// // C++ Implementation: testogui // // Description: // // // Author: Mathias Lundgren <lunar_shuttle@users.sf.net>, (C) 2004 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include <q3buttongroup.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <q3filedialog.h> #include <qsocketnotifier.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <QtGui> //Added by qt3to4: #include <Q3HBoxLayout> #include <Q3GridLayout> #include <Q3VBoxLayout> #include "simpledrumsgui.h" //#include "libsynti/mpevent.h" #include "muse/mpevent.h" #include "muse/midi.h" #include "ssplugingui.h" #define SS_VOLUME_MIN_VALUE 0 #define SS_VOLUME_MAX_VALUE 127 #define SS_VOLUME_DEFAULT_VALUE 100 #define SS_MASTERVOL_MAX_VALUE 127 #define SS_MASTERVOL_DEFAULT_VALUE 100.0/127.0 #define SS_SENDFX_MIN_VALUE 0 #define SS_SENDFX_MAX_VALUE 127 //Gui constants: #define SS_BTNGRP_WIDTH 50 #define SS_BTNGRP_HEIGHT 80 #define SS_ONOFF_WIDTH 16 #define SS_ONOFF_HEIGHT 21 #define SS_VOLSLDR_WIDTH (SS_BTNGRP_WIDTH - 8) #define SS_VOLSLDR_LENGTH 120 #define SS_PANSLDR_WIDTH (SS_BTNGRP_WIDTH - 8) #define SS_PANSLDR_LENGTH 20 #define SS_PANSLDR_DEFAULT_VALUE 63 #define SS_NONOFF_LABEL_WIDTH 30 #define SS_NONOFF_LABEL_HEIGHT 16 #define SS_NONOFF_WIDTH SS_ONOFF_WIDTH #define SS_NONOFF_HEIGHT SS_ONOFF_HEIGHT #define SS_SENDFX_WIDTH ((SS_BTNGRP_WIDTH/2) - 4) //#define SS_SENDFX_WIDTH 28 #define SS_SENDFX_HEIGHT SS_SENDFX_WIDTH #define SS_MASTERSLDR_WIDTH (SS_BTNGRP_WIDTH - 8) #define SS_MASTERSLDR_HEIGHT (SS_BTNGRP_HEIGHT - 4) // Sample groupbox #define SS_SAMPLENAME_LABEL_WIDTH 30 #define SS_SAMPLENAME_LABEL_HEIGHT 21 #define SS_SAMPLENAME_LABEL_XOFF 4 #define SS_SAMPLE_LOAD_WIDTH 15 #define SS_SAMPLE_LOAD_HEIGHT 19 #define SS_SAMPLE_CLEAR_WIDTH SS_SAMPLE_LOAD_WIDTH #define SS_SAMPLE_CLEAR_HEIGHT SS_SAMPLE_LOAD_HEIGHT #define SS_SAMPLENAME_LINEEDIT_WIDTH 90 #define SS_SAMPLENAME_LINEEDIT_HEIGHT 21 #define SS_SAMPLE_INFO_LINE_HEIGHT 22 #define SS_SAMPLE_INFO_LINE_WIDTH (SS_SAMPLENAME_LINEEDIT_XOFF + SS_SAMPLENAME_LINEEDIT_WIDTH) #define SS_GUI_WINDOW_WIDTH ((SS_NR_OF_CHANNELS +1) * SS_BTNGRP_XOFF) #define SS_MAIN_GROUPBOX_HEIGHT 200 #define SS_GUI_WINDOW_HEIGHT (SS_BTNGRP_HEIGHT + SS_MAIN_GROUPBOX_HEIGHT) #define SS_MAIN_GROUPBOX_WIDTH SS_GUI_WINDOW_WIDTH SimpleSynthGui* simplesynthgui_ptr; /*! \fn QChannelSlider::QChannelSlider(Qt::Orientation orientation, int ch, QWidget* parent, const char* name) */ QChannelSlider::QChannelSlider(Qt::Orientation orientation, int ch, QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QSlider(orientation, parent, name) { channel = ch; } /*! \fn QChannelSlider::getChannel() */ int QChannelSlider::getChannel() { return channel; } /*! \fn QChannelSlider::setChannel(int ch) */ void QChannelSlider::setChannel(int ch) { channel = ch; } /*! \fn QChannelSlider::setValue(int val) */ void QChannelSlider::setValue(int val) { val = (val > 127 ? 127 : val); val = (val < 0 ? 0 : val); QSlider::setValue(val); emit valueChanged(channel, val); } /*! \fn QInvertedChannelSlider::setValue(int val) */ void QInvertedChannelSlider::setValue(int val) { int inverted = this->maxValue() - val; inverted = (inverted > 127 ? 127 : inverted); inverted = (inverted < 0 ? 