path: root/muse2/muse/audio.cpp
diff options
authorRobert Jonsson <>2010-10-13 19:34:22 +0000
committerRobert Jonsson <>2010-10-13 19:34:22 +0000
commit8a2c2824a59d7644e13bc52c9a0ecbd641f21f95 (patch)
tree064ad3f2bf8daab0ad27b128abd86a9bbdb1e496 /muse2/muse/audio.cpp
parenta27706d9629e8b592cca4659f865b70adef24e6d (diff)
new branch muse2, first checkin
Diffstat (limited to 'muse2/muse/audio.cpp')
1 files changed, 1431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/muse2/muse/audio.cpp b/muse2/muse/audio.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a7029db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/muse2/muse/audio.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1431 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: audio.cpp,v 2009/12/20 05:00:35 terminator356 Exp $
+// (C) Copyright 2001-2004 Werner Schweer (
+#include <cmath>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <qsocketnotifier.h>
+#include "app.h"
+#include "song.h"
+#include "node.h"
+#include "audiodev.h"
+#include "mididev.h"
+#include "alsamidi.h"
+#include "synth.h"
+#include "audioprefetch.h"
+#include "plugin.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "wave.h"
+#include "midictrl.h"
+#include "midiseq.h"
+#include "sync.h"
+#include "midi.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "gconfig.h"
+#include "pos.h"
+#include "ticksynth.h"
+extern double curTime();
+Audio* audio;
+AudioDevice* audioDevice; // current audio device in use
+// p3.3.25
+extern unsigned int volatile midiExtSyncTicks;
+//static const unsigned char mmcDeferredPlayMsg[] = { 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x06, 0x03 };
+//static const unsigned char mmcStopMsg[] = { 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x06, 0x01 };
+const char* seqMsgList[] = {
+ };
+const char* audioStates[] = {
+ };
+// Audio
+ {
+ _running = false;
+ recording = false;
+ idle = false;
+ _freewheel = false;
+ _bounce = false;
+ //loopPassed = false;
+ _loopFrame = 0;
+ _loopCount = 0;
+ _pos.setType(Pos::FRAMES);
+ _pos.setFrame(0);
+ curTickPos = 0;
+ midiClick = 0;
+ clickno = 0;
+ clicksMeasure = 0;
+ ticksBeat = 0;
+ syncTime = 0.0;
+ syncFrame = 0;
+ frameOffset = 0;
+ state = STOP;
+ msg = 0;
+ // Changed by Tim. p3.3.8
+ //startRecordPos.setType(Pos::TICKS);
+ //endRecordPos.setType(Pos::TICKS);
+ startRecordPos.setType(Pos::FRAMES);
+ endRecordPos.setType(Pos::FRAMES);
+ _audioMonitor = 0;
+ _audioMaster = 0;
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ // establish pipes/sockets
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ int filedes[2]; // 0 - reading 1 - writing
+ if (pipe(filedes) == -1) {
+ perror("creating pipe0");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ fromThreadFdw = filedes[1];
+ fromThreadFdr = filedes[0];
+ int rv = fcntl(fromThreadFdw, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ if (rv == -1)
+ perror("set pipe O_NONBLOCK");
+ if (pipe(filedes) == -1) {
+ perror("creating pipe1");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ sigFd = filedes[1];
+ QSocketNotifier* ss = new QSocketNotifier(filedes[0], QSocketNotifier::Read);
+ song->connect(ss, SIGNAL(activated(int)), song, SLOT(seqSignal(int)));
+ }
+// start
+// start audio processing
+extern bool initJackAudio();
+bool Audio::start()
+ {
+ //process(segmentSize); // warm up caches
+ state = STOP;
+ _loopCount = 0;
+ muse->setHeartBeat();
+ if (audioDevice) {
+ // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //_running = true;
+ //audioDevice->start();
+ }
+ else {
+ if(false == initJackAudio()) {
+ // Added by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //_running = true;
+ InputList* itl = song->inputs();
+ for (iAudioInput i = itl->begin(); i != itl->end(); ++i) {
+ //printf("reconnecting input %s\n", (*i)->name().ascii());
+ for (int x=0; x < (*i)->channels();x++)
+ (*i)->setJackPort(x,0);
+ (*i)->setName((*i)->name()); // restore jack connection
+ }
+ OutputList* otl = song->outputs();
+ for (iAudioOutput i = otl->begin(); i != otl->end(); ++i) {
+ //printf("reconnecting output %s\n", (*i)->name().ascii());
+ for (int x=0; x < (*i)->channels();x++)
+ (*i)->setJackPort(x,0);
+ //printf("name=%s\n",(*i)->name().latin1());
+ (*i)->setName((*i)->name()); // restore jack connection
+ }
+ //audioDevice->start();
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("Failed to init audio!\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ audioDevice->start(realTimePriority);
+ _running = true;
+ // shall we really stop JACK transport and locate to
+ // saved position?
