path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/app.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/app.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4919 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/app.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/app.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f2edc1a..00000000
--- a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/app.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4919 +0,0 @@
-// MusE
-// Linux Music Editor
-// $Id: app.cpp,v 2009/12/21 14:51:51 spamatica Exp $
-// (C) Copyright 1999-2004 Werner Schweer (
-#include <QClipboard>
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QShortcut>
-#include <QSignalMapper>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QWhatsThis>
-#include "app.h"
-#include "master/lmaster.h"
-#include "al/dsp.h"
-#include "amixer.h"
-#include "appearance.h"
-#include "arranger.h"
-#include "audio.h"
-#include "audiodev.h"
-#include "audioprefetch.h"
-#include "bigtime.h"
-#include "cliplist/cliplist.h"
-#include "conf.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "didyouknow.h"
-#include "drumedit.h"
-#include "filedialog.h"
-#include "gatetime.h"
-#include "gconfig.h"
-#include "gui.h"
-#include "icons.h"
-#include "instruments/editinstrument.h"
-#include "listedit.h"
-#include "marker/markerview.h"
-#include "master/masteredit.h"
-#include "metronome.h"
-#include "midiseq.h"
-#include "mixdowndialog.h"
-#include "pianoroll.h"
-#include "popupmenu.h"
-#include "shortcutconfig.h"
-#include "songinfo.h"
-#include "ticksynth.h"
-#include "transport.h"
-#include "transpose.h"
-#include "waveedit.h"
-#include "widgets/projectcreateimpl.h"
-#include "dssihost.h"
-#include "vst.h"
-//extern void cacheJackRouteNames();
-static pthread_t watchdogThread;
-//ErrorHandler *error;
-static const char* fileOpenText =
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Click this button to open a <em>new song</em>.<br>"
- "You can also select the <b>Open command</b> from the File menu.");
-static const char* fileSaveText =
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Click this button to save the song you are "
- "editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n"
- "You can also select the Save command from the File menu.");
-static const char* fileNewText = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Create New Song");
-static const char* infoLoopButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "loop between left mark and right mark");
-static const char* infoPunchinButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "record starts at left mark");
-static const char* infoPunchoutButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "record stops at right mark");
-static const char* infoStartButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "rewind to start position");
-static const char* infoRewindButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "rewind current position");
-static const char* infoForwardButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "move current position");
-static const char* infoStopButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "stop sequencer");
-static const char* infoPlayButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "start sequencer play");
-static const char* infoRecordButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "to record press record and then play");
-static const char* infoPanicButton = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "send note off to all midi channels");
-static QString* projectList[PROJECT_LIST_LEN];
-extern void initMidiSynth();
-extern void exitJackAudio();
-extern void exitDummyAudio();
-// p3.3.39
-extern void exitOSC();
-#ifdef HAVE_LASH
-#include <lash/lash.h>
-lash_client_t * lash_client = 0;
-extern snd_seq_t * alsaSeq;
-#endif /* HAVE_LASH */
-int watchAudio, watchAudioPrefetch, watchMidi;
-pthread_t splashThread;
-//PyScript *pyscript;
-// void MusE::runPythonScript()
-// {
-// QString script("");
-// // pyscript->runPythonScript(script);
-// }
-// sleep function
-void microSleep(long msleep)
- bool sleepOk=-1;
- while(sleepOk==-1)
- sleepOk=usleep(msleep);
-// Removed p3.3.17
-// watchdog thread
-static void* watchdog(void*)
- {
- doSetuid();
- struct sched_param rt_param;
- memset(&rt_param, 0, sizeof(rt_param));
- rt_param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- int rv = pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &rt_param);
- if (rv != 0)
- perror("Set realtime scheduler");
- int policy;
- if (pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &rt_param)!= 0) {
- printf("Cannot get current client scheduler: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- }
- if (policy != SCHED_FIFO)
- printf("watchdog process %d _NOT_ running SCHED_FIFO\n", getpid());
- else if (debugMsg)
- printf("watchdog set to SCHED_FIFO priority %d\n",
- sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO));
- undoSetuid();
- int fatal = 0;
- for (;;) {
- watchAudio = 0;
- watchMidi = 0;
- static const int WD_TIMEOUT = 3;
- // sleep can be interrpted by signals:
- int to = WD_TIMEOUT;
- while (to > 0)
- to = sleep(to);
- bool timeout = false;
- if (midiSeqRunning && watchMidi == 0)
- {
- printf("midiSeqRunning = %i watchMidi %i\n", midiSeqRunning, watchMidi);
- timeout = true;
- }
- if (watchAudio == 0)
- timeout = true;
- if (watchAudio > 500000)
- timeout = true;
- if (timeout)
- ++fatal;
- else
- fatal = 0;
- if (fatal >= 3) {
- printf("WatchDog: fatal error, realtime task timeout\n");
- printf(" (%d,%d-%d) - stopping all services\n",
- watchMidi, watchAudio, fatal);
- break;
- }
-// printf("wd %d %d %d\n", watchMidi, watchAudio, fatal);
- }
- audio->stop(true);
- audioPrefetch->stop(true);
- printf("watchdog exit\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
-// seqStart
-bool MusE::seqStart()
- {
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.17
- /*
- if (audio->isRunning()) {
- printf("seqStart(): already running\n");
- return true;
- }
- if (realTimeScheduling) {
- //
- // create watchdog thread with max priority
- //
- doSetuid();
- struct sched_param rt_param;
- memset(&rt_param, 0, sizeof(rt_param));
- rt_param.sched_priority = realTimePriority +1;//sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- pthread_attr_t* attributes = (pthread_attr_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_attr_t));
- pthread_attr_init(attributes);
-// if (pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(attributes, SCHED_FIFO)) {
-// printf("MusE: cannot set FIFO scheduling class for RT thread\n");
-// }
-// if (pthread_attr_setschedparam (attributes, &rt_param)) {
-// // printf("Cannot set scheduling priority for RT thread (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
-// }
-// if (pthread_attr_setscope (attributes, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM)) {
-// printf("MusE: Cannot set scheduling scope for RT thread\n");
-// }
- if (pthread_create(&watchdogThread, attributes, ::watchdog, 0))
- perror("MusE: creating watchdog thread failed:");
- pthread_attr_destroy(attributes);
- undoSetuid();
- }
- audioPrefetch->start();
- audioPrefetch->msgSeek(0, true); // force
- midiSeqRunning = !midiSeq->start();
- if (!audio->start()) {
- QMessageBox::critical( muse, tr(QString("Failed to start audio!")),
- tr(QString("Was not able to start audio, check if jack is running.\n")));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- */
- if (audio->isRunning()) {
- printf("seqStart(): already running\n");
- return true;
- }
- if (!audio->start()) {
- QMessageBox::critical( muse, tr("Failed to start audio!"),
- tr("Was not able to start audio, check if jack is running.\n"));
- return false;
- }
- //
- // wait for jack callback
- //
- for(int i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
- {
- //if (audioState == AUDIO_START2)
- if(audio->isRunning())
- break;
- sleep(1);
- }
- //if (audioState != AUDIO_START2) {
- if(!audio->isRunning())
- {
- QMessageBox::critical( muse, tr("Failed to start audio!"),
- tr("Timeout waiting for audio to run. Check if jack is running.\n"));
- }
- //
- // now its safe to ask the driver for realtime
- // priority
- realTimePriority = audioDevice->realtimePriority();
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("MusE::seqStart: getting audio driver realTimePriority:%d\n", realTimePriority);
- // Disabled by Tim. p3.3.22
- /*
- if(realTimeScheduling)
- {
- //
- // create watchdog thread with max priority
- //
- doSetuid();
- struct sched_param rt_param;
- memset(&rt_param, 0, sizeof(rt_param));
- rt_param.sched_priority = realTimePriority + 1;//sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- pthread_attr_t* attributes = (pthread_attr_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_attr_t));
- pthread_attr_init(attributes);
-// if (pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(attributes, SCHED_FIFO)) {
-// printf("MusE: cannot set FIFO scheduling class for RT thread\n");
-// }
-// if (pthread_attr_setschedparam (attributes, &rt_param)) {
-// // printf("Cannot set scheduling priority for RT thread (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
-// }
-// if (pthread_attr_setscope (attributes, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM)) {
-// printf("MusE: Cannot set scheduling scope for RT thread\n");
-// }
- if (pthread_create(&watchdogThread, attributes, ::watchdog, 0))
- perror("MusE: creating watchdog thread failed");
- pthread_attr_destroy(attributes);
- undoSetuid();
- }
- */
- //int policy;
- //if ((policy = sched_getscheduler (0)) < 0) {
- // printf("Cannot get current client scheduler: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- // }
- //if (policy != SCHED_FIFO)
- // printf("midi thread %d _NOT_ running SCHED_FIFO\n", getpid());
- //audioState = AUDIO_RUNNING;
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.22
- /*
- //if(realTimePriority)
- if(realTimeScheduling)
- {
- int pr = realTimePriority;
- if(pr > 5)
- pr -= 5;
- else
- pr = 0;
- audioPrefetch->start(pr);
- //audioWriteback->start(realTimePriority - 5);
- }
- else
- {
- audioPrefetch->start(0);
- //audioWriteback->start(0);
- }
- */
- int pfprio = 0;
- int midiprio = 0;
- // NOTE: realTimeScheduling can be true (gotten using jack_is_realtime()),
- // while the determined realTimePriority can be 0.
- // realTimePriority is gotten using pthread_getschedparam() on the client thread
- // in JackAudioDevice::realtimePriority() which is a bit flawed - it reports there's no RT...
- if(realTimeScheduling)
- {
- //if(realTimePriority < 5)
- // printf("MusE: WARNING: Recommend setting audio realtime priority to a higher value!\n");
- /*
- if(realTimePriority == 0)
- {
- pfprio = 1;
- midiprio = 2;
- }
- else
- if(realTimePriority == 1)
- {
- pfprio = 2;
- midiprio = 3;
- }
- else
- if(realTimePriority == 2)
- {
- pfprio = 1;
- midiprio = 3;
- }
- else
- if(realTimePriority == 3)
- {
- pfprio = 1;
- //midiprio = 2;
- // p3.3.37
- midiprio = 4;
- }
- else
- if(realTimePriority == 4)
- {
- pfprio = 1;
- //midiprio = 3;
- // p3.3.37
- midiprio = 5;
- }
- else
- if(realTimePriority == 5)
- {
- pfprio = 1;
- //midiprio = 3;
- // p3.3.37
- midiprio = 6;
- }
- else
- */
- {
- //pfprio = realTimePriority - 5;
- // p3.3.40
- pfprio = realTimePriority + 1;
- //midiprio = realTimePriority - 2;
- // p3.3.37
- //midiprio = realTimePriority + 1;
- // p3.3.40
- midiprio = realTimePriority + 2;
- }
- }
- if(midiRTPrioOverride > 0)
- midiprio = midiRTPrioOverride;
- // FIXME FIXME: The realTimePriority of the Jack thread seems to always be 5 less than the value passed to jackd command.
- //if(midiprio == realTimePriority)
- // printf("MusE: WARNING: Midi realtime priority %d is the same as audio realtime priority %d. Try a different setting.\n",
- // midiprio, realTimePriority);
- //if(midiprio == pfprio)
- // printf("MusE: WARNING: Midi realtime priority %d is the same as audio prefetch realtime priority %d. Try a different setting.\n",
- // midiprio, pfprio);
- audioPrefetch->start(pfprio);
- audioPrefetch->msgSeek(0, true); // force
- //midiSeqRunning = !midiSeq->start(realTimeScheduling ? realTimePriority : 0);
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.22
- //midiSeq->start(realTimeScheduling ? realTimePriority : 0);
- midiSeq->start(midiprio);
- int counter=0;
- while (++counter) {
- //if (counter > 10) {
- if (counter > 1000) {
- fprintf(stderr,"midi sequencer thread does not start!? Exiting...\n");
- exit(33);
- }
- midiSeqRunning = midiSeq->isRunning();
- if (midiSeqRunning)
- break;
- usleep(1000);
- printf("looping waiting for sequencer thread to start\n");
- }
- if(!midiSeqRunning)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "midiSeq is not running! Exiting...\n");
- exit(33);
- }
- return true;
- }
-// stop
-void MusE::seqStop()
- {
- // label sequencer as disabled before it actually happened to minimize race condition
- midiSeqRunning = false;
- song->setStop(true);
- song->setStopPlay(false);
- midiSeq->stop(true);
- audio->stop(true);
- audioPrefetch->stop(true);
- if (realTimeScheduling && watchdogThread)
- pthread_cancel(watchdogThread);
- }
-// seqRestart
-bool MusE::seqRestart()
- bool restartSequencer = audio->isRunning();
- if (restartSequencer) {
- if (audio->isPlaying()) {
- audio->msgPlay(false);
- while (audio->isPlaying())
- qApp->processEvents();
- }
- seqStop();
- }
- if(!seqStart())
- return false;
- audioDevice->graphChanged();
- return true;
-// addProject
-void addProject(const QString& name)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_LIST_LEN; ++i) {
- if (projectList[i] == 0)
- break;
- if (name == *projectList[i]) {
- int dst = i;
- int src = i+1;
- int n = PROJECT_LIST_LEN - i - 1;
- delete projectList[i];
- for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
- projectList[dst++] = projectList[src++];
- projectList[dst] = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- QString** s = &projectList[PROJECT_LIST_LEN - 2];
- QString** d = &projectList[PROJECT_LIST_LEN - 1];
- if (*d)
- delete *d;
- for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_LIST_LEN-1; ++i)
- *d-- = *s--;
- projectList[0] = new QString(name);
- }
-// populateAddSynth
-struct addSynth_cmp_str
- bool operator()(std::string a, std::string b)
- {
- return (a < b);
- }
-QMenu* populateAddSynth(QWidget* parent)
- QMenu* synp = new QMenu(parent);
- //typedef std::multimap<std::string, int, addSynth_cmp_str > asmap;
- typedef std::multimap<std::string, int > asmap;
- //typedef std::multimap<std::string, int, addSynth_cmp_str >::iterator imap;
- typedef std::multimap<std::string, int >::iterator imap;
- MessSynth* synMESS = 0;
- QMenu* synpMESS = 0;
- asmap mapMESS;
- DssiSynth* synDSSI = 0;
- QMenu* synpDSSI = 0;
- asmap mapDSSI;
- #endif
- #ifdef VST_SUPPORT
- VstSynth* synVST = 0;
- QMenu* synpVST = 0;
- asmap mapVST;
- #endif
- // Not necessary, but what the heck.
- QMenu* synpOther = 0;
- asmap mapOther;
- //const int synth_base_id = 0x1000;
- int ii = 0;
- for(std::vector<Synth*>::iterator i = synthis.begin(); i != synthis.end(); ++i)
- {
- synMESS = dynamic_cast<MessSynth*>(*i);
- if(synMESS)
- {
- mapMESS.insert( std::pair<std::string, int> (std::string(synMESS->description().toLower().toLatin1().constData()), ii) );
- }
- else
- {
- synDSSI = dynamic_cast<DssiSynth*>(*i);
- if(synDSSI)
- {
- mapDSSI.insert( std::pair<std::string, int> (std::string(synDSSI->description().toLower().toLatin1().constData()), ii) );
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- #ifdef VST_SUPPORT
- synVST = dynamic_cast<VstSynth*>(*i);
- if(synVST)
- {
- mapVST.insert( std::pair<std::string, int> (std::string(synVST->description().toLower().toLatin1().constData()), ii) );
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- mapOther.insert( std::pair<std::string, int> (std::string((*i)->description().toLower().toLatin1().constData()), ii) );
- }
- }
- }
- ++ii;
- }
- int sz = synthis.size();
- for(imap i = mapMESS.begin(); i != mapMESS.end(); ++i)
- {
- int idx = i->second;
- if(idx > sz) // Sanity check
- continue;
- Synth* s = synthis[idx];
- if(s)
- {
- // No MESS sub-menu yet? Create it now.
- if(!synpMESS)
- synpMESS = new QMenu(parent);
- QAction* sM = synpMESS->addAction(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->description()) + " <" + QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->name()) + ">");
- sM->setData(MENU_ADD_SYNTH_ID_BASE + idx);
- }
- }
- for(imap i = mapDSSI.begin(); i != mapDSSI.end(); ++i)
- {
- int idx = i->second;
- if(idx > sz)
- continue;
- Synth* s = synthis[idx];
- if(s)
- {
- // No DSSI sub-menu yet? Create it now.
- if(!synpDSSI)
- synpDSSI = new QMenu(parent);
- //synpDSSI->insertItem(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->description()) + " <" + QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->name()) + ">", MENU_ADD_SYNTH_ID_BASE + idx);
- QAction* sD = synpDSSI->addAction(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->description()) + " <" + QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->name()) + ">");
- sD->setData(MENU_ADD_SYNTH_ID_BASE + idx);
- }
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef VST_SUPPORT
- for(imap i = mapVST.begin(); i != mapVST.end(); ++i)
- {
- int idx = i->second;
- if(idx > sz)
- continue;
- Synth* s = synthis[idx];
- if(s)
- {
- // No VST sub-menu yet? Create it now.
