path: root/muse2/share/scripts/SwingQuantize1
diff options
authorRobert Jonsson <>2010-10-13 19:34:22 +0000
committerRobert Jonsson <>2010-10-13 19:34:22 +0000
commit8a2c2824a59d7644e13bc52c9a0ecbd641f21f95 (patch)
tree064ad3f2bf8daab0ad27b128abd86a9bbdb1e496 /muse2/share/scripts/SwingQuantize1
parenta27706d9629e8b592cca4659f865b70adef24e6d (diff)
new branch muse2, first checkin
Diffstat (limited to 'muse2/share/scripts/SwingQuantize1')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/muse2/share/scripts/SwingQuantize1 b/muse2/share/scripts/SwingQuantize1
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..11fded84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/muse2/share/scripts/SwingQuantize1
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# MusE external midi processing script
+# By: Robert Jonsson 2009
+# Quantize
+import sys,time
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
+import random
+class Quantize(QtGui.QWidget):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.setWindowTitle('Swing quantize V1')
+ self.beatEdit = QtGui.QComboBox()
+ self.beatEdit.addItem('1/1',1)
+ self.beatEdit.addItem('1/2',2)
+ self.beatEdit.addItem('1/4',4)
+ self.beatEdit.addItem('1/8',8)
+ self.beatEdit.addItem('1/16',16)
+ self.beatEdit.addItem('1/32',32)
+ self.beatEdit.setCurrentIndex(2)
+ self.spreadEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit()
+ self.spreadEdit.setText('10')
+ button = QtGui.QPushButton("Execute")
+ self.connect(button, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.execute)
+ grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
+ grid.setSpacing(3)
+ grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel('Beat granularity:'), 1, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(self.beatEdit, 1, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel('Spread/Swing(ticks)'), 2, 0)
+ grid.addWidget(self.spreadEdit, 2, 1)
+ grid.addWidget(button, 3, 1)
+ self.setLayout(grid)
+ self.resize(200, 100)
+ button.setFocus()
+ def execute(self):
+ testFile = file(sys.argv[1],"r")
+ inputEvents = testFile.readlines()
+ testFile.close()
+ beatDiv = self.beatEdit.itemData(self.beatEdit.currentIndex()).toInt()[0]
+ minSize=0 # fill in when we get the beat size value
+ outputEvents=[]
+ quantLen=0
+ #get beat length to calculate minimum length of event
+ for line in inputEvents:
+ if line.startswith('BEATLEN'):
+ tag,tick = line.split(' ')
+ beatLen=int(tick)
+ quantLen=int(tick)/beatDiv*4
+ print "quantLen=%d beatDiv=%d"%(quantLen, beatDiv)
+ print line.strip()
+ #loop through events and quantize to the given beat
+ eventList=[]
+ for line in inputEvents:
+ if line.startswith('NOTE'):
+ tag,tick,pitch,length,velocity = line.split(' ')
+ # over quantize
+ lowerBound=(int(tick)/quantLen)*quantLen
+ upperBound=lowerBound+quantLen
+ lowDiff=int(tick)-lowerBound
+ highDiff=upperBound - int(tick)
+ if( lowDiff < highDiff):
+ newTick=lowerBound
+ else:
+ newTick=upperBound
+ # apply swing factor to every other 8 beat
+ print "float =%f int = %d"%((float(newTick+beatLen)) / beatLen/2,((newTick+beatLen))/beatLen/2)
+ if ((float(newTick+beatLen)) / beatLen/2 - ((newTick+beatLen))/beatLen/2) < 0.1:
+ print "adding swing to:",newTick
+ newTick=int(random.gauss(newTick,self.spreadEdit.text().toInt()[0]))
+ if (newTick < 0):
+ newTick=0
+ newLine="NOTE "+ str(newTick)+" " + pitch + " "+ length + " " + velocity
+ print "newLine:",newLine.strip()
+ outputEvents.append(newLine)
+ else:
+ outputEvents.append(line)
+ testFile = file(sys.argv[1],"w")
+ testFile.writelines(outputEvents)
+ testFile.close()
+ quit()
+app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
+qb = Quantize()