+ audioDevice->stopTransport();
+ //audioDevice->seekTransport(song->cPos().frame());
+ audioDevice->seekTransport(song->cPos());
+ return true;
+ }
+// stop
+// stop audio processing
+void Audio::stop(bool)
+ {
+ if (audioDevice)
+ audioDevice->stop();
+ _running = false;
+ }
+// sync
+// return true if sync is completed
+bool Audio::sync(int jackState, unsigned frame)
+ {
+// Changed by Tim. p3.3.24
+ bool done = true;
+ if (state == LOOP1)
+ state = LOOP2;
+ else {
+ if (_pos.frame() != frame) {
+ Pos p(frame, false);
+ seek(p);
+ }
+ state = State(jackState);
+ if (!_freewheel)
+ //done = audioPrefetch->seekDone;
+ done = audioPrefetch->seekDone();
+ }
+ return done;
+ bool done = true;
+ if (state == LOOP1)
+ state = LOOP2;
+ else {
+ State s = State(jackState);
+ //
+ // STOP -> START_PLAY start rolling
+ // STOP -> STOP seek in stop state
+ // PLAY -> START_PLAY seek in play state
+ if (state != START_PLAY) {
+ //Pos p(frame, AL::FRAMES);
+ // seek(p);
+ Pos p(frame, false);
+ seek(p);
+ if (!_freewheel)
+ done = audioPrefetch->seekDone();
+ if (s == START_PLAY)
+ state = START_PLAY;
+ }
+ else {
+ //if (frame != _seqTime.pos.frame()) {
+ if (frame != _pos.frame()) {
+ // seek during seek
+ //seek(Pos(frame, AL::FRAMES));
+ seek(Pos(frame, false));
+ }
+ done = audioPrefetch->seekDone();
+ }
+ }
+ return done;
+ }
+// setFreewheel
+void Audio::setFreewheel(bool val)
+ {
+// printf("JACK: freewheel callback %d\n", val);
+ _freewheel = val;
+ }
+// shutdown
+void Audio::shutdown()
+ {
+ _running = false;
+ printf("Audio::shutdown()\n");
+ write(sigFd, "S", 1);
+ }
+// process
+// process one audio buffer at position "_pos "
+// of size "frames"
+void Audio::process(unsigned frames)
+ {
+ // Disabled by Tim. p3.3.22
+// extern int watchAudio;
+// ++watchAudio; // make a simple watchdog happy
+ if (!checkAudioDevice()) return;
+ if (msg) {
+ processMsg(msg);
+ int sn = msg->serialNo;
+ msg = 0; // dont process again
+ int rv = write(fromThreadFdw, &sn, sizeof(int));
+ if (rv != sizeof(int)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "audio: write(%d) pipe failed: %s\n",
+ fromThreadFdw, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ }
+ OutputList* ol = song->outputs();
+ if (idle) {
+ // deliver no audio
+ for (iAudioOutput i = ol->begin(); i != ol->end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->silence(frames);
+ return;
+ }
+ int jackState = audioDevice->getState();
+ //if(debugMsg)
+ // printf("Audio::process Current state:%s jackState:%s\n", audioStates[state], audioStates[jackState]);
+ if (state == START_PLAY && jackState == PLAY) {
+ _loopCount = 0;
+ startRolling();
+ if (_bounce)
+ write(sigFd, "f", 1);
+ }
+ else if (state == LOOP2 && jackState == PLAY) {
+ ++_loopCount; // Number of times we have looped so far
+ Pos newPos(_loopFrame, false);
+ seek(newPos);
+ startRolling();
+ }
+ else if (isPlaying() && jackState == STOP) {
+ // p3.3.43 Make sure to stop bounce and freewheel mode, for example if user presses stop
+ // in QJackCtl before right-hand marker is reached (which is handled below).