- if(!synpVST)
- synpVST = new QMenu(parent);
- QAction* sV = synpVST->addAction(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->description()) + " <" + QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->name()) + ">");
- sV->setData(MENU_ADD_SYNTH_ID_BASE + idx);
- }
- }
- #endif
- for(imap i = mapOther.begin(); i != mapOther.end(); ++i)
- {
- int idx = i->second;
- if(idx > sz)
- continue;
- Synth* s = synthis[idx];
- // No Other sub-menu yet? Create it now.
- if(!synpOther)
- synpOther = new QMenu(parent);
- //synpOther->insertItem(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->description()) + " <" + QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->name()) + ">", MENU_ADD_SYNTH_ID_BASE + idx);
- QAction* sO = synpOther->addAction(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->description()) + " <" + QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", s->name()) + ">");
- sO->setData(MENU_ADD_SYNTH_ID_BASE + idx);
- }
- if(synpMESS)
- {
- synpMESS->setIcon(*synthIcon);
- synpMESS->setTitle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "MESS"));
- synp->addMenu(synpMESS);
- }
- if(synpDSSI)
- {
- synpDSSI->setIcon(*synthIcon);
- synpDSSI->setTitle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "DSSI"));
- synp->addMenu(synpDSSI);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef VST_SUPPORT
- if(synpVST)
- {
- synpVST->setIcon(*synthIcon);
- synpVST->setTitle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "FST"));
- synp->addMenu(synpVST);
- }
- #endif
- if(synpOther)
- {
- synpOther->setIcon(*synthIcon);
- synpOther->setTitle(QObject::tr("Other"));
- synp->addMenu(synpOther);
- }
- return synp;
-// populateAddTrack
-// this is also used in "mixer"
-QActionGroup* populateAddTrack(QMenu* addTrack)
- {
- QActionGroup* grp = new QActionGroup(addTrack);
- QAction* midi = addTrack->addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_addmiditrackIcon),
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Add Midi Track"));
- midi->setData(Track::MIDI);
- grp->addAction(midi);
- QAction* drum = addTrack->addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_drumtrackIcon),
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Add Drum Track"));
- drum->setData(Track::DRUM);
- grp->addAction(drum);
- QAction* wave = addTrack->addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_wavetrackIcon),
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Add Wave Track"));
- wave->setData(Track::WAVE);
- grp->addAction(wave);
- QAction* aoutput = addTrack->addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_audiooutputIcon),
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Add Audio Output"));
- aoutput->setData(Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT);
- grp->addAction(aoutput);
- QAction* agroup = addTrack->addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_audiogroupIcon),
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Add Audio Group"));
- agroup->setData(Track::AUDIO_GROUP);
- grp->addAction(agroup);
- QAction* ainput = addTrack->addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_audioinputIcon),
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Add Audio Input"));
- ainput->setData(Track::AUDIO_INPUT);
- grp->addAction(ainput);
- QAction* aaux = addTrack->addAction(QIcon(*addtrack_auxsendIcon),
- QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Add Aux Send"));
- aaux->setData(Track::AUDIO_AUX);
- grp->addAction(aaux);
- // Create a sub-menu and fill it with found synth types. Make addTrack the owner.
- QMenu* synp = populateAddSynth(addTrack);
- synp->setIcon(*synthIcon);
- synp->setTitle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", "Add Synth"));
- // Add the sub-menu to the given menu.
- addTrack->addMenu(synp);
- QObject::connect(addTrack, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), song, SLOT(addNewTrack(QAction *)));
- return grp;
- }
-// MusE
-//MusE::MusE(int argc, char** argv) : QMainWindow(0, "mainwindow")
-MusE::MusE(int argc, char** argv) : QMainWindow()
- {
- // By T356. For LADSPA plugins in plugin.cpp
- // QWidgetFactory::addWidgetFactory( new PluginWidgetFactory ); ddskrjo
- setIconSize(ICON_SIZE);
- setFocusPolicy(Qt::WheelFocus);
- //setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
- muse = this; // hack
- clipListEdit = 0;
- midiSyncConfig = 0;
- midiRemoteConfig = 0;
- midiPortConfig = 0;
- metronomeConfig = 0;
- audioConfig = 0;
- midiFileConfig = 0;
- midiFilterConfig = 0;
- midiInputTransform = 0;
- midiRhythmGenerator = 0;
- globalSettingsConfig = 0;
- markerView = 0;
- softSynthesizerConfig = 0;
- midiTransformerDialog = 0;
- shortcutConfig = 0;
- appearance = 0;
- //audioMixer = 0;
- mixer1 = 0;
- mixer2 = 0;
- watchdogThread = 0;
- editInstrument = 0;
- routingPopupMenu = 0;
- //routingPopupView = 0;
- appName = QString("MusE");
- setWindowTitle(appName);
- editSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
- midiPluginSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
- followSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
- song = new Song("song");
- song->blockSignals(true);
- heartBeatTimer = new QTimer(this);
- heartBeatTimer->setObjectName("timer");
- connect(heartBeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), song, SLOT(beat()));
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // Python bridge
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // Uncomment in order to enable MusE Python bridge:
- if (usePythonBridge) {
- printf("Initializing python bridge!\n");
- if (initPythonBridge() == false) {
- printf("Could not initialize Python bridge\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // undo/redo
- //---------------------------------------------------
- undoRedo = new QActionGroup(this);
- undoRedo->setExclusive(false);
- undoAction = new QAction(QIcon(*undoIconS), tr("Und&o"),
- undoRedo);
- redoAction = new QAction(QIcon(*redoIconS), tr("Re&do"),
- undoRedo);
- undoAction->setWhatsThis(tr("undo last change to song"));
- redoAction->setWhatsThis(tr("redo last undo"));
- undoAction->setEnabled(false);
- redoAction->setEnabled(false);
- connect(redoAction, SIGNAL(activated()), song, SLOT(redo()));
- connect(undoAction, SIGNAL(activated()), song, SLOT(undo()));
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // Transport
- //---------------------------------------------------
- transportAction = new QActionGroup(this);
- transportAction->setExclusive(false);
- loopAction = new QAction(QIcon(*loop1Icon),
- tr("Loop"), transportAction);
- loopAction->setCheckable(true);
- loopAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoLoopButton));
- connect(loopAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), song, SLOT(setLoop(bool)));
- punchinAction = new QAction(QIcon(*punchin1Icon),
- tr("Punchin"), transportAction);
- punchinAction->setCheckable(true);
- punchinAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoPunchinButton));
- connect(punchinAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), song, SLOT(setPunchin(bool)));
- punchoutAction = new QAction(QIcon(*punchout1Icon),
- tr("Punchout"), transportAction);
- punchoutAction->setCheckable(true);
- punchoutAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoPunchoutButton));
- connect(punchoutAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), song, SLOT(setPunchout(bool)));
- QAction *tseparator = new QAction(this);
- tseparator->setSeparator(true);
- transportAction->addAction(tseparator);
- startAction = new QAction(QIcon(*startIcon),
- tr("Start"), transportAction);
- startAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoStartButton));
- connect(startAction, SIGNAL(activated()), song, SLOT(rewindStart()));
- rewindAction = new QAction(QIcon(*frewindIcon),
- tr("Rewind"), transportAction);
- rewindAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoRewindButton));
- connect(rewindAction, SIGNAL(activated()), song, SLOT(rewind()));
- forwardAction = new QAction(QIcon(*fforwardIcon),
- tr("Forward"), transportAction);
- forwardAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoForwardButton));
- connect(forwardAction, SIGNAL(activated()), song, SLOT(forward()));
- stopAction = new QAction(QIcon(*stopIcon),
- tr("Stop"), transportAction);
- stopAction->setCheckable(true);
- stopAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoStopButton));
- stopAction->setChecked(true);
- connect(stopAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), song, SLOT(setStop(bool)));
- playAction = new QAction(QIcon(*playIcon),
- tr("Play"), transportAction);
- playAction->setCheckable(true);
- playAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoPlayButton));
- playAction->setChecked(false);
- connect(playAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), song, SLOT(setPlay(bool)));
- recordAction = new QAction(QIcon(*recordIcon),
- tr("Record"), transportAction);
- recordAction->setCheckable(true);
- recordAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoRecordButton));
- connect(recordAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), song, SLOT(setRecord(bool)));
- panicAction = new QAction(QIcon(*panicIcon),
- tr("Panic"), this);
- panicAction->setWhatsThis(tr(infoPanicButton));
- connect(panicAction, SIGNAL(activated()), song, SLOT(panic()));
- initMidiInstruments();
- initMidiPorts();
- ::initMidiDevices();
- //----Actions
- //-------- File Actions
- fileNewAction = new QAction(QIcon(*filenewIcon), tr("&New"), this);
- fileNewAction->setToolTip(tr(fileNewText));
- fileNewAction->setWhatsThis(tr(fileNewText));
- fileOpenAction = new QAction(QIcon(*openIcon), tr("&Open"), this);
- fileOpenAction->setToolTip(tr(fileOpenText));
- fileOpenAction->setWhatsThis(tr(fileOpenText));
- openRecent = new QMenu(tr("Open &Recent"), this);
- fileSaveAction = new QAction(QIcon(*saveIcon), tr("&Save"), this);
- fileSaveAction->setToolTip(tr(fileSaveText));
- fileSaveAction->setWhatsThis(tr(fileSaveText));
- fileSaveAsAction = new QAction(tr("Save &As"), this);
- fileImportMidiAction = new QAction(tr("Import Midifile"), this);
- fileExportMidiAction = new QAction(tr("Export Midifile"), this);
- fileImportPartAction = new QAction(tr("Import Part"), this);
- fileImportWaveAction = new QAction(tr("Import Wave File"), this);
- quitAction = new QAction(tr("&Quit"), this);
- //-------- Edit Actions
- editCutAction = new QAction(QIcon(*editcutIconSet), tr("C&ut"), this);
- editCopyAction = new QAction(QIcon(*editcopyIconSet), tr("&Copy"), this);
- editPasteAction = new QAction(QIcon(*editpasteIconSet), tr("&Paste"), this);
- editInsertAction = new QAction(QIcon(*editpasteIconSet), tr("&Insert"), this);
- editPasteCloneAction = new QAction(QIcon(*editpasteCloneIconSet), tr("Paste c&lone"), this);
- editPaste2TrackAction = new QAction(QIcon(*editpaste2TrackIconSet), tr("Paste to &track"), this);
- editPasteC2TAction = new QAction(QIcon(*editpasteClone2TrackIconSet), tr("Paste clone to trac&k"), this);
- editInsertEMAction = new QAction(QIcon(*editpasteIconSet), tr("&Insert Empty Measure"), this);
- editDeleteSelectedAction = new QAction(QIcon(*edit_track_delIcon), tr("Delete Selected Tracks"), this);
- addTrack = new QMenu(tr("Add Track"), this);
- addTrack->setIcon(QIcon(*edit_track_addIcon));
- select = new QMenu(tr("Select"), this);
- select->setIcon(QIcon(*selectIcon));
- editSelectAllAction = new QAction(QIcon(*select_allIcon), tr("Select &All"), this);
- editDeselectAllAction = new QAction(QIcon(*select_deselect_allIcon), tr("&Deselect All"), this);
- editInvertSelectionAction = new QAction(QIcon(*select_invert_selectionIcon), tr("Invert &Selection"), this);
- editInsideLoopAction = new QAction(QIcon(*select_inside_loopIcon), tr("&Inside Loop"), this);
- editOutsideLoopAction = new QAction(QIcon(*select_outside_loopIcon), tr("&Outside Loop"), this);
- editAllPartsAction = new QAction( QIcon(*select_all_parts_on_trackIcon), tr("All &Parts on Track"), this);
- startPianoEditAction = new QAction(*pianoIconSet, tr("Pianoroll"), this);
- startDrumEditAction = new QAction(QIcon(*edit_drummsIcon), tr("Drums"), this);
- startListEditAction = new QAction(QIcon(*edit_listIcon), tr("List"), this);
- startWaveEditAction = new QAction(QIcon(*edit_waveIcon), tr("Wave"), this);
- master = new QMenu(tr("Mastertrack"), this);
- master->setIcon(QIcon(*edit_mastertrackIcon));
- masterGraphicAction = new QAction(QIcon(*mastertrack_graphicIcon),tr("Graphic"), this);
- masterListAction = new QAction(QIcon(*mastertrack_listIcon),tr("List"), this);
- midiEdit = new QMenu(tr("Midi"), this);
- midiEdit->setIcon(QIcon(*edit_midiIcon));
- midiTransposeAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_transposeIcon), tr("Transpose"), this);
- midiTransformerAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_transformIcon), tr("Midi &Transform"), this);
- editSongInfoAction = new QAction(QIcon(*edit_listIcon), tr("Song Info"), this);
- //-------- View Actions
- viewTransportAction = new QAction(QIcon(*view_transport_windowIcon), tr("Transport Panel"), this);
- viewTransportAction->setCheckable(true);
- viewBigtimeAction = new QAction(QIcon(*view_bigtime_windowIcon), tr("Bigtime Window"), this);
- viewBigtimeAction->setCheckable(true);
- viewMixerAAction = new QAction(QIcon(*mixerSIcon), tr("Mixer A"), this);
- viewMixerAAction->setCheckable(true);
- viewMixerBAction = new QAction(QIcon(*mixerSIcon), tr("Mixer B"), this);
- viewMixerBAction->setCheckable(true);
- viewCliplistAction = new QAction(QIcon(*cliplistSIcon), tr("Cliplist"), this);
- viewCliplistAction->setCheckable(true);
- viewMarkerAction = new QAction(QIcon(*view_markerIcon), tr("Marker View"), this);
- viewMarkerAction->setCheckable(true);
- //-------- Structure Actions
- strGlobalCutAction = new QAction(tr("Global Cut"), this);
- strGlobalInsertAction = new QAction(tr("Global Insert"), this);
- strGlobalSplitAction = new QAction(tr("Global Split"), this);
- strCopyRangeAction = new QAction(tr("Copy Range"), this);
- strCopyRangeAction->setEnabled(false);
- strCutEventsAction = new QAction(tr("Cut Events"), this);
- strCutEventsAction->setEnabled(false);
- //-------- Midi Actions
- menuScriptPlugins = new QMenu(tr("&Plugins"), this);
- midiEditInstAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_edit_instrumentIcon), tr("Edit Instrument"), this);
- midiInputPlugins = new QMenu(tr("Input Plugins"), this);
- midiInputPlugins->setIcon(QIcon(*midi_inputpluginsIcon));
- midiTrpAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_inputplugins_transposeIcon), tr("Transpose"), this);
- midiInputTrfAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_inputplugins_midi_input_transformIcon), tr("Midi Input Transform"), this);
- midiInputFilterAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_inputplugins_midi_input_filterIcon), tr("Midi Input Filter"), this);
- midiRemoteAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_inputplugins_remote_controlIcon), tr("Midi Remote Control"), this);
- midiRhythmAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_inputplugins_random_rhythm_generatorIcon), tr("Rhythm Generator"), this);
- midiResetInstAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_reset_instrIcon), tr("Reset Instr."), this);
- midiInitInstActions = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_init_instrIcon), tr("Init Instr."), this);
- midiLocalOffAction = new QAction(QIcon(*midi_local_offIcon), tr("Local Off"), this);
- //-------- Audio Actions
- audioBounce2TrackAction = new QAction(QIcon(*audio_bounce_to_trackIcon), tr("Bounce to Track"), this);
- audioBounce2FileAction = new QAction(QIcon(*audio_bounce_to_fileIcon), tr("Bounce to File"), this);
- audioRestartAction = new QAction(QIcon(*audio_restartaudioIcon), tr("Restart Audio"), this);
- //-------- Automation Actions
- autoMixerAction = new QAction(QIcon(*automation_mixerIcon), tr("Mixer Automation"), this);
- autoMixerAction->setCheckable(true);
- autoSnapshotAction = new QAction(QIcon(*automation_take_snapshotIcon), tr("Take Snapshot"), this);
- autoClearAction = new QAction(QIcon(*automation_clear_dataIcon), tr("Clear Automation Data"), this);
- autoClearAction->setEnabled(false);
- //-------- Settings Actions
- settingsGlobalAction = new QAction(QIcon(*settings_globalsettingsIcon), tr("Global Settings"), this);
- settingsShortcutsAction = new QAction(QIcon(*settings_configureshortcutsIcon), tr("Configure Shortcuts"), this);
- follow = new QMenu(tr("Follow Song"), this);
- dontFollowAction = new QAction(tr("Don't Follow Song"), this);
- dontFollowAction->setCheckable(true);
- followPageAction = new QAction(tr("Follow Page"), this);
- followPageAction->setCheckable(true);
- followPageAction->setChecked(true);
- followCtsAction = new QAction(tr("Follow Continuous"), this);
- followCtsAction->setCheckable(true);
- settingsMetronomeAction = new QAction(QIcon(*settings_metronomeIcon), tr("Metronome"), this);
- settingsMidiSyncAction = new QAction(QIcon(*settings_midisyncIcon), tr("Midi Sync"), this);
- settingsMidiIOAction = new QAction(QIcon(*settings_midifileexportIcon), tr("Midi File Import/Export"), this);
- settingsAppearanceAction = new QAction(QIcon(*settings_appearance_settingsIcon), tr("Appearance Settings"), this);
- settingsMidiPortAction = new QAction(QIcon(*settings_midiport_softsynthsIcon), tr("Midi Ports / Soft Synth"), this);
- //-------- Help Actions
- helpManualAction = new QAction(tr("&Manual"), this);
- helpHomepageAction = new QAction(tr("&MusE Homepage"), this);
- helpReportAction = new QAction(tr("&Report Bug..."), this);
- helpAboutAction = new QAction(tr("&About MusE"), this);
- //---- Connections
- //-------- File connections
- connect(fileNewAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(loadTemplate()));
- connect(fileOpenAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(loadProject()));
- connect(openRecent, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), SLOT(openRecentMenu()));
- connect(openRecent, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(selectProject(QAction*)));
- connect(fileSaveAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(save()));
- connect(fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(saveAs()));
- connect(fileImportMidiAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(importMidi()));
- connect(fileExportMidiAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(exportMidi()));
- connect(fileImportPartAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(importPart()));
- connect(fileImportWaveAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(importWave()));
- connect(quitAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(quitDoc()));
- //-------- Edit connections
- connect(editCutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editCopyAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editPasteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editInsertAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editPasteCloneAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editPaste2TrackAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editPasteC2TAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editInsertEMAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editDeleteSelectedAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editSelectAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editDeselectAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editInvertSelectionAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editInsideLoopAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editOutsideLoopAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(editAllPartsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editCutAction, CMD_CUT);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editCopyAction, CMD_COPY);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editPasteAction, CMD_PASTE);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editInsertAction, CMD_INSERT);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editPasteCloneAction, CMD_PASTE_CLONE);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editPaste2TrackAction, CMD_PASTE_TO_TRACK);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editPasteC2TAction, CMD_PASTE_CLONE_TO_TRACK);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editInsertEMAction, CMD_INSERTMEAS);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editDeleteSelectedAction, CMD_DELETE_TRACK);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editSelectAllAction, CMD_SELECT_ALL);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editDeselectAllAction, CMD_SELECT_NONE);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editInvertSelectionAction, CMD_SELECT_INVERT);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editInsideLoopAction, CMD_SELECT_ILOOP);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editOutsideLoopAction, CMD_SELECT_OLOOP);
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(editAllPartsAction, CMD_SELECT_PARTS);
- connect(editSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(cmd(int)));
- connect(startPianoEditAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startPianoroll()));
- connect(startDrumEditAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startDrumEditor()));
- connect(startListEditAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startListEditor()));
- connect(startWaveEditAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startWaveEditor()));
- connect(masterGraphicAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startMasterEditor()));
