path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/conf.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/conf.cpp')
1 files changed, 1634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/conf.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/conf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..328224f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/conf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1634 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: conf.cpp,v 2009/12/01 03:52:40 terminator356 Exp $
+// (C) Copyright 1999-2003 Werner Schweer (
+#include <sndfile.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "app.h"
+#include "transport.h"
+#include "icons.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "drumedit.h"
+#include "pianoroll.h"
+#include "master/masteredit.h"
+///#include "transport.h"
+#include "bigtime.h"
+#include "arranger.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "gconfig.h"
+#include "pitchedit.h"
+#include "midiport.h"
+#include "mididev.h"
+#include "driver/audiodev.h"
+#include "driver/jackmidi.h"
+#include "xml.h"
+#include "waveedit.h"
+#include "midi.h"
+#include "midisyncimpl.h"
+#include "midifilterimpl.h"
+#include "midictrl.h"
+#include "ctrlcombo.h"
+#include "genset.h"
+#include "midiitransform.h"
+#include "synth.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "sync.h"
+#include "wave.h"
+#include "midiseq.h"
+#include "amixer.h"
+extern void writeMidiTransforms(int level, Xml& xml);
+extern void readMidiTransform(Xml&);
+extern void writeMidiInputTransforms(int level, Xml& xml);
+extern void readMidiInputTransform(Xml&);
+// readGeometry
+QRect readGeometry(Xml& xml, const QString& name)
+ {
+ QRect r(0, 0, 50, 50);
+ int val;
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ if (token == Xml::Error || token == Xml::End)
+ break;
+ QString tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ xml.parse1();
+ break;
+ case Xml::Attribut:
+ val = xml.s2().toInt();
+ if (tag == "x")
+ r.setX(val);
+ else if (tag == "y")
+ r.setY(val);
+ else if (tag == "w")
+ r.setWidth(val);
+ else if (tag == "h")
+ r.setHeight(val);
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if (tag == name)
+ return r;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+// readColor
+QColor readColor(Xml& xml)
+ {
+ int val, r=0, g=0, b=0;
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ if (token != Xml::Attribut)
+ break;
+ QString tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::Attribut:
+ val = xml.s2().toInt();
+ if (tag == "r")
+ r = val;
+ else if (tag == "g")
+ g = val;
+ else if (tag == "b")
+ b = val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return QColor(r, g, b);
+ }
+// readController
+static void readController(Xml& xml, int midiPort, int channel)
+ {
+ int id = 0;
+ int val = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ QString tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ if (tag == "val")
+ val = xml.parseInt();
+ else
+ xml.unknown("controller");
+ break;
+ case Xml::Attribut:
+ if (tag == "id")
+ id = xml.s2().toInt();
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if (tag == "controller") {
+ MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[midiPort];
+ //port->addManagedController(channel, id);
+ val = port->limitValToInstrCtlRange(id, val);
+ // The value here will actually be sent to the device LATER, in MidiPort::setMidiDevice()
+ port->setHwCtrlState(channel, id, val);
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// readPortChannel
+static void readPortChannel(Xml& xml, int midiPort)
+ {
+ int idx = 0; //torbenh
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ if (token == Xml::Error || token == Xml::End)
+ break;
+ QString tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ if (tag == "controller") {
+ readController(xml, midiPort, idx);
+ }
+ else
+ xml.unknown("MidiDevice");
+ break;
+ case Xml::Attribut:
+ if (tag == "idx")
+ idx = xml.s2().toInt();
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if (tag == "channel")
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// readConfigMidiPort
+static void readConfigMidiPort(Xml& xml)
+ {
+ int idx = 0;
+ QString device;
+ //QString instrument;
+ // Changed by Tim.
+ //QString instrument("generic midi");
+ // Let's be bold. New users have been confused by generic midi not enabling any patches and controllers.
+ // I had said this may cause HW problems by sending out GM sysEx when really the HW might not be GM.
+ // But this really needs to be done, one way or another.
+ // FIXME: TODO: Make this user-configurable!
+ QString instrument("GM");
+ int openFlags = 1;
+ bool thruFlag = false;
+ int dic = 0;
+ int doc = 0;
+ MidiSyncInfo tmpSi;
+ int type = MidiDevice::ALSA_MIDI;
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ if (token == Xml::Error || token == Xml::End)
+ break;
+ QString tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ if (tag == "name")
+ device = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "type")
+ type = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "record") { // old
+ bool f = xml.parseInt();
+ if (f)
+ openFlags |= 2;
+ }
+ else if (tag == "openFlags")
+ openFlags = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "defaultInChans")
+ dic = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "defaultOutChans")
+ doc = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiSyncInfo")
+ else if (tag == "instrument") {
+ instrument = xml.parse1();
+ // Moved by Tim.
+ //midiPorts[idx].setInstrument(
+ // registerMidiInstrument(instrument)
+ // );
+ }
+ else if (tag == "midithru")
+ thruFlag = xml.parseInt(); // obsolete
+ else if (tag == "channel") {
+ readPortChannel(xml, idx);
+ }
+ else
+ xml.unknown("MidiDevice");
+ break;
+ case Xml::Attribut:
+ if (tag == "idx") {
+ idx = xml.s2().toInt();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if (tag == "midiport") {
+ //if (idx > MIDI_PORTS) {
+ if (idx < 0 || idx >= MIDI_PORTS) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "bad midi port %d (>%d)\n",
+ idx, MIDI_PORTS);
+ idx = 0;
+ }
+ MidiDevice* dev = midiDevices.find(device);
+ //if(debugMsg && !dev)
+ // fprintf(stderr, "readConfigMidiPort: device not found %s\n", device.toLatin1().constData());
+ if(!dev && type == MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI)
+ {
+ if(debugMsg)
+ fprintf(stderr, "readConfigMidiPort: creating jack midi device %s\n", device.toLatin1().constData());
+ //dev = MidiJackDevice::createJackMidiDevice(device, openFlags);
+ dev = MidiJackDevice::createJackMidiDevice(device); // p3.3.55
+ }
+ if(debugMsg && !dev)
+ fprintf(stderr, "readConfigMidiPort: device not found %s\n", device.toLatin1().constData());
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[idx];
+ mp->setInstrument(registerMidiInstrument(instrument)); // By Tim.
