//=========================================================================== // // DeicsOnze an emulator of the YAMAHA DX11 synthesizer // // Version 0.5.5 // // deicsonzepreset.h // // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Nil Geisweiller // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA // 02111-1301, USA or point your web browser to http://www.gnu.org. //=========================================================================== #ifndef __DEICSONZEPRESET_H #define __DEICSONZEPRESET_H #include <vector> #include <string> #include "al/xml.h" #define NBROP 4 //do not change #define MAXCHARTAG 64 #define PROG_NBR 128 #define LBANK_NBR 128 #define HBANK_NBR 128 //--------------------------------------------------------- // define strings of the parameter names for load save and ctrl interface // number of ctrl // following the internal DX11 organization (c.f T81Z manual) //--------------------------------------------------------- #define CTRLOFFSET 0x100 #define DECAPAR1 13 #define ARSTR "AR" #define ARLONGSTR "AttackRate" #define CTRL_AR 0+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXAR 31 #define D1RSTR "D1R" #define D1RLONGSTR "Decay1Rate" #define CTRL_D1R 1+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXD1R 31 #define D2RSTR "D2R" #define D2RLONGSTR "Decay2Rate" #define CTRL_D2R 2+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXD2R 31 #define RRSTR "RR" #define RRLONGSTR "ReleaseRate" #define CTRL_RR 3+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXRR 15 #define D1LSTR "D1L" #define D1LLONGSTR "Decay1Level" #define CTRL_D1L 4+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXD1L 15 #define LSSTR "LS" #define LSLONGSTR "LevelScaling" #define CTRL_LS 5+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXLS 99 #define RSSTR "RS" #define RSLONGSTR "RateScaling" #define CTRL_RS 6+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXRS 3 #define EBSSTR "EBS" #define EBSLONGSTR "EGBiasSensitivity" #define CTRL_EBS 7+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXEBS 7 #define AMESTR "AME" #define AMELONGSTR "AmplitudeModulationEnable" #define CTRL_AME 8+CTRLOFFSET #define KVSSTR "KVS" #define KVSLONGSTR "KeyVelocitySensitivity" #define CTRL_KVS 9+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXKVS 7 #define OUTSTR "OUT" #define OUTLONGSTR "OperatorOutputLevel" #define CTRL_OUT 10+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXOUT 99 #define RATIOSTR "Ratio" #define RATIOLONGSTR "Ratio" #define CTRL_RATIO 11+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXRATIO 64 #define DETSTR "DET" #define DETLONGSTR "Detune" #define CTRL_DET 12+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXDET 3 #define ALGSTR "ALG" #define ALGLONGSTR "Algorithm" #define CTRL_ALG 52+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXALG 7 #define FEEDBACKSTR "Feedback" #define CTRL_FEEDBACK 53+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXFEEDBACK 7 #define SPEEDSTR "Speed" #define SPEEDLONGSTR "LFOSpeed" #define CTRL_SPEED 54+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXSPEED 99 #define DELAYSTR "Delay" //TODO LFOD #define DELAYLONGSTR "LFODelay" #define CTRL_DELAY 55+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXDELAY 99 #define PMODDEPTHSTR "PModDepth" #define PMODDEPTHLONGSTR "PitchModulationDepth" #define CTRL_PMODDEPTH 56+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXPMODDEPTH 99 #define AMODDEPTHSTR "AModDepth" #define AMODDEPTHLONGSTR "AmplitudeModulationDepth" #define CTRL_AMODDEPTH 57+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXAMODDEPTH 99 #define SYNCSTR "Sync" #define SYNCLONGSTR "LFOSync" #define CTRL_SYNC 58+CTRLOFFSET #define WAVESTR "Wave" #define WAVELONGSTR "LFOWave" #define CTRL_WAVE 59+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXWAVE 3 #define PMODSENSSTR "PModSens" #define PMODSENSLONGSTR "PitchModulationSensitivity" #define CTRL_PMODSENS 60+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXPMODSENS 7 #define AMSSTR "AMS" #define AMSLONGSTR "AmplitudeModulationSensitivity" #define CTRL_AMS 61+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXAMS 3 #define TRANSPOSESTR "Transpose" #define CTRL_TRANSPOSE 62+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXTRANSPOSE 24 #define POLYMODESTR "PolyMode" #define