. # require_once('Log.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/Bridge.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/Message.php'); require_once(__DIR__ . '/PhpBB3.php'); class MailmanToPhpBB3 { protected $bridge; protected $phpbb; protected $logger; public function __construct(Bridge $bridge, PhpBB3 $phpbb, Log $logger) { $this->bridge = $bridge; $this->phpbb = $phpbb; $this->logger = $logger; } public function process(Message $msg) { $messageId = $msg->getMessageId(); $inReplyTo = $msg->getInReplyTo(); $rererences = $msg->getReferences(); $source = $msg->getSource(); $this->logger->info($messageId . ' received from ' . $source); $editId = $this->bridge->registerByMessageId($messageId, $inReplyTo); if ($editId === false) { # This message has already been processed, bail out $this->logger->info($messageId . ' already seen, skipping'); exit; } try { list($postType, $forumId, $topicId) = find_destination($source, $inReplyTo, $messageId); $this->logger->info( $messageId . ' will be posted to ' . $forumId . ':' . $topicId); # Post the message to the forum $postId = $this->phpbb->postMessage($postType, $forumId, $topicId, $msg); $this->bridge->setPostId($messageId, $postId); $this->logger->info($messageId . ' posted as ' . $postId); } catch (Exception $e) { # Bridging failed, unregister message. $this->bridge->unregisterMessage($editId); throw $e; } } protected function find_destination($source, $inReplyTo, $messageId) { $forumId = $topicId = null; $postType = null; if ($inReplyTo) { # Possibly a reply to an existing topic $parentId = $this->bridge->getPostId($inReplyTo); if ($parentId === false) { throw new Exception('unrecognized Reply-To: ' . $inReplyTo); } $ids = $this->phpbb->getTopicAndForumIds($parentId); if ($ids === false) { throw new Exception('unrecognized parent id: ' . $parentId); } # Found the parent's forum and topic, post to those $forumId = $ids['forum_id']; $topicId = $ids['topic_id']; $postType = 'reply'; $this->logger->info($messageId . ' replies to ' . $parentId); } else { # A message starting a new topic, post to default forum for its source $forumId = $this->bridge->getDefaultForumId($source); if ($forumId === false) { throw new Exception('unrecognized source: ' . $source); } $postType = 'post'; $this->logger->info($messageId . ' is a new post'); } return array($postType, $forumId, $topicId); } } ?>