path: root/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/waveedit/waveview.cpp
diff options
authorRobert Jonsson <>2011-03-07 19:01:11 +0000
committerRobert Jonsson <>2011-03-07 19:01:11 +0000
commite40fc849149dd97c248866a4a1d026dda5e57b62 (patch)
treeb12b358f3b3a0608001d30403358f8443118ec5f /attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/waveedit/waveview.cpp
parent1bd4f2e8d9745cabb667b043171cad22c8577768 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/waveedit/waveview.cpp')
1 files changed, 946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/waveedit/waveview.cpp b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/waveedit/waveview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..668d8bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/muse2-oom/muse2/muse/waveedit/waveview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
+// MusE
+// Linux Music Editor
+// $Id: waveview.cpp,v 2009/11/14 03:37:48 terminator356 Exp $
+// (C) Copyright 2000 Werner Schweer (
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <values.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include "editgain.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "wave.h"
+#include "waveview.h"
+#include "song.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "waveedit.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "gconfig.h"
+bool modifyWarnedYet = false;
+// WaveView
+WaveView::WaveView(MidiEditor* pr, QWidget* parent, int xscale, int yscale)
+ : View(parent, xscale, 1)
+ {
+ editor = pr;
+ setVirt(true);
+ pos[0] = tempomap.tick2frame(song->cpos());
+ pos[1] = tempomap.tick2frame(song->lpos());
+ pos[2] = tempomap.tick2frame(song->rpos());
+ yScale = yscale;
+ mode = NORMAL;
+ selectionStart = 0;
+ selectionStop = 0;
+ lastGainvalue = 100;
+ setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); // Tim.
+ setMouseTracking(true);
+ setBg(QColor(192, 208, 255));
+ if (editor->parts()->empty()) {
+ curPart = 0;
+ curPartId = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ curPart = (WavePart*)(editor->parts()->begin()->second);
+ curPartId = curPart->sn();
+ }
+ connect(song, SIGNAL(posChanged(int,unsigned,bool)), SLOT(setPos(int,unsigned,bool)));
+ connect(song, SIGNAL(songChanged(int)), SLOT(songChanged(int)));
+ songChanged(SC_SELECTION);
+ }
+// setYScale
+void WaveView::setYScale(int val)
+ {
+ yScale = val;
+ redraw();
+ }
+// draw
+void WaveView::pdraw(QPainter& p, const QRect& rr)
+ {
+ int x1 = rr.x();
+ int x2 = rr.right() + 1;
+ if (x1 < 0)
+ x1 = 0;
+ if (x2 > width())
+ x2 = width();
+ int hh = height();
+ int h = hh/2;
+ int y = rr.y() + h;
+ // Added by T356.
+ int xScale = xmag;
+ if (xScale < 0)
+ xScale = -xScale;
+ for (iPart ip = editor->parts()->begin(); ip != editor->parts()->end(); ++ip) {
+ WavePart* wp = (WavePart*)(ip->second);
+ int channels = wp->track()->channels();
+ int px = wp->frame();
+ EventList* el = wp->events();
+ for (iEvent e = el->begin(); e != el->end(); ++e) {
+ Event event = e->second;
+ if (event.empty())
+ continue;
+ SndFileR f = event.sndFile();
+ if (f.isNull())
+ continue;
+ unsigned peoffset = px + event.frame() - event.spos();
+ int sx, ex;
+ sx = event.frame() + px + xScale/2;
+ ex = sx + event.lenFrame();
+ sx = sx / xScale - xpos;
+ ex = ex / xScale - xpos;
+ if (sx < x1)
+ sx = x1;
+ if (ex > x2)
+ ex = x2;
+ int pos = (xpos + sx) * xScale + event.spos() - event.frame() - px;
+ //printf("pos=%d xpos=%d sx=%d ex=%d xScale=%d event.spos=%d event.frame=%d px=%d\n",
+ // pos, xpos, sx, ex, xScale, event.spos(), event.frame(), px);
+ h = hh / (channels * 2);
+ int cc = hh % (channels * 2) ? 0 : 1;
+ for (int i = sx; i < ex; i++) {
+ y = rr.y() + h;
+ SampleV sa[f.channels()];
+, xScale, pos);
+ pos += xScale;
+ if (pos < event.spos())
+ continue;
+ int selectionStartPos = selectionStart - peoffset; // Offset transformed to event coords
+ int selectionStopPos = selectionStop - peoffset;
+ for (int k = 0; k < channels; ++k) {
+ int kk = k % f.channels();
+ int peak = (sa[kk].peak * (h - 1)) / yScale;
+ int rms = (sa[kk].rms * (h - 1)) / yScale;
+ if (peak > h)
+ peak = h;
+ if (rms > h)
+ rms = h;
+ QColor peak_color = QColor(Qt::darkGray);
+ QColor rms_color = QColor(Qt::black);
+ // Changed by T356. Reduces (but not eliminates) drawing artifacts.
