path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/audiotrack.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/audiotrack.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1652 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/audiotrack.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/audiotrack.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 415b1b8d..00000000
--- a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/audiotrack.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1652 +0,0 @@
-// MusE
-// Linux Music Editor
-// $Id: audiotrack.cpp,v 2009/12/20 05:00:35 terminator356 Exp $
-// (C) Copyright 2004 Werner Schweer (
-#include <values.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include "track.h"
-#include "event.h"
-#include "song.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-#include "wave.h"
-#include "xml.h"
-#include "plugin.h"
-#include "audiodev.h"
-// By T356. For caching jack in/out routing names BEFORE file save.
-// Jack often shuts down during file save, causing the routes to be lost in the file.
-// cacheJackRouteNames() is ONLY called from MusE::save() in app.cpp
-// Update: Not required any more because the real problem was Jack RT priority, which has been fixed.
-typedef std::multimap <const int, QString> jackRouteNameMap;
-std::map <const AudioTrack*, jackRouteNameMap > jackRouteNameCache;
-typedef std::multimap <const int, QString>::const_iterator ciJackRouteNameMap;
-typedef std::map <const AudioTrack*, jackRouteNameMap>::const_iterator ciJackRouteNameCache;
-void cacheJackRouteNames()
- jackRouteNameCache.clear();
- const InputList* il = song->inputs();
- for(ciAudioInput iai = il->begin(); iai != il->end(); ++iai)
- {
- const RouteList* rl = (*iai)->inRoutes();
- if(!rl->empty())
- {
- jackRouteNameMap rm = jackRouteNameMap();
- for(ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r)
- rm.insert(std::pair<const int, QString>(r->channel, r->name()));
- jackRouteNameCache.insert(std::pair<const AudioTrack*, jackRouteNameMap>(*iai, rm));
- }
- }
- const OutputList* ol = song->outputs();
- for(ciAudioOutput iao = ol->begin(); iao != ol->end(); ++iao)
- {
- const RouteList* rl = (*iao)->outRoutes();
- if(!rl->empty())
- {
- jackRouteNameMap rm = jackRouteNameMap();
- for(ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r)
- rm.insert(std::pair<const int, QString>(r->channel, r->name()));
- jackRouteNameCache.insert(std::pair<const AudioTrack*, jackRouteNameMap>(*iao, rm));
- }
- }
-// AudioTrack
-AudioTrack::AudioTrack(TrackType t)
-//AudioTrack::AudioTrack(TrackType t, int num_out_bufs)
- : Track(t)
- {
- //_totalOutChannels = num_out_bufs; // Is either parameter-default MAX_CHANNELS, or custom value passed (used by syntis).
- _processed = false;
- _haveData = false;
- _sendMetronome = false;
- _prefader = false;
- _efxPipe = new Pipeline();
- _recFile = 0;
- _channels = 0;
- _automationType = AUTO_OFF;
- //setChannels(1);
- setChannels(2);
- addController(new CtrlList(AC_VOLUME,"Volume",0.0,1.0));
- addController(new CtrlList(AC_PAN, "Pan", -1.0, 1.0));
- addController(new CtrlList(AC_MUTE,"Mute",0.0,1.0, true /*dont show in arranger */));
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.15
- //outBuffers = new float*[MAX_CHANNELS];
- //for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- // outBuffers[i] = new float[segmentSize];
- //for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- // posix_memalign((void**)(outBuffers + i), 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
- // Let's allocate it all in one block, and just point the remaining buffer pointers into the block
- // which allows faster one-shot buffer copying.
- // Nope. Nice but interferes with possibility we don't know if other buffers are contiguous (jack buffers, local stack buffers etc.).
- //posix_memalign((void**)(outBuffers), 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize * MAX_CHANNELS);
- //for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- // *(outBuffers + i) = sizeof(float) * segmentSize * i;
- // p3.3.38
- // Easy way, less desirable... Start out with enough for MAX_CHANNELS. Then multi-channel syntis can re-allocate,
- // via a call to (a modified!) setChannels().
- // Hard way, more desirable... Creating a synti instance passes the total channels to this constructor, overriding MAX_CHANNELS.
- _totalOutChannels = MAX_CHANNELS;
- outBuffers = new float*[_totalOutChannels];
- for (int i = 0; i < _totalOutChannels; ++i)
- posix_memalign((void**)&outBuffers[i], 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
- // This is only set by multi-channel syntis...
- _totalInChannels = 0;
- bufferPos = MAXINT;
- setVolume(1.0);
- }
-//AudioTrack::AudioTrack(const AudioTrack& t)
-// : Track(t)
-AudioTrack::AudioTrack(const AudioTrack& t, bool cloneParts)
- : Track(t, cloneParts)
- {
- _totalOutChannels = t._totalOutChannels; // Is either MAX_CHANNELS, or custom value (used by syntis).
- _processed = false;
- _haveData = false;
- _sendMetronome = t._sendMetronome;
- _controller = t._controller;
- _prefader = t._prefader;
- _auxSend = t._auxSend;
- _efxPipe = new Pipeline(*(t._efxPipe));
- _automationType = t._automationType;
- _inRoutes = t._inRoutes;
- _outRoutes = t._outRoutes;
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.15
- //outBuffers = new float*[MAX_CHANNELS];
- //for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- // outBuffers[i] = new float[segmentSize];
- //for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- // posix_memalign((void**)(outBuffers + i), 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
- // p3.3.38
- int chans = _totalOutChannels;
- // Number of allocated buffers is always MAX_CHANNELS or more, even if _totalOutChannels is less.
