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
+ const DSSI_Program_Descriptor* pd = synth->dssi->get_program(handle, i);
+ if (pd == 0)
+ break;
+ DSSI_Program_Descriptor d;
+ d.Name = strdup(pd->Name);
+ d.Program = pd->Program;
+ d.Bank = pd->Bank;
+ programs.push_back(d);
+ }
+ }
+// getPatchName
+//QString DssiSynthIF::getPatchName(int, int prog)
+const char* DssiSynthIF::getPatchName(int /*chan*/, int prog, MType /*type*/, bool /*drum*/)
+ {
+ unsigned program = prog & 0x7f;
+ int lbank = (prog >> 8) & 0xff;
+ int hbank = (prog >> 16) & 0xff;
+ if (lbank == 0xff)
+ lbank = 0;
+ if (hbank == 0xff)
+ hbank = 0;
+ unsigned bank = (hbank << 8) + lbank;
+ for (std::vector<DSSI_Program_Descriptor>::const_iterator i = programs.begin();
+ i != programs.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->Bank == bank && i->Program ==program)
+ return i->Name;
+ }
+ return "?";
+ }
+// populatePatchPopup
+//void DssiSynthIF::populatePatchPopup(QMenu* menu, int)
+void DssiSynthIF::populatePatchPopup(QMenu* menu, int /*ch*/, MType /*type*/, bool /*drum*/)
+ {
+ // The plugin can change the programs, patches etc.
+ // So make sure we're up to date by calling queryPrograms.
+ queryPrograms();
+ menu->clear();
+ for (std::vector<DSSI_Program_Descriptor>::const_iterator i = programs.begin();
+ i != programs.end(); ++i) {
+ int bank = i->Bank;
+ int prog = i->Program;
+ int id = (bank << 16) + prog;
+ QAction *act = menu->addAction(QString(i->Name));
+ act->setData(id);
+ }
+ }
+int DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo(int id, const char** name, int* ctrl, int* min, int* max, int* initval)
+ int controlPorts = synth->_controlInPorts;
+ if(id >= controlPorts)
+ //if(id >= midiCtl2PortMap.size())
+ return 0;
+ const DSSI_Descriptor* dssi = synth->dssi;
+ const LADSPA_Descriptor* ld = dssi->LADSPA_Plugin;
+ // Hmm, <map> has a weird [] operator. Would it work?
+ // For now just use duplicate code found in ::init()
+ //iMidiCtl2LadspaPort ip = midiCtl2PortMap[id];
+ //int ctlnum = ip->first;
+ //int k = ip->second;
+ int i = synth->pIdx[id];
+ //int i = synth->pIdx[k];
+ //ladspaDefaultValue(ld, i, &controls[id].val);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo control port:%d port idx:%d name:%s\n", id, i, ld->PortNames[i]);
+ #endif
+ int ctlnum = DSSI_NONE;
+ if(dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port)
+ ctlnum = dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port(handle, i);
+ // No controller number? Give it one.
+ if(ctlnum == DSSI_NONE)
+ {
+ // TODO: If neccesary... choose non-existing numbers...
+ //for(int k = 0; k < controlPorts; ++k)
+ //{
+ // int i = synth->pIdx[k];
+ //}
+ // Simple but flawed solution: Start them at 0x60000 + 0x2000 = 0x62000. Max NRPN number is 0x3fff.
+ ctlnum = CTRL_NRPN14_OFFSET + 0x2000 + id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo ctlnum:%d\n", ctlnum);
+ #endif
+ int c = ctlnum;
+ // Can be both CC and NRPN! Prefer CC over NRPN.
+ if(DSSI_IS_CC(ctlnum))
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo is CC control\n");
+ #endif
+ ctlnum = DSSI_CC_NUMBER(c);
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ if(DSSI_IS_NRPN(ctlnum))
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo is also NRPN control. Using CC.\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ if(DSSI_IS_NRPN(ctlnum))
+ {
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo is NRPN control\n");
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ int def = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ if(ladspa2MidiControlValues(ld, i, ctlnum, min, max, &def))
+ *initval = def;
+ else
+ *initval = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ #ifdef DSSI_DEBUG
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo passed ctlnum:%d min:%d max:%d initval:%d\n", ctlnum, *min, *max, *initval);
+ #endif
+ *ctrl = ctlnum;
+ *name = ld->PortNames[i];
+ return ++id;
+ /*
+ // create midi controllers for ports which did not define them ...
+ for(int k = 0; k < controlPorts; ++k)
+ {
+ int i = synth->pIdx[k];
+ //controls[k].val = ladspaDefaultValue(ld, i);
+ ladspaDefaultValue(ld, i, &controls[k].val);
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo #2 control port:%d port idx:%d name:%s\n", k, i, ld->PortNames[i]);
+ if(!dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port || (dssi->get_midi_controller_for_port(handle, i) == DSSI_NONE))
+ {
+ int ctlnum;
+ //printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo #2 midi controller number:%d\n", ctlnum);
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo #2 creating MidiController number:%d\n", ctlnum);
+ MidiController* mc = ladspa2MidiController(ld, i, ctlnum);
+ // Add to MidiInstrument controller list.
+ if(mc)
+ {
+ printf("DssiSynthIF::getControllerInfo #2 adding MidiController to instrument\n");
+ ((MidiInstrument*)synti)->controller()->add(mc);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ */
+int DssiSynthIF::channels() const
+ return synth->_outports > MAX_CHANNELS ? MAX_CHANNELS : synth->_outports;
+int DssiSynthIF::totalOutChannels() const
+ return synth->_outports;
+int DssiSynthIF::totalInChannels() const
+ return synth->_inports;
+// Methods for PluginIBase:
+bool DssiSynthIF::on() const { return true; } // Synth is not part of a rack plugin chain. Always on.
+void DssiSynthIF::setOn(bool /*val*/) { }
+int DssiSynthIF::pluginID() { return (synth && synth->dssi) ? synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin->UniqueID : 0; }
+int DssiSynthIF::id() { return 0; } // Synth is not part of a rack plugin chain. Always 0.
+QString DssiSynthIF::pluginLabel() const { return (synth && synth->dssi) ? QString(synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin->Label) : QString(); }
+QString DssiSynthIF::name() const { return synti->name(); }
+AudioTrack* DssiSynthIF::track() { return (AudioTrack*)synti; }
+void DssiSynthIF::enableController(int i, bool v) { controls[i].enCtrl = v; }
+bool DssiSynthIF::controllerEnabled(int i) const { return controls[i].enCtrl; }
+bool DssiSynthIF::controllerEnabled2(int i) const { return controls[i].en2Ctrl; }
+void DssiSynthIF::updateControllers() { }
+void DssiSynthIF::writeConfiguration(int /*level*/, Xml& /*xml*/) { }
+bool DssiSynthIF::readConfiguration(Xml& /*xml*/, bool /*readPreset*/) { return false; }
+int DssiSynthIF::parameters() const { return synth ? synth->_controlInPorts : 0; }
+void DssiSynthIF::setParam(int i, double val) { setParameter(i, val); }
+double DssiSynthIF::param(int i) const { return getParameter(i); }
+const char* DssiSynthIF::paramName(int i) { return (synth && synth->dssi) ? synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin->PortNames[i] : 0; }
+//LADSPA_PortRangeHint DssiSynthIF::range(int i) { return (synth && synth->dssi) ? synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin->PortRangeHints[i] : 0; }
+LADSPA_PortRangeHint DssiSynthIF::range(int i) { return synth->dssi->LADSPA_Plugin->PortRangeHints[i]; }
+void initDSSI() {}