- connect(masterListAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startLMasterEditor()));
- connect(midiTransposeAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(transpose()));
- connect(midiTransformerAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startMidiTransformer()));
- connect(editSongInfoAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startSongInfo()));
- //-------- View connections
- connect(viewTransportAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleTransport(bool)));
- connect(viewBigtimeAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleBigTime(bool)));
- connect(viewMixerAAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),SLOT(toggleMixer1(bool)));
- connect(viewMixerBAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleMixer2(bool)));
- connect(viewCliplistAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(startClipList(bool)));
- connect(viewMarkerAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleMarker(bool)));
- //-------- Structure connections
- connect(strGlobalCutAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(globalCut()));
- connect(strGlobalInsertAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(globalInsert()));
- connect(strGlobalSplitAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(globalSplit()));
- connect(strCopyRangeAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(copyRange()));
- connect(strCutEventsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(cutEvents()));
- //-------- Midi connections
- connect(midiEditInstAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startEditInstrument()));
- connect(midiResetInstAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(resetMidiDevices()));
- connect(midiInitInstActions, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(initMidiDevices()));
- connect(midiLocalOffAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(localOff()));
- connect(midiTrpAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), midiPluginSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(midiInputTrfAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), midiPluginSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(midiInputFilterAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), midiPluginSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(midiRemoteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), midiPluginSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- midiPluginSignalMapper->setMapping(midiTrpAction, 0);
- midiPluginSignalMapper->setMapping(midiInputTrfAction, 1);
- midiPluginSignalMapper->setMapping(midiInputFilterAction, 2);
- midiPluginSignalMapper->setMapping(midiRemoteAction, 3);
- connect(midiRhythmAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), midiPluginSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- midiPluginSignalMapper->setMapping(midiRhythmAction, 4);
- connect(midiPluginSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(startMidiInputPlugin(int)));
- //-------- Audio connections
- connect(audioBounce2TrackAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(bounceToTrack()));
- connect(audioBounce2FileAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(bounceToFile()));
- connect(audioRestartAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(seqRestart()));
- //-------- Automation connections
- connect(autoMixerAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(switchMixerAutomation()));
- connect(autoSnapshotAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(takeAutomationSnapshot()));
- connect(autoClearAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(clearAutomation()));
- //-------- Settings connections
- connect(settingsGlobalAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(configGlobalSettings()));
- connect(settingsShortcutsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(configShortCuts()));
- connect(settingsMetronomeAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(configMetronome()));
- connect(settingsMidiSyncAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(configMidiSync()));
- connect(settingsMidiIOAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(configMidiFile()));
- connect(settingsAppearanceAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(configAppearance()));
- connect(settingsMidiPortAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(configMidiPorts()));
- connect(dontFollowAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), followSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(followPageAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), followSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- connect(followCtsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), followSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- followSignalMapper->setMapping(dontFollowAction, CMD_FOLLOW_NO);
- followSignalMapper->setMapping(followPageAction, CMD_FOLLOW_JUMP);
- followSignalMapper->setMapping(followCtsAction, CMD_FOLLOW_CONTINUOUS);
- connect(followSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(cmd(int)));
- //-------- Help connections
- connect(helpManualAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startHelpBrowser()));
- connect(helpHomepageAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startHomepageBrowser()));
- connect(helpReportAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(startBugBrowser()));
- connect(helpAboutAction, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(about()));
- //--------------------------------------------------
- // Miscellaneous shortcuts
- //--------------------------------------------------
- QShortcut* sc = new QShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_DELETE].key, this);
- sc->setContext(Qt::WindowShortcut);
- connect(sc, SIGNAL(activated()), editSignalMapper, SLOT(map()));
- editSignalMapper->setMapping(sc, CMD_DELETE);
- //--------------------------------------------------
- // Toolbar
- //--------------------------------------------------
- tools = addToolBar(tr("File Buttons"));
- tools->addAction(fileNewAction);
- tools->addAction(fileOpenAction);
- tools->addAction(fileSaveAction);
- //
- // Whats This
- //
- tools->addAction(QWhatsThis::createAction(this));
- tools->addSeparator();
- tools->addActions(undoRedo->actions());
- tools1 = new EditToolBar(this, arrangerTools);
- addToolBar(tools1);
- QToolBar* transportToolbar = addToolBar(tr("Transport"));
- transportToolbar->addActions(transportAction->actions());
- QToolBar* panicToolbar = addToolBar(tr("Panic"));
- panicToolbar->addAction(panicAction);
- if (realTimePriority < sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO))
- realTimePriority = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);
- else if (realTimePriority > sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO))
- realTimePriority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- // If we requested to force the midi thread priority...
- if(midiRTPrioOverride > 0)
- {
- if (midiRTPrioOverride < sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO))
- midiRTPrioOverride = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);
- else if (midiRTPrioOverride > sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO))
- midiRTPrioOverride = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
- }
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.17
- //midiSeq = new MidiSeq(realTimeScheduling ? realTimePriority : 0, "Midi");
- midiSeq = new MidiSeq("Midi");
- audio = new Audio();
- //audioPrefetch = new AudioPrefetch(0, "Disc");
- audioPrefetch = new AudioPrefetch("Prefetch");
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // Popups
- //---------------------------------------------------
-// QPopupMenu *foo = new QPopupMenu(this);
-// testAction = new QAction(foo,"testPython");
-// testAction->addTo(foo);
-// menuBar()->insertItem(tr("&testpython"), foo);
-// connect(testAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(runPythonScript()));
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // popup File
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- menu_file = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
- menu_file->addAction(fileNewAction);
- menu_file->addAction(fileOpenAction);
- menu_file->addMenu(openRecent);
- menu_file->addSeparator();
- menu_file->addAction(fileSaveAction);
- menu_file->addAction(fileSaveAsAction);
- menu_file->addSeparator();
- menu_file->addAction(fileImportMidiAction);
- menu_file->addAction(fileExportMidiAction);
- menu_file->addAction(fileImportPartAction);
- menu_file->addSeparator();
- menu_file->addAction(fileImportWaveAction);
- menu_file->addSeparator();
- menu_file->addAction(quitAction);
- menu_file->addSeparator();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // popup Edit
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- menuEdit = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Edit"));
- menuEdit->addActions(undoRedo->actions());
- menuEdit->addSeparator();
- menuEdit->addAction(editCutAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(editCopyAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(editPasteAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(editInsertAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(editPasteCloneAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(editPaste2TrackAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(editPasteC2TAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(editInsertEMAction);
- menuEdit->addSeparator();
- menuEdit->addAction(editDeleteSelectedAction);
- // Moved below. Have to wait until synths are available...
- //populateAddTrack(addTrack);
- menuEdit->addMenu(addTrack);
- menuEdit->addMenu(select);
- select->addAction(editSelectAllAction);
- select->addAction(editDeselectAllAction);
- select->addAction(editInvertSelectionAction);
- select->addAction(editInsideLoopAction);
- select->addAction(editOutsideLoopAction);
- select->addAction(editAllPartsAction);
- menuEdit->addSeparator();
- menuEdit->addAction(startPianoEditAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(startDrumEditAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(startListEditAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(startWaveEditAction);
- menuEdit->addMenu(master);
- master->addAction(masterGraphicAction);
- master->addAction(masterListAction);
- menuEdit->addSeparator();
- menuEdit->addMenu(midiEdit);
-#if 0 // TODO
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Modify Gate Time"), this, SLOT(modifyGateTime()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Modify Velocity"), this, SLOT(modifyVelocity()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Crescendo"), this, SLOT(crescendo()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Transpose"), this, SLOT(transpose()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Thin Out"), this, SLOT(thinOut()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Erase Event"), this, SLOT(eraseEvent()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Note Shift"), this, SLOT(noteShift()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Move Clock"), this, SLOT(moveClock()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Copy Measure"), this, SLOT(copyMeasure()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Erase Measure"), this, SLOT(eraseMeasure()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Delete Measure"), this, SLOT(deleteMeasure()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Create Measure"), this, SLOT(createMeasure()));
- midiEdit->insertItem(tr("Mix Track"), this, SLOT(mixTrack()));
- midiEdit->addAction(midiTransposeAction);
- midiEdit->addAction(midiTransformerAction);
- menuEdit->addAction(editSongInfoAction);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // popup View
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- menuView = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("View"));
- //menuView->setCheckable(true);// not necessary with Qt4
- menuView->addAction(viewTransportAction);
- menuView->addAction(viewBigtimeAction);
- menuView->addAction(viewMixerAAction);
- menuView->addAction(viewMixerBAction);
- menuView->addAction(viewCliplistAction);
- menuView->addAction(viewMarkerAction);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // popup Structure
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- menuStructure = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Structure"));
- menuStructure->addAction(strGlobalCutAction);
- menuStructure->addAction(strGlobalInsertAction);
- menuStructure->addAction(strGlobalSplitAction);
- menuStructure->addAction(strCopyRangeAction);
- menuStructure->addSeparator();
- menuStructure->addAction(strCutEventsAction);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // popup Midi
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- menu_functions = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Midi"));
- song->populateScriptMenu(menuScriptPlugins, this);
- menu_functions->addMenu(menuScriptPlugins);
- menu_functions->addAction(midiEditInstAction);
- menu_functions->addMenu(midiInputPlugins);
- midiInputPlugins->addAction(midiTrpAction);
- midiInputPlugins->addAction(midiInputTrfAction);
- midiInputPlugins->addAction(midiInputFilterAction);
- midiInputPlugins->addAction(midiRemoteAction);
- midiInputPlugins->addAction(midiRhythmAction);
- menu_functions->addSeparator();
- menu_functions->addAction(midiResetInstAction);
- menu_functions->addAction(midiInitInstActions);
- menu_functions->addAction(midiLocalOffAction);
- /*
- ** mpid4 = midiInputPlugins->insertItem(
- ** QIconSet(*midi_inputplugins_random_rhythm_generatorIcon), tr("Random Rhythm Generator"), 4);
- */
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // popup Audio
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- menu_audio = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Audio"));
- menu_audio->addAction(audioBounce2TrackAction);
- menu_audio->addAction(audioBounce2FileAction);
- menu_audio->addSeparator();
- menu_audio->addAction(audioRestartAction);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // popup Automation
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- menuAutomation = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Automation"));
- menuAutomation->addAction(autoMixerAction);
- menuAutomation->addSeparator();
- menuAutomation->addAction(autoSnapshotAction);
- menuAutomation->addAction(autoClearAction);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- // popup Settings
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- menuSettings = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Settings"));
- menuSettings->addAction(settingsGlobalAction);
- menuSettings->addAction(settingsShortcutsAction);
- menuSettings->addMenu(follow);
- follow->addAction(dontFollowAction);
- follow->addAction(followPageAction);
- follow->addAction(followCtsAction);
- menuSettings->addAction(settingsMetronomeAction);
- menuSettings->addSeparator();
- menuSettings->addAction(settingsMidiSyncAction);
- menuSettings->addAction(settingsMidiIOAction);
- menuSettings->addSeparator();
- menuSettings->addAction(settingsAppearanceAction);
- menuSettings->addSeparator();
- menuSettings->addAction(settingsMidiPortAction);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // popup Help
- //---------------------------------------------------
- menu_help = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Help"));
- menu_help->addAction(helpManualAction);
- menu_help->addAction(helpHomepageAction);
- menu_help->addSeparator();
- menu_help->addAction(helpReportAction);
- menu_help->addSeparator();
- menu_help->addAction(helpAboutAction);
- //menu_help->insertItem(tr("About&Qt"), this, SLOT(aboutQt()));
- //menu_help->addSeparator();
- //menu_ids[CMD_START_WHATSTHIS] = menu_help->insertItem(tr("What's &This?"), this, SLOT(whatsThis()), 0);
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // Central Widget
- //---------------------------------------------------
- arranger = new Arranger(this, "arranger");
- setCentralWidget(arranger);
- connect(tools1, SIGNAL(toolChanged(int)), arranger, SLOT(setTool(int)));
- connect(arranger, SIGNAL(editPart(Track*)), SLOT(startEditor(Track*)));
- connect(arranger, SIGNAL(dropSongFile(const QString&)), SLOT(loadProjectFile(const QString&)));
- connect(arranger, SIGNAL(dropMidiFile(const QString&)), SLOT(importMidi(const QString&)));
- connect(arranger, SIGNAL(startEditor(PartList*,int)), SLOT(startEditor(PartList*,int)));
- connect(arranger, SIGNAL(toolChanged(int)), tools1, SLOT(set(int)));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(configChanged()), arranger, SLOT(configChanged()));
- connect(arranger, SIGNAL(setUsedTool(int)), SLOT(setUsedTool(int)));
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // read list of "Recent Projects"
- //---------------------------------------------------
- QString prjPath(configPath);
- prjPath += QString("/projects");
- FILE* f = fopen(prjPath.toLatin1().constData(), "r");
- if (f == 0) {
- perror("open projectfile");
- for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_LIST_LEN; ++i)
- projectList[i] = 0;
- }
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_LIST_LEN; ++i) {
- char buffer[256];
- if (fgets(buffer, 256, f)) {
- int n = strlen(buffer);
- if (n && buffer[n-1] == '\n')
- buffer[n-1] = 0;
- projectList[i] = *buffer ? new QString(buffer) : 0;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- fclose(f);
- }
- initMidiSynth();
- QActionGroup *grp = populateAddTrack(addTrack);
- trackMidiAction = grp->actions()[0];
- trackDrumAction = grp->actions()[1];
- trackWaveAction = grp->actions()[2];
- trackAOutputAction = grp->actions()[3];
- trackAGroupAction = grp->actions()[4];
- trackAInputAction = grp->actions()[5];
- trackAAuxAction = grp->actions()[6];
- transport = new Transport(this, "transport");
- bigtime = 0;
- QClipboard* cb = QApplication::clipboard();
- connect(cb, SIGNAL(dataChanged()), SLOT(clipboardChanged()));
- connect(cb, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(clipboardChanged()));
- connect(arranger, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), SLOT(selectionChanged()));
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // load project
- // if no songname entered on command line:
- // startMode: 0 - load last song
- // 1 - load default template
- // 2 - load configured start song
- //---------------------------------------------------
- QString name;
- bool useTemplate = false;
- if (argc >= 2)
- name = argv[0];
- else if (config.startMode == 0) {
- if (argc < 2)
- name = projectList[0] ? *projectList[0] : QString("untitled");
- else
- name = argv[0];
- printf("starting with selected song %s\n", config.startSong.toLatin1().constData());
- }
- else if (config.startMode == 1) {
- printf("starting with default template\n");
- name = museGlobalShare + QString("/templates/");
- useTemplate = true;
- }
- else if (config.startMode == 2) {
- printf("starting with pre configured song %s\n", config.startSong.toLatin1().constData());
- name = config.startSong;
- }
- song->blockSignals(false);
- loadProjectFile(name, useTemplate, true);
- changeConfig(false);
- song->update();
- }
- //printf("MusE::~MusE\n");
- //if(transport)
- // delete transport;
-// setHeartBeat
-void MusE::setHeartBeat()
- {
- heartBeatTimer->start(1000/config.guiRefresh);
- }
-// resetDevices
-void MusE::resetMidiDevices()
- {
- audio->msgResetMidiDevices();
- }
-// initMidiDevices
-void MusE::initMidiDevices()
- {
- // Added by T356
- //audio->msgIdle(true);
- audio->msgInitMidiDevices();
- // Added by T356
- //audio->msgIdle(false);
- }
-// localOff
-void MusE::localOff()
- {
- audio->msgLocalOff();
- }
-// loadProjectFile
-// load *.med, *.mid, *.kar
-// template - if true, load file but do not change
-// project name
-// for drop:
-void MusE::loadProjectFile(const QString& name)
- {
- loadProjectFile(name, false, false);
- }
-void MusE::loadProjectFile(const QString& name, bool songTemplate, bool loadAll)
- {
- QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor));
- //
- // stop audio threads if running
- //
- bool restartSequencer = audio->isRunning();
- if (restartSequencer) {
- if (audio->isPlaying()) {
- audio->msgPlay(false);
- while (audio->isPlaying())
- qApp->processEvents();
- }
- seqStop();
- }
- microSleep(100000);
- loadProjectFile1(name, songTemplate, loadAll);
- microSleep(100000);
- if (restartSequencer)
- seqStart();
- if (song->getSongInfo().length()>0)
- startSongInfo(false);
- QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
- }
-// loadProjectFile
-// load *.med, *.mid, *.kar
-// template - if true, load file but do not change
-// project name
-// loadAll - load song data + configuration data
-void MusE::loadProjectFile1(const QString& name, bool songTemplate, bool loadAll)
- {
- //if (audioMixer)
- // audioMixer->clear();
- if (mixer1)
- mixer1->clear();
- if (mixer2)
- mixer2->clear();
- arranger->clear(); // clear track info
- if (clearSong())
- return;
- QFileInfo fi(name);
- if (songTemplate) {
- if (!fi.isReadable()) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"),
- tr("Cannot read template"));
- return;
- }
- project.setFile("untitled");
- museProject = museProjectInitPath;
- }
- else {
- printf("Setting project path to %s\n", fi.absolutePath().toLatin1().constData());
- museProject = fi.absolutePath();
- project.setFile(name);
- }
- // Changed by T356. 01/19/2010. We want the complete extension here.