- if(chans < MAX_CHANNELS)
- chans = MAX_CHANNELS;
- outBuffers = new float*[chans];
- for (int i = 0; i < chans; ++i)
- posix_memalign((void**)&outBuffers[i], 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
- bufferPos = MAXINT;
- _recFile = t._recFile;
- }
- delete _efxPipe;
- //for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- // delete[] outBuffers[i];
- //delete[] outBuffers;
- // p3.3.15
- //for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- //{
- // if(outBuffers[i])
- // free(outBuffers[i]);
- //}
- // p3.3.38
- int chans = _totalOutChannels;
- // Number of allocated buffers is always MAX_CHANNELS or more, even if _totalOutChannels is less.
- if(chans < MAX_CHANNELS)
- chans = MAX_CHANNELS;
- for(int i = 0; i < chans; ++i)
- {
- if(outBuffers[i])
- free(outBuffers[i]);
- }
- delete[] outBuffers;
-// deleteAllEfxGuis
-void AudioTrack::deleteAllEfxGuis()
- if(_efxPipe)
- _efxPipe->deleteAllGuis();
-// clearEfxList
-void AudioTrack::clearEfxList()
- if(_efxPipe)
- for(int i = 0; i < PipelineDepth; i++)
- (*_efxPipe)[i] = 0;
-// newPart
-Part* AudioTrack::newPart(Part*, bool /*clone*/)
- {
- return 0;
- }
-// addPlugin
-void AudioTrack::addPlugin(PluginI* plugin, int idx)
- if (plugin == 0)
- {
- PluginI* oldPlugin = (*_efxPipe)[idx];
- if (oldPlugin)
- {
- oldPlugin->setID(-1);
- oldPlugin->setTrack(0);
- int controller = oldPlugin->parameters();
- for (int i = 0; i < controller; ++i)
- {
- int id = genACnum(idx, i);
- removeController(id);
- }
- }
- }
- efxPipe()->insert(plugin, idx);
- if (plugin)
- {
- plugin->setID(idx);
- plugin->setTrack(this);
- int controller = plugin->parameters();
- for (int i = 0; i < controller; ++i)
- {
- int id = genACnum(idx, i);
- const char* name = plugin->paramName(i);
- float min, max;
- plugin->range(i, &min, &max);
- CtrlValueType t = plugin->valueType();
- CtrlList* cl = new CtrlList(id);
- cl->setRange(min, max);
- cl->setName(QString(name));
- cl->setValueType(t);
- LADSPA_PortRangeHint range = plugin->range(i);
- if(LADSPA_IS_HINT_TOGGLED(range.HintDescriptor))
- cl->setMode(CtrlList::DISCRETE);
- else
- cl->setMode(CtrlList::INTERPOLATE);
- cl->setCurVal(plugin->param(i));
- addController(cl);
- }
- }
-// addAuxSend
-void AudioTrack::addAuxSend(int n)
- {
- int nn = _auxSend.size();
- for (int i = nn; i < n; ++i) {
- _auxSend.push_back(0.0);
- _auxSend[i] = 0.0; //??
- }
- }
-// addController
-void AudioTrack::addController(CtrlList* list)
- {
- _controller.add(list);
- }
-// removeController
-void AudioTrack::removeController(int id)
- {
- iCtrlList i = _controller.find(id);
- if (i == _controller.end()) {
- printf("AudioTrack::removeController id %d not found\n", id);
- return;
- }
- _controller.erase(i);
- }
-// swapControllerIDX
-void AudioTrack::swapControllerIDX(int idx1, int idx2)
- // FIXME This code is ugly.
- // At best we would like to modify the keys (IDXs) in-place and
- // do some kind of deferred re-sort, but it can't be done...
