", $out); $out = '> ' . $out; $out = array_pop($quote_stack) . $out . "\n"; break; case 'code': $out .= "\n"; break; case 'list': $out .= "\n"; array_pop($list_counter_stack); break; case '*': if ($in[$i] != "\n") { $out .= "\n"; } break; case 'img': break; case 'attachment': break; case 'color': case 'size': # ignored break; default: throw new Exception('Unrecognized close tag: ' . $tag); } $state = self::TEXT; break; } } if (!empty($fn)) { # build footnotes $out .= "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($fn); ++$i) { $out .= "\n[" . ($i+1) . '] ' . $fn[$i]; } } return $out; } /* $tstack = array(); $ctag = $otag = ''; $state = TEXT; $i = 0; $len = strlen($in); while ($i < $len) { $c = $in[$i]; switch ($state) { case TEXT: switch ($c) { case '[': # left bracket might start a tag $state = LBRAC; ++$i; break; default: # otherwise copy this character to the output $out .= $c; ++$i; } break; case LBRAC: switch ($c) { case '/': # might be a closing tag $ctag = ''; $state = CTAG; ++$i; break; case ']': # '[]' is not a tag, copy to output $out .= '[]'; $state = TEXT; ++$i; break; case '[': # previous '[' did NOT start a tag, copy it to output # this '[' might start a tag, don't change state $out .= '['; ++$i; break; default: # might be an opening tag $otag = ''; $state = OTAG; } break; case OTAG: switch ($c) { case '[': # '[' cannot appear in tag names, so this is not a tag, # but '[' might start a real tag $out .= '[' . $otag; $otag = ''; $state = OTAG; ++$i; break; case '=': # start of a tag argument $targ = ''; $state = TARG; ++$i; break; case ']': # end of tag $state = OPEN_TAG; break; default: # continue accumulating tag name $otag .= $c; ++$i; } break; case TARG: switch ($c) { case ']': # end of tag $state = OPEN_TAG; break; case '[': # '[' cannot appear in tag names, so this is not a tag, # but '[' might start a real tag $out .= '[' . $otag . '=' . $targ; $otag = $targ = ''; $state = OTAG; ++$i; break; default: # continue accumulating tag argument $targ .= $c; ++$i; } break; case CTAG: switch ($c) { case '[': # '[' cannot appear in tag names, so this is not a tag, # but '[' might start a real tag $out .= '[/' . $ctag; $ctag = ''; $state = OTAG; ++$i; break; case ']': # end of tag $state = CLOSE_TAG; break; default: # continue accumulating tag name $ctag .= $c; ++$i; } break; case OPEN_TAG: switch ($otag) { case 'b': case 'u': case 'i': $tstack[] = $otag; break; case 'color': break; case 'size': break; case 'quote': break; case 'code': break; case 'list': break; case '*': break; case 'url': break; case 'email': break; case 'img': break; case 'attachment': break; default: # unrecognized tag, make it text $out .= '[' . $otag . ']'; $state = TEXT; } ++$i; break; case CLOSE_TAG: $otag = array_pop($tstack); if ($ctag != $otag) { # badly nested tags # TODO } switch ($ctag) { case 'b': break; case 'u': break; case 'i': break; case 'color': break; case 'size': break; case 'quote': break; case 'code': break; case 'list': break; case 'url': break; case 'email': break; case 'img': break; case 'attachment': break; default: # unrecognized tag, make it text $out .= '[/' . $ctag . ']'; $state = TEXT; } ++$i; break; } } */ } ?>