path: root/muse2/synti/deicsonze-OLD/deicsonze.h
diff options
authorTim E. Real <>2010-11-28 20:47:06 +0000
committerTim E. Real <>2010-11-28 20:47:06 +0000
commitb7f5a7496f8f2537dd4b43eae83e311e6c6d7100 (patch)
tree0c34b54aa8d51d340457edb013ecf12cb0ca58fb /muse2/synti/deicsonze-OLD/deicsonze.h
parentbb4dd6f24e8fe6de5e997497feacb0d6e8e9c465 (diff)
Rename deicsonze
Diffstat (limited to 'muse2/synti/deicsonze-OLD/deicsonze.h')
1 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/muse2/synti/deicsonze-OLD/deicsonze.h b/muse2/synti/deicsonze-OLD/deicsonze.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dd57a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/muse2/synti/deicsonze-OLD/deicsonze.h
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+// DeicsOnze an emulator of the YAMAHA DX11 synthesizer
+// Version 0.2.2
+// Copyright (c) 2004 Nil Geisweiller
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+// 02111-1307, USA or point your web browser to
+#ifndef __DEICSONZE_H
+#define __DEICSONZE_H
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include "deicsonzegui.h"
+#include "libsynti/mess.h"
+// #define PRESETPATH "/home/a-lin/sources/muse-0.7.0/synti/deicsonze/ARCH_ALIN"
+#define RESOLUTION 96000
+#define NBRBANKS 19
+#define NBRPRESETS 128
+#define LOWERNOTEFREQ 8.176
+#define DB0LEVEL 90
+#define MAXFEEDBACK 7
+#define MAXSPEED 99
+#define MAXDELAY 99
+#define MAXPMODDEPTH 99
+#define MAXAMODDEPTH 99
+#define MAXKVS 7
+#define MAXAR 31
+#define MAXD1R 31
+#define MAXD1L 15
+#define MAXD2R 31
+#define MAXOUTLEVEL 99
+#define MAXRR 15
+#define MAXRATE 3
+#define MAXPROTATIME 99
+#define MAXFCVOLUME 99
+#define MAXFCPITCH 99
+#define MAXMWPITCH 99
+#define MAXBCPITCH 99
+#define MAXBCEGBIAS 50
+#define LENGTHNAME 20
+#define MAXVELO 127
+#define MAXVOLUME 100.0
+#define MAXMASTERVOL 255
+//coef determined by ear to sound like the YAMAHA DX11
+#define COEFFEEDBACK 0.3
+#define COEFPLFO(x) (x==0?0.0:(x==1?0.06:(x==2?0.12:(x==3?0.25:(x==4?0.5:(x==5?0.9:(x==6?3.9:7.9))))))) //return pitch amplitude with respect to sensitivity pitch
+#define COEFALFO(x) (x==0?0.0:(x==1?0.4:(x==2?0.9:1.0)))
+#define COEFLEVEL 1.0//19.0
+#define COEFMAXATTACK 7.5
+#define COEFERRDECSUS 0.01 //for the transition between DECAY and SUSTAIN
+#define COEFERRSUSREL 0.001 //from SUSTAIN or RELEASE until no sound
+#define COEFDECAY 1.0
+#define COEFSUSTAIN 0.2
+#define COEFRELEASE 1.0
+#define COEFDETUNE 0.008
+#define COEFLEVELSCALE 0.0005
+#define LEVELSCALENOTE 24.0
+#define NBROP 4 //do not change
+#define NBRWAVES 8 //number wave forms, do not change
+#define NBRVOICES 8
+// Algorithm
+enum Algorithm {
+ FIRST, // Op 0 modulated by Op 1 modulated by Op 2 modulated by Op3
+ SECOND, // Op 0 modulated by Op 1 modulated by both Op 2 and Op 3
+ THIRD, // Op 0 modulated by both Op 3 and Op 1 modulated by Op 2
+ FOURTH, // Op 0 modulated by both Op 1 and Op 2 modulated by Op 3
+ FIFTH, // (Op 0 modulated by Op 1) add to (Op 2 modulated by Op 3)
+ SIXTH, // addition of the three Op 0, 1, 2 all modulated by Op 3
+ SEVENTH, // addition of the three Op 0, 1, 2 with 2 modulated by Op3
+ EIGHTH // addition of the four Op 0, 1, 2, 3
+// Wave of the low frequency modulation
+enum Wave {
+// Lfo, low frequency modulation
