/* * MusE FLUID Synth softsynth plugin * * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Lundgren (lunar_shuttle@users.sourcforge.net) * * $Id: fluidsynthgui.cpp,v 2009/08/12 20:47:01 spamatica Exp $ * */ #include "fluidsynthgui.h" #include "fluidsynti.h" #include <QFileDialog> #include <QIcon> #include <QLabel> #include <QMenu> #include <QSocketNotifier> #include <QTableWidgetItem> #include <QTreeWidgetItem> #include "muse/midi.h" #include "icons.h" /* #include "muse/debug.h" #include <iomanip> #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #define MUSE_FLUID_DEBUG false */ FluidSynthGui::FluidSynthGui() : MessGui() { setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/fluidsynth0.png")); setupUi(this); channelListView->setRowCount(FS_MAX_NR_OF_CHANNELS); channelListView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); QLabel *fluidLabel = new QLabel; fluidLabel->setPixmap(QIcon(":/fluidsynth1.png").pixmap(124, 45)); FluidGrid->addWidget(fluidLabel, 2, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter); ChorusType->setItemIcon(0, QIcon(*sineIcon)); ChorusType->setItemIcon(1, QIcon(*sawIcon)); //Connect socketnotifier to fifo QSocketNotifier* s = new QSocketNotifier(readFd, QSocketNotifier::Read); connect(s, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(readMessage(int))); connect (Push, SIGNAL (clicked()), SLOT(loadClicked())); lastdir = ""; ReverbFrame->setEnabled(true); ChorusFrame->setEnabled(true); if (!FS_DEBUG) dumpInfoButton->hide(); //Init reverb sliders: /*ReverbRoomSize->setValue((int)(16383*FS_PREDEF_REVERB_ROOMSIZE)); ReverbDamping->setValue((int)(16383*FS_PREDEF_REVERB_DAMPING)); ReverbWidth->setValue((int)(16383*FS_PREDEF_REVERB_WIDTH));*/ connect(Gain, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changeGain(int))); connect(dumpInfoButton , SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(dumpInfo())); connect(channelListView, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTableWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(channelItemClicked(QTableWidgetItem*))); connect(Reverb, SIGNAL (toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleReverb(bool))); connect(ReverbLevel, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT(changeReverbLevel(int))); connect(ReverbRoomSize, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT(changeReverbRoomSize(int))); connect(ReverbDamping, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT(changeReverbDamping(int))); connect(ReverbWidth, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT(changeReverbWidth(int))); connect (Pop, SIGNAL (clicked()), SLOT(popClicked())); connect(sfListView, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(sfItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int))); connect(Chorus, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), SLOT(toggleChorus (bool))); connect(ChorusNumber, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT(changeChorusNumber (int))); connect(ChorusType, SIGNAL (activated (int)), SLOT(changeChorusType (int))); connect(ChorusSpeed, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT(changeChorusSpeed (int))); connect(ChorusDepth, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT(changeChorusDepth (int))); connect(ChorusLevel, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), SLOT(changeChorusLevel (int))); /* _notifier = new QSocketNotifier(0, QSocketNotifier::Read); connect(_notifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(readData(int))); //Setup the ListView sfListView->setColumnWidthMode(MUSE_FLUID_ID_COL,QListView::Maximum); sfListView->setColumnWidthMode(MUSE_FLUID_SFNAME_COL,QListView::Maximum); sfListView->setColumnAlignment(MUSE_FLUID_ID_COL,AlignHCenter); sfListView->setSorting(MUSE_FLUID_ID_COL,true); channelListView->setColumnAlignment(MUSE_FLUID_CHANNEL_COL,AlignHCenter); _currentlySelectedFont = -1; //No selected font to start