- //QString ex = fi.extension(false).toLower();
- //if (ex.length() == 3)
- // ex += ".";
- //ex = ex.left(4);
- QString ex = fi.completeSuffix().toLower();
- QString mex = ex.section('.', -1, -1);
- if((mex == "gz") || (mex == "bz2"))
- mex = ex.section('.', -2, -2);
- //if (ex.isEmpty() || ex == "med.") {
- if (ex.isEmpty() || mex == "med") {
- //
- // read *.med file
- //
- bool popenFlag;
- FILE* f = fileOpen(this, fi.filePath(), QString(".med"), "r", popenFlag, true);
- if (f == 0) {
- if (errno != ENOENT) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"),
- tr("File open error"));
- setUntitledProject();
- }
- else
- setConfigDefaults();
- }
- else {
- Xml xml(f);
- read(xml, !loadAll);
- bool fileError = ferror(f);
- popenFlag ? pclose(f) : fclose(f);
- if (fileError) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"),
- tr("File read error"));
- setUntitledProject();
- }
- }
- }
- //else if (ex == "mid." || ex == "kar.") {
- else if (mex == "mid" || mex == "kar") {
- setConfigDefaults();
- if (!importMidi(name, false))
- setUntitledProject();
- }
- else {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"),
- tr("Unknown File Format: ") + ex);
- setUntitledProject();
- }
- if (!songTemplate) {
- addProject(project.absoluteFilePath());
- setWindowTitle(QString("MusE: Song: ") + project.completeBaseName());
- }
- song->dirty = false;
- viewTransportAction->setChecked(config.transportVisible);
- viewBigtimeAction->setChecked(config.bigTimeVisible);
- viewMarkerAction->setChecked(config.markerVisible);
- autoMixerAction->setChecked(automation);
- if (loadAll) {
- showBigtime(config.bigTimeVisible);
- //showMixer(config.mixerVisible);
- showMixer1(config.mixer1Visible);
- showMixer2(config.mixer2Visible);
- // Added p3.3.43 Make sure the geometry is correct because showMixerX() will NOT
- // set the geometry if the mixer has already been created.
- if(mixer1)
- {
- //if(mixer1->geometry().size() != config.mixer1.geometry.size()) // p3.3.53 Moved below
- // mixer1->resize(config.mixer1.geometry.size());
- if(mixer1->geometry().topLeft() != config.mixer1.geometry.topLeft())
- mixer1->move(config.mixer1.geometry.topLeft());
- }
- if(mixer2)
- {
- //if(mixer2->geometry().size() != config.mixer2.geometry.size()) // p3.3.53 Moved below
- // mixer2->resize(config.mixer2.geometry.size());
- if(mixer2->geometry().topLeft() != config.mixer2.geometry.topLeft())
- mixer2->move(config.mixer2.geometry.topLeft());
- }
- //showMarker(config.markerVisible); // Moved below. Tim.
- resize(config.geometryMain.size());
- move(config.geometryMain.topLeft());
- if (config.transportVisible)
- transport->show();
- transport->move(config.geometryTransport.topLeft());
- showTransport(config.transportVisible);
- }
- transport->setMasterFlag(song->masterFlag());
- punchinAction->setChecked(song->punchin());
- punchoutAction->setChecked(song->punchout());
- loopAction->setChecked(song->loop());
- song->update();
- song->updatePos();
- clipboardChanged(); // enable/disable "Paste"
- selectionChanged(); // enable/disable "Copy" & "Paste"
- // p3.3.53 Try this AFTER the song update above which does a mixer update... Tested OK - mixers resize properly now.
- if (loadAll)
- {
- if(mixer1)
- {
- if(mixer1->geometry().size() != config.mixer1.geometry.size())
- {
- //printf("MusE::loadProjectFile1 resizing mixer1 x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", config.mixer1.geometry.x(),
- // config.mixer1.geometry.y(),
- // config.mixer1.geometry.width(),
- // config.mixer1.geometry.height()
- // );
- mixer1->resize(config.mixer1.geometry.size());
- }
- }
- if(mixer2)
- {
- if(mixer2->geometry().size() != config.mixer2.geometry.size())
- {
- //printf("MusE::loadProjectFile1 resizing mixer2 x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d\n", config.mixer2.geometry.x(),
- // config.mixer2.geometry.y(),
- // config.mixer2.geometry.width(),
- // config.mixer2.geometry.height()
- // );
- mixer2->resize(config.mixer2.geometry.size());
- }
- }
- // Moved here from above due to crash with a song loaded and then File->New.
- // Marker view list was not updated, had non-existent items from marker list (cleared in ::clear()).
- showMarker(config.markerVisible);
- }
- }
-// setUntitledProject
-void MusE::setUntitledProject()
- {
- setConfigDefaults();
- QString name("untitled");
- museProject = "./"; //QFileInfo(name).absolutePath();
- project.setFile(name);
- setWindowTitle(tr("MusE: Song: ") + project.completeBaseName());
- }
-// setConfigDefaults
-void MusE::setConfigDefaults()
- {
- readConfiguration(); // used for reading midi files
-#if 0
- if (readConfiguration()) {
- //
- // failed to load config file
- // set buildin defaults
- //
- configTransportVisible = false;
- configBigTimeVisible = false;
- for (int channel = 0; channel < 2; ++channel)
- song->addTrack(Track::AUDIO_GROUP);
- AudioTrack* out = (AudioTrack*)song->addTrack(Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT);
- AudioTrack* in = (AudioTrack*)song->addTrack(Track::AUDIO_INPUT);
- // set some default routes
- std::list<QString> il = audioDevice->inputPorts();
- int channel = 0;
- for (std::list<QString>::iterator i = il.begin(); i != il.end(); ++i, ++channel) {
- if (channel == 2)
- break;
- audio->msgAddRoute(Route(out,channel), Route(*i,channel));
- }
- channel = 0;
- std::list<QString> ol = audioDevice->outputPorts();
- for (std::list<QString>::iterator i = ol.begin(); i != ol.end(); ++i, ++channel) {
- if (channel == 2)
- break;
- audio->msgAddRoute(Route(*i, channel), Route(in,channel));
- }
- }
- song->dirty = false;
- }
-// setFollow
-void MusE::setFollow()
- {
- Song::FollowMode fm = song->follow();
- dontFollowAction->setChecked(fm == Song::NO);
- followPageAction->setChecked(fm == Song::JUMP);
- followCtsAction->setChecked(fm == Song::CONTINUOUS);
- }
-// MusE::loadProject
-void MusE::loadProject()
- {
- bool loadAll;
- QString fn = getOpenFileName(QString(""), med_file_pattern, this,
- tr("MusE: load project"), &loadAll);
- if (!fn.isEmpty()) {
- museProject = QFileInfo(fn).absolutePath();
- loadProjectFile(fn, false, loadAll);
- }
- }
-// loadTemplate
-void MusE::loadTemplate()
- {
- QString fn = getOpenFileName(QString("templates"), med_file_pattern, this,
- tr("MusE: load template"), 0, MFileDialog::GLOBAL_VIEW);
- if (!fn.isEmpty()) {
- // museProject = QFileInfo(fn).absolutePath();
- loadProjectFile(fn, true, true);
- setUntitledProject();
- }
- }
-// save
-bool MusE::save()
- {
- if (project.completeBaseName() == "untitled")
- return saveAs();
- else
- return save(project.filePath(), false);
- }
-// save
-bool MusE::save(const QString& name, bool overwriteWarn)
- {
- QString backupCommand;
- // By T356. Cache the jack in/out route names BEFORE saving.
- // Because jack often shuts down during save, causing the routes to be lost in the file.
- // Not required any more...
- //cacheJackRouteNames();
- if (QFile::exists(name)) {
- backupCommand.sprintf("cp \"%s\" \"%s.backup\"", name.toLatin1().constData(), name.toLatin1().constData());
- }
- else if (QFile::exists(name + QString(".med"))) {
- backupCommand.sprintf("cp \"\" \"\"", name.toLatin1().constData(), name.toLatin1().constData());
- }
- if (!backupCommand.isEmpty())
- system(backupCommand.toLatin1().constData());
- bool popenFlag;
- FILE* f = fileOpen(this, name, QString(".med"), "w", popenFlag, false, overwriteWarn);
- if (f == 0)
- return false;
- Xml xml(f);
- write(xml);
- if (ferror(f)) {
- QString s = "Write File\n" + name + "\nfailed: "
- //+ strerror(errno);
- + QString(strerror(errno)); // p4.0.0
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Write File failed"), s);
- popenFlag? pclose(f) : fclose(f);
- unlink(name.toLatin1().constData());
- return false;
- }
- else {
- popenFlag? pclose(f) : fclose(f);
- song->dirty = false;
- return true;
- }
- }
-// quitDoc
-void MusE::quitDoc()
- {
- close();
- }
-// closeEvent
-void MusE::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event)
- {
- song->setStop(true);
- //
- // wait for sequencer
- //
- while (audio->isPlaying()) {
- qApp->processEvents();
- }
- if (song->dirty) {
- int n = 0;
- n = QMessageBox::warning(this, appName,
- tr("The current Project contains unsaved data\n"
- "Save Current Project?"),
- tr("&Save"), tr("&Skip"), tr("&Abort"), 0, 2);
- if (n == 0) {
- if (!save()) // dont quit if save failed
- {
- event->ignore();
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (n == 2)
- {
- event->ignore();
- return;
- }
- }
- seqStop();
- WaveTrackList* wt = song->waves();
- for (iWaveTrack iwt = wt->begin(); iwt != wt->end(); ++iwt) {
- WaveTrack* t = *iwt;
- if (t->recFile() && t->recFile()->samples() == 0) {
- t->recFile()->remove();
- }
- }
- // save "Open Recent" list
- QString prjPath(configPath);
- prjPath += "/projects";
- FILE* f = fopen(prjPath.toLatin1().constData(), "w");
- if (f) {
- for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_LIST_LEN; ++i) {
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", projectList[i] ? projectList[i]->toLatin1().constData() : "");
- }
- fclose(f);
- }
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("Muse: Exiting JackAudio\n");
- exitJackAudio();
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("Muse: Exiting DummyAudio\n");
- exitDummyAudio();
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("Muse: Exiting Metronome\n");
- exitMetronome();
- // p3.3.47
- // Make sure to clear the menu, which deletes any sub menus.
- if(routingPopupMenu)
- routingPopupMenu->clear();
- #if 0
- if(routingPopupView)
- {
- routingPopupView->clear();
- delete routingPopupView;
- }
- #endif
- // Changed by Tim. p3.3.14
- //SynthIList* sl = song->syntis();
- //for (iSynthI i = sl->begin(); i != sl->end(); ++i)
- // delete *i;
- song->cleanupForQuit();
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("Muse: Cleaning up temporary wavefiles + peakfiles\n");
- // Cleanup temporary wavefiles + peakfiles used for undo
- for (std::list<QString>::iterator i = temporaryWavFiles.begin(); i != temporaryWavFiles.end(); i++) {
- QString filename = *i;
- QFileInfo f(filename);
- QDir d = f.dir();
- d.remove(filename);
- d.remove(f.completeBaseName() + ".wca");
- }
- // Added by Tim. p3.3.14
-#ifdef HAVE_LASH
- // Disconnect gracefully from LASH.
- if(lash_client)
- {
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("Muse: Disconnecting from LASH\n");
- lash_event_t* lashev = lash_event_new_with_type (LASH_Quit);
- lash_send_event(lash_client, lashev);
- }
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("Muse: Exiting Dsp\n");
- AL::exitDsp();
- if(debugMsg)
- printf("Muse: Exiting OSC\n");
- exitOSC();
- // p3.3.47
- delete audioPrefetch;
- delete audio;
- delete midiSeq;
- delete song;
- qApp->quit();
- }
-// toggleMarker
-void MusE::toggleMarker(bool checked)
- {
- showMarker(checked);
- }
-// showMarker
-void MusE::showMarker(bool flag)
- {
- //printf("showMarker %d\n",flag);
- if (markerView == 0) {
- markerView = new MarkerView(this);
- // Removed p3.3.43
- // Song::addMarker() already emits a 'markerChanged'.
- //connect(arranger, SIGNAL(addMarker(int)), markerView, SLOT(addMarker(int)));
- connect(markerView, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(markerClosed()));
- toplevels.push_back(Toplevel(Toplevel::MARKER, (unsigned long)(markerView), markerView));
- markerView->show();
- }
- markerView->setVisible(flag);
- viewMarkerAction->setChecked(flag);
- }
-// markerClosed
-void MusE::markerClosed()
- {
- viewMarkerAction->setChecked(false);
- }
-// toggleTransport
-void MusE::toggleTransport(bool checked)
- {
- showTransport(checked);
- }
-// showTransport
-void MusE::showTransport(bool flag)
- {
- transport->setVisible(flag);
- viewTransportAction->setChecked(flag);
- }
-// getRoutingPopupMenu
-PopupMenu* MusE::getRoutingPopupMenu()
- if(!routingPopupMenu)
- routingPopupMenu = new PopupMenu(this);
- return routingPopupMenu;
-// updateRouteMenus
-void MusE::updateRouteMenus(Track* track, QObject* master)
- // NOTE: The puropse of this routine is to make sure the items actually reflect
- // the routing status. And with MusE-1 QT3, it was also required to actually
- // check the items since QT3 didn't do it for us.
- // But now with MusE-2 and QT4, QT4 checks an item when it is clicked.
- // So this routine is less important now, since 99% of the time, the items
- // will be in the right checked state.
- // But we still need this in case for some reason a route could not be
- // added (or removed). Then the item will be properly un-checked (or checked) here.
- //if(!track || track != gRoutingPopupMenuMaster || track->type() == Track::AUDIO_AUX)
- //if(!track || track->type() == Track::AUDIO_AUX)
- if(!track || gRoutingPopupMenuMaster != master) // p3.3.50
- return;
- PopupMenu* pup = getRoutingPopupMenu();
- if(pup->actions().isEmpty())
- return;
- if(!pup->isVisible())
- return;
- //AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track;
- RouteList* rl = gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu ? track->outRoutes() : track->inRoutes();
- iRouteMenuMap imm = gRoutingMenuMap.begin();
- for(; imm != gRoutingMenuMap.end(); ++imm)
- {
- // p3.3.50 Ignore the 'toggle' items.
- if(imm->second.type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE &&
- imm->first >= (MIDI_PORTS * MIDI_CHANNELS) && imm->first < (MIDI_PORTS * MIDI_CHANNELS + MIDI_PORTS))
- continue;
- //bool found = false;
- iRoute irl = rl->begin();
- for(; irl != rl->end(); ++irl)
- {
- if(imm->second.type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE) // p3.3.50 Is the map route a midi port route?
- {
- if(irl->type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE && irl->midiPort == imm->second.midiPort // Is the track route a midi port route?
- && (irl->channel & imm-> == imm-> // Is the exact channel mask bit(s) set?
- {
- //found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- if(*irl == imm->second)
- {
- //found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- //pup->setItemChecked(imm->first, found);
- //printf("MusE::updateRouteMenus setItemChecked\n");
- // TODO: MusE-2: Convert this, fastest way is to change the routing map, otherwise this requires a lookup.
- //if(pup->isItemChecked(imm->first) != (irl != rl->end()))
- // pup->setItemChecked(imm->first, irl != rl->end());
- QAction* act = pup->findActionFromData(imm->first);
- if(act && act->isChecked() != (irl != rl->end()))
- act->setChecked(irl != rl->end());
- }
-// routingPopupMenuActivated
-void MusE::routingPopupMenuActivated(Track* track, int n)
- //if(!track || (track != gRoutingPopupMenuMaster))
- if(!track)
- return;
- if(track->isMidiTrack())
- {
- PopupMenu* pup = getRoutingPopupMenu();
- if(pup->actions().isEmpty())
- return;
- //MidiTrack* t = (MidiTrack*)track;
- RouteList* rl = gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu ? track->outRoutes() : track->inRoutes();
- if(n == -1)
- return;
- iRouteMenuMap imm = gRoutingMenuMap.find(n);
- if(imm == gRoutingMenuMap.end())
- return;
- if(imm->second.type != Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE)
- return;
- Route &aRoute = imm->second;
- int chbit =;
- Route bRoute(track, chbit);
- int mdidx = aRoute.midiPort;
- MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[mdidx];
- MidiDevice* md = mp->device();
- if(!md)
- return;
- //if(!(md->rwFlags() & 2))
- if(!(md->rwFlags() & (gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu ? 1 : 2)))
- return;
- int chmask = 0;
- iRoute iir = rl->begin();
- for (; iir != rl->end(); ++iir)
- {
- //if(*iir == (dst ? bRoute : aRoute))
- //if(*iir == aRoute)
- if(iir->type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE && iir->midiPort == mdidx) // p3.3.50 Is there already a route to this port?
- {
- chmask = iir->channel; // p3.3.50 Grab the channel mask.
- break;
- }
- }
- //if (iir != rl->end())
- if ((chmask & chbit) == chbit) // p3.3.50 Is the channel's bit(s) set?
- {
- // disconnect
- if(gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu)
- audio->msgRemoveRoute(bRoute, aRoute);
- else
- audio->msgRemoveRoute(aRoute, bRoute);
- }
- else
- {
- // connect
- if(gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu)
- audio->msgAddRoute(bRoute, aRoute);
- else
- audio->msgAddRoute(aRoute, bRoute);
- }
- audio->msgUpdateSoloStates();
- song->update(SC_ROUTE);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: Try to move code from AudioStrip::routingPopupMenuActivated into here.
- /*
- PopupMenu* pup = getRoutingPopupMenu();
- printf("MusE::routingPopupMenuActivated audio n:%d count:%d\n", n, pup->count());
- if(pup->count() == 0)
- return;
- AudioTrack* t = (AudioTrack*)track;
- RouteList* rl = gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu ? t->outRoutes() : t->inRoutes();
- //QPoint ppt = QCursor::pos();
- if(n == -1)
- {
- //printf("MusE::routingPopupMenuActivated audio n = -1 deleting popup...\n");
- printf("MusE::routingPopupMenuActivated audio n = -1\n");
- ///delete pup;
- ///pup = 0;
- return;
- }
- else
- //if(n == 0)
- //{
- //printf("MusE::routingPopupMenuActivated audio n = 0 = tearOffHandle\n");
- //oR->setDown(false);
- // return;
- //}
- //else
- {
- if(gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu)
- {
- QString s(pup->text(n));
- //printf("AudioStrip::routingPopupMenuActivated audio text:%s\n", s.toLatin1().constData());
- if(track->type() == Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT)
- {
- ///delete orpup;
- int chan = n & 0xf;
- //Route srcRoute(t, -1);
- //Route srcRoute(t, chan, chans);
- //Route srcRoute(t, chan, 1);
- Route srcRoute(t, chan);
- //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1);
- Route dstRoute(s, true, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE);
- //Route dstRoute(s, true, 0, Route::JACK_ROUTE);
- // = = chan;
- = chan;
- //dstRoute.channels = 1;
- // check if route src->dst exists:
- iRoute irl = rl->begin();
- for (; irl != rl->end(); ++irl) {
- if (*irl == dstRoute)
- break;
- }
- if (irl != rl->end()) {
- // disconnect if route exists
- audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute);
- }
- else {
- // connect if route does not exist
- audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute);
- }
- audio->msgUpdateSoloStates();
- song->update(SC_ROUTE);
- // p3.3.47
- //pup->popup(ppt, 0);
- //oR->setDown(false);
- return;
- // p3.3.46
- ///goto _redisplay;
- }
- iRouteMenuMap imm = gRoutingMenuMap.find(n);
- if(imm == gRoutingMenuMap.end())
- {
- ///delete orpup;
- //oR->setDown(false); // orpup->exec() catches mouse release event
- return;
- }
- //int chan = n >> 16;
- //int chans = (chan >> 15) + 1; // Bit 31 MSB: Mono or stereo.
- //chan &= 0xffff;
- //int chan = imm->;
- //int chans = imm->second.channels;
- //Route srcRoute(t, -1);
- //srcRoute.remoteChannel = chan;
- //Route srcRoute(t, chan, chans);
- Route srcRoute(t, imm->, imm->second.channels);
- //Route srcRoute(t, imm->;
- srcRoute.remoteChannel = imm->second.remoteChannel;
- //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1);
- //Route dstRoute(s, true, -1, Route::TRACK_ROUTE);
- Route &dstRoute = imm->second;
- // check if route src->dst exists:
- iRoute irl = rl->begin();
- for (; irl != rl->end(); ++irl) {
- if (*irl == dstRoute)
- break;
- }
- if (irl != rl->end()) {
- // disconnect if route exists
- audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute);
- }
- else {
- // connect if route does not exist
- audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute);
- }
- audio->msgUpdateSoloStates();
- song->update(SC_ROUTE);
- // p3.3.46
- //oR->setDown(false);
- ///goto _redisplay;
- // p3.3.47
- //pup->popup(ppt, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- QString s(pup->text(n));
- if(track->type() == Track::AUDIO_INPUT)
- {
- ///delete pup;
- int chan = n & 0xf;
- Route srcRoute(s, false, -1, Route::JACK_ROUTE);
- Route dstRoute(t, chan);
- = chan;
- iRoute irl = rl->begin();
- for(; irl != rl->end(); ++irl)
- {
- if(*irl == srcRoute)
- break;
- }
- if(irl != rl->end())
- // disconnect
- audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute);
- else
- // connect
- audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute);
- audio->msgUpdateSoloStates();
- song->update(SC_ROUTE);
- //iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event
- return;
- // p3.3.46
- ///goto _redisplay;
- }
- iRouteMenuMap imm = gRoutingMenuMap.find(n);
- if(imm == gRoutingMenuMap.end())
- {
- //delete pup;
- //iR->setDown(false); // pup->exec() catches mouse release event
- return;
- }
- //int chan = n >> 16;
- //int chans = (chan >> 15) + 1; // Bit 31 MSB: Mono or stereo.
- //chan &= 0xffff;
- //int chan = imm->;
- //int chans = imm->second.channels;
- //Route srcRoute(s, false, -1);
- //Route srcRoute(s, false, -1, Route::TRACK_ROUTE);
- Route &srcRoute = imm->second;
- //Route dstRoute(t, -1);
- //Route dstRoute(t, chan, chans);
- Route dstRoute(t, imm->, imm->second.channels);
- //Route dstRoute(t, imm->;
- dstRoute.remoteChannel = imm->second.remoteChannel;
- iRoute irl = rl->begin();
- for (; irl != rl->end(); ++irl) {
- if (*irl == srcRoute)
- break;
- }
- if (irl != rl->end()) {
- // disconnect
- audio->msgRemoveRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute);
- }
- else {
- // connect
- audio->msgAddRoute(srcRoute, dstRoute);
- }
- audio->msgUpdateSoloStates();
- song->update(SC_ROUTE);
- // p3.3.46
- //iR->setDown(false);
- ///goto _redisplay;
- }
- }
- */
- }
- //else
- //{
- //}
-// routingPopupMenuAboutToHide
-void MusE::routingPopupMenuAboutToHide()
- // Hmm, can't do this? Sub-menus stay open with this. Re-arranged, testing... Nope.
- //PopupMenu* pup = muse->getRoutingPopupMenu();
- //pup->disconnect();
- //pup->clear();
- gRoutingMenuMap.clear();
- gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0;
-// prepareRoutingPopupMenu
-PopupMenu* MusE::prepareRoutingPopupMenu(Track* track, bool dst)
- if(!track)
- return 0;
- //QPoint ppt = QCursor::pos();
- if(track->isMidiTrack())
- {
- //QPoint ppt = parent->rect().bottomLeft();
- //if(dst)
- //{
- // TODO
- //}
- //else
- //{
- RouteList* rl = dst ? track->outRoutes() : track->inRoutes();
- //Route dst(track, -1);
- PopupMenu* pup = getRoutingPopupMenu();
- pup->disconnect();
- //connect(pup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(int)));
- //connect(pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), SLOT(routingPopupMenuAboutToHide()));
- int gid = 0;
- //int n;
- QAction* act = 0;
- // Routes can't be re-read until the message sent from msgAddRoute1()
- // has had time to be sent and actually affected the routes.
- ///_redisplay:
- pup->clear();
- gRoutingMenuMap.clear();
- gid = 0;
- //MidiInPortList* tl = song->midiInPorts();
- //for(iMidiInPort i = tl->begin();i != tl->end(); ++i)
- for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i)
- {
- //MidiInPort* track = *i;
- // NOTE: Could possibly list all devices, bypassing ports, but no, let's stick with ports.
- MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[i];
- MidiDevice* md = mp->device();
- if(!md)
- continue;
- if(!(md->rwFlags() & (dst ? 1 : 2)))
- continue;
- //printf("MusE::prepareRoutingPopupMenu adding submenu portnum:%d\n", i);
- //QMenu* m = menu->addMenu(track->name());
- //QPopupMenu* subp = new QPopupMenu(parent);
- //PopupMenu* subp = new PopupMenu(this);
- //PopupMenu* subp = new PopupMenu();
- PopupMenu* subp = new PopupMenu(pup);
- subp->setTitle(md->name());
- // MusE-2: Check this - needed with QMenu? Help says no. No - verified, it actually causes double triggers!
- //connect(subp, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), pup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)));
- //connect(subp, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()));
- int chanmask = 0;
- // p3.3.50 To reduce number of routes required, from one per channel to just one containing a channel mask.
- // Look for the first route to this midi port. There should always be only a single route for each midi port, now.
- for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir)
- {
- if(ir->type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE && ir->midiPort == i)
- {
- // We have a route to the midi port. Grab the channel mask.
- chanmask = ir->channel;
- break;
- }
- }
- for(int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch)
- {
- //QAction* a = m->addAction(QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1));
- //subp->insertItem(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1)), i * MIDI_CHANNELS + ch);
- gid = i * MIDI_CHANNELS + ch;
- //printf("MusE::prepareRoutingPopupMenu inserting gid:%d\n", gid);
- act = subp->addAction(QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1));
- act->setCheckable(true);
- act->setData(gid);
- //a->setCheckable(true);
- //Route src(track, ch, RouteNode::TRACK);
- //Route src(md, ch);
- //Route r = Route(src, dst);
- //a->setData(QVariant::fromValue(r));
- //a->setChecked(rl->indexOf(r) != -1);
- //Route srcRoute(md, ch);
- //Route srcRoute(i, ch); // p3.3.49 New: Midi port route.
- int chbit = 1 << ch;
- Route srcRoute(i, chbit); // p3.3.50 In accordance with new channel mask, use the bit position.
- gRoutingMenuMap.insert( pRouteMenuMap(gid, srcRoute) );
- //for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir) // p3.3.50 Removed.
- //{
- //if(*ir == dst)
- // if(*ir == srcRoute)
- // {
- // subp->setItemChecked(id, true);
- // break;
- // }
- //}
- if(chanmask & chbit) // p3.3.50 Is the channel already set? Show item check mark.
- act->setChecked(true);
- }
- //subp->insertItem(QString("Toggle all"), 1000+i);
- // p3.3.50 One route with all channel bits set.
- gid = MIDI_PORTS * MIDI_CHANNELS + i; // Make sure each 'toggle' item gets a unique id.
- act = subp->addAction(QString("Toggle all"));
- //act->setCheckable(true);
- act->setData(gid);
- Route togRoute(i, (1 << MIDI_CHANNELS) - 1); // Set all channel bits.
- gRoutingMenuMap.insert( pRouteMenuMap(gid, togRoute) );
- pup->addMenu(subp);
- }
- /*
- QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(iR);
- pup->setCheckable(true);
- //MidiTrack* t = (MidiTrack*)track;
- RouteList* irl = track->inRoutes();
- MidiTrack* t = (MidiTrack*)track;
- int gid = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < channel; ++i)
- {
- char buffer[128];
- snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", tr("Channel").toLatin1().constData(), i+1);
- MenuTitleItem* titel = new MenuTitleItem(QString(buffer));
- pup->insertItem(titel);
- if (!checkAudioDevice()) return;
- std::list<QString> ol = audioDevice->outputPorts();
- for (std::list<QString>::iterator ip = ol.begin(); ip != ol.end(); ++ip) {
- int id = pup->insertItem(*ip, (gid * 16) + i);
- Route dst(*ip, true, i);
- ++gid;
- for (iRoute ir = irl->begin(); ir != irl->end(); ++ir) {
- if (*ir == dst) {
- pup->setItemChecked(id, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i+1 != channel)
- pup->addSeparator();
- }
- */
- if(pup->actions().isEmpty())
- {
- gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0;
- //pup->clear();
- //pup->disconnect();
- gRoutingMenuMap.clear();
- //oR->setDown(false);
- return 0;
- }
- gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu = dst;
- return pup;
- }
- return 0;
-#if 0
-// getRoutingPopupView
-PopupView* MusE::getRoutingPopupView()
- if(!routingPopupView)
- //routingPopupView = new PopupView(this);
- routingPopupView = new PopupView();
- return routingPopupView;
-// routingPopupViewActivated
-void MusE::routingPopupViewActivated(Track* track, int n)
- //if(!track || (track != gRoutingPopupMenuMaster))
- if(!track)
- return;
- if(track->isMidiTrack())
- {
- PopupView* pup = getRoutingPopupView();
- //printf("MusE::routingPopupMenuActivated midi n:%d count:%d\n", n, pup->count());
- if(pup->model()->rowCount() == 0)
- return;
- //MidiTrack* t = (MidiTrack*)track;
- RouteList* rl = gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu ? track->outRoutes() : track->inRoutes();
- if(n == -1)
- return;
- iRouteMenuMap imm = gRoutingMenuMap.find(n);
- if(imm == gRoutingMenuMap.end())
- return;
- if(imm->second.type != Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE)
- return;
- Route &aRoute = imm->second;
- int chbit =;
- Route bRoute(track, chbit);
- int mdidx = aRoute.midiPort;
- MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[mdidx];
- MidiDevice* md = mp->device();
- if(!md)
- return;
- //if(!(md->rwFlags() & 2))
- if(!(md->rwFlags() & (gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu ? 1 : 2)))
- return;
- int chmask = 0;
- iRoute iir = rl->begin();
- for (; iir != rl->end(); ++iir)
- {
- //if(*iir == (dst ? bRoute : aRoute))
- //if(*iir == aRoute)
- if(iir->type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE && iir->midiPort == mdidx) // p3.3.50 Is there already a route to this port?
- {
- chmask = iir->channel; // p3.3.50 Grab the channel mask.
- break;
- }
- }
- //if (iir != rl->end())
- if ((chmask & chbit) == chbit) // p3.3.50 Is the channel's bit(s) set?