+ mp->setDefaultInChannels(dic);
+ mp->setDefaultOutChannels(doc);
+ mp->syncInfo().copyParams(tmpSi);
+ // p3.3.50 Indicate the port was found in the song file, even if no device is assigned to it.
+ mp->setFoundInSongFile(true);
+ if (dev) {
+ dev->setOpenFlags(openFlags);
+ midiSeq->msgSetMidiDevice(mp, dev);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// readConfigMidiSyncInfo
+static void readConfigMidiSyncInfo(Xml& xml)
+ QString device;
+ int idOut = 127;
+ int idIn = 127;
+ bool sendMC = false;
+ bool sendMMC = false;
+ bool sendMTC = false;
+ bool recMC = false;
+ bool recMMC = false;
+ bool recMTC = false;
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ if (token == Xml::Error || token == Xml::End)
+ break;
+ QString tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ if (tag == "device")
+ device = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "idOut")
+ idOut = (xml.parseInt());
+ else if (tag == "idIn")
+ idIn = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "sendMC")
+ sendMC = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "sendMMC")
+ sendMMC = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "sendMTC")
+ sendMTC = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "recMC")
+ recMC = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "recMMC")
+ recMMC = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "recMTC")
+ recMTC = xml.parseInt();
+ else
+ xml.unknown("midiSyncInfo");
+ break;
+ case Xml::Attribut:
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if(tag == "midiSyncInfo")
+ {
+ MidiDevice* dev = midiDevices.find(device);
+ if(dev)
+ {
+ MidiSyncInfo& si = dev->syncInfo();
+ si.setIdIn(idIn);
+ si.setIdOut(idOut);
+ si.setMCIn(recMC);
+ si.setMMCIn(recMMC);
+ si.setMTCIn(recMTC);
+ si.setMCOut(sendMC);
+ si.setMMCOut(sendMMC);
+ si.setMTCOut(sendMTC);
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "Read configuration: Sync device: %s not found\n", device.toLatin1().constData());
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// loadConfigMetronom
+static void loadConfigMetronom(Xml& xml)
+ {
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ if (token == Xml::Error || token == Xml::End)
+ break;
+ QString tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ if (tag == "premeasures")
+ preMeasures = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "measurepitch")
+ measureClickNote = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "measurevelo")
+ measureClickVelo = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "beatpitch")
+ beatClickNote = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "beatvelo")
+ beatClickVelo = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "channel")
+ clickChan = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "port")
+ clickPort = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "precountEnable")
+ precountEnableFlag = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "fromMastertrack")
+ precountFromMastertrackFlag = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "signatureZ")
+ precountSigZ = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "signatureN")
+ precountSigN = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "prerecord")
+ precountPrerecord = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "preroll")
+ precountPreroll = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiClickEnable")
+ midiClickFlag = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "audioClickEnable")
+ audioClickFlag = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "audioClickVolume")
+ audioClickVolume = xml.parseFloat();
+ else
+ xml.unknown("Metronome");
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if (tag == "metronom")
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// readSeqConfiguration
+static void readSeqConfiguration(Xml& xml)
+ {
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ if (token == Xml::Error || token == Xml::End)
+ break;
+ const QString& tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ if (tag == "metronom")
+ loadConfigMetronom(xml);
+ else if (tag == "midiport")
+ readConfigMidiPort(xml);
+ else if (tag == "rcStop")
+ rcStopNote = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "rcEnable")
+ rcEnable = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "rcRecord")
+ rcRecordNote = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "rcGotoLeft")
+ rcGotoLeftMarkNote = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "rcPlay")
+ rcPlayNote = xml.parseInt();
+ else
+ xml.unknown("Seq");
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if (tag == "sequencer") {
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// readConfiguration
+void readConfiguration(Xml& xml, bool readOnlySequencer)
+ {
+ int mixers = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ if (token == Xml::Error || token == Xml::End)
+ break;
+ QString tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ /* the reading of configuration is split in two; read
+ "sequencer" and read ALL. The reason is that it is
+ possible to load a song without configuration. In
+ this case the <configuration> chapter in the song
+ file should be skipped. However the sub part
+ <sequencer> contains elements that are necessary
+ to preserve composition consistency. Mainly
+ midiport configuration and VOLUME.