- if(idx1 == idx2)
- return;
- if(idx1 < 0 || idx2 < 0 || idx1 >= PipelineDepth || idx2 >= PipelineDepth)
- return;
- CtrlList *cl;
- CtrlList *newcl;
- int id1 = (idx1 + 1) * AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE;
- int id2 = (idx2 + 1) * AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE;
- int i, j;
- CtrlListList tmpcll;
- CtrlVal cv(0, 0.0);
- for(ciCtrlList icl = _controller.begin(); icl != _controller.end(); ++icl)
- {
- cl = icl->second;
- i = cl->id() & AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK;
- j = cl->id() & ~((unsigned long)AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK);
- if(j == id1 || j == id2)
- {
- newcl = new CtrlList(i | (j == id1 ? id2 : id1));
- newcl->setMode(cl->mode());
- newcl->setValueType(cl->valueType());
- newcl->setName(cl->name());
- double min, max;
- cl->range(&min, &max);
- newcl->setRange(min, max);
- newcl->setCurVal(cl->curVal());
- newcl->setDefault(cl->getDefault());
- for(iCtrl ic = cl->begin(); ic != cl->end(); ++ic)
- {
- cv = ic->second;
- newcl->insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlVal>(cv.frame, cv));
- }
- tmpcll.insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlList*>(newcl->id(), newcl));
- }
- else
- {
- newcl = new CtrlList();
- *newcl = *cl;
- tmpcll.insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlList*>(newcl->id(), newcl));
- }
- }
- for(iCtrlList ci = _controller.begin(); ci != _controller.end(); ++ci)
- delete (*ci).second;
- _controller.clear();
- for(ciCtrlList icl = tmpcll.begin(); icl != tmpcll.end(); ++icl)
- {
- newcl = icl->second;
- _controller.insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlList*>(newcl->id(), newcl));
- }
- /*
- unsigned int idmask = ~AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK;
- CtrlList* cl;
- CtrlList* ctl1 = 0;
- CtrlList* ctl2 = 0;
- CtrlList* newcl1 = 0;
- CtrlList* newcl2 = 0;
- CtrlVal cv(0, 0.0);
- int id1 = (idx1 + 1) * AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE;
- int id2 = (idx2 + 1) * AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE;
- int i, j;
- double min, max;
- for(ciCtrlList icl = _controller.begin(); icl != _controller.end(); ++icl)
- {
- cl = icl->second;
- i = cl->id() & AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK;
- j = cl->id() & idmask;
- if(j == id1)
- {
- ctl1 = cl;
- newcl1 = new CtrlList( i | id2 );
- newcl1->setMode(cl->mode());
- newcl1->setValueType(cl->valueType());
- newcl1->setName(cl->name());
- cl->range(&min, &max);
- newcl1->setRange(min, max);
- newcl1->setCurVal(cl->curVal());
- newcl1->setDefault(cl->getDefault());
- for(iCtrl ic = cl->begin(); ic != cl->end(); ++ic)
- {
- cv = ic->second;
- newcl1->insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlVal>(cv.frame, cv));
- }
- }
- //else
- if(j == id2)
- {
- ctl2 = cl;
- newcl2 = new CtrlList( i | id1 );
- newcl2->setMode(cl->mode());
- newcl2->setValueType(cl->valueType());
- newcl2->setName(cl->name());
- cl->range(&min, &max);
- newcl2->setRange(min, max);
- newcl2->setCurVal(cl->curVal());
- newcl2->setDefault(cl->getDefault());
- for(iCtrl ic = cl->begin(); ic != cl->end(); ++ic)
- {
- cv = ic->second;
- newcl2->insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlVal>(cv.frame, cv));
- }
- }
- }
- if(ctl1)
- _controller.erase(ctl1->id());
- if(ctl2)
- _controller.erase(ctl2->id());
- if(newcl1)
- //_controller.add(newcl1);
- _controller.insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlList*>(newcl1->id(), newcl1));
- if(newcl2)
- _controller.insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlList*>(newcl2->id(), newcl2));
- //_controller.add(newcl2);
- */
-// setAutomationType
-void AudioTrack::setAutomationType(AutomationType t)
- // Clear pressed and touched and rec event list.
- clearRecAutomation(true);
- // Now set the type.
- _automationType = t;
-// processAutomationEvents
-void AudioTrack::processAutomationEvents()
- if (_automationType != AUTO_TOUCH && _automationType != AUTO_WRITE)
- return;
- for (iCtrlList icl = _controller.begin(); icl != _controller.end(); ++icl)
- {
- CtrlList* cl = icl->second;
- int id = cl->id();
- // Remove old events from record region.
- if (_automationType == AUTO_WRITE)
- {
- int start = audio->getStartRecordPos().frame();
- int end = audio->getEndRecordPos().frame();
- iCtrl s = cl->lower_bound(start);
- iCtrl e = cl->lower_bound(end);
- // Erase old events only if there were recorded events.
- for(iCtrlRec icr = _recEvents.begin(); icr != _recEvents.end(); ++icr)
- {
- if(icr->id == id) // && icr->type == ARVT_VAL && icr->frame >= s->frame && icr->frame <= e->frame)
- {
- cl->erase(s, e);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- { // type AUTO_TOUCH
- for (iCtrlRec icr = _recEvents.begin(); icr != _recEvents.end(); ++icr)
- {
- // Don't bother looking for start, it's OK, just take the first one.
- // Needed for mousewheel and paging etc.
- //if (icr->id == id && icr->type == ARVT_START)
- if (icr->id == id)
- {
- int start = icr->frame;
- if(icr == _recEvents.end())
- {
- int end = audio->getEndRecordPos().frame();
- iCtrl s = cl->lower_bound(start);
- iCtrl e = cl->lower_bound(end);
- cl->erase(s, e);
- break;
- }
- iCtrlRec icrlast = icr;
- ++icr;
- for(; ; ++icr)
- {
- if(icr == _recEvents.end())
- {
- int end = icrlast->frame;
- iCtrl s = cl->lower_bound(start);
- iCtrl e = cl->lower_bound(end);
- cl->erase(s, e);
- break;
- }
- if(icr->id == id && icr->type == ARVT_STOP)
- {
- int end = icr->frame;
- // Erase everything up to, not including, this stop event's frame.
- // Because an event was already stored directly when slider released.
- if(end > start)
- --end;
- iCtrl s = cl->lower_bound(start);
- iCtrl e = cl->lower_bound(end);
- cl->erase(s, e);
- break;
- }
- if(icr->id == id)
- icrlast = icr;
- }
- if (icr == _recEvents.end())
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Extract all recorded events for controller "id"
- // from CtrlRecList and put into cl.
