% -%-Fundamental-%- -*-Metafont-*-
% parmesan-rests.mf -- implement ancient rests
% source file of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font
% (c) 2001--2009 Juergen Reuter <reuter@ipd.uka.de>
% Neo-mensural rests originally by
% Christian Mondrup and Mats Bengtsson.

fet_begingroup ("rests")


% Neo-mensural longa and breve are identical with default longa and breve.

neomens_block_rest_x# = 2/5 staff_space#;
neomens_block_rest_y# = 1/1 staff_space#;
neomens_half_block_rest_y# = 5/8 staff_space#;

define_pixels (neomens_block_rest_x,

def neomens_half_block_rest =
	draw_block ((0, 0),
		    (neomens_block_rest_x, neomens_half_block_rest_y));

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural maxima rest", "M3neomensural");
	set_char_box (0, 3 neomens_block_rest_x#,
		      neomens_block_rest_y#, neomens_block_rest_y#);

	draw_block ((0, -neomens_block_rest_y),
		     (neomens_block_rest_x, neomens_block_rest_y));
	addto currentpicture also currentpicture
		shifted (2 neomens_block_rest_x, 0);

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural longa rest", "M2neomensural");
	set_char_box (0, neomens_block_rest_x#,
		      neomens_block_rest_y#, neomens_block_rest_y#);

	draw_block ((0, -neomens_block_rest_y),
		    (neomens_block_rest_x, neomens_block_rest_y));

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural breve rest", "M1neomensural");
	set_char_box (0, neomens_block_rest_x#,
		      0, neomens_block_rest_y#);

	draw_block ((0, 0),
		    (neomens_block_rest_x, neomens_block_rest_y));

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural whole rest", "0neomensural");
	set_char_box (0, neomens_block_rest_x#,
		      neomens_half_block_rest_y#,  0);

	currentpicture :=
		currentpicture shifted (0, -neomens_half_block_rest_y);

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural half rest", "1neomensural");
	set_char_box (0, neomens_block_rest_x#,
		      0, neomens_half_block_rest_y#);


neomensrestsize# = 0.8 staff_space#;

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural 4th rest", "2neomensural");
	set_char_box (0, neomensrestsize#,
		      0, neomensrestsize#);

        pickup pencircle scaled 2 stafflinethickness;

	lft x1 = 0;
	bot y1 = 0;
	lft x2 = lft x3 = 0;
	top y2 = top y3 = h;
	rt x4 = w;
	bot y4 = h / 2;

	z11 = z1 - stafflinethickness * unitvector (z2 - z1);
	z14 = z4 + stafflinethickness * unitvector (z4 - z3);

	penpos1 (2 stafflinethickness, 0);
	penpos2 (2 stafflinethickness, 0);
	penpos3 (2 stafflinethickness, angle (z4 - z3) - 90);
	penpos4 (2 stafflinethickness, angle (z4 - z3) - 90);

	fill z1l
	     -- z2l
	     -- z2r
	     -- z1r
	     .. z11
	     .. z1l
	     .. cycle;
	fill z3l
	     -- z4l
	     .. z14
	     .. z4r
	     -- z3r
	     .. z2l{up}
	     .. z3l
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4);
	labels (11, 14);

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural 8th rest", "3neomensural");
	set_char_box (0, neomensrestsize#,
		      0, neomensrestsize#);

        pickup pencircle scaled 2 stafflinethickness;

	rt x1 = w;
	bot y1 = 0;
	rt x2 = rt x3 = w;
	top y2 = top y3 = h;
	lft x4 = 0;
	bot y4 = h / 2;

	z11 = z1 - stafflinethickness * unitvector (z2 - z1);
	z14 = z4 + stafflinethickness * unitvector (z4 - z3);

	penpos1 (2 stafflinethickness, 0);
	penpos2 (2 stafflinethickness, 0);
	penpos3 (2 stafflinethickness, angle (z4 - z3) - 90);
	penpos4 (2 stafflinethickness, angle (z4 - z3) - 90);

	fill z1l
	     -- z2l
	     -- z2r
	     -- z1r
	     .. z11
	     .. z1l
	     .. cycle;
	fill z3l
	     -- z4l
	     .. z14
	     .. z4r
	     -- z3r
	     .. z2r{down}
	     .. z3l
	     .. cycle;

	penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4);
	labels (11, 14);

fet_beginchar ("Neo-mensural 16th rest", "4neomensural");
	set_char_box (0, neomensrestsize#,
		      0, staff_space#);

        pickup pencircle scaled 2 stafflinethickness;

	rt x1 = w;
	bot y1 = 0;
	rt x2 = w;
	top y2 = h;

	rt x3 = w;
	top y3 = h;
	lft x4 = 0;
	bot y4 = h / 2;
	rt x5 = w;
	top y5 = 5/8 h;
	lft x6 = 0;
	bot y6 = h / 8;

	z11 = z1 - stafflinethickness * unitvector (z2 - z1);
	z14 = z4 + stafflinethickness * unitvector (z4 - z3);
	z16 = z6 + stafflinethickness * unitvector (z6 - z5);