+ */
+ if (tag == "sequencer") {
+ readSeqConfiguration(xml);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (readOnlySequencer) {
+ xml.skip(tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tag == "theme")
+ = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "styleSheetFile")
+ config.styleSheetFile = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "useOldStyleStopShortCut")
+ config.useOldStyleStopShortCut = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "moveArmedCheckBox")
+ config.moveArmedCheckBox = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "externalWavEditor")
+ config.externalWavEditor = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "font0")
+ config.fonts[0].fromString(xml.parse1());
+ else if (tag == "font1")
+ config.fonts[1].fromString(xml.parse1());
+ else if (tag == "font2")
+ config.fonts[2].fromString(xml.parse1());
+ else if (tag == "font3")
+ config.fonts[3].fromString(xml.parse1());
+ else if (tag == "font4")
+ config.fonts[4].fromString(xml.parse1());
+ else if (tag == "font5")
+ config.fonts[5].fromString(xml.parse1());
+ else if (tag == "font6")
+ config.fonts[6].fromString(xml.parse1());
+ else if (tag == "globalAlphaBlend")
+ config.globalAlphaBlend = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "palette0")
+ config.palette[0] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette1")
+ config.palette[1] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette2")
+ config.palette[2] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette3")
+ config.palette[3] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette4")
+ config.palette[4] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette5")
+ config.palette[5] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette6")
+ config.palette[6] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette7")
+ config.palette[7] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette8")
+ config.palette[8] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette9")
+ config.palette[9] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette10")
+ config.palette[10] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette11")
+ config.palette[11] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette12")
+ config.palette[12] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette13")
+ config.palette[13] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette14")
+ config.palette[14] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette15")
+ config.palette[15] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "palette16")
+ config.palette[16] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor0")
+ config.partColors[0] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor1")
+ config.partColors[1] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor2")
+ config.partColors[2] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor3")
+ config.partColors[3] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor4")
+ config.partColors[4] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor5")
+ config.partColors[5] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor6")
+ config.partColors[6] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor7")
+ config.partColors[7] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor8")
+ config.partColors[8] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor9")
+ config.partColors[9] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor10")
+ config.partColors[10] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor11")
+ config.partColors[11] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor12")
+ config.partColors[12] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor13")
+ config.partColors[13] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor14")
+ config.partColors[14] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor15")
+ config.partColors[15] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor16")
+ config.partColors[16] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColor17")
+ config.partColors[17] = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "partColorName0")
+ config.partColorNames[0] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName1")
+ config.partColorNames[1] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName2")
+ config.partColorNames[2] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName3")
+ config.partColorNames[3] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName4")
+ config.partColorNames[4] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName5")
+ config.partColorNames[5] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName6")
+ config.partColorNames[6] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName7")
+ config.partColorNames[7] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName8")
+ config.partColorNames[8] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName9")
+ config.partColorNames[9] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName10")
+ config.partColorNames[10] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName11")
+ config.partColorNames[11] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName12")
+ config.partColorNames[12] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName13")
+ config.partColorNames[13] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName14")
+ config.partColorNames[14] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName15")
+ config.partColorNames[15] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName16")
+ config.partColorNames[16] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partColorName17")
+ config.partColorNames[17] = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "partCanvasBg")
+ config.partCanvasBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "trackBg")
+ config.trackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "selectTrackBg")
+ config.selectTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "selectTrackFg")
+ config.selectTrackFg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "mixerBg")
+ config.mixerBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "midiTrackLabelBg")
+ config.midiTrackLabelBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "drumTrackLabelBg")
+ config.drumTrackLabelBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "waveTrackLabelBg")
+ config.waveTrackLabelBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "outputTrackLabelBg")
+ config.outputTrackLabelBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "inputTrackLabelBg")
+ config.inputTrackLabelBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "groupTrackLabelBg")
+ config.groupTrackLabelBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "auxTrackLabelBg")
+ config.auxTrackLabelBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "synthTrackLabelBg")
+ config.synthTrackLabelBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "midiTrackBg")
+ config.midiTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "ctrlGraphFg")
+ config.ctrlGraphFg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "drumTrackBg")
+ config.drumTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "waveTrackBg")
+ config.waveTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "outputTrackBg")
+ config.outputTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "inputTrackBg")
+ config.inputTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "groupTrackBg")
+ config.groupTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "auxTrackBg")
+ config.auxTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "synthTrackBg")
+ config.synthTrackBg = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "extendedMidi")
+ config.extendedMidi = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiExportDivision")
+ config.midiDivision = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "copyright")
+ config.copyright = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "smfFormat")
+ config.smfFormat = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "exp2ByteTimeSigs")
+ config.exp2ByteTimeSigs = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "expOptimNoteOffs")
+ config.expOptimNoteOffs = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "importMidiSplitParts")
+ config.importMidiSplitParts = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiInputDevice")
+ midiInputPorts = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiInputChannel")
+ midiInputChannel = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiRecordType")
+ midiRecordType = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiThruType")
+ midiThruType = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiFilterCtrl1")
+ midiFilterCtrl1 = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiFilterCtrl2")
+ midiFilterCtrl2 = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiFilterCtrl3")
+ midiFilterCtrl3 = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "midiFilterCtrl4")
+ midiFilterCtrl4 = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "bigtimeVisible")
+ config.bigTimeVisible = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "transportVisible")
+ config.transportVisible = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "markerVisible")
+ config.markerVisible = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "mixerVisible")
+ // config.mixerVisible = xml.parseInt(); // Obsolete
+ xml.skip(tag);
+ else if (tag == "mixer1Visible")
+ config.mixer1Visible = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "mixer2Visible")