+ //printf("Audio::process isPlaying() && jackState == STOP\n");
+ //if (_bounce)
+ //{
+ //printf(" stopping bounce...\n");
+ // _bounce = false;
+ // write(sigFd, "F", 1);
+ //}
+ stopRolling();
+ }
+ else if (state == START_PLAY && jackState == STOP) {
+ state = STOP;
+ if (_bounce) {
+ audioDevice->startTransport();
+ }
+ else
+ write(sigFd, "3", 1); // abort rolling
+ }
+ else if (state == STOP && jackState == PLAY) {
+ _loopCount = 0;
+ startRolling();
+ }
+ else if (state == LOOP1 && jackState == PLAY)
+ ; // treat as play
+ else if (state == LOOP2 && jackState == START_PLAY) {
+ ; // sync cycle
+ }
+ else if (state != jackState)
+ printf("JACK: state transition %s -> %s ?\n",
+ audioStates[state], audioStates[jackState]);
+// printf("p %s %s %d\n", audioStates[jackState], audioStates[state], _pos.frame());
+ //
+ // clear aux send buffers
+ //
+ AuxList* al = song->auxs();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < al->size(); ++i) {
+ AudioAux* a = (AudioAux*)((*al)[i]);
+ float** dst = a->sendBuffer();
+ for (int ch = 0; ch < a->channels(); ++ch)
+ memset(dst[ch], 0, sizeof(float) * segmentSize);
+ }
+ for (iAudioOutput i = ol->begin(); i != ol->end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->processInit(frames);
+ int samplePos = _pos.frame();
+ int offset = 0; // buffer offset in audio buffers
+ if (isPlaying()) {
+ if (!freewheel())
+ audioPrefetch->msgTick();
+ if (_bounce && _pos >= song->rPos()) {
+ _bounce = false;
+ write(sigFd, "F", 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // check for end of song
+ //
+ if ((curTickPos >= song->len())
+ && !(song->record()
+ || _bounce
+ || song->loop())) {
+ //if(debugMsg)
+ // printf("Audio::process curTickPos >= song->len\n");
+ audioDevice->stopTransport();
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // check for loop end
+ //
+ if (state == PLAY && song->loop() && !_bounce && !extSyncFlag.value()) {
+ const Pos& loop = song->rPos();
+ unsigned n = loop.frame() - samplePos - (3 * frames);
+ if (n < frames) {
+ // loop end in current cycle
+ unsigned lpos = song->lPos().frame();
+ // adjust loop start so we get exact loop len
+ if (n > lpos)
+ n = 0;
+ state = LOOP1;
+ _loopFrame = lpos - n;
+ // clear sustain
+ for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[i];
+ for (int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) {
+ if (mp->hwCtrlState(ch, CTRL_SUSTAIN) == 127) {
+ if (mp->device()!=NULL) {
+ //printf("send clear sustain!!!!!!!! port %d ch %d\n", i,ch);
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, i, ch, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_SUSTAIN, 0);
+ // may cause problems, called from audio thread
+ mp->device()->putEvent(ev);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //audioDevice->seekTransport(_loopFrame);
+ Pos lp(_loopFrame, false);
+ audioDevice->seekTransport(lp);
+// printf(" process: seek to %d, end %d\n", _loopFrame, loop.frame());
+ }
+ }
+ // p3.3.25
+ if(extSyncFlag.value())
+ {
+ nextTickPos = curTickPos + midiExtSyncTicks;
+ // Probably not good - interfere with midi thread.
+ midiExtSyncTicks = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Pos ppp(_pos);
+ ppp += frames;
+ nextTickPos = ppp.tick();
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // resync with audio interface
+ //
+ syncFrame = audioDevice->framePos();
+ syncTime = curTime();
+ frameOffset = syncFrame - samplePos;
+ //printf("Audio::process calling process1:\n");
+ process1(samplePos, offset, frames);
+ for (iAudioOutput i = ol->begin(); i != ol->end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->processWrite();
+ if (isPlaying()) {
+ _pos += frames;
+ curTickPos = nextTickPos;
+ }
+ }
+// process1
+void Audio::process1(unsigned samplePos, unsigned offset, unsigned frames)
+ {
+ if (midiSeqRunning) {
+ processMidi();
+ }
+ //midiSeq->msgProcess();
+ //
+ // process not connected tracks
+ // to animate meter display
+ //
+ TrackList* tl = song->tracks();
+ AudioTrack* track;
+ int channels;
+ for(ciTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if((*it)->isMidiTrack())
+ continue;
+ track = (AudioTrack*)(*it);
+ // Added by T356.
+ // For audio track types, synths etc. which need some kind of non-audio
+ // (but possibly audio-affecting) processing always, even if their output path
+ // is ultimately unconnected.
+ // Example: A fluidsynth instance whose output path ultimately led to nowhere
+ // would not allow us to load a font. Since process() was driven by audio output,
+ // in this case there was nothing driving the process() function which responds to
+ // such gui commands. So I separated the events processing from process(), into this.
+ // It should be used for things like midi events, gui events etc. - things which need to
+ // be done BEFORE all the AudioOutput::process() are called below. That does NOT include
+ // audio processing, because THAT is done at the very end of this routine.
+ // This will also reset the track's processed flag.
+ track->preProcessAlways();
+ // Removed by T356
+ /*
+ if (track->noOutRoute() && !track->noInRoute() &&
+ track->type() != Track::AUDIO_AUX && track->type() != Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT) {
+ channels = track->channels();
+ float* buffer[channels];
+ float data[frames * channels];
+ for (int i = 0; i < channels; ++i)
+ buffer[i] = data + i * frames;
+ track->copyData(samplePos, channels, frames, buffer);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ // Pre-process the metronome.
