MusE Function Reference Ruler - left button press: set location marker - mid button press: set left location marker - right button press: set right location marker - shift + left button click: set marker - shift + right button click: remove left marker Slider - you dont have to hit the slider button to start dragging - mouse wheel moves slider VolumeSlider - left button double click sets slider to zero (-inf) - right button double click sets volume to 0dB Meter Bar - peak marker reset after configurable time Transport - forward button - rewind button - "rewind to zero" button - play button - stop button - record button - rewind button moves horizontal canvas slider to position zero in all "follow" modes - forward and rewind buttons have auto repeat functionality - transport stops at end of song if not recording Midi Editors - left mouse click on event selects event - shift + left mouse click toggles selection of event - ctrl + left mouse click selects all events of same pitch - mouse drag: move selected events - shift + mouse drag: copy event - shift + ctrl + mouse drag: restrict drag in x or y direction whatever motion comes first - If one event is selected, the info line shows the event properties. If more than one event is selected, the info line initially shows zero values, If changed, the displayed value is added to all marked events. Drum Editor Pianoroll Editor Wave Editor - not implemented List Editor - not implemented