+ config.mixer2Visible = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "showSplashScreen")
+ config.showSplashScreen = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "canvasShowPartType")
+ config.canvasShowPartType = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "canvasShowPartEvent")
+ config.canvasShowPartEvent = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "canvasShowGrid")
+ config.canvasShowGrid = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "canvasBgPixmap")
+ config.canvasBgPixmap = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "canvasCustomBgList")
+ config.canvasCustomBgList = xml.parse1().split(";", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ else if (tag == "geometryMain")
+ config.geometryMain = readGeometry(xml, tag);
+ else if (tag == "geometryTransport")
+ config.geometryTransport = readGeometry(xml, tag);
+ else if (tag == "geometryBigTime")
+ config.geometryBigTime = readGeometry(xml, tag);
+ else if (tag == "geometryPianoroll")
+ config.geometryPianoroll = readGeometry(xml, tag);
+ else if (tag == "geometryDrumedit")
+ config.geometryDrumedit = readGeometry(xml, tag);
+ else if (tag == "geometryMixer")
+ // config.geometryMixer = readGeometry(xml, tag); // Obsolete
+ xml.skip(tag);
+ //else if (tag == "mixer1")
+ //;
+ //else if (tag == "mixer2")
+ //;
+ else if (tag == "Mixer")
+ {
+ if(mixers == 0)
+ else
+ ++mixers;
+ }
+ else if (tag == "bigtimeForegroundcolor")
+ config.bigTimeForegroundColor = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "bigtimeBackgroundcolor")
+ config.bigTimeBackgroundColor = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "transportHandleColor")
+ config.transportHandleColor = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "waveEditBackgroundColor")
+ config.waveEditBackgroundColor = readColor(xml);
+ else if (tag == "txDeviceId")
+ //txDeviceId = xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "rxDeviceId")
+ //rxDeviceId = xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "txSyncPort")
+ //txSyncPort= xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "rxSyncPort")
+ //rxSyncPort= xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "mtctype")
+ mtcType= xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "sendClockDelay")
+ syncSendFirstClockDelay = xml.parseUInt();
+ else if (tag == "extSync")
+ extSyncFlag.setValue(xml.parseInt());
+ else if (tag == "useJackTransport")
+ {
+ useJackTransport.setValue(xml.parseInt());
+ }
+ else if (tag == "jackTransportMaster")
+ {
+ jackTransportMaster = xml.parseInt();
+ if(audioDevice)
+ audioDevice->setMaster(jackTransportMaster);
+ }
+ else if (tag == "syncgentype") {
+ // for compatibility
+ //int syncGenType= xml.parseInt();
+ //genMTCSync = syncGenType == 1;
+ //genMCSync = syncGenType == 2;
+ xml.parseInt();
+ }
+ else if (tag == "genMTCSync")
+ //genMTCSync = xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "genMCSync")
+ //genMCSync = xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "genMMC")
+ //genMMC = xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "acceptMTC")
+ //acceptMTC = xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "acceptMMC")
+ //acceptMMC = xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "acceptMC")
+ //acceptMC = xml.parseInt();
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "mtcoffset") {
+ QString qs(xml.parse1());
+ QByteArray ba = qs.toLatin1();
+ const char* str = ba.constData();
+ int h, m, s, f, sf;
+ sscanf(str, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &h, &m, &s, &f, &sf);
+ mtcOffset = MTC(h, m, s, f, sf);
+ }
+ //else if (tag == "midiSyncInfo")
+ // readConfigMidiSyncInfo(xml);
+ else if (tag == "arranger") {
+ if (muse && muse->arranger)
+ muse->arranger->readStatus(xml);
+ else
+ xml.skip(tag);
+ }
+ else if (tag == "drumedit")
+ DrumEdit::readConfiguration(xml);
+ else if (tag == "pianoroll")
+ PianoRoll::readConfiguration(xml);
+ else if (tag == "masteredit")
+ MasterEdit::readConfiguration(xml);
+ else if (tag == "waveedit")
+ WaveEdit::readConfiguration(xml);
+ else if (tag == "shortcuts")
+ readShortCuts(xml);
+ else if (tag == "division")
+ config.division = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "guiDivision")
+ config.guiDivision = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "samplerate")
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "segmentsize")
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "segmentcount")
+ xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "rtcTicks")
+ config.rtcTicks = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "minMeter")
+ config.minMeter = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "minSlider")
+ config.minSlider = xml.parseDouble();
+ else if (tag == "freewheelMode")
+ config.freewheelMode = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "denormalProtection")
+ config.useDenormalBias = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "didYouKnow")
+ config.showDidYouKnow = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "outputLimiter")
+ config.useOutputLimiter = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "vstInPlace")
+ config.vstInPlace = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "dummyAudioSampleRate")
+ config.dummyAudioSampleRate = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "dummyAudioBufSize")
+ config.dummyAudioBufSize = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "guiRefresh")
+ config.guiRefresh = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "userInstrumentsDir")
+ config.userInstrumentsDir = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "midiTransform")
+ readMidiTransform(xml);
+ else if (tag == "midiInputTransform")
+ readMidiInputTransform(xml);
+ else if (tag == "startMode")
+ config.startMode = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "startSong")
+ config.startSong = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "projectBaseFolder")
+ config.projectBaseFolder = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "projectStoreInFolder")
+ config.projectStoreInFolder = xml.parseInt();
+ else
+ xml.unknown("configuration");
+ break;
+ case Xml::Text:
+ printf("text <%s>\n", xml.s1().toLatin1().constData());
+ break;
+ case Xml::Attribut:
+ if (readOnlySequencer)
+ break;
+ if (tag == "version") {
+ int major = xml.s2().section('.', 0, 0).toInt();
+ int minor = xml.s2().section('.', 1, 1).toInt();
+ xml.setVersion(major, minor);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if (tag == "configuration") {
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Xml::Proc:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// readConfiguration
+bool readConfiguration()
+ {
+ FILE* f = fopen(configName.toLatin1().constData(), "r");
+ if (f == 0) {
+ if (debugMsg || debugMode)
+ fprintf(stderr, "NO Config File <%s> found\n", configName.toLatin1().constData());
+ if (config.userInstrumentsDir.isEmpty())
+ config.userInstrumentsDir = configPath + "/instruments";
+ return true;
+ }
+ Xml xml(f);
+ bool skipmode = true;
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
+ const QString& tag = xml.s1();
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::Error:
+ case Xml::End:
+ fclose(f);
+ return true;
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ if (skipmode && tag == "muse")
+ skipmode = false;
+ else if (skipmode)
+ break;
+ else if (tag == "configuration")
+ readConfiguration(xml,false);
+ else
+ xml.unknown("muse config");
+ break;
+ case Xml::Attribut:
+ if (tag == "version") {
+ int major = xml.s2().section('.', 0, 0).toInt();
+ int minor = xml.s2().section('.', 1, 1).toInt();
+ xml.setVersion(major, minor);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ if (!skipmode && tag == "muse") {
+ fclose(f);
+ return false;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ return true;
+ }
+// writeSeqConfiguration
+static void writeSeqConfiguration(int level, Xml& xml, bool writePortInfo)
+ {
+ xml.tag(level++, "sequencer");
+ xml.tag(level++, "metronom");
+ xml.intTag(level, "premeasures", preMeasures);
+ xml.intTag(level, "measurepitch", measureClickNote);
+ xml.intTag(level, "measurevelo", measureClickVelo);
+ xml.intTag(level, "beatpitch", beatClickNote);
+ xml.intTag(level, "beatvelo", beatClickVelo);
+ xml.intTag(level, "channel", clickChan);
+ xml.intTag(level, "port", clickPort);
+ xml.intTag(level, "precountEnable", precountEnableFlag);
+ xml.intTag(level, "fromMastertrack", precountFromMastertrackFlag);
+ xml.intTag(level, "signatureZ", precountSigZ);
+ xml.intTag(level, "signatureN", precountSigN);
+ xml.intTag(level, "prerecord", precountPrerecord);
+ xml.intTag(level, "preroll", precountPreroll);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiClickEnable", midiClickFlag);
+ xml.intTag(level, "audioClickEnable", audioClickFlag);
+ xml.floatTag(level, "audioClickVolume", audioClickVolume);
+ xml.tag(level--, "/metronom");
+ xml.intTag(level, "rcEnable", rcEnable);
+ xml.intTag(level, "rcStop", rcStopNote);
+ xml.intTag(level, "rcRecord", rcRecordNote);
+ xml.intTag(level, "rcGotoLeft", rcGotoLeftMarkNote);
+ xml.intTag(level, "rcPlay", rcPlayNote);
+ if (writePortInfo) {
+ //
+ // write information about all midi ports, their assigned
+ // instruments and all managed midi controllers
+ //
+ for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) {
+ bool used = false;
+ MidiPort* mport = &midiPorts[i];
+ // Route check by Tim. Port can now be used for routing even if no device.