with // The GUI-process is killed every time the window is shut, // need to get all parameters from the synth requestAllParameters(); */ //Clear channels for (int i=0; i<FS_MAX_NR_OF_CHANNELS; i++) channels[i] = FS_UNSPECIFIED_ID; // work around for probable QT/WM interaction bug. // for certain window managers, e.g xfce, this window is // is displayed although not specifically set to show(); // bug: 2811156 Softsynth GUI unclosable with XFCE4 (and a few others) show(); hide(); } FluidSynthGui::~FluidSynthGui() { /* delete _notifier; */ } void FluidSynthGui::toggleReverb(bool on) { sendController(0, FS_REVERB_ON, on); } void FluidSynthGui::changeReverbLevel(int val) { sendController(0, FS_REVERB_LEVEL, val); } void FluidSynthGui::changeReverbRoomSize(int val) { sendController(0, FS_REVERB_ROOMSIZE, val); } void FluidSynthGui::changeReverbWidth(int val) { sendController(0, FS_REVERB_WIDTH, val); } void FluidSynthGui::changeReverbDamping(int val) { sendController(0, FS_REVERB_DAMPING, val); } void FluidSynthGui::toggleChorus(bool val) { sendController(0, FS_CHORUS_ON, val); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusNumber(int val) { sendController(0, FS_CHORUS_NUM, val); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusType(int val) { sendController(0, FS_CHORUS_TYPE, val); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusSpeed(int val) { sendController(0, FS_CHORUS_SPEED, val); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusDepth(int val) { sendController(0, FS_CHORUS_DEPTH, val); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusLevel(int val) { sendController(0, FS_CHORUS_LEVEL, val); } /* void FluidSynthGui::pushClicked() { const QString& fns = Filename->text(); if (fns.isEmpty()) return; const char * fn = fns.latin1(); int datalen = strlen(fn) + 3; unsigned char data [datalen]; data[0] = MUSE_FLUID_SOUNDFONT_PUSH; data[1] = MUSE_FLUID_UNSPECIFIED_ID; //This makes the client choose next available external id memcpy(data + 2, fn, strlen(fn) + 1 ); //Store filename sendSysex(data, datalen); data[0] = MUSE_FLUID_GUI_REQ_SOUNDFONTS; //For simplicity's sake, just get all the soundfont data again. sendSysex(data, 1); printf("Gui sent Sysex.\n"); return; } */ void FluidSynthGui::loadClicked() { QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(lastdir, QString("*.[Ss][Ff]2"), this, "Load Soundfont dialog", "Choose soundfont"); if (filename != QString::null) { int lastslash = filename.findRev('/'); lastdir = filename.left(lastslash); sendLastdir(lastdir); sendLoadFont(filename); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendLastdir // Send the last dir-value to the client //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::sendLastdir(QString dir) { int l = strlen(dir)+2; byte data[l]; data[0] = FS_LASTDIR_CHANGE; memcpy(data+1, dir.latin1(), strlen(dir)+1); sendSysex(data,l); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendLoadFont // Tell the client to load a font with first available id //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::sendLoadFont(QString filename) { int l = filename.length()+3; byte data[l]; data[0] = FS_PUSH_FONT; data[1] = FS_UNSPECIFIED_ID; memcpy(data+2, filename.latin1(), filename.length()+1); sendSysex(data,l); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // processEvent //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::processEvent(const MidiPlayEvent& ev) { //Sysexes sent from the client if (ev.type() == ME_SYSEX) { byte* data = ev.data(); switch (*data) { case FS_LASTDIR_CHANGE: lastdir = QString((const char*)data+1); break; case FS_ERROR: { char* msg = (char*) (data+1); printf("Muse: fluidsynth error: %s\n", msg); break; } case FS_SEND_SOUNDFONTDATA: { int chunk_len; int filename_len; int count = (int)*(data+1); //Number of elements byte* cp = data+2; //Point to beginning of first chunk sfListView->clear(); //Clear the listview stack.clear(); //Clear