+ //if (pos > selectionStartPos && pos < selectionStopPos) {
+ if (pos > selectionStartPos && pos <= selectionStopPos) {
+ peak_color = QColor(Qt::lightGray);
+ rms_color = QColor(Qt::white);
+ // Draw inverted
+ p.setPen(QColor(Qt::black));
+ p.drawLine(i, y - h + cc, i, y + h - cc );
+ }
+ p.setPen(peak_color);
+ p.drawLine(i, y - peak - cc, i, y + peak);
+ p.setPen(rms_color);
+ p.drawLine(i, y - rms - cc, i, y + rms);
+ y += 2 * h;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ View::pdraw(p, rr);
+ }
+// draw
+void WaveView::draw(QPainter& p, const QRect& r)
+ {
+ unsigned x = r.x() < 0 ? 0 : r.x();
+ unsigned y = r.y() < 0 ? 0 : r.y();
+ int w = r.width();
+ int h = r.height();
+ unsigned x2 = x + w;
+ unsigned y2 = y + h;
+ //
+ // draw marker & centerline
+ //
+ p.setPen(Qt::red);
+ if (pos[0] >= x && pos[0] < x2) {
+ p.drawLine(pos[0], y, pos[0], y2);
+ }
+ p.setPen(Qt::blue);
+ if (pos[1] >= x && pos[1] < x2) {
+ p.drawLine(pos[1], y, pos[1], y2);
+ }
+ if (pos[2] >= x && pos[2] < x2)
+ p.drawLine(pos[2], y, pos[2], y2);
+ // Changed by T356. Support multiple (or none) selected parts.
+ //int n = curPart->track()->channels();
+ int n = 1;
+ if(curPart)
+ n = curPart->track()->channels();
+ int hn = h / n;
+ int hh = hn / 2;
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ int h2 = hn * i;
+ int center = hh + h2;
+ p.setPen(QColor(i & i ? Qt::red : Qt::blue));
+ p.drawLine(x, center, x2, center);
+ p.setPen(QColor(Qt::black));
+ p.drawLine(x, h2, x2, h2);
+ }
+ }
+// getCaption
+QString WaveView::getCaption() const
+ {
+ // Changed by T356. Support multiple (or none) selected parts.
+ //return QString("Part ") + curPart->name();
+ if(curPart)
+ return QString("Part ") + curPart->name();
+ else
+ return QString("Part ");
+ }
+// songChanged
+void WaveView::songChanged(int flags)
+ {
+ // Is it simply a midi controller value adjustment? Forget it.
