import libardrone.libardrone as libardrone import pygame import cv2 import os import socket import sys import threading import time import struct def putStatusText(img, text, pos, activated): cv2.putText(img, text, pos, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (0,0,255) if activated else (127,127,127), 2 if activated else 1) def encode_int(i): i = int(i) return chr( (i/(2**24))%256) + chr( (i/(2**16))%256 ) +\ chr( (i/(2**8))%256) + chr(i%256) class ServerThread(threading.Thread): def run(self): while True: # Wait for a connection print >>sys.stderr, 'waiting for a connection' connection, client_address = sock.accept() try: print >>sys.stderr, 'connection from', client_address while True: data = connection.recv(16) if data: if data=="get\n": lock.acquire() framestr = global_frame.tostring() lenframestr=len(global_framestr) connection.sendall(struct.pack(">i",lenframestr)+framestr+struct.pack("@dddd", global_phi, global_theta, global_psi, global_batt)); lock.release() elif data[0:3] == "fly" and data[-1]=="\n": values = data[3:-1].split() lock.acquire() global_cmd_x = float(values[0]) global_cmd_y = float(values[1]) global_cmd_z = float(values[2]) global_cmd_rot = float(values[3]) lock.release() else: print >>sys.stderr, 'no more data from', client_address break except: print "Dingens!!11!1!!!" finally: # Clean up the connection connection.close() server_address = '/home/flo/uds_socket' try: os.unlink(server_address) except OSError: if os.path.exists(server_address): raise # Create a UDS socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Bind the socket to the port print >>sys.stderr, 'starting up on %s' % server_address sock.bind(server_address) # Listen for incoming connections sock.listen(1) no_flight = False try: pygame.init() pygame.joystick.init() js=pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) js.init() js_angle_shift = 0.0 except: print "no joystick! disabling flight controls" no_flight = True manual_override_xy = True manual_override_z = True manual_override_rot = True drone = libardrone.ARDrone(True, True) drone.reset() serverthread=ServerThread() lock=threading.Lock() writer = cv2.VideoWriter("flight.avi",cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP42'),25,(1280,720),1) logfile = open("flight.log", "w") global_phi = 0. global_theta = 0. global_psi = 0. global_batt = 0. global_frame = None serverthread.start() while True: if no_flight == False: btn_leftshoulder = js.get_button(4) or js.get_button(6) btn_rightshoulder = js.get_button(5) or js.get_button(7) btn_thumb = js.get_button(0) or js.get_button(1) or js.get_button(2) or js.get_button(3) btn_all = js.get_button(0) and js.get_button(1) and js.get_button(2) and js.get_button(3) btn_readjust = js.get_button(10) if btn_thumb: manual_override_xy = True manual_override_z = True manual_override_rot = True if btn_leftshoulder and btn_rightshoulder and js.get_button(10): drone.takeoff() manual_override_xy = True manual_override_z = True manual_override_rot = True if btn_all: drone.reset() manual_override_xy = True manual_override_z = True manual_override_rot = True if btn_readjust: js_angle_shift = drone.navdata.get(0, dict()).get('psi',0) rel_angle = (drone.navdata.get(0, dict()).get('psi',0) - js_angle_shift)/180.*math.pi js_x = js.get_axis(0) js_y = js.get_axis(1) js_z = -js.get_axis(4) js_rot = js.get_axis(3) js_radius = math.sqrt(js_x**2 + js_y**2) if btn_leftshoulder==0: js_x, js_y = ( js_x * cos(rel_angle) + js_y * sin(rel_angle) ) , ( -js_x * sin(rel_angle) + js_y * cos(rel_angle) ) js_hover = (btn_rightshoulder==0 and (js_radius <= 0.01)) if (js_radius > OVERRIDE_THRESHOLD): manual_override_xy = True if (abs(js_z) > OVERRIDE_THRESHOLD): manual_override_z = True if (abs(js_rot) > OVERRIDE_THRESHOLD): manual_override_rot = True if manual_override_xy: actual_hover, actual_x, actual_y = js_hover, js_x, js_y else: actual_hover, actual_x, actual_y = global_cmd_hover, global_cmd_x, global_cmd_y if manual_override_z: actual_z = js_z else: actual_z = global_cmd_z if manual_override_rot: actual_rot = js_rot else: actual_rot = global_cmd_rot drone.move_freely( not actual_hover , actual_x, actual_y, actual_z, actual_rot) lock.acquire() rawimg = drone.get_image() global_frame = cv2.cvtColor(rawimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) global_phi = drone.navdata.get(0, dict()).get('phi',1337) global_theta = drone.navdata.get(0, dict()).get('theta',1337) global_psi = drone.navdata.get(0, dict()).get('psi',1337) global_batt = drone.navdata.get(0, dict()).get('batt',1337) lock.release() smallframe = cv2.resize(global_frame, (640,480)) cv2.rectangle(smallframe, (0,0), (640,30), (255,255,255), -1) cv2.putText(smallframe, "override", (0,20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (255,0,0)) putStatusText(smallframe, "XY", (100,20), manual_override_xy) putStatusText(smallframe, "height", (200,20), manual_override_z) putStatusText(smallframe, "rotation", (300,20), manual_override_rot) #cv2.putText(smallframe, "XY", (100,20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (0,0,255) if manual_override_xy else (127,127,127)) #cv2.putText(smallframe, "height", (250,20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (0,0,255) f manual_override_z else (127,127,127)) #cv2.putText(smallframe, "rotation", (400,20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (0,0,255) if manual_override_rot else (127,127,127)) cv2.imshow("frame", smallframe) writer.write(global_frame) logfile.write(str(global_phi)+"\t"+str(global_theta)+"\t"+str(global_psi)+"\n") logfile.flush() key = cv2.waitKey(10) & 0xFF if key == ord("t"): drone.trim() if key == ord("z"): drone.set_max_vz(750.0000) drone.set_max_rotspeed(1.0) drone.set_max_angle(0.1) print "slow" elif key == ord("a"): drone.set_max_vz(10000.0000) drone.set_max_rotspeed(10) drone.set_max_angle(0.6) print "fast" if key == ord("1"): manual_override_xy = False elif key == ord("2"): manual_override_z = False elif key == ord("3"): manual_override_rot = False