- for (iCtrlRec icr = _recEvents.begin(); icr != _recEvents.end(); ++icr)
- {
- if (icr->id == id && (icr->type == ARVT_VAL || icr->type == ARVT_START))
- cl->add(icr->frame, icr->val);
- }
- }
- // Done with the recorded automation event list. Clear it.
- _recEvents.clear();
- // Try muse without this, so that the user can remain in automation write mode
- // after a stop.
- /*
- if (automationType() == AUTO_WRITE)
- {
- setAutomationType(AUTO_READ);
- song->update(SC_AUTOMATION);
- }
- */
-// setControllerMode
-void AudioTrack::setControllerMode(int ctlID, CtrlList::Mode m)
- {
- ciCtrlList cl = _controller.find(ctlID);
- if(cl == _controller.end())
- return;
- cl->second->setMode(m);
- }
-// clearControllerEvents
-void AudioTrack::clearControllerEvents(int id)
- ciCtrlList icl = _controller.find(id);
- if(icl == _controller.end())
- return;
- CtrlList* cl = icl->second;
- cl->clear();
- return;
-// seekPrevACEvent
-void AudioTrack::seekPrevACEvent(int id)
- ciCtrlList icl = _controller.find(id);
- if(icl == _controller.end())
- return;
- CtrlList* cl = icl->second;
- if(cl->empty())
- return;
- iCtrl s = cl->lower_bound(song->cPos().frame());
- if(s != cl->begin())
- --s;
- song->setPos(Song::CPOS, Pos(s->second.frame, false), true, false, true);
- return;
-// seekNextACEvent
-void AudioTrack::seekNextACEvent(int id)
- ciCtrlList icl = _controller.find(id);
- if(icl == _controller.end())
- return;
- CtrlList* cl = icl->second;
- if(cl->empty())
- return;
- iCtrl s = cl->upper_bound(song->cPos().frame());
- if(s == cl->end())
- {
- --s;
- }
- song->setPos(Song::CPOS, Pos(s->second.frame, false), true, false, true);
- return;
-// eraseACEvent
-void AudioTrack::eraseACEvent(int id, int frame)
- ciCtrlList icl = _controller.find(id);
- if(icl == _controller.end())
- return;
- CtrlList* cl = icl->second;
- if(cl->empty())
- return;
- iCtrl s = cl->find(frame);
- if(s != cl->end())
- cl->erase(s);
- return;
-// eraseRangeACEvents
-void AudioTrack::eraseRangeACEvents(int id, int frame1, int frame2)
- ciCtrlList icl = _controller.find(id);
- if(icl == _controller.end())
- return;
- CtrlList* cl = icl->second;
- if(cl->empty())
- return;
- iCtrl s = cl->lower_bound(frame1);
- iCtrl e = cl->lower_bound(frame2);
- cl->erase(s, e);
- return;
-// addACEvent
-void AudioTrack::addACEvent(int id, int frame, double val)
- ciCtrlList icl = _controller.find(id);
- if(icl == _controller.end())
- return;
- CtrlList* cl = icl->second;
- // Add will replace if found.
- cl->add(frame, val);
- return;
-// volume
-double AudioTrack::volume() const
- {
- ciCtrlList cl = _controller.find(AC_VOLUME);
- if (cl == _controller.end())
- return 0.0;
- if (automation &&
- automationType() != AUTO_OFF && _volumeEnCtrl && _volumeEn2Ctrl )
- return cl->second->value(song->cPos().frame());
- else
- return cl->second->curVal();
- }
-// setVolume
-void AudioTrack::setVolume(double val)
- {
- iCtrlList cl = _controller.find(AC_VOLUME);
- if (cl == _controller.end()) {
- printf("no volume controller %s %zd\n",
- name().toLatin1().constData(), _controller.size());
- return;
- }
- cl->second->setCurVal(val);
- }
-// pan
-double AudioTrack::pan() const
- {
- ciCtrlList cl = _controller.find(AC_PAN);
- if (cl == _controller.end())
- return 0.0;
- if (automation &&
- automationType() != AUTO_OFF && _panEnCtrl && _panEn2Ctrl )
- return cl->second->value(song->cPos().frame());
- else
- return cl->second->curVal();
- }
-// setPan
-void AudioTrack::setPan(double val)
- {
- iCtrlList cl = _controller.find(AC_PAN);
- if (cl == _controller.end()) {
- printf("no pan controller\n");
- return;
- }
- cl->second->setCurVal(val);
- }
-// pluginCtrlVal
-double AudioTrack::pluginCtrlVal(int ctlID) const
- {
- ciCtrlList cl = _controller.find(ctlID);
- if (cl == _controller.end())
- return 0.0;
- if (automation && (automationType() != AUTO_OFF))
- return cl->second->value(song->cPos().frame());
- else
- return cl->second->curVal();
- }
-// setPluginCtrlVal
-void AudioTrack::setPluginCtrlVal(int param, double val)
- iCtrlList cl = _controller.find(param);
- if (cl == _controller.end())
- return;
- cl->second->setCurVal(val);
-void AudioTrack::recordAutomation(int n, double v)
- {
- if(!automation)
- return;
- if(audio->isPlaying())
- _recEvents.push_back(CtrlRecVal(song->cPos().frame(), n, v));
- else
- {
- if(automationType() == AUTO_WRITE)
- _recEvents.push_back(CtrlRecVal(song->cPos().frame(), n, v));
- else
- if(automationType() == AUTO_TOUCH)
- // In touch mode and not playing. Send directly to controller list.
