. # require_once(__DIR__ . '/Message.php'); abstract class EmailMessage implements Message { protected $data; protected $msg; protected $parts; public function __construct($input) { $this->data = &$input; # build the message structure $this->msg = mailparse_msg_create(); mailparse_msg_parse($this->msg, $this->data); # get the part data $this->parts = array(); foreach (mailparse_msg_get_structure($this->msg) as $part_id) { $part = mailparse_msg_get_part($this->msg, $part_id); $this->parts[$part_id] = mailparse_msg_get_part_data($part); } } public function __destruct() { mailparse_msg_free($this->msg); } public function getPostId() { return null; } protected function getHeader($name) { return $this->getPartHeader($this->parts[1], $name); } protected function getPartHeaders(&$part_data) { $headers = &$part_data['headers']; return $headers; } protected function getPartHeader(&$part_data, $name) { $headers = $this->getPartHeaders($part_data); return array_key_exists($name, $headers) ? $headers[$name] : false; } public function getFrom() { $from = mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses($this->getHeader('from')); return $from[0]['address']; } public function getSubject() { return $this->getHeader('subject'); } public function getMessageId() { return $this->getHeader('message-id'); } public function getInReplyTo() { return $this->getHeader('in-reply-to'); } public function getReferences() { return $this->getHeader('references'); } public function getParts() { } protected function getPartBody(&$part_data) { $beg = $part_data['starting-pos-body']; $end = $part_data['ending-pos-body']; return substr($this->data, $beg, $end-$beg); } protected function decode($str, $encoding) { if ($encoding == 'base64') { return base64_decode($str); } else if ($encoding == 'quoted-printable') { return quoted_printable_decode($str); } else { return $str; } } public function getFlattenedParts() { $text = ''; $attachments = array(); $this->flatten_parts('1', $this->parts[1], $text, $attachments); return array($text, $attachments); } protected function flatten_subparts($part_id, &$text, &$attachments) { for ($i = 1, $child_id = "$part_id.$i"; array_key_exists($child_id, $this->parts); ++$i, $child_id = "$part_id.$i") { $child = $this->parts[$child_id]; $this->flatten_parts($child_id, $child, $text, $attachments); } } protected function flatten_parts($part_id, &$part_data, &$text, &$attachments) { $type = $part_data['content-type']; list($major, $minor) = split('/', $type, 2); switch ($major) { case 'multipart': switch ($minor) { case 'alternative': # check alternatives for text/plain $plain = false; for ($i = 1, $child_id = "$part_id.$i"; array_key_exists($child_id, $this->parts); ++$i, $child_id = "$part_id.$i") { $child = $this->parts[$child_id]; $ctype = $child['content-type']; if ($ctype == 'text/plain') { # keep text/plain, chuck the rest $this->flatten_parts($child_id, $child, $text, $attachments); $plain = true; break; } } if (!$plain) { # no text/plain, handle the subparts as attachments $this->flatten_subparts($part_id, $text, $attachments); } break; case 'mixed': default: # handle all subparts $this->flatten_subparts($part_id, $text, $attachments); break; } break; case 'text': # NB: We don't worry about text/html here because Mailman will have # already stripped it. # Text is appended to the main text. $enc = $this->getPartHeader($part_data, 'content-transfer-encoding'); $body = $this->getPartBody($part_data); $body = $this->decode($body, $enc); $charset = $part_data['content-charset']; if (strtoupper($charset) != 'UTF-8') { if (mb_check_encoding($body, $charset)) { $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'UTF-8', $charset); } else { $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'UTF-8'); } } $text .= "$body\n"; break; default: # Everything else goes into phpBB as an attachment. $enc = $this->getPartHeader($part_data, 'content-transfer-encoding'); $data = $this->getPartBody($part_data); $data = $this->decode($data, $enc); $disp = $part_data['content-disposition']; if ($disp == 'attachment' || $disp == 'inline') { $attachments[] = array( 'filename' => $part_data['disposition-filename'], 'mimetype' => $part_data['content-type'], 'comment' => $part_data['content-description'], 'data' => $data ); } } } } ?>