+ if(flags == SC_MIDI_CONTROLLER)
+ return;
+ if (flags & SC_SELECTION) {
+ startSample = MAXINT;
+ endSample = 0;
+ curPart = 0;
+ for (iPart p = editor->parts()->begin(); p != editor->parts()->end(); ++p) {
+ WavePart* part = (WavePart*)(p->second);
+ if (part->sn() == curPartId)
+ curPart = part;
+ int ssample = part->frame();
+ int esample = ssample + part->lenFrame();
+ if (ssample < startSample) {
+ startSample = ssample;
+ //printf("startSample = %d\n", startSample);
+ }
+ if (esample > endSample) {
+ endSample = esample;
+ //printf("endSample = %d\n", endSample);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & SC_CLIP_MODIFIED) {
+ redraw(); // Boring, but the only thing possible to do
+ }
+ if (flags & SC_TEMPO) {
+ setPos(0, song->cpos(), false);
+ setPos(1, song->lpos(), false);
+ setPos(2, song->rpos(), false);
+ }
+ redraw();
+ }
+// setPos
+// set one of three markers
+// idx - 0-cpos 1-lpos 2-rpos
+// flag - emit followEvent()
+void WaveView::setPos(int idx, unsigned val, bool adjustScrollbar)
+ {
+ val = tempomap.tick2frame(val);
+ if (pos[idx] == val)
+ return;
+ int opos = mapx(pos[idx]);
+ int npos = mapx(val);
+ if (adjustScrollbar && idx == 0) {
+ switch (song->follow()) {
+ case Song::NO:
+ break;
+ case Song::JUMP:
+ if (npos >= width()) {
+ int ppos = val - xorg - rmapxDev(width()/4);
+ if (ppos < 0)
+ ppos = 0;
+ emit followEvent(ppos);
+ opos = mapx(pos[idx]);
+ npos = mapx(val);
+ }
+ else if (npos < 0) {
+ int ppos = val - xorg - rmapxDev(width()*3/4);
+ if (ppos < 0)
+ ppos = 0;
+ emit followEvent(ppos);
+ opos = mapx(pos[idx]);
+ npos = mapx(val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Song::CONTINUOUS:
+ if (npos > (width()*5)/8) {
+ int ppos = pos[idx] - xorg - rmapxDev(width()*5/8);
+ if (ppos < 0)
+ ppos = 0;
+ emit followEvent(ppos);
+ opos = mapx(pos[idx]);
+ npos = mapx(val);
+ }
+ else if (npos < (width()*3)/8) {
+ int ppos = pos[idx] - xorg - rmapxDev(width()*3/8);
+ if (ppos < 0)
+ ppos = 0;
+ emit followEvent(ppos);
+ opos = mapx(pos[idx]);
+ npos = mapx(val);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int x;
+ int w = 1;
+ if (opos > npos) {
+ w += opos - npos;
+ x = npos;
+ }
+ else {
+ w += npos - opos;
+ x = opos;
+ }
+ pos[idx] = val;
+ redraw(QRect(x, 0, w, height()));
+ }
+// viewMousePressEvent
+void WaveView::viewMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
+ {
+ button = event->button();
+ unsigned x = event->x();
+ switch (button) {
+ case Qt::LeftButton:
+ if (mode == NORMAL) {
+ // redraw and reset:
+ if (selectionStart != selectionStop) {
+ selectionStart = selectionStop = 0;
+ redraw();
+ }
+ mode = DRAG;
+ dragstartx = x;
+ selectionStart = selectionStop = x;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::MidButton:
+ case Qt::RightButton:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ viewMouseMoveEvent(event);
+ }
+// wheelEvent
+void WaveView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
+ {
+ emit mouseWheelMoved(event->delta() / 10);
+ }
+// viewMouseReleaseEvent
+void WaveView::viewMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* /*event*/)
+ {
+ button = Qt::NoButton;
+ if (mode == DRAG) {
+ mode = NORMAL;
+ //printf("selectionStart=%d selectionStop=%d\n", selectionStart, selectionStop);
+ }
+ }
+// viewMouseMoveEvent
+void WaveView::viewMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
+ {
+ unsigned x = event->x();
+ emit timeChanged(x);
+ int i;
+ switch (button) {
+ case Qt::LeftButton:
+ i = 0;
+ if (mode == DRAG) {
+ if (x < dragstartx) {
+ selectionStart = x;
+ selectionStop = dragstartx;
+ }
+ else {
+ selectionStart = dragstartx;
+ selectionStop = x;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::MidButton:
+ i = 1;
+ break;
+ case Qt::RightButton:
+ i = 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ Pos p(tempomap.frame2tick(x), true);