- {
- iCtrlList cl = _controller.find(n);
- if (cl == _controller.end())
- return;
- // Add will replace if found.
- cl->second->add(song->cPos().frame(), v);
- }
- }
- }
-void AudioTrack::startAutoRecord(int n, double v)
- {
- if(!automation)
- return;
- if(audio->isPlaying())
- {
- if(automationType() == AUTO_TOUCH)
- _recEvents.push_back(CtrlRecVal(song->cPos().frame(), n, v, ARVT_START));
- else
- if(automationType() == AUTO_WRITE)
- _recEvents.push_back(CtrlRecVal(song->cPos().frame(), n, v));
- }
- else
- {
- if(automationType() == AUTO_TOUCH)
- // In touch mode and not playing. Send directly to controller list.
- {
- iCtrlList cl = _controller.find(n);
- if (cl == _controller.end())
- return;
- // Add will replace if found.
- cl->second->add(song->cPos().frame(), v);
- }
- else
- if(automationType() == AUTO_WRITE)
- _recEvents.push_back(CtrlRecVal(song->cPos().frame(), n, v));
- }
- }
-void AudioTrack::stopAutoRecord(int n, double v)
- {
- if(!automation)
- return;
- if(audio->isPlaying())
- {
- if(automationType() == AUTO_TOUCH)
- {
- audio->msgAddACEvent(this, n, song->cPos().frame(), v);
- _recEvents.push_back(CtrlRecVal(song->cPos().frame(), n, v, ARVT_STOP));
- }
- }
- }
-// AudioTrack::writeProperties
-void AudioTrack::writeProperties(int level, Xml& xml) const
- {
- Track::writeProperties(level, xml);
- xml.intTag(level, "prefader", prefader());
- xml.intTag(level, "sendMetronome", sendMetronome());
- xml.intTag(level, "automation", int(automationType()));
- if (hasAuxSend()) {
- int naux = song->auxs()->size();
- for (int idx = 0; idx < naux; ++idx) {
- QString s("<auxSend idx=\"%1\">%2</auxSend>\n");
- xml.nput(level, s.arg(idx).arg(_auxSend[idx]).toAscii().constData());
- }
- }
- for (ciPluginI ip = _efxPipe->begin(); ip != _efxPipe->end(); ++ip) {
- if (*ip)
- (*ip)->writeConfiguration(level, xml);
- }
- for (ciCtrlList icl = _controller.begin(); icl != _controller.end(); ++icl) {
- const CtrlList* cl = icl->second;
- QString s("controller id=\"%1\" cur=\"%2\"");
- xml.tag(level++, s.arg(cl->id()).arg(cl->curVal()).toAscii().constData());
- int i = 0;
- for (ciCtrl ic = cl->begin(); ic != cl->end(); ++ic) {
- QString s("%1 %2, ");
- xml.nput(level, s.arg(ic->second.frame).arg(ic->second.val).toAscii().constData());
- ++i;
- if (i >= 4) {
- xml.put(level, "");
- i = 0;
- }
- }
- if (i)
- xml.put(level, "");
- xml.etag(level--, "controller");
- }
- }
-// readAuxSend
-void AudioTrack::readAuxSend(Xml& xml)
- {
- unsigned idx = 0;
- double val;
- for (;;) {
- Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
- const QString& tag = xml.s1();
- switch (token) {
- case Xml::Error:
- case Xml::End:
- return;
- case Xml::Attribut:
- if (tag == "idx")
- idx = xml.s2().toInt();
- break;
- case Xml::Text:
- val = tag.toDouble();
- break;
- case Xml::TagEnd:
- if (xml.s1() == "auxSend") {
- if (_auxSend.size() < idx+1)
- _auxSend.push_back(val);
- else
- _auxSend[idx] = val;
- return;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// AudioTrack::readProperties
-bool AudioTrack::readProperties(Xml& xml, const QString& tag)
- {
- if (tag == "plugin")
- {
- int rackpos;
- for(rackpos = 0; rackpos < PipelineDepth; ++rackpos)
- {
- if(!(*_efxPipe)[rackpos])
- break;
- }
- if(rackpos < PipelineDepth)
- {
- PluginI* pi = new PluginI();
- pi->setTrack(this);
- pi->setID(rackpos);
- if(pi->readConfiguration(xml, false))
- delete pi;
- else
- (*_efxPipe)[rackpos] = pi;
- }
- else
- printf("can't load plugin - plugin rack is already full\n");
- }
- else if (tag == "auxSend")
- readAuxSend(xml);
- else if (tag == "prefader")
- _prefader = xml.parseInt();
- else if (tag == "sendMetronome")
- _sendMetronome = xml.parseInt();
- else if (tag == "automation")
- setAutomationType(AutomationType(xml.parseInt()));
- // Removed by T356
- // "recfile" tag not saved anymore
- //else if (tag == "recfile")
- // readRecfile(xml);
- else if (tag == "controller") {
- CtrlList* l = new CtrlList();
- l->read(xml);
- // Since (until now) muse wrote a 'zero' for plugin controller current value
- // in the XML file, we can't use that value, now that plugin automation is added.
- // We must take the value from the plugin control value.