+ ((AudioTrack*)metronome)->preProcessAlways();
+ OutputList* ol = song->outputs();
+ for (ciAudioOutput i = ol->begin(); i != ol->end(); ++i)
+ (*i)->process(samplePos, offset, frames);
+ // Removed by T356
+ /*
+ AuxList* auxl = song->auxs();
+ for (ciAudioAux ia = auxl->begin(); ia != auxl->end(); ++ia) {
+ track = (AudioTrack*)(*ia);
+ if (track->noOutRoute()) {
+ channels = track->channels();
+ float* buffer[channels];
+ float data[frames * channels];
+ for (int i = 0; i < channels; ++i)
+ buffer[i] = data + i * frames;
+ track->copyData(samplePos, channels, frames, buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ // Added by T356.
+ // Were ANY tracks unprocessed as a result of processing all the AudioOutputs, above?
+ // Not just unconnected ones, as previously done, but ones whose output path ultimately leads nowhere.
+ // Those tracks were missed, until this fix.
+ // Do them now. This will animate meters, and 'quietly' process some audio which needs to be done -
+ // for example synths really need to be processed, 'quietly' or not, otherwise the next time
+ // processing is 'turned on', if there was a backlog of events while it was off, then they all happen at once.
+ for(ciTrack it = tl->begin(); it != tl->end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if((*it)->isMidiTrack())
+ continue;
+ track = (AudioTrack*)(*it);
+ // Ignore unprocessed tracks which have an output route, because they will be processed by
+ // whatever track(s) they are routed to.
+ if(!track->processed() && track->noOutRoute() && (track->type() != Track::AUDIO_OUTPUT))
+ {
+ channels = track->channels();
+ // Just a dummy buffer.
+ float* buffer[channels];
+ float data[frames * channels];
+ for (int i = 0; i < channels; ++i)
+ buffer[i] = data + i * frames;
+ //printf("Audio::process1 calling track->copyData for track:%s\n", track->name().latin1());
+ // p3.3.38
+ //track->copyData(samplePos, channels, frames, buffer);
+ track->copyData(samplePos, channels, -1, -1, frames, buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// processMsg
+void Audio::processMsg(AudioMsg* msg)
+ {
+ switch(msg->id) {
+ msg->snode->setRecordFlag2(msg->ival);
+ break;
+ addRoute(msg->sroute, msg->droute);
+ break;
+ removeRoute(msg->sroute, msg->droute);
+ break;
+ case AUDIO_VOL:
+ msg->snode->setVolume(msg->dval);
+ break;
+ case AUDIO_PAN:
+ msg->snode->setPan(msg->dval);
+ break;
+ case SEQM_SET_AUX:
+ msg->snode->setAuxSend(msg->ival, msg->dval);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->setPrefader(msg->ival);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->setChannels(msg->ival);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->addPlugin(msg->plugin, msg->ival);
+ break;
+ //msg->plugin->track()->setPluginCtrlVal(msg->ival, msg->dval);
+ // p3.3.43
+ msg->snode->setPluginCtrlVal(msg->ival, msg->dval);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->swapControllerIDX(msg->a, msg->b);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->clearControllerEvents(msg->ival);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->seekPrevACEvent(msg->ival);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->seekNextACEvent(msg->ival);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->eraseACEvent(msg->ival, msg->a);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->eraseRangeACEvents(msg->ival, msg->a, msg->b);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->addACEvent(msg->ival, msg->a, msg->dval);
+ break;
+ msg->track->setSolo((bool)msg->ival);
+ break;
+ msg->snode->setSendMetronome((bool)msg->ival);
+ break;
+ segmentSize = msg->ival;
+ sampleRate = msg->iival;
+#if 0 //TODO
+ audioOutput.segmentSizeChanged();
+ for (int i = 0; i < mixerGroups; ++i)
+ audioGroups[i].segmentSizeChanged();
+ for (iSynthI ii = synthiInstances.begin(); ii != synthiInstances.end();++ii)
+ (*ii)->segmentSizeChanged();
+ break;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i)
+ midiPorts[i].instrument()->reset(i, song->mtype());
+ break;
+ initDevices();
+ break;
+ sendLocalOff();
+ break;
+ case SEQM_PANIC:
+ panic();
+ break;
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent* ev = (MidiPlayEvent*)(msg->p1);
+ midiPorts[ev->port()].sendEvent(*ev);
+ // Record??
