path: root/muse2/muse
diff options
authorFlorian Jung <>2013-08-16 21:58:04 +0200
committerFlorian Jung <>2013-08-16 21:58:04 +0200
commitbe3b3fef8d787f167b57ebfd700717a02c38570d (patch)
treee56782c38d04e456f758d0d675819d189af96e7d /muse2/muse
parent21249e793076b7d57731f8870cf830c8e2de8dfe (diff)
removing commented out code
Diffstat (limited to 'muse2/muse')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 677 deletions
diff --git a/muse2/muse/arranger/pcanvas.cpp b/muse2/muse/arranger/pcanvas.cpp
index 0e1e04a8..5cad107a 100644
--- a/muse2/muse/arranger/pcanvas.cpp
+++ b/muse2/muse/arranger/pcanvas.cpp
@@ -1484,428 +1484,6 @@ void PartCanvas::keyPress(QKeyEvent* event)
// draws a part
-#if 0 // DELETETHIS 430 WHOA!
-void PartCanvas::drawItem(QPainter& p, const CItem* item, const QRect& rect)
- {
- int from = rect.x();
- int to = from + rect.width();
- //printf("from %d to %d\n", from,to);
- MusECore::Part* part = ((NPart*)item)->part();
- int pTick = part->tick();
- from -= pTick;
- to -= pTick;
- if(from < 0)
- from = 0;
- if((unsigned int)to > part->lenTick())
- to = part->lenTick();
- // Item bounding box x is in tick coordinates, same as rectangle.
- if(item->bbox().intersect(rect).isNull())
- {
- //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem rectangle is null\n");
- return;
- }
- QRect r = item->bbox();
- bool clone = part->events()->arefCount() > 1;
- QBrush brush;
- //QRect rr = map(r);
- //QRect rr = p.transform().mapRect(r);
- //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem called map rx:%d rw:%d rrx:%d rrw:%d\n", r.x(), r.width(), rr.x(), rr.width());
- //printf("PartCanvas::drawItem called map rx:%d rw:%d\n", r.x(), r.width());
- //;
- //p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false);
- // NOTE: Optimization: For each item, hasHiddenEvents() is called once in Canvas::draw(), and we use cachedHasHiddenEvents().
- // Not used for now.
- //int het = part->cachedHasHiddenEvents();
- int het = part->hasHiddenEvents();
- int y_1 = rmapyDev(1); // Hack, try to replace.
- double xs_0 = r.x();
- double xe_0 = xs_0 + r.width();
- double xs_m0 = rmapx_f(xs_0);
- double xe_m0 = rmapx_f(xe_0);
- double xs_1 = rmapxDev_f(xs_m0 + 1.0);
- if(xs_1 > xe_0)
- xs_1 = xe_0;
- double xs_2 = rmapxDev_f(xs_m0 + 2.0);
- if(xs_2 > xe_0)
- xs_2 = xe_0;
- double xs_6 = rmapxDev_f(xs_m0 + 6.0);
- if(xs_6 > xe_0)
- xs_6 = xe_0;
- double xe_1 = rmapxDev_f(xe_m0 - 1.0);
- if(xe_1 < xs_0)
- xe_1 = xs_0;
- double xe_2 = rmapxDev_f(xe_m0 - 2.0);
- if(xe_2 < xs_0)
- xe_2 = xs_0;
- double xe_6 = rmapxDev_f(xe_m0 - 6.0);
- if(xe_6 < xs_0)
- xe_6 = xs_0;
- double ys_0 = r.y();
- double ye_0 = ys_0 + r.height();
- double ys_m0 = rmapy_f(ys_0);
- double ye_m0 = rmapy_f(ye_0);
- double ys_1 = rmapyDev_f(ys_m0 + 1.0);
- if(ys_1 > ye_0)
- ys_1 = ye_0;
- double ys_2 = rmapyDev_f(ys_m0 + 2.0);
- if(ys_2 > ye_0)
- ys_2 = ye_0;
- double ye_1 = rmapyDev_f(ye_m0 - 1.0);
- if(ye_1 < ys_0)
- ye_1 = ys_0;
- double ye_2 = rmapyDev_f(ye_m0 - 2.0);
- if(ye_2 < ys_0)
- ye_2 = ys_0;
- int cidx = part->colorIndex();
- if (item->isMoving())
- {
- QColor c(Qt::gray);
- c.setAlpha(MusEGlobal::config.globalAlphaBlend);
- QLinearGradient gradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft());
- gradient.setColorAt(0, c);
- gradient.setColorAt(1, c.darker());
- brush = QBrush(gradient);
- }
- else
- if (part->selected())
- {
- QColor c(Qt::black);
- c.setAlpha(MusEGlobal::config.globalAlphaBlend);
- QLinearGradient gradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft());
- // Use a colour only about 20% lighter than black, rather than the 50% we use in MusECore::gGradientFromQColor
- // and is used in darker()/lighter(), so that it is distinguished a bit better from grey non-part tracks.