+ // Also, check for other non-defaults and save port, to preserve settings even if no device.
+ if(!mport->noInRoute() || !mport->noOutRoute() ||
+ mport->defaultInChannels() || mport->defaultOutChannels() ||
+ (!mport->instrument()->iname().isEmpty() && mport->instrument()->iname() != "GM") ||
+ !mport->syncInfo().isDefault())
+ used = true;
+ else
+ {
+ MidiTrackList* tl = song->midis();
+ for (iMidiTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* t = *it;
+ if (t->outPort() == i)
+ {
+ used = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MidiDevice* dev = mport->device();
+ if (!used && !dev)
+ continue;
+ xml.tag(level++, "midiport idx=\"%d\"", i);
+ if(mport->defaultInChannels())
+ xml.intTag(level, "defaultInChans", mport->defaultInChannels());
+ if(mport->defaultOutChannels())
+ xml.intTag(level, "defaultOutChans", mport->defaultOutChannels());
+ if(!mport->instrument()->iname().isEmpty() && // Tim.
+ (mport->instrument()->iname() != "GM")) // FIXME: TODO: Make this user configurable.
+ xml.strTag(level, "instrument", mport->instrument()->iname());
+ if (dev) {
+ xml.strTag(level, "name", dev->name());
+ // p3.3.38
+ //if(dynamic_cast<MidiJackDevice*>(dev))
+ if(dev->deviceType() != MidiDevice::ALSA_MIDI)
+ //xml.intTag(level, "type", MidiDevice::JACK_MIDI);
+ xml.intTag(level, "type", dev->deviceType());
+ // Changed by T356. "record" is old and by mistake written as rwFlags here.
+ // openFlags was read before, but never written here.
+ //xml.intTag(level, "record", dev->rwFlags() & 0x2 ? 1 : 0);
+ xml.intTag(level, "openFlags", dev->openFlags());
+ }
+ mport->syncInfo().write(level, xml);
+ // write out registered controller for all channels
+ MidiCtrlValListList* vll = mport->controller();
+ for (int k = 0; k < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++k) {
+ int min = k << 24;
+ int max = min + 0x100000;
+ xml.tag(level++, "channel idx=\"%d\"", k);
+ iMidiCtrlValList s = vll->lower_bound(min);
+ iMidiCtrlValList e = vll->lower_bound(max);
+ if (s != e) {
+ for (iMidiCtrlValList i = s; i != e; ++i) {
+ xml.tag(level++, "controller id=\"%d\"", i->second->num());
+ if (i->second->hwVal() != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ xml.intTag(level, "val", i->second->hwVal());
+ xml.etag(level--, "controller");
+ }
+ }
+ xml.etag(level--, "channel");
+ }
+ xml.etag(level--, "midiport");
+ }
+ }
+ xml.tag(level, "/sequencer");
+ }
+// writeGlobalConfiguration
+void MusE::writeGlobalConfiguration() const
+ {
+ FILE* f = fopen(configName.toLatin1().constData(), "w");
+ if (f == 0) {
+ printf("save configuration to <%s> failed: %s\n",
+ configName.toLatin1().constData(), strerror(errno));
+ return;
+ }
+ Xml xml(f);
+ xml.header();
+ xml.tag(0, "muse version=\"2.0\"");
+ writeGlobalConfiguration(1, xml);
+ xml.tag(1, "/muse");
+ fclose(f);
+ }
+void MusE::writeGlobalConfiguration(int level, Xml& xml) const
+ {
+ xml.tag(level++, "configuration");
+ xml.intTag(level, "division", config.division);
+ xml.intTag(level, "rtcTicks", config.rtcTicks);
+ xml.intTag(level, "minMeter", config.minMeter);
+ xml.doubleTag(level, "minSlider", config.minSlider);
+ xml.intTag(level, "freewheelMode", config.freewheelMode);
+ xml.intTag(level, "denormalProtection", config.useDenormalBias);
+ xml.intTag(level, "didYouKnow", config.showDidYouKnow);
+ xml.intTag(level, "outputLimiter", config.useOutputLimiter);
+ xml.intTag(level, "vstInPlace", config.vstInPlace);
+ xml.intTag(level, "dummyAudioBufSize", config.dummyAudioBufSize);
+ xml.intTag(level, "dummyAudioSampleRate", config.dummyAudioSampleRate);
+ xml.intTag(level, "guiRefresh", config.guiRefresh);
+ xml.strTag(level, "userInstrumentsDir", config.userInstrumentsDir);
+ // Removed by Orcan. 20101220
+ //xml.strTag(level, "helpBrowser", config.helpBrowser);
+ xml.intTag(level, "extendedMidi", config.extendedMidi);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiExportDivision", config.midiDivision);
+ xml.intTag(level, "guiDivision", config.guiDivision);
+ xml.strTag(level, "copyright", config.copyright);
+ xml.intTag(level, "smfFormat", config.smfFormat);
+ xml.intTag(level, "exp2ByteTimeSigs", config.exp2ByteTimeSigs);
+ xml.intTag(level, "expOptimNoteOffs", config.expOptimNoteOffs);
+ xml.intTag(level, "importMidiSplitParts", config.importMidiSplitParts);
+ xml.intTag(level, "startMode", config.startMode);
+ xml.strTag(level, "startSong", config.startSong);
+ xml.strTag(level, "projectBaseFolder", config.projectBaseFolder);
+ xml.intTag(level, "projectStoreInFolder", config.projectStoreInFolder);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiInputDevice", midiInputPorts);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiInputChannel", midiInputChannel);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiRecordType", midiRecordType);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiThruType", midiThruType);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiFilterCtrl1", midiFilterCtrl1);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiFilterCtrl2", midiFilterCtrl2);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiFilterCtrl3", midiFilterCtrl3);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiFilterCtrl4", midiFilterCtrl4);
