// C++ Interface: simplesynth
// Description:
// Author: Mathias Lundgren <lunar_shuttle@users.sf.net>, (C) 2004
//  Contributer: (C) Copyright 2011 Tim E. Real (terminator356 at users.sourceforge.net)
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
//  as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of
//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#include <sndfile.h>
#include "libsynti/mess.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "common_defs.h"
//#include "libsynti/mpevent.h"
#include "muse/mpevent.h"   
#include "simpledrumsgui.h"
#include "ssplugin.h"

#define SS_NO_SAMPLE       0
#define SS_NO_PLUGIN       0

#define SS_PROCESS_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 //TODO: Add initialization method for nr of frames in each process from MusE - if nr of frames > than this, this will fail

enum SS_ChannelState

enum SS_State

enum SS_SendFXState

struct SS_SendFx
      SS_SendFXState state;
      LadspaPlugin*  plugin;
      int            inputs;
      int            outputs;
      int            retgain_ctrlval;
      double         retgain;
      int            nrofparameters;

struct SS_Sample
      SS_Sample() { data = 0; }
      float*      data;
      int         samplerate;
      //int         bits;
      std::string filename;
      long        samples;
      long        frames;
      int         channels;
      //SF_INFO     sfinfo;

struct SS_Channel
      SS_ChannelState state;
      const char*     name;
      SS_Sample*      sample;
      SS_Sample*      originalSample;
      int             playoffset;
      bool            noteoff_ignore;

      double          volume;
      int             volume_ctrlval;

      double          cur_velo;
      double          gain_factor;

      int             pan;
      double          balanceFactorL;
      double          balanceFactorR;
      int             pitchInt;

      bool            channel_on;

      //Send fx:
      double          sendfxlevel[SS_NR_OF_SENDEFFECTS];

struct SS_Controller
      std::string name;
      int num;
      int min, max;

struct SS_SampleLoader
      SS_Channel*  channel;
      std::string  filename;
      int          ch_no;

double rangeToPitch(int value);
//int pitchToRange(double pitch);

class SimpleSynth : public Mess

      virtual ~SimpleSynth();

      //virtual bool guiVisible() const;
      //virtual bool hasGui() const;
      virtual bool nativeGuiVisible() const;
      virtual bool hasNativeGui() const;
      virtual bool playNote(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3);
      virtual bool processEvent(const MusECore::MidiPlayEvent& arg1);
      virtual bool setController(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3);
      virtual bool sysex(int arg1, const unsigned char* arg2);
      virtual QString getPatchName(int arg1, int arg2, bool arg3) const; 
      virtual const MidiPatch* getPatchInfo(int arg1, const MidiPatch* arg2) const;
      virtual int getControllerInfo(int arg1, const char** arg2, int* arg3, int* arg4, int* arg5, int* arg6) const;
      virtual void processMessages();
      virtual void process(unsigned pos, float** data, int offset, int len);
      //virtual void showGui(bool arg1);
      virtual void showNativeGui(bool arg1);
      ///virtual void getInitData(int*, const unsigned char**) const;
      virtual void getInitData(int*, const unsigned char**);
      // This is only a kludge required to support old songs' midistates. Do not use in any new synth.
      virtual int oldMidiStateHeader(const unsigned char** data) const;
      bool init(const char* name);
      void guiSendSampleLoaded(bool success, int ch, const char* filename);
      void guiSendError(const char* errorstring);

      static const char* synth_state_descr[];
      static const char* channel_state_descr[];

      SimpleSynthGui* gui;

      byte* initBuffer;
      int initLen;
      void setupInitBuffer(int len);
      SS_Channel channels[SS_NR_OF_CHANNELS];
      SS_Controller controllers[SS_NR_OF_CONTROLLERS];
      bool setController(int channel, int id, int val, bool fromGui);
      bool loadSample(int ch_no, const char* filename);
      void parseInitData(const unsigned char* data);
      void updateVolume(int ch, int in_volume_ctrlval);
      void updatePitch(int ch, int inpitch_ctrlval);
      void updateBalance(int ch, int pan);
      void guiNotifySampleCleared(int ch);
      void guiUpdateBalance(int ch, int bal);
      void guiUpdatePitch(int ch, int bal);
      void guiUpdateVolume(int ch, int val);
      void guiUpdateNoff(int ch, bool b);
      void guiUpdateChoff(int ch, bool b);
      void guiUpdateMasterVol(int val);
      void guiUpdateFxParameter(int fxid, int param, float val);
      void guiUpdateSendFxLevel(int channel, int fxid, int level);
      bool initSendEffect(int sendeffectid, QString lib, QString name);
      void setSendFxLevel(int channel, int effectid, double val);
      void cleanupPlugin(int id);
      void setFxParameter(int fxid, int param, float val);
      void clearSample(int ch);

      double master_vol;
      int master_vol_ctrlval;

      //Send effects:
      SS_SendFx sendEffects[SS_NR_OF_SENDEFFECTS];
      float* sendFxLineOut[SS_NR_OF_SENDEFFECTS][2]; //stereo output (fed into LADSPA inputs),sent from the individual channels -> LADSPA fx
      float* sendFxReturn[SS_NR_OF_SENDEFFECTS][2];  //stereo inputs, from LADSPA plugins, sent from LADSPA -> SS and added to the mix
      double* processBuffer[2];

void resample(SS_Sample *origSmp, SS_Sample* newSample, double pitch);
static void* loadSampleThread(void*);
static pthread_mutex_t SS_LoaderMutex;
static SS_State synth_state;
static SimpleSynth* simplesynth_ptr;
