/* * aeffectx.h - simple header to allow VeSTige compilation and eventually work * * Copyright (c) 2006 Javier Serrano Polo <jasp00/at/users.sourceforge.net> * * This file is part of Linux MultiMedia Studio - http://lmms.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program (see COPYING); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #ifndef _AEFFECTX_H #define _AEFFECTX_H #include <stdint.h> #define CCONST(a, b, c, d)( ( ( (int) a ) << 24 ) | \ ( ( (int) b ) << 16 ) | \ ( ( (int) c ) << 8 ) | \ ( ( (int) d ) << 0 ) ) const int audioMasterAutomate = 0; const int audioMasterVersion = 1; const int audioMasterCurrentId = 2; const int audioMasterIdle = 3; const int audioMasterPinConnected = 4; // unsupported? 5 const int audioMasterWantMidi = 6; const int audioMasterGetTime = 7; const int audioMasterProcessEvents = 8; const int audioMasterSetTime = 9; const int audioMasterTempoAt = 10; const int audioMasterGetNumAutomatableParameters = 11; const int audioMasterGetParameterQuantization = 12; const int audioMasterIOChanged = 13; const int audioMasterNeedIdle = 14; const int audioMasterSizeWindow = 15; const int audioMasterGetSampleRate = 16; const int audioMasterGetBlockSize = 17; const int audioMasterGetInputLatency = 18; const int audioMasterGetOutputLatency = 19; const int audioMasterGetPreviousPlug = 20; const int audioMasterGetNextPlug = 21; const int audioMasterWillReplaceOrAccumulate = 22; const int audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel = 23; const int audioMasterGetAutomationState = 24; const int audioMasterOfflineStart = 25; const int audioMasterOfflineRead = 26; const int audioMasterOfflineWrite = 27; const int audioMasterOfflineGetCurrentPass = 28; const int audioMasterOfflineGetCurrentMetaPass = 29; const int audioMasterSetOutputSampleRate = 30; // unsupported? 31 const int audioMasterGetSpeakerArrangement = 31; // deprecated in 2.4? const int audioMasterGetVendorString = 32; const int audioMasterGetProductString = 33; const int audioMasterGetVendorVersion = 34; const int audioMasterVendorSpecific = 35; const int audioMasterSetIcon = 36; const int audioMasterCanDo = 37; const int audioMasterGetLanguage = 38; const int audioMasterOpenWindow = 39; const int audioMasterCloseWindow = 40; const int audioMasterGetDirectory = 41; const int audioMasterUpdateDisplay = 42; const int audioMasterBeginEdit = 43; const int audioMasterEndEdit = 44; const int audioMasterOpenFileSelector = 45; const int audioMasterCloseFileSelector = 46; // currently unused const int audioMasterEditFile = 47; // currently unused const int audioMasterGetChunkFile = 48; // currently unused const int audioMasterGetInputSpeakerArrangement = 49; // currently unused const int effFlagsHasEditor = 1; const int effFlagsCanReplacing = 1 << 4; // very likely const int effFlagsIsSynth = 1 << 8; // currently unused const int effOpen = 0; const int effClose = 1; // currently unused const int effSetProgram = 2; // currently unused const int effGetProgram = 3; // currently unused const int effGetProgramName = 5; // currently unused const int effGetParamName = 8; // currently unused const int effSetSampleRate = 10; const int effSetBlockSize = 11; const int effMainsChanged = 12; const int effEditGetRect = 13; const int effEditOpen = 14; const int effEditClose = 15; const int effEditIdle = 19; const int effEditTop = 20; const int effProcessEvents = 25; const int effGetEffectName = 45; const int effGetParameterProperties = 47; // missing const int effGetVendorString = 47; const int effGetProductString = 48; const int effGetVendorVersion = 49; const int effCanDo = 51; // currently unused const int effGetVstVersion = 58; // currently unused const int kEffectMagic = CCONST( 'V', 's', 't', 'P' ); const int kVstLangEnglish = 1; const int kVstMidiType = 1;; const int kVstTransportPlaying = 1 << 1; /* validity flags for a VstTimeInfo structure, this info comes from the web */ const int kVstNanosValid (1 << 8); const int kVstPpqPosValid (1 << 9); const int kVstTempoValid (1 << 10); const int kVstBarsValid (1 << 11); const int kVstCyclePosValid (1 << 12); const int kVstTimeSigValid (1 << 13); const int kVstSmpteValid (1 << 14); const int kVstClockValid (1 << 15); const int kVstTransportChanged = 1; class RemoteVstPlugin; class VstMidiEvent { public: // 00 int type; // 04 int byteSize; // 08 int deltaFrames; // 0c? int flags; // 10? int noteLength; // 14? int noteOffset; // 18 char midiData[4]; // 1c? char detune; // 1d? char noteOffVelocity; // 1e? char reserved1; // 1f? char reserved2; } ; class VstEvent { char dump[sizeof( VstMidiEvent )]; } ; class VstEvents { public: // 00 int numEvents; // 04 void *reserved; // 08 VstEvent * events[]; } ; /* constants from http://www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juceforum/viewtopic.php?t=3740&sid=183f74631fee71a493316735e2b9f28b */ enum Vestige2StringConstants { VestigeMaxNameLen = 64, VestigeMaxLabelLen = 64, VestigeMaxShortLabelLen = 8, VestigeMaxCategLabelLen = 24, VestigeMaxFileNameLen = 100 }; /* this struct taken from http://asseca.com/vst-24-specs/efGetParameterProperties.html */ struct VstParameterProperties { float stepFloat; /* float step */ float smallStepFloat; /* small float step */ float largeStepFloat; /* large float step */ char label[VestigeMaxLabelLen]; /* parameter label */ int32_t flags; /* @see VstParameterFlags */ int32_t minInteger; /* integer minimum */ int32_t maxInteger; /* integer maximum */ int32_t stepInteger; /* integer step */ int32_t largeStepInteger; /* large integer step */ char shortLabel[VestigeMaxShortLabelLen]; /* short label, recommended: 6 + delimiter */ int16_t displayIndex; /* index where this parameter should be displayed (starting with 0) */ int16_t category; /* 0: no category, else group index + 1 */ int16_t numParametersInCategory; /* number of parameters in category */ int16_t reserved; /* zero */ char categoryLabel[VestigeMaxCategLabelLen]; /* category label, e.g. "Osc 1" */ char future[16]; /* reserved for future use */ }; /* this enum taken from http://asseca.com/vst-24-specs/efGetParameterProperties.html */ enum VstParameterFlags { kVstParameterIsSwitch = 1 << 0, /* parameter is a switch (on/off) */ kVstParameterUsesIntegerMinMax = 1 << 1, /* minInteger, maxInteger valid */ kVstParameterUsesFloatStep = 1 << 2, /* stepFloat, smallStepFloat, largeStepFloat valid */ kVstParameterUsesIntStep = 1 << 3, /* stepInteger, largeStepInteger valid */ kVstParameterSupportsDisplayIndex = 1 << 4, /* displayIndex valid */ kVstParameterSupportsDisplayCategory = 1 << 5, /* category, etc. valid */ kVstParameterCanRamp = 1 << 6 /* set if parameter value can ramp up/down */ }; class AEffect { public: // Never use virtual functions!!! // 00-03 int magic; // dispatcher 04-07 intptr_t (* dispatcher)( AEffect * , int , int , intptr_t, void * , float ); // process, quite sure 08-0b void (* process)( AEffect * , float * * , float * * , int ); // setParameter 0c-0f void (* setParameter)( AEffect * , int , float ); // getParameter 10-13 float (* getParameter)( AEffect * , int ); // programs 14-17 int numPrograms; // Params 18-1b int numParams; // Input 1c-1f int numInputs; // Output 20-23 int numOutputs; // flags 24-27 int flags; // Fill somewhere 28-2b void *ptr1; void *ptr2; // Zeroes 2c-2f 30-33 34-37 38-3b char empty3[4 + 4 + 4]; // 1.0f 3c-3f float unkown_float; // An object? pointer 40-43 void *ptr3; // Zeroes 44-47 void *user; // Id 48-4b int32_t uniqueID; // Don't know 4c-4f char unknown1[4]; // processReplacing 50-53 void (* processReplacing)( AEffect * , float * * , float * * , int ); } ; typedef struct VstTimeInfo { /* info from online documentation of VST provided by Steinberg */ double samplePos; double sampleRate; double nanoSeconds; double ppqPos; double tempo; double barStartPos; double cycleStartPos; double cycleEndPos; int32_t timeSigNumerator; int32_t timeSigDenominator; int32_t smpteOffset; int32_t smpteFrameRate; int32_t samplesToNextClock; int32_t flags; } VstTimeInfo; typedef intptr_t (* audioMasterCallback)( AEffect * , int32_t, int32_t, intptr_t, void * , float ); #endif