- //c.setRgba(64, 64, 64, c.alpha());
- gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(51, 51, 51, MusEGlobal::config.globalAlphaBlend));
- gradient.setColorAt(1, c);
- brush = QBrush(gradient);
- }
- else
- if (part->mute())
- {
- QColor c(Qt::white);
- c.setAlpha(MusEGlobal::config.globalAlphaBlend);
- QLinearGradient gradient(r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft());
- gradient.setColorAt(0, c);
- gradient.setColorAt(1, c.darker());
- brush = QBrush(gradient);
- // Not good. Aliasing missing lines happening at different mags.
- // And it's too much. If notes + automation is displayed (by removing 'return' below), cross hatch interferes.
- // TODO: Maybe try to draw a nice gradient SINGLE cross (or STAR) from corner to corner instead.
- // Then remove the 'return' below and let it draw the name and notes.
- //brush.setStyle(Qt::DiagCrossPattern);
- //p.fillRect(rf, brush);
- }
- else
- {
- QColor c(MusEGlobal::config.partColors[cidx]);
- c.setAlpha(MusEGlobal::config.globalAlphaBlend);
- brush = QBrush(MusECore::gGradientFromQColor(c, r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft()));
- }
- double h = r.height();
- double s = h / 4.0;
- double y0 = r.y();
- double y1 = y0 + s;
- double y2 = y0 + s * 2.0;
- double y3 = y0 + s * 3.0;
- double y4 = y0 + h;
- QPointF points[16];
- int pts;
- //
- // Fill the part rectangles, accounting for hidden events by using 'jagged' edges...
- //
- p.setBrush(brush);
- p.setPen(Qt::NoPen);
- if(het)
- {
- pts = 0;
- if(het == (MusECore::Part::LeftEventsHidden | MusECore::Part::RightEventsHidden))
- {
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y0);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y0);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y1);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y2);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y3);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y4);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y4);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y3);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y2);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y1);
- p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts); // Help says may be faster on some platforms (X11).
- }
- else
- if(het == MusECore::Part::LeftEventsHidden)
- {
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y0);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y0);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y4);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y4);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y3);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y2);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y1);
- p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts);
- }
- else
- if(het == MusECore::Part::RightEventsHidden)
- {
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y0);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y0);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y1);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y2);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y3);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y4);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y4);
- p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts);
- }
- //
- // Draw remaining 'hidden events' decorations with 'jagged' edges...
- //
- int part_r, part_g, part_b, brightness, color_brightness;
- MusEGlobal::config.partColors[cidx].getRgb(&part_r, &part_g, &part_b);
- brightness = part_r*29 + part_g*59 + part_b*12;
- //if ((brightness < 12000 || part->selected()) && !part->mute() && !item->isMoving())
- // color_brightness=223; // too dark: use lighter color
- //else
- // color_brightness=32; // otherwise use dark color
- if ((brightness >= 12000 && !part->selected()))
- color_brightness=32; // too light: use dark color
- else
- color_brightness=223; // too dark: use lighter color
- QColor c(color_brightness,color_brightness,color_brightness, MusEGlobal::config.globalAlphaBlend);
- p.setBrush(QBrush(MusECore::gGradientFromQColor(c, r.topLeft(), r.bottomLeft())));
- //p.setBrush(QBrush(c));
- if(het & MusECore::Part::RightEventsHidden)
- {
- pts = 0;
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y0);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y4);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y3);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_0, y2);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xe_6, y1);
- p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts);
- }
- if(het & MusECore::Part::LeftEventsHidden)
- {
- pts = 0;
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y0);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y1);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y2);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_6, y3);
- points[pts++] = QPointF(xs_0, y4);
- p.drawConvexPolygon(points, pts);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p.fillRect(r, brush);
- }
- MusECore::MidiPart* mp = 0;
- MusECore::WavePart* wp = 0;
- MusECore::Track::TrackType type = part->track()->type();
- if (type == MusECore::Track::WAVE) {
- wp =(MusECore::WavePart*)part;
- }
- else {
- mp = (MusECore::MidiPart*)part;
- }
- if (wp)
- drawWavePart(p, rect, wp, r);
- else if (mp)
- {
- drawMidiPart(p, rect, mp->events(), (MusECore::MidiTrack*)part->track(), mp, r, mp->tick(), from, to);
- }
- #if 0
- //
- // Now draw the borders...
- // Works great but requires clones be drawn with the highest priority on top of all other parts, in Canvas::draw.
- //
- QPen pen(part->selected() ? MusEGlobal::config.partColors[i] : Qt::black, 2.0, clone ? Qt::DotLine : Qt::SolidLine);
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- p.setPen(pen);
- p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- p.drawRect(r);
- #else
- //
- // Now draw the borders, using custom segments...
- //
- // FIXME NOTE: For 1-pixel wide lines, setting pen style to anything other than solid didn't work out well.
- // Much too screwy - the single-width lines kept getting shifted one pixel over intermittently.
- // I tried EVERYTHING to make sure x is proper but the painter keeps shifting them over.
- // Meanwhile the fills are correct. Seems painter doesn't like line patterns, whether stock or custom.
- // Therefore I was forced to manually draw the left and right segments.
- // It works. Which seems to be more proof that painter is handling line patterns and pen widths badly...
- // DO NOT ERASE COMMENTED CODE BELOW for now, in case it can be fixed. Tim. p4.0.29
- p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
- QColor pc((part->mute() || item->isMoving())? Qt::white : MusEGlobal::config.partColors[cidx]);
- QPen penSelect1H(pc);
- QPen penSelect2H(pc, 2.0);
- QPen penSelect1V(pc);
- QPen penSelect2V(pc, 2.0);
- penSelect1H.setCosmetic(true);
- penSelect2H.setCosmetic(true);
- penSelect1V.setCosmetic(true);
- penSelect2V.setCosmetic(true);
- pc = Qt::black;
- QPen penNormal1H(pc);
- QPen penNormal2H(pc, 2.0);
- QPen penNormal1V(pc);
- QPen penNormal2V(pc, 2.0);
- penNormal1H.setCosmetic(true);
- penNormal2H.setCosmetic(true);
- penNormal1V.setCosmetic(true);
- penNormal2V.setCosmetic(true);
- QVector<qreal> customDashPattern;
- if(clone)
- {
- customDashPattern << 4.0 << 8.0;
- penSelect1H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- penNormal1H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- //penSelect1V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- //penNormal1V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- customDashPattern.clear();
- customDashPattern << 2.0 << 4.0;
- penSelect2H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- penNormal2H.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- //penSelect2V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- //penNormal2V.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- }
- pc = Qt::white;
- QPen penHidden1(pc);
- QPen penHidden2(pc, 2.0);
- penHidden2.setCosmetic(true);
- //customDashPattern.clear();
- //customDashPattern << 2.0 << 10.0;
- //penHidden1.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- //customDashPattern.clear();
- //customDashPattern << 1.0 << 5.0;
- //penHidden2.setDashPattern(customDashPattern);
- bool lbt = ((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches;
- bool rbt = ((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches;
- QLineF l1( lbt?xs_1:xs_0, ys_0, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, ys_0); // Top
- //QLineF l2(rbt?xe_1:xe_0, r.y() + (rbt?y_1:y_2) - 1, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, r.y() + r.height() - 1); // Right
- QLineF l3( lbt?xs_1:xs_0, ye_0, rbt?xe_1:xe_0, ye_0); // Bottom
- //QLineF l4(r.x(), r.y() + (lbt?y_1:y_2), r.x(), r.y() + r.height() - (lbt?y_1:y_2)); // Left
- if(het & MusECore::Part::RightEventsHidden)
- p.setPen(((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches ? penHidden1 : penHidden2);
- else
- {
- if(((NPart*)item)->rightBorderTouches)
- p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect1V : penNormal1V);
- else
- p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2V : penNormal2V);
- }
- //p.drawLine(l2); // Right line
- double xx = rbt?xe_1:xe_0;
- if(clone)
- {
- double yinc = 7.0 * y_1;
- for(double yy = (rbt?ys_1:ys_2); yy < ye_2; yy += yinc)
- {
- double yi = (rbt?3.0:2.0) * y_1;
- if(yy + yi > ye_2)
- yi = ye_2 - yy;
- p.drawLine(QPointF(xx, yy), QPointF(xx, yy + yi)); // Right dashed line
- }
- }
- else
- p.drawLine(QPointF(xx, rbt?ys_1:ys_2), QPointF(xx, rbt?ye_1:ye_2)); // Right line
- if(het & MusECore::Part::LeftEventsHidden)
- p.setPen(((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches ? penHidden1 : penHidden2);
- else
- {
- if(((NPart*)item)->leftBorderTouches)
- p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect1V : penNormal1V);
- else
- p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2V : penNormal2V);
- }
- //p.drawLine(l4); // Left line
- xx = xs_0;
- if(clone)
- {
- double yinc = 7.0 * y_1;
- for(double yy = (lbt?ys_1:ys_2); yy < ye_2; yy += yinc)
- {
- double yi = (lbt?3.0:2.0) * y_1;
- if(yy + yi > ye_2)
- yi = ye_2 - yy;
- p.drawLine(QPointF(xx, yy), QPointF(xx, yy + yi)); // Left dashed line
- }
- }
- else
- p.drawLine(QPointF(xx, lbt?ys_1:ys_2), QPointF(xx, lbt?ye_1:ye_2)); // Left line
- p.setPen(part->selected() ? penSelect2H : penNormal2H);
- p.drawLine(l1); // Top line
- p.drawLine(l3); // Bottom line
- #endif
- //p.restore();
- if (MusEGlobal::config.canvasShowPartType & 1) { // show names
- // draw name
- // FN: Set text color depending on part color (black / white)
- int part_r, part_g, part_b, brightness;
- // Since we'll draw the text on the bottom (to accommodate drum 'slivers'),
- // get the lowest colour in the gradient used to draw the part.
- QRect rr = map(r);
- rr.setX(rr.x() + 3);
- MusECore::gGradientFromQColor(MusEGlobal::config.partColors[cidx], rr.topLeft(), rr.bottomLeft()).stops().last().second.getRgb(&part_r, &part_g, &part_b);
- brightness = part_r*29 + part_g*59 + part_b*12;
- //bool rev = (brightness < 12000 || part->selected()) && !part->mute() && !item->isMoving();
- bool rev = brightness >= 12000 && !part->selected();
- p.setFont(MusEGlobal::config.fonts[4]);
- p.setWorldMatrixEnabled(false);
- if (rev)
- p.setPen(Qt::white);
- else
- p.setPen(Qt::black);
- p.drawText(rr.translated(1, 1), Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeft, part->name());
- if (rev)
- p.setPen(Qt::black);
- else
- p.setPen(Qt::white);
- p.drawText(rr, Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignLeft, part->name());
- p.restore();
- }
- }
void PartCanvas::drawItem(QPainter& p, const CItem* item, const QRect& rect)
int from = rect.x();
diff --git a/muse2/muse/arranger/tlist.cpp b/muse2/muse/arranger/tlist.cpp
index 5cea444d..8535a9f5 100644
--- a/muse2/muse/arranger/tlist.cpp
+++ b/muse2/muse/arranger/tlist.cpp
@@ -2510,185 +2510,6 @@ void TList::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
void TList::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* ev)
emit redirectWheelEvent(ev);
-// REMOVE Tim. Hate to just kill all this, so remove later if all tests OK.
-// int x = ev->x();
-// int y = ev->y();
-// MusECore::Track* t = y2Track(y + ypos);
-// if (t == 0) {
-// emit redirectWheelEvent(ev);
-// return;
-// }
-// TrackColumn col = TrackColumn(header->logicalIndexAt(x));
-// int delta = ev->delta() / WHEEL_DELTA;
-// ev->accept();
-// switch (col) {
-// case COL_RECORD:
-// case COL_NONE:
-// case COL_CLASS:
-// case COL_NAME:
-// break;
-// case COL_MUTE:
-// // p3.3.29
-// if (((QInputEvent*)ev)->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)
-// t->setOff(!t->off());
-// else
-// {
-// if (t->off())
-// t->setOff(false);
-// else
-// t->setMute(!t->mute());
-// }
-// MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_MUTE);
-// break;
-// case COL_SOLO:
-// MusEGlobal::audio->msgSetSolo(t, !t->solo());
-// MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_SOLO);
-// break;
-// case COL_TIMELOCK:
-// t->setLocked(!t->locked());
-// break;
-// case COL_OPORT:
-// if (t->isMidiTrack()) {
-// MusECore::MidiTrack* mt = (MusECore::MidiTrack*)t;
-// int port = mt->outPort() + delta;
-// if (port >= MIDI_PORTS)
-// port = MIDI_PORTS-1;
-// else if (port < 0)
-// port = 0;
-// if (port != ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->outPort()) {
-// MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true);
-// mt->setOutPortAndUpdate(port);
-// MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false);
-// MusEGlobal::audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); // p4.0.14
-// MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_MIDI_TRACK_PROP); // p4.0.17
-// }
-// }
-// break;
-// case COL_OCHANNEL:
-// if (t->isMidiTrack()) {
-// MusECore::MidiTrack* mt = (MusECore::MidiTrack*)t;
-// if (mt && mt->type() == MusECore::Track::DRUM)
-// break;
-// int channel = mt->outChannel() + delta;
-// if (channel >= MIDI_CHANNELS)
-// channel = MIDI_CHANNELS-1;
-// else if (channel < 0)
-// channel = 0;
-// if (channel != ((MusECore::MidiTrack*)t)->outChannel()) {
-// MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(true);
-// mt->setOutChanAndUpdate(channel);
-// MusEGlobal::audio->msgIdle(false);
-// // may result in adding/removing mixer strip:
-// //MusEGlobal::song->update(-1);
-// MusEGlobal::audio->msgUpdateSoloStates(); // p4.0.14
-// MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_MIDI_TRACK_PROP);
-// }
-// }
-// else {
-// int n = t->channels() + delta;
-// if (n > MAX_CHANNELS)
-// else if (n < 1)
-// n = 1;
-// if (n != t->channels()) {
-// MusEGlobal::audio->msgSetChannels((MusECore::AudioTrack*)t, n);
-// MusEGlobal::song->update(SC_CHANNELS);
-// }
-// }
-// break;
-// default:
-// {
-// mode = START_DRAG;
-// if (t->isMidiTrack())
-// {
-// MusECore::MidiTrack* mt = dynamic_cast<MusECore::MidiTrack*>(t);
-// if (mt == 0)
-// break;
-// int ctrl_num = Arranger::custom_columns[col-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].ctrl;
-// MusECore::MidiPort* mp = &MusEGlobal::midiPorts[mt->outPort()];
-// MusECore::MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(ctrl_num);
-// int minval=mctl->minVal()+mctl->bias();
-// int maxval=mctl->maxVal()+mctl->bias();
-// int val = mt->getControllerChangeAtTick(0,ctrl_num);
-// int oldval=val;
-// if (ctrl_num!=MusECore::CTRL_PROGRAM)
-// {
-// val += delta;
-// if(val > maxval)
-// val = maxval;
-// if(val < minval-1) // "-1" because of "off"
-// val = minval-1;
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// MusECore::MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
-// if (delta>0) val=instr->getNextPatch(mt->outChannel(), val, false);
-// else if (delta<0) val=instr->getPrevPatch(mt->outChannel(), val, false);
-// }
-// if (val != oldval)
-// {
-// if (val!=minval-1)
-// {
-// int at_tick;
-// if (Arranger::custom_columns[col-COL_CUSTOM_MIDICTRL_OFFSET].affected_pos ==
-// Arranger::custom_col_t::AFFECT_BEGIN)
-// at_tick=0;
-// else
-// at_tick=MusEGlobal::song->cpos();
