path: root/muse2/README.shortcuts
diff options
authorTim E. Real <>2013-02-20 01:16:45 +0000
committerTim E. Real <>2013-02-20 01:16:45 +0000
commitc3650bf9b2302e1a20853f0cadc7833370e3d0dd (patch)
treefa1a229b0928290a00f974a14104e385d42c5905 /muse2/README.shortcuts
parent612acc2cd3979edf441d2f33403f6b3403c1cf05 (diff)
MASSIVE FIXES: MANY editor, usability, operation fixes and changes.
See ChangeLog.
Diffstat (limited to 'muse2/README.shortcuts')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/muse2/README.shortcuts b/muse2/README.shortcuts
index 48de30f3..e5227853 100644
--- a/muse2/README.shortcuts
+++ b/muse2/README.shortcuts
@@ -1,159 +1,192 @@
-From: Frank Neumann
-Subject: [MusE] Keyboard shortcut list
-Hi all,
-while reading some MusE source code during the last weeks, I made a list
-of all keyboard shortcuts I found in there. I thought other might find
-this useful, so I am posting this here. There are some "?" spots in
-there where I am not perfectly sure if something is correct or really
-works the way it should, so comments or corrections are welcome. A few
-keys are also result of my first ever cvs commit to Muse :-).
- Also changed Ctrl+Shift+A to Select None.
- Changed Ctrl+A to Select All in Arranger for the sake of uniformity. (ML)
- Added Alt+L shortcut in drumeditor to set fixed length on drumnotes
- according to drummap (Mathias Lundgren)
- 2003-10-19:
- In Arranger, Part Canvas:
- added Alt+P shortcut in to move locators to part boundaries
- Crsr Up / Crsr Down to move to nearest part on track above/below
- in current window.
- - (ws) added new Delete keys in pianoroll and drumedit
-<cut here>
-Shortcut keys in Muse, as of 0.6.0pre5:
-Undo: Ctrl-Z
-Redo: Ctrl-Y
-New: Ctrl-N
-Open: Ctrl-O
-Save: Ctrl-S
-Open PianoRoll Editor: Ctrl-E
-Open Score Editor: Ctrl-R
-Open Recent: Ctrl-S (? collides with "Save"?)
-Config Printer: Ctrl-P
-Quit: Ctrl-Q
-Cut: Ctrl-X
-Copy: Ctrl-C
-Paste: Ctrl-V
-Delete Track: Delete
-Add Track: Ctrl-J
-Select all: Ctrl-A
-Deselect All Parts: Ctrl-B
-Open Drums Editor: Ctrl-D
-Open List Editor: Ctrl-L
-Open Graphical Mastertrack Editor: Ctrl-M
-Open List Mastertrack Editor: Shift-Ctrl-M
-Open MIDI Transform Editor: Ctrl-T
-Open Transport Panel: F11
-Open Bigtime Window: F12
-Open Help Browser: F1
-Start "What's This" Mode: Shift-F1
-Toggle Metronome Click: C
-Stop Playback / Rewind: Space
-Stop Playback: Insert
-Start Playback: Enter
-Go to left Marker: End (Keypad)
-Go to right marker: CursorDown (Keypad)
-Toggle Loop Mode: / (Keypad)
-Start Recording: * (Keypad)
-Arranger, Part Canvas:
-Cut: Ctrl-X
-Copy: Ctrl-C
-Select previous/next part in this track: Crsr-Left / Crsr-Right
-Remove Part: Delete
-Arranger, Track List Canvas:
-Move to previous track: Crsr-Up
-Move to next track: Crsr-Down
-Cut: Ctrl-X
-Copy: Ctrl-C
-Paste: Ctrl-V
-Select All: Ctrl-A (just added in CVS)
-Deselect All: Ctrl-Shift-A (just added in CVS)
-Invertion Selection: Ctrl-I (just added in CVS)
-Delete selected Events: Delete
-Insert Notes at locator position: Shift-Crsr-Right
-Move Locator right: Crsr-Right
-Move Locator left: Crsr-Left
-Delete under Locator: Delete (KP?), "collects" notes left of locator
-Set Grid Snap/Quantizer to 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64:
-Toggle "triolic" flag of Grid Snap/Quantizer: T
-Toggle "punctuated" flag of Grid Snap/Quantizer: .
-Set Grid Snap/Quantizer to "first value in list"(?): ,
-Open "Event Color" dialog: e (just fixed in CVS)
-Cut: Ctrl-X
-Copy: Ctrl-C
-Load Drummap: Ctrl-O
-Save Drummap: Ctrl-S
-Set fixed length: Alt-L (Sets length on selected events to the length specified in the drummap)
-Delete selected Events: Delete
-Insert Note: Ctrl-N
-Insert SysEx: Ctrl-S
-Insert Ctrl: Ctrl-T
-Insert Pitch: Ctrl-E
-Insert Channel Aftertouch: Ctrl-A
-Insert Key Aftertouch: Ctrl-P
-Delete Events: Delete
-Score Edit:
-When entering Lyrics:
-Move to next Note's Lyrics: Crsr-Left (problems when at beginning/end of
-Move to previous Note' Lyrics: Crsr-Right
-Cancel (?) entering notes: Escape
-Remove last character from lyrics: Backspace or Delete
-End entering Lyrics: Enter
-Help Browser:
-New Window: Alt-N
-Open File: Alt-O
-Print: Alt-P
-Close: Alt-Q
-Exit: Alt-X
-Toggle metronome Click: C
-Toggle Loop Mode: / (Keypad)
+These are the default MusE shortcuts as of version 2.1.2:
+This list, or parts of it, can always be generated by clicking
+ "Printable file" in Settings->Configure Shortcuts dialog.
+All shortcuts can also be re-defined in that dialog.
+MusE Shortcuts for selected category: All categories
+0 : Global
+1 : Arranger
+2 : Pianoroll
+3 : Drumeditor
+4 : List editor
+5 : List Mastertrack
+6 : Score editor
+7 : Wave editor
+0 : Enter Transport: Start playback from current location
+0 : Space Transport: Play, Stop, Rewind
+0 : Ins Transport: Stop Playback
+0 : W Transport: Goto Start
+0 : End Transport: Goto left marker
+0 : PgDown Transport: Goto right marker
+0 : + Transport: Increase current position
+0 : - Transport: Decrease current position
+0 : / Transport: Toggle Loop section
+0 : C Transport: Toggle metronome
+0 : * Transport: Toggle Record
+0 : Backspace Transport: Clear all rec enabled tracks
+0 : Ctrl+F Toggle fullscreen
+ 1 3 : Ctrl+N File: New project
+ 1 3 : Ctrl+O File: Open from disk
+ 1 3 : Ctrl+S File: Save project
+ 1 2 3 6 : Ctrl+Shift+C Edit: Copy in range
+ 1 : Ctrl+B Edit: Paste clone
+ 1 : Ctrl+Shift+V Edit: Paste to selected track
+ 1 : Ctrl+Shift+B Edit: Paste clone to selected track
+ 1 2 3 6 : Ctrl+G Edit: Paste (with dialog)
+ 1 : File: Save as
+ 1 : Ctrl+1 File: Open recent file
+ 1 : File: Load template
+ 1 : File: Import midi file
+ 1 : File: Export midi file
+ 1 : File: Import midi part
+ 1 : File: Import audio file
+ 1 : Ctrl+Q File: Quit MusE
+ 1 : Ctrl+Alt+P Edit: Select parts on track
+ 1 : Ctrl+E Open pianoroll
+ 1 : Ctrl+D Open drumeditor
+ 1 : Ctrl+L Open listeditor
+ 1 : Ctrl+Y Open waveeditor
+ 1 : Ctrl+M Open graphical mastertrack editor
+ 1 : Ctrl+Shift+M Open list mastertrack editor
+ 1 : Ctrl+T Open midi transformer
+ 1 : Structure: Global cut
+ 1 : Structure: Global insert
+ 1 : Structure: Global split
+ 1 : Structure: Cut events
+ 1 : F11 View: Toggle transport window
+ 1 : F12 View: Toggle bigtime window
+ 1 : F10 View: Open mixer #1 window
+ 1 : Ctrl+F10 View: Open mixer #2 window
+ 1 : F9 View: Open marker window
+ 1 : Settings: Follow song by page
+ 1 : Settings: Follow song off
+ 1 : Settings: Follow song continuous
+ 1 : Settings: Global configuration
+0 : Ctrl+Shift+F1 Settings: Configure shortcuts
+ 1 : Settings: Configure metronome
+ 1 : Settings: Midi sync configuration
+ 1 : Settings: Midi file import/export configuration
+ 1 : Settings: Appearance settings
+ 1 : Settings: Midi ports / Soft Synth
+ 1 : Settings: Audio subsystem configuration
+ 1 : Midi: Edit midi instruments
+ 1 : Midi: Open midi input transform
+ 1 : Midi: Open midi input filter
+ 1 : Midi: Midi input transpose
+ 1 : Midi: Midi remote control
+ 1 : Midi: Reset midi
+ 1 : Midi: Init midi
+ 1 : Midi: Midi local off
+ 1 : Audio: Bounce audio to track
+ 1 : Audio: Bounce audio to file
+ 1 : Audio: Restart audio
+ 1 : Automation: Mixer automation
+ 1 : Automation: Take mixer snapshot
+ 1 : Automation: Clear mixer automation
+ 1 : Ctrl+J Add midi track
+ 1 : Add drum track
+ 1 : Add new style drum track
+ 1 : Add wave track
+ 1 : Add audio output
+ 1 : Add audio group
+ 1 : Add audio input
+ 1 : Add audio aux
+ 1 : F1 Help: Open Manual
+ 1 2 3 : Shift+F1 Help: Toggle whatsthis mode
+ 1 : Return Edit: Edit selected part
+ 1 : Up Edit: Select nearest part on track above
+ 1 : Shift+Up Edit: Add nearest part on track above
+ 1 : Down Edit: Select nearest part on track below