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MidiPort* port = (MidiPort*)(msg->p1);
+ port->setHwCtrlState(msg->a, msg->b, msg->c);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ MidiPort* port = (MidiPort*)(msg->p1);
+ port->setHwCtrlStates(msg->a, msg->b, msg->c, msg->ival);
+ }
+ break;
+ alsaScanMidiPorts();
+ break;
+ midiSeq->msgUpdatePollFd();
+ break;
+ song->processMsg(msg);
+ if (isPlaying()) {
+ if (!checkAudioDevice()) return;
+ _pos.setTick(curTickPos);
+ int samplePos = _pos.frame();
+ syncFrame = audioDevice->framePos();
+ syncTime = curTime();
+ frameOffset = syncFrame - samplePos;
+ }
+ break;
+ midiSeq->sendMsg(msg);
+ break;
+ case SEQM_IDLE:
+ idle = msg->a;
+ midiSeq->sendMsg(msg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ song->processMsg(msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// seek
+// - called before start play
+// - initiated from gui
+void Audio::seek(const Pos& p)
+ {
+ if (_pos == p) {
+ if(debugMsg)
+ printf("Audio::seek already there\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // p3.3.23
+ //printf("Audio::seek frame:%d\n", p.frame());
+ _pos = p;
+ if (!checkAudioDevice()) return;
+ syncFrame = audioDevice->framePos();
+ frameOffset = syncFrame - _pos.frame();
+ curTickPos = _pos.tick();
+ midiSeq->msgSeek(); // handle stuck notes and set
+ // controller for new position
+ // p3.3.31
+ // Don't send if external sync is on. The master, and our sync routing system will take care of that.
+ if(!extSyncFlag.value())
+ {
+ for(int port = 0; port < MIDI_PORTS; ++port)
+ {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ MidiDevice* dev = mp->device();
+ //if(!dev || !mp->syncInfo().MCOut())
+ if(!dev || !mp->syncInfo().MRTOut())
+ continue;
+ // Added by T356: Shall we check for device write open flag to see if it's ok to send?...
+ // This means obey what the user has chosen for read/write in the midi port config dialog,
+ // which already takes into account whether the device is writable or not.
+ //if(!(dev->rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ //if(!(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ // continue;
+ //int port = dev->midiPort();
+ // By checking for no port here (-1), (and out of bounds), it means
+ // the device must be assigned to a port for these MMC commands to be sent.
+ // Without this check, interesting sync things can be done by the user without ever
+ // assigning any devices to ports !
+ //if(port < 0 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
+ //if(port < -1 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
+ // continue;
+ int beat = (curTickPos * 4) / config.division;
+ bool isPlaying=false;
+ if(state == PLAY)
+ isPlaying = true;
+ mp->sendStop();
+ mp->sendSongpos(beat);
+ if(isPlaying)
+ mp->sendContinue();
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ if(genMCSync)
+ {
+ for(iMidiDevice imd = midiDevices.begin(); imd != midiDevices.end(); ++imd)
+ {
+ MidiDevice* dev = (*imd);
+ if(!dev->syncInfo().MCOut())
+ continue;
+ // Added by T356: Shall we check for device write open flag to see if it's ok to send?...
+ // This means obey what the user has chosen for read/write in the midi port config dialog,
+ // which already takes into account whether the device is writable or not.
+ //if(!(dev->rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ //if(!(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ // continue;
+ int port = dev->midiPort();
+ // By checking for no port here (-1), (and out of bounds), it means
+ // the device must be assigned to a port for these MMC commands to be sent.
+ // Without this check, interesting sync things can be done by the user without ever
+ // assigning any devices to ports !
+ //if(port < 0 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
+ if(port < -1 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
+ continue;
+ int beat = (curTickPos * 4) / config.division;
+ bool isPlaying=false;
+ if(state == PLAY)
+ isPlaying = true;
+ if(port == -1)
+ // Send straight to the device... Copied from MidiPort.
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_STOP, 0, 0);
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ event.setType(ME_SONGPOS);
+ event.setA(beat);
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ if(isPlaying)
+ {
+ event.setType(ME_CONTINUE);
+ event.setA(0);
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Go through the port...
+ {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ mp->sendStop();
+ mp->sendSongpos(beat);
+ if(isPlaying)
+ mp->sendContinue();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ //loopPassed = true; // for record loop mode
+ if (state != LOOP2 && !freewheel())
+ {
+ // Changed by T356 08/17/08. We need to force prefetch to update,
+ // to ensure the most recent data. Things can happen to a part
+ // before play is pressed - such as part muting, part moving etc.
+ // Without a force, the wrong data was being played.