+struct Lfo {
+ Wave wave;
+ unsigned char speed; //0 to 99
+ unsigned char delay; //0 to 99
+ unsigned char pModDepth; //0 to 99
+ unsigned char aModDepth; //0 to 99
+ bool sync;
+// Frequency
+struct Frequency {
+ double ratio;
+ bool isFix; //if isFix no ratio but frequency
+ double freq;
+// Sensitivity
+// of the frequency and amplitude of the lfo
+// and the key velocity
+struct Sensitivity {
+ unsigned char pitch; //0 to 7
+ unsigned char amplitude; //0 to 3
+ bool ampOn[NBROP];
+ unsigned char egBias[NBROP]; //O to 7
+ unsigned char keyVelocity[NBROP]; //0 to 7
+// OscWave
+enum OscWave {
+ W1, //sine wave
+ W2, //sine� relative
+ W3, //half sine
+ W4, //half sine� relative
+ W5,
+ W6,
+ W7,
+ W8
+enum egShiftValue {VOF, V48, V24, V12};
+// Eg
+// Envelope
+struct Eg {
+ unsigned char ar; //0 to 31 speed attack
+ unsigned char d1r; //0 to 31 speed decay
+ unsigned char d1l; //0 to 15 level sustain
+ unsigned char d2r; //0 to 31 speed of sustain
+ unsigned char rr; //1 to 15
+ egShiftValue egShift;
+// PitchEg
+struct PitchEg {
+ unsigned char pr1;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char pr2;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char pr3;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char pl1;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char pl2;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char pl3;//0 to 99
+// Scaling
+struct Scaling {
+ unsigned char rate[NBROP];//0 to 3
+ unsigned char level[NBROP];//0 to 99
+// Mode
+enum Mode {
+// Portamento
+enum Portamento {
+// FootSw
+enum FootSw {
+ POR,
+// Function
+struct Function {
+ int transpose;
+ Mode mode;
+ unsigned char pBendRange;//0 to 12
+ Portamento portamento;
+ unsigned char portamentoTime;//0 to 99
+ FootSw footSw;
+ unsigned char fcVolume;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char fcPitch;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char fcAmplitude;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char mwPitch;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char mwAmplitude;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char bcPitch;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char bcAmplitude;//0 to 99
+ signed char bcPitchBias;//-50 to 50
+ unsigned char bcEgBias;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char atPitch;//0 to 99
+ unsigned char atAmplitude;//0 to 99
+ signed char atPitchBias;//-50 to 50
+ unsigned char atEgBias;//0 to 99
+ signed char reverbRate;//O=off, 1 to 7
+// Preset class
+class Preset {
+ public:
+ //Attributes
+ Algorithm algorithm;
+ unsigned char feedback; //0 to 7
+ Lfo lfo;
+ Sensitivity sensitivity;
+ Frequency frequency[NBROP];
+ OscWave oscWave[NBROP];
+ signed char detune[NBROP]; //-3 to 3
+ Eg eg[NBROP];
+ PitchEg pitchEg;
+ unsigned char outLevel[NBROP]; //0 to 99
+ Scaling scaling;
+ Function function;
+ int globalDetune; //-15 to 15
+ std::string name;//char name[LENGTHNAME+1];
+ std::string subcategory;//char subcategory[LENGTHSUBCATEGORY+1];
+ std::string category;//char category[LENGTHCATEGORY+1];
+ int bank; //0 to 127
+ int prog; //0 to 127
+ //Methods
+ void initPreset();
+ //constructor
+ //Preset(Preset* p_preset) {_preset=*p_preset;}
+ //~Preset();
+// EnvState
+enum EnvState{