0 : inverted); QSlider::setValue(val); emit valueChanged(channel, inverted); } /*! \fn QInvertedSlider::setValue(int val) */ void QInvertedSlider::setValue(int val) { int inverted = this->maxValue() - val; inverted = (inverted > 127 ? 127 : inverted); inverted = (inverted < 0 ? 0 : inverted); emit invertedValueChanged(inverted); QSlider::setValue(val); } /*! \fn QChannelCheckbox::QChannelCheckbox(QWidget* parent, int ch, const char* name) */ QChannelCheckbox::QChannelCheckbox(QWidget* parent, int ch, const char* name) : QCheckBox(parent, name) { channel = ch; connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(isClicked())); } /*! \fn QChannelCheckbox::isClicked() */ void QChannelCheckbox::isClicked() { emit channelState(channel, this->isOn()); } /*! \fn QChannelButton::QChannelButton(QWidget* parent, const char* text, int ch, const char* name) */ QChannelButton::QChannelButton(QWidget* parent, const char* text, int ch, const char* name) : QPushButton(parent, name), channel (ch) { connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(isClicked())); setText(text); } /*! \fn QChannelButton::isClicked() */ void QChannelButton::isClicked() { emit channelState(channel, this->isOn()); } /*! \fn QChannelDial() */ QChannelDial::QChannelDial(QWidget* parent, int ch, int fxid, const char* name) : QDial(parent, name) { setTracking(true); channel = ch; sendfxid = fxid; } /*! \fn QChannelSlider::setValue(int val) */ void QChannelDial::setValue(int val) { QDial::setValue(val); emit valueChanged(channel, sendfxid, val); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::SimpleSynthGui() */ SimpleSynthGui::SimpleSynthGui() { SS_TRACE_IN simplesynthgui_ptr = this; pluginGui = new SS_PluginGui(this); pluginGui->hide(); Q3VBoxLayout* mainLayout = new Q3VBoxLayout(this, 3); Q3HBoxLayout* channelLayout = new Q3HBoxLayout(mainLayout, 1, "channellayout"); //this->setFixedWidth(SS_GUI_WINDOW_WIDTH); //this->setFixedHeight(SS_GUI_WINDOW_HEIGHT); for (int i=0; i<SS_NR_OF_CHANNELS; i++) { channelButtonGroups[i] = new Q3ButtonGroup(this); channelButtonGroups[i]->setMinimumSize(SS_BTNGRP_WIDTH, SS_BTNGRP_HEIGHT); channelButtonGroups[i]->setTitle(QString::number(i + 1)); QString name = QString("volumeSlider"); name.append(i + 1); channelLayout->add(channelButtonGroups[i]); Q3VBoxLayout* inchnlLayout = new Q3VBoxLayout(channelButtonGroups[i], 2, 0, "channelinternallayout"); inchnlLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); onOff[i] = new QChannelCheckbox(channelButtonGroups[i], i); onOff[i]->setMinimumSize(SS_ONOFF_WIDTH, SS_ONOFF_HEIGHT); QToolTip::add(onOff[i], "Channel " + QString::number(i + 1) + " on/off"); inchnlLayout->add(onOff[i]); connect(onOff[i], SIGNAL(channelState(int, bool)), SLOT(channelOnOff(int, bool))); volumeSliders[i] = new QInvertedChannelSlider(Qt::Vertical, i, channelButtonGroups[i], name); volumeSliders[i]->setMinValue(SS_VOLUME_MIN_VALUE); volumeSliders[i]->setMaxValue(SS_VOLUME_MAX_VALUE); volumeSliders[i]->setValue(SS_VOLUME_MAX_VALUE - SS_VOLUME_DEFAULT_VALUE); volumeSliders[i]->setMinimumSize(SS_VOLSLDR_WIDTH, SS_VOLSLDR_LENGTH); QToolTip::add(volumeSliders[i], "Volume, channel " + QString::number(i + 1)); setMinimumSize(SS_VOLSLDR_WIDTH, SS_VOLSLDR_LENGTH); inchnlLayout->add(volumeSliders[i]); connect(volumeSliders[i], SIGNAL(valueChanged(int, int)), SLOT(volumeChanged(int, int))); nOffLabel[i] = new