+ song->setPos(i, p);
+ }
+// range
+// returns range in samples
+void WaveView::range(int* s, int *e)
+ {
+ PartList* lst = editor->parts();
+ if(lst->empty())
+ {
+ *s = 0;
+ *e = tempomap.tick2frame(song->len());
+ return;
+ }
+ int ps = song->len(), pe = 0;
+ int tps, tpe;
+ for(iPart ip = lst->begin(); ip != lst->end(); ++ip)
+ {
+ tps = ip->second->tick();
+ if(tps < ps)
+ ps = tps;
+ tpe = tps + ip->second->lenTick();
+ if(tpe > pe)
+ pe = tpe;
+ }
+ *s = tempomap.tick2frame(ps);
+ *e = tempomap.tick2frame(pe);
+ }
+// cmd
+void WaveView::cmd(int n)
+ {
+ int modifyoperation = -1;
+ double paramA = 0.0;
+ switch(n) {
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_SELECT_ALL:
+ if (!editor->parts()->empty()) {
+ iPart iBeg = editor->parts()->begin();
+ iPart iEnd = editor->parts()->end();
+ iEnd--;
+ WavePart* beg = (WavePart*) iBeg->second;
+ WavePart* end = (WavePart*) iEnd->second;
+ selectionStart = beg->frame();
+ selectionStop = end->frame() + end->lenFrame();
+ redraw();
+ }
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_EDIT_EXTERNAL:
+ modifyoperation = EDIT_EXTERNAL;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_SELECT_NONE:
+ selectionStart = selectionStop = 0;
+ redraw();
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_MUTE:
+ modifyoperation = MUTE;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_NORMALIZE:
+ modifyoperation = NORMALIZE;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_FADE_IN:
+ modifyoperation = FADE_IN;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_FADE_OUT:
+ modifyoperation = FADE_OUT;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_REVERSE:
+ modifyoperation = REVERSE;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_GAIN_FREE: {
+ EditGain* editGain = new EditGain(this, lastGainvalue);
+ if (editGain->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ lastGainvalue = editGain->getGain();
+ modifyoperation = GAIN;
+ paramA = (double)lastGainvalue / 100.0;
+ }
+ delete editGain;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_GAIN_200:
+ modifyoperation = GAIN;
+ paramA = 2.0;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_GAIN_150:
+ modifyoperation = GAIN;
+ paramA = 1.5;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_GAIN_75:
+ modifyoperation = GAIN;
+ paramA = 0.75;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_GAIN_50:
+ modifyoperation = GAIN;
+ paramA = 0.5;
+ break;
+ case WaveEdit::CMD_GAIN_25:
+ modifyoperation = GAIN;
+ paramA = 0.25;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (modifyoperation != -1) {
+ if (selectionStart == selectionStop) {
+ printf("No selection. Ignoring\n"); //@!TODO: Disable menu options when no selection
+ QMessageBox::information(this,
+ QString("MusE"),
+ QWidget::tr("No selection. Ignoring"));
+ return;
+ }
+ //if(!modifyWarnedYet)
+ //{
+ // modifyWarnedYet = true;
+ // if(QMessageBox::warning(this, QString("Muse"),
+ // tr("Warning! Muse currently operates directly on the sound file.\n"
+ // "Undo is supported, but NOT after exit, WITH OR WITHOUT A SAVE!\n"
+ // "If you are stuck, try deleting the associated .wca file and reloading."), tr("&Ok"), tr("&Cancel"),
+ // QString::null, 0, 1 ) != 0)
+ // return;
+ //}
+ modifySelection(modifyoperation, selectionStart, selectionStop, paramA);
+ }
+ }
+// getSelection
+WaveSelectionList WaveView::getSelection(unsigned startpos, unsigned stoppos)
+ {
+ WaveSelectionList selection;
+ for (iPart ip = editor->parts()->begin(); ip != editor->parts()->end(); ++ip) {
+ WavePart* wp = (WavePart*)(ip->second);
+ unsigned part_offset = wp->frame();
+ EventList* el = wp->events();
+ //printf("eventlist length=%d\n",el->size());
+ for (iEvent e = el->begin(); e != el->end(); ++e) {
+ Event event = e->second;
+ if (event.empty())