+ //audioPrefetch->msgSeek(_pos.frame());
+ audioPrefetch->msgSeek(_pos.frame(), true);
+ }
+ write(sigFd, "G", 1); // signal seek to gui
+ }
+// writeTick
+// called from audio prefetch thread context
+// write another buffer to soundfile
+void Audio::writeTick()
+ {
+ AudioOutput* ao = song->bounceOutput;
+ if(ao && song->outputs()->find(ao) != song->outputs()->end())
+ {
+ if(ao->recordFlag())
+ ao->record();
+ }
+ WaveTrackList* tl = song->waves();
+ for (iWaveTrack t = tl->begin(); t != tl->end(); ++t) {
+ WaveTrack* track = *t;
+ if (track->recordFlag())
+ track->record();
+ }
+ }
+// startRolling
+void Audio::startRolling()
+ {
+ // Changed by Tim. p3.3.8
+ //startRecordPos = _pos;
+ if(_loopCount == 0)
+ startRecordPos = _pos;
+ if (song->record()) {
+ recording = true;
+ TrackList* tracks = song->tracks();
+ for (iTrack i = tracks->begin(); i != tracks->end(); ++i) {
+ if ((*i)->isMidiTrack())
+ continue;
+ if ((*i)->type() == Track::WAVE)
+ ((WaveTrack*)(*i))->resetMeter();
+ }
+ }
+ state = PLAY;
+ write(sigFd, "1", 1); // Play
+ // p3.3.31
+ // Don't send if external sync is on. The master, and our sync routing system will take care of that.
+ if(!extSyncFlag.value())
+ {
+ // Changed by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //if (genMMC)
+ // midiPorts[txSyncPort].sendSysex(mmcDeferredPlayMsg, sizeof(mmcDeferredPlayMsg));
+ //if (genMCSync) {
+ // if (curTickPos)
+ // midiPorts[txSyncPort].sendContinue();
+ // else
+ // midiPorts[txSyncPort].sendStart();
+ // }
+ for(int port = 0; port < MIDI_PORTS; ++port)
+ {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ MidiDevice* dev = mp->device();
+ if(!dev)
+ continue;
+ // Shall we check open flags?
+ //if(!(dev->rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ //if(!(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ // continue;
+ MidiSyncInfo& si = mp->syncInfo();
+ //if(genMMC && si.MMCOut())
+ if(si.MMCOut())
+ //mp->sendSysex(mmcDeferredPlayMsg, sizeof(mmcDeferredPlayMsg));
+ mp->sendMMCDeferredPlay();
+ //if(genMCSync && si.MCOut())
+ //if(si.MCOut())
+ if(si.MRTOut())
+ {
+ if(curTickPos)
+ mp->sendContinue();
+ else
+ mp->sendStart();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ for(iMidiDevice imd = midiDevices.begin(); imd != midiDevices.end(); ++imd)
+ {
+ MidiDevice* dev = (*imd);
+ // Shall we check open flags?
+ //if(!(dev->rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ //if(!(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ // continue;
+ int port = dev->midiPort();
+ // Without this -1 check, interesting sync things can be done by the user without ever
+ // assigning any devices to ports !
+ //if(port < 0 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
+ if(port < -1 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
+ continue;
+ MidiSyncInfo& si = dev->syncInfo();
+ if(port == -1)
+ // Send straight to the device... Copied from MidiPort.
+ {
+ if(genMMC && si.MMCOut())
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, ME_SYSEX, mmcDeferredPlayMsg, sizeof(mmcDeferredPlayMsg));
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ }
+ if(genMCSync && si.MCOut())
+ {
+ if(curTickPos)
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_CONTINUE, 0, 0);
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_START, 0, 0);
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Go through the port...
+ {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ if(genMMC && si.MMCOut())
+ mp->sendSysex(mmcDeferredPlayMsg, sizeof(mmcDeferredPlayMsg));
+ if(genMCSync && si.MCOut())
+ {
+ if(curTickPos)
+ mp->sendContinue();
+ else
+ mp->sendStart();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ if (precountEnableFlag
+ && song->click()
+ && !extSyncFlag.value()
+ && song->record()) {
+#if 0
+ state = PRECOUNT;
+ int z, n;
+ if (precountFromMastertrackFlag)
+ sigmap.timesig(playTickPos, z, n);
+ else {
+ z = precountSigZ;
+ n = precountSigN;
+ }
+ clickno = z * preMeasures;
+ clicksMeasure = z;
+ ticksBeat = (division * 4)/n;
+ }
+ else {
+ //
+ // compute next midi metronome click position
+ //
+ int bar, beat;
+ unsigned tick;
+ sigmap.tickValues(curTickPos, &bar, &beat, &tick);
+ if (tick)
+ beat += 1;
+ midiClick = sigmap.bar2tick(bar, beat, 0);
+ }
+ // reenable sustain
+ for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[i];
+ for (int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) {
+ if (mp->hwCtrlState(ch, CTRL_SUSTAIN) == 127) {
+ if(mp->device() != NULL) {
+ //printf("send enable sustain!!!!!!!! port %d ch %d\n", i,ch);
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, i, ch, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_SUSTAIN, 127);
+ // may cause problems, called from audio thread
+ mp->device()->playEvents()->add(ev);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //tempomap.clearExtTempoList();
+ }
+// stopRolling
+void Audio::stopRolling()
+ {
+ // Added by Tim. p3.3.20
+ //if(debugMsg)
+ // printf("Audio::stopRolling state %s\n", audioStates[state]);
+ state = STOP;
+ midiSeq->msgStop();
+#if 1 //TODO
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ // reset sustain
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ // clear sustain
+ for (int i = 0; i < MIDI_PORTS; ++i) {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[i];
+ for (int ch = 0; ch < MIDI_CHANNELS; ++ch) {
+ if (mp->hwCtrlState(ch, CTRL_SUSTAIN) == 127) {
+ if(mp->device()!=NULL) {
+ //printf("send clear sustain!!!!!!!! port %d ch %d\n", i,ch);
+ MidiPlayEvent ev(0, i, ch, ME_CONTROLLER, CTRL_SUSTAIN, 0);
+ // may cause problems, called from audio thread
+ mp->device()->putEvent(ev);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // p3.3.31
+ // Don't send if external sync is on. The master, and our sync routing system will take care of that.