CTRL_POLYMODE 63+CTRLOFFSET #define PBENDRANGESTR "PBendRange" #define PBENDRANGELONGSTR "PitchBendRange" #define CTRL_PBENDRANGE 64+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXPBENDRANGE 12 #define PORTAMODESTR "PortaMode" #define PORTAMODELONGSTR "PortamentoMode" #define CTRL_PORTAMODE 65+CTRLOFFSET #define PORTATIMESTR "PortaTime" #define PORTATIMELONGSTR "PortamentoTime" #define CTRL_PORTATIME 66+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXPROTATIME 99 #define FCVOLUMESTR "FCVolume" #define FCVOLUMELONGSTR "FootControllerVolume" #define CTRL_FCVOLUME 67+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXFCVOLUME 99 #define FSWSTR "FSW" #define FSWLONGSTR "FootSwitch" #define CTRL_FSW 68+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXFSW 99 #define MWPITCHSTR "MWPitch" #define MWPITCHLONGSTR "ModulationWheelPitch" #define CTRL_MWPITCH 71+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXMWPITCH 99 #define MWAMPLITUDESTR "MWAmplitude" #define MWAMPLITUDELONGSTR "ModulationWheelAmplitude" #define CTRL_MWAMPLITUDE 72+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXMWAMPLITUDE 99 #define BCPITCHSTR "BCPitch" #define BCPITCHLONGSTR "BreathControlPitch" #define CTRL_BCPITCH 73+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXBCPITCH 99 #define BCAMPLITUDESTR "BCAmplitude" #define BCAMPLITUDELONGSTR "BreathControlAmplitude" #define CTRL_BCAMPLITUDE 74+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXBCAMPLITUDE 99 #define BCPITCHBIASSTR "BCPitchBias" #define BCPITCHBIASLONGSTR "BreathControlPitchBias" #define CTRL_BCPITCHBIAS 75+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXBCPITCHBIAS 50 #define BCEGBIASSTR "BCEGBias" #define BCEGBIASLONGSTR "BreathControlEGBias" #define CTRL_BCEGBIAS 76+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXBCEGBIAS 99 #define MIDATTACK 64 #define ATPITCHSTR "ATPitch" #define ATPITCHLONGSTR "AfterTouchPitch" #define CTRL_ATPITCH 77+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXATPITCH 99 #define ATAMPLITUDESTR "ATAmplitude" #define ATAMPLITUDELONGSTR "AfterTouchAmplitude" #define CTRL_ATAMPLITUDE 78+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXATAMPLITUDE 99 #define ATPITCHBIASSTR "ATPitchBias" #define ATPITCHBIASLONGSTR "AfterTouchPitchBias" #define CTRL_ATPITCHBIAS 79+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXATPITCHBIAS 50 #define ATEGBIASSTR "ATEGBias" #define ATEGBIASLONGSTR "AfterTouchEGBias" #define CTRL_ATEGBIAS 80+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXATEGBIAS 99 #define PR1STR "PR1" #define PR1LONGSTR "PitchRateEG1" #define CTRL_PR1 81+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXPR 99 #define PR2STR "PR2" #define PR2LONGSTR "PitchRateEG2" #define CTRL_PR2 82+CTRLOFFSET #define PR3STR "PR3" #define PR3LONGSTR "PitchRateEG3" #define CTRL_PR3 83+CTRLOFFSET #define PL1STR "PL1" #define PL1LONGSTR "PitchLevelEG1" #define CTRL_PL1 84+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXPL 99 #define PL2STR "PL2" #define PL2LONGSTR "PitchLevelEG2" #define CTRL_PL2 85+CTRLOFFSET #define PL3STR "PL3" #define PL3LONGSTR "PitchLevelEG3" #define CTRL_PL3 86+CTRLOFFSET #define DECAPAR2 5 #define FIXSTR "FIX" #define FIXLONGSTR "FixedFrequency" #define CTRL_FIX 100+CTRLOFFSET #define FIXRANGESTR "FixRange" #define FIXRANGELONGSTR "FixedFrequencyRange" #define CTRL_FIXRANGE 101+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXFIXRANGE 255 #define OSWSTR "OSW" #define OSWLONGSTR "OperatorWaveform" #define CTRL_OSW 103+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXOSW 7 #define SHFTSTR "SHFT" #define SHFTLONGSTR "EGShift" #define CTRL_SHFT 104+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXSHFT 3 #define REVERBRATESTR "ReverbRate" #define CTRL_REVERBRATE 120+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXREVERBRATE 7 #define FCPITCHSTR "FCPitch" #define FCPITCHLONGSTR "FootControllerPitch" #define CTRL_FCPITCH 121+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXFCPITCH 99 #define FCAMPLITUDESTR "FCAmplitude" #define FCAMPLITUDELONGSTR "FootControllerAmplitude" #define CTRL_FCAMPLITUDE 122+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXFCAMPLITUDE 99 #define CHANNELPANSTR "ChannelPan" #define CTRL_CHANNELPAN 123+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXCHANNELPAN 127 #define CHANNELDETUNESTR "ChannelDetune" #define CTRL_CHANNELDETUNE 124+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXCHANNELDETUNE 63 #define CHANNELVOLUMESTR "ChannelVolume" #define CTRL_CHANNELVOLUME 125+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXCHANNELVOLUME 255 #define FINEBRIGHTNESSSTR "FineBrightness" #define CTRL_FINEBRIGHTNESS 126+CTRLOFFSET #define MAXFINEBRIGHTNESS 4095 #define MIDFINEBRIGHTNESS (MAXFINEBRIGHTNESS+1)/2 #define BRIGHTNESSSTR "Brightness" #define MAXBRIGHTNESS 127 #define MIDBRIGHTNESS 64 #define MAXMODULATION 127 #define MODULATIONSTR "Modulation" #define ATTACKSTR "Attack" #define MAXATTACK 127 #define MIDATTACK 64 #define RELEASESTR "Attack" #define MAXRELEASE 127 #define MIDRELEASE 64 #define NBRVOICESSTR "NumberOfVoices" #define MINNBRVOICES 1 #define CTRL_NBRVOICES 127+CTRLOFFSET #define CHANNELENABLESTR "ChannelEnable" #define MAXCHANNELENABLE 1 #define MINCHANNELENABLE 0 #define CTRL_CHANNELENABLE 128+CTRLOFFSET class Preset; class Subcategory; class Category; class Set; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Algorithm //--------------------------------------------------------- enum Algorithm { FIRST, // Op 0 modulated by Op 1 modulated by Op 2 modulated by Op3 SECOND, // Op 0 modulated by Op 1 modulated by both Op 2 and Op 3 THIRD, // Op 0 modulated by both Op 3 and Op 1 modulated by Op 2 FOURTH, // Op 0 modulated by both Op 1 and Op 2 modulated by Op 3 FIFTH, // (Op 0 modulated by Op 1) add to (Op 2 modulated by Op 3) SIXTH, // addition of the three Op 0, 1, 2 all modulated by Op 3 SEVENTH, // addition of the three Op 0, 1, 2 with 2 modulated by Op3 EIGHTH // addition of the four Op 0, 1, 2, 3 }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Wave of the low frequency modulation //--------------------------------------------------------- enum Wave { SAWUP, SQUARE, TRIANGL, SHOLD }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Lfo, low frequency modulation //--------------------------------------------------------- struct Lfo { Wave wave; unsigned char speed; //0 to 99 unsigned char delay; //0 to 99 unsigned char pModDepth; //0 to 99 unsigned char aModDepth; //0 to 99 bool sync; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Sensitivity // of the frequency and amplitude of the lfo // and the key velocity //--------------------------------------------------------- struct Sensitivity { unsigned char pitch; //0 to 7 unsigned char amplitude; //0 to 3 bool ampOn[NBROP]; unsigned char egBias[NBROP]; //O to 7 unsigned char keyVelocity[NBROP]; //0 to 7 }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Frequency //--------------------------------------------------------- struct Frequency { double ratio; bool isFix; //if isFix no ratio but frequency double freq; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // OscWave //--------------------------------------------------------- enum OscWave { W1, //sine wave W2, //sine� relative W3, //half sine W4, //half sine� relative W5, W6, W7, W8 }; enum egShiftValue {VOF, V48, V24, V12}; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Eg // Envelope //--------------------------------------------------------- struct Eg { unsigned char ar; //0 to 31 speed attack unsigned char d1r; //0 to 31 speed decay unsigned char d1l; //0 to 15 level sustain unsigned char d2r; //0 to 31 speed of sustain unsigned char rr; //1 to 15 egShiftValue egShift; }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // PitchEg //--------------------------------------------------------- struct PitchEg { unsigned char pr1;//0 to 99 unsigned char pr2;//0 to 99 unsigned char pr3;//0 to 99 unsigned char pl1;//0 to 99 unsigned char pl2;//0 to 99 unsigned char pl3;//0 to 99 }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Scaling //--------------------------------------------------------- struct Scaling { unsigned char rate[NBROP];//0 to 3 unsigned char level[NBROP];//0 to 99 }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Mode //--------------------------------------------------------- enum Mode { POLY, MONO }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Portamento //--------------------------------------------------------- enum Portamento { FINGER, FULL }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // FootSw //--------------------------------------------------------- enum FootSw { POR, SUS }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Function //--------------------------------------------------------- struct Function { int transpose; Mode mode; unsigned char pBendRange;//0 to 12 Portamento portamento; unsigned char portamentoTime;//0 to 99 FootSw footSw; unsigned char fcVolume;//0 to 99 unsigned char fcPitch;//0 to 99 unsigned char fcAmplitude;//0 to 99 unsigned char mwPitch;//0 to 99 unsigned char mwAmplitude;//0 to 99 unsigned char bcPitch;//0 to 99 unsigned char bcAmplitude;//0 to 99 signed char bcPitchBias;//-50 to 50 unsigned char bcEgBias;//0 to 99 unsigned char atPitch;//0 to 99 unsigned char atAmplitude;//0 to 99 signed char atPitchBias;//-50 to 50 unsigned char atEgBias;//0 to 99 signed char reverbRate;//O=off, 1 to 7 }; //--------------------------------------------------------- // Preset class //--------------------------------------------------------- class Preset { public: Subcategory* _subcategory; //subcategory parent bool _isUsed; //false if the preset has never been used or modified, //in this case the preset is not going to be //save with the project //Attributes Algorithm algorithm; unsigned char feedback; //0 to 7 Lfo lfo; Sensitivity sensitivity; Frequency frequency[NBROP]; OscWave oscWave[NBROP]; signed char detune[NBROP]; //-3 to 3 Eg eg[NBROP]; PitchEg pitchEg; unsigned char outLevel[NBROP]; //0 to 99 Scaling scaling; Function function; //int globalDetune; //-31 to 31 //now to the channel std::string name; //unsigned char modulation; //0 to 127 int prog; //0 to 127 //Methods void printPreset(); void initPreset(); void readPreset(QDomNode qdn); void writePreset(AL::Xml* xml, bool onlyUsed); void linkSubcategory(Subcategory* sub); void merge(Preset* p); //copy the data of p in the preset void setIsUsed(bool b); //set flag _isUsed and transmit in the parents void getHBankLBankProg(int* h, int* l, int* p); //return the hbank, lbank and prog of the preset //Constructor destructor Preset(); Preset(Subcategory* sub); Preset(Subcategory* sub, int prog); ~Preset(); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Bank, organized by a tree of category, subcategory, preset //--------------------------------------------------------------- class Subcategory { public: Category* _category;//parent category bool _isUsed; //false if the subcategory has never been used or modified, //in this case the subcategory is not going to be //save with the project std::string _subcategoryName; int _lbank; //0 to 127 std::vector<Preset*> _presetVector; Preset* findPreset(int prog); void readSubcategory(QDomNode subNode); void writeSubcategory(AL::Xml* xml, bool onlyUsed); void printSubcategory(); void linkCategory(Category* cat); void unlink(); bool isFreeProg(int prog); int firstFreeProg(); void merge(Preset*); //Constructor destructor Subcategory(); Subcategory(Category* cat); Subcategory(const std::string name); Subcategory(Category* cat, const std::string name, int lbank); ~Subcategory(); }; class Category { public: Set* _set;//parent set bool _isUsed; //false if the category has never been used or modified, //in this case the category is not going to be //save with the project std::string _categoryName; int _hbank; //0 to 127 std::vector<Subcategory*> _subcategoryVector; Subcategory* findSubcategory(int lbank); Preset* findPreset(int lbank, int prog); void readCategory(QDomNode catNode); void writeCategory(AL::Xml* xml, bool onlyUsed); void printCategory(); void linkSet(Set* s); void unlink(); bool isFreeLBank(int lbank); int firstFreeLBank(); //return -1 if no free void merge(Subcategory*); //Constructor Destructor Category(); Category(Set* s); Category(Set* s,const std::string name, int hbank); ~Category(); }; class Set { public: std::string _setName; std::vector<Category*> _categoryVector; Preset* findPreset(int hbank, int lbank, int prog); Subcategory* findSubcategory(int hbank, int lbank); Category* findCategory(int hbank); void readSet(QDomNode setNode); void writeSet(AL::Xml* xml, bool onlyUsed); void printSet(); bool isFreeHBank(int hbank); int firstFreeHBank(); void merge(Category*); //Constructor Destructor Set(const std::string name){_setName=name;} ~Set() { while(!_categoryVector.empty()) delete(*_categoryVector.begin()); } }; #endif /* __DEICSONZE_H */