- // Otherwise we break all existing .med files with plugins, because the gui
- // controls would all be set to zero.
- // But we will allow for the (unintended, useless) possibility of a controller
- // with no matching plugin control.
- PluginI* p = 0;
- bool ctlfound = false;
- int m = l->id() & AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK;
- int n = (l->id() >> AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE_POW) - 1;
- if(n >= 0 && n < PipelineDepth)
- {
- p = (*_efxPipe)[n];
- if(p && m < p->parameters())
- ctlfound = true;
- }
- iCtrlList icl = _controller.find(l->id());
- if (icl == _controller.end())
- _controller.add(l);
- else {
- CtrlList* d = icl->second;
- for (iCtrl i = l->begin(); i != l->end(); ++i)
- d->insert(std::pair<const int, CtrlVal> (i->first, i->second));
- if(!ctlfound)
- d->setCurVal(l->curVal());
- d->setDefault(l->getDefault());
- delete l;
- l = d;
- }
- if(ctlfound)
- {
- l->setCurVal(p->param(m));
- LADSPA_PortRangeHint range = p->range(m);
- if(LADSPA_IS_HINT_TOGGLED(range.HintDescriptor))
- l->setMode(CtrlList::DISCRETE);
- else
- l->setMode(CtrlList::INTERPOLATE);
- }
- }
- else
- return Track::readProperties(xml, tag);
- return false;
- }
-// showPendingPluginNativeGuis
-// This is needed because OSC needs all tracks with plugins to be already
-// added to their track lists so it can find them and show their native guis.
-void AudioTrack::showPendingPluginNativeGuis()
- for(int idx = 0; idx < PipelineDepth; ++idx)
- {
- PluginI* p = (*_efxPipe)[idx];
- if(!p)
- continue;
- if(p->isShowNativeGuiPending())
- p->showNativeGui(true);
- }
-// mapRackPluginsToControllers
-void AudioTrack::mapRackPluginsToControllers()
- // Iterate all possible plugin controller indexes...
- for(int idx = PipelineDepth - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
- {
- iCtrlList icl = _controller.lower_bound((idx + 1) * AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE);
- if(icl == _controller.end() || ((icl->second->id() >> AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE_POW) - 1) != idx)
- continue;
- // We found some controllers with that index. Now iterate the plugin rack...
- for(int i = idx; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- PluginI* p = (*_efxPipe)[i];
- if(!p)
- continue;
- // We found a plugin at a rack position. If the rack position is not the same as the controller index...
- if(i != idx)
- {
- (*_efxPipe)[i] = 0;
- (*_efxPipe)[idx] = p;
- }
- p->setID(idx);
- // It is now safe to update the controllers.
- p->updateControllers();
- break;
- }
- }
- // No matter of the outcome of the above - rack position is not too critical -
- // making sure that each control has a controller is important. Otherwise they
- // are stuck at zero can't be adjusted.
- // Muse med files created before the automation patches (before 0.9pre1) may have broken
- // controller sections, so this will allow more tolerance of them.
- for(int idx = 0; idx < PipelineDepth; idx++)
- {
- PluginI* p = (*_efxPipe)[idx];
- if(!p)
- continue;
- if(p->id() != idx)
- p->setID(idx);
- int j = p->parameters();
- for(int i = 0; i < j; i++)
- {
- int id = genACnum(idx, i);
- CtrlList* l = 0;
- ciCtrlList icl = _controller.find(id);
- if(icl == _controller.end())
- {
- l = new CtrlList(id);
- addController(l);
- }
- else
- l = icl->second;
- // Force all of these now, even though they may have already been set. With a pre-
- // 0.9pre1 med file with broken controller sections they may not be set correct.
- float min, max;
- p->range(i, &min, &max);
- CtrlValueType t = p->valueType();
- l->setRange(min, max);
- l->setName(QString(p->paramName(i)));
- l->setValueType(t);
- LADSPA_PortRangeHint rh = p->range(i);
- if(LADSPA_IS_HINT_TOGGLED(rh.HintDescriptor))
- l->setMode(CtrlList::DISCRETE);
- else
- l->setMode(CtrlList::INTERPOLATE);
- l->setCurVal(p->param(i));
- //l->setDefault(p->defaultValue(i));
- }
- }
- // The loop is a safe way to delete while iterating 'non-linear' lists.
- bool loop;
- do
- {
- loop = false;
- for(ciCtrlList icl = _controller.begin(); icl != _controller.end(); ++icl)
- {
- CtrlList* l = icl->second;
- int id = l->id();
- // Ignore volume, pan, mute etc.
- continue;
- int param = id & AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK;
- int idx = (id >> AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE_POW) - 1;
- PluginI* p = (*_efxPipe)[idx];
- // If there's no plugin at that rack position, or the param is out of range of
- // the number of controls in the plugin, then it's a stray controller. Delete it.
- // Future: Leave room for possible bypass controller at AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK -1.
- //if(!p || (param >= p->parameters() && (param != AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK -1)))
- if(!p || (param >= p->parameters()))
- {
- _controller.erase(id);
- loop = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- while (loop);
- // Although this tested OK, and is the 'official' way to erase while iterating,
- // I don't trust it. I'm weary of this method. The technique didn't work
- // in Audio::msgRemoveTracks(), see comments there.
- /*
- // Now delete any stray controllers which don't belong to anything.