+ if(!extSyncFlag.value())
+ {
+ // Changed by Tim. p3.3.6
+ //MidiPort* syncPort = &midiPorts[txSyncPort];
+ //if (genMMC) {
+ // unsigned char mmcPos[] = {
+ // 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x06, 0x44, 0x06, 0x01,
+ // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ // };
+ // int frame = tempomap.tick2frame(curTickPos);
+ // MTC mtc(double(frame) / double(sampleRate));
+ // mmcPos[6] = mtc.h() | (mtcType << 5);
+ // mmcPos[7] = mtc.m();
+ // mmcPos[8] = mtc.s();
+ // mmcPos[9] = mtc.f();
+ // mmcPos[10] = mtc.sf();
+ // syncPort->sendSysex(mmcStopMsg, sizeof(mmcStopMsg));
+ // syncPort->sendSysex(mmcPos, sizeof(mmcPos));
+ // }
+ //if (genMCSync) { // Midi Clock
+ // send STOP and
+ // "set song position pointer"
+ // syncPort->sendStop();
+ // syncPort->sendSongpos(curTickPos * 4 / config.division);
+ // }
+ for(int port = 0; port < MIDI_PORTS; ++port)
+ {
+ MidiPort* mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ MidiDevice* dev = mp->device();
+ if(!dev)
+ continue;
+ // Shall we check open flags?
+ //if(!(dev->rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ //if(!(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ // continue;
+ MidiSyncInfo& si = mp->syncInfo();
+ //if(genMMC && si.MMCOut())
+ if(si.MMCOut())
+ {
+ //unsigned char mmcPos[] = {
+ // 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x06, 0x44, 0x06, 0x01,
+ // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ // };
+ // p3.3.31
+ /*
+ int frame = tempomap.tick2frame(curTickPos);
+ MTC mtc(double(frame) / double(sampleRate));
+ */
+ //mmcPos[6] = mtc.h() | (mtcType << 5);
+ //mmcPos[7] = mtc.m();
+ //mmcPos[8] = mtc.s();
+ //mmcPos[9] = mtc.f();
+ //mmcPos[10] = mtc.sf();
+ //mp->sendSysex(mmcStopMsg, sizeof(mmcStopMsg));
+ mp->sendMMCStop();
+ //mp->sendSysex(mmcPos, sizeof(mmcPos));
+ // p3.3.31
+ // Added check of option send continue not start.
+ // Hmm, is this required? Seems to make other devices unhappy.
+ /*
+ if(!si.sendContNotStart())
+ mp->sendMMCLocate(mtc.h() | (mtcType << 5),
+ mtc.m(), mtc.s(), mtc.f(), mtc.sf());
+ */
+ }
+ //if(genMCSync && si.MCOut()) // Midi Clock
+ //if(si.MCOut()) // Midi Clock
+ if(si.MRTOut()) //
+ {
+ // send STOP and
+ // "set song position pointer"
+ mp->sendStop();
+ // p3.3.31
+ // Added check of option send continue not start.
+ // Hmm, is this required? Seems to make other devices unhappy.
+ /*
+ if(!si.sendContNotStart())
+ mp->sendSongpos(curTickPos * 4 / config.division);
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ for(iMidiDevice imd = midiDevices.begin(); imd != midiDevices.end(); ++imd)
+ {
+ MidiDevice* dev = (*imd);
+ // Shall we check open flags?
+ //if(!(dev->rwFlags() & 0x1) || !(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ //if(!(dev->openFlags() & 1))
+ // continue;
+ int port = dev->midiPort();
+ // Without this -1 check, interesting sync things can be done by the user without ever
+ // assigning any devices to ports !