- {
- // disconnect
- if(gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu)
- audio->msgRemoveRoute(bRoute, aRoute);
- else
- audio->msgRemoveRoute(aRoute, bRoute);
- }
- else
- {
- // connect
- if(gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu)
- audio->msgAddRoute(bRoute, aRoute);
- else
- audio->msgAddRoute(aRoute, bRoute);
- }
- audio->msgUpdateSoloStates();
- song->update(SC_ROUTE);
- }
- else
- {
- // TODO: Try to move code from AudioStrip::routingPopupMenuActivated into here.
- }
- //else
- //{
- //}
-// prepareRoutingPopupView
-PopupView* MusE::prepareRoutingPopupView(Track* track, bool dst)
- if(!track)
- return 0;
- //QPoint ppt = QCursor::pos();
- if(track->isMidiTrack())
- {
- //QPoint ppt = parent->rect().bottomLeft();
- //if(dst)
- //{
- // TODO
- //}
- //else
- //{
- RouteList* rl = dst ? track->outRoutes() : track->inRoutes();
- //Route dst(track, -1);
- ///QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(parent);
- PopupView* pup = getRoutingPopupView();
- pup->disconnect();
- //connect(pup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(int)));
- //connect(pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), SLOT(routingPopupMenuAboutToHide()));
- ///pup->setCheckable(true);
- int gid = 0;
- //int n;
- // Routes can't be re-read until the message sent from msgAddRoute1()
- // has had time to be sent and actually affected the routes.
- ///_redisplay:
- pup->clear();
- gRoutingMenuMap.clear();
- gid = 0;
- //MidiInPortList* tl = song->midiInPorts();
- //for(iMidiInPort i = tl->begin();i != tl->end(); ++i)
- for(int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i)
- {
- //MidiInPort* track = *i;
- // NOTE: Could possibly list all devices, bypassing ports, but no, let's stick with ports.
- MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[i];
- MidiDevice* md = mp->device();
- if(!md)
- continue;
- if(!(md->rwFlags() & (dst ? 1 : 2)))
- continue;
- //printf("MusE::prepareRoutingPopupMenu adding submenu portnum:%d\n", i);
- //QMenu* m = menu->addMenu(track->name());
- //QPopupMenu* subp = new QPopupMenu(parent);
- //PopupMenu* subp = new PopupMenu(this);
- QStandardItem* subp = new QStandardItem(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", md->name()));
-/// connect(subp, SIGNAL(activated(int)), pup, SIGNAL(activated(int)));
- //connect(subp, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()));
- int chanmask = 0;
- // p3.3.50 To reduce number of routes required, from one per channel to just one containing a channel mask.
- // Look for the first route to this midi port. There should always be only a single route for each midi port, now.
- for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir)
- {
- if(ir->type == Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE && ir->midiPort == i)
- {
- // We have a route to the midi port. Grab the channel mask.
- chanmask = ir->channel;
- break;
- }
- }
- for(int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch)
- {
- //QAction* a = m->addAction(QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1));
- //subp->insertItem(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1)), i * MIDI_CHANNELS + ch);
- gid = i * MIDI_CHANNELS + ch;
- //printf("MusE::prepareRoutingPopupMenu inserting gid:%d\n", gid);
-/// subp->insertItem(QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1), gid);
- QStandardItem* sti = new QStandardItem(QString("Channel %1").arg(ch+1));
- sti->setCheckable(true);
- sti->setData(gid);
- subp->appendRow(sti);
- //a->setCheckable(true);
- //Route src(track, ch, RouteNode::TRACK);
- //Route src(md, ch);
- //Route r = Route(src, dst);
- //a->setData(QVariant::fromValue(r));
- //a->setChecked(rl->indexOf(r) != -1);
- //Route srcRoute(md, ch);
- //Route srcRoute(i, ch); // p3.3.49 New: Midi port route.
- int chbit = 1 << ch;
- Route srcRoute(i, chbit); // p3.3.50 In accordance with new channel mask, use the bit position.
- gRoutingMenuMap.insert( pRouteMenuMap(gid, srcRoute) );
- //for(iRoute ir = rl->begin(); ir != rl->end(); ++ir) // p3.3.50 Removed.
- //{
- //if(*ir == dst)
- // if(*ir == srcRoute)
- // {
- // subp->setItemChecked(id, true);
- // break;
- // }
- //}
- if(chanmask & chbit) // p3.3.50 Is the channel already set? Show item check mark.
-/// subp->setItemChecked(gid, true);
- sti->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);
- }
- //subp->insertItem(QString("Toggle all"), 1000+i);
- // p3.3.50 One route with all channel bits set.
- gid = MIDI_PORTS * MIDI_CHANNELS + i; // Make sure each 'toggle' item gets a unique id.
-/// subp->insertItem(QString("Toggle all"), gid);
- QStandardItem* sti = new QStandardItem(QString("Toggle all"));
- sti->setData(gid);
- subp->appendRow(sti);
- Route togRoute(i, (1 << MIDI_CHANNELS) - 1); // Set all channel bits.
- gRoutingMenuMap.insert( pRouteMenuMap(gid, togRoute) );
-/// pup->insertItem(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("@default", md->name()), subp);
- pup->model()->appendRow(subp);
- pup->updateView();
- }
- /*
- QPopupMenu* pup = new QPopupMenu(iR);
- pup->setCheckable(true);
- //MidiTrack* t = (MidiTrack*)track;
- RouteList* irl = track->inRoutes();
- MidiTrack* t = (MidiTrack*)track;
- int gid = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < channel; ++i)
- {
- char buffer[128];
- snprintf(buffer, 128, "%s %d", tr("Channel").toLatin1().constData(), i+1);
- MenuTitleItem* titel = new MenuTitleItem(QString(buffer));
- pup->insertItem(titel);
- if (!checkAudioDevice()) return;
- std::list<QString> ol = audioDevice->outputPorts();
- for (std::list<QString>::iterator ip = ol.begin(); ip != ol.end(); ++ip) {
- int id = pup->insertItem(*ip, (gid * 16) + i);
- Route dst(*ip, true, i);
- ++gid;
- for (iRoute ir = irl->begin(); ir != irl->end(); ++ir) {
- if (*ir == dst) {
- pup->setItemChecked(id, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i+1 != channel)
- pup->addSeparator();
- }
- */
-/// if(pup->count() == 0)
- if(pup->model()->rowCount() == 0)
- {
- ///delete pup;
- gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = 0;
- //pup->clear();
- //pup->disconnect();
- gRoutingMenuMap.clear();
- //oR->setDown(false);
- return 0;
- }
- gIsOutRoutingPopupMenu = dst;
- return pup;
- }
- return 0;
-// saveAs
-bool MusE::saveAs()
- {
- QString name;
- if (museProject == museProjectInitPath ) {
- ProjectCreateImpl pci(muse);
- if (pci.exec() == QDialog::Rejected) {
- return false;
- }
- name = pci.getProjectPath();
- song->setSongInfo(pci.getSongInfo());
- museProject = QFileInfo(name).absolutePath();
- QDir dirmanipulator;
- if (!dirmanipulator.mkpath(museProject)) {
- QMessageBox::warning(this,"Path error","Can't create project path", QMessageBox::Ok);
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- name = getSaveFileName(QString(""), med_file_save_pattern, this, tr("MusE: Save As"));
- }
- bool ok = false;
- if (!name.isEmpty()) {
- QString tempOldProj = museProject;
- museProject = QFileInfo(name).absolutePath();
- ok = save(name, true);
- if (ok) {
- project.setFile(name);
- setWindowTitle(tr("MusE: Song: ") + project.completeBaseName());
- addProject(name);
- }
- else
- museProject = tempOldProj;
- }
- return ok;
- }
-// startEditor
-void MusE::startEditor(PartList* pl, int type)
- {
- switch (type) {
- case 0: startPianoroll(pl, true); break;
- case 1: startListEditor(pl); break;
- case 3: startDrumEditor(pl, true); break;
- case 4: startWaveEditor(pl); break;
- }
- }
-// startEditor
-void MusE::startEditor(Track* t)
- {
- switch (t->type()) {
- case Track::MIDI: startPianoroll(); break;
- case Track::DRUM: startDrumEditor(); break;
- case Track::WAVE: startWaveEditor(); break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-// getMidiPartsToEdit
-PartList* MusE::getMidiPartsToEdit()
- {
- PartList* pl = song->getSelectedMidiParts();
- if (pl->empty()) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Nothing to edit"));
- return 0;
- }
- return pl;
- }
-// startPianoroll
-void MusE::startPianoroll()
- {
- PartList* pl = getMidiPartsToEdit();
- if (pl == 0)
- return;
- startPianoroll(pl, true);
- }
-void MusE::startPianoroll(PartList* pl, bool showDefaultCtrls)
- {
- PianoRoll* pianoroll = new PianoRoll(pl, this, 0, arranger->cursorValue());
- pianoroll->show();
- if(showDefaultCtrls) // p4.0.12
- pianoroll->addCtrl();
- toplevels.push_back(Toplevel(Toplevel::PIANO_ROLL, (unsigned long)(pianoroll), pianoroll));
- connect(pianoroll, SIGNAL(deleted(unsigned long)), SLOT(toplevelDeleted(unsigned long)));
- connect(muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), pianoroll, SLOT(configChanged()));
- }
-// startListenEditor
-void MusE::startListEditor()
- {
- PartList* pl = getMidiPartsToEdit();
- if (pl == 0)
- return;
- startListEditor(pl);
- }
-void MusE::startListEditor(PartList* pl)
- {
- ListEdit* listEditor = new ListEdit(pl);
- listEditor->show();
- toplevels.push_back(Toplevel(Toplevel::LISTE, (unsigned long)(listEditor), listEditor));
- connect(listEditor, SIGNAL(deleted(unsigned long)), SLOT(toplevelDeleted(unsigned long)));
- connect(muse,SIGNAL(configChanged()), listEditor, SLOT(configChanged()));
- }
-// startMasterEditor
-void MusE::startMasterEditor()
- {
- MasterEdit* masterEditor = new MasterEdit();
- masterEditor->show();
- toplevels.push_back(Toplevel(Toplevel::MASTER, (unsigned long)(masterEditor), masterEditor));
- connect(masterEditor, SIGNAL(deleted(unsigned long)), SLOT(toplevelDeleted(unsigned long)));
- }
-// startLMasterEditor
-void MusE::startLMasterEditor()
- {
- LMaster* lmaster = new LMaster();
- lmaster->show();
- toplevels.push_back(Toplevel(Toplevel::LMASTER, (unsigned long)(lmaster), lmaster));
- connect(lmaster, SIGNAL(deleted(unsigned long)), SLOT(toplevelDeleted(unsigned long)));
- connect(muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), lmaster, SLOT(configChanged()));
- }
-// startDrumEditor
-void MusE::startDrumEditor()
- {
- PartList* pl = getMidiPartsToEdit();
- if (pl == 0)
- return;
- startDrumEditor(pl, true);
- }
-void MusE::startDrumEditor(PartList* pl, bool showDefaultCtrls)
- {
- DrumEdit* drumEditor = new DrumEdit(pl, this, 0, arranger->cursorValue());
- drumEditor->show();
- if(showDefaultCtrls) // p4.0.12
- drumEditor->addCtrl();
- toplevels.push_back(Toplevel(Toplevel::DRUM, (unsigned long)(drumEditor), drumEditor));
- connect(drumEditor, SIGNAL(deleted(unsigned long)), SLOT(toplevelDeleted(unsigned long)));
- connect(muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), drumEditor, SLOT(configChanged()));
- }
-// startWaveEditor
-void MusE::startWaveEditor()
- {
- PartList* pl = song->getSelectedWaveParts();
- if (pl->empty()) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this, QString("MusE"), tr("Nothing to edit"));
- return;
- }
- startWaveEditor(pl);
- }
-void MusE::startWaveEditor(PartList* pl)
- {
- WaveEdit* waveEditor = new WaveEdit(pl);
- waveEditor->show();
- connect(muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), waveEditor, SLOT(configChanged()));
- toplevels.push_back(Toplevel(Toplevel::WAVE, (unsigned long)(waveEditor), waveEditor));
- connect(waveEditor, SIGNAL(deleted(unsigned long)), SLOT(toplevelDeleted(unsigned long)));
- }
-// startSongInfo
-void MusE::startSongInfo(bool editable)
- {
- printf("startSongInfo!!!!\n");
- SongInfoWidget info;
- info.songInfoText->setPlainText(song->getSongInfo());
- info.songInfoText->setReadOnly(!editable);
- if( info.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
- if (editable)
- song->setSongInfo(info.songInfoText->toPlainText());
- }
- }
-// showDidYouKnowDialog
-void MusE::showDidYouKnowDialog()
- {
- if ((bool)config.showDidYouKnow == true) {
- printf("show did you know dialog!!!!\n");
- DidYouKnowWidget dyk;
- dyk.tipText->setText("To get started with MusE why don't you try some demo songs available at");
- if( dyk.exec()) {
- if (dyk.dontShowCheckBox->isChecked()) {
- printf("disables dialog!\n");
- config.showDidYouKnow=false;
- muse->changeConfig(true); // save settings
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// startDefineController
-// startClipList
-void MusE::startClipList(bool checked)
- {
- if (clipListEdit == 0) {
- //clipListEdit = new ClipListEdit();
- clipListEdit = new ClipListEdit(this);
- toplevels.push_back(Toplevel(Toplevel::CLIPLIST, (unsigned long)(clipListEdit), clipListEdit));
- connect(clipListEdit, SIGNAL(deleted(unsigned long)), SLOT(toplevelDeleted(unsigned long)));
- }
- clipListEdit->show();
- viewCliplistAction->setChecked(checked);
- }
-// fileMenu
-void MusE::openRecentMenu()
- {
- openRecent->clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_LIST_LEN; ++i) {
- if (projectList[i] == 0)
- break;
- QByteArray ba = projectList[i]->toLatin1();
- const char* path = ba.constData();
- const char* p = strrchr(path, '/');
- if (p == 0)
- p = path;
- else
- ++p;
- QAction *act = openRecent->addAction(QString(p));
- act->setData(i);
- }
- }
-// selectProject
-void MusE::selectProject(QAction* act)
- {
- if (!act)
- return;
- int id = act->data().toInt();
- assert(id < PROJECT_LIST_LEN);
- QString* name = projectList[id];
- if (name == 0)
- return;
- loadProjectFile(*name, false, true);
- }
-// toplevelDeleted
-void MusE::toplevelDeleted(unsigned long tl)
- {
- for (iToplevel i = toplevels.begin(); i != toplevels.end(); ++i) {
- if (i->object() == tl) {
- switch(i->type()) {
- case Toplevel::MARKER:
- break;
- case Toplevel::CLIPLIST:
- // ORCAN: This needs to be verified. aid2 used to correspond to Cliplist:
- //menu_audio->setItemChecked(aid2, false);
- viewCliplistAction->setChecked(false);
- return;
- //break;
- // the followin editors can exist in more than
- // one instantiation:
- case Toplevel::PIANO_ROLL:
- case Toplevel::LISTE:
- case Toplevel::DRUM:
- case Toplevel::MASTER:
- case Toplevel::WAVE:
- case Toplevel::LMASTER:
- break;
- }
- toplevels.erase(i);
- return;
- }
- }
- printf("topLevelDeleted: top level %lx not found\n", tl);
- //assert(false);
- }
-// ctrlChanged
-// midi ctrl value changed
-#if 0
-void MusE::ctrlChanged()
- {
- arranger->updateInspector();
- }
-// keyPressEvent
-void MusE::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
- {
- // Pass it on to arranger part canvas.
- arranger->getCanvas()->redirKeypress(event);
- }
-// kbAccel
-void MusE::kbAccel(int key)
- {
- if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOGGLE_METRO].key) {
- song->setClick(!song->click());
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_PLAY_TOGGLE].key) {
- if (audio->isPlaying())
- //song->setStopPlay(false);
- song->setStop(true);
- else if (!config.useOldStyleStopShortCut)
- song->setPlay(true);
- else if (song->cpos() != song->lpos())
- song->setPos(0, song->lPos());
- else {
- Pos p(0, true);
- song->setPos(0, p);
- }
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_STOP].key) {
- //song->setPlay(false);
- song->setStop(true);
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_GOTO_START].key) {
- Pos p(0, true);
- song->setPos(0, p);
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_PLAY_SONG].key ) {
- song->setPlay(true);
- }
- // p4.0.10 Tim. Normally each editor window handles these, to inc by the editor's raster snap value.
- // But users were asking for a global version - "they don't work when I'm in mixer or transport".
- // Since no editor claimed the key event, we don't know a specific editor's snap setting,
- // so adopt a policy where the arranger is the 'main' raster reference, I guess...
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_POS_DEC].key) {
- int spos = song->cpos();
- if(spos > 0)
- {
- spos -= 1; // Nudge by -1, then snap down with raster1.
- spos = AL::sigmap.raster1(spos, song->arrangerRaster());
- }
- if(spos < 0)
- spos = 0;
- Pos p(spos,true);
- song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true);
- return;
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_POS_INC].key) {
- int spos = AL::sigmap.raster2(song->cpos() + 1, song->arrangerRaster()); // Nudge by +1, then snap up with raster2.