the stack since we're starting over again while (count) { FluidGuiSoundFont font; filename_len = strlen((const char*)cp) + 1; font.name = (const char*)cp; font.id = *(cp + filename_len); chunk_len = filename_len + FS_SFDATALEN; stack.push_front(font); cp += chunk_len; //Move to next chunk count--; } updateSoundfontListView(); updateChannelListView(); break; } case FS_SEND_CHANNELINFO: { byte* chptr = (data+1); for (int i=0; i< FS_MAX_NR_OF_CHANNELS; i++) { byte id = *chptr; byte channel = *(chptr+1); channels[channel] = id; chptr+=2; } updateChannelListView(); break; } case FS_SEND_DRUMCHANNELINFO: { byte* drumchptr = (data+1); for (int i=0; i<FS_MAX_NR_OF_CHANNELS; i++) { drumchannels[i] = *drumchptr; drumchptr++; } updateChannelListView(); break; } default: if (FS_DEBUG) printf("FluidSynthGui::processEvent() : Unknown Sysex received: %d\n", ev.type()); break; } } //Controllers sent from the client: else if(ev.type() == ME_CONTROLLER) { int id = ev.dataA(); int val = ev.dataB(); switch (id) { case FS_GAIN: { bool sb = Gain->signalsBlocked(); Gain->blockSignals(true); // Update Gain-slider without causing it to respond to it's own signal (and send another msg to the synth) Gain->setValue(val); Gain->blockSignals(sb); break; } case FS_REVERB_ON: { bool sb = Reverb->signalsBlocked(); Reverb->blockSignals(true); Reverb->setChecked(val); Reverb->blockSignals(sb); break; } case FS_REVERB_LEVEL: { bool sb = ReverbLevel->signalsBlocked(); ReverbLevel->blockSignals(true); ReverbLevel->setValue(val); ReverbLevel->blockSignals(sb); break; } case FS_REVERB_DAMPING: { bool sb = ReverbDamping->signalsBlocked(); ReverbDamping->blockSignals(true); ReverbDamping->setValue(val); ReverbDamping->blockSignals(sb); break; } case FS_REVERB_ROOMSIZE: { bool sb = ReverbRoomSize->signalsBlocked(); ReverbRoomSize->blockSignals(true); ReverbRoomSize->setValue(val); ReverbRoomSize->blockSignals(sb); break; } case FS_REVERB_WIDTH: { bool sb = ReverbWidth->signalsBlocked(); ReverbWidth->blockSignals(true); ReverbWidth->setValue(val); ReverbWidth->blockSignals(sb); break; } case FS_CHORUS_ON: { Chorus->blockSignals(true); Chorus->setChecked(val); Chorus->blockSignals(false); break; } case FS_CHORUS_SPEED: { ChorusSpeed->blockSignals(true); ChorusSpeed->setValue(val); ChorusSpeed->blockSignals(false); break; } case FS_CHORUS_NUM: { ChorusNumber->blockSignals(true); ChorusNumber->setValue(val); ChorusNumber->blockSignals(false); break; } case FS_CHORUS_TYPE: { ChorusType->blockSignals(true); ChorusType->setCurrentItem(val); ChorusType->blockSignals(false); break; } case FS_CHORUS_DEPTH: { ChorusDepth->blockSignals(true); ChorusDepth->setValue(val); ChorusDepth->blockSignals(false); break; } case FS_CHORUS_LEVEL: { ChorusLevel->blockSignals(true); ChorusLevel->setValue(val); ChorusLevel->blockSignals(false); break; } default: if (FS_DEBUG) printf("FluidSynthGui::processEvent() : Unknown controller sent to gui: %x\n",id); break; } } else if (FS_DEBUG) printf("FluidSynthGui::processEvent - unknown event of type %dreceived from synth.\n", ev.type()); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // readMessage //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::readMessage(int) { MessGui::readMessage(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateChannels //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::updateChannelListView() { if (FS_DEBUG) printf("FluidSynthGui::updateChannelListView\n"); channelListView->clearContents(); for (int i=0; i<FS_MAX_NR_OF_CHANNELS; i++) { QString chanstr, sfidstr, drumchanstr; //Soundfont id string: if (channels[i] == FS_UNSPECIFIED_ID) sfidstr = "unspecified"; else sfidstr = getSoundFontName(channels[i]); //Channel string: chanstr = QString::number(i+1); if (chanstr.length()==1) chanstr = "0" + chanstr; //Drumchan string: if (drumchannels[i]) drumchanstr = "Yes"; else drumchanstr = "No"; QTableWidgetItem* chan_ = new QTableWidgetItem(chanstr); channelListView->setItem(i, FS_CHANNEL_COL, chan_); QTableWidgetItem* sfid_ = new QTableWidgetItem(QIcon(*buttondownIcon), sfidstr); channelListView->setItem(i, FS_SF_ID_COL, sfid_); QTableWidgetItem* drum_ = new QTableWidgetItem(QIcon(*buttondownIcon), drumchanstr); channelListView->setItem(i, FS_DRUM_CHANNEL_COL, drum_); } channelListView->resizeColumnsToContents(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // updateSoundfontListView //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::updateSoundfontListView() { sfListView->clear(); //Clear the listview for (std::list<FluidGuiSoundFont>::iterator it = stack.begin(); it != stack.end(); it++) { QTreeWidgetItem* qlvNewItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(sfListView); QString qsid = QString("%1").arg(it->id); qlvNewItem->setText(FS_ID_COL, qsid); qlvNewItem->setText(FS_SFNAME_COL, QString(it->name)); sfListView->addTopLevelItem(qlvNewItem); } sfListView->sortItems(1, Qt::AscendingOrder); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // changeGain //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::changeGain(int value) { sendController(0, FS_GAIN, value); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // dumpInfoButton //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::dumpInfo() { byte data[1]; data[0] = FS_DUMP_INFO; sendSysex(data, 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getSoundFontName //--------------------------------------------------------- QString FluidSynthGui::getSoundFontName(int id) { QString name = NULL; for (std::list<FluidGuiSoundFont>::iterator it = stack.begin(); it != stack.end(); it++) { if (id == it->id) { name = it->name; continue; } } return name; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // channelItemClicked // change channel parameters like soundfont / drumchannel on/off //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::channelItemClicked(QTableWidgetItem* item) { int col = item->column(); int row = item->row(); if (col == FS_SF_ID_COL) { QMenu* popup = new QMenu(this); QPoint ppt = channelListView->visualItemRect(item).bottomLeft(); QTableWidget* listView = item->tableWidget(); ppt += QPoint(listView->horizontalHeader()->sectionPosition(col), listView->horizontalHeader()->height()); ppt = listView->mapToGlobal(ppt); int i = 0; for (std::list<FluidGuiSoundFont>::reverse_iterator it = stack.rbegin(); it != stack.rend(); it++) { i++; /*byte* d = (byte*) it->name.latin1(); for (int i=0; i<96; i++) { if (i%16 == 0) printf("%x:",(i+d)); printf("%x ",*(d-48+i)); if (i%16 == 15) printf("\n"); } for (int i=0; i<96; i++) { if (i%16 == 0) printf("%x:",(i+d-48)); printf("%c ",*(d-48+i)); if (i%16 == 15) printf("\n"); } printf("\n\n");*/ QAction* act1 = popup->addAction(it->name); act1->setData(i); } int lastindex = i+1; QAction *lastaction = popup->addAction("unspecified"); lastaction->setData(lastindex); QAction * act = popup->exec(ppt, 0); if (act) { int index = act->data().toInt(); byte sfid; QString fontname; if (index == lastindex) { sfid = FS_UNSPECIFIED_ID; fontname = "unspecified"; //Actually, it's not possible to reset fluid-channels as for now, } //so this is just a dummy that makes the synth block any events for the channel else { sfid = getSoundFontId(act->text()); fontname = getSoundFontName(sfid); } //byte channel = atoi(item->text().latin1()) - 1; byte channel = row; sendChannelChange(sfid, channel); item->setText(fontname); } delete popup; } // Drumchannel column: else if (col == FS_DRUM_CHANNEL_COL) { QMenu* popup = new QMenu(this); QPoint ppt = channelListView->visualItemRect(item).bottomLeft(); QTableWidget* listView = item->tableWidget(); ppt += QPoint(listView->horizontalHeader()->sectionPosition(col), listView->horizontalHeader()->height()); ppt = listView->mapToGlobal(ppt); QAction * yes = popup->addAction("Yes"); yes->setData(1); QAction * no = popup->addAction("No"); no->setData(0); //byte