+// OpVoice
+struct OpVoice {
+ double freq;
+ double index;
+ double inct;
+ double amp; //between 0 and 1
+ EnvState envState;
+ double envIndex;
+ double envInct;
+ double envLevel;
+ double coefVLevel;
+// Voice
+struct Voice {
+ bool isOn;
+ bool isSustained;
+ int pitch;
+ double volume;
+ OpVoice op[NBROP];
+ float sampleFeedback;
+// Global
+struct Global {
+ float amp;
+ float feedbackAmp;
+ float lfoFreq;
+ float lfoPitch;
+ float lfoMaxCoefInct;
+ float lfoCoefInct;
+ float lfoCoefInctInct;
+ unsigned int lfoIndex;
+ unsigned int lfoMaxIndex;
+ float lfoMaxAmp;
+ float lfoMaxDAmp;
+ float lfoAmp;
+ float lfoCoefAmp;
+ double lfoDelayIndex;
+ double lfoDelayInct;
+ double lfoDelayMaxIndex;
+ bool delayPassed;
+ bool sustain;
+ double pitchBendCoef;//speed coef to read the sample
+// Bank, organized by a tree of category, subcategory, preset
+class presetSet {
+ public:
+ std::string _subcategoryName;
+ std::vector<Preset*> _presetVector;
+ Preset* findPreset(int lbank, int prog);
+ void printSubcategory();
+ presetSet(std::string name){_subcategoryName=name;}
+ ~presetSet(){};
+class subcategorySet {
+ public:
+ std::string _categoryName;
+ std::vector<presetSet*> _subcategoryVector;
+ presetSet* findPresetSet(std::string s);
+ Preset* findPreset(int lbank, int prog);
+ void printCategory();
+ subcategorySet(const std::string name){_categoryName=name;}
+ ~subcategorySet(){};
+class categorySet {
+ public:
+ std::string _bankName;
+ std::vector<subcategorySet*> _categoryVector;
+ Preset* findPreset(int lbank, int prog);
+ subcategorySet* findSubcategorySet(std::string s);
+ void printBank();
+ categorySet(const std::string name){_bankName=name;}
+ ~categorySet(){};
+// DeicsOnze : DX11 emulator
+class DeicsOnze : public Mess {
+ DeicsOnzeGui* _gui;
+ static int useCount;
+ static float waveTable[NBRWAVES][RESOLUTION];
+ public:
+ Global _global;
+ Voice _voices[NBRVOICES];
+ Preset* _preset;
+ mutable MidiPatch _patch;
+ int _numPatch;
+ //preset tree
+ categorySet* _categorySet;
+ /*subcategorySet* findSubcategorySet(std::string s);*/
+ Preset* findPreset(int lbank, int prog);
+ void initGlobal();
+ void initVoices();
+ void initPreset();
+ void setPreset();
+ void setFeedback();
+ void setLfo();
+ void loadSutulaPresets();
+ int noteOff2Voice();
+ int minVolu2Voice();
+ int pitchOn2Voice(int pitch);
+ void programSelect(int ch, int lbank, int prog);
+ void setPitchBendCoef(int ch, int val);
+ void setSustain(int ch, int val);
+ virtual bool setController(int ch, int ctrl, int val);
+ virtual const char* getPatchName(int ch, int number, int, bool) const;
+ virtual const MidiPatch* getPatchInfo(int, const MidiPatch *) const;
+ virtual bool playNote(int channel, int pitch, int velo);
+ //virtual void processMessages();
+ virtual void process(float** buffer, int offset, int n);
+ virtual bool processEvent(const MidiPlayEvent&);
+ // GUI interface routines
+ virtual bool hasGui() const { return true; }
+ virtual bool guiVisible() const;
+ virtual void showGui(bool);
+ virtual void getGeometry(int* x, int* y, int* w, int* h) const;
+ virtual void setGeometry(int, int, int, int);
+ void setMasterVol(int mv);
+ int getMasterVol();
+ DeicsOnze();
+ ~DeicsOnze();
+#endif /* __DEICSONZE_H */