+ continue;
+ SndFileR file = event.sndFile();
+ if (file.isNull())
+ continue;
+ unsigned event_offset = event.frame() + part_offset;
+ unsigned event_startpos = event.spos();
+ unsigned event_length = event.lenFrame() + event.spos();
+ unsigned event_end = event_offset + event_length;
+ //printf("startpos=%d stoppos=%d part_offset=%d event_offset=%d event_startpos=%d event_length=%d event_end=%d\n", startpos, stoppos, part_offset, event_offset, event_startpos, event_length, event_end);
+ if (!(event_end <= startpos || event_offset > stoppos)) {
+ int tmp_sx = startpos - event_offset + event_startpos;
+ int tmp_ex = stoppos - event_offset + event_startpos;
+ unsigned sx;
+ unsigned ex;
+ tmp_sx < (int)event_startpos ? sx = event_startpos : sx = tmp_sx;
+ tmp_ex > (int)event_length ? ex = event_length : ex = tmp_ex;
+ //printf("Event data affected: %d->%d filename:%s\n", sx, ex,;
+ WaveEventSelection s;
+ s.file = file;
+ s.startframe = sx;
+ s.endframe = ex+1;
+ //printf("sx=%d ex=%d\n",sx,ex);
+ selection.push_back(s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return selection;
+ }
+// modifySelection
+void WaveView::modifySelection(int operation, unsigned startpos, unsigned stoppos, double paramA)
+ {
+ song->startUndo();
+ WaveSelectionList selection = getSelection(startpos, stoppos);
+ for (iWaveSelection i = selection.begin(); i != selection.end(); i++) {
+ WaveEventSelection w = *i;
+ SndFileR& file = w.file;
+ unsigned sx = w.startframe;
+ unsigned ex = w.endframe;
+ unsigned file_channels = file.channels();
+ QString tmpWavFile = QString::null;
+ if (!getUniqueTmpfileName(tmpWavFile)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ audio->msgIdle(true); // Not good with playback during operations
+ SndFile tmpFile(tmpWavFile);
+ tmpFile.setFormat(file.format(), file_channels, file.samplerate());
+ if (tmpFile.openWrite()) {
+ audio->msgIdle(false);
+ printf("Could not open temporary file...\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // Write out data that will be changed to temp file
+ //
+ unsigned tmpdatalen = ex - sx;
+ off_t tmpdataoffset = sx;
+ float* tmpdata[file_channels];
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<file_channels; i++) {
+ tmpdata[i] = new float[tmpdatalen];
+ }
+, 0);
+ file.readWithHeap(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ file.close();
+ tmpFile.write(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ tmpFile.close();
+ switch(operation)
+ {
+ case MUTE:
+ muteSelection(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ break;
+ normalizeSelection(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ break;
+ case FADE_IN:
+ fadeInSelection(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ break;
+ case FADE_OUT:
+ fadeOutSelection(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ break;
+ case REVERSE:
+ reverseSelection(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ break;
+ case GAIN:
+ applyGain(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen, paramA);
+ break;
+ editExternal(file.format(), file.samplerate(), file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("Error: Default state reached in modifySelection\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ file.openWrite();
+, 0);
+ file.write(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ file.update();
+ file.close();
+ file.openRead();
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<file_channels; i++) {
+ delete[] tmpdata[i];
+ }
+ // Undo handling
+ song->cmdChangeWave(file.dirPath() + "/" +, tmpWavFile, sx, ex);
+ audio->msgIdle(false); // Not good with playback during operations
+ }
+ song->endUndo(SC_CLIP_MODIFIED);
+ redraw();
+ }
+// muteSelection
+void WaveView::muteSelection(unsigned channels, float** data, unsigned length)
+ {
+ // Set everything to 0!