+ // Removed by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //xml.intTag(level, "txDeviceId", txDeviceId);
+ //xml.intTag(level, "rxDeviceId", rxDeviceId);
+ xml.strTag(level, "theme",;
+ xml.strTag(level, "styleSheetFile", config.styleSheetFile);
+ xml.strTag(level, "externalWavEditor", config.externalWavEditor);
+ xml.intTag(level, "useOldStyleStopShortCut", config.useOldStyleStopShortCut);
+ xml.intTag(level, "moveArmedCheckBox", config.moveArmedCheckBox);
+ //for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FONTS; ++i) {
+ char buffer[32];
+ sprintf(buffer, "font%d", i);
+ xml.strTag(level, buffer, config.fonts[i].toString());
+ }
+ xml.intTag(level, "globalAlphaBlend", config.globalAlphaBlend);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ char buffer[32];
+ sprintf(buffer, "palette%d", i);
+ xml.colorTag(level, buffer, config.palette[i]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTCOLORS; ++i) {
+ char buffer[32];
+ sprintf(buffer, "partColor%d", i);
+ xml.colorTag(level, buffer, config.partColors[i]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTCOLORS; ++i) {
+ char buffer[32];
+ sprintf(buffer, "partColorName%d", i);
+ xml.strTag(level, buffer, config.partColorNames[i]);
+ }
+ xml.colorTag(level, "partCanvasBg", config.partCanvasBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "trackBg", config.trackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "selectTrackBg", config.selectTrackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "selectTrackFg", config.selectTrackFg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "mixerBg", config.mixerBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "midiTrackLabelBg", config.midiTrackLabelBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "drumTrackLabelBg", config.drumTrackLabelBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "waveTrackLabelBg", config.waveTrackLabelBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "outputTrackLabelBg", config.outputTrackLabelBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "inputTrackLabelBg", config.inputTrackLabelBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "groupTrackLabelBg", config.groupTrackLabelBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "auxTrackLabelBg", config.auxTrackLabelBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "synthTrackLabelBg", config.synthTrackLabelBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "midiTrackBg", config.midiTrackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "ctrlGraphFg", config.ctrlGraphFg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "drumTrackBg", config.drumTrackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "waveTrackBg", config.waveTrackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "outputTrackBg", config.outputTrackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "inputTrackBg", config.inputTrackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "groupTrackBg", config.groupTrackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "auxTrackBg", config.auxTrackBg);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "synthTrackBg", config.synthTrackBg);
+ // Changed by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //xml.intTag(level, "txSyncPort", txSyncPort);
+ /*
+ // To keep old muse versions happy...
+ bool mcsync = mmc = mtc = false;
+ for(int sp = 0; sp < MIDI_PORTS; ++sp)
+ {
+ MidiSyncTxPort* txPort = &midiSyncTxPorts[sp];
+ if(txPort->doMCSync() || txPort->doMMC() || txPort->doMTC())
+ {
+ if(txPort->doMCSync())
+ mcsync = true;
+ if(txPort->doMMC())
+ mmc = true;
+ if(txPort->doMTC())
+ mtc = true;
+ xml.intTag(level, "txSyncPort", sp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //xml.tag(level++, "midiSyncInfo");
+ //for(iMidiDevice id = midiDevices.begin(); id != midiDevices.end(); ++id)
+ //{
+ // MidiDevice* md = *id;
+ // (*id)->syncInfo().write(level, xml, md);
+ //}
+ //xml.etag(level, "midiSyncInfo");
+ //xml.intTag(level, "rxSyncPort", rxSyncPort);
+ xml.intTag(level, "mtctype", mtcType);
+ xml.nput(level, "<mtcoffset>%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d</mtcoffset>\n",
+ mtcOffset.h(), mtcOffset.m(), mtcOffset.s(),
+ mtcOffset.f(), mtcOffset.sf());
+ //xml.uintTag(level, "sendClockDelay", syncSendFirstClockDelay);
+ //xml.intTag(level, "useJackTransport", useJackTransport);
+ //xml.intTag(level, "jackTransportMaster", jackTransportMaster);
+, xml);
+// xml.intTag(level, "genMTCSync", genMTCSync);
+// xml.intTag(level, "genMCSync", genMCSync);
+// xml.intTag(level, "genMMC", genMMC);
+// xml.intTag(level, "acceptMTC", acceptMTC);
+// xml.intTag(level, "acceptMMC", acceptMMC);
+// xml.intTag(level, "acceptMC", acceptMC);
+ xml.qrectTag(level, "geometryMain", config.geometryMain);
+ xml.qrectTag(level, "geometryTransport", config.geometryTransport);
+ xml.qrectTag(level, "geometryBigTime", config.geometryBigTime);
+ xml.qrectTag(level, "geometryPianoroll", config.geometryPianoroll);
+ xml.qrectTag(level, "geometryDrumedit", config.geometryDrumedit);
+ //xml.qrectTag(level, "geometryMixer", config.geometryMixer); // Obsolete
+ xml.intTag(level, "bigtimeVisible", config.bigTimeVisible);
