. # require_once('Log.php'); require_once('Mail.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/BBCodeParser.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/Bridge.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/PhpBB3.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/Util.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/build_email.php'); class PhpBB3ToMailman { protected $bridge; protected $phpbb; protected $logger; public function __construct(Bridge $bridge, PhpBB3 $phpbb, Log $logger) { $this->bridge = $bridge; $this->phpbb = $phpbb; $this->logger = $logger; } public function process($config, $user, $mode, $data, $post_data) { # Sanity check if (!in_array($mode, array('post', 'reply', 'quote', 'edit'))) { throw new Exception('unrecognized mode: ' . $mode); } $postId = $data['post_id']; $forumId = $data['forum_id']; $this->logger->info($postId . ' received from phpBB forum ' . $forumId); $to = $this->bridge->getLists($forumId); if (count($to) == 0) { # No lists to send to, bail out. return; } $to = implode(', ', $to); $userName = $user->data['username']; $userEmail = $user->data['user_email']; $sender = 'forum-bridge@vassalengine.org'; $subject = html_entity_decode( '[' . $post_data['forum_name'] . '] ' . $post_data['post_subject'], ENT_QUOTES ); $time = null; if ($mode == 'edit') { # Post time is NOT updated on edit, so we get the current time $time = time(); } else { $time = $this->phpbb->getPostTime($postId); if ($time === false) { throw new Exception('no post time: ' . $postId); } } $inReplyTo = null; $references = null; if ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote') { $firstId = $data['topic_first_post_id']; $firstMessageId = $this->bridge->getMessageId($firstId); if ($firstMessageId === false) { $this->logger->info($postId . ' replies to an unknown message'); } else { $inReplyTo = $references = $firstMessageId; $this->logger->info($postId . ' replies to ' . $firstMessageId); } } else if ($mode == 'edit') { $inReplyTo = $this->bridge->getMessageId($postId); } $forumURL = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $editId = $this->bridge->reserveEditId($postId); $messageId = build_message_id($postId, $editId, $time, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); # Assemble the message headers $headers = build_headers( $userName, $userEmail, $to, $sender, $subject, $mode == 'edit', $time, $messageId, $forumURL, $inReplyTo, $references ); # Build the message body $parser = new BBCodeParser(); $text = $parser->parse($data['message'], $data['bbcode_uid']); $text = build_text($text, $mode == 'edit'); # Build the bridge footer $footer = build_footer($postId, $forumURL); $attachments = array(); foreach ($data['attachment_data'] as $a) { $attachId = $a['attach_id']; $adata = $this->phpbb->getAttachmentData($attachId); if ($adata === false) { throw new Exception('unrecognized attachment id: ' . $attachId); } $adata['path'] = $phpbb_root_path . $config['upload_path'] . '/' . utf8_basename($adata['physical_filename']); $attachments[] = $adata; } # Build the message body $body = build_body($headers, $text, $attachments, $footer); $mailer = Mail::factory('sendmail'); # Register the message $seen = !$this->bridge->registerByEditId($editId, $messageId, $inReplyTo); if ($seen) { throw new Exception('message id already seen: ' . $messageId); } try { # Send the message $err = $mailer->send($to, $headers, $body); if (PEAR::isError($err)) { throw new Exception('Mail::send error: ' . $err->toString()); } $this->logger->info($postId . ' sent to ' . $to . ' as ' . $messageId); } catch (Exception $e) { # Bridging failed, unregister message. $this->bridge->unregisterMessage($editId); throw $e; } } } ?>