QLabel(channelButtonGroups[i]); nOffLabel[i]->setMinimumSize(SS_NONOFF_LABEL_WIDTH, SS_NONOFF_LABEL_HEIGHT); nOffLabel[i]->setText("nOff"); inchnlLayout->add(nOffLabel[i]); nOffIgnore[i] = new QChannelCheckbox(channelButtonGroups[i], i); nOffIgnore[i]->setMinimumSize(SS_NONOFF_WIDTH, SS_NONOFF_HEIGHT); QToolTip::add(nOffIgnore[i], "Note off ignore, channel " + QString::number(i + 1)); inchnlLayout->add(nOffIgnore[i]); connect(nOffIgnore[i], SIGNAL(channelState(int, bool)),SLOT(channelNoteOffIgnore(int, bool))); panSliders[i] = new QChannelSlider(Qt::Horizontal, i, channelButtonGroups[i]); panSliders[i]->setRange(0, 127); panSliders[i]->setValue(SS_PANSLDR_DEFAULT_VALUE); panSliders[i]->setMinimumSize(SS_PANSLDR_WIDTH, SS_PANSLDR_LENGTH); QToolTip::add(panSliders[i], "Pan, channel " + QString::number(i + 1)); inchnlLayout->add(panSliders[i]); connect(panSliders[i], SIGNAL(valueChanged(int, int)), SLOT(panChanged(int, int))); Q3GridLayout* dialGrid = new Q3GridLayout(inchnlLayout, 2, 2, 0); sendFxDial[i][0] = new QChannelDial(channelButtonGroups[i], i, 0); sendFxDial[i][0]->setRange(0, 127); sendFxDial[i][0]->setMaximumSize(SS_SENDFX_WIDTH, SS_SENDFX_HEIGHT); QToolTip::add(sendFxDial[i][0], "Fx 1 send amount"); //inchnlLayout->add(sendFxDial[i][0]); dialGrid->addWidget(sendFxDial[i][0], 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignTop); connect(sendFxDial[i][0], SIGNAL(valueChanged(int, int, int)), SLOT(sendFxChanged(int, int, int))); sendFxDial[i][1] = new QChannelDial(channelButtonGroups[i], i, 1); sendFxDial[i][1]->setRange(0, 127); //inchnlLayout->add(sendFxDial[i][1]); dialGrid->addWidget(sendFxDial[i][1], 0, 1, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignTop); sendFxDial[i][1]->setMaximumSize(SS_SENDFX_WIDTH, SS_SENDFX_HEIGHT); QToolTip::add(sendFxDial[i][1], "Fx 2 send amount"); connect(sendFxDial[i][1], SIGNAL(valueChanged(int, int, int)), SLOT(sendFxChanged(int, int, int))); sendFxDial[i][2] = new QChannelDial(channelButtonGroups[i], i, 2); sendFxDial[i][2]->setRange(0, 127); sendFxDial[i][2]->setMaximumSize(SS_SENDFX_WIDTH, SS_SENDFX_HEIGHT); //inchnlLayout->add(sendFxDial[i][2]); dialGrid->addWidget(sendFxDial[i][2], 1, 0, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignTop); QToolTip::add(sendFxDial[i][2], "Fx 3 send amount"); connect(sendFxDial[i][2], SIGNAL(valueChanged(int, int, int)), SLOT(sendFxChanged(int, int, int))); sendFxDial[i][3] = new QChannelDial(channelButtonGroups[i], i, 3); sendFxDial[i][3]->setRange(0, 127); sendFxDial[i][3]->setMaximumSize(SS_SENDFX_WIDTH, SS_SENDFX_HEIGHT); QToolTip::add(sendFxDial[i][3], "Fx 4 send amount"); dialGrid->addWidget(sendFxDial[i][3], 1, 1, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignTop); connect(sendFxDial[i][3], SIGNAL(valueChanged(int, int, int)), SLOT(sendFxChanged(int, int, int))); inchnlLayout->activate(); //channelLayout->activate(); } //Master buttongroup: masterButtonGroup = new Q3ButtonGroup(this, "masterButtonGroup"); channelLayout->add(masterButtonGroup); Q3VBoxLayout* mbgLayout = new Q3VBoxLayout(masterButtonGroup, 0); mbgLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); masterButtonGroup->setMinimumSize(SS_BTNGRP_WIDTH, SS_BTNGRP_HEIGHT); masterSlider = new