+ //if(port < 0 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
+ if(port < -1 || port > MIDI_PORTS)
+ continue;
+ MidiSyncInfo& si = dev->syncInfo();
+ MidiPort* mp = 0;
+ if(port != -1)
+ mp = &midiPorts[port];
+ if(genMMC && si.MMCOut())
+ {
+ unsigned char mmcPos[] = {
+ 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x06, 0x44, 0x06, 0x01,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ };
+ int frame = tempomap.tick2frame(curTickPos);
+ MTC mtc(double(frame) / double(sampleRate));
+ mmcPos[6] = mtc.h() | (mtcType << 5);
+ mmcPos[7] = mtc.m();
+ mmcPos[8] = mtc.s();
+ mmcPos[9] = mtc.f();
+ mmcPos[10] = mtc.sf();
+ if(mp)
+ // Go through the port...
+ {
+ mp->sendSysex(mmcStopMsg, sizeof(mmcStopMsg));
+ mp->sendSysex(mmcPos, sizeof(mmcPos));
+ }
+ else
+ // Send straight to the device... Copied from MidiPort.
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, ME_SYSEX, mmcStopMsg, sizeof(mmcStopMsg));
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ event.setData(mmcPos, sizeof(mmcPos));
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ if(genMCSync && si.MCOut()) // Midi Clock
+ {
+ // send STOP and
+ // "set song position pointer"
+ if(mp)
+ // Go through the port...
+ {
+ mp->sendStop();
+ mp->sendSongpos(curTickPos * 4 / config.division);
+ }
+ else
+ // Send straight to the device... Copied from MidiPort.
+ {
+ MidiPlayEvent event(0, 0, 0, ME_STOP, 0, 0);
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ event.setType(ME_SONGPOS);
+ event.setA(curTickPos * 4 / config.division);
+ dev->putEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ WaveTrackList* tracks = song->waves();
+ for (iWaveTrack i = tracks->begin(); i != tracks->end(); ++i) {
+ WaveTrack* track = *i;
+ track->resetMeter();
+ }
+ recording = false;
+ endRecordPos = _pos;
+ write(sigFd, "0", 1); // STOP
+ }
+// recordStop
+// execution environment: gui thread
+void Audio::recordStop()
+ {
+ audio->msgIdle(true); // gain access to all data structures
+ song->startUndo();
+ WaveTrackList* wl = song->waves();
+ for (iWaveTrack it = wl->begin(); it != wl->end(); ++it) {
+ WaveTrack* track = *it;
+ if (track->recordFlag() || song->bounceTrack == track) {
+ song->cmdAddRecordedWave(track, startRecordPos, endRecordPos);
+ // The track's _recFile pointer may have been kept and turned
+ // into a SndFileR and added to a new part.
+ // Or _recFile may have been discarded (no new recorded part created).
+ // Regardless, we are done with the pointer itself. Set to zero so
+ // song->setRecordFlag knows about it...
+ track->setRecFile(0);
+ song->setRecordFlag(track, false);
+ }
+ }
+ MidiTrackList* ml = song->midis();
+ for (iMidiTrack it = ml->begin(); it != ml->end(); ++it) {
+ MidiTrack* mt = *it;
+ MPEventList* mpel = mt->mpevents();
+ EventList* el = mt->events();
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ // resolve NoteOff events, Controller etc.
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ //buildMidiEventList(el, mpel, mt, config.division, true);
+ // Do SysexMeta. Do loops.
+ buildMidiEventList(el, mpel, mt, config.division, true, true);
+ song->cmdAddRecordedEvents(mt, el, startRecordPos.tick());
+ el->clear();
+ mpel->clear();
+ }
+ //
+ // bounce to file operates on the only
+ // selected output port
+ //
+ AudioOutput* ao = song->bounceOutput;
+ if(ao && song->outputs()->find(ao) != song->outputs()->end())
+ {
+ if(ao->recordFlag())
+ {
+ song->bounceOutput = 0;
+ SndFile* sf = ao->recFile();
+ if (sf)
+ delete sf; // close
+ ao->setRecFile(0);
+ ao->setRecordFlag1(false);
+ msgSetRecord(ao, false);
+ }
+ }
+ audio->msgIdle(false);
+ song->endUndo(0);
+ song->setRecord(false);
+ }
+// curFrame
+// extrapolates current play frame on syncTime/syncFrame
+unsigned int Audio::curFrame() const
+ {
+ return lrint((curTime() - syncTime) * sampleRate) + syncFrame;
+ }
+// timestamp
+int Audio::timestamp() const
+ {
+ int t = curFrame() - frameOffset;
+ return t;
+ }
+// sendMsgToGui
+void Audio::sendMsgToGui(char c)
+ {
+ write(sigFd, &c, 1);
+ }