- Pos p(spos,true);
- song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true); //CDW
- return;
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_POS_DEC_NOSNAP].key) {
- int spos = song->cpos() - AL::sigmap.rasterStep(song->cpos(), song->arrangerRaster());
- if(spos < 0)
- spos = 0;
- Pos p(spos,true);
- song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true);
- return;
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_POS_INC_NOSNAP].key) {
- Pos p(song->cpos() + AL::sigmap.rasterStep(song->cpos(), song->arrangerRaster()), true);
- song->setPos(0, p, true, true, true);
- return;
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_GOTO_LEFT].key) {
- if (!song->record())
- song->setPos(0, song->lPos());
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_GOTO_RIGHT].key) {
- if (!song->record())
- song->setPos(0, song->rPos());
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_TOGGLE_LOOP].key) {
- song->setLoop(!song->loop());
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_START_REC].key) {
- if (!audio->isPlaying()) {
- song->setRecord(!song->record());
- }
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_REC_CLEAR].key) {
- if (!audio->isPlaying()) {
- song->clearTrackRec();
- }
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_TRANSPORT].key) {
- toggleTransport(!viewTransportAction->isChecked());
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_BIGTIME].key) {
- toggleBigTime(!viewBigtimeAction->isChecked());
- }
- //else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_MIXER].key) {
- // toggleMixer();
- // }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_MIXER].key) {
- toggleMixer1(!viewMixerAAction->isChecked());
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_MIXER2].key) {
- toggleMixer2(!viewMixerBAction->isChecked());
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_NEXT_MARKER].key) {
- if (markerView)
- markerView->nextMarker();
- }
- else if (key == shortcuts[SHRT_PREV_MARKER].key) {
- if (markerView)
- markerView->prevMarker();
- }
- else {
- if (debugMsg)
- printf("unknown kbAccel 0x%x\n", key);
- }
- }
-// catchSignal
-// only for debugging
-#if 0
-static void catchSignal(int sig)
- {
- if (debugMsg)
- fprintf(stderr, "MusE: signal %d catched\n", sig);
- if (sig == SIGSEGV) {
- fprintf(stderr, "MusE: segmentation fault\n");
- abort();
- }
- if (sig == SIGCHLD) {
- M_DEBUG("caught SIGCHLD - child died\n");
- int status;
- int n = waitpid (-1, &status, WNOHANG);
- if (n > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "SIGCHLD for unknown process %d received\n", n);
- }
- }
- }
-#if 0
-// configPart
-void MusE::configPart(int id)
- {
- if (id < 3) {
- partConfig->setItemChecked(0, id == 0);
- partConfig->setItemChecked(1, id == 1);
- partConfig->setItemChecked(2, id == 2);
- arranger->setShowPartType(id);
- for (int i = 3; i < 10; ++i) {
- partConfig->setItemEnabled(i, id == 2);
- }
- }
- else {
- bool flag = !partConfig->isItemChecked(id);
- partConfig->setItemChecked(id, flag);
- int val = arranger->showPartEvent();
- if (flag) {
- val |= 1 << (id-3);
- }
- else {
- val &= ~(1 << (id-3));
- }
- arranger->setShowPartEvent(val);
- }
- }
-// cmd
-// some cmd's from pulldown menu
-void MusE::cmd(int cmd)
- {
- TrackList* tracks = song->tracks();
- int l = song->lpos();
- int r = song->rpos();
- switch(cmd) {
- case CMD_CUT:
- arranger->cmd(Arranger::CMD_CUT_PART);
- break;
- case CMD_COPY:
- arranger->cmd(Arranger::CMD_COPY_PART);
- break;
- case CMD_PASTE:
- arranger->cmd(Arranger::CMD_PASTE_PART);
- break;
- arranger->cmd(Arranger::CMD_PASTE_CLONE_PART);
- break;
- arranger->cmd(Arranger::CMD_PASTE_PART_TO_TRACK);
- break;
- arranger->cmd(Arranger::CMD_PASTE_CLONE_PART_TO_TRACK);
- break;
- case CMD_INSERT:
- arranger->cmd(Arranger::CMD_INSERT_PART);
- break;
- arranger->cmd(Arranger::CMD_INSERT_EMPTYMEAS);
- break;
- case CMD_DELETE:
- song->startUndo();
- if (song->msgRemoveParts()) {
- song->endUndo(SC_PART_REMOVED);
- break;
- }
- else
- audio->msgRemoveTracks();
- song->endUndo(SC_TRACK_REMOVED);
- break;
- song->startUndo();
- audio->msgRemoveTracks();
- song->endUndo(SC_TRACK_REMOVED);
- audio->msgUpdateSoloStates();
- break;
- for (iTrack i = tracks->begin(); i != tracks->end(); ++i) {
- PartList* parts = (*i)->parts();
- for (iPart p = parts->begin(); p != parts->end(); ++p) {
- bool f = false;
- int t1 = p->second->tick();
- int t2 = t1 + p->second->lenTick();
- bool inside =
- ((t1 >= l) && (t1 < r))
- || ((t2 > l) && (t2 < r))
- || ((t1 <= l) && (t2 > r));
- switch(cmd) {
- f = !p->second->selected();
- break;
- f = false;
- break;
- f = true;
- break;
- f = inside;
- break;
- f = !inside;
- break;
- }
- p->second->setSelected(f);
- }
- }
- song->update();
- break;
- for (iTrack i = tracks->begin(); i != tracks->end(); ++i) {
- if (!(*i)->selected())
- continue;
- PartList* parts = (*i)->parts();
- for (iPart p = parts->begin(); p != parts->end(); ++p)
- p->second->setSelected(true);
- }
- song->update();
- break;
- song->setFollow(Song::NO);
- setFollow();
- break;
- song->setFollow(Song::JUMP);
- setFollow();
- break;
- song->setFollow(Song::CONTINUOUS);
- setFollow();
- break;
- }
- }
-// clipboardChanged
-void MusE::clipboardChanged()
- {
- //Q3CString subtype("partlist");
- //QString subtype("partlist");
- QMimeSource* ms = QApplication::clipboard()->data(QClipboard::Clipboard);
- if (ms == 0)
- return;
- bool flag = false;
- for (int i = 0; ms->format(i); ++i) {
-// printf("Format <%s\n", ms->format(i));
- if ((strncmp(ms->format(i), "text/midipartlist", 17) == 0)
- || (strncmp(ms->format(i), "text/wavepartlist", 17) == 0)
- // Added by T356. Support mixed .mpt files.
- || (strncmp(ms->format(i), "text/mixedpartlist", 18) == 0)) {
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- bool flag = false;
- if(QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->hasFormat(QString("text/x-muse-midipartlist")) ||
- QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->hasFormat(QString("text/x-muse-wavepartlist")) ||
- QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->hasFormat(QString("text/x-muse-mixedpartlist")))
- flag = true;
- //bool flag = false;
- //if(!QApplication::clipboard()->text(QString("x-muse-midipartlist"), QClipboard::Clipboard).isEmpty() ||
- // !QApplication::clipboard()->text(QString("x-muse-wavepartlist"), QClipboard::Clipboard).isEmpty() ||
- // !QApplication::clipboard()->text(QString("x-muse-mixedpartlist"), QClipboard::Clipboard).isEmpty())
- // flag = true;
- editPasteAction->setEnabled(flag);
- editInsertAction->setEnabled(flag);
- editPasteCloneAction->setEnabled(flag);
- editPaste2TrackAction->setEnabled(flag);
- editPasteC2TAction->setEnabled(flag);
- }
-// selectionChanged
-void MusE::selectionChanged()
- {
- //bool flag = arranger->isSingleSelection(); // -- Hmm, why only single?
- bool flag = arranger->selectionSize() > 0; // -- Test OK cut and copy. For muse2. Tim.
- editCutAction->setEnabled(flag);
- editCopyAction->setEnabled(flag);
- }
-// transpose
-void MusE::transpose()
- {
- Transpose *w = new Transpose();
- w->show();
- }
-// modifyGateTime
-void MusE::modifyGateTime()
- {
- GateTime* w = new GateTime(this);
- w->show();
- }
-// modifyVelocity
-void MusE::modifyVelocity()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// crescendo
-void MusE::crescendo()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// thinOut
-void MusE::thinOut()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// eraseEvent
-void MusE::eraseEvent()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// noteShift
-void MusE::noteShift()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// moveClock
-void MusE::moveClock()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// copyMeasure
-void MusE::copyMeasure()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// eraseMeasure
-void MusE::eraseMeasure()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// deleteMeasure
-void MusE::deleteMeasure()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// createMeasure
-void MusE::createMeasure()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// mixTrack
-void MusE::mixTrack()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// configAppearance
-void MusE::configAppearance()
- {
- if (!appearance)
- appearance = new Appearance(arranger);
- appearance->resetValues();
- if(appearance->isVisible()) {
- appearance->raise();
- appearance->activateWindow();
- }
- else
- appearance->show();
- }
-// loadTheme
-void MusE::loadTheme(const QString& s)
- {
- if (style()->objectName() != s)
- QApplication::setStyle(s);
- }
-// loadStyleSheetFile
-void MusE::loadStyleSheetFile(const QString& s)
- if(s.isEmpty())
- {
- qApp->setStyleSheet(s);
- return;
- }
- QFile cf(s);
- if ( {
- QByteArray ss = cf.readAll();
- QString sheet(QString::fromUtf8(;
- qApp->setStyleSheet(sheet);
- cf.close();
- }
- else
- printf("loading style sheet <%s> failed\n", qPrintable(s));
-// configChanged
-// - called whenever configuration has changed
-// - when configuration has changed by user, call with
-// writeFlag=true to save configuration in ~/.MusE
-void MusE::changeConfig(bool writeFlag)
- {
- if (writeFlag)
- writeGlobalConfiguration();
- //loadStyleSheetFile(config.styleSheetFile);
- loadTheme(;
- QApplication::setFont(config.fonts[0]);
- loadStyleSheetFile(config.styleSheetFile);
- emit configChanged();
- updateConfiguration();
- }
-// configMetronome
-void MusE::configMetronome()
- {
- if (!metronomeConfig)
- metronomeConfig = new MetronomeConfig;
- if(metronomeConfig->isVisible()) {
- metronomeConfig->raise();
- metronomeConfig->activateWindow();
- }
- else
- metronomeConfig->show();
- }
-// configShortCuts
-void MusE::configShortCuts()
- {
- if (!shortcutConfig)
- shortcutConfig = new ShortcutConfig(this);
- shortcutConfig->_config_changed = false;
- if (shortcutConfig->exec())
- changeConfig(true);
- }
-// globalCut
-// - remove area between left and right locator
-// - do not touch muted track
-// - cut master track
-void MusE::globalCut()
- {
- int lpos = song->lpos();
- int rpos = song->rpos();
- if ((lpos - rpos) >= 0)
- return;
- song->startUndo();
- TrackList* tracks = song->tracks();
- for (iTrack it = tracks->begin(); it != tracks->end(); ++it) {
- MidiTrack* track = dynamic_cast<MidiTrack*>(*it);
- if (track == 0 || track->mute())
- continue;
- PartList* pl = track->parts();
- for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) {
- Part* part = p->second;
- int t = part->tick();
- int l = part->lenTick();
- if (t + l <= lpos)
- continue;
- if ((t >= lpos) && ((t+l) <= rpos)) {
- audio->msgRemovePart(part, false);
- }
- else if ((t < lpos) && ((t+l) > lpos) && ((t+l) <= rpos)) {
- // remove part tail
- int len = lpos - t;
- MidiPart* nPart = new MidiPart(*(MidiPart*)part);
- nPart->setLenTick(len);
- //
- // cut Events in nPart
- EventList* el = nPart->events();
- iEvent ie = el->lower_bound(t + len);
- for (; ie != el->end();) {
- iEvent i = ie;
- ++ie;
- // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts.
- //audio->msgDeleteEvent(i->second, nPart, false);
- audio->msgDeleteEvent(i->second, nPart, false, false, false);
- }
- // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts.
- //audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false);
- audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false, true, true);
- }
- else if ((t < lpos) && ((t+l) > lpos) && ((t+l) > rpos)) {
- //----------------------
- // remove part middle
- //----------------------
- MidiPart* nPart = new MidiPart(*(MidiPart*)part);
- EventList* el = nPart->events();
- iEvent is = el->lower_bound(lpos);
- iEvent ie = el->upper_bound(rpos);
- for (iEvent i = is; i != ie;) {
- iEvent ii = i;
- ++i;
- // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts.
- //audio->msgDeleteEvent(ii->second, nPart, false);
- audio->msgDeleteEvent(ii->second, nPart, false, false, false);
- }
- ie = el->lower_bound(rpos);
- for (; ie != el->end();) {
- iEvent i = ie;
- ++ie;
- Event event = i->second;
- Event nEvent = event.clone();
- nEvent.setTick(nEvent.tick() - (rpos-lpos));
- // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts.
- //audio->msgChangeEvent(event, nEvent, nPart, false);
- audio->msgChangeEvent(event, nEvent, nPart, false, false, false);
- }
- nPart->setLenTick(l - (rpos-lpos));
- // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts.
- //audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false);
- audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false, true, true);
- }
- else if ((t >= lpos) && (t < rpos) && (t+l) > rpos) {
- // TODO: remove part head
- }
- else if (t >= rpos) {
- MidiPart* nPart = new MidiPart(*(MidiPart*)part);
- int nt = part->tick();
- nPart->setTick(nt - (rpos -lpos));
- // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts.
- //audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false);
- audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false, true, false);
- }
- }
- }
- // TODO: cut tempo track
- // TODO: process marker
- }
-// globalInsert
-// - insert empty space at left locator position upto
-// right locator
-// - do not touch muted track
-// - insert in master track
-void MusE::globalInsert()
- {
- unsigned lpos = song->lpos();
- unsigned rpos = song->rpos();
- if (lpos >= rpos)
- return;
- song->startUndo();
- TrackList* tracks = song->tracks();
- for (iTrack it = tracks->begin(); it != tracks->end(); ++it) {
- MidiTrack* track = dynamic_cast<MidiTrack*>(*it);
- //
- // process only non muted midi tracks
- //
- if (track == 0 || track->mute())
- continue;
- PartList* pl = track->parts();
- for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) {
- Part* part = p->second;
- unsigned t = part->tick();
- int l = part->lenTick();
- if (t + l <= lpos)
- continue;
- if (lpos >= t && lpos < (t+l)) {
- MidiPart* nPart = new MidiPart(*(MidiPart*)part);
- nPart->setLenTick(l + (rpos-lpos));
- EventList* el = nPart->events();
- iEvent i = el->end();
- while (i != el->begin()) {
- --i;
- if (i->first < lpos)
- break;
- Event event = i->second;
- Event nEvent = i->second.clone();
- nEvent.setTick(nEvent.tick() + (rpos-lpos));
- // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts.
- //audio->msgChangeEvent(event, nEvent, nPart, false);
- audio->msgChangeEvent(event, nEvent, nPart, false, false, false);
- }
- // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values and clone parts.
- //audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false);
- audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false, true, true);
- }
- else if (t > lpos) {
- MidiPart* nPart = new MidiPart(*(MidiPart*)part);
- nPart->setTick(t + (rpos -lpos));
- // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts.
- //audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false);
- audio->msgChangePart(part, nPart, false, true, false);
- }
- }
- }
- // TODO: process tempo track
- // TODO: process marker
- }
-// globalSplit
-// - split all parts at the song position pointer
-// - do not touch muted track
-void MusE::globalSplit()
- {
- int pos = song->cpos();
- song->startUndo();
- TrackList* tracks = song->tracks();
- for (iTrack it = tracks->begin(); it != tracks->end(); ++it) {
- Track* track = *it;
- PartList* pl = track->parts();
- for (iPart p = pl->begin(); p != pl->end(); ++p) {
- Part* part = p->second;
- int p1 = part->tick();
- int l0 = part->lenTick();
- if (pos > p1 && pos < (p1+l0)) {
- Part* p1;
- Part* p2;
- track->splitPart(part, pos, p1, p2);
- // Indicate no undo, and do port controller values but not clone parts.
- //audio->msgChangePart(part, p1, false);
- audio->msgChangePart(part, p1, false, true, false);
- audio->msgAddPart(p2, false);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// copyRange
-// - copy space between left and right locator position
-// to song position pointer
-// - dont process muted tracks
-// - create a new part for every track containing the
-// copied events
-void MusE::copyRange()
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Copy Range"),
- tr("not implemented")
- );
- }
-// cutEvents
-// - make sure that all events in a part end where the
-// part ends
-// - process only marked parts
-void MusE::cutEvents()
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Cut Events"),
- tr("not implemented")
- );
- }
-// checkRegionNotNull
-// return true if (rPos - lPos) <= 0
-bool MusE::checkRegionNotNull()
- {
- int start = song->lPos().frame();
- int end = song->rPos().frame();
- if (end - start <= 0) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Bounce"),
- tr("set left/right marker for bounce range")
- );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
-#if 0
-// openAudioFileManagement
-void MusE::openAudioFileManagement()
- {
- if (!audioFileManager) {
- audioFileManager = new AudioFileManager(this, "audiofilemanager", false);
- audioFileManager->show();
- }
- audioFileManager->setVisible(true);
- }
-// bounceToTrack
-void MusE::bounceToTrack()
- {
- if(audio->bounce())
- return;
- song->bounceOutput = 0;
- if(song->waves()->empty())
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Bounce to Track"),
- tr("No wave tracks found")
- );
- return;
- }
- OutputList* ol = song->outputs();
- if(ol->empty())
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Bounce to Track"),
- tr("No audio output tracks found")
- );
- return;
- }
- if(checkRegionNotNull())
- return;
- AudioOutput* out = 0;
- // If only one output, pick it, else pick the first selected.
