import select import socket import struct import time DRONE_IP = "" ARDRONE_NAVDATA_PORT = 5554 ARDRONE_COMMAND_PORT = 5556 ''' Small endless loop to test the robustness of the tcp ip connection (video streaming) Warning: This test does not stop, it raises an exception when the connection is lost or if something goes wrong (most likely the drone stops sending video data and send empty packets on the command port... ''' def at(command, seq, params): """ Parameters: command -- the command seq -- the sequence number params -- a list of elements which can be either int, float or string """ param_str = '' for p in params: if type(p) == int: param_str += ",%d" % p elif type(p) == float: param_str += ",%d" % f2i(p) elif type(p) == str: param_str += ',"' + p + '"' msg = "AT*%s=%i%s\r" % (command, seq, param_str) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.sendto(msg, ("", ARDRONE_COMMAND_PORT)) def f2i(f): """Interpret IEEE-754 floating-point value as signed integer. Arguments: f -- floating point value """ return struct.unpack('i', struct.pack('f', f))[0] if __name__ == '__main__': nav_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) nav_socket.connect((DRONE_IP, ARDRONE_NAVDATA_PORT)) nav_socket.setblocking(0) nav_socket.send("\x01\x00\x00\x00") seq = 1 stopping = 1 while stopping < 100: inputready, outputready, exceptready =[nav_socket], [], [], 1) seq += 1 at("COMWDG", seq, []) if len(inputready) == 0: print "Connection lost for the %d time !" % stopping nav_socket.send("\x01\x00\x00\x00") stopping += 1 for i in inputready: while 1: try: data = nav_socket.recv(500) except IOError: break raise Exception("Should not get here")