+ xml.intTag(level, "transportVisible", config.transportVisible);
+ //xml.intTag(level, "mixerVisible", config.mixerVisible); // Obsolete
+ xml.intTag(level, "mixer1Visible", config.mixer1Visible);
+ xml.intTag(level, "mixer2Visible", config.mixer2Visible);
+ //config.mixer1.write(level, xml, "mixer1");
+ //config.mixer2.write(level, xml, "mixer2");
+ config.mixer1.write(level, xml);
+ config.mixer2.write(level, xml);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showSplashScreen", config.showSplashScreen);
+ xml.intTag(level, "canvasShowPartType", config.canvasShowPartType);
+ xml.intTag(level, "canvasShowPartEvent", config.canvasShowPartEvent);
+ xml.intTag(level, "canvasShowGrid", config.canvasShowGrid);
+ xml.strTag(level, "canvasBgPixmap", config.canvasBgPixmap);
+ xml.strTag(level, "canvasCustomBgList", config.canvasCustomBgList.join(";"));
+ xml.colorTag(level, "transportHandleColor", config.transportHandleColor);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "bigtimeForegroundcolor", config.bigTimeForegroundColor);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "bigtimeBackgroundcolor", config.bigTimeBackgroundColor);
+ xml.colorTag(level, "waveEditBackgroundColor", config.waveEditBackgroundColor);
+ writeSeqConfiguration(level, xml, false);
+ DrumEdit::writeConfiguration(level, xml);
+ PianoRoll::writeConfiguration(level, xml);
+ MasterEdit::writeConfiguration(level, xml);
+ WaveEdit::writeConfiguration(level, xml);
+ writeShortCuts(level, xml);
+ xml.etag(level, "configuration");
+ }
+// writeConfiguration
+// write song specific configuration
+void MusE::writeConfiguration(int level, Xml& xml) const
+ {
+ xml.tag(level++, "configuration");
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiInputDevice", midiInputPorts);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiInputChannel", midiInputChannel);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiRecordType", midiRecordType);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiThruType", midiThruType);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiFilterCtrl1", midiFilterCtrl1);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiFilterCtrl2", midiFilterCtrl2);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiFilterCtrl3", midiFilterCtrl3);
+ xml.intTag(level, "midiFilterCtrl4", midiFilterCtrl4);
+ // Removed by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //xml.intTag(level, "txDeviceId", txDeviceId);
+ //xml.intTag(level, "rxDeviceId", rxDeviceId);
+ // Changed by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //xml.intTag(level, "txSyncPort", txSyncPort);
+ /*
+ // To keep old muse versions happy...
+ bool mcsync = mmc = mtc = false;
+ for(int sp = 0; sp < MIDI_PORTS; ++sp)
+ {
+ MidiSyncTxPort* txPort = &midiSyncTxPorts[sp];
+ if(txPort->doMCSync() || txPort->doMMC() || txPort->doMTC())
+ {
+ if(txPort->doMCSync())
+ mcsync = true;
+ if(txPort->doMMC())
+ mmc = true;
+ if(txPort->doMTC())
+ mtc = true;
+ xml.intTag(level, "txSyncPort", sp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //xml.tag(level++, "midiSyncInfo");
+ //for(iMidiDevice id = midiDevices.begin(); id != midiDevices.end(); ++id)
+ //{
+ // MidiDevice* md = *id;
+ // md->syncInfo().write(level, xml, md);
+ //}
+ //xml.etag(level, "midiSyncInfo");
+ //xml.intTag(level, "rxSyncPort", rxSyncPort);
+ xml.intTag(level, "mtctype", mtcType);
+ xml.nput(level, "<mtcoffset>%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d</mtcoffset>\n",
+ mtcOffset.h(), mtcOffset.m(), mtcOffset.s(),
+ mtcOffset.f(), mtcOffset.sf());
+ xml.uintTag(level, "sendClockDelay", syncSendFirstClockDelay);
+ xml.intTag(level, "useJackTransport", useJackTransport.value());
+ xml.intTag(level, "jackTransportMaster", jackTransportMaster);
+, xml);
+// xml.intTag(level, "genMTCSync", genMTCSync);
+// xml.intTag(level, "genMCSync", genMCSync);
+// xml.intTag(level, "genMMC", genMMC);
+// xml.intTag(level, "acceptMTC", acceptMTC);
+// xml.intTag(level, "acceptMMC", acceptMMC);
+// xml.intTag(level, "acceptMC", acceptMC);
+ xml.intTag(level, "bigtimeVisible", viewBigtimeAction->isChecked());
+ xml.intTag(level, "transportVisible", viewTransportAction->isChecked());
+ xml.intTag(level, "markerVisible", viewMarkerAction->isChecked());
+ //xml.intTag(level, "mixerVisible", menuView->isItemChecked(aid1)); // Obsolete
+ xml.geometryTag(level, "geometryMain", this);
+ if (transport)
+ xml.geometryTag(level, "geometryTransport", transport);
+ if (bigtime)
+ xml.geometryTag(level, "geometryBigTime", bigtime);
+ //if (audioMixer)
+ // xml.geometryTag(level, "geometryMixer", audioMixer); // Obsolete
+ xml.intTag(level, "mixer1Visible", viewMixerAAction->isChecked());
+ xml.intTag(level, "mixer2Visible", viewMixerBAction->isChecked());
+ if (mixer1)
+ //mixer1->write(level, xml, "mixer1");
+ mixer1->write(level, xml);
+ if (mixer2)
+ //mixer2->write(level, xml, "mixer2");
+ mixer2->write(level, xml);
+ arranger->writeStatus(level, xml);
+ writeSeqConfiguration(level, xml, true);
+ DrumEdit::writeConfiguration(level, xml);
+ PianoRoll::writeConfiguration(level, xml);
+ MasterEdit::writeConfiguration(level, xml);
+ WaveEdit::writeConfiguration(level, xml);
