EditInstrumentBase 0 0 821 551 MusE: Instrument Editor 9 6 Qt::Horizontal 5 7 0 0 QListView::Adjust QListView::Batched 0 6 0 6 Instrument Name: 0 Patches 9 6 Qt::Horizontal 5 7 0 0 true Patch/Group 0 6 Patch Name: Program: 0 6 5 0 0 0 &Delete Alt+D 5 1 0 0 &New Patch Alt+N New Group Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 240 20 New Category Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 280 20 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 280 20 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 280 20 d.c. 127 -1 -1 High Bank: Low Bank: Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 20 90 d.c. 127 -1 -1 0 6 Drum GM GS XG true Category: Controller 9 6 Qt::Horizontal 0 6 5 0 0 0 Controller List: This is a list of commonly used midi controllers. Note that in MusE pitch and program changes are handled like normal controllers. 0 6 1 5 0 0 Properties 9 6 Name Comment Type 2 6 Controller-7Bit Controller-14Bit RPN-7Bit NRPN-7Bit RPN-14Bit NRPN-14Bit Pitch Program H-Ctrl 10 Midi Controller Number High Byte 127 0 1 L-Ctrl 10 Midi Controller Number Low Byte 127 0 1 Range 0 6 Min 10 16384 -16385 Max 10 8388607 -16385 127 Default ?? -1 Move Controller Values with Part 0 6 Delete New Controller Qt::Horizontal 40 20 SysEx 9 6 Qt::Horizontal 0 6 SYSEX-List: 7 7 0 0 QListView::Adjust true 0 6 Properties 9 6 Name: Comment: Data: 0 6 Delete New Sysex Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 821 32 false 434 167 146 168 &File Qt::Horizontal 4 :/xpm/filenew.png &New New Ctrl+N :/xpm/fileopen.png &Open... Open Ctrl+O :/xpm/filesave.png &Save Save Ctrl+S :/xpm/fileopen.png Save &As... Save As :/xpm/off.svg E&xit Exit