channel = atoi(item->text().latin1()) - 1; byte channel = row; QAction * act2 = popup->exec(ppt, 0); if (act2) { int index = act2->data().toInt(); if (index != drumchannels[channel]) { sendDrumChannelChange(index, channel); drumchannels[channel] = index; item->setText(index == 0 ? "No" : "Yes" ); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // getSoundFontId //--------------------------------------------------------- int FluidSynthGui::getSoundFontId(QString q) { int id = -1; for (std::list<FluidGuiSoundFont>::iterator it = stack.begin(); it != stack.end(); it++) { if (q == it->name) id = it->id; } return id; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendChannelChange // Tell the client to set a soundfont to a specific fluid channel //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::sendChannelChange(byte font_id, byte channel) { byte data[3]; data[0] = FS_SOUNDFONT_CHANNEL_SET; data[1] = font_id; data[2] = channel; sendSysex(data, 3); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // sendDrumChannelChange // Tell the client to set a specific channel to drum channel (equiv to midichan 10) //--------------------------------------------------------- void FluidSynthGui::sendDrumChannelChange(byte onoff, byte channel) { byte data[3]; data[0] = FS_DRUMCHANNEL_SET; data[1] = onoff; data[2] = channel; sendSysex(data, 3); if (FS_DEBUG) printf("Sent FS_DRUMCHANNEL_SET for channel %d, status: %d\n", channel, onoff); } void FluidSynthGui::popClicked() { byte data[2]; data[0] = FS_SOUNDFONT_POP; data[1] = currentlySelectedFont; sendSysex(data,2); } void FluidSynthGui::sfItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int /*col*/) { if (item != 0) { currentlySelectedFont = atoi(item->text(FS_ID_COL)); Pop->setEnabled(true); } else { currentlySelectedFont = -1; Pop->setEnabled(false); } } #if 0 void FluidSynthGui::readData (int fd) { unsigned char buffer[512]; int n = ::read(fd, buffer, 512); // dataInput(buffer, n); } void FluidSynthGui::changeReverbRoomSize (int value) { sendParameterChange(MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, "roomsize", value); } void FluidSynthGui::changeReverbDamping (int value) { sendParameterChange(MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, "damping", value); } void FluidSynthGui::changeReverbWidth (int value) { sendParameterChange(MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, "width", value); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusNumber (int value) { sendParameterChange(MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "number", value); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusType (int value) { sendParameterChange(MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "type", value); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusSpeed (int value) { sendParameterChange(MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "speed", value); //TODO: Right now illegal values may be sent. //Make sure they stay within fluidsynths legal boundaries (0.29-5Hz) dunno what that is in doubles //This might be the case for the other chorus parameters as well } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusDepth (int value) { sendParameterChange(MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "depth", value); } void FluidSynthGui::changeChorusLevel (int value) { sendParameterChange(MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "level", value); } void FluidSynthGui::sysexReceived(unsigned char const * data, int len) { char * cp; double * dp; //std::cerr << "FluidSynthGui, sysexReceived: " << (int) *data << std::endl; switch (*data) { case MUSE_FLUID_CLIENT_SEND_PARAMETER: cp = (char *) (data + 2); dp = (double *) (data + strlen (cp) + 3); setParameter ((int) *(data+1), cp, *dp); break; case MUSE_FLUID_GAIN_GET: dp = (double *) (data + 1); Gain->setValue ((int) (*dp * 12.8)); break; case MUSE_FLUID_CLIENT_LASTDIR_CHANGE: { if (*(char*)(data+1) != MUSE_FLUID_UNSPECIFIED_LASTDIR) _lastDir = QString((char*)(data+1)); else _lastDir=""; } default: break; } } void FluidSynthGui::requestAllParameters () { unsigned char data[1]; //data[0] = MUSE_FLUID_ADVGUI_GET; //sendSysex (data, 1); dbgMsg("Requesting all parameters!