-// record_controller_change_and_maybe_send(at_tick, ctrl_num, val, mt);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// MusECore::Undo operations;
-// for (MusECore::iPart p = mt->parts()->begin(); p!=mt->parts()->end(); p++)
-// {
-// if (p->second->tick()==0)
-// {
-// for (MusECore::iEvent ev=p->second->events()->begin(); ev!=p->second->events()->end(); ev++)
-// {
-// if (ev->second.tick()!=0) break;
-// else if (ev->second.type()==MusECore::Controller && ev->second.dataA()==ctrl_num)
-// {
-// using MusECore::UndoOp;
-// operations.push_back(UndoOp(UndoOp::DeleteEvent, ev->second, p->second, false, false));
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// MusEGlobal::song->applyOperationGroup(operations);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// else
-// mode = START_DRAG;
-// break;
-// }
diff --git a/muse2/muse/songfile.cpp b/muse2/muse/songfile.cpp
index 6d0e056f..9a583996 100644
--- a/muse2/muse/songfile.cpp
+++ b/muse2/muse/songfile.cpp
@@ -340,14 +340,6 @@ Part* readXmlPart(Xml& xml, Track* track, bool doClone, bool toTrack)
e.move( -npart->tick() );
int tick = e.tick();
- // Do not discard events belonging to clone parts,
- // at least not yet. A later clone might have a longer,
- // fully accommodating part length!
- //if ((tick < 0) || (tick >= (int) lenTick())) {
- //if ((tick < 0) || ( id == -1 && !clone && (tick >= (int)lenTick()) ))
- // No way to tell at the moment whether there will be clones referencing this...
- // No choice but to accept all events past 0.
if(tick < 0)
printf("readClone: warning: event at tick:%d not in part:%s, discarded\n",
@@ -373,25 +365,6 @@ Part* readXmlPart(Xml& xml, Track* track, bool doClone, bool toTrack)
else if (tag == "cloneId")
id = xml.s2().toInt();
- //if(id != -1) DELETETHIS 19
- //{
- // for(iClone i = MusEGlobal::cloneList.begin(); i != MusEGlobal::cloneList.end(); ++i)
- // {
- // Is a matching part found in the clone list?
- // if(i->id == id)
- // {
- // If it's a regular paste (not paste clone), and the original part is
- // not a clone, defer so that a new copy is created in TagStart above.
- //if(!doClone && i->cp->cevents()->arefCount() <= 1)
- //if(!doClone && !isclone)
- // break;
- // This makes a clone, chains the part, and increases ref counts.
- // npart = track->newPart((Part*)i->cp, true);
- // break;
- // }
- // }
- //}
else if (tag == "uuid")
@@ -399,55 +372,6 @@ Part* readXmlPart(Xml& xml, Track* track, bool doClone, bool toTrack)
uuidvalid = true;
- for(iClone i = MusEGlobal::cloneList.begin(); i != MusEGlobal::cloneList.end(); ++i)
- {
- // Is a matching part found in the clone list?
- if(uuid_compare(uuid, i->uuid) == 0)
- {
- Track* cpt = i->cp->track();
- // If we want to paste to the given track...
- if(toTrack)
- {
- // If the given track type is not the same as the part's
- // original track type, we can't continue. Just return.
- if(!track || cpt->type() != track->type())
- {
- xml.skip("part");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- // ...else we want to paste to the part's original track.
- {
- // Make sure the track exists (has not been deleted).
- if((cpt->isMidiTrack() && MusEGlobal::song->midis()->find(cpt) != MusEGlobal::song->midis()->end()) ||
- (cpt->type() == Track::WAVE && MusEGlobal::song->waves()->find(cpt) != MusEGlobal::song->waves()->end()))
- track = cpt;
- else
- // Track was not found. Try pasting to the given track, as above...
- {
- if(!track || cpt->type() != track->type())
- {
- // No luck. Just return.
- xml.skip("part");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // If it's a regular paste (not paste clone), and the original part is
- // not a clone, defer so that a new copy is created in TagStart above.
- //if(!doClone && i->cp->cevents()->arefCount() <= 1)
- if(!doClone && !isclone)
- break;
- // This makes a clone, chains the part, and increases ref counts.
- npart = track->newPart((Part*)i->cp, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- */
else if(tag == "isclone")