- for(iCtrlList icl = _controller.begin(); icl != _controller.end(); )
- {
- CtrlList* l = icl->second;
- int id = l->id();
- // Ignore volume, pan, mute etc.
- {
- ++icl;
- continue;
- }
- int param = id & AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK;
- int idx = (id >> AC_PLUGIN_CTL_BASE_POW) - 1;
- PluginI* p = (*_efxPipe)[idx];
- // If there's no plugin at that rack position, or the param is out of range of
- // the number of controls in the plugin, then it's a stray controller. Delete it.
- // Future: Leave room for possible bypass controller at AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK -1.
- //if(!p || (param >= p->parameters() && (param != AC_PLUGIN_CTL_ID_MASK -1)))
- if(!p || (param >= p->parameters()))
- _controller.erase(icl++);
- else
- ++icl;
- }
- */
-// writeRouting
-void AudioTrack::writeRouting(int level, Xml& xml) const
- QString n;
- if (type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT) {
- ciJackRouteNameCache circ = jackRouteNameCache.find(this);
- if(circ != jackRouteNameCache.end())
- {
- jackRouteNameMap rm = circ->second;
- for(ciJackRouteNameMap cirm = rm.begin(); cirm != rm.end(); ++cirm)
- {
- n = cirm->second;
- if(!n.isEmpty())
- {
- Route dst(name(), true, cirm->first);
- xml.tag(level++, "Route");
- xml.strTag(level, "srcNode", n);
- xml.strTag(level, "dstNode",;
- xml.etag(level--, "Route");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT)
- {
- ciJackRouteNameCache circ = jackRouteNameCache.find(this);
- if(circ != jackRouteNameCache.end())
- {
- jackRouteNameMap rm = circ->second;
- for(ciJackRouteNameMap cirm = rm.begin(); cirm != rm.end(); ++cirm)
- {
- n = cirm->second;
- if(!n.isEmpty())
- {
- Route src(name(), false, cirm->first);
- xml.tag(level++, "Route");
- xml.strTag(level, "srcNode",;
- xml.strTag(level, "dstNode", n);
- xml.etag(level--, "Route");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- const RouteList* rl = &_outRoutes;
- for (ciRoute r = rl->begin(); r != rl->end(); ++r) {
- if(!r->name().isEmpty())
- {
- xml.tag(level++, "Route");
- xml.strTag(level, "srcNode", name());
- xml.strTag(level, "dstNode", r->name());
- xml.etag(level--, "Route");
- }
- }
- }
-// AudioInput
- : AudioTrack(AUDIO_INPUT)
- {
- // set Default for Input Ports:
- _mute = true;
- //setVolume(1.0);
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- jackPorts[i] = 0;
- //_channels = 0;
- //setChannels(2);
- }
-//AudioInput::AudioInput(const AudioInput& t)
-// : AudioTrack(t)
-AudioInput::AudioInput(const AudioInput& t, bool cloneParts)
- : AudioTrack(t, cloneParts)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- jackPorts[i] = t.jackPorts[i];
- }
-// ~AudioInput
- {
- if (!checkAudioDevice()) return;
- for (int i = 0; i < _channels; ++i)
- if(jackPorts[i])
- audioDevice->unregisterPort(jackPorts[i]);
- }
-// write
-void AudioInput::write(int level, Xml& xml) const
- {
- xml.tag(level++, "AudioInput");
- AudioTrack::writeProperties(level, xml);
- xml.etag(level, "AudioInput");
- }
-// read
-void AudioInput::read(Xml& xml)
- {
- for (;;) {
- Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
- const QString& tag = xml.s1();
- switch (token) {
- case Xml::Error:
- case Xml::End:
- return;
- case Xml::TagStart:
- if (AudioTrack::readProperties(xml, tag))
- xml.unknown("AudioInput");
- break;
- case Xml::Attribut:
- break;
- case Xml::TagEnd:
- if (tag == "AudioInput") {
- setName(name()); // allocate jack ports
- mapRackPluginsToControllers();
- return;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// AudioOutput
- : AudioTrack(AUDIO_OUTPUT)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- jackPorts[i] = 0;
- //_channels = 0;
- //setChannels(2);
- }
-//AudioOutput::AudioOutput(const AudioOutput& t)
-// : AudioTrack(t)
-AudioOutput::AudioOutput(const AudioOutput& t, bool cloneParts)
- : AudioTrack(t, cloneParts)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- jackPorts[i] = t.jackPorts[i];
- _nframes = t._nframes;
- }
-// ~AudioOutput
- {
- if (!checkAudioDevice()) return;
- for (int i = 0; i < _channels; ++i)
- if(jackPorts[i])
- audioDevice->unregisterPort(jackPorts[i]);
- }
-// write
-void AudioOutput::write(int level, Xml& xml) const
- {
- xml.tag(level++, "AudioOutput");
- AudioTrack::writeProperties(level, xml);
- xml.etag(level, "AudioOutput");
- }
-// read
-void AudioOutput::read(Xml& xml)
- {
- for (;;) {
- Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
- const QString& tag = xml.s1();
- switch (token) {
- case Xml::Error:
- case Xml::End:
- return;
- case Xml::TagStart:
- if (AudioTrack::readProperties(xml, tag))
- xml.unknown("AudioOutput");
- break;
- case Xml::Attribut:
- break;
- case Xml::TagEnd:
- if (tag == "AudioOutput") {
- setName(name()); // allocate jack ports
- mapRackPluginsToControllers();
- return;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// write
-void AudioGroup::write(int level, Xml& xml) const
- {
- xml.tag(level++, "AudioGroup");
- AudioTrack::writeProperties(level, xml);