\n"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, "on"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, "roomsize"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, "damping"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, "width"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB, "level"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "on"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "number"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "type"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "speed"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "depth"); sendParameterRequest (MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_CHORUS, "level"); data[0] = MUSE_FLUID_GAIN_GET; sendSysex (data, 1); data[0] = MUSE_FLUID_GUI_REQ_SOUNDFONTS; sendSysex (data, 1); } bool FluidSynthGui::sendParameterRequest (int parameterSet, const char * parameter) { size_t parameterMem = strlen (parameter) + 1; int datalen = 2 + parameterMem; unsigned char * data = new unsigned char [datalen]; *data = MUSE_FLUID_GUI_REQ_FXPARAMETER_GET; *(data + 1) = (char) parameterSet; memcpy (data + 2, parameter, parameterMem); sendSysex (data, datalen); delete data; return true; } void FluidSynthGui::setParameter (int parameterSet, const char * parameter, double value) { int ival = (int) (value * 128); std::string ps (parameter); if (parameterSet == MUSE_FLUID_PARAMETER_REVERB) { if (ps == "roomsize") { ReverbRoomSize->setValue (ival); } else if (ps == "damping") { ReverbDamping->setValue (ival); } else if (ps == "width") { ReverbWidth->setValue (ival); } else if (ps == "level") { ReverbLevel->setValue (ival); } else if (ps == "on") { Reverb->setChecked (ival); } } else { if (ps == "number") { ChorusNumber->setValue (ival); } else if (ps == "type") { ChorusType->setCurrentItem (ival); } else if (ps == "speed") { ChorusSpeed->setValue (ival); } else if (ps == "depth") { ChorusDepth->setValue (ival); } else if (ps == "level") { ChorusLevel->setValue (ival); } else if (ps == "on") { Chorus->setChecked (ival); } } } //Sends parameter to reverb or chorus bool FluidSynthGui::sendParameterChange (int parameterSet, const char * parameter, int value) { size_t parameterMem = strlen (parameter) + 1; int datalen = 2 + parameterMem + sizeof (double); unsigned char * data = new unsigned char [datalen]; *data = (unsigned char) MUSE_FLUID_GUI_REQ_FXPARAMETER_SET; *(data + 1) = (unsigned char) parameterSet; memcpy (data + 2, parameter, parameterMem); double * dp = (double *) (data + 2 + parameterMem); *dp = ((double) value) / ((double) 128.0); sendSysex (data, datalen); delete data; return true; } void FluidSynthGui::dbgMsg(const char* msg) { if (MUSE_FLUID_DEBUG) std::cerr << msg << std::endl; } //--------------------------------------------------------- // main //--------------------------------------------------------- /*QString museProject; QString museGlobalShare; QString museUser;*/ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* museUser = getenv("MUSEHOME"); if (museUser == 0) museUser = getenv("HOME"); museGlobalShare = getenv("MUSE"); if (museGlobalShare == 0) { museGlobalShare = "/usr/muse"; if (access(museGlobalShare.latin1(), R_OK) != 0) { museGlobalShare = "/usr/local/muse"; if (access(museGlobalShare.latin1(), R_OK) != 0) museGlobalShare = museUser; } }*/ char * instanceName = argv[1]; QApplication app (argc, argv, true); QWidget* w = new FluidSynthGui (); if (argc > 1) w->setCaption(QString(instanceName)); w->show(); app.connect(&app, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &app, SLOT(quit())); qApp->exec(); } #endif