	penpos1 (2 stafflinethickness, 0);
	penpos2 (2 stafflinethickness, 0);
	penpos3 (2 stafflinethickness, angle (z4 - z3) - 90);
	penpos4 (2 stafflinethickness, angle (z4 - z3) - 90);
	penpos5 (2 stafflinethickness, angle (z6 - z5) - 90);
	penpos6 (2 stafflinethickness, angle (z6 - z5) - 90);

	fill z1l
	     -- z2l
	     -- z2r
	     -- z1r
	     .. z11
	     .. z1l
	     .. cycle;
	fill z3l
	     -- z4l
	     .. z14
	     .. z4r
	     -- z3r
	     .. z2r{down}
	     .. z3l
	     .. cycle;
	fill z5l
	     -- z6l
	     .. z16
	     .. z6r
	     -- z5r
	     -- z5l
	     -- cycle;

	penlabels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
	labels (11, 14, 16);


pen_width# = 0.3 staff_space#;
pen_height# = 0;
pen_rotation = 30;
slight_pen_rotation = 15;

mens_block_rest_y# = 1/1 staff_space#;
mens_half_block_rest_y# = 5/8 staff_space#;

define_pixels (mens_block_rest_y, mens_half_block_rest_y,
	       pen_width, pen_height);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural maxima rest", "M3mensural");
	set_char_box (0, pen_width#,
		      mens_block_rest_y#, 2 mens_block_rest_y#);

	pickup pencircle xscaled pen_width
			 yscaled pen_height
			 rotated slight_pen_rotation;

	draw (w / 2, -mens_block_rest_y)
	     -- (w / 2, 2 mens_block_rest_y);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural longa rest", "M2mensural");
	set_char_box (0, pen_width#,
		      mens_block_rest_y#, mens_block_rest_y#);

	pickup pencircle xscaled pen_width
			 yscaled pen_height
			 rotated slight_pen_rotation;

	draw (w / 2, -mens_block_rest_y)
	     -- (w / 2, mens_block_rest_y);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural breve rest", "M1mensural");
	set_char_box (0, pen_width#,
		      0, mens_block_rest_y#);

	pickup pencircle xscaled pen_width
			 yscaled pen_height
			 rotated slight_pen_rotation;

	draw (w / 2, 0)
	     -- (w / 2, mens_block_rest_y);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural whole rest", "0mensural");
	set_char_box (0, pen_width#,
		      mens_half_block_rest_y#, 0);

	pickup pencircle xscaled pen_width
			 yscaled pen_height
			 rotated slight_pen_rotation;

	draw (w / 2, 0)
	      -- (w / 2, -mens_half_block_rest_y);

fet_beginchar ("Mensural half rest", "1mensural");
	set_char_box (0, pen_width#,
		      0, mens_half_block_rest_y#);

	pickup pencircle xscaled pen_width
			 yscaled pen_height
			 rotated slight_pen_rotation;

	draw (w / 2, 0)
	      -- (w / 2, mens_half_block_rest_y);

mensrestsize# = .8 staff_space#;

fet_beginchar ("Mensural 4th rest", "2mensural");
	set_char_box (0, mensrestsize#,
		      0, mensrestsize#);

	pickup pencircle xscaled pen_width
			 yscaled pen_height
			 rotated pen_rotation;

	lft x1 = 0;
	y1 = 0;
	lft x2 = 0;
	top y2 = 5/8 h;
	rt x3 = 1/5 w;
	bot y3 = 6/8 h;
	rt x4 = w;
	bot y4 = 4/8 h;

	draw z1
	     -- z2
	     -- z3
	     -- z4;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4);

% FIXME: The left sharp corner produces ugly results at lower resolutions.
fet_beginchar ("Mensural 8th rest", "3mensural");
	set_char_box (0, mensrestsize#,
		      0, mensrestsize#);

	pickup pencircle xscaled pen_width
			 yscaled pen_height
			 rotated pen_rotation;

	rt x1 = w;
	y1 = 0;
	rt x2 = w;
	top y2 = 5/8 h;
	lft x3 = 1/5 w;
	bot y3 = 6/8 h;
	lft x4 = 0;
	bot y4 = 4/8 h;

	draw z1
	     -- z2
	     -- z3
	     -- z4;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4);

% FIXME: So far, I have never seen a semifusa rest printed.  Hence,
% the shape of this font character is currently pure invention.  --jr
% FIXME: The left sharp corner produces ugly results at lower resolutions.
fet_beginchar ("Mensural 16th rest", "4mensural");
	set_char_box (0, mensrestsize#,
		      0, staff_space#);

	pickup pencircle xscaled pen_width
			 yscaled pen_height
			 rotated pen_rotation;

	rt x1 = w;
	y1 = 0;
	rt x2 = w;
	top y2 = 5.5/8 h;
	lft x3 = 1/5 w;
	bot y3 = 6.5/8 h;
	lft x4 = 0;
	bot y4 = 4.5/8 h;
	rt x5 =  w;
	top y5 = 2.5/8 h;
	lft x6 = 1/5 w;
	bot y6 = 3.5/8 h;
	lft x7 = 0;
	bot y7 = 1.5/8 h;

	draw z1
	     -- z2
	     -- z3
	     -- z4;
	draw z5
	     -- z6
	     -- z7;

	labels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

fet_endgroup ("rests")