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<channels; i++) {
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<length; j++) {
+ data[i][j] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// normalizeSelection
+void WaveView::normalizeSelection(unsigned channels, float** data, unsigned length)
+ {
+ float loudest = 0.0;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<channels; i++) {
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<length; j++) {
+ if (data[i][j] > loudest)
+ loudest = data[i][j];
+ }
+ }
+ double scale = 0.99 / (double)loudest;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<channels; i++) {
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<length; j++) {
+ data[i][j] = (float) ((double)data[i][j] * scale);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// fadeInSelection
+void WaveView::fadeInSelection(unsigned channels, float** data, unsigned length)
+ {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<channels; i++) {
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<length; j++) {
+ double scale = (double) j / (double)length ;
+ data[i][j] = (float) ((double)data[i][j] * scale);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// fadeOutSelection
+void WaveView::fadeOutSelection(unsigned channels, float** data, unsigned length)
+ {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<channels; i++) {
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<length; j++) {
+ double scale = (double) (length - j) / (double)length ;
+ data[i][j] = (float) ((double)data[i][j] * scale);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// reverseSelection
+void WaveView::reverseSelection(unsigned channels, float** data, unsigned length)
+ {
+ if(length <= 1)
+ return;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<channels; i++) {
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<length/2; j++) {
+ float tmpl = data[i][j];
+ float tmpr = data[i][length - j - 1];
+ data[i][j] = tmpr;
+ data[i][length - j - 1] = tmpl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// applyGain
+void WaveView::applyGain(unsigned channels, float** data, unsigned length, double gain)
+ {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<channels; i++) {
+ for (unsigned j=0; j<length; j++) {
+ data[i][j] = (float) ((double)data[i][j] * gain);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// editExternal
+void WaveView::editExternal(unsigned file_format, unsigned file_samplerate, unsigned file_channels, float** tmpdata, unsigned tmpdatalen)
+ {
+ // Create yet another tmp-file
+ QString exttmpFileName;
+ if (!getUniqueTmpfileName(exttmpFileName)) {
+ printf("Could not create temp file - aborting...\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ SndFile exttmpFile(exttmpFileName);
+ exttmpFile.setFormat(file_format, file_channels, file_samplerate);
+ if (exttmpFile.openWrite()) {
+ printf("Could not open temporary file...\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Write out change-data to this file:
+ exttmpFile.write(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ exttmpFile.close();
+ // Forkaborkabork
+ int pid = fork();
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ if (execlp(config.externalWavEditor.toLatin1().constData(), config.externalWavEditor.toLatin1().constData(), exttmpFileName.toLatin1().constData(), NULL) == -1) {
+ perror("Failed to launch external editor");
+ // Get out of here
+ // cannot report error through gui, we are in another fork!
+ //@!TODO: Handle unsuccessful attempts
+ exit(99);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ else if (pid == -1) {
+ perror("fork failed");
+ }
+ else {
+ int status;
+ waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
+ //printf ("status=%d\n",status);
+ if( WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0 ){
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("MusE - external editor failed"),
+ tr("MusE was unable to launch the external editor\ncheck if the editor setting in:\n"
+ "Global Settings->Audio:External Waveditor\nis set to a valid editor."));
+ }
+ if (exttmpFile.openRead()) {
+ printf("Could not reopen temporary file!\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ // Re-read file again
+, 0);
+ size_t sz = exttmpFile.readWithHeap(file_channels, tmpdata, tmpdatalen);
+ if (sz != tmpdatalen) {
+ // File must have been shrunken - not good. Alert user.
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("MusE - file size changed"),
+ tr("When editing in external editor - you should not change the filesize\nsince it must fit the selected region.\n\nMissing data is muted"));
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<file_channels; i++) {
+ for (unsigned j=sz; j<tmpdatalen; j++) {
+ tmpdata[i][j] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QDir dir = exttmpFile.dirPath();
+ dir.remove(exttmpFileName);
+ dir.remove(exttmpFile.basename() + ".wca");
+ }
+ }
+// getUniqueTmpfileName
+bool WaveView::getUniqueTmpfileName(QString& newFilename)
+ {
+ // Check if tmp-directory exists under project path
+ QString tmpWavDir = museProject + "/tmp_musewav"; //!@TODO: Don't hardcode like this
+ QFileInfo tmpdirfi(tmpWavDir);
+ if (!tmpdirfi.isDir()) {
+ // Try to create a tmpdir
+ QDir projdir(museProject);
+ if (!projdir.mkdir("tmp_musewav")) {
+ printf("Could not create undo dir!\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ tmpdirfi.setFile(tmpWavDir);
+ if (!tmpdirfi.isWritable()) {
+ printf("Temp directory is not writable - aborting\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ QDir tmpdir = tmpdirfi.dir();
+ // Find a new filename
+ for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
+ QString filename = "muse_tmp";
+ filename.append(QString::number(i));
+ filename.append(".wav");
+ if (!tmpdir.exists(tmpWavDir +"/" + filename)) {
+ newFilename = tmpWavDir + "/" + filename;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Could not find a suitable tmpfilename (more than 10000 tmpfiles in tmpdir - clean up!\n");
+ return false;
+ }