+ writeMidiTransforms(level, xml);
+ writeMidiInputTransforms(level, xml);
+ xml.etag(level, "configuration");
+ }
+// configMidiSync
+void MusE::configMidiSync()
+ {
+ if (!midiSyncConfig)
+ //midiSyncConfig = new MidiSyncConfig(this);
+ midiSyncConfig = new MidiSyncConfig;
+ if (midiSyncConfig->isVisible()) {
+ midiSyncConfig->raise();
+ midiSyncConfig->activateWindow();
+ }
+ else
+ midiSyncConfig->show();
+ }
+// configMidiFile
+void MusE::configMidiFile()
+ {
+ if (!midiFileConfig)
+ midiFileConfig = new MidiFileConfig();
+ midiFileConfig->updateValues();
+ if (midiFileConfig->isVisible()) {
+ midiFileConfig->raise();
+ midiFileConfig->activateWindow();
+ }
+ else
+ midiFileConfig->show();
+ }
+// MidiFileConfig
+// config properties of exported midi files
+MidiFileConfig::MidiFileConfig(QWidget* parent)
+ : QDialog(parent), ConfigMidiFileBase()
+ {
+ setupUi(this);
+ connect(buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(okClicked()));
+ connect(buttonCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(cancelClicked()));
+ }
+// updateValues
+void MidiFileConfig::updateValues()
+ {
+ int divisionIdx = 2;
+ switch(config.midiDivision) {
+ case 96: divisionIdx = 0; break;
+ case 192: divisionIdx = 1; break;
+ case 384: divisionIdx = 2; break;
+ }
+ divisionCombo->setCurrentIndex(divisionIdx);
+ formatCombo->setCurrentIndex(config.smfFormat);
+ extendedFormat->setChecked(config.extendedMidi);
+ copyrightEdit->setText(config.copyright);
+ optNoteOffs->setChecked(config.expOptimNoteOffs);
+ twoByteTimeSigs->setChecked(config.exp2ByteTimeSigs);
+ splitPartsCheckBox->setChecked(config.importMidiSplitParts);
+ }
+// okClicked
+void MidiFileConfig::okClicked()
+ {
+ int divisionIdx = divisionCombo->currentIndex();
+ int divisions[3] = { 96, 192, 384 };
+ if (divisionIdx >= 0 && divisionIdx < 3)
+ config.midiDivision = divisions[divisionIdx];
+ config.extendedMidi = extendedFormat->isChecked();
+ config.smfFormat = formatCombo->currentIndex();
+ config.copyright = copyrightEdit->text();
+ config.expOptimNoteOffs = optNoteOffs->isChecked();
+ config.exp2ByteTimeSigs = twoByteTimeSigs->isChecked();
+ config.importMidiSplitParts = splitPartsCheckBox->isChecked();
+ muse->changeConfig(true); // write config file
+ close();
+ }
+// cancelClicked
+void MidiFileConfig::cancelClicked()
+ {
+ close();
+ }
+// configGlobalSettings
+void MusE::configGlobalSettings()
+ {
+ if (!globalSettingsConfig)
+ globalSettingsConfig = new GlobalSettingsConfig();
+ if (globalSettingsConfig->isVisible()) {
+ globalSettingsConfig->raise();
+ globalSettingsConfig->activateWindow();
+ }
+ else
+ globalSettingsConfig->show();
+ }
+// write
+//void MixerConfig::write(Xml& xml, const char* name)
+void MixerConfig::write(int level, Xml& xml)
+//void MixerConfig::write(int level, Xml& xml, const char* name)
+ {
+ //xml.stag(QString(name));
+ //xml.tag(level++, name.toLatin1().constData());
+ xml.tag(level++, "Mixer");
+ //xml.tag(level++, name);
+ xml.strTag(level, "name", name);
+ //xml.tag("geometry", geometry);
+ xml.qrectTag(level, "geometry", geometry);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showMidiTracks", showMidiTracks);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showDrumTracks", showDrumTracks);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showInputTracks", showInputTracks);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showOutputTracks", showOutputTracks);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showWaveTracks", showWaveTracks);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showGroupTracks", showGroupTracks);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showAuxTracks", showAuxTracks);
+ xml.intTag(level, "showSyntiTracks", showSyntiTracks);
+ //xml.etag(name);
+ //xml.etag(level, name.toLatin1().constData());
+ xml.etag(level, "Mixer");
+ //xml.etag(level, name);
+ }
+// read
+//void MixerConfig::read(QDomNode node)
+void MixerConfig::read(Xml& xml)
+//void MixerConfig::read(Xml& xml, const QString& name)
+ {
+ for (;;) {
+ Xml::Token token(xml.parse());
+ const QString& tag(xml.s1());
+ switch (token) {
+ case Xml::Error:
+ case Xml::End:
+ return;
+ case Xml::TagStart:
+ if (tag == "name")
+ name = xml.parse1();
+ else if (tag == "geometry")
+ geometry = readGeometry(xml, tag);
+ else if (tag == "showMidiTracks")
+ showMidiTracks = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "showDrumTracks")
+ showDrumTracks = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "showInputTracks")
+ showInputTracks = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "showOutputTracks")
+ showOutputTracks = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "showWaveTracks")
+ showWaveTracks = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "showGroupTracks")
+ showGroupTracks = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "showAuxTracks")
+ showAuxTracks = xml.parseInt();
+ else if (tag == "showSyntiTracks")
+ showSyntiTracks = xml.parseInt();
+ else
+ //xml.unknown(name.toLatin1().constData());
+ xml.unknown("Mixer");
+ break;
+ case Xml::TagEnd:
+ //if (tag == name)
+ if (tag == "Mixer")
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }