path: root/muse2/muse/widgets/mtrackinfo.cpp
diff options
authorTim E. Real <>2010-12-24 01:08:57 +0000
committerTim E. Real <>2010-12-24 01:08:57 +0000
commit877ccd787443eb6a944c98487583f242add5a944 (patch)
treec7bd278a684017698a1a2f14e6f5ca743f30f8fa /muse2/muse/widgets/mtrackinfo.cpp
parent31c7e7e3594b80c880f905a8bd2948e2bb75c7d8 (diff)
MidiTrackInfo is now self-contained.
Diffstat (limited to 'muse2/muse/widgets/mtrackinfo.cpp')
1 files changed, 1491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/muse2/muse/widgets/mtrackinfo.cpp b/muse2/muse/widgets/mtrackinfo.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f88f60ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/muse2/muse/widgets/mtrackinfo.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1491 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// (C) Copyright 2010 Werner Schweer and others (
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mtrackinfo.h"
+#include "song.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "gconfig.h"
+#include "midiport.h"
+#include "minstrument.h"
+#include "mididev.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "midi.h"
+#include "midictrl.h"
+#include "icons.h"
+#include "app.h"
+#include "route.h"
+#include "popupmenu.h"
+// setTrack
+void MidiTrackInfo::setTrack(Track* t)
+ selected = t;
+ //updateTrackInfo(-1);
+// midiTrackInfo
+MidiTrackInfo::MidiTrackInfo(QWidget* parent, Track* sel_track) : QWidget(parent)
+ setupUi(this);
+ _midiDetect = false;
+ selected = sel_track;
+ // Since program covers 3 controls at once, it is in 'midi controller' units rather than 'gui control' units.
+ //program = -1;
+ program = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ pan = -65;
+ volume = -1;
+ //iChanDetectLabel->setPixmap(*darkgreendotIcon);
+ iChanDetectLabel->setPixmap(*darkRedLedIcon);
+ QIcon recEchoIconSet;
+ //recEchoIconSet.addPixmap(*recEchoIconOn, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);
+ //recEchoIconSet.addPixmap(*recEchoIconOff, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);
+ recEchoIconSet.addPixmap(*midiConnectorRedBorderIcon, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On);
+ recEchoIconSet.addPixmap(*edit_midiIcon, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);
+ recEchoButton->setIcon(recEchoIconSet);
+ //recEchoButton->setIcon(QIcon(*edit_midiIcon));
+ //recEchoButton->setIconSize(edit_midiIcon->size());
+ // MusE-2: AlignCenter and WordBreak are set in the ui(3) file, but not supported by QLabel. Turn them on here.
+ trackNameLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
+ //Qt::TextWordWrap is not available for alignment in Qt4 - Orcan
+ // MusE-2 Tested: TextWrapAnywhere actually works, but in fact it takes precedence
+ // over word wrap, so I found it is not really desirable. Maybe with a user setting...
+ //trackNameLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap | Qt::TextWrapAnywhere);
+ //trackNameLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
+ if(selected)
+ trackNameLabel->setObjectName(selected->cname());
+ QPalette pal;
+ pal.setColor(trackNameLabel->backgroundRole(), QColor(0, 160, 255)); // Med blue
+ trackNameLabel->setPalette(pal);
+ trackNameLabel->setWordWrap(true);
+ trackNameLabel->setAutoFillBackground(true);
+ trackNameLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText);
+ trackNameLabel->setLineWidth(2);
+ trackNameLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Sunken | QFrame::StyledPanel);
+ trackNameLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Minimum));
+ // Added by Tim. p3.3.9
+ setLabelText();
+ setLabelFont();
+ connect(iPatch, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(instrPopup()));
+ ///pop = new QMenu(iPatch);
+ //pop->setCheckable(false); // not needed in Qt4
+ // Removed by Tim. p3.3.9
+ //connect(iName, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(iNameChanged()));
+ connect(iOutputChannel, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iOutputChannelChanged(int)));
+ ///connect(iInputChannel, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(iInputChannelChanged(const QString&)));
+ connect(iHBank, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iProgHBankChanged()));
+ connect(iLBank, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iProgLBankChanged()));
+ connect(iProgram, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iProgramChanged()));
+ connect(iHBank, SIGNAL(doubleClicked()), SLOT(iProgramDoubleClicked()));
+ connect(iLBank, SIGNAL(doubleClicked()), SLOT(iProgramDoubleClicked()));
+ connect(iProgram, SIGNAL(doubleClicked()), SLOT(iProgramDoubleClicked()));
+ connect(iLautst, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iLautstChanged(int)));
+ connect(iLautst, SIGNAL(doubleClicked()), SLOT(iLautstDoubleClicked()));
+ connect(iTransp, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iTranspChanged(int)));
+ connect(iAnschl, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iAnschlChanged(int)));
+ connect(iVerz, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iVerzChanged(int)));
+ connect(iLen, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iLenChanged(int)));
+ connect(iKompr, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iKomprChanged(int)));
+ connect(iPan, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(iPanChanged(int)));
+ connect(iPan, SIGNAL(doubleClicked()), SLOT(iPanDoubleClicked()));
+ connect(iOutput, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(iOutputPortChanged(int)));
+ ///connect(iInput, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(iInputPortChanged(const QString&)));
+ connect(recordButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(recordClicked()));
+ connect(progRecButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(progRecClicked()));
+ connect(volRecButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(volRecClicked()));
+ connect(panRecButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(panRecClicked()));
+ connect(recEchoButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(recEchoToggled(bool)));
+ connect(iRButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(inRoutesPressed()));
+ // TODO: Works OK, but disabled for now, until we figure out what to do about multiple out routes and display values...
+ oRButton->setEnabled(false);
+ oRButton->setVisible(false);
+ connect(oRButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), SLOT(outRoutesPressed()));
+ connect(heartBeatTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(heartBeat()));
+// heartBeat
+void MidiTrackInfo::heartBeat()
+ ///if(!showTrackinfoFlag || !selected)
+ if(!isVisible() || !isEnabled() || !selected)
+ return;
+ switch(selected->type())
+ {
+ case Track::MIDI:
+ case Track::DRUM:
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int outChannel = track->outChannel();
+ int outPort = track->outPort();
+ ///int ichMask = track->inChannelMask();
+ //int iptMask = track->inPortMask();
+ ///unsigned int iptMask = track->inPortMask();
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[outPort];
+ // Set record echo.
+ if(recEchoButton->isChecked() != track->recEcho())
+ {
+ recEchoButton->blockSignals(true);
+ recEchoButton->setChecked(track->recEcho());
+ recEchoButton->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ // Check for detection of midi general activity on chosen channels...
+ int mpt = 0;
+ //int mch = 0;
+ RouteList* rl = track->inRoutes();
+ ciRoute r = rl->begin();
+ //for( ; mpt < MIDI_PORTS; ++mpt)
+ for( ; r != rl->end(); ++r)
+ {
+ //if(!r->isValid() || ((r->type != Route::ALSA_MIDI_ROUTE) && (r->type != Route::JACK_MIDI_ROUTE)))
+ //if(!r->isValid() || (r->type != Route::MIDI_DEVICE_ROUTE))
+ if(!r->isValid() || (r->type != Route::MIDI_PORT_ROUTE)) // p3.3.49
+ continue;
+ // NOTE: TODO: Code for channelless events like sysex, ** IF we end up using the 'special channel 17' method.
+ //if(r->channel == -1)
+ if(r->channel == -1 || r->channel == 0) // p3.3.50
+ continue;
+ // No port assigned to the device?
+ //mpt = r->device->midiPort();
+ mpt = r->midiPort; // p3.3.49
+ if(mpt < 0 || mpt >= MIDI_PORTS)
+ continue;
+ //for(; mch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++mch)
+ //{
+ //if(midiPorts[mpt].syncInfo().actDetect(mch) && (iptMask & (1 << mpt)) && (ichMask & (1 << mch)) )
+ //if((iptMask & bitShiftLU[mpt]) && (midiPorts[mpt].syncInfo().actDetectBits() & ichMask) )
+ //if(midiPorts[mpt].syncInfo().actDetectBits() & bitShiftLU[r->channel])
+ if(midiPorts[mpt].syncInfo().actDetectBits() & r->channel) // p3.3.50 Use new channel mask.
+ {
+ //if(iChanTextLabel->paletteBackgroundColor() != green)
+ // iChanTextLabel->setPaletteBackgroundColor(green);
+ //if(iChanDetectLabel->pixmap() != greendotIcon)
+ if(!_midiDetect)
+ {
+ //printf("Arranger::midiTrackInfoHeartBeat setting green icon\n");
+ _midiDetect = true;
+ //iChanDetectLabel->setPixmap(*greendotIcon);
+ iChanDetectLabel->setPixmap(*redLedIcon);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ //}
+ }
+ // No activity detected?
+ //if(mch == MIDI_CHANNELS)
+ //if(mpt == MIDI_PORTS)
+ if(r == rl->end())
+ {
+ //if(iChanTextLabel->paletteBackgroundColor() != darkGreen)
+ // iChanTextLabel->setPaletteBackgroundColor(darkGreen);
+ //if(iChanDetectLabel->pixmap() != darkgreendotIcon)
+ if(_midiDetect)
+ {
+ //printf("Arranger::midiTrackInfoHeartBeat setting darkgreen icon\n");
+ _midiDetect = false;
+ //iChanDetectLabel->setPixmap(*darkgreendotIcon);
+ iChanDetectLabel->setPixmap(*darkRedLedIcon);
+ }
+ }
+ int nprogram = mp->hwCtrlState(outChannel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(nprogram == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ if(program != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ //printf("Arranger::midiTrackInfoHeartBeat setting program to unknown\n");
+ program = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ if(iHBank->value() != 0)
+ {
+ iHBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iHBank->setValue(0);
+ iHBank->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ if(iLBank->value() != 0)
+ {
+ iLBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iLBank->setValue(0);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ if(iProgram->value() != 0)
+ {
+ iProgram->blockSignals(true);
+ iProgram->setValue(0);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ }
+ nprogram = mp->lastValidHWCtrlState(outChannel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(nprogram == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ //const char* n = "<unknown>";
+ const QString n(tr("<unknown>"));
+ //if(strcmp(iPatch->text().toLatin1().constData(), n) != 0)
+ if(iPatch->text() != n)
+ {
+ //printf("Arranger::midiTrackInfoHeartBeat setting patch <unknown>\n");
+ iPatch->setText(n);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
+ QString name = instr->getPatchName(outChannel, nprogram, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM);
+ if(name.isEmpty())
+ {
+ const QString n("???");
+ if(iPatch->text() != n)
+ iPatch->setText(n);
+ }
+ else
+ if(iPatch->text() != name)
+ {
+ //printf("Arranger::midiTrackInfoHeartBeat setting patch name\n");
+ iPatch->setText(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if(program != nprogram)
+ {
+ program = nprogram;
+ //int hb, lb, pr;
+ //if (program == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) {
+ // hb = lb = pr = 0;
+ // iPatch->setText("---");
+ // }
+ //else
+ //{
+ MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
+ QString name = instr->getPatchName(outChannel, program, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM);
+ if(iPatch->text() != name)
+ iPatch->setText(name);
+ int hb = ((program >> 16) & 0xff) + 1;
+ if (hb == 0x100)
+ hb = 0;
+ int lb = ((program >> 8) & 0xff) + 1;
+ if (lb == 0x100)
+ lb = 0;
+ int pr = (program & 0xff) + 1;
+ if (pr == 0x100)
+ pr = 0;
+ //}
+ //printf("Arranger::midiTrackInfoHeartBeat setting program\n");
+ if(iHBank->value() != hb)
+ {
+ iHBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iHBank->setValue(hb);
+ iHBank->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ if(iLBank->value() != lb)
+ {
+ iLBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iLBank->setValue(lb);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ if(iProgram->value() != pr)
+ {
+ iProgram->blockSignals(true);
+ iProgram->setValue(pr);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ }
+ MidiController* mc = mp->midiController(CTRL_VOLUME);
+ int mn = mc->minVal();
+ int v = mp->hwCtrlState(outChannel, CTRL_VOLUME);
+ //{
+ //v = mc->initVal();
+ //if(v == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ // v = 0;
+ v = mn - 1;
+ //}
+ else
+ // Auto bias...
+ v -= mc->bias();
+ if(volume != v)
+ {
+ volume = v;
+ if(iLautst->value() != v)
+ {
+ //printf("Arranger::midiTrackInfoHeartBeat setting volume\n");
+ iLautst->blockSignals(true);
+ //iLautst->setRange(mn - 1, mc->maxVal());
+ iLautst->setValue(v);
+ iLautst->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ }
+ mc = mp->midiController(CTRL_PANPOT);
+ mn = mc->minVal();
+ v = mp->hwCtrlState(outChannel, CTRL_PANPOT);
+ //{
+ //v = mc->initVal();
+ //if(v == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ // v = 0;
+ v = mn - 1;
+ //}
+ else
+ // Auto bias...
+ v -= mc->bias();
+ if(pan != v)
+ {
+ pan = v;
+ if(iPan->value() != v)
+ {
+ //printf("Arranger::midiTrackInfoHeartBeat setting pan\n");
+ iPan->blockSignals(true);
+ //iPan->setRange(mn - 1, mc->maxVal());
+ iPan->setValue(v);
+ iPan->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Does it include a midi controller value adjustment? Then handle it...
+ //if(flags & SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER)
+ // seek();
+ /*
+ if(iTransp->value() != track->transposition)
+ iTransp->setValue(track->transposition);
+ if(iAnschl->value() != track->velocity)
+ iAnschl->setValue(track->velocity);
+ if(iVerz->value() != track->delay)
+ iVerz->setValue(track->delay);
+ if(iLen->value() != track->len)
+ iLen->setValue(track->len);
+ if(iKompr->value() != track->compression)
+ iKompr->setValue(track->compression);
+ */
+ }
+ break;
+ case Track::WAVE:
+ case Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT:
+ case Track::AUDIO_INPUT:
+ case Track::AUDIO_GROUP:
+ case Track::AUDIO_AUX:
+ case Track::AUDIO_SOFTSYNTH:
+ break;
+ }
+// songChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::songChanged(int type)
+ {
+ // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it.
+ if(type != SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER)
+ {
+ unsigned endTick = song->len();
+ int offset = AL::sigmap.ticksMeasure(endTick);
+ hscroll->setRange(-offset, endTick + offset); //DEBUG
+ canvas->setOrigin(-offset, 0);
+ time->setOrigin(-offset, 0);
+ int bar, beat;
+ unsigned tick;
+ AL::sigmap.tickValues(endTick, &bar, &beat, &tick);
+ if (tick || beat)
+ ++bar;
+ lenEntry->blockSignals(true);
+ lenEntry->setValue(bar);
+ lenEntry->blockSignals(false);
+ trackSelectionChanged();
+ canvas->partsChanged();
+ typeBox->setCurrentIndex(int(song->mtype()));
+ if (type & SC_SIG)
+ time->redraw();
+ if (type & SC_TEMPO)
+ setGlobalTempo(tempomap.globalTempo());
+ if(type & SC_TRACK_REMOVED)
+ {
+ AudioStrip* w = (AudioStrip*)(trackInfo->getWidget(2));
+ if(w)
+ {
+ Track* t = w->getTrack();
+ if(t)
+ {
+ TrackList* tl = song->tracks();
+ iTrack it = tl->find(t);
+ if(it == tl->end())
+ {
+ delete w;
+ trackInfo->addWidget(0, 2);
+ selected = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateTrackInfo(type);
+ }
+// setLabelText
+void MidiTrackInfo::setLabelText()
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ if(track)
+ trackNameLabel->setText(track->name());
+ else
+ trackNameLabel->setText(QString());
+// setLabelFont
+void MidiTrackInfo::setLabelFont()
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ if(!track)
+ return;
+ // Use the new font #6 I created just for these labels (so far).
+ // Set the label's font.
+ trackNameLabel->setFont(config.fonts[6]);
+ // Dealing with a horizontally constrained label. Ignore vertical. Use a minimum readable point size.
+ autoAdjustFontSize(trackNameLabel, trackNameLabel->text(), false, true, config.fonts[6].pointSize(), 5);
+// iOutputChannelChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iOutputChannelChanged(int channel)
+ {
+ --channel;
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ if (channel != track->outChannel()) {
+ // Changed by T356.
+ //track->setOutChannel(channel);
+ audio->msgIdle(true);
+ //audio->msgSetTrackOutChannel(track, channel);
+ track->setOutChanAndUpdate(channel);
+ audio->msgIdle(false);
+ // may result in adding/removing mixer strip:
+ //song->update(-1);
+ song->update(SC_MIDI_CHANNEL);
+ }
+ }
+// iOutputPortChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iOutputPortChanged(int index)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ if (index == track->outPort())
+ return;
+ // Changed by T356.
+ //track->setOutPort(index);
+ audio->msgIdle(true);
+ //audio->msgSetTrackOutPort(track, index);
+ track->setOutPortAndUpdate(index);
+ audio->msgIdle(false);
+ ///list->redraw();
+ emit outputPortChanged(index);
+ }
+// routingPopupMenuActivated
+//void MidiTrackInfo::routingPopupMenuActivated(int n)
+void MidiTrackInfo::routingPopupMenuActivated(QAction* act)
+ ///if(!midiTrackInfo || gRoutingPopupMenuMaster != midiTrackInfo || !selected || !selected->isMidiTrack())
+ if((gRoutingPopupMenuMaster != this) || !selected || !selected->isMidiTrack())
+ return;
+ muse->routingPopupMenuActivated(selected, act->data().toInt());
+#if 0
+// routingPopupViewActivated
+void MidiTrackInfo::routingPopupViewActivated(const QModelIndex& mdi)
+ ///if(!midiTrackInfo || gRoutingPopupMenuMaster != midiTrackInfo || !selected || !selected->isMidiTrack())
+ if(gRoutingPopupMenuMaster != this || !selected || !selected->isMidiTrack())
+ return;
+ muse->routingPopupMenuActivated(selected,;
+// inRoutesPressed
+void MidiTrackInfo::inRoutesPressed()
+ if(!selected)
+ return;
+ if(!selected->isMidiTrack())
+ return;
+ PopupMenu* pup = muse->prepareRoutingPopupMenu(selected, false);
+ //PopupView* pup = muse->prepareRoutingPopupView(selected, false);
+ if(!pup) {
+ int ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("No inputs"),
+ tr("There are no midi inputs.\n"
+ "Do you want to open the midi configuration dialog?"),
+ QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel,
+ QMessageBox::Ok);
+ if (ret == QMessageBox::Ok) {
+ printf("open config midi ports\n");
+ muse->configMidiPorts();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ///gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = midiTrackInfo;
+ gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = this;
+ connect(pup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(QAction*)));
+ //connect(pup, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex&)), SLOT(routingPopupViewActivated(const QModelIndex&)));
+ connect(pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), muse, SLOT(routingPopupMenuAboutToHide()));
+ //connect(pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), muse, SLOT(routingPopupViewAboutToHide()));
+ pup->popup(QCursor::pos());
+ //pup->setVisible(true);
+ iRButton->setDown(false);
+ return;
+// outRoutesPressed
+void MidiTrackInfo::outRoutesPressed()
+ if(!selected)
+ return;
+ if(!selected->isMidiTrack())
+ return;
+ PopupMenu* pup = muse->prepareRoutingPopupMenu(selected, true);
+ if(!pup)
+ return;
+ ///gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = midiTrackInfo;
+ gRoutingPopupMenuMaster = this;
+ connect(pup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), SLOT(routingPopupMenuActivated(QAction*)));
+ connect(pup, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), muse, SLOT(routingPopupMenuAboutToHide()));
+ pup->popup(QCursor::pos());
+ oRButton->setDown(false);
+ return;
+// iProgHBankChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iProgHBankChanged()
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int channel = track->outChannel();
+ int port = track->outPort();
+ int hbank = iHBank->value();
+ int lbank = iLBank->value();
+ int prog = iProgram->value();
+ if (hbank > 0 && hbank < 129)
+ hbank -= 1;
+ else
+ hbank = 0xff;
+ if (lbank > 0 && lbank < 129)
+ lbank -= 1;
+ else
+ lbank = 0xff;
+ if (prog > 0 && prog < 129)
+ prog -= 1;
+ else
+ prog = 0xff;
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ if(prog == 0xff && hbank == 0xff && lbank == 0xff)
+ {
+ program = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ if(mp->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM) != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ audio->msgSetHwCtrlState(mp, channel, CTRL_PROGRAM, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ return;
+ }
+ int np = mp->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(np == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ np = mp->lastValidHWCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(np != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ lbank = (np & 0xff00) >> 8;
+ prog = np & 0xff;
+ if(prog == 0xff)
+ prog = 0;
+ int ilbnk = lbank;
+ int iprog = prog;
+ if(ilbnk == 0xff)
+ ilbnk = -1;
+ ++ilbnk;
+ ++iprog;
+ iLBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(true);
+ iLBank->setValue(ilbnk);
+ iProgram->setValue(iprog);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(false);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ }
+ if(prog == 0xff && (hbank != 0xff || lbank != 0xff))
+ {
+ prog = 0;
+ iProgram->blockSignals(true);
+ iProgram->setValue(1);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ program = (hbank << 16) + (lbank << 8) + prog;
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, channel, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PROGRAM, program);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
+ iPatch->setText(instr->getPatchName(channel, program, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM));
+// updateTrackInfo();
+ }
+// iProgLBankChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iProgLBankChanged()
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int channel = track->outChannel();
+ int port = track->outPort();
+ int hbank = iHBank->value();
+ int lbank = iLBank->value();
+ int prog = iProgram->value();
+ if (hbank > 0 && hbank < 129)
+ hbank -= 1;
+ else
+ hbank = 0xff;
+ if (lbank > 0 && lbank < 129)
+ lbank -= 1;
+ else
+ lbank = 0xff;
+ if (prog > 0 && prog < 129)
+ prog -= 1;
+ else
+ prog = 0xff;
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ if(prog == 0xff && hbank == 0xff && lbank == 0xff)
+ {
+ program = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ if(mp->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM) != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ audio->msgSetHwCtrlState(mp, channel, CTRL_PROGRAM, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ return;
+ }
+ int np = mp->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(np == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ np = mp->lastValidHWCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(np != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ hbank = (np & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+ prog = np & 0xff;
+ if(prog == 0xff)
+ prog = 0;
+ int ihbnk = hbank;
+ int iprog = prog;
+ if(ihbnk == 0xff)
+ ihbnk = -1;
+ ++ihbnk;
+ ++iprog;
+ iHBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(true);
+ iHBank->setValue(ihbnk);
+ iProgram->setValue(iprog);
+ iHBank->blockSignals(false);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ }
+ if(prog == 0xff && (hbank != 0xff || lbank != 0xff))
+ {
+ prog = 0;
+ iProgram->blockSignals(true);
+ iProgram->setValue(1);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ program = (hbank << 16) + (lbank << 8) + prog;
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, channel, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PROGRAM, program);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
+ iPatch->setText(instr->getPatchName(channel, program, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM));
+// updateTrackInfo();
+ }
+// iProgramChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iProgramChanged()
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int channel = track->outChannel();
+ int port = track->outPort();
+ int hbank = iHBank->value();
+ int lbank = iLBank->value();
+ int prog = iProgram->value();
+ if (hbank > 0 && hbank < 129)
+ hbank -= 1;
+ else
+ hbank = 0xff;
+ if (lbank > 0 && lbank < 129)
+ lbank -= 1;
+ else
+ lbank = 0xff;
+ if (prog > 0 && prog < 129)
+ prog -= 1;
+ else
+ prog = 0xff;
+ MidiPort *mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ if(prog == 0xff)
+ {
+ program = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ iHBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iHBank->setValue(0);
+ iLBank->setValue(0);
+ iHBank->blockSignals(false);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(false);
+ if(mp->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM) != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ audio->msgSetHwCtrlState(mp, channel, CTRL_PROGRAM, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int np = mp->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(np == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ np = mp->lastValidHWCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(np != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ hbank = (np & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+ lbank = (np & 0xff00) >> 8;
+ int ihbnk = hbank;
+ int ilbnk = lbank;
+ if(ihbnk == 0xff)
+ ihbnk = -1;
+ if(ilbnk == 0xff)
+ ilbnk = -1;
+ ++ihbnk;
+ ++ilbnk;
+ iHBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iHBank->setValue(ihbnk);
+ iLBank->setValue(ilbnk);
+ iHBank->blockSignals(false);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ }
+ program = (hbank << 16) + (lbank << 8) + prog;
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, channel, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PROGRAM, program);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
+ iPatch->setText(instr->getPatchName(channel, program, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM));
+ }
+// updateTrackInfo();
+ }
+// iLautstChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iLautstChanged(int val)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int outPort = track->outPort();
+ int chan = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[outPort];
+ MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(CTRL_VOLUME);
+ if((val < mctl->minVal()) || (val > mctl->maxVal()))
+ {
+ if(mp->hwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_VOLUME) != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ audio->msgSetHwCtrlState(mp, chan, CTRL_VOLUME, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val += mctl->bias();
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, outPort, chan,
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ song->update(SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER);
+ }
+// iTranspChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iTranspChanged(int val)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ track->transposition = val;
+ }
+// iAnschlChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iAnschlChanged(int val)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ track->velocity = val;
+ }
+// iVerzChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iVerzChanged(int val)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ track->delay = val;
+ }
+// iLenChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iLenChanged(int val)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ track->len = val;
+ }
+// iKomprChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iKomprChanged(int val)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ track->compression = val;
+ }
+// iPanChanged
+void MidiTrackInfo::iPanChanged(int val)
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int port = track->outPort();
+ int chan = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(CTRL_PANPOT);
+ if((val < mctl->minVal()) || (val > mctl->maxVal()))
+ {
+ if(mp->hwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_PANPOT) != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ audio->msgSetHwCtrlState(mp, chan, CTRL_PANPOT, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val += mctl->bias();
+ // Realtime Change:
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, chan,
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ song->update(SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER);
+ }
+// instrPopup
+void MidiTrackInfo::instrPopup()
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int channel = track->outChannel();
+ int port = track->outPort();
+ MidiInstrument* instr = midiPorts[port].instrument();
+ QMenu* pup = new QMenu;
+ ///instr->populatePatchPopup(pop, channel, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM);
+ instr->populatePatchPopup(pup, channel, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM);
+ ///if(pop->actions().count() == 0)
+ /// return;
+ if(pup->actions().count() == 0)
+ {
+ delete pup;
+ return;
+ }
+ ///QAction *act = pop->exec(iPatch->mapToGlobal(QPoint(10,5)));
+ QAction *act = pup->exec(iPatch->mapToGlobal(QPoint(10,5)));
+ if (act) {
+ int rv = act->data().toInt();
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, channel, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PROGRAM, rv);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ updateTrackInfo(-1);
+ }
+ delete pup;
+ }
+// recEchoToggled
+void MidiTrackInfo::recEchoToggled(bool v)
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ track->setRecEcho(v);
+ //song->update(SC_???);
+// iProgramDoubleClicked
+void MidiTrackInfo::iProgramDoubleClicked()
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int port = track->outPort();
+ int chan = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(!track || !mctl)
+ return;
+ int lastv = mp->lastValidHWCtrlState(chan, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ int curv = mp->hwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(curv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ // If no value has ever been set yet, use the current knob value
+ // (or the controller's initial value?) to 'turn on' the controller.
+ if(lastv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ int kiv = mctl->initVal();
+ //int kiv = lrint(_knob->value());
+ if(kiv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ kiv = 0;
+ //else
+ //{
+ //if(kiv < mctrl->minVal())
+ // kiv = mctrl->minVal();
+ //if(kiv > mctrl->maxVal())
+ // kiv = mctrl->maxVal();
+ //kiv += mctrl->bias();
+ //}
+ //MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, num, kiv);
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PROGRAM, kiv);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PROGRAM, lastv);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(mp->hwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_PROGRAM) != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ audio->msgSetHwCtrlState(mp, chan, CTRL_PROGRAM, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ song->update(SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER);
+// iLautstDoubleClicked
+void MidiTrackInfo::iLautstDoubleClicked()
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int port = track->outPort();
+ int chan = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(CTRL_VOLUME);
+ if(!track || !mctl)
+ return;
+ int lastv = mp->lastValidHWCtrlState(chan, CTRL_VOLUME);
+ int curv = mp->hwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_VOLUME);
+ if(curv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ // If no value has ever been set yet, use the current knob value
+ // (or the controller's initial value?) to 'turn on' the controller.
+ if(lastv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ int kiv = mctl->initVal();
+ //int kiv = lrint(_knob->value());
+ if(kiv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ // Set volume to 78% of range, so that if range is 0 - 127, then value is 100.
+ kiv = lround(double(mctl->maxVal() - mctl->minVal()) * 0.7874);
+ else
+ {
+ if(kiv < mctl->minVal())
+ kiv = mctl->minVal();
+ if(kiv > mctl->maxVal())
+ kiv = mctl->maxVal();
+ kiv += mctl->bias();
+ }
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_VOLUME, kiv);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_VOLUME, lastv);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(mp->hwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_VOLUME) != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ audio->msgSetHwCtrlState(mp, chan, CTRL_VOLUME, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ song->update(SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER);
+// iPanDoubleClicked
+void MidiTrackInfo::iPanDoubleClicked()
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int port = track->outPort();
+ int chan = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ MidiController* mctl = mp->midiController(CTRL_PANPOT);
+ if(!track || !mctl)
+ return;
+ int lastv = mp->lastValidHWCtrlState(chan, CTRL_PANPOT);
+ int curv = mp->hwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_PANPOT);
+ if(curv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ // If no value has ever been set yet, use the current knob value
+ // (or the controller's initial value?) to 'turn on' the controller.
+ if(lastv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ int kiv = mctl->initVal();
+ //int kiv = lrint(_knob->value());
+ if(kiv == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ // Set volume to 50% of range, so that if range is 0 - 127, then value is 64.
+ kiv = lround(double(mctl->maxVal() - mctl->minVal()) * 0.5);
+ else
+ {
+ if(kiv < mctl->minVal())
+ kiv = mctl->minVal();
+ if(kiv > mctl->maxVal())
+ kiv = mctl->maxVal();
+ kiv += mctl->bias();
+ }
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PANPOT, kiv);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, port, chan, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_PANPOT, lastv);
+ audio->msgPlayMidiEvent(&ev);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(mp->hwCtrlState(chan, CTRL_PANPOT) != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ audio->msgSetHwCtrlState(mp, chan, CTRL_PANPOT, CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ song->update(SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER);
+// updateTrackInfo
+void MidiTrackInfo::updateTrackInfo(int flags)
+ if(!selected)
+ return;
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it.
+ if(flags == SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER)
+ return;
+ // p3.3.47 Update the routing popup menu if anything relevant changes.
+ //if(gRoutingPopupMenuMaster == midiTrackInfo && selected && (flags & (SC_ROUTE | SC_CHANNELS | SC_CONFIG)))
+ if(flags & (SC_ROUTE | SC_CHANNELS | SC_CONFIG)) // p3.3.50
+ // Use this handy shared routine.
+ //muse->updateRouteMenus(selected);
+ ///muse->updateRouteMenus(selected, midiTrackInfo); // p3.3.50
+ muse->updateRouteMenus(selected, this);
+ // Added by Tim. p3.3.9
+ setLabelText();
+ setLabelFont();
+ //{
+ int outChannel = track->outChannel();
+ ///int inChannel = track->inChannelMask();
+ int outPort = track->outPort();
+ //int inPort = track->inPortMask();
+ ///unsigned int inPort = track->inPortMask();
+ //iInput->clear();
+ iOutput->clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) {
+ QString name;
+ name.sprintf("%d:%s", i+1, midiPorts[i].portname().toLatin1().constData());
+ iOutput->insertItem(i, name);
+ if (i == outPort)
+ iOutput->setCurrentIndex(i);
+ }
+ //iInput->setText(bitmap2String(inPort));
+ ///iInput->setText(u32bitmap2String(inPort));
+ //iInputChannel->setText(bitmap2String(inChannel));
+ // Removed by Tim. p3.3.9
+ //if (iName->text() != selected->name()) {
+ // iName->setText(selected->name());
+ // iName->home(false);
+ // }
+ iOutputChannel->setValue(outChannel+1);
+ ///iInputChannel->setText(bitmap2String(inChannel));
+ // Set record echo.
+ if(recEchoButton->isChecked() != track->recEcho())
+ {
+ recEchoButton->blockSignals(true);
+ recEchoButton->setChecked(track->recEcho());
+ recEchoButton->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[outPort];
+ int nprogram = mp->hwCtrlState(outChannel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(nprogram == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ iHBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(true);
+ iHBank->setValue(0);
+ iLBank->setValue(0);
+ iProgram->setValue(0);
+ iHBank->blockSignals(false);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(false);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(false);
+ program = CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN;
+ nprogram = mp->lastValidHWCtrlState(outChannel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(nprogram == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ //iPatch->setText(QString("<unknown>"));
+ iPatch->setText(tr("<unknown>"));
+ else
+ {
+ MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
+ iPatch->setText(instr->getPatchName(outChannel, nprogram, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ //if (program != nprogram)
+ {
+ program = nprogram;
+ //int hb, lb, pr;
+ //if (program == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN) {
+ // hb = lb = pr = 0;
+ // iPatch->setText("---");
+ // }
+ //else
+ //{
+ MidiInstrument* instr = mp->instrument();
+ iPatch->setText(instr->getPatchName(outChannel, program, song->mtype(), track->type() == Track::DRUM));
+ int hb = ((program >> 16) & 0xff) + 1;
+ if (hb == 0x100)
+ hb = 0;
+ int lb = ((program >> 8) & 0xff) + 1;
+ if (lb == 0x100)
+ lb = 0;
+ int pr = (program & 0xff) + 1;
+ if (pr == 0x100)
+ pr = 0;
+ //}
+ iHBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(true);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(true);
+ iHBank->setValue(hb);
+ iLBank->setValue(lb);
+ iProgram->setValue(pr);
+ iHBank->blockSignals(false);
+ iLBank->blockSignals(false);
+ iProgram->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ MidiController* mc = mp->midiController(CTRL_VOLUME);
+ int mn = mc->minVal();
+ int v = mp->hwCtrlState(outChannel, CTRL_VOLUME);
+ volume = v;
+ //{
+ //v = mc->initVal();
+ //if(v == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ // v = 0;
+ v = mn - 1;
+ //}
+ else
+ // Auto bias...
+ v -= mc->bias();
+ iLautst->blockSignals(true);
+ iLautst->setRange(mn - 1, mc->maxVal());
+ iLautst->setValue(v);
+ iLautst->blockSignals(false);
+ mc = mp->midiController(CTRL_PANPOT);
+ mn = mc->minVal();
+ v = mp->hwCtrlState(outChannel, CTRL_PANPOT);
+ pan = v;
+ //{
+ //v = mc->initVal();
+ //if(v == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ // v = 0;
+ v = mn - 1;
+ //}
+ else
+ // Auto bias...
+ v -= mc->bias();
+ iPan->blockSignals(true);
+ iPan->setRange(mn - 1, mc->maxVal());
+ iPan->setValue(v);
+ iPan->blockSignals(false);
+ //}
+ // Does it include a midi controller value adjustment? Then handle it...
+ //if(flags & SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER)
+ // seek();
+ // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it.
+ //if(flags != SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER)
+ //{
+ iTransp->setValue(track->transposition);
+ iAnschl->setValue(track->velocity);
+ iVerz->setValue(track->delay);
+ iLen->setValue(track->len);
+ iKompr->setValue(track->compression);
+ //}
+// progRecClicked
+void MidiTrackInfo::progRecClicked()
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int portno = track->outPort();
+ int channel = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[portno];
+ int program = port->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(program == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN || program == 0xffffff)
+ return;
+ unsigned tick = song->cpos();
+ Event a(Controller);
+ a.setTick(tick);
+ a.setB(program);
+ song->recordEvent(track, a);
+ }
+// volRecClicked
+void MidiTrackInfo::volRecClicked()
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int portno = track->outPort();
+ int channel = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[portno];
+ int volume = port->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_VOLUME);
+ if(volume == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ return;
+ unsigned tick = song->cpos();
+ Event a(Controller);
+ a.setTick(tick);
+ a.setA(CTRL_VOLUME);
+ a.setB(volume);
+ song->recordEvent(track, a);
+ }
+// panRecClicked
+void MidiTrackInfo::panRecClicked()
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int portno = track->outPort();
+ int channel = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[portno];
+ int pan = port->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PANPOT);
+ if(pan == CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ return;
+ unsigned tick = song->cpos();
+ Event a(Controller);
+ a.setTick(tick);
+ a.setA(CTRL_PANPOT);
+ a.setB(pan);
+ song->recordEvent(track, a);
+ }
+// recordClicked
+void MidiTrackInfo::recordClicked()
+ {
+ MidiTrack* track = (MidiTrack*)selected;
+ int portno = track->outPort();
+ int channel = track->outChannel();
+ MidiPort* port = &midiPorts[portno];
+ unsigned tick = song->cpos();
+ int program = port->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PROGRAM);
+ if(program != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN && program != 0xffffff)
+ {
+ Event a(Controller);
+ a.setTick(tick);
+ a.setB(program);
+ song->recordEvent(track, a);
+ }
+ int volume = port->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_VOLUME);
+ if(volume != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ Event a(Controller);
+ a.setTick(tick);
+ a.setA(CTRL_VOLUME);
+ a.setB(volume);
+ song->recordEvent(track, a);
+ }
+ int pan = port->hwCtrlState(channel, CTRL_PANPOT);
+ if(pan != CTRL_VAL_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ Event a(Controller);
+ a.setTick(tick);
+ a.setA(CTRL_PANPOT);
+ a.setB(pan);
+ song->recordEvent(track, a);
+ }
+ }