QInvertedSlider(Qt::Vertical, masterButtonGroup); QToolTip::add(masterSlider, "Master volume"); mbgLayout->add(masterSlider); masterSlider->setRange(0, 127); masterSlider->setValue(SS_VOLUME_MAX_VALUE - (int)(SS_MASTERVOL_DEFAULT_VALUE*SS_VOLUME_MAX_VALUE)); masterSlider->setMinimumSize(SS_MASTERSLDR_WIDTH, SS_MASTERSLDR_HEIGHT); connect(masterSlider, SIGNAL(invertedValueChanged(int)), SLOT(masterVolChanged(int))); //Main groupbox mainGroupBox = new Q3GroupBox(this, "mainGroupBox"); mainLayout->add(mainGroupBox); Q3GridLayout* mgbLayout = new Q3GridLayout(mainGroupBox, 8, 3, 1); int i=0; for (int c=0; c<2; c++) { for (int r=0; r<SS_NR_OF_CHANNELS/2; r++) { Q3HBoxLayout* strip = new Q3HBoxLayout;//(mgbLayout, 5); mgbLayout->addLayout(strip, r, c); QLabel* channelLabel = new QLabel(QString("Ch ") + QString::number(i + 1), mainGroupBox); strip->add(channelLabel); sampleNameLineEdit[i] = new QLineEdit(mainGroupBox); sampleNameLineEdit[i]->setReadOnly(true); strip->add(sampleNameLineEdit[i]); loadSampleButton[i] = new QChannelButton(mainGroupBox, "L", i); loadSampleButton[i]->setMinimumSize(SS_SAMPLE_LOAD_WIDTH, SS_SAMPLE_LOAD_HEIGHT); QToolTip::add(loadSampleButton[i], "Load sample on channel " + QString::number(i + 1)); strip->add(loadSampleButton[i]); connect(loadSampleButton[i], SIGNAL(channelState(int, bool)), SLOT(loadSampleDialogue(int))); clearSampleButton[i] = new QChannelButton(mainGroupBox, "C", i); clearSampleButton[i]->setMinimumSize(SS_SAMPLE_CLEAR_WIDTH, SS_SAMPLE_CLEAR_HEIGHT); QToolTip::add(clearSampleButton[i], "Clear sample on channel " + QString::number(i + 1)); strip->add(clearSampleButton[i]); connect(clearSampleButton[i], SIGNAL(channelState(int, bool)), SLOT(clearSample(int))); i++; } } // Right bottom panel: Q3ButtonGroup* rbPanel= new Q3ButtonGroup(mainGroupBox, "right_bottom_panel"); mgbLayout->addMultiCellWidget(rbPanel, 1, 8, 3, 3, Qt::AlignCenter); Q3GridLayout* rbLayout = new Q3GridLayout(rbPanel, 6, 1, 8, 5); openPluginsButton = new QPushButton("&Send Effects", rbPanel); QToolTip::add(openPluginsButton, "Configure LADSPA send effects"); connect(openPluginsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(openPluginButtonClicked())); aboutButton = new QPushButton("About SimpleDrums", rbPanel); connect(aboutButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(aboutButtonClicked())); QPushButton* loadButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Load setup"), rbPanel); connect(loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(loadSetup())); QPushButton* saveButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Save setup"), rbPanel); connect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(saveSetup())); rbLayout->addWidget(openPluginsButton, 1, 1, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); rbLayout->addRowSpacing(2, 20); rbLayout->addWidget(loadButton, 3, 1, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); rbLayout->addWidget(saveButton, 4, 1, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); rbLayout->addRowSpacing(5, 20); rbLayout->addWidget(aboutButton, 6, 1, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); lastDir = ""; //Connect socketnotifier to fifo QSocketNotifier* s = new