+ 1 : Shift+Down Edit: Add nearest part on track below
+ 1 : Ctrl+Shift+O Edit: Insert empty measure
+ 1 : Ctrl+Down Select track below
+ 1 : Ctrl+Up Select track above
+ 1 2 3 6 7 : Ctrl+A Edit: Select all
+ 1 2 3 6 7 : Ctrl+Shift+A Edit: Select none
+ 1 2 3 6 : Ctrl+I Edit: Invert Selection
+ 1 2 3 6 : Edit: Select events/parts inside locators
+ 1 2 3 6 : Edit: Select events/parts outside locators
+ 1 2 3 7 : Alt+Left Edit: Select previous part
+ 1 2 3 7 : Alt+Right Edit: Select next part
+ 1 2 3 7 : Left Edit: Select nearest part/event to the left or move cursor
+ 2 3 7 : Shift+Left Edit: Add nearest part/event to the left to selection
+ 1 2 3 7 : Right Edit: Select nearest part/event to the right or move cursor
+ 2 3 7 : Shift+Right Edit: Add nearest part/event to the right to selection
+ 2 3 : Ctrl+Up Edit: Increase pitch
+ 2 3 : Ctrl+Down Edit: Decrease pitch
+ 2 3 7 : Ctrl+Right Edit: Increase event position
+ 2 3 7 : Ctrl+Left Edit: Decrease event position
+0 : Shift++ Transport: Increase current position, no snap
+0 : Shift+- Transport: Decrease current position, no snap
+ 1 2 3 7 : Alt+P Edit: Set locators to selection
+ 2 : Shift+Right Edit: Insert at location
+ 2 : Ctrl+Shift+Right Edit: Increase length
+ 2 : Ctrl+Shift+Left Edit: Decrease length
+ 1 2 6 : Midi: Transpose
+ 1 2 3 7 : Ctrl+PgUp View: Zoom in
+ 1 2 3 7 : Ctrl+PgDown View: Zoom out
+ 2 3 7 : C View: Goto Current Position
+ 2 3 7 : H View: Scroll left
+ 2 3 7 : L View: Scroll left
+ 2 3 6 : Alt+L Edit: Set Fixed Length on Midi Events
+ 2 3 6 : Quantize
+ 2 6 : Modify Note Length
+ 2 3 6 : Modify Velocity
+ 2 3 : Edit: Crescendo
+ 2 3 6 : Edit: Delete Overlaps
+ 2 3 : Edit: Thin Out
+ 2 3 6 : Edit: Erase Event
+ 2 3 6 : Edit: Note Shift
+ 2 3 : Edit: Move Clock
+ 2 3 : Edit: Copy Measure
+ 2 3 : Edit: Erase Measure
+ 2 3 : Edit: Delete Measure
+ 2 3 : Edit: Create Measure
+ 2 3 : 1 Quantize: Set quantize to 1/1 note
+ 2 3 : 2 Quantize: Set quantize to 1/2 note
+ 2 3 : 3 Quantize: Set quantize to 1/4 note
+ 2 3 : 4 Quantize: Set quantize to 1/8 note
+ 2 3 : 5 Quantize: Set quantize to 1/16 note
+ 2 3 : 6 Quantize: Set quantize to 1/32 note
+ 2 3 : 7 Quantize: Set quantize to 1/64 note
+ 2 3 : T Quantize: Toggle triol quantization
+ 2 3 : . Quantize: Toggle punctuation quantization
+ 2 3 : , Quantize: Toggle punctuation quantization (2)
+ 2 6 : E Edit: Change Event Color
+ 1 2 3 6 7 : A Tool: Pointer
+ 1 2 3 6 7 : D Tool: Pencil
+ 1 2 3 6 7 : R Tool: Eraser
+ 1 2 3 7 : P Tool: Pan
+ 1 2 3 7 : Z Tool: Zoom
+ 1 2 3 : F Tool: Line Draw
+ 3 : U Tool: Cursor
+ 3 : V Add note velocity 1
+ 3 : B Add note velocity 2
+ 3 : N Add note velocity 3
+ 3 : M Add note velocity 4
+ 3 : 0 Cursor step size: larger
+ 3 : 9 Cursor step size: smaller
+ 3 : Down Instrument/Cursor down
+ 3 : Up Instrument/Cursor up
+ 7 : Y Tool: Range
+ 1 : S Tool: Scissor
+ 1 : G Tool: Glue
+ 1 : Tool: Mute
+ 4 : Ctrl+N Insert Note
+ 4 : Ctrl+S Insert SysEx
+ 4 : Ctrl+T Insert Ctrl
+ 4 : Insert Meta
+ 4 : Ctrl+A Insert Channel Aftertouch
+ 4 : Ctrl+P Insert Key Aftertouch
+ 5 : Ctrl+T Insert Tempo
+ 5 : Ctrl+R Insert Signature
+ 5 : Ctrl+Shift+E Change Event Position
+ 5 : Ctrl+E Edit Event Value
+ 5 : Ctrl+K Insert Key
+0 : F6 Goto Next Marker
+0 : F5 Goto Prev Marker