- if(ol->size() == 1)
- out = ol->front();
- else
- {
- for(iAudioOutput iao = ol->begin(); iao != ol->end(); ++iao)
- {
- AudioOutput* o = *iao;
- if(o->selected())
- {
- if(out)
- {
- out = 0;
- break;
- }
- out = o;
- }
- }
- if(!out)
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Bounce to Track"),
- tr("Select one audio output track,\nand one target wave track")
- );
- return;
- }
- }
- // search target track
- TrackList* tl = song->tracks();
- WaveTrack* track = 0;
- for (iTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it) {
- Track* t = *it;
- if (t->selected()) {
- if(t->type() != Track::WAVE && t->type() != Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) {
- track = 0;
- break;
- }
- if(t->type() == Track::WAVE)
- {
- if(track)
- {
- track = 0;
- break;
- }
- track = (WaveTrack*)t;
- }
- }
- }
- if (track == 0) {
- if(ol->size() == 1) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Bounce to Track"),
- tr("Select one target wave track")
- );
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Bounce to Track"),
- tr("Select one target wave track,\nand one audio output track")
- );
- return;
- }
- }
- song->bounceOutput = out;
- song->bounceTrack = track;
- song->setRecord(true);
- song->setRecordFlag(track, true);
- audio->msgBounce();
- }
-// bounceToFile
-void MusE::bounceToFile(AudioOutput* ao)
- {
- if(audio->bounce())
- return;
- song->bounceOutput = 0;
- if(!ao)
- {
- OutputList* ol = song->outputs();
- if(ol->empty())
- {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Bounce to Track"),
- tr("No audio output tracks found")
- );
- return;
- }
- // If only one output, pick it, else pick the first selected.
- if(ol->size() == 1)
- ao = ol->front();
- else
- {
- for(iAudioOutput iao = ol->begin(); iao != ol->end(); ++iao)
- {
- AudioOutput* o = *iao;
- if(o->selected())
- {
- if(ao)
- {
- ao = 0;
- break;
- }
- ao = o;
- }
- }
- if (ao == 0) {
- QMessageBox::critical(this,
- tr("MusE: Bounce to File"),
- tr("Select one audio output track")
- );
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (checkRegionNotNull())
- return;
- SndFile* sf = getSndFile(0, this);
- if (sf == 0)
- return;
- song->bounceOutput = ao;
- ao->setRecFile(sf);
- song->setRecord(true, false);
- song->setRecordFlag(ao, true);
- audio->msgBounce();
- }
-#ifdef HAVE_LASH
-// lash_idle_cb
-#include <iostream>
-MusE::lash_idle_cb ()
- lash_event_t * event;
- if (!lash_client)
- return;
- while ( (event = lash_get_event (lash_client)) )
- {
- switch (lash_event_get_type (event))
- {
- case LASH_Save_File:
- {
- /* save file */
- QString ss = QString(lash_event_get_string(event)) + QString("/");
- int ok = save (ss.toAscii(), false);
- if (ok) {
- project.setFile(ss.toAscii());
- setWindowTitle(tr("MusE: Song: ") + project.completeBaseName());
- addProject(ss.toAscii());
- museProject = QFileInfo(ss.toAscii()).absolutePath();
- }
- lash_send_event (lash_client, event);
- }
- break;
- case LASH_Restore_File:
- {
- /* load file */
- QString sr = QString(lash_event_get_string(event)) + QString("/");
- loadProjectFile(sr.toAscii(), false, true);
- lash_send_event (lash_client, event);
- }
- break;
- case LASH_Quit:
- {
- /* quit muse */
- std::cout << "MusE::lash_idle_cb Received LASH_Quit"
- << std::endl;
- lash_event_destroy (event);
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- std::cout << "MusE::lash_idle_cb Received unknown LASH event of type "
- << lash_event_get_type (event)
- << std::endl;
- lash_event_destroy (event);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-#endif /* HAVE_LASH */
-// clearSong
-// return true if operation aborted
-// called with sequencer stopped
-bool MusE::clearSong()
- {
- if (song->dirty) {
- int n = 0;
- n = QMessageBox::warning(this, appName,
- tr("The current Project contains unsaved data\n"
- "Load overwrites current Project:\n"
- "Save Current Project?"),
- tr("&Save"), tr("&Skip"), tr("&Abort"), 0, 2);
- switch (n) {
- case 0:
- if (!save()) // abort if save failed
- return true;
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- return true;
- default:
- printf("InternalError: gibt %d\n", n);
- }
- }
- if (audio->isPlaying()) {
- audio->msgPlay(false);
- while (audio->isPlaying())
- qApp->processEvents();
- }
- microSleep(100000);
- for (iToplevel i = toplevels.begin(); i != toplevels.end(); ++i) {
- Toplevel tl = *i;
- unsigned long obj = tl.object();
- switch (tl.type()) {
- case Toplevel::CLIPLIST:
- case Toplevel::MARKER:
- break;
- case Toplevel::PIANO_ROLL:
- case Toplevel::LISTE:
- case Toplevel::DRUM:
- case Toplevel::MASTER:
- case Toplevel::WAVE:
- case Toplevel::LMASTER:
- ((QWidget*)(obj))->close();
- goto again;
- }
- }
- microSleep(100000);
- song->clear(false);
- microSleep(100000);
- return false;
- }
-// startEditInstrument
-void MusE::startEditInstrument()
- {
- if(editInstrument == 0)
- {
- editInstrument = new EditInstrument(this);
- editInstrument->show();
- }
- else
- {
- if(! editInstrument->isHidden())
- editInstrument->hide();
- else
- editInstrument->show();
- }
- }
-// switchMixerAutomation
-void MusE::switchMixerAutomation()
- {
- automation = !automation;
- // Clear all pressed and touched and rec event lists.
- song->clearRecAutomation(true);
-// printf("automation = %d\n", automation);
- autoMixerAction->setChecked(automation);
- }
-// clearAutomation
-void MusE::clearAutomation()
- {
- printf("not implemented\n");
- }
-// takeAutomationSnapshot
-void MusE::takeAutomationSnapshot()
- {
- int frame = song->cPos().frame();
- TrackList* tracks = song->tracks();
- for (iTrack i = tracks->begin(); i != tracks->end(); ++i) {
- if ((*i)->isMidiTrack())
- continue;
- AudioTrack* track = (AudioTrack*)*i;
- CtrlListList* cll = track->controller();
- for (iCtrlList icl = cll->begin(); icl != cll->end(); ++icl) {
- double val = icl->second->curVal();
- icl->second->add(frame, val);
- }
- }
- }
-// updateConfiguration
-// called whenever the configuration has changed
-void MusE::updateConfiguration()
- {
- fileOpenAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN].key);
- fileNewAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_NEW].key);
- fileSaveAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SAVE].key);
- fileSaveAsAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SAVE_AS].key);
- //menu_file->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_RECENT].key, menu_ids[CMD_OPEN_RECENT]); // Not used.
- fileImportMidiAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_IMPORT_MIDI].key);
- fileExportMidiAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_EXPORT_MIDI].key);
- fileImportPartAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_IMPORT_PART].key);
- fileImportWaveAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_IMPORT_AUDIO].key);
- quitAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_QUIT].key);
- //menu_file->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_LOAD_TEMPLATE].key, menu_ids[CMD_LOAD_TEMPLATE]); // Not used.
- undoAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_UNDO].key);
- redoAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_REDO].key);
- editCutAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_CUT].key);
- editCopyAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_COPY].key);
- editPasteAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_PASTE].key);
- editInsertAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_INSERT].key);
- editPasteCloneAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_PASTE_CLONE].key);
- editPaste2TrackAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_PASTE_TO_TRACK].key);
- editPasteC2TAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_PASTE_CLONE_TO_TRACK].key);
- editInsertEMAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_INSERTMEAS].key);
- //editDeleteSelectedAction has no acceleration
- trackMidiAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_ADD_MIDI_TRACK].key);
- trackDrumAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_ADD_DRUM_TRACK].key);
- trackWaveAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_ADD_WAVE_TRACK].key);
- trackAOutputAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_ADD_AUDIO_OUTPUT].key);
- trackAGroupAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_ADD_AUDIO_GROUP].key);
- trackAInputAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_ADD_AUDIO_INPUT].key);
- trackAAuxAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_ADD_AUDIO_AUX].key);
- editSelectAllAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_NONE].key);
- editDeselectAllAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_NONE].key);
- editInvertSelectionAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_INVERT].key);
- editInsideLoopAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_OLOOP].key);
- editOutsideLoopAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_OLOOP].key);
- editAllPartsAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_SELECT_PRTSTRACK].key);
- startPianoEditAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_PIANO].key);
- startDrumEditAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_DRUMS].key);
- startListEditAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_LIST].key);
- startWaveEditAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_WAVE].key);
- masterGraphicAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_GRAPHIC_MASTER].key);
- masterListAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_LIST_MASTER].key);
- midiTransposeAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_TRANSPOSE].key);
- midiTransformerAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_MIDI_TRANSFORM].key);
- //editSongInfoAction has no acceleration
- viewTransportAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_TRANSPORT].key);
- viewBigtimeAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_BIGTIME].key);
- viewMixerAAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_MIXER].key);
- viewMixerBAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_MIXER2].key);
- //viewCliplistAction has no acceleration
- viewMarkerAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_MARKER].key);
- strGlobalCutAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_GLOBAL_CUT].key);
- strGlobalInsertAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_GLOBAL_INSERT].key);
- strGlobalSplitAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_GLOBAL_SPLIT].key);
- strCopyRangeAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_COPY_RANGE].key);
- strCutEventsAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_CUT_EVENTS].key);
- // midiEditInstAction does not have acceleration
- midiResetInstAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIDI_RESET].key);
- midiInitInstActions->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIDI_INIT].key);
- midiLocalOffAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIDI_LOCAL_OFF].key);
- midiTrpAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIDI_INPUT_TRANSPOSE].key);
- midiInputTrfAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIDI_INPUT_TRANSFORM].key);
- midiInputFilterAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIDI_INPUT_FILTER].key);
- midiRemoteAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIDI_REMOTE_CONTROL].key);
- midiRhythmAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_RANDOM_RHYTHM_GENERATOR].key);
- audioBounce2TrackAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_AUDIO_BOUNCE_TO_TRACK].key);
- audioBounce2FileAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_AUDIO_BOUNCE_TO_FILE].key);
- audioRestartAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_AUDIO_RESTART].key);
- autoMixerAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIXER_AUTOMATION].key);
- autoSnapshotAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIXER_SNAPSHOT].key);
- autoClearAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_MIXER_AUTOMATION_CLEAR].key);
- settingsGlobalAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_GLOBAL_CONFIG].key);
- settingsShortcutsAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_CONFIG_SHORTCUTS].key);
- settingsMetronomeAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_CONFIG_METRONOME].key);
- settingsMidiSyncAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_CONFIG_MIDISYNC].key);
- // settingsMidiIOAction does not have acceleration
- settingsAppearanceAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_APPEARANCE_SETTINGS].key);
- settingsMidiPortAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_CONFIG_MIDI_PORTS].key);
- dontFollowAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_FOLLOW_NO].key);
- followPageAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_FOLLOW_JUMP].key);
- followCtsAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_FOLLOW_CONTINUOUS].key);
- helpManualAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[SHRT_OPEN_HELP].key);
- // Orcan: Old stuff, needs to be converted. These aren't used anywhere so I commented them out
- //menuSettings->setAccel(shortcuts[SHRT_CONFIG_AUDIO_PORTS].key, menu_ids[CMD_CONFIG_AUDIO_PORTS]);
- //menu_help->setAccel(menu_ids[CMD_START_WHATSTHIS], shortcuts[SHRT_START_WHATSTHIS].key);
- // Just in case, but no, app kb handler takes care of these.
- /*
- loopAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- punchinAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- punchoutAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- startAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- rewindAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- forwardAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- stopAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- playAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- recordAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- panicAction->setShortcut(shortcuts[].key);
- */
- }
-// showBigtime
-void MusE::showBigtime(bool on)
- {
- if (on && bigtime == 0) {
- bigtime = new BigTime(0);
- bigtime->setPos(0, song->cpos(), false);
- connect(song, SIGNAL(posChanged(int, unsigned, bool)), bigtime, SLOT(setPos(int, unsigned, bool)));
- connect(muse, SIGNAL(configChanged()), bigtime, SLOT(configChanged()));
- connect(bigtime, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(bigtimeClosed()));
- bigtime->resize(config.geometryBigTime.size());
- bigtime->move(config.geometryBigTime.topLeft());
- }
- if (bigtime)
- bigtime->setVisible(on);
- viewBigtimeAction->setChecked(on);
- }
-// toggleBigTime
-void MusE::toggleBigTime(bool checked)
- {
- showBigtime(checked);
- }
-// bigtimeClosed
-void MusE::bigtimeClosed()
- {
- viewBigtimeAction->setChecked(false);
- }
-// showMixer
-void MusE::showMixer(bool on)
- {
- if (on && audioMixer == 0) {
- audioMixer = new AudioMixerApp(this);
- connect(audioMixer, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(mixerClosed()));
- audioMixer->resize(config.geometryMixer.size());
- audioMixer->move(config.geometryMixer.topLeft());
- }
- if (audioMixer)
- audioMixer->setVisible(on);
- menuView->setItemChecked(aid1, on);
- }
-// showMixer1
-void MusE::showMixer1(bool on)
- {
- if (on && mixer1 == 0) {
- mixer1 = new AudioMixerApp(this, &(config.mixer1));
- connect(mixer1, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(mixer1Closed()));
- mixer1->resize(config.mixer1.geometry.size());
- mixer1->move(config.mixer1.geometry.topLeft());
- }
- if (mixer1)
- mixer1->setVisible(on);
- viewMixerAAction->setChecked(on);
- }
-// showMixer2
-void MusE::showMixer2(bool on)
- {
- if (on && mixer2 == 0) {
- mixer2 = new AudioMixerApp(this, &(config.mixer2));
- connect(mixer2, SIGNAL(closed()), SLOT(mixer2Closed()));
- mixer2->resize(config.mixer2.geometry.size());
- mixer2->move(config.mixer2.geometry.topLeft());
- }
- if (mixer2)
- mixer2->setVisible(on);
- viewMixerBAction->setChecked(on);
- }
-// toggleMixer
-void MusE::toggleMixer()
- {
- showMixer(!menuView->isItemChecked(aid1));
- }
-// toggleMixer1
-void MusE::toggleMixer1(bool checked)
- {
- showMixer1(checked);
- }
-// toggleMixer2
-void MusE::toggleMixer2(bool checked)
- {
- showMixer2(checked);
- }
-// mixerClosed
-void MusE::mixerClosed()
- {
- menuView->setItemChecked(aid1, false);
- }
-// mixer1Closed
-void MusE::mixer1Closed()
- {
- viewMixerAAction->setChecked(false);
- }
-// mixer2Closed
-void MusE::mixer2Closed()
- {
- viewMixerBAction->setChecked(false);
- }
-//QWidget* MusE::mixerWindow() { return audioMixer; }
-QWidget* MusE::mixer1Window() { return mixer1; }
-QWidget* MusE::mixer2Window() { return mixer2; }
-QWidget* MusE::transportWindow() { return transport; }
-QWidget* MusE::bigtimeWindow() { return bigtime; }
-// focusInEvent
-void MusE::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* ev)
- {
- //if (audioMixer)
- // audioMixer->raise();
- if (mixer1)
- mixer1->raise();
- if (mixer2)
- mixer2->raise();
- raise();
- QMainWindow::focusInEvent(ev);
- }
-// setUsedTool
-void MusE::setUsedTool(int tool)
- {
- tools1->set(tool);
- }
-// execDeliveredScript
-void MusE::execDeliveredScript(int id)
- //QString scriptfile = QString(INSTPREFIX) + SCRIPTSSUFFIX + deliveredScriptNames[id];
- song->executeScript(song->getScriptPath(id, true).toLatin1().constData(), song->getSelectedMidiParts(), 0, false); // TODO: get quant from arranger
-// execUserScript
-void MusE::execUserScript(int id)
- song->executeScript(song->getScriptPath(id, false).toLatin1().constData(), song->getSelectedMidiParts(), 0, false); // TODO: get quant from arranger