QSocketNotifier(readFd, QSocketNotifier::Read); connect(s, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(readMessage(int))); SS_TRACE_OUT // work around for probable QT/WM interaction bug. // for certain window managers, e.g xfce, this window is // is displayed although not specifically set to show(); // bug: 2811156 Softsynth GUI unclosable with XFCE4 (and a few others) show(); hide(); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::~SimpleSynthGui() */ SimpleSynthGui::~SimpleSynthGui() { SS_TRACE_IN simplesynthgui_ptr = 0; delete pluginGui; SS_TRACE_OUT } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::readMessage(int) */ void SimpleSynthGui::readMessage(int) { MessGui::readMessage(); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::processEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev) */ void SimpleSynthGui::processEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev) { SS_TRACE_IN if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("GUI received midi event\n"); } if (ev.type() == ME_CONTROLLER) { int id = ev.dataA(); int val = ev.dataB(); // Channel controllers: if (id >= SS_FIRST_CHANNEL_CONTROLLER && id <= SS_LAST_CHANNEL_CONTROLLER ) { // Find out which channel we're dealing with: id-= SS_FIRST_CHANNEL_CONTROLLER; int ch = (id / SS_NR_OF_CHANNEL_CONTROLLERS); id = (id % SS_NR_OF_CHANNEL_CONTROLLERS); int fxid = -1; if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("GUI received midi controller - id: %d val %d channel %d\n", id, val, ch); } switch(id) { case SS_CHANNEL_CTRL_VOLUME: volumeSliders[ch]->blockSignals(true); volumeSliders[ch]->setValue(SS_VOLUME_MAX_VALUE - val); volumeSliders[ch]->blockSignals(false); break; case SS_CHANNEL_CTRL_PAN: panSliders[ch]->blockSignals(true); panSliders[ch]->setValue(val); panSliders[ch]->blockSignals(false); break; case SS_CHANNEL_CTRL_NOFF: nOffIgnore[ch]->blockSignals(true); nOffIgnore[ch]->setChecked(val); nOffIgnore[ch]->blockSignals(false); break; case SS_CHANNEL_CTRL_ONOFF: onOff[ch]->blockSignals(true); onOff[ch]->setChecked(val); onOff[ch]->blockSignals(false); break; case SS_CHANNEL_SENDFX1: case SS_CHANNEL_SENDFX2: case SS_CHANNEL_SENDFX3: case SS_CHANNEL_SENDFX4: fxid = id - SS_CHANNEL_SENDFX1; if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("SimpleSynthGui::processEvent - Channel sendfx, fxid: %d, val: %d\n", fxid, val); } sendFxDial[ch][fxid]->blockSignals(true); sendFxDial[ch][fxid]->setValue(val); sendFxDial[ch][fxid]->blockSignals(false); break; default: if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) printf("SimpleSynthGui::processEvent - unknown controller received: %d\n", id); } } // Master controllers: else if (id >= SS_FIRST_MASTER_CONTROLLER && id <= SS_LAST_MASTER_CONTROLLER) { if (id == SS_MASTER_CTRL_VOLUME) { masterSlider->blockSignals(true); masterSlider->setValue(SS_MASTERVOL_MAX_VALUE - val); masterSlider->blockSignals(false); } } else if (id>= SS_FIRST_PLUGIN_CONTROLLER && id <= SS_LAST_PLUGIN_CONTROLLER) { int fxid = (id - SS_FIRST_PLUGIN_CONTROLLER) / SS_NR_OF_PLUGIN_CONTROLLERS; int cmd = (id - SS_FIRST_PLUGIN_CONTROLLER) % SS_NR_OF_PLUGIN_CONTROLLERS; // Plugin return-gain: if (cmd == SS_PLUGIN_RETURN) { if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) printf("SimpleSynthGui::processEvent - fx retgain received: fxid: %d val: %d\n", fxid, val); SS_PluginFront* pf = pluginGui->getPluginFront((unsigned)fxid); pf->setRetGain(val); } } } // // Sysexes: // else if (ev.type() == ME_SYSEX) { byte* data = ev.data(); int cmd = *data; switch (cmd) { case SS_SYSEX_LOAD_SAMPLE_OK: { int ch = *(data+1); QString filename = (const char*) (data+2); sampleNameLineEdit[ch]->setText(filename.section('/',-1,-1)); if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("SimpleSynthGui - sample %s loaded OK on channel: %d\n", filename.latin1(), ch); } if (!onOff[ch]->isChecked()) { onOff[ch]->blockSignals(true); onOff[ch]->setChecked(true); onOff[ch]->blockSignals(false); channelOnOff(ch, true); } break; } case SS_SYSEX_LOAD_SAMPLE_ERROR: { //int ch = *(data+1); const char* filename = (const char*) (data+2); /*QMessageBox* yn = new QMessageBox("Sample not found", "Failed to load sample: " + QString(filename) + "\n" + "Do you want to open file browser and try to locate it elsewhere?", QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::NoButton, this);*/ /*int res = QMessageBox::warning(this, "SimpleDrums","Failed to load sample: " + QString(filename) + "\n" + "Do you want to open file browser and try to locate it elsewhere?", "&Yes", "&No"); */ //int res = yn->exec(); printf("Error: Sample %s not found! TODO: Fix this\n", filename); //if (res == 0) { // loadSampleDialogue(ch); // } break; } case SS_SYSEX_LOAD_SENDEFFECT_OK: { if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("SimpleSynthGui - sysex load sendeffect OK on fxid: %d\n", *(data+1)); } int fxid = *(data+1); SS_PluginFront* pf = pluginGui->getPluginFront((unsigned)fxid); pf->updatePluginValue(*(data+2)); break; } case SS_SYSEX_CLEAR_SENDEFFECT_OK: { if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("SimpleSynthGui - sysex clear sendeffect OK on fxid: %d\n", *(data+1)); } SS_PluginFront* pf = pluginGui->getPluginFront((unsigned)*(data+1)); pf->clearPluginDisplay(); break; } case SS_SYSEX_CLEAR_SAMPLE_OK: { if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("SimpleSynthGui - sysex clear samle OK on channel: %d\n", *(data+1)); } byte ch = *(data+1); sampleNameLineEdit[ch]->setText(""); break; } case SS_SYSEX_SET_PLUGIN_PARAMETER_OK: { if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("SimpleSynthGui - plugin parameter OK on fxid: %d\n", *(data+1)); } SS_PluginFront* pf = pluginGui->getPluginFront((unsigned)*(data+1)); int param = *(data+2); int val = *(data+3); pf->blockSignals(true); pf->setParameterValue(param, val); pf->blockSignals(false); break; } case SS_SYSEX_SEND_INIT_DATA: { const unsigned initdata_len = ev.len() - 1; byte* init_data = (data + 1); QFileInfo fileInfo = QFileInfo(lastSavedProject); lastProjectDir = fileInfo.dirPath(true); if (fileInfo.extension(false) != "sds" && fileInfo.extension(false) != "SDS") { lastSavedProject += ".sds"; fileInfo = QFileInfo(lastSavedProject); } QFile theFile(fileInfo.filePath()); // Write data if (theFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { theFile.writeBlock((const char*)&initdata_len, sizeof(initdata_len)); // First write length if (theFile.writeBlock((const char*)init_data, initdata_len) == -1) { // Fatal error writing QMessageBox msgBox("IO error", "Fatal error when writing to file. Setup not saved.", QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton, this); msgBox.exec(); } theFile.close(); } else { // An error occured when opening QMessageBox msgBox("IO error", "Error opening file. Setup was not saved.", QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton, this); msgBox.exec(); } break; } default: if (SS_DEBUG_MIDI) { printf("SimpleSynthGui::processEvent - unknown sysex cmd received: %d\n", cmd); } break; } } SS_TRACE_OUT } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::volumeChanged(int val) */ void SimpleSynthGui::volumeChanged(int channel, int val) { setChannelVolume(channel, val); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::panChanged(int channel, int value) */ void SimpleSynthGui::panChanged(int channel, int value) { sendController(0, SS_CHANNEL_PAN_CONTROLLER(channel), value); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::channelOnOff(int channel, bool state) */ void SimpleSynthGui::channelOnOff(int channel, bool state) { sendController(0, SS_CHANNEL_ONOFF_CONTROLLER(channel), state); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::channelNoteOffIgnore(bool state) */ void SimpleSynthGui::channelNoteOffIgnore(int channel, bool state) { sendController(0, SS_CHANNEL_NOFF_CONTROLLER(channel), (int) state); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::sendFxChanged(int ch, int fxid, int val) */ void SimpleSynthGui::sendFxChanged(int ch, int fxid, int val) { sendController(0, SS_CHANNEL_SENDFX_CONTROLLER(ch, fxid), (int) val); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::masterVolChanged(int val) */ void SimpleSynthGui::masterVolChanged(int val) { sendController(0, SS_MASTER_CTRL_VOLUME, val); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::setChannelVolume(int channel, byte volume) */ void SimpleSynthGui::setChannelVolume(int channel, int volume) { //volumeSliders[channel]->setValue(SS_VOLUME_MAX_VALUE - volume); sendController(0, SS_CHANNEL_VOLUME_CONTROLLER(channel), (int)volume); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::loadSampleDialogue(int channel) */ void SimpleSynthGui::loadSampleDialogue(int channel) { QString filename = Q3FileDialog::getOpenFileName(lastDir, QString("*.wav;*.WAV"), this, "Load sample dialog","Choose sample"); if (filename != QString::null) { lastDir = filename.left(filename.findRev("/")); if (SS_DEBUG) printf("lastDir = %s\n", lastDir.latin1()); int l = filename.length() + 4; byte d[l]; d[0] = SS_SYSEX_LOAD_SAMPLE; d[1] = (byte) channel; d[2] = (byte) filename.length(); memcpy(d+3, filename.latin1(), filename.length()+1); sendSysex(d, l); } } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::clearSample(int ch) */ void SimpleSynthGui::clearSample(int ch) { if (sampleNameLineEdit[ch]->text().length() > 0) { //OK, we've got a live one here byte d[2]; d[0] = SS_SYSEX_CLEAR_SAMPLE; d[1] = (byte) ch; sendSysex(d, 2); } } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::displayPluginGui() */ void SimpleSynthGui::displayPluginGui() { pluginGui->show(); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::loadEffectInvoked(int fxid, QString lib, QString label) */ void SimpleSynthGui::loadEffectInvoked(int fxid, QString lib, QString label) { int l = 4 + lib.length() + label.length(); byte d[l]; d[0] = SS_SYSEX_LOAD_SENDEFFECT; d[1] = (byte) fxid; memcpy (d+2, lib.latin1(), lib.length()+1); memcpy (d+3+lib.length(), label.latin1(), label.length()+1); sendSysex(d, l); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::returnLevelChanged(int fxid, int val) */ void SimpleSynthGui::returnLevelChanged(int fxid, int val) { sendController(0, SS_PLUGIN_RETURNLEVEL_CONTROLLER(fxid), val); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::toggleEffectOnOff(int fxid, int state) */ void SimpleSynthGui::toggleEffectOnOff(int fxid, int state) { sendController(0, SS_PLUGIN_ONOFF_CONTROLLER(fxid), state); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::clearPlugin(int fxid) */ void SimpleSynthGui::clearPlugin(int fxid) { byte d[2]; d[0] = SS_SYSEX_CLEAR_SENDEFFECT; d[1] = fxid; sendSysex(d, 2); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::effectParameterChanged(int fxid, int parameter, int val) */ void SimpleSynthGui::effectParameterChanged(int fxid, int parameter, int val) { //printf("Gui: effectParameterChanged: %d %d %d\n", fxid, parameter, val); int len = 4; byte d[len]; d[0] = SS_SYSEX_SET_PLUGIN_PARAMETER; d[1] = (byte) fxid; d[2] = (byte) parameter; d[3] = (byte) val; sendSysex(d, len); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::openPluginButtonClicked() */ void SimpleSynthGui::openPluginButtonClicked() { if (pluginGui->isShown()) pluginGui->raise(); else displayPluginGui(); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::aboutButtonClicked() */ void SimpleSynthGui::aboutButtonClicked() { QString caption = "SimpleDrums ver"; caption+= SS_VERSIONSTRING; QString text = caption + "\n\n(C) Copyright 2000-2005 Mathias Lundgren (lunar_shuttle@users.sf.net), Werner Schweer\nPublished under the GNU Public License"; QMessageBox msgBox(caption, text, QMessageBox::NoIcon, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton, this); msgBox.exec(); } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::loadSetup() \brief Load setup from file */ void SimpleSynthGui::loadSetup() { bool success = true; QString filename = Q3FileDialog::getOpenFileName(lastProjectDir, QString("*.sds;*.SDS"), this, "Load setup dialog", "Choose SimpleDrums setup"); if (filename != QString::null) { QFile theFile(filename); if (theFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { unsigned initdata_len = 0; if (theFile.readBlock((char*)&initdata_len, sizeof(initdata_len)) == -1) success = false; byte* init_data = new byte[initdata_len]; if (theFile.readBlock((char*)(init_data), initdata_len) == -1) success = false; if (!success) { QMessageBox msgBox("IO error", "Error opening/reading from file. Setup not loaded.", QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton, this); msgBox.exec(); } else { sendSysex(init_data, initdata_len); } delete[] init_data; } } } /*! \fn SimpleSynthGui::saveSetup() \brief Save setup to file */ void SimpleSynthGui::saveSetup() { QString filename = Q3FileDialog::getSaveFileName(lastProjectDir, QString("*.sds;*.SDS"), this, "Save setup dialog", "Save SimpleDrums setup"); if (filename != QString::null) { lastSavedProject = filename; byte d[1]; d[0] = SS_SYSEX_GET_INIT_DATA; sendSysex(d, 1); // Makes synth send gui initdata, where rest of the saving takes place } }