- xml.etag(level, "AudioGroup");
- }
-// read
-void AudioGroup::read(Xml& xml)
- {
- for (;;) {
- Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
- const QString& tag = xml.s1();
- switch (token) {
- case Xml::Error:
- case Xml::End:
- return;
- case Xml::TagStart:
- if (AudioTrack::readProperties(xml, tag))
- xml.unknown("AudioGroup");
- break;
- case Xml::Attribut:
- break;
- case Xml::TagEnd:
- if (tag == "AudioGroup")
- {
- mapRackPluginsToControllers();
- return;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// write
-void AudioAux::write(int level, Xml& xml) const
- {
- xml.tag(level++, "AudioAux");
- AudioTrack::writeProperties(level, xml);
- xml.etag(level, "AudioAux");
- }
-// AudioAux
- : AudioTrack(AUDIO_AUX)
- //_channels = 0;
- //setChannels(2);
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.15
- //for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- // buffer[i] = (i < channels()) ? new float[segmentSize] : 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i)
- {
- if(i < channels())
- posix_memalign((void**)(buffer + i), 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
- else
- buffer[i] = 0;
- }
-// AudioAux
- {
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.15
- //for (int i = 0; i < channels(); ++i)
- // delete[] buffer[i];
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; ++i) {
- if (buffer[i])
- free(buffer[i]);
- }
- }
-// read
-void AudioAux::read(Xml& xml)
- {
- for (;;) {
- Xml::Token token = xml.parse();
- const QString& tag = xml.s1();
- switch (token) {
- case Xml::Error:
- case Xml::End:
- return;
- case Xml::TagStart:
- if (AudioTrack::readProperties(xml, tag))
- xml.unknown("AudioAux");
- break;
- case Xml::Attribut:
- break;
- case Xml::TagEnd:
- if (tag == "AudioAux")
- {
- mapRackPluginsToControllers();
- return;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// getData
-bool AudioAux::getData(unsigned /*pos*/, int ch, unsigned /*samples*/, float** data)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < ch; ++i)
- data[i] = buffer[i % channels()];
- return true;
- }
-// setChannels
-void AudioAux::setChannels(int n)
- if(n > channels())
- {
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.15
- //for (int i = channels(); i < n; ++i)
- // buffer[i] = new float[segmentSize];
- for(int i = channels(); i < n; ++i)
- posix_memalign((void**)(buffer + i), 16, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
- }
- else if(n < channels())
- {
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.15
- //for (int i = n; i < channels(); ++i)
- // delete[] buffer[i];
- for(int i = n; i < channels(); ++i)
- {
- if(buffer[i])
- free(buffer[i]);
- }
- }
- AudioTrack::setChannels(n);
-// setRecordFlag1
-// gui part (executed in gui thread)
-bool AudioTrack::setRecordFlag1(bool f)
- {
- if (f == _recordFlag)
- return true;
- if (f) {
- if (_recFile == 0) {
- //
- // create soundfile for recording
- //
- char buffer[128];
- QFile fil;
- for (;;++recFileNumber) {
- sprintf(buffer, "%s/rec%d.wav",
- museProject.toLatin1().constData(),
- recFileNumber);
- fil.setFileName(QString(buffer));
- if (!fil.exists())
- break;
- }
- _recFile = new SndFile(QString(buffer));
- _recFile->setFormat(
- _channels, sampleRate);
- }
-// if(_recFile->openWrite())
-// {
-// QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "MusE write error.", "Error creating target wave file\n"
-// "Check your configuration.");
-// return false;
-// }
- if (debugMsg)
- printf("AudioNode::setRecordFlag1: create internal file %s\n",
- _recFile->path().toLatin1().constData());
- }
- else {
- if (_recFile) {
- // this file has not been processed and can be
- // deleted
- // We should only arrive here if going from a 'record-armed' state
- // to a non record-armed state. Because otherwise after actually
- // recording, the _recFile pointer is made into an event,
- // then _recFile is made zero before this function is called.
- QString s = _recFile->path();
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.8
- delete _recFile;
- setRecFile(0);
- remove(s.toLatin1().constData());
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("AudioNode::setRecordFlag1: remove file %s\n", s.toLatin1().constData());
- //_recFile = 0;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
-bool AudioTrack::prepareRecording()
- if(_recFile->openWrite())
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "MusE write error.", "Error creating target wave file\n"
- "Check your configuration.");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-double AudioTrack::auxSend(int idx) const
- {
- if (unsigned(idx) >= _auxSend.size()) {
- printf("%s auxSend: bad index: %d >= %zd\n",
- name().toLatin1().constData(), idx, _auxSend.size());
- return 0.0;
- }
- return _auxSend[idx];
- }
-void AudioTrack::setAuxSend(int idx, double v)
- {
- if (unsigned(idx) >= _auxSend.size()) {
- printf("%s setAuxSend: bad index: %d >= %zd\n",
- name().toLatin1().constData(), idx, _auxSend.size());
- return;
- }
- _auxSend[idx] = v;
- }