//========================================================= // MusE // Linux Music Editor // $Id: ./synti/fluidsynth/fluidsynthgui.h $ // // Copyright (C) 1999-2011 by Werner Schweer and others // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // //========================================================= /* * MusE FLUID Synth softsynth plugin * * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Lundgren (lunar_shuttle@users.sourcforge.net) * * $Id: fluidsynthgui.h,v 2009/02/02 21:38:02 terminator356 Exp $ * */ #ifndef __MUSE_FLUIDSYNTHGUI_H__ #define __MUSE_FLUIDSYNTHGUI_H__ #include "ui_fluidsynthguibase.h" #include "libsynti/gui.h" #include class QDialog; class QTreeWidgetItem; struct FluidChannel; #define FS_DEBUG 0 //Turn on/off debug /* #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "muse/debug.h" */ #define FS_MAX_NR_OF_CHANNELS 16 #define FS_UNSPECIFIED_FONT 126 #define FS_UNSPECIFIED_ID 127 #define FS_UNSPECIFIED_PRESET 129 #define FS_CHANNEL_COL 0 #define FS_ID_COL 0 #define FS_SFNAME_COL 1 #define FS_SF_ID_COL 1 #define FS_DRUM_CHANNEL_COL 2 #define FS_SFDATALEN 1 #define FS_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define FS_VERSION_MINOR 4 //#define FS_INIT_DATA_HEADER_SIZE 4 #define FS_INIT_DATA_HEADER_SIZE 6 // Including MFG + synth IDs #define FS_INIT_CHANNEL_SECTION 255 // Predefined init-values for fluidsynth #define FS_PREDEF_VOLUME 0.063 #define FS_PREDEF_REVERB_LEVEL 0.125 #define FS_PREDEF_REVERB_ROOMSIZE 0.125 #define FS_PREDEF_REVERB_DAMPING 0.3 #define FS_PREDEF_REVERB_WIDTH 0.125 #define FS_PREDEF_CHORUS_NUM 3 #define FS_PREDEF_CHORUS_TYPE 1 #define FS_PREDEF_CHORUS_SPEED 0.5 #define FS_PREDEF_CHORUS_DEPTH 0.3 #define FS_PREDEF_CHORUS_LEVEL 0.5 typedef unsigned char byte; /* #define MUSE_FLUID_UNSPECIFIED_CHANNEL 127 #define MUSE_FLUID_UNSPECIFIED_LASTDIR 127 */ //Various messages the gui and the client uses to communicate enum { FS_LASTDIR_CHANGE = 1, FS_PUSH_FONT }; enum { //FS_GAIN_SET, FS_SEND_SOUNDFONTDATA = 4, FS_SEND_CHANNELINFO, //Used by synth to send info about all channels, on init FS_SOUNDFONT_CHANNEL_SET, FS_SOUNDFONT_POP, FS_SEND_DRUMCHANNELINFO, //Used by synth to send drumchannel status about all channels, on init FS_DRUMCHANNEL_SET //Used by gui to set drumchannel status for specific channel }; enum { FS_DUMP_INFO = 240, FS_ERROR, FS_INIT_DATA }; /* enum { MUSE_FLUID_REVERB = 100, MUSE_FLUID_REVERB_ROOMSIZE, MUSE_FLUID_REVERB_DAMPING, MUSE_FLUID_REVERB_WIDTH, MUSE_FLUID_REVERB_LEVEL, MUSE_FLUID_CHORUS, MUSE_FLUID_CHORUS_NUMBER, MUSE_FLUID_CHORUS_TYPE, MUSE_FLUID_CHORUS_SPEED, MUSE_FLUID_CHORUS_DEPTH, MUSE_FLUID_CHORUS_LEVEL, MUSE_FLUID_GAIN, MUSE_FLUID_SOUNDFONT, MUSE_FLUID_STRING, MUSE_FLUID_STRING_END }; enum { MUSE_FLUID_CLIENT_SEND_PARAMETER = 33, MUSE_FLUID_CLIENT_SEND_SOUNDFONTS, MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_GET, MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, MUSE_FLUID_GAIN_GET, MUSE_FLUID_SOUNDFONT_PUSH, MUSE_FLUID_SOUNDFONT_POP, MUSE_FLUID_CLIENT_SEND_ERROR = 44, MUSE_FLUID_SOUNDFONT_LOAD, , MUSE_FLUID_CLIENT_RESTORE_CHANNELDATA, MUSE_FLUID_CLIENT_INIT_PARAMS, MUSE_FLUID_CLIENT_LASTDIR_CHANGE, MUSE_FLUID_GUI_REQ_SOUNDFONTS = 60, MUSE_FLUID_GUI_REQ_FXPARAMETER_SET, MUSE_FLUID_GUI_REQ_FXPARAMETER_GET, MUSE_FLUID_GUI_SEND_ERROR, MUSE_FLUID_GUI_LASTDIR_CHANGE }; */ struct FluidGuiSoundFont { QString filename; QString name; byte id; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // FluidSynthGui //--------------------------------------------------------- class FluidSynthGui : public QDialog, public Ui::FLUIDSynthGuiBase, public MessGui { Q_OBJECT private: virtual void processEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev); void sendLastdir(QString); void sendLoadFont(QString); void sendChannelChange(byte font_id, byte channel); void sendDrumChannelChange(byte onoff, byte channel); void updateSoundfontListView(); void updateChannelListView(); QString getSoundFontName(int id); int getSoundFontId(QString q); QString lastdir; std::list stack; byte channels[FS_MAX_NR_OF_CHANNELS]; //Array of bytes, for mapping soundfonts to individual channels byte drumchannels[FS_MAX_NR_OF_CHANNELS]; // Array of bytes for setting channels to drumchannels or not (equiv to midichan 10) int currentlySelectedFont; //Font currently selected in sfListView. -1 if none selected /* unsigned _smallH; unsigned _bigH; QSocketNotifier * _notifier; bool sendParameterChange (int, const char *, int); void setParameter (int, const char *, double); void requestAllParameters (); void dbgMsg(const char*); bool sendParameterRequest(int, const char *); //void dealWithSysex (unsigned char const * data, int datalen); */ private slots: void loadClicked(); void readMessage(int); void changeGain(int); void dumpInfo(); void channelItemClicked(QTableWidgetItem* item); void toggleReverb(bool); void changeReverbLevel (int); void changeReverbRoomSize(int val); void changeReverbWidth(int val); void changeReverbDamping(int val); void toggleChorus(bool); void changeChorusNumber(int); void changeChorusType(int); void changeChorusSpeed(int); void changeChorusDepth(int); void changeChorusLevel(int); void popClicked(); void sfItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int); /* void readData(int); */ public: // virtual void sysexReceived (const unsigned char *, int); // virtual void controllerReceived(int, int, int); FluidSynthGui(); ~FluidSynthGui(); }; #endif /* __MUSE_FLUIDSYNTHGUI_H__ */