path: root/muse2/muse
diff options
authorRobert Jonsson <>2011-05-16 21:40:52 +0000
committerRobert Jonsson <>2011-05-16 21:40:52 +0000
commit0792c2ec66dacfff10899cbe171cb661871617f1 (patch)
treec084a45ee3a55479b4ebcbcbff36b74cb1dc3087 /muse2/muse
parent38988a37365c8772da11f3f41d49e5c1fd083084 (diff)
improved error handling of script execution just a bit
Diffstat (limited to 'muse2/muse')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/muse2/muse/song.cpp b/muse2/muse/song.cpp
index e6fa9cab..2900097e 100644
--- a/muse2/muse/song.cpp
+++ b/muse2/muse/song.cpp
@@ -3685,8 +3685,8 @@ void Song::executeScript(const char* scriptfile, PartList* parts, int quant, boo
//const char* tmp = tmpnam(NULL);
char tmp[16] = "muse-tmp-XXXXXX";
int fd = mkstemp(tmp);
- printf("script input filename=%s\n",tmp);
- //FILE *fp = fopen(tmp, "w");
+ if (debugMsg)
+ printf("executeScript: script input filename=%s\n",tmp);
FILE *fp = fdopen(fd , "w");
MidiPart *part = (MidiPart*)(i->second);
int partStart = part->endTick()-part->lenTick();
@@ -3717,7 +3717,6 @@ void Song::executeScript(const char* scriptfile, PartList* parts, int quant, boo
-// QString program(scriptfile);
QStringList arguments;
arguments << tmp;
@@ -3725,65 +3724,57 @@ void Song::executeScript(const char* scriptfile, PartList* parts, int quant, boo
myProcess->start(scriptfile, arguments);
QByteArray errStr = myProcess->readAllStandardError();
- if (errStr.size()) {
- QMessageBox::warning(muse, tr("MusE - external script failed"),
- "Script returned the following error\n"+ QString(errStr));
- return;
- } else if (myProcess->exitCode()) {
+ if (myProcess->exitCode()) {
QMessageBox::warning(muse, tr("MusE - external script failed"),
- tr("MusE was unable to launch the script\n")
+ tr("MusE was unable to launch the script, error message:\n ")+ QString(errStr)
- else { // d0 the fun55or5!
- // TODO: Create a new part, update the entire editor from it, hehh....
- QFile file(tmp);
- if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
- QTextStream stream( &file );
- QString line;
- while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
- line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
- if (line.startsWith("NOTE"))
- {
- QStringList sl = line.split(" ");
- Event e(Note);
- int tick = sl[1].toInt();
- int pitch = sl[2].toInt();
- int len = sl[3].toInt();
- int velo = sl[4].toInt();
- //printf ("tick=%d pitch=%d velo=%d len=%d\n", tick,pitch,velo,len);
- e.setTick(tick);
- e.setPitch(pitch);
- e.setVelo(velo);
- e.setLenTick(len);
- // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts.
- audio->msgAddEvent(e, part, false, false, false);
- }
- if (line.startsWith("CONTROLLER"))
- {
- QStringList sl = line.split(" ");
- Event e(Controller);
- int tick = sl[1].toInt();
- int a = sl[2].toInt();
- int b = sl[3].toInt();
- int c = sl[4].toInt();
- //printf ("tick=%d a=%d b=%d c=%d\n", tick,a,b,c);
- e.setA(a);
- e.setB(b);
- e.setB(c);
- // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts.
- audio->msgAddEvent(e, part, false, false, false);
- }
- }
- file.close();
- }
- }
+ if (errStr.size()> 0) {
+ printf("script execution produced the following error:\n%s\n", QString(errStr).toLatin1().data());
+ }
+ QFile file(tmp);
+ if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
+ QTextStream stream( &file );
+ QString line;
+ while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
+ line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
+ if (line.startsWith("NOTE"))
+ {
+ QStringList sl = line.split(" ");
+ Event e(Note);
+ int tick = sl[1].toInt();
+ int pitch = sl[2].toInt();
+ int len = sl[3].toInt();
+ int velo = sl[4].toInt();
+ e.setTick(tick);
+ e.setPitch(pitch);
+ e.setVelo(velo);
+ e.setLenTick(len);
+ // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts.
+ audio->msgAddEvent(e, part, false, false, false);
+ }
+ if (line.startsWith("CONTROLLER"))
+ {
+ QStringList sl = line.split(" ");
+ Event e(Controller);
+ //int tick = sl[1].toInt();
+ int a = sl[2].toInt();
+ int b = sl[3].toInt();
+ int c = sl[4].toInt();
+ e.setA(a);
+ e.setB(b);
+ e.setB(c);
+ // Indicate no undo, and do not do port controller values and clone parts.